HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-6, Page 4lavers, f 1WSO eaunot convenaelitis e a root eellar ender his barn, or owhere but under his lamee, hut he e,an keeP his seller Ireta stielting witb Vegetebles itho wiU tak,e rttle pans to clear out every 'eprieg, Via epee:, the windowe so as to give 'a "eiroulatialn of the air through it from ePring Until fall, Rotten vegetables "end etagnant air in the cellar, eomire alp through the 'timer into the living rearae mid sleeping rooms lets proatte- y a Case 'of Typhod fever end "other d2se1ses that have hefiled all of foat Q hysielane to cure, at is at: %dal es 1.410 illia$11111. of a ewautp, liave been into houses where wry - 'thing was thee feel clam epleedid taailehing au1advearaaeo, and tle inmates lireathine,.., in an air as fold at privy vault, from the odours erisieg Strom cellars through the 11901:3, Yes and I have seen saeli houses, 'al:here the odour from the was as per. 'oeptible is the living room as if it had -opened out of it, Etna the family eat aed alepi; as if le the midst of spicy gales. And they thonght sick heaclaclies, few ao euthmer eomplaints andealser dis-, orderia'that stheted them %vete simply' mysterious dispensations" instead of being the penalty of breathing poison. %kik drains and thoir Etocompanying :3ese;pe-a1eare another prolific cause of, (disease.. The old-fashioned °pee: drain, running along near the hack across the path perhaps and analeing an unsightly and. offensive (to -aye and nose) track, is perhaps he least deadly 'cif the whole if neglected, `fel- there is an escape for its odours in She oat -of door air; but the more gen- teel totered drain, ' throuh which the foul air is coatinually:being driven hack into the house, eau only be kept whole - limn by having a very sharp fall aed, srequent eleaeiaa and the use of ab- esorbents an‘d, disinfectants : aed it is too often allowed to leak through into 4t and poison the water. Look out for 'that. With air and water both poison- eed, Will -stand a pool' chance for al, -aong life or a healthy one solution of copperas, unslaked gime, :chloride of lime, and carbolic aicid are eifher of them good to destroy fall odours and the poisonous germs :that -arise from -such places, and they wre any of them cheap enough, so that 'we can afford to ase them freely,but tthe two last named smell alraost tiadis- :agreeably, if not ass unwholesomely, as :anyplace where you would use them. Pure, dry earth is nearly as good aP :anything else, and will, by absorbing :ad the valuable parts that would other- -vise escapein the air, soon become a ;good fertilizer for 'your land. There' i's only one objection to it, it does not, meet anything.—Boston, Journal. • . -.11U010.10. -- Sweet meets—two fond lovers in a ffirst embrace. It is impolite to say a man has 4'4/twits" say "facial area." It's curious that we employ Irish Trieze X° prevent American freeze, isn't it? The earliest art students made arrow !heads. Some et:the latest art students =eke 4hatdifieleads. • ' '"I'm married now." was the excuse et Chicago youth gave a florist for not :buying as many bouquets as in fernier year. He was ne of oar most energetie snateee,".eays a village paper in se eieituery notice, "and we tru estees lapny." There is a man in Indiana who takes thirty-two newspapers, and you might ats-well try to ride a whirlwind on a sidesaddle as to attempt to impose upon that Mins • "Now my little boys and girls,"''saia mateacher, wantetou to be very still :so that you can hear a pin drop. In a 'moment all was silent, when a little boy cried out, "Let her drop!" -"Have yort any nice fresh farmers feggs ?" inquired a precise old lady at a grocery store. "No, nuem," replied •the praetical clerk, "but we have some • -very good hen's eggs:" She took three lto 'try. It is -said that the Baptist minister /Who is carrying on the pen -fight agabast alio Catholics at Trenton'i N. J., s eo 'bitterly opposed to the Roman faith, -that ba manuscript he wal, not cross Eis letter T's. A. bachelor returning from a hall in It crowded coach, declared with a groan that he had not the slightest objection to "rings on Ms fingers," but he had a " most unequivocal aversion to "belles ot atis toes.' .Doubtless Mr. U. C. Samples, of• Georgia., don't appreciate what a nara ,row escape he had from a falling tree, which killed the two moles he was And yet U C Samples of such ingratitude constantly. k 440- 4 010 1-1i0POlintS he way iu (11Q Wile 01. 0110 Of 1110 St. lands, eroolael ebiskey eWinalere WAS O1reete4 wion, on elealee her hes, baea in the peaiteetiary, she :eaw ham in to striped garb of n evict. The ease tarnishes a aeonliarly penetratiaa' warning to eespectable eiteettle who in , dulge an guilty areetices ander the lie• tion they will 11OVOI.` bo found out. Their pneisb meet may 'bring the sharp- est pins of esti:ging to their litho - cent wives, Ilea may destroy tbe eves and boos a.i1 gooa name of thok3a wbo 1tre the coats° of their ,do mesa() affection, tied may thus,. breig ea themselves e penalty greater oven then that of the law. if a ion's }vita k aware thet he is pursuing it wrong - ea -cornea, aeriloes to his family, it is tier duty to try to brieg about a eliang,e bis waye. If Ite should make her e cO1) b1on in til0 proaecution of his misdeeds, and be sbeiiiretiter into awn), or suetain Lim in them, ,she Can- not eonsplain when she heeenies, .eafe ferer in las puniehmente 'llere ere women who kaow that tbeir husbands 'bre surreptitiously getting money by tlishonest 1110111113, 11134 W110 at yet so fella of the pleasures that accaue from wealth, that they encourage rather then disourage the praOtieere whose fraits they enjoy. These are foolish avornite, liable at any tiree to , become the victims et their own folly. A lady applying for admission to a junior class of an Ea& tern seminary, being queetioned by the President as .to her qualification, replied : "I ain't anuch of an arithrneticker, but I Km an :excellent grarnanarist." The shortest way the best—Mamma (teeEthel, on their way to the latter's: first party)—"Now, mindalarling if you see any nice things on the table that you'd like to eat; you mustn't ask for them." Ether -4'0, no, mamma 1--111 take them." A show -cage containing fancy, ameba etc., "specimens of the work done in- side," stands in front of a Trenton, N. L, ptinting house, and a placara is at- tached to the same, which reads in large letters, "arenas off," A few nights since some witty newsboy gave ,goite a new import to the card by mak- mg it read,"I-Iande off --on a drunk I" :Country bookseller to Fout.th street woman ---'Yes; but the work is both iOstrective and hunorous." Fourth etrot woman ---"That ain't the point. Yon see my' husband has erippled so .thanyagents, and your'e a taco looking eetung man, anal hate to see you hurt That's him coining in the back way!" Thoyoung man saki there was nothing eomptileory about it, aid Was gone. Two lawyers in a country court -- cone of whem had gray hair, and the :other, though just as 01cl a man as bis lea:lied friend, had hair whieh looked auspioionly black --had some alterca- tion aboat a qtteetion of practice, in wli'elt the gentlemen with the dark hair remarked te his opponent, " A porcm at your time of life "- looking; at the baerister's giny boact-4, °tight to lave long anottglibirrericileeto know e'hat jo el:statuary in 81.1hh eases,' ,ott ;11v stare at my gray hair, if :Foit like. Ify hair Icffll begray as loeg Wanamaa Pasteareesaa-The euStom of making presents to the bride, and fiame- times to the haidegroomaoa the occasioa of their marriage, is a. very excellent one, which will never be objected to, by the recipients at all events. There is room for iinprovemeet everywhere; but the young maa :subthitted lannelf to the yoke of Wedlock a few days ago =della) hard times an exouse for was' might appear an indelicate. suggestion. 