HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-6, Page 6Yeat4rday efternoen ti quarrel occur- 4/',7 e'er flSide
ked betwea Robert Webb 8,1P.: A y01114;
bawl nrunol 1\10i.ittriok, whorl the term -
r drew a reVolyer and hied at the
fatter; the bullet etriltime hito eet the
elan "0 tloe neck, iu.
• Illetiette a potiofut wenn& l‘lediettl
s:alue peOeUred and the bollet extetteted,
;The wound le het IlleelY to Pmvo faAtti.
Webb hao up to the preeent elnded the
1.)0lice and detectives.----Feec Press,
New Yettv'e day Chri;toeher Irate
Elyltes Cleeketile, Madison. comity,
While ilitostioa:ted, peinted a gun at his
Wife; and leaked if he should tire It off
in the boase, when she became frights
ko nod, and he, turned it towards the bed-
eroom. ,The 'gnu was diecharged, ttn
InsdaughterEnitua \vat shot threugli the
n earc, ,tying hietantly. Sdylto was
iterested. He claims the sheotteg wee
, Oo Now Yegtds day james Burzell,
• Otteeerer Onte.13ed, N- Y., was
tiered VI. hiri wife during an altercation,
trrent gleaned it appease that
Bureell, la a fit of iesanity, attempted
t o assault hie wife and was stabbad in
'the etotnach, from the effects of whiell
lite died.
At Hamilton, on the 81st of Dec,
dqr, NV. Tiudell, who, for many years
Isept a hotel aod provision store, at the
tenter of Klett and Wentwoeth streets,
thee tamself in the neert, eat instantly
tepieed at hie °slot house. Au inquest
'Wei, held this morning, and a, versliet
endered to the effect that decettsetlhad
'committed suicide while laboring un -
'der a fit et temporary insanity.
The teetal interns for the yeite show
that, ,550 immigrants, arrived in To-
t onto in 1857, against 11,664 in 1874.
,The returns this year comprise tne
Eughsh, 4, 523 ; Edda 670e
teoteh, 866; Mennordte3,8,333 ; other
natioitalitiese 218.
4ohn Phillip, a yoring men eighteen
,)iears old, was stabbed by his brother
'about ten clays ago, in a struggle for
tome money, died in the General Hos-
Vital, 'relent°, New Years morning of
the Stestind,
'EltuNos dr 'ftitn—STIktnEn anneeeestetets.
X. P. X.
%Oliva tesie 8.05 1.45;
y. X. A. X,
felOiN0 EASi. 7.35 12.15,
‘Gorsoviesi . WI;
• Te R. j.ENNINGb.:.
?Guinan, June 1, 1875.
Cf Dale Et' Taadr,
Ve beg hi Correct the report that has
tie6n cireulatton, that we do not take
ibatter, eggs or any other kind of :tquie
te.eciangCler foods. The report is untrue.
We pay itte eitriseet peice. in trade for all
#.711,4 ojfarra produce. We not way pay
the highest priee.for trade, but we give ens-
tontes Geyer value fin. both their cash, and
ttade thauany &her house tn. reach of Ex-
torep, ligrare lite prices of •our Teas and
tii,tiisins and, ant& other cpeciat Una igen-
tined . in antither 60/toltn. lee simply as-
tonishing What the ready cash win do.—
W0 do not offer customers an inducement
•et palUy 6 pa cent., but we guarante3
ricittaittagc qf front 10 to 80 per coot
lby purchasing from us rather than any
louse doing a credit business.—
xelef unes
rt.HURSDAY, JAN. 6, _1876
'the Only Liberal -Conservative Journal in Sonth
The tartholl Of another municipal
ampaign if over, and the defeated as
tame the responsibilities of a private
:life, end km doubt are eleased to be
ifree from the (morons and uuappeeciat-
fed ones of a publiOcareer. The result
'of the election's in several surrounding
•-enunIesipalities will be found elsewhere.
In Exeter there were twelve Council -
:lore nosninated, but, ofcourse only four
old ou be elected. There Were three
•IMeves nominated, but cowing to Mr. G.
Willis resiguing, the contest was placed'
%ha bands of Messrs. Hodgeon and
-johns. The former was elected by a
-majority of 60 over his opponent, We
;are led to think that local influences
diad somewhat to do with Mr. John's
'defeat. The rumor had bee, me. prev-
ealent in Centre and North Eveter that
Mr.johnswas makingefforts to have the
ttation redioved tO the lower sideroad,
end this no doubt had a great deal to
do with his defeat. The old Council
in Stephen ,have lefc elle board, and a
new one takes its place. Much fault
vas found with their management dur-
ing the past year., and the electors
threw them over body and bonei, The
aomposition of the new Council is one
vwhich we think will give satisfaction, .
PARLIAMENT Will cunvene for' the des -
rattle of bueieess on the 10th of Feb.
e'rer, 00W strike theteonttnittee" said
Mowat the other day ; but
no one
'was hurt,
Should a young, man who uses theee
words in addressing a sundav school
a' when we lead our ehildteu to baptism"
he allowed to Ave in in a christian
oountry ?
Timm is one tiling -which strikes the
-eye very frequently in travelling tbroagli
this coaetry, writes a traveller in Switz-
rland. He must be nearly blind now.
Probably the p mr rrian adults, or hes
a snake in his boots, and. as a natural,
.c,,insequence, think4 the pavenient
edrikes him in the eye,
please ,need ue nem ineeeesary
0 “Couneal"
fee pabliaetiou, but ee guaraatee ef
&tom" faith.
Len. tater:a-The addeess widen wee
ereeeetea to Me.e Gregory on the
oecasion of his letiviug fee
lileater will appettr oue ;text lesue.
Tees:noose' ieseereee.—A meeting of
the Cif:toter Teachers' institute, will be
held In the eellool houee, Eeeter, ou
Sat., 151di inet, A very ioteeeetitig peo.
gramme is provided.
Linea Hoos.---On Fridny the 17th
Dpc,, Mr. le, aCeady, hitied fur Mr,
T. Doe a, Lot, "2,7,' Cod.. 2, 2 -eight
meths' igs, Willett weighed svfien-
eleaued 800 end 825 pounds, rinotadot.
Mlle,. They were heed. by Ma Keddy.
APPOINTUENTS. -The Can. Com, itave
eeea tit to make edditional appinut,
meets to Mr. Spackman, 1101V 110
110.8 clearee of the townships of' Blan-
shard, Bleohe im,E, & AV, Nissouti,
,& AV. Zotga, Goro of Dowilie, N. &
Easthope ant -alike,
A, LARGE Seeme-e We we1'e sheen by
Davie a feW days since, a mon-
streets sheep, which he purceased from
Mr. W. -Bsoela of Ushoeuel and which
Mr. Davis had killed ttia on exhibitioe
amongst his other choice meat for
Christmas ase.
