HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-10-13, Page 23•
'-iiieRr 16'Pattl are tickled blue to
onennealelealihni of Bradley Nelson. born
.'Attttaiss 3, 1993, weighing 6 lbs. 10 oa. rat
.afiLakelepha Hospital. Welcoming her "teeny
"*lttuny" brother home is Melanie. Proud
=rents are Ed and Dorothy Smith, Z.u-
and Bob and Norma Hurst, "Owen
-'!Mord. (heal-gatkdmethers are Florence
ilgper, Durham, Margery Hanley, Ower
elleend and Esther Devine, Parkhill. 41•
•'EBBUTI' - Jim and Shirley Wilkinson an:
3011stppy to announce the arrival of their first
dd, Adam Edward, October 6, 1993,
7 oat. Proud parents are Randy and Ju-
lia. 41c
CUDMORE • At South Huron Hospital,
Hxeter on Thursday, October 7, 1993, Avis
D. (Lindenfield) Ctidmorc of Exeter in het
81st year. Beloved wife of Mervyn Cud-
masa;• .dear Mother of Bruce and Deanna
-firiiasore of Markham and Nancy and Don
'eribeeth of Exeter. Dear grandmother of Ste-
Andrew and Paul; Lisa, Danny and
e. Dear ewer- of Lulu Floodyy and
;:;msyd-and Amold.Listdenfield all of :honer.
'11Isei eased by a grandson Jeffrey Rooth
-end -a- brother Alvin. -Friends called at the
.eijlpper•1ladtey Funeral Hoare, William
elixeter; on Friday where the complete
ennead service was held on Saturday, Octo-
-ether 9 at 1:30 pan. with Rev. John Hilbom
Iefficiating. Crenation with internment of ash-
es in Exeter Catlett ry. Donations to The Ca-
nadian Cancer Society or Swath Huron Hos-
. Mud would be appreciated by the family.41c
:'HATTER - At South Huron Hospital Beet-
-: er on Sunday, October 10, 1993, Mr. Russell
.:Bdgar Hayter of Leslie Street, London in his
'nth year. Beloved husband of the former
rti]anon Elizabeth Thompson. Dear father of
:Stewart and -his wife Sharyn of .Brandon,
Manitoba, Marg and her husband -lack Up -
shall of Mensall and Barbara and iter hus-
-bard Lenard Sutton of London. Dear booth-
- er of Mrs. Florence Rouvm of -Fusser Villa,
Mn.. Ester Moffatt of Queensway Nursing
ciiiame,:liaasalland Mn. =Hazel Dowson of
331oan. Pmdmume' by 5 brothers, Wiitiant,
iiiryd,..Oondon, Wesley and :Elgin Hayter
mind • by 2vad�t1 brat, .Catherine Upshall
(1963)and Karnali Upshall (1989). Also
,surviving are 8 grandchildren. 12 great-
• anddhiidien end -several nieces and sseph-
-:savt. Visitation was held on Tuesday from 2-
4and 7-9 p.m. in the Haman .Chapel. 120
Streetr-ethere.the.funsral:aervioe will
ehezeranneted,ori-Weelneoday,..0csober 13. at
.200pm. with Mr. Alan.Rush_afficaating.
imerment in:Hayfield timetery..As ta�prrees-
sions of sympathy donations minC.N-LB.
or.the Canadian lancerSociety +would be
eeplue fated. (Michael P. O'Connor Frmeral
-Memel• limited muusted with arrange-
ments). 41c
IHOGGARTH • Peacefully, a South Huron
liosnaL Exeter on Wednesday, October 6,
4993. Margaret Rose (Ashard) Howarth nn
her 59th year. Loving mother of g and
Jody Dunn-Hoggath of Coderich and.Janet
and Darryl Mien of Crediton. SpetialNan-
ny to Samantha Milton and Grayson Hog -
earth. Treasured sister to Janet Hullmgbery
of Tusex, England. Paadeaeased by her fa-
trer.Fred Asbard (April 1982) and mother
Violet (Musgrove) Ashard (September
1993). A Memorial service was held Friday,
_ti Bober 8 at rmmenuel_Baptist Church in
:Amer with Pastor Kevin Rudedge:ofGdat-
;Mg. Donations to the Canadian CanterSoci-
ety or,iSe uh 3lmon.liantal weatle abs ap-
Q by the family. Hopper Boake
i+ma Hone. William Street. Exeter 235-
1220eattrusted with arrangements. 41c
R08gzILEk - At Utsivee tX ,4rnt-
don,-on Thursday,'Oeteber r,ltor
J. (McLeod) Roaakr, of Crediton, in her
67th year. Beloved wife of Lloyd H. Roesz-
kr and the late William A. Hodge (1969).
