HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-10-13, Page 24.. .,,:....;_..._:< CLINTON - Grower Pesticide Safety Courses will be offered throughout Huron County again •this winter. There will be an "early bird" course offered on Wednes- day, December 1 at 8:45 a.m. at the Ontario Ministry of Agricul„ titre -and Food office in Clinton. No other course dates hest been set; however, more courses'will'be offered throughout the county dur- ing January, •Fcbmary -and Match of 1994. 1f you need a new safety certifi- cate or a renewal, -call the Clinton Office if you would like to register for •the December 1 course. The course fee is S40 and advance reg- istration is -required. Present legis- lation requires that one person per farm unit must be -certified where a farmer uses Schedule 1, 2 and 5 pesticides. Most herbicides, fungi- cides and insecticides -that farmers use are included in these sched- ules. Everyone must become re- cerufie.d within five years of lttitial conifiication. This involves attend- ing a course and successfully com- pleting an exam. if you wish to brush up on your math calculations in preparation for writing the test, pre -workbooks . and a video we available front the Ontario-MinisCr y of -Agriculture. anddPood office in Clinton 1 * We are ready to meet IIIE FALL RUSH Swilbeans • Com -last .lmtaad inp - :fie sto rage) drying flues - prompt payment - up to date market information - competitive prices FERTILIZER - 17 flotation custom fertilizer - mistom spraying af applicators Round -up. and -other - liquid or dry fertilizer fall chemicals Call for prices SEED WHEAT - -Hyland Brand, Karena, Rebecca, Delaware Tind Augusta - rus - e`'Blue Tag" assures yau,.ot Certified:#1 seed. For Purity, quality and top yields aow+iyiand:bwand certified seed. The staff at W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. are ready and looking forward to serving youthis tall. 'A family owned all Canadian business" Ailsa Craig Mitchell Port A • : rt Hensall Granton Sealorth 293-3223 348-8433 529-7901 262-2527 225-2360 34'••?54 , e4 Times-Advocate,ZaValer-l3; 83 r row'-1�1r�wur' 41111IMlsO 'Tv many children hurt in farm acciderilis Doth I protest too much! Not long ago, this corner de- plored the number of accidents on the tams, especially the accidents -- and some of the fatalities -- involy- ing children. Too many of them, 1 suggested. Farming, I said, has be- come one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, more dangerous than lumbering which ased to be in second place, and almost as danger- ous as mining which holds the top spot for injuries and fatalities. 1 was a working rcportercovcring the rural beat for many ytrs. The accidents involving children areal - ways hardest to take. But, there it •was, just.last month • in the favoritefamily journal, the daily newspaper we get: Tractor Runs Over Girl. A 14-year-old4irl was in:stable condition in a:Hamil- ton hospital aftertrying to jump off her father's -tractor. Provincial po- lice believe -her dress_may have caught the tractor's.gear shift caus- ing the machine to move forward. The rear wheelsan over-hertdrso. She suffered apelvic injury plus internal injuries. From 1977 to 1992, 112:children under 15 died of work-related •inci- dents on Ontario farms. About hall of these victims were less than five years old. A safety -conscious farmer has to ask the obvious question: What were 112 children underage 15 do- ing on moving tractors? Those awful stats don't say any- thing about the hundreds of other injuries affecting children on -the farm. 1 know, I know. the plowing - - the haying, the harvesting, the • seeding, whatever -- hawto be done and there just is not anyone around to mind the kids. You know kids. They'll wander. They'll experiment. They'll' tryanything. But how often do we have to re- minded that tractors are built for oneperson'?-Extra "riders". are a no - no. Giving kids a "ride" on the trac- tor is just too dangerous. They ran fall undcr-a wheel :soquicklythat it is impossible to stop in time and if you're towingany-kinds of equip- ment, the danger is compounded. I: saw the remains of a man who went through a corn binder many years ago and it was not a pretty sight. It is difficult to ignore the pleas of a youngster who wants to rideon daddy'ssractor or a roinmy'saractor but all. farmers must learn not to do .7" -+turari oun#y tth.t nit •Rf11DE HON JDOUNTY Veterinary hnios ARE OFFERING SATURDAY,21117.4 1993 THURSDAY, °.