1 -laving' heard that certain parties in: tendeirmakiug him handsome presents, he madat e oa list of articles of furni- ture which he would require after Lis marriage, and handed it to a friend, ac- companied by the request that presetts to himself and bride would be confined to articles found on The paper. The consequence was that he received a con- eiderable quantity of useful furnitere. This practical idea, may have been sug- gested by a brief residence in Spain, where the above custom is general—a list of articles required being made out by .the bride and given to a friend on the eve of her marriage. It is a very sens- ible reform that might be introduced in Canada to great advautage. In North Verulam, on Supday morn- ing, Deo, lath, between three .and four o'clock, Mr. George ,•Lowree.'''ank Eiis -family had a narrow escape from death. Their house is sititeated on lot a, :con.. 2. Somervilk, and was subStatitially built of logs. About three o'clock on Sun- day morning Mwasa.owery awaken- ed by a roaring noise all around the house, and on arisiee found the entire house enveloped in filmes, which was just breaking through the loga into the interior. Ere suatched 'up a bed :ion - raining three children and carried it out. The opening of the door gave a fresh draught, and with the exception of the second bel, nothing more could be got out, all the family being in their clothes. Mr. Lowery placed the family on the beds, and Mr. James Foster .went off to Mr. Hanley's, a neighbor about half a Mile distant, fora, horse and cutter to bring the suffering family away. The told was intense, the ther- mometer showing about 15' below zero, and before die party could be got to shelter they were badly frozen. • Mr. Haley made them as comfortable as cir- cumstances would permit, and in the morning Mr. Foster removed them to bis own house. Coroner Ramsay tells a story of an attempt to hoax him in the County of York some years ago, by an individualho wtook him a distance of some four- teen miles.to bold an inquest on tho re- mains of a manawho, it turned out; had been dead a quarter of century. The Doctor, howevea, tables; b3e. hold- ing an investigatien, eumneepiOg his partner to give medical testimony and collecting. a large•aoill fr cm the, County. Max Adder seems to have got hold of this in some way, and dresses it as follows :—"A coroner of ours seized an Egyptian mummythat W113 brought in- to team, summer -led a aur, held an in- qhest on the mumthy, brought in" a verdict of 'Death from causes unknown,' and charged the.county with the'. usual fee, with compound -m interest frothe time of 1VIosesaa-Orialia•Paokat, Scene in a Green Bay, Wisconsin, police court, Justice Westman presid- ing. Several gamblers were under ex- amination, and one of the. witnesses was questioned about .whet he knew of gambling in the saloons in town. Yes, he had seen gambling going ou in most of them. "Well, oue for instance ?" "I have seen men gambling -in the Old York Saloon."What "What were the stakes ?" "They wee° a horse on one side and money on the:other." "Well, which won ?" aJudge ,Westman won the horse." Peremptory cornmand from the bench—"There, that will do; this examination is reaching into too wide a range altogether." PURE ,GIRLS AND, IMB PURE oys.,-Girls,' iti treating dissipated young men as equels„-do a wrong .tbey, can scarcely reaiireSiteh'meii should be in.tide to fell that until they walk with correct- ness and hence. in the paths of right, good people stand aloof from them. thrls,who respect themselves will not be seen with' such men, and decline, to receive them on familiar footing of friendship. Itis