Dear mother of Ruth and John Millee Shar-
on and Glen MWcr; Dianne and Hub Fink -
terrier Witham and Joanne -Hodge; Bruce
and Deb Hodge; Joan Hodge; Karen Hodge
and Mark Heinrich. Loving gramma of
Seou, Chad and Candace Miller, Matthew
and Lorna Miller, Jeffrey and Kristopher
IrInkbeiner, Bill and Lisa Hodge; Sarah,
Krista and Jamie Hodge and Alicia flunk-
ing. Dear sister of Murdock and Eleanor
McLeod, Anna K,euger, Doris Reddon and
Edna Liu, all of Bruce County. Rested at the
T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood, with visitation Friday afternoon
and evening. The Funeral Service was held
at Zion United Church, Crediton, on Satur-
day, October 9, 1993 at 2 p.m. Rev. Ed. Lek -
smanis officiated. Interment in Crediton Ce-
metery. 1f desired, memorial donations to
Zion United Church Memorial Fund or char-
ity of choice would be appreciated. Mrs.
Roes:ler was an active member of the Credi -
ton Women's Institute and Zion United
Church Women. 41
SIMMONS • At St. Joseph's Health Centre,
London on Saturday, October 9, 1993, W.
Eldrid (Si) Simmons of Exeter in his 72nd
year. Beloved husband of Pauline (Hess)
Simmons. Dear father of William and Betty
Simmons of Delhi and Janet Simmons of
Exeter. Dear brother of Reba Ross of Strat-
ford. Dear grandfather of Amanda, Alicia
and Craig -and Jeffrey. Dear son-in-law of
Mrs. Beatrice Geiger of Zurich. Predeceased
by brothers Clarence, Melville and Fred, and
sisters Annie Cowhig: and Coqueline Near.
Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Hoare, William Street, Exeter on Stmday 2-4
and 7-9. The Funeral Service was held on
Monday, October 11, at 1:30 p.m. with kev.
Mark Gaskin .officiating. Interment Exeter
Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Can-
cer Society or South Huron Hospital would
be appreciated by the family. 41
STEBBINS • Peacefully at the Bhie Water
Rest Home..Zurict, on Monday, October 11,
1993, Hazel (Webb) Stebbins, formerly of
Grand Bend, in her 95th year. Beloved wife
of the late•Ira Stebbins (1970). Dear mother
ard.mother-in-law of Morn and the late Ar-
nold Geiser (1989), Mean and Ivan Sharmw,
. all of Grand Bend..Loving grandmother of
.Baabara.and Wayne O'Rourke of Walkerton,
Brian and Marian Shwmw, Janice Sparrow,
.all of Grand Bend, Marie and Harry Roth -
wick of London. Alsosurvived by aux gmat-
grandchildtm.and onergreangsemyrandson.
Dear -sister of Mrs. Pearl McL mercy of
Parkhill and Milton Webb of .Exeter. flute-
. ceased by one pat -grandam, aro brothers
:send :three sisters. Resting at.the�� T•�.l�rry
_Hoffman cit Sons Funeral Home,
•with visitation Tuesday aftanooeand eve-
-sing and where the funeral aerrioa•Pill.be
held on Wednesday, October '13,4993 at
3:30 p.m. Mr. Paul Krmnberand Pastor.Ge-
isald Wilson officiating. interment in Brand
:Bend Canetery If desired, memorialAnna -
*ions to a chanty of choice would be:appre-
.oated. .4I c
Mr. and Ma. Ford Robinson, Newmenet
and Mr. and Mrs. George Beer, Hensall, arc
liaised to -announce ranee q i riage of .Ilei r
tJttidreti.'Karen ltd-Btythi, on -September
17,1993. The couple aee'aoding at 67 Qin -
ton SL, Toronto. Ontario. 41c
ANDERSON • The family of the late Bruce
Anderson sincerely thank ()rent Janes end
Dennis McBride for their help, Hoffman's
Ambulance, Dr 3teoiuk and Ur. Kovacs,'the
staff of South Heroin Hospital, Hopper
Hockey Funeral Horne, to relatives, friends,
- and neighbours, for memorial donations,
•towers, arks and visits. Speeial thanks to
Helen Castes and Eleanor Clark for having a
weal ready for the families, Exeter U.C.W.
for the lovely lunchafter the funeral. Your
kindness will always he remembered.