Wieectsv Suesuere.--0 o T es d asy t
as a farmer was- tuning his horses end
wagon around in front of Mr. Davis'
butcher shop, he backed 'the hiod
Wa0018 Df the latter through the wia.
done completely smashing the sash tau'
MALICIOUS.—On Taesaay evening
last, some evil disposed person very
eoolly broke in a eouple of panes in one
of the wiudows of Mr. Do wods wagon
eneni a Vodeodiog which that outlet
man doestft care about lattyieg repeat-
Buse. --If we are tee jedg,e Nan the
numbee who fined Molsou's Bank on
Tuesday afteruoon last, tummy mast
have been flush during election time.
&me custoinets had to wait from 1 to
8 o'clook heftete their 'Want could be at-
tended tot .
ONION 'PLANTING. -011 Friday last
Ales join Gould of this village puro
chased and sowed some ouiou seed, the
few° days of summer weather we had at'
that time rendering the ground in satfi t
condition for gardening. Won't he
have early onions though.
Trame is no a,bsurdity In the fact that
an impaired Nervous System OR11808
Consumption, Neertaga, Bronchities,
Dyspepsia, A.stitma, Epileptic, Fits.
whaopitig-Categlie-dHeart Dieeise, and
a heel-, of others, theu why it is absurd
that fellows' Hypophosphites, which
effectually cures Nereous Debilzty,
should care these diseases [deo. Re-
move the cause and the complaint will
RUJAWAY.—On Monday last, Mr. T.
Roweliffe's span of browns took it into
their heads to have some little amuses
ment on their account, and to this end
started off with the empty cartiage at
a break -neck speed dowu Main street.
They diepnted every feet of the road,
sad kept its cei t re anal they trailed in
at their own gate, without doing any
damage except Slightly bruising the
ehoulder of the off horse.
On Monday last, several of the farmers
in the vicinity grasped the opportunity
of making "hay while the sun shone"
and might have been seen with their
teams 'end plea; vigoarously turning
the soil, and rapidly preparing it to re-
ceive ite spring crop. Such a rare oc-
cureanet has Da been heatel of since
the memorable years '87 and '42, whet,'
the weather remained open in some
that the same manner. But as the
'old setlter" says, we may yet have to
pay for our fiuu weather as they did at
that time.
teresting presentation took place in Mr.
Francis' oyster rooms, at San throy,
lasrevening, when Mr. Hugh McColl;
editor and proprietor of the Age was
presented with a very elegant fruit
basket and Crete stand. by the employ-
eei Or his office. A complimentary ad-
dress NVELS also presented, neatly fram-
ed, expressive of the highelt esteem
and respect.
THE STATION.—Li the 'vicinity of the
station, thiligs beginuniag to as-
sume rather a lively appeerance.
Every day a freight train arrives from
earth and smith alternately, and al-
ready considerable traffic has foetid its
way over the line. Tim -station house
will not be long before it will be com-
pleted this wiutor. One end will at
present be used as waiting -room and
ticket -office. On Wednesday of
last week a train passed north over the'
read, delivering the station masters and
their assistants. 'Mr. Heyden who has
been appointed station -master at this
place and his staff Of assistants are al-
read:yat work, The station -master's
resluence is also about completed.
the regrdat theetieg of the Exeter Div"-
ieion S. of T. hold on Monday evening
lett, the folloWing were elected office -
bearers for the ensuing quarter :
Sis. Dyixtond, W. P.
Sm. Weir, W. A. '
Bro. G. Griffin) R. S.
Sis. McWilliams, A. R. S.
Bro. . . Ross, Chaplain.
B " Crocker, Trees,
" Swenerten, Conductor.
Ste. Drew, A, Con.
Bro. Harwood, I. S.
13 " E. C. Weir, 0. S.
freight train on the L. H. & 13. It. left
London on Foiday morning for Wing -
ham. It is.. the intention to run the
t rtl in leaving London ou Monday,
1,Vednesday, and Friday. and from
'Witighttel to London on Tuesday,
Tlitnadav, and Saterday. The train
going 13 0 rtll Will leave Hyde Park Stine -
t1,011 04 7:60 Ilderton 8,25 Brecon 8,55
Centralia 10.05; Exeter,10.60 ; Hens:all
11.30; Kippee 11.45; a, re.; Brucefield
11,15; p. m,; Clinton 12.50; Loudesbor-
eugo 35; 'Myth -8.15, Belg,reve 4,05,
Wisightens5.00. Tit e teeein going serial
will leave Wingha 1.,00 a, in., and
iteive at Lendoe at 4,80 pan, "'meets,
eve, cars will not be attatbed ' to' tho
traina at the present time: '
CHRISTMAS ri...11H4l.----Cn r.lrieSd(ty even, -
hitt of last weekeDreW e hall was filled
with the friends and scholars of Christ
Mora Sabbath Sehoei, On the plat-
form at the north mid Of the hall Was
meeted a beautiful Chtistmas Tree, on
whoe'e boinnital beenchee were boenti-
fully (nor:eyed the vatee essortmo n t of
presents for the childeen, of the school,
/tete Mean -yen, whose beaming eintnten-
epee, seemed te 1111.eaeli soubwitli hap.
,py thought, diritributed aniongst the
VIIII•••!•••••• 1.1461•••••1•11101•14=11•••..MINIMM
Ist speaking it few kind words for the
eeentlemanly represeat &ea of London
in the Locae. Assembly, eerie remarks
eparentheticalie that " his clothee are
,apparently made for him." Does Grip
Ineate by thiS to ineinuate that the other
,lnembers ofeour august Asserhbly Wear
tiothee that aro imt made fgt. thereto?:
If go, he oasts rather 'sdridue reflections
en nu men Who' are sometimes supoesed
to be hottest. But when a matt descends
t 0 low as to the Legiseures we don't
vender that .he will use cenense.