• 14x1993 INEDNESDAYMOT.1,31993 AT THE VETERINARY CLINICS LISTED.EELOW. -FOR DOGS AND CATS OVER 3-10i4ONThB OF AGE. PLEABEfIAVE THEM ON A LEASH OR IN BOXES OR$AGS•WHEN IN THE CLINIC J`1D-includes:GST PER ANIMAL -VACCINATED. CERTIFICATE PROVIDED.- AND -TAG FOR DOGS elbltowing Huron County iitticr are participating: BLYTH VETERINARY CLINIC • 523455' HUBNER VETERINARY HOSPITAL • Queen St • South. •Wednesday only .524.8287„Saturdayony.9a.m • 3p.m 12.7 p.m BRUSSELS VETERINARY CLINIC - 887.6841. 61 .William St Brussels Saturday only, 9 a.m. - 2 p m CLINTON•SEAFORTH VET SERVICE 482-3558.444405 Clinton IHwy. 4 S c' Clinton) Saturday only. 8a m.- 2p m EXETER ANIMAL CLINIC - 235'2662 660 Main St.. Saturday only. October 16 12.4 p m GODERICH VETERINARY CLINIC 624.2631. RR#2 Goderich. Saturday only gam -3pm KIRKTON .VETERINARY CLINIC • 229.8911. Saturday only, 11 a.m - 4 p.m LEEDHAM VETERINARY CLINIC • 357.2471, 11 Allred St. E. Windham. Thursday 1-5 p m . Saturday 9a rr 12 p.m SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC - 527.1760, Main St. North. Saturday only Sam -2 pm WINGHAM VETERINARY CLINIC - 357.1770. Rmtoul Pool Complex, Thursday only, 1-4 p.m ZURICH VETERINARY CLINIC • 238.4301, Saturday only, 8 a m. -.2 p.m • • IP • • "SWEDISH - MADE” c+.rM:oa+t.J wow$ tor, .Aug 1st 'oho:!. JOtn, rWGJ Wilt) every purchase of Jonsered model 2045 • -.405O . or receive free of charge -0 carrying case, a chain, a cap .--and a can of Duramax oil, total value of $8Q.00. •.t,•.. •i„s: - s. - lout Ailm 001Y Of, bales & St/rvicA Phone (519) 236.4934 Fax (519) 236-7330 22 Main Strati!, E., Zurich it. Kids -learn by example. If you take all the safety precautions, your children will do the samething. If you work safely, so will your chil- dren. I never ceased to be amazed at how quickly accidents happen. One moment, everything is fine. In the next fraction of a second, disaster strikes. A year ago, 1 was cutting an eight -by -four sheet of plywood on my -table saw. The plywood sheets were too big to handle with the blade guard on. 1 took it off, a fool- ish move. i have two mutilated:fin- gers on my left and -as evidence. Many years ago 1 •was'spreading manure. My son-in-law was using a porthole digger. He was wearing a tattered old cardigan sweater. The PTO also liked the sweater. Fortu- nately, it was an old garment. It wastom to -pieces without dragging my son=in-law. around in circles. I was not 10 feet away but, by -the. time I jumped'off the' tractor to when I -reached him,:thesweater was torn off his torso and -ravelled around the -PTO: From'thastime un- til now, I have never operated a powertakeoff without the guard in place. And neitherhasmy son-in-law. ging 1993s corn arid soybean varieties CLINTON - It's the bottom of the ninth inning and uncle score the "big haws" in corn and soy- bean .varietit�s..Each year produces itss-share :of-ouisranding--players. but the only way we can.know for sure who they are is to score each vanety. The Huron and Perth Soil :and .Crop .improvement Associations will again be collecting variety plot yield:data to score varieties. The Association has anew com- puter program to :summarize. yield moisture, .standability data .and also ifihe .plot was no -till or con- ventional. The summary 'report will be .available . at the .annual meeting. The more games (loca- tions) in .which a variety was tried, the better your chances of picking a .super .star for p ' Ung - in future years. You can Ip score ibis year's winners sending:in your variety :plot results. Deadline is November 19. In past years, seed corn dealers have been very co-operative in sending in trial results. Remember to include the township in which the plot was grown, and if the plot was no -till. Send the trials to. Har- riet ShiUingaw, RR 1, L.ondesboro NOM 2H0 or to the Clinton or Stratford OMAF office. The 'Hu- ron Soil and Crop annual meeting is on Thursday, November 25 in Brussels. Brian Hall Fang Management Specialists for Huron County WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE YOUR 1993 CORN AND SOYBEANS Hill and HiN Farms Ltd. ,if White Wintr Wheat i in .,,e,yoL pians we have: Cert. Harms (bagged or bulk) Please contact Pete Rowntree or 8ev$1Ul at 233.3218 or 233.7808 for your fall seed needs Varna Grain Varria Groin •til C. #Illi +11tt si I t V a1 /9UU 1-'tecla1. t•'J!lid<:` l- et1` beV Hill