41 • The Anderson Family
CONLIN - The4amily of the late Elie:Meth
Conlin wish to express our sincere thanks to
our ',lenses, friends and neighbours for
their visitations, masses, floral tributes, char-
itable donations and expressions of sympa-
thy. Special thanks to Dr. Meredith and Dr.
Temkin, LR.C.C. London Middlesex Home
Care, Para Med, Strathroy VQN, and Pallia-
tive Care volunteers, Father Hagan for his
many visits, the pallbearers, flower bearers,
folk choir, all those who brought food to the
house and the ladies who prepared the
luncheon after the -funeral. Everything was
greatly appreciated.
41c Testy, Mary, Jack,
Phil, Fillen, Jerry, Mary and families.
CUNNINGHAM • I would like to thank the
ladies of St. James Church, Clandeboye ar.d
all the community members for my lovely
gift' at my recent shower.
41c Jill
HEARN • The family of the late Ivan Hearn
wish to express our heartfelt thanks and ap-
preciation for the support shown to us. We
especially want to thank Rev. Susan Shel-
stad, Clarence and Bill Hansen, Tom
McLaughlin, Wendy Hardy, Jackie Martens
and the ladies of the Lucan United Church.
We also appreciated the many people who
sent cards, food, floral arrangements and the
donations to the Heart and Stroke Farnda-
tionandahe Diabetes Association. The many
visitors to the Haskell Funeral Home were a
real tribute to Ivan.
41' Kit, Marilyn, Jim, Tom,
.-Kathy, Wendy and families.
IIERN - We would like to say a big "thank
you" to our family, relatives, neighbours and
• friends for all the lovely cards, messages,
floral arrangements, gifts .and best wishes
sent to us on our 40th_antdvenary. Special
thanks to all the families who attended the
Sunday Brunch • all was deeply. appreciated.
A great remembrance.
41 Harry md[Sasi.ce
KEYS • We would like to aiaomely.thank
our family, friends .and neighbours -asiio
;made our 50th anniversary so enjoyable -Ior
she floral arrangements, sifts and oardhwre
+received: Special thanks to our families -for
the lovely.dimner u the Village Jun..Bay-
field Ps was all greatly. appruiated.
41' Julem nd'ilarvey
LOVE • .the dandy ofthe.Jata Ds hove
(Lamport) wosiWake w_mipsaaaaurmaea
thanks to relatives.-ftiserle ndaaighhnurs
for their many acts of kindness, -sympathy
and support before and during :our' event
loss. of a loving mother and grandmother.
The beautiful floral tributes, charitable done -
bona and cards of sympathy were gtiily.p-
Special thanks to the Lampon
amity. kev. Hilbotn, Exeter U.C.W., the
staff and volunteersu the.Farrer ViIL as'
Piaster Hmpitsl:aod-to Hopper Bffo key'Fu ,
acral Horne. The kindness sad of
everyone will always beZammnber«i.
41 • >•y Grace, Bill, Debbie and Shane
PARSONS • We would like to thank rela-
tives, friends and neighbours who attdtded
our 40th Wedding J`miversary Open House,
and also for yards, gifts and flowers. Thanks
to all who contributed in any way to make
the afternoon and the supper so special. Spe
cud thanks to our family for arranging a very
memorable day.
Hev and Muriel
-REICHERT : Wewish to express our sin -
-eere thanks -to all - our friends, neighbours
and relatives who helped us to celebrate our
S(kln wedding anniversary. Thanks to every -
esie for cards, flowers, gifts and best wishes
we received. Special thanks to Ken and Nor-
ma and granddaughters Heidi and Holli for
-all their preparations. Thanks also to the
many others who helped in so many ways.