a, mistaken , kindness to poultice When ealistic is needed, and I am inclieed to think that a little sharp decision on the part of the girls of to -day: (itti d go fat to ;correct the, general lodsonese of .inei'ality 'among young men. Ti RitsittegS Mtn, Ifyon want circulars, , If you want hand -bills, If you want envelopes, .tf yjou want busieess coatis, If you want neat bill -heads, If you want shipping tags, If yon,want tasty letter heads, If you want nieo visiting catds, If you want the best" of work, If ydu,,want ,thy Elia of peintieg, Leave your oraers thelames office and yott can socore them on ior at low ratea end the best etyle, TI -IE ALLAN LINI.1.—Any parties intending to go to • tempo Weuld: do well to tall at the Times 0Mo°, and buy it ticket fee the Alia ti Line Of Steamers, one of which loayes Quebec and Pore - and for Liverpool. and Glasgow every Satardrty. When Seeding home for friends neatly $7 is eaved on eveey edult passenga by getting the tickets, from the Allen Line Agents in thie lira, ant11 youro #114 'be lck AS it °witty, instead otoonditql the trolley. 10.04s yetla ,dyaa" ' :11101te The zeta gouts' Vetrete !Tees late liappY New Year comes again Witli all its mirth and pleasure ; Its hum Is ou the passieg breeze And in °twit feetive measure, The first day of anolliee year Haat brokea full mat briaba, a[ay God above give us' his rove And gniae us all eriglat 'Ober Patroas latuable trade, Good citizens and neighbors ; As kind indelgeeee alweye gives New strengthe auto my labors, I've come tine happy New. Year mere (estein with our devil) .119 11,1i1 with s'oeg' this new vette bore Ana wise; ,yee merry rovel. I have not power as have win To breathe saft inspiration ; Had I but power as well as skill, I'd have no affectation • Rut sine Mend with all my soul The glories of our nation — I'd time the strings of patriot lyre And shout, with- exultatien. I'd sing. Of how our comitry's eYrown in wealth and population;, Hoar bright ambition'selrerishal dreams Have had realization. How ber bright star has aVer shone The brightest ie the say ; For love and peace surround her throne And Gen is ever nigh, - To Him Who rules .in Leaven above • And in the earth below— To Him who in his mighty love dame down for us to die— We're Isn'ght we naust to him emit Preis() for blessings we enjoy ; He blessings gives and blessiags hold His love is not alloy. No nobler theme could I desire For. this my lucubration ; I could not wish a better, higher Than praising Him above ; But your pallet= thus might tiro And cause you irritation— Alai you will own I ever try To keep you from vexation. . We look with pride npon the stride's Onr village yearly takes, And mark its wealtheinereasiug size, 'While man improvement makes. • Thro' all Ontario's broaa domain No place is rising foster, 'Twill over rise if Wisdom reign To guard it frem disaster. • Vithlightsome he,art thee' summer days rare tramped- ray, way along, N'or weld the .fi'ercest, hottest rays eiy willing steps prolong. I'm every Thnrsday at your, dooa, • To yetathe TIMES deliver; . Though often I have fiat footsore, I've Lever faltered—never. Though winter's chill and biting blast May whistle o'er the main, And Wintetadeep her mantle cast, I'll bring tbe LAMS again. The hottest sun, the coldest wind-. But cheer Me On ray way; I'll lightly larigh when they are past, Or sing a cheerful lay And. while it suppliant air I scorn, And a menial spirit hate, I value higls all gifts I earn, Though they be small or great. Reward me therefore as you may, My prayer shall ever be: May God in heaven direct your Through all eternity. DIABOLUS. way BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of the public of British North America. I clown it my duty to state that my Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the 'United States, 1,,ach pot and box bears the tie 1 Government Stamp,with the words, 'Hollo- way's Pills Mild PintMent,LOM1.01VeligTfi.ved there- on. On thelabolis the address, 533 Oxfoztl street. London. This„ notice has become n6cessary, in conseqzionoe of vile and spurious imitations of " Holloway's Pills" an 0 Ointment " a178 Maiden ',atm ;Cos styling tbmia- and Co.," with an, ina.:k thus - 'vendors can ob.