Weld means to get a nein suit of cloth -
ant and then he cati't alio; stop. to SOO
•latIg enoolgli tee that they fit. ,ror
'Olen the credit ot" Smith Huroen ate
sectsh to 880 liOW tAtt inenibeide clothes
At In the WOrda Of 0, v01031)16
PrOPh4 1014 '011.66 doeertsed, yen, don't
kitow 6 dilitiltelt frOi11 110tel
*Mirk. tiieVe degenerate clayAb
0,146,11s, and deeerelog ebildren the
Many prieee which :Wooled the brilli-
antly lighted brattehes. A epeeial prie0
wee awarded M. a 8tee eoege "3 awden
by his teaeher foe geuerel good '4„enninet
and nelnanal attendance. Intel) of the
eltildren eeelved Aare of the good
thinee peOvided. Singing by the senol-
ars, mulct' the superintendenee of Wee
Maedounel, with jefr, c',301..lior at tile
organ, WAS indulged hi to the delight of
ell preeeoti The occasioo ),Y3, oeppy
000, tied one long to be remembered by
01 who witneseed it or perticipated:in it.
Dam --Suddenly el heart disease,
lite Town Bell, Deeeased was elways of
a weakly eoeetitutiou, having emigsat-
ed te this counton, from the United
States, acla tatting ledgiuga in a yery
exposed siOtttione witiolt together with
the rigor ot a Qatiatlissid Avlistaie wee
too mach for ite \vettk body, it &ally
attectunbed on the of Doe. with one
°attiring groan.--Coete
Tsui :Been Coe-cense—We aro much
at fault it: eingte italivielnal present,
at the Concort of the EX0101; 00r110t
Orchostsa Band 10 Deew's ou Sat.
urday ovetang last, feel like lincliug fault
with either tile programme or the men-
ner which it was cart led out.- Long
before the advertieed npouieg of the
dears, erowds of make -sure -of -a -seat
people battled. at the doors tor adMit-
tattoo, and in such a force that it seem-
ed as if those who would come about
the right time, would not ee ter the
bedding that night unless antler the
most " pressing" terms. Indeed it was
so, for before the hour for commencing
had arrived, every nook and coener had
its oeoupaut. Before commeneing, the
band strueleup some choite aftee
which the meeeing was called to order,
end the concert commenced by the band
playing the grand march, " Republic ;"
after Which the company, consisting of
Misses Bay and Rattenbury, of Clinton,
Mr. Joslin, of Clinton, and Hogben aud
Hooper, of Eeeter,—with Miss Vic,
Bissett at the instrument--sang"Linnie
Dore," which was rendered with exact
precision with regard to time and hara
molly, the grand, rich bass of Mr. Hog-
ben, meely weldina itself in with' Mr.
Hooper's, while boll beautifially blend-
ed with the accompeuedug teuor of Mr.
Joslin, the air of Alisses Rattsubury
and Bay, and the unequalled alto of
Miss Dissett. The full rich tone which
is so easily distingnishable in the cleat,
nese with which Miss Bay sings aud
pronounces her words causes Mies Rat-
teubury's sweet voice; as it raises or
lowers so harmoniously, tb contrast so
beautifully that we imagine the critic
would be at a loss to know -alma' whieh
to place the laureatil crown.- Mr. Jos -
hu is a host in hunself, and on the
stagete-ds perfeclledat home, evidenced
sufficiently he othe non ehatant manner
in:which he trips off word after word cof
his song. If alldwed, we might say,
Mr. Jonin knews he'is a good singer,
e na is inspired with a confidence there-
by. Exeter has every right to feel
proud that their midst. they have a
yoang lady of Miss Bissett's accoms
plishmeuts, who ie able to- sit hour
after hour playing accompaniatents to
the most difficult music, as she did that
evening. Mr. Hogbep has a well -train,
ed bass voice, and the solo, n Tlo; Deep,
Blue Sea," displayed its full compass,
Mr. Hooper has several Hates appeared
before Exeter audiencee, and always;
gives satiefaetion, as he evidently is
always prepared with good .selection
of songs, to which he knows how to do
justice. A well tieeerved encore greeted
each of the performers. The orches-
tra, whieh, by the way, we considered a
sort of a special treat, twice favored the
audience with music, which the ,per-
formers, R. Clidley, S. Gidlev, C. Eae
crett, 3. Crocker and. J. Elstln, know
well how to deliver. The band did
themselves credit for their music, and
the committee for the excellent manner
in which the programme was carried.
out. Neither must we overlook the
names of Misses Johns, Oke. Snell and
Downs, N1116 performed, in splendid
style, " The Conotry Cousin." The
piauo usea was one "deftly loaded for
the occabiou by Mr. John Deem+, and
the orgen was a n Silver Tougae" from
Mesers.W itlock & Senies's show -room,
The receipts of the evening were over
.19 Art; E L EC TU it E.
As we pronounced two week's since,
the lecture of Mr. Carswell, delivers('
in Drew's Hall, Exeter On Wedneed y
.. •
evening last WAS a complete success.,
The evenin", though very unpropittions,
seemed toebe suflieiently favorable foe
the gathering of a large audience. Mr.
Carswell's appearance in Exeter is al -
Ways a guarantee of a fall hone° and an
appreciative and respectable audience,
At the appointed hour the Rev. Mr,
Holmes, W. P. for the Division of the
SODS of Temperance of this•place, was
called to the chair, and in a few well-
timed remarks, introduced the subject
and the epeaker. Mr. Carswell, whose
Iowa, flowing ringlets stream down his
back and allow, fro in beneath their curet,
the sharp, ianghing eyes to take a peep
out at objects eround, need scarcely be
described. He is known from one end
of the Dominion to the other as the
" Canadian Gough." This tine, ^we
suppose, may be attributed to the uni-
versal opinion that Gough is bur, little,
if any, -superb): to Carswell in oratorical
or desceiptive talent. Standing but
about 5 feet 4 inches m height, he can-
not be said to have a very commanding
appearance on the stage, and in fact, at
first aigut, whether it be the umisual
sight of long, waving ringlets on 6
man's head, we cannot say ; but he does
not attract one: The feeling, thongh,
as soon as the speaker has fairly com-
menced his lecture, entirely loses itself
in the admiration of titlent and genius,
which cannot help but follow, when the
recitation of 'quaiut, humoroue and af-
fecting 'anecdotes ate made, emphasis
and attraction' being 'given them by elle
very muds which we at filed con-
demn, Like many, his iliustratioes ate
not made with the intention of creating
a laugh, a smile, or a tear alone, but
given NO aS to leave a telliog, idea on
the ipainde of his heaters. The audience
MIS W Milt with an intent and inoroas-
ing desire to listen to the speaker for
heure, end the otie hem' and thirty
mintitea whieh the speaker occapied,
their close 'mined but 6 fetv Minute&
The band, which on that and Orery
mina where it is for the village good,
turned out in full fore° and played a few
appropriate tunes, for whien they re-
cieve the cotelial thanke of the Division;
Mr, Drew dettervee much evetlit for hie
enterprise in erecting smith an ex.:0Na
hall; and not only credit fot entevprise,
but for generoeity where it is for the
nubile good, as ho not only gave the use
of it rent free to Careevell end the Dree
Sion, but, On it previous odeasioni to the
Bengough ComMitted..