41 • Orland and Lattss4rdie
ROESZLER - "'thanks" is such a small
word to express the appreciation and grate-
fulness from the family of the late Eleanor
Roeszler to relatives, neighbours and friends
for their many acts of kindness, sympathy
and support during the loss of our loving
wife, mother and gramma. The beautiful
floral tributes sent to both the funeral home
and individual homes, the charitable dona-
uorrs to the Zion United Church and the
Henn and Stroke Foundation arc greatly ap-
preciated. Sincere thanks to Dr. Novick and
Iemandes, the nursing staff and compas-
sionate staff of the ICU of University Hospi-
tal was greatly appreciated. Rev. Ed for your
comforting prayers and compassion through-
out the past few days was greatly appreciat-
ed. Special thanks to Ruth and Don Haines,
head of the food committee at Grandpa's
house and to anyone who was so kind to
send food to -all of our homes. To Hoffmans
Funeral Home. your hospitality was wonder-
ful. T'o Zion United Church Women for the
lovely lunch they prepared. The rapport
from her brother and sisters was appreciated.
Your acts of kindness and sincere wpQo n
will always live on in our memories. "God
Bless You All'.
41: Sincerely,
Lloyd (Sgoeek), Ruth, Sharon,
Dianne,Bill, Bruce, Joan, Karen
and families
ROOBOL - A big thank you to Dr. Wal-
lace, and Mrs.. Visstiter, Dr. Steele, Dr.
Jadd, rmrses and staff of Smash Huron Hospi-
tal, Zurich Ambulance aueedamu, neigh-
bours and friends forrheirprayers, cards arid
kindness, and to Elva Forrest:and also to Dr.
Maja Gans.
41c Sim and Mary
ALLEN "Ia loving aat,mory of my dear hus-
band Fsank (AlberaTuancis), who passed
tarayOnaber 17,4992. -
L•smmmbershe day:lwaet you, and the day
God made you mine.
hememberthe day God took you, and will
Wilhelm! cEaime.
Wemade our vows together, until death do
tut the .day God took you from mc, my
inkine world
4--"-.-"sellienetimin-an dreaming, I can't be-
veits true.
at 1 can go -on living when I no longer
.lave you.
-Bine memories of the happy years when we
joys, the love, the happnsEss will stay
e men 3'm . sad.and homely . and everrYilesk
Teens wrong,
J eeera to hear you whisper. "Cheer upend'
rainy an.
Each time lam .your picture, you seen to
smile and say,
"Don't cry.sIm.ady.aiemirig. Well meet
again asmeday "
I love and miss you, your loving wife
Olive. 41c
Corner of James and Andrew St
Sunday, October 17, 1993
10:30 a.m.
Young Adults 9:15 a.m.
Church School 1020 a.m.
Courtesy Gar.
Bob Dinney, 235-2994
October 17, 1993
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
101)0 a m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Wheelchair access
9:30 e.m. Sunday School
10:30-1190 a.m. Felbwship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
790 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7X0 p.m. - Bible Study
Ai services ere held at
94 Orchard Streot, Exeter
Everyone Welcomo
For more anlormatron pleas()
call 229-8881
Ginner 17
10.11:10 a.m.
Worshlp Broadcast
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M
20th Sunday alter Pentecost-
Qaiaber 17, 1993
11 t.m.Holy Eucharist
�f►iawy School
ry Available
Youth Group meets et 7 p.m
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Pastor Hev. Sieds Vander Meer
Worship Services
October 17
10:00 a.m
Sunday School for apes 3 -grade 4
during morning service
790 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 12408:30a.rn.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m
Daly T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m
fiskgron is daily bread - not cake lot
special occasions.
68 Main Street South
Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday, October 17
11;00 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday, School
Nursery Available
Everyone Welconrrt
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, October 17
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Mornwtg Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p,m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, October 17
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
1 1:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Serytco
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Programs for alleges.
Nursery availabie kir all services
A phare to nwet God and a friend'
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sq ndey, October 17
1000 am. Worship
11110 sin. Sunklay.iionwol
729,4m. Lewin= Service
Come and Worship with us
ALLEN • In loving memory. of eurdear fa-
ther .and grandfather, Fink, who posed
away on October 17, 1992.