- a very, low price, ancisb deceive you by selling the same for my genuinellollout's.Pills and Oint, anent, wm which are anufacture only at 533 Oxford, street,London. Persons who may .be deceived please. oommuicatewithme.Manyrespect'blefirms in tbeBritish 'Provinceswho obtain nay medicines direct from,here, lilve very properly suggested that I should, fen. the beikefit of themseliesand the public, hisort their names in the papers, that it may be knbWn thatuledidineg earl be had ',Tenn ine from thein. The following is a list of the firm alluded to; rind I particularly °commend those who desire to get my ir.edicines to apply to some of the houses named1-Messrs, Avery, Brown & Cm', Halifax, N. S; Messrs.. 'Forsyth & Co., N. S. Messrs. T B Barker & Sons, St John,,N 13 ; Mr. T Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P E I; Messrs:Lang- 'ley& Co., Victoria, 330; Messrs. Moore & Co.,Vic- toria, 33 C; Dr. John Pallel, Chatam, N 33; Messrs. Munro & Cr., Montreal; .Messrs. Winer & Co. Hamilton; Mr. If J Rose, Toronto; Mr. A. C1341- mn.n Smith, St. John.11 33 ; Mr. John13ond, Goiter-- itch; Mossr. Elliot & Co, Toren o • Mr., Chaloner; H ' St john, N13 3 Messrs. anington Bros., St john "NB ; Mr It Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Cryan, lfordon,, N S; Mr George Hunt, jr., Fredrickton, N 33; Mr WH Phompson, Harbor Grace, N F; Mr 3 id Wiltry,Frecirickton, 5T 33; Messrs W & D Ysilie Montreal. ' Tho modftinest are sold at the lowest wlaolcsale neit prices, in quantitieS of not less - than 1,2f worth -viz., 85. O.,22s., and 3,1s.per dozen boxes of Pills or -pots of Ointment, for which re- mittance must be sent in advance. ' THOMAS HOLLOWAY „ . being. fabricated New York, by par solve " Holloway assumed tr a de nn r n cipled -Wu this trash at AT ,THE People's Grocery Store. J CRUITNICAN has reteived a large stocic of GROCERIES. CROCIallY &c. alma largo stock of CTS; SZIOES suitabldfor Fall and Winter, consisting of Men's Women's and Child- ren's Wear, Those in Want of a farsi -class articie in the Boo end shoo lint) shoulcl not fail to EXAMINE MY 8TOCk :Before purchasing, aa my experience of tbirty`yoars hi that 1010 dfln blur./sos in,pnrcliasing to So166t tinit 'only:which can recommend. Fir,t ti&loolii-.T.ioT or- lass Baon d'T5ST IttatiVIM j. CRUNNICAN, Dttoi)titicTS OLD STAVD. • HERE, COMMONBEN8E STRA*CUTTER. 1 have heard about you, and what 1 have heard is true, alio •aest---seeotel, 0 eons hi the country, WhO Selle Toix ? Why, it is It, I -I. Dykla, Hotel Sta.. blos, who also pays oasli for Hides and. Sheepski.n eitlier there or at D, • NEW BUTCHER SHOP he undersigned. would inform: the thants °tractor and vieloity that lie has oprNED A NEW BUTCHER SIIOP 0110 door south of his Blaolcatnith shop and hopes tho same liberal patronage that has bean se corded to him in the DLAOIISMITII AND WAGON MAIIING line will be extended to him in his now branch o 0118i Ot•OS, 11/8 Meat )1' tig011 N)111 call at tho xoai donco et the villagers three times each week 00 FRESH MEAT all kluds kept c tik tautly enhi, 1 at his hutch • Obop,„ N, B. Blacksliithing and wagoo making earrEed on, as usuai in al itfibranchOS; ' Exeter Deo. 2 Exeter . Clothing lIollse The undersigned baying secured the servi- ces of a first.olass cutter, Mr. Henry Harris, • LATE OF CHICAGO), is prepared to fill satisfactorilyall orders with which he may be favoted. Tho experience and success of Mr. Barris in cutting and fit- thig garments warrant mo in guaranteeing A PERFECT FIT • to everyone who favors me wall his order. uaecnukt 9f the hard times I am, deter- mined to seir elcithlui* 'or, 1167.5trioes other clothing house iu the West. I BUY AND SELL FOR CASH. A choice lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods just received. Oloth bought from mo out free of charge. J P MoINTIME. 