.... The
.roini ding .inunielpidities,...A.s..fit.r...a8.tPAra
f“44 . • • • •'
P.90111. "1,,,....1“4"1"....ti 6e1
'Verity 115
eloarli „.. „ , 1
. 76
Biseett .... •".....n.ir" 60
elePhilips 08
. . 25
... ........... 18
Felton . „ . . . 170
ilogaeth . . . . . ...,..... 201
llogartle elected by a majority of 85.
'Der ty .Ree ve—
Yearly 159
Prees.. .. . 140
Lewis . 114
Yearly elected by a reaisrity of 19.
. . „..,, 204
801111R1T .. ... . ... ..,..„.. 208
„ 187
, ,
Leary 108
Mawhinnay,„ . . .. . . .. . ,
McDonald_ ,
MeLoy 100
Wilson 46
Baker, Schnurr awl Either elected.
Reeve— •
Drewp, 182 ; Baunie, 152. Brows
elected by a majority of 30.
Kalbfleish, 185 ; Wilson, 159; Mo.
ooll, 140; Cook, 06 ; Geiger, 72;
Restorer, 72.
(i-eiger was re oelected Dep. -Reeve by
Councillors, N..E. W.—
Monteith, 86 ; Mill, 82.
S. E. W.--;
Shier. 6 ; Delbridge, 60 ; Nagle,
0; Rowtay, 0.
Messrs. Nagle and Rowtly resigned
before the election.
The Reeve, L. Hunter, was re-elected
by atclamation.
T110 old Council re-elected, •
The mavorality contest- in ;London
resuted in the return of AM. Ds C.. ale -
Donald. The vote stood : McDonald,
728: Srayth ; 566 ; McBride, 541
Peel, 2 6.
Mayor Jas. H. Finlay ; Reeve, J. F
Garrow ; 'Deputy -Reeve, Dixie Watson;
Counoillers, Meseta Hutchison,' Smith,
Detlor, Wateous Dail, Andrews, Cal -
sits, Small', Thompson, Sloane, Camp-
bell and Mitchell.
Mayor, A. S. Fisher; Reeve, Jos,
Chidley; Councillore; Messes.
Stevens. Smart, Doau, Menzies, Bu-
chanan, Barton, &septic -IA, Cooper,
Jameson, Johnston, and Erwin.
eisecuema.—Mayoe, W. R Davie,
Reeve. Jas. Silae; -Deputy Reeve, R. T.
Currie ; Councillors, T. McDonald W.
Leadstone, A. Burritt, J. Robinson, W.
Thomson, J. 'AL O'Conor, J. Humber
stone, A. Mulleron, and A. Murray..
SEAFORTIT—Old ouacil all re-elected.
BAYFIELD.—Beeve O'Conort Coun-
cilors—Kay, Flson McIntosh, Rot -
lag°, Sankey, ancl battle; Deputy
- tip"
ler has bought from Mr. R. Brown the
building lately owned by Mr. :Witmer
a planing mill, and is fitting it up for a
cheese fectory. and has eveey prospect
of doing a good business for himself.
This factory wino a great benefit to
tho village aa well -as to the surround-
ing contry. -
Masoere.--The MaSOLIte hall has heels
fitted up anew, and is now a very peat
and comfortable room. On the eyeaing
of' Dec. 27athe tnewbers bad'a eepper
after theinst Dilation of officers, andlhad
a nice soviet time. Tito officers instal-
led are : R. Brown, W. M.; M. Zeller,
Sec.; C. F. Wagner. S. W. ; A. B.
Shantz, J. W.; C. Baur, Treasurer; C,,
Creiman, Tyler, Justus Demuth, I. G. e
;. Weir, S. D.; N. Deichert J. 1).
PneuraeR ACOIDENT.—One day last
week Mr. and Mrs. Buteltee, of Lake
View, went to Bayfield on basilic:me,
leaving their children at home, Some
time after the left, Hie children were
busy playing in the house, and the
eldest, a girl about ter years of age,
while tumbling touted was seized with
a sharp pein in the knee, which relater -
ed her unable to move. In due time'
Mr. and Mrs.Bushee came home, and,
ou examining the leg 000uld see nothing
wreng. They came to the conclusion
that it must be sprained, and did what
they could to relieve the pain ; but- in
spite of all the,y could do it began to'
swell and became stiff. On tho second
day it was so bad that they thought
some of the bones must be bioken, and
sent to Zerich for medical aid. ,Dte
13uehannan crane immediately and ex-
amined the leg. He found the bones Or
sound, but could feel a hard lump on
the other side of the knee, apparently
half an inch below the skin ,and th might
a needle or some other small foreign
body had entered the knee, although
the opemna at whim. it went in had
closed. Hbe cut dewn on it, and RUC.
meted in seizing and drawing out a
needle about, two inches long,veryteudh
to the surprise of the parents and coin-
pleto relief of the girl.
STABBIHO AFFRAY. --011 DOCOn11)01" 814
Francis MnItigam and Patrick Dowdtal,
two of a gang of wood eftwyers s4 the
W, It Station, quarrelled fonght
last night, Dowdell stabbieg
in five places. None of them are 'cora
8ideired,dmigerous, Dowdall was ate
reel cd.
P3cHET Profttn----Dr. 'Wilson, of St,.
itforyno bed his pocket picked on Nov
Y,Cal'S day, fine gold watch being
bece. 31.---Throo boys
!woke throngh the ice While skating on
the inill.pond to -day. One of them a
son of Mr, George 11. gibbon) was
CVO 404.1414,74 V.11714041/10r40
p clii)01 16°1, t3tNy tk)Iii0U21°0 IdAx2eit?i,1"(i
a Deo. The yorious chose* ace.
quitted themselyes to the entiso tiatk-
faetiOn Of the visitors, 5.1iie„ school liae
found in Mr, Jesneten paiestaking
aod seccesefel teacher, Judging from
the mod pi'ogreee the ealldven neve
miWo (Write; the pa'tt year. Hie as.
ss ttro; \ivitelot\,'(e.8e Itsicisee i,:ttal "gin on,t, emile371dama anon,
In the Senior Olase out of 800
meet difficult words tile \rimier of the
prize missed but two. We are sorry to
lose Mr, .1 olirAiton, but ooe beet wiehee
go with him to the, school he ie engeged
in for that year. At the etese of the
examioetion, addresses were giveu by
Rev, Mr. Whidock, mod several of the
. .
visitors present. Then 00,010 AO ad -
teas lo JonnSton aetionapauied by
the ereeetitatiou of a beautiful album
froni hie affectio mite p pile. Mies
Elston who has also resigned was locale
the reeipieat of a h tame/elle present,
from the pepile tt.:r etass. . Over
$60 wosth of prizee were distribut-
ed, each of the pupils receiving ode.
