HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-6, Page 3HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! VISITOR'S TO THE EAOY GASH STURE Ate reaping the rich benefits of a purely cask business, leav•. i ll n their neighbors that deals with the merchant who both buys a lid sells on credit, to not only pay the bad. debts of somebody o Ise, but to pay the large percentage the merchant might have s a red had he bought his goods for cash. We also assert (not tv about proof) th t the c sh pb Fon of the merch nt doing a or edit business actually indirectly pays a portion each year of 11i s neighbor's store account, without any remuneration, save th'e ch grin he feel:: at the deliber te way he has been gulled, iu asmuch as he is charged from 15 to 30 pr.ct. more than a legitimate Profit. To counterbalance the interest on his neighbor's account acid to assist in paying the ' Bad Debts of Somebody Elsa Besides all this, we save aslarge a percentage by buying for 'r cash, as. the retail customer does. Thus'the public has a double • advantage in purchasing from us over any house in reach of .Exeter, vi., that of us ;both BUYING 8c SELLING FOR CASH And as we purchase a large portion of our stock Direct from t]18 Factori .a l Where they are made, consequently the consumer and the producer are in a great many lines in our business substantially brought face to face, ami we are therefore emancipated from the heavy tx vhich the who t r e ]douses in.vribly levy ou long ;date purchasers.' We make our Iegitimate gain, and • The Customer Pays s but One�. y Profit Ilhe nimble sixpense is better. than the slow shilling. We leave. few ,. a w special lines worthy of particular notice. Dry Goods,` we have Men'S Undershirts S. Sc 7)r �y alders, Ladies Sha wls Breakfast Shawls" Ana s Bed BanIiels, orse Blanke ts,and Buffalo alo Robes whiche are_i,. vv selling at the host of carrell prices..: Irl Gr , acerles, we have rnAS, Si `G..RS WhiohfOlli . , p zct� will entirely eclipse any attempt at .comps - v r1t10 •lir STAI`1'tl i'" (St 3R1111Y11, USI3ARNE. CllicaST44.0 Ttetn,,-,-„Tile $1110 11111,, seboel CUZII'ert ill eQiineetion, with the I±7liphvilia illgthodist Church, WAS held on Christmas eve, and, notwithstana ii the extremely unfavorable weather, the church was com fortably filled,--- ,across ono end of the building tt plat- form was erected, on the centreof which was a magnificent ;Christmas Tree, whose top 1'eaplled to the ceiling.; This tree was heavily -laden 'with*very variety of 011ristallae presents, from k needle -case to a set of furs, and being finely ililinlia)ated was quite an impos- ing al,gllt, The building was richly festooned wit.11 evergreens, while the motto, " Welcome l" on the foreground wrought in fustic characters, decorated with roses, showed the artistic skill which haul been displayed in the deco- ration. Tl,e exercises commenced with the ehildron,whose bappy faces throlg ed the platform singing an opening se- lection, after which prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Itolmes, Recitations by the children, interspersed with the Choicest Sabbath School songs were than attentively listened to by the ap- preciative audience. The recitations. were decidedly good, while the singiug by the children, accompanied by Miss' Martin presidia; at the organ, was tru- ly delightt'nl, the infant elms singing,. " Jesus loves lne," with marked ex- pression. The distribution of over 2O0 ft presents then became the feature of the evening, and daring the distribution it was truly refreshing to see t11,' smiling faces which gave indication of happy hearts. Three magnificent books were given to the Misses Moffat and Samuel Veal for having passed the best written exaaninatiolls in the lessons for the past year. Two handsome pictures from the. TIMES office, and a clock with •'Mr. Fitton's coinpllulerlts," were also among the prizes. After a few well chosen remarks: from Rev. Mr. Holmes and a "Good-nighll'-o:,1g" from the chil- dren, all retired, highly gratified with. the evening's proceedings. We can- not here refrainfrom stating that the officers and teachers of the school de- serve tie highest credit for the man- ner in which the exercises were con- ducted and we feel convinced that while the school is under, such management it can only be in the future what it has been in the Dast "a aueoess." Ana Cur.—On Frivay last, as a son of Mr. Samuel Halls, farmer, of Us - borne, was using, ail axe, it shpped, orating the main artery of his left min.' Had the presence of mind of soiue one of the family left thein; the young man aright Lave bled to death.But a stria; tiel tightly around the arm above the wound stopped the flow until the am. val of the medical gentlemen, who prop- erly attended' to him. `PERSONAL.—Mr. T. Russel and his bride arrived home on. Tuesday eveniur last, after having spent a happy time on their wedding tour, visiting Toronto, Hamilton and elsewhere. GRANTON. GRANTON S. 8.. ANNIVERSARY. On Thursday evening, 80th Dec., the an- nual S. S. anniversary was held in the W. M. Church, and although the roads were "mud to the knees," and the night as that which spread o'er Egypt, yet in spite of these difficulties the house vas full, from the gray headed ` itilaeff of ".8(}' 'years, ' to the infant of tender age. After the 1tnuai, grace was sung and tea served, (for which the la- dies of this place deeserve much praise) the Rev. Mr. Hall was called to the chair. After a few flattering remarks on the choir. which:gave " joy in heav- en ,with the angeles, " in splendid style, Mrs. H. Arnold presiding at the organ, and whose delicate toucllas were much admired. Master John Foreman, of 18 years of age, was called on for a recita- tion, " Looking around the church," which was very appropriate and well delivered. Then Master Herbert Hal. son, 8 years old, recited "Little things" with good effect. The next was w dia- logue, " The .two bears." by Masters Blackwell anti Sandburne. 