1/11H.Ta W D MeGLOCHEON WATCH. 7 is title bost in the inarktt " Bo sure and got the W. D.McGlochlon watch before buying, You will have no other 'Inez see- ing them. All who wear them recommend them. Gold and Silvor, Ladies and Gentleman's S17,0S. 77 Manaus street, London. See the testimonials. The largest, bostu.nd cheapest steak of tine Cold Jewelry, Clocks, Silver, and Plated Ware, Pauey Goods, &c., &c., in the Province. Repairing of every description. W. D. McGL01:1011.LON. 77 Dun das at., London O DMINION GUN SHOP AND RI- : ,3?' LE FACTORY. R. W. S :E' R 1 Manufacturer of and dealer in Rif Shot Guns Revolvers Woodham Vr alaadlatta Of the Stool: ere LIT V — Veteri. nary Ontarle a i • Vollege, , eeerealevea his office to ono door north of Elton -0,7s harness* shop, and near'l opposite, John's Thmliop, 'Veterin4ry medeeincs al. waye on baud. (4,0.114 promptly attended to, 'gorses Ewnine(3 as to their soundness. August, 2Stli, 1073, 75) ALL (75 Gents Fu.rnish'nq AND GENERAL, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN- nounco that ho has 1 ast received a :splendid assortment of CAAO SCOTCH a, ENGLISH Nri BLACK BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, which for STYLE 41:D Qp:ALITY WILL BE HAED TOBEAT 1 TAILORING Department is replete with every modernito- provemoot, and furnished monthly with. FASIITOZT PLATES American Styles and Cuts Woleis guaranteed, and out in the mo fashionable style. Oral early and no one of the ohoicest and best seleeted stooks in town, and offering low prices for cash. CL SOIITECO TT. HEND'Eg$ON.4.„..WHITE SUCESSC B,S' TO G. B, SMITH, ST. M ARY's are showing wonaerful value in OVERCOATS Ready-made IN MEN'S AND BOYS.' , ALSO Wsincies,nannels,Black,Lus- ., tres and Vierinbes` Fresh stock of Boots and shoes, "CHEAP AS EVER." HENDERSON & WHITE Successors to G 13. Smith. St. Mary's, October 22, 1875. Why Don't You Go to Johns? .folins keeps up Main street, at his olastand,whore he has boon for 13 years. JOht19 has moved into his new shop aow. Anybody will tell you where Johns' Tin -shop is. If you do not lc,:ow where to and it, ask .tho first man you 500 .0. Exeter to show you. Ho'll.de it When you get Came youll know it's the ple,ce because there no other place just llko 'tworld. Johns sells stoves, tinware and things. Yon'll • soo them lying clear out on the sidewalk -ell of them marked in plain figures. Yon don't need to CENTP ask for what you waut, You can piult tuem up anywhere. A D GRIST MILL meter rpITE4 SUBP$05113F4Ti, li GS TO INTIATAJTI that having rocelltly overhauled and , , Re4tted the Machinery, • Ho is aolv PrcPared to do a tirst-Plase manner, and for a few weeks, while Utoro is plenty of water power, will chop clean DRY GRAIN ,FOR GENTS PER BAG, Hilary it along before the stream freezes up,' FLOUR AND FEED 'it usuaLat lVho OSEde Prices, When takee from the mill by the par • chaser.' And from additional improvement het he hes eompleted, he is now pro- ared,to Lo CHOPPING every working day. Parties can ha their grists honae the Sallie day with. them. D. lal'LENNAN Exeter, Dee 20, 1875. THE FIRST TRAIN 5:3'"* Highest oash pin paid for hides and Sheep skins, • There has just A IITED AT BISSETT BROS. THE LARGEST STOOK ,OF S TO V E S vet bronglii into pxoter, imported from Lon- don, milieu and Toronto. tr-1 Cri Ttds stockhas been purchased with the in ten. tion of soling it again, and not with any idea of ki-oping nue stove ::over, as would be the case wore they not bought at low