Dena nacreous Age Teeo neg.—We
heye tom to say good-bye en this cur
last, day together; oar alio tights nettle--
elly revert to the morniug of our first
tieenaitneenee. Yen probably read in
our °Agee cueit me -faces oar auxiety
elm Ot yoto: 011AL:toter ; 1101
being seined puyelogionnets we peohe-
bey !rave Ai newly a ),.>(.5ripl.ious of you
;t$ th'eso wore children le the room,
and, I am sego yoe -would have felt
amused conld pea have heard the differ.
sut verdicte were given during
your tatsottee t,lio uvon-boar. Some
being quite Stirs qua. Mr Johnson was
vety passionate and that the slightest
intniugment of rules would brieg down
upon the ruelucky offouder the most se-
vere puttishment, othess bringing just
couclusive arguments to show that
you wore meekness personified, butt
during the year which has passed SO
quiokly we have learned to respect, the
stranger, of a year ago ; for while kind
and helpful to all, ever ready to explain
and re -explain any difficult problem,
smoothing the dtleiculties as much as
possible ; yet uuderlying that kindly
and gentle trimmer there was a reserve
of firmness quite sufficient to quell the
most turbulent spirit who should dare
to disebey. The progress which we
have made during the year and of
which the superiutendent spoke in
such flattering terms wo know has been
acquired only by lifted work oa your
part for which we most heartily thank
you, .aud though now ahout to part,
your' Memory will' not soon die out of
our hearts and when we shall havesleft
school to engage in the , duties of life
whatever may be our lot, when the
frosts of many winters have bleached
our hair to snowy whiteness, when . it
seems mese of oar life to recall the
memory of our lost youth than to live
in tile peanut then our thouehte will
wing themselves back to the old echool-
house and the dear old teacher who so
many years ago kinlly atal lovingly
helped us. Among the changes which
so often occur should you agaie take up
your abode in Exeter I arn sure you
would receive a honey welcome from us
all. But we feel that we cannot let
yen go feom among us withoet a slight
token of our love and respect, and 'we
trust you will accept Mile gift overleok-
ing its smallness and feeling that it is
ticcompeeded by the good wishes of all
your pupils. A, it is more than pro-
bable that we all may never meet again
we take this last opportunity .of wish-
iug you gold bye and may God speed
and protect you. ---Your affectionate
To -Mr. Johneton. Principal of
.Exeter school. HONORED SIR.— We,the
Trustees of the Exeter School, repre-
senting as we do the intereits of the
parents of your pupils, on
this the eve ofyour leaving, feel it to
be our duty and at the seam .tiene a
pleasure to congratulate you upon the
great euccess of oureichool while tinder
e'our tuituon during the past year.
We kilow adia' appreciate the energy
which in every instance you have shown
to secure the harmonious woyking of the
the weole school, and we feel that in
the progrees your pupils bave made,
eyou feel yourself amply rewttrded. Your,
hearty co,operation with ns all pus
business. meetings has rendered *them
-ye pleasannand we very much regret
that yOn as tam of our colleagues tat
to leavene. We now tender yurt and
eue young holies, yonr essietants a cot-.
Ain,' vote of thanks for .yonr libbers dur-
ing. the past year. James Pickard
Arelitien Sanders ; J. W. .Broderick ;
-David Johns ; Isaace NIrhitleck ; John
.-eleDon eel I.
tiln, VS. BROW N.
To the Editor ot the Dicc,tor 37.0c6N.
DEAR SIR,—I have not ae yet seen
rtuy accoent in any of the papers pub-
lished in the county as to the disposal
.by the higher inn noritys of the appeal
of constable Gill against the decision -of
.111.r. Brown of Zurich, in the case of
assatilt r referred against that gentle-
-man by Mr. Prout, and . many are
ehquiring for the paaticulars,I hasten to
glee them, as I am in full possession of
them. It will be remembered that last
fall Mr. Gill. epproa,ched Prout with
the purpose of taking, him wisoner,and
while doing so was alleged by the lattev
gentleman to have assaulted him.
took his case befOre Mr. Browe, J. P.
who in conjunction with other magis-
trates 00 t110 beechimposecl a fine on
Mr, Gill for assault. This was appeal-
ed againet, and the case takee for trial
before the Court of Queou'e Bench at
,Goderich. From here again Mr. Gill
wished to take it but before he
could take it,out, he had to show cause
'for so doing, and. therefore -served a
writ that he had corninitted aggrivit-
ted assault en Me. Protit. When this
was done he took his sett to Termite,
, • +73
,but indernent reudereel against
him, the martietratee deeision e as alined,
end all coete falline. on Mr. Gill's eland, -
tiers, which latter was 100
1 to in [tin ;
'Yours truly,
WIMAT BtrviNd PRoSPE,00^,—A large
amount of. grairie lies pas,sed through
thie villatte witliits the last day or two,
hatted fotb. Tmean, A, ereat deal, of: it
wq.4 offered Imre afid t'horteli no sale
was effected, yet 'tile whole would have
'lintehesed- lied the facilities for
ehippitige been stifliciently advaemed,
Centralia, without, dotibt, will bo rt,
t;ootl intir1;01, rrwo parties aee
negotiating with the Company es to
the terms apou which etorelmteeee cith
be erected; we undetetrok, also,
that wheat Oars will ifildetlet'be
' r , .
ed for' title place.
alit'', 0 iialoee 10o so0p4fichico. 1
0480, fia060,Hif T4G111:
,Hantiltou 081,010,car Dee, P.
the soup kitchen in tine eity wait utter,
sea:..;ge 4bgye a 1111% witc:
breakfast for the poor whe was 0141001-
(4 to drop in, thu doer opened geotly
',and a thin, frightened lookieg woman?
upon whose wan features pain and
POverty iotd' 1/114 their ,6tep0,,d
isito the aeons. Glanciegatatiwiftly
;trotted the room, she tottered -forward
into a seat, and covering her fete
a tattered shawl, burst int() an agony
of sobs.' The gpitearanee of a woman
beggar in the SOU!) ltit011011 was mitten -
/1h nlid 1110 illntrUll felifexceedingly un-
comfortable 00 seeing this strange ap-
vexation. oehopping forward, elle in-
guised if she could. rib anything for ller.