' (cur thoughts am aver with you.
'ilwugh you have paced away,
And those who loved you dearly,
Think of you every day.
Sadly mused and always rmrcmbered by
Pauline, Richard, Victoria and 'Gm. 4I c
ALLEN • In loving memory of my darling
father, Albert Francs Allen, who went to
.live with our Lord on October 17, 1992.
Dear God, please understand my silent tear,
My fervent wish that Dad was here.
Dad carte to live with you just une year
hly Dad was very special, and 1 miss and
love bin 80.
Ile was surmaou f could talk to. that uovne
can replace,
To share such happy times with.,.wennonei
WOO Cannot erase.
Ile was someone I could tum to when 1 .
needed a helping band,
Ile was surname 1 thought more of as each
year drew its end.
His life was so unselfish, for others Dad did
Not for what he received, but for what he
was awe to give.
. Seaman:. and so lovable...
OsarDed, my special friend -
Lord. please put your amu asuund him.
Teat Dad with special care,
Please tell him how much I love Inn—
How I wish my Dad were here.
With forever love, Dad. from Jennifer. 41 c
WEIBEiRG • In .loving usanury of a very
dear wife, mother and goaadnaotlher, Mary
(Maxine) Weilierg, what quietly left us eight
yyearsago,Ocsuber 17, 1985.
nesse .we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard. but always near,
Still loved, still missed, still very dear
No lunger in user life W Mum,
But in our hearts she is always there.
Loved and resuanbeted always by Lorne
and families 41c
• ,r
You say
Family &
--ThrrbstCN611Bte, (Meter 13,1993
Brett & Jenny Butchart it
4 Please join us in 4
celebration as we start our
4 new life together as one.
on Fri. , Oct. 22
at 8:30 p.m.
..at Lucan Community
for Shawn
Webster and
Sheltie Gergoir
Oct. 16 at 9 p.m.
at Centralia Community
appy 50th Anniversary
Atria raid Ririe Friskier
Alvin And Elsie Fa -drier and their
family invite their friends, neighbours,
and relatives to join them in
celebration of their Golden Wedding
Anniversary at an Open House on Sun.,
October 24, 2.5 p.m. at the Aiisa Craig
Recreation he.
Bestt wishes only please.
Love your 4 men
r ,
with a
Your investment in the future of Children
can also be a fsttnng memorial tribute'
family and Mends to pay a lasting tribute
to a loved one through a donation to the
Huron C.A.S. Family Resource Centre
11 Memorial Donations total S500 the
family will be notified that a bar wnll be
added to a toyer plaque rn memory of the
To participate, please forward you'
cheque. in any amount (naming the ben
•leery of your gird to
Box 128 Godench. Ontano N7A 3Y5
cr, for more mtormanon please ca.'
A'. Crsantable tirhs overlie 00
wit be tax recopied
Donor Clinic
- Tues., fitgatAIS
:44And 5:30, B 8O:p:m. .
The Ausable River Nomads- Exeter are sponsoringa7Red
Cross Blood Donor Clinic to be held at
South Huron .District High School in Exeter
. •
• t • •
• •
• •
Wed. Oct. 20 Thurs. Oct. 21
7 p.m. - 9p.m. 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter
Auction Sale - Thurs., Oct. 21- 12 noon
Norm Whiting - Courtesy Auctioneer
Townwide pickup - Wed. Oct. 20 - 9 a.m.
Sponsored by: Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital
For further information call: 235-1628, 229-8802
• • • • • • • K i % • • • • •
0 • • a
f a •
• a
r a'
` 1. 1, t' f 1 e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
he Name
but w bit1* sane
Phyllis Johnson - President/Co-ordinator, Barb Van Haarlem -
Exeter Outside Sales Representative, Dorothy Peat - Grand
Bend Outside Sales Representative, Janice Brock - Exeter
Outside Salei/Group Representative
Join Phyllis and Doug Johnson on a Special CasibiJeen
Cruise - Jan. 24th for one week and save 36% off
brochure tate. Stvfllots receive an eR*a 6% dist
*tratforefTrav e 9kfart
• 1400-265400 •
• •1020 Ontario -St., Stratford (next to rake's) ••
[' a c c h+ •• a r e
r t• r e
L 4 F