rats, andto sold at the ,smallest margin 0,f proat. We Cannot be Undersold', and are bound to give satisfaction, Do not fail to call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine our stock of Tinware, Coper-mare, eto, LAMPS, CHIMNIES, COAL -OIL. • and 1,000 L SCALE ..lrOB, 18. Copper, Iron, etc., bought. RISS ETT BROS. JOHNS SELLS CHEAP so his store is always full of mon and womon. Last Saturday his store was chock full of mon and 1V01110E1, mud he had as much as he could o to take the money. Such a lot of money! I tell youthose New Patterns of Stoves are Stunners, Nothing liko here in those parte. Then there is such lots of Hot -Air Drums _ and othe things. Such beautiful 1 amps, nt w enandeliors. Tabio Cutlery. Cruets, Mats,Brass mid Enamelled Kettles, Sane. ans and Pots, Churns andBrooms, Basks'and Butcher Knives, Sausage Machines end scales, Coal 00: Black load, stove pipe varnish, and hundreds of other -things useful and good, and you'll Ilnd theth piled from the collar up to the coiling. * HITS IS NOW JOCOWARD, but folks do trOWsl around. him and ask so many questions and pay hirn so many compliments about his stock and his grand way of 00114 things, Harness Shor that he gots kind of cduflasticated and loses him- self up in the garret —_0— IZENELY Manufacturer of Light and Heavy Harness, woulo nform the inhabitants of Usborne and Blan bare hat he hes on hand'and. is prepared to manufac- uro LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, nit those in want of anything in his line will re lament sing elsewhere llepairing promntly I P CE N X FOUNDR,Y tidy their own interests by giving him a cal be- . tended to, Carriage tr'sart,On done. 75 -Em.' COUNTING HIS MONEY (if hohas any), The best time to see him is on rainy days, Ho is always around then, brit if you want things that are useful and ornamotitfil it makes no difference what day you cell, because bis men will always in akeyou feel asif you were at home, and will sell you things cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. TEAT'S JONS .1••••••• BUSINESS LOCATIONS AND Buil Eng it can be obtained:on easy terms in this THRIVING NEW VILAGE which, from its great advantages in:eonnee tion with a Depot and Station ON THE London, Huron & Bruce Rail- way, cannot fail to become a place of importance. Capital Opening ' is presented for almost every kind o industry. or'HEMAS TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. 6, 1875 106-tf. NEW Stove and Tin Shop IN CREDIT N. THE 'UNDERSIGNED WANT ,TO AG. the surrounding countly that Nve.have opened out in Bissett's old stand a complete stock of TOVES, TIN a and COPPER WARE, , COAL OH, LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS; and in foot everything found in 0 first-class establishment will be found With us. All kinds ot bin waro manufactured by ourselves. tVo flattoroursolves that by strict attention 1;8 business \vie will be able' Lo merit a share of public patronage, Eave• Troucl'hing meao a specialty, and all OPOtR8 f.,imoueTt y ArrtArbED TO. QUAINT the inhabitants of erediton and CASH FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SIMS. ' Wool pleiti)ags and ,old copper and rags' tialtoilfispxclitmgd' for goods. soevroN otobor nth. Corrir '13athu:st & W'ellinTton Sts., - ONTARIO JOHN ilLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. MANTJFACTURER 03' 'Meadow Lark. Mearter and, 240Wer, Cultiva- tor!, gang..Ylows, Cornrnon Sense S traNv - Cutters, A1.41) ALL L\IPLiMENTS VSED 1.1Y FARMERS. FARMER'S' this aneleteent lets a aoteao tq adanitted to the 1.0t,, 1.potOrt, 1.1 W.E13 G;1'N At7J4 P070. • ORDL.RED CLOTHING use* haying just received a Largo filook of Plain mid VAlliay 'Sweetie, *Over. coatings, Broadcloths, Delaskioe, Ato, A RIB S T-0 L ASS .'l'AIT.1011 °nth°, premises, and perfect flt guaranteed. New is the tartelor.e good, cheap