With a $.wift motion' the inieerable
mature drew a 80Up ticket froai the
folds of .her dress, and pres-
sed it ahnoSt savagely into the matroWs
p41m, and tben sank exhausted. often
the ',The ,nneteen. brogadet 0,0
soup and. kid it before the weeping wo-
mannaltbie a very short tune dos -
patched it, and then risine, toanked
the matron gracefully, and' glancing
about the room 113 if she coned detec-
tion, woe gone the next. 100100111. Hard-
ly ten minutes had elapsed before a
gentleman entered tlie soup nitchen and
ingaired if .such a woman had been
there, and , on learning , that she had
hems, despatched in search of her, and
soon -afterwards discovered her 00 the
street. The reasons for the gentle-
man's interest iv ;such an abandoned
creature are given below. Ten years
ago Caroline Boclette—the vagrant's
name—ineved in the very highest cir-
cles of society in the g'reat manufactur-
lieg town of hlanchesten England. She
was the daughter of one of the princi-
pal manufacterers there, a Frenchm au
by the name of. Louis Bodette, of' the
firm of Botlette , & Drown, ears mane.
facturers. Caroline was the ouly cbild.
She MIS vela, beautiful and petted hy
all, who knew ber, and, eve she was
seventeen years of age she had received
several offers of marriage. At the
age of twenty, however, her fatties,
"made a match" for her with an elder-
ey friend of his in ea° Joseph
Simon, and, in spite Of the poor giel'e
protestations, the mifortunate flaatcli
was finally cell:SUM Ill e tecla From that
mothent Cal oliae's conree 'Ne et steadily
downwavds. She haa never loved her
lineband, and at the eitearation of. sie
months she had learned' to hate him
wah all soul, About this time a young
Canadian commercial traveler came
upon ttie scene, having been sent by a
tee -gel -1m in Montreal to transact busi-
ness with the firm of Bodette. Brown,
& Simou, for such MIS 110W the name
uf the firm. Mr. Simon invited him to
stay with him during hie Sojoura
Manceester, aucl the iuvitation AIMS un-
fortudately accepted. The Canadien
was handsome and had a pleasing in-
sinuate's,* manner and from the first
intnnacy sprang up between him au d
lUailame Simon. One wok after the
iutrod nciion Simon returned home
from a trioto London to find that his
faithless wilt and alotudsome Canadian
castoiner had fled no one knew whith-
er. No trace Wf1,3 tii8001701-ed of them,
but subsequent events showed that the
golltypair went to Glasgow, Scotland,
and thence took the steamer direct an -
New York. They stayed in thet city
for some time, and in the summer of
1873 they came to this.,eity, where the
woman was contited in a house on
Catharine street. What. afterwards'
became ef the 'child is not known,
aud as to its supposed father no further
tracehas been diseoVered of him since
ne reached. this city. All the woman
knows about lantis that he left het
when sko was eick, and site never &LW
him again. From that momEnt
Caroline Simon became a counnon
vag rail Mid. drunkard, known. under
several names to the police. During
the simmer of 1874 ehe WEIS 118 Ser -
VO llt 11) a tavern Dunclas model\ the
name of Jane Duncan, but she lost her
place thscugh" druukeeness. Still
Caroline 'never lost Certain. traits of
beauty, which made her rem arkitble
when seen constable with the wife
mon herd. Her walk was still digui-
tied laid 'graceful, Ned her face still
tained tra,ces of a once wonderful love-
liness. Six weeks ago, on the Oth of
October lest,Joeeplf Simoo, the wealthy
herdware mei-client. dropped dead in
railway carriageson his -way from Edino
burgh to Glasgow, tend ever eiece
Euglish detectives have beeio endeavor-
ing to discover his wife, A Londoe
tletective named 'Simms was the most
euccessful, tor on M000day last, at nine
o'clock in the forenoon, he took the
wealthy widow of Joseph Simon be the
hand on the corner of Cherry streit and
Maiden Cane in this city, and is now
with her in New York, awaiting the
first steamer for Liverpool. The fol-
lowing letter written by Caroline in 1874
Co an old schoohnate in Oxford led to
the discovery :—I-familton, Dec. 10,
1874. Oa t. 111Y LOST DAni,ING,—FOr-
. •
give me for daring po write to you, for I
fon common street walkor ; yes, God
forgive me I Mil evorse that the brutes.
I have no l'ieme or would not write to
you. But, oh I my heart is breaking
and I will soon be,dead. Give my love
to your sister Jane and ask het if she
remembers whet I once was. I live in
Dundas; Ontario, but don't try to find
me Out, or tell my husband, for,f weuld
scold him if he came out here. , He
drove me id) this. I 110X7en't 6 second
change oftlothing, ttad people ' loath
me. My baby -died 'here, and ite nailer
left me long ago. I have got your plc -
1 Hut el' Adieu for
ture ant t 8.
ever, Carolinepoclette. To Mrs. An,
drew 11 ----ds, f)nfoiA, England.,..ft
supposed that by the death of her Ints7
band, Caroline, oven if she was only to
get a third of his property, will be the
possessor of ,t20.000 sterling -
On Obeisance; moveingeen awakening'
Mr, Aietleew Daily, of Clinton, was as-
touished find his wife, who was lying
by his side, dead, ehe having 1,,etired in
her usual Loan the night nreviou8.
Deceased. wee an old- tesicleut, having
come heeeniany y00.14 sinte ; she rm.,
the mother of 19 children.
A mutual Council, composed of ten
Millistort5 and rOpreselitatiVOS ronn
twenty Churches will ino,,t. In Brooklyn.
on Jan. 1 8111 and examine into the
differenco botAveen ktr, Moulton and
th. Be ?..cher,
The Advent of the contonniol year
VAS telebrated throlighoet the 'United
States by processions, illuminations,
fireworkea'and eahltee. The delbOn- I
Stritti011 of wag ,PectitiallY
enthusiastic, '
bout .Arnesateuil eleetioti on jest, let
Uon. , Huntington Witile returuing
10.4 iior eseape of being drowned
51,12101101.11 til'hodQr1Lbdi°,
awl suddenly entered a dark pool of
water, fifty yotrds lung by eighteen feet
Hon, Mr, Huutington fked Herald re,
Wide, The slelYli was 1,110fiet throwing
portee out, lion. Mr. llutaington
kmyea himself by making 6 sprIng end
catelangathtgged end of ice with his right
ro0CiViug 6 Cat tho face at the
attempt. 110 WAS 811fferillg With
epeained leg the thee of the aceident
Alla also sprained ins tutuub rescuing
mOrning tt man was
Sound on a pile ef boards near tho
Stratford, inar,ket a state of utter
prostiatiou from weut OXPO8lire It
appeats that .thetpoor fellow's imene is
McKay; that lee had been, ru,til a few
weelte ego, wothing as a totanster the
comity of Oxford, when he thifortunate-
ly gut, bOth his feet froeee.
On Saturday night laet, the dwelling -
house of Sirs. Itaeltael urduu, a wi-
dow, ton miles fionin "tieing Sun, lud.,
caught lite 111 the night and wa$ enterly
constanucl, The WOMAll and 110r three
en:adroit, two 80110 ft31(1 a daughter,
from 8 to 12 years of age, \eeie bleated
to death. ' The . horritole suspicion is
entertalea" by tcome of the iceighbors
hat murder os a warse crime preceded
the faille- of the house.
A Brauebridge Wain who was to'have
been mauled 00 Christmas warping.
bat was jilted by the intended bride,
went into a store, procured a gun,
loaded it with buckehut, drew back the
cock, placed the stock on the floor, and
pulling the muzzle swerved a trifle to
the leftethe charge entering a little a
bove the heart, shattering the shoulder.
He is in a, precarious condition.
A young nan who was in the Mleholl
M.arkett last weett with a load of apples
from Mitchell went to Harriston,
on his rPtUrn tamed. as far as Ne v-
ry, but from there no other tame can
be found of him. His parents who live
at Lakeside, are almoet distracted, as
'they fear he 11E18 beeu 'muttered. He
Wil.8 a steady emu% man 'leach attached
to his boric, end very quiet, which
makes his disappearence the more sus-
Mr. „F. B. °timberland of 11.1 e IL -
ern Ptellway lies had prepared a, map
of all the railroads chartered and in ex-
istence in Ontario. It is said to have
cost 1,800, and shows 10,800 miles of
railway to have been psojected, includ-
ing those now runntug. This taking
the popalation of the Ppovince tWo
million, would allow ono mile for every
loardred and ilinety pereo.is. '
Ca Monday, 27th December, the
mareet fees was put up to
pnblic, competition, both with and
without the baebet fees. AVithont the
basket fee, $1,920 were offerrdefor the
market ; and with it, $1, 895. Neith-
er offers was accepted', but the Couneal
were to decide upon the matter on Fri-
day night. Tins year the market,
b so ught $940.`
Guelp Herald regrete to hear that
Mr. H. L. Spence., the eacellent third
brse-nian of the Maple Leaf ferse-laill
Clab, is likely to leave- town daring the
whiter. The Reraid says he has re -
delved good offers from the New Haven
nine and also hoot the Mee which ie
being organized( in Toroeto, and it, is
probable that he will play iu one if
these nines during tne eneeine season.
TIDIES Office,Exeter,,Tau. 6, 1870
NV'llite NVIloat 800 to
Spring Wheat 88 to
Oats ... ... ,., 30 to
Potatoes ... ,.. ... 25 to
Peas ... 55 to
.81ggs ... ... 16 . to
33ulter .- - .., 31 to
'Flour per bbl.... .., me to
12 to
Shorts ... ... ... 14 to
Hogs. ...... .... ... . ............. ..„....... OM to
Beet. ..... . ... ............... ....... ....... 4 00 te
Hides.. 4 50 to
Sheepskins.. 69 to
1.kla.y 10 00 30
0,..e4.1 Apples . :.. ..... . .. ...... . . .. ..,1 15 to
Onions - 75 30
8. 93
7 00
4 50
12 On
2 00
1 00
. Turkeys 50 tot 00
3 .............. ......... . . . ..... ...... HO to if)
Ducks ..pr ...- 3 0 to5 0
(Repo 3 Cad regularly by A. G albraith, Clerk)
ileIbl.whea 1. per huSsel 90 to 02
ing 00 to 02
na,rley , " • '
lens 60 to 66
Oats 31 t0 33
Egg., per dozen 18 to 18
Butter • 10 to 19
1100 to 12 00
White Wheat, por .•••
T read •"
Real Winter
Vali Wheat • •
Spring wheitt•"
3 60 to' 65
155 10163
1 40 to 110
155 to 1.55
1 25to 1 60
1 08 to I 15
0 901o0 90
90 to 93
90 to 93
0 30 to 30
no to 55
0 55 to 65
0 17 to 18
10 to 18
White wheat 00 to. 02
Troadwoll 00 to 02
Spring 00 tr.) 02
Oats 0 3.1 to 32
" :lie 0 00 to 0 05
Barley 55 to 50
Butter 17 to' 18
Eggs, per dozen ...... . ...... . ... ........„. 10 to 16
Potatoes 25 to 0 25
.atid 12 to 13
Tallow 6 to 7
Pray 8 00 to 10 00
'Timothy seed_ , 8 25 to 3 50
Clovor good ' 6 00 to 0 75
Wool t ,
. .
Shoe.pskins .. ... . . ,..... .... . . ...,.......„1 00 to 1 50
Hoof • 00 to 6 50 .
Irides 41 to 15
Pork .....„.„„ .. . ............... . ...... 7 '00 tp 7 50
- -
Do!..111 wheat, 9Je Treadwc311, 00:: to 05c; snl tug
83 to 90e. T3n.rley, 45 to 58. Pons, 60 to 07e. Oats,
28 to SO. 1300), 4 to 0c. flutter, 19 to 20c Eg:.0 18
Pork 7 Hi les, por lb, 4Actit Tallow, per, lb 6 cts
thocrosithIs 80e to lop. - ,
.11.1.11e R I E D.
g TEL—POWLI13.7--At the resid011ed of the
bride's motlene on Dec. 301,11, by Rev. T2'
Gratiy, Thos. Russel of 'Osborne, to Margo-
, rot, only daughter of the late Alexander
Vowlie TJsbortio.
Awl STU OX4 -,MCQ Wednesday the
291,11 inst., at the i•esideece of the b^.1do's
father, by the Rev W It Ross, Mr George II
Armstrong., Pa,ris High &drool to
Miss Kate, youngest CLuigbier of JAIXISS
MeQuay E,so, Sunny name, Pickering
nrEn. .
Rao crarett---At Caledonia,. on' Thursday bee,
• 80th wet of G Broclerielc
and eldest danghter of the late loirted;
latittwill &Atter Olit
-AATANTED TO EtNT.--1.0 the
v v con,ity 01 tlaron,1,0t1 n,c^. es t land, wit -At
bit I I tis e to, For further pa k tien s, apply
to .1011.ti WALEtilt, Vetersviito, 5, o. 123.'