suit oroverooat Oont's Farnisbings will be found oomplete in all its branches, consisting in part White & Faney.Shirts Teeed & Wool " Woot Shirts & Drawers Cashmere illuffiere Windsor & 1P'cy Scarfs Ties, Mays, &43. Gloves and Back, gid, Calf, Cloth and Wool. Linen Collars & Cuffs ; Duke ot Connaught Club House ClinIlouge Alexis, Captain, Shirt Studs, Solitaires, Scarf Pins, Rings, Watch -chains & Kees A, Fresh, Stook of TeaS and Frits jtist coming for X -ma. Paper Collars & Cuffs Geueral Tourist, Traveller, gilitarY Mulligitrs Guards, Sydenliam, °onset, Royal, )31olly Varden, latindee, You Bet, Rubenstein . M. WE1313. Tiff L., H. I B. 11. R. IS 011111t1 isszkao CARINING hogs 1eave to thank his friends in Iozater and surrounding country or their liberal patonage, in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in tLe future, having ON -HAND ono of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks fouggTV.OPeral. Store 'Usually Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc., itei.A.,dy-niad.e Cott:Ling, wines and. li- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Bots Riad Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give L C. a call as he is determined not to be un.der- sold by any.establishment in this section of counrty. JUST RECEIVED Grocery AT THE EXETER and Liquor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Biack Teas, CLa..rrants, Iltrunc.:3 CA..7.T.N2.1D Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins Wines and. Sr4s, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccoe and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main. Street. Exeter, PRICES OF STOAT ES HAVE Drctippod Right Down AT THE GOLDEN STOVE, ST. MARY'S. J. C. GILPIN. GREAT REDUCTION C I-1 E I" • R -O -C -E -R -I -E S The undersigned having just 'Opened out, and having payments' to make, is de- termined to do a business though it be at a Great Sacrifice. To do this he has 'resolved to sell FOR ONE MONTH (which will include the Christmas Holidays), at the following extremely low •prices, vi,; Tea usually sold at 60 cts. for 45c. Tea usually sold at 76 cts. fox 60o. Tea usually sold at 85 cts. for 70e. Tea usually sold at .$1.00 for 86c. Sugars, all kinds, through competLion, below cost. Syrups, Raisins CurrantsSoda &c 6z,o are , marked iioht down. "11 „r • Canned Fruit and Fish in koepiny with the rest. rn feet, everything is put right at the bottom, as our object for one naonth is eat to do ss pitying lensinees, bat to tarn ovor Lae money, and at the same time to become eequainted with the people. We want that all should. Call and eeo is, and th ineentime CeCtite 101110 of tilos° bargaine wo are now offering,— Goods are guaranteed Fresh, and. of Good Value. Don't forget the place, 'D' E "NW S NEW BLOCK (Next door to Stanley & ,Ierinynas, altaanS.tAre.olLa.uGGET,T, PEtt'NIS1--Oash 'oe I'f7oduce, Exoter, December 11,1170, • no priblie, aul now bttsily ongagoAt making filo% for filo spring sOocling, and will be pre-( -.1.•.%Tonswcrttrn-st dor, and will ender/Nor to keep on: hand eitheritind ,5130 tO atipply ally IDA V net 1111ST ' svtkikrfavtinq4 A WX mAolemi A. or dakhze..figioha pose to sapply,thom 0, 10,11, 1215hos oaotty willf,labro:siliftor williotit, It000rdifig 'to oic eivai afar order., 'Thi tyle, 6111111 .1 Ana mOriat food WilIbe.foural 0114 tint can be desired, mai it eettellea, scot saresssed la Westese aaeade. • • • JOHN ' ELLIOTT rho ia Pronntity'y, Sorner aathitearma Wellington Sts., totalea, DI.As,A.gent, Drow 4 ttOtt)1, EXtter. A SPtin011) a'ssotgiobt, always On haticl, Mmy kitdftIrt isloa td Order, na'vned itildua6r StietieFdioutgiltklt ift. them thoroughly, it would bo am d lvantage to tholL3,11) Want 'Of Ono 44CM lee. All Or', Jets :by mail promptly attended to, nu, wig% 006 <100r leVeSt:61 the OOMMereill Hotel. 1444 4*"0.114111,4N, 0(ncibor 14100,