WANTED.,- A female teachee want -
ea ineesoosteev. se este:eon te:
Stephen. Apply elt!ler persouukly by let tor,,
W. 8OHNSIGA, Orediton,
IlAqm Pon
h" niirog of wild. la 0 being lot t fi
ceu •,r 3 • .
„or IAN;
sat pe e0y tertna,i 6Y. titeliatiatirt for 'iinttaine
towli,Prouesty,, yoftotivri? iiitHioniare apply te
Jorm COUCH, reileinearanNotileetta04,
Royai Again Triump
Itteir ,
BY TeleeTaph to tbe Gardner Sewing ltia,
, chine elempitny,
Cornwall, October [675 -Loyal got lirst prize
at (ile,ogarry lonnty IFitio, over the websier, os.
horn and New York Singer J'Arial3 AlItaursr.
ilelleville, Sept 30th, 1875—OOt first prize on
lloyal at l'ed.111010, boating Wheeler it Wilson awl
(ivory 11.3.0r machine. Groat coatest.
JAsalls 13/11E11TP
Brochelllo, sop t 1 87 n-nopti. to:)1Enrst prize at
Pelenrille. competing with the wheeler & NViTson
sioger, end others Evtina"rs 4 TIAO-AnuA
Ti180iiburi4 Oct 11, 1178---Pirst prize for Inuit). at
Union Exhibition here ovot ttll competitors ,
MArrcrow s•rnwAtur
woocistocic, Oct 5,1875 -Royal took first Prize at
Ez'trib Ulan hero over all competitors
luArrnenv STR,IVATZT
Paris, Oct 8, 1875 --Have taken lirst prize with
Royal at Fair hero, bee ting the Raymond atul
singer. WILLtrot sx.tou
Naptinee, Oot 38, 1875 --Royal bits taken filet
SO Fair horeover ger, Howe, Wanzer
arta Others JA141,5 BAnTiFTT
Harley, Oct 13, 1875 -Royal takes first peas at
this Fair for lamily work and Light Manniacttir-
ing. r • WILLTATO peseta
Theie victories co nclusively prey° that th
Light Running Royal is the People's Favorite An
tAo Best Family sewing maehino. The manural
Lure; s have lately added to it the greatest noyelt
of no age, the Royal 1 amp Holder, for eosin
machines, The lamp can never -upset ra• • the oi
sot t the work, and it is Arrivng0(1. to niow the
13:403 on a ay part of the work, or abling the opera -
0,s t3 work as Well by night as by dee, sotabY
the eause of ' UR3IE CURRIE, and
bearing date tho 15th clay of November, A. D.
1875, there will be sold by
tbe approbation of RENtlY MAoDER-
MOTT, Esquite, Master of this Court, at God-
' elicit, on
1f1Jet ttY, A. 1876, •'
At Twelve look neon, by the said .Master, at
MoGIZEG011'S HOTEL, (formerly Batten-
bury's.) in the
To one lot, the "following valnable Farm Prop-
erty, viz. :--Lot limber twenty-six in the sixth,
'Couceseilou of th.ii Township of H•ty, in the
County of, Huron, containing
Fifty acres are cleared, anii limier cultivation,
PI) a fenced.; the remaincie • is a gciod bat dwoort
bosli. The soil is good day. On it are a
'VI am o House, one stomy Malt and sii.tee n. feet
by tWanty- I ,10 A L(31.; Barn and a Log Stable.
'Pht. sitp1110 Within (our miles of the
big° of Zm amt ^within four miles of the
Loin:cot Ova.vel lioati, and is conveuient to
Cha- ell and t=cliool FOP se.
titlo to Cie lond is indisputable.
The purcliasor must psy clown sloth° time of
sale a deposit of ten por cent. of his purchasq
money to the Yent'ors or thee Solicitore; and/
the halitneP 1711',.',11 e month -h110 Court, to Lb e
cm/lit of Oil,: Q0171.V.`, "Via -bent inteterit. on pay -
Mont of' Which balance he will be etkittoti. to a,
C01.11eyance and to possession of the laud.
protielty -will be put up at auy upset
pi ice of The hiller conditions of the
sale aro the standing conditions of qae,,Cou t of
Fro thot• parti cularg may be lea] tied in the
meantime at tit- offices of I. T. Oa^ row, Es-
quire, 77. R. Soule); Esonlie, and Messi.s.
Cameron ^,^&.; Ire:Fadden, Vencl..a's Sol ici Lot s ;
and of the solo. 'Master.
Dated, the BM clay of Done:film-, A. D.,1S75.
Master at Gocletich.
CA.M 52,1: ON LC:, AloPADDEN, *
• -Vendor's Solicit ors. k 20. tt.1)
The 111.1tlerSig110,1 seT) rod 010 eel -i -
t:05 of a first-class :miter,
Mr. Henry
IDA.'17E C filCAGO),
p -e 'area to fill sathifdctorily ell o •ders with
Wir'c 1 Ire may be trim ed. e-tperieoc,,e
anti :au r:r‘ss of Mt,. Hal: is in 0.-^ Ling and fia,
tin g meu.,s warraiit me in t,n tit an toeluff
to eve, ^roue who favois me with. his order.
On account of the hatai times I am deter-
mined to sell clothing at a . low plicos as any
oL'im,r clothing house in the West.
A elmice lot of Gent:f Furitisbing 53cals just
eceivcd. Cloth bonglit from me cut free of
charge. J P Mc1NTYRE.
1 i bestial t,laen,:k
'Bo sure elld. get the W. D.McGloolileTwat0h
heroic buying. You w111 have no other It ter so -
teg Clem, All woo Wofir reCOmMend.
Gold and Sitym Ladles and Gentiortmn's sizes.
77 Duudus sbeeo,LontIon. See the tostimonlals.
The 103 goat, baste tut cheapwit stock of flee Giltkt
JeWeb ;47, Clocks,, Silver, and Plated Ware, /ttuey
Goods, &c., ece., in the Province. Repairing of
lose •iption. W. B. MoGLOtibl-fLON:
every _
77 Dundas st.. Lo
Brick stor tut dwelling house, --Also frame
dwelling anti stable, for sale, centre of Alain
street Exeter. ^
IDLES, Prayer Books, Hymn Books,.
Cassell's Magazine, Saterday Maga-
zinc, Infante' Magazine, Sattir-
day Journal, Day of Rest,
feinde'y at rieme, Clelareras;
taiond,Wide Awake, Chats
teebox, leriendly Visnot,
Childs' Como -hien, tend of
Britim Workman, Azt,
visor, Obristian Treasur,13ritish
juvenile; Albano, Week beteg
1)031C3,,,,4z0.. &No