10 and 11 years, respectively. Both sustained their parts well, and were much ap- plauded. The ''Angel sister," by Miss Nettie Blackwell, 7 years old, was very Well delivered. Next a dialogne,."Col- Iecting fur the Missionary cause,"—a number of ,little girls taking part in: (too many ro name) wits loudly cheered amidst clapping of hands. Next a re- citation by Miss Lizzie Cameron, 11 years old, " What is time?" was well spoken and much admired. Music by the cfloir. Thorn a dialogue, "Reid and unreal," by Misses Beatson (8,) Wai:r (0), hudson (8); White (10) , Dearness (1U)—all acquitted themselves well, aiid they reflect credit oil their iustrrlctol. Miss Bissett. Music by the choir. 1, recitation by Miss NV:strnan, Landing of the Pilgrims." For' ood oratory ,t excelled. 'Thep followed music. The chairinan called on the Rev. Wakefield, who introduced hiinself with an Irish h'trtry, " The two con ins," whiciI took t)te house down with roars of laughter. After quiet WAS restored, he gave a very itnl,ressive address to the children, witu good illustrations, and strongly advising there to attend the Sartbath School:— Ile then addressed the older .people, .and strongly reconznleuded secular edu- cation through an open Bible, and to 1)0 careful of Jesuitical influence. Af- ter the usual vote, the parting 0c1a, and the Benediction, the treasurer reported nearly $60 for the evening's proceed- ings, Which will be expendad on the purchase of bc)oks. All parties were well pleased wit}i theproceedfilgs, start ed for house as best they could, 'LUCAN. SUDDEN DFATII.—Hr Faii'burlle, tlUr village baker, dropped dead at the breakfast table this morning; Cause, heart disease. '. orriai Tants ARE` COMING. ---A.. far - trier residiifg in the 13t11 00U. of Steph- en was heard, ra tow days ago, eC1Y1- lilniuin, that for the last 18 years he had been obliged to ti•ttvel'a distance of 40miles, to and from his place, with ever load Of rain he had. y gto sell, do find a Mal loot. in order to atom -oldish this, and to be at home the next night, he had to start always not later than 2 o'clock hi tlto morning, oxpeeed to all winds and welatltdr, killing his teams and severely illi'titin hi", 1 s health " 1 1 lute y ,l uo the bargain, Ilut he comforted him - Self With the fact that bene' beteg nee canLi t - and that henceforth ,F/,11e wonhl be table td drive to Centralia and hat again hi :t fete' hottlrel raid for the future he o1Tianeipated' from the terrible sla'fr. ery lie has eo wally .yours bawl obliged to ucldorgo. 04773 4.1r 21 Broderick is selling goods cheap for Cash, Great Bargainsdur in:.. the Holiclity season. • Christmas and New Yoar's Goods,—New Valentia Raisins new Sugar Raisins, new Layer Raisins, new Suttana Raisins Fresh Young Hyson Tea, choice Japan Tea, strong Gunbowder Tea, fragrant Congo Tea. Motto China Cups, motto China Mugs, fancy China Tea Sets, strong granite Tea Sets, fancy Vases. Ladies Ties, Ladies Promenade Scarfs, Ladies Kid Mitts, Ladies Rid Gloves, Ladies Cloth Gloves, Ladies Linen Collars, Ladies Linen Cuffs. Gent's Ties, Collars, Cuffs; Scarfs, Hats, Caps, Underclothing, &c., in great variety, at BANTON'S. r CHOICE PER[ODICA S FOR 1876. FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB- con for Salo the N,W. } of lot 9 con. 3, Usborne,containiug 50 'acres o eacelleut land 40 acres cleared, balnnco well timbered, a dwelIifhghouse, barn and stable t-: the premises, also agood young orci,ard of graft fruit and a ne ver -failing spring. Distant from Exeter four miles. Ear further particulars apply to T. DEMP- TEE LEONARD SCOTT POLISHING 41 arclay street, New York, Continue their Auraoutzal) Reprints of the four leadingQuarterly Reviews : Edinburgh Review (Whig). 'London Quar:evly Review (Con). Westminster Review (Liberal). British Quarterly (Evangelical). containing masterly criticisms and summaries of all that is fresh and valuable in Literature, Science and dart : and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine The most powerful monthly in the English language, famous for Stories, Essays and Sketches of the b'ghest Literary merit. TEitM:S (including postage) payable strictly in advance. For any one n vi ew $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews 7 00 For any three eviews10 00 For all four , ,i ews12 00 For 13lacicwood's Magazine. 4 90 For Blackwood and 1 Ilsvie.w 7 00 For 13inckwood and 2 Iteviewsl0 00 :Cot Blacicwoon and 3 lioviewsl3 00 For lackwood and 4 Leviewsl5 00 LAMBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allow- ed to elnbs of four or more persons. Thus :.- fourcopies of 73laekwood or of 1 Teview will be sent to tuts ADtranss for $12.80.; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48 and so Ori. To clubs of tenor snore; in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allow- ed to the getter -up of tha club, PREMIUMS. is 1J�1 . New subscribess (applying early) for the year 1876 may have, without extra crsorge, the num- hers for the last quarter of 1875 of snob perio- dicals as they may subscribe for. Neither pre- miums to subscribers nor discount to clubscan be allowed unless the motley is remitted di - ret to the publisher. No premiums given to cabs. Circulars with further particulars may nc had onapplicaticn. TaE usoN,t0D BOOT r PUBLIsf NG CO3fPMiY 1875) 41 Barclay street, New York. 1/ It .1 41 11 If u SEY, proprieror,, Exeter P.O. 73-Vf•. FARM for sale— One hund- red acres, more or less, lot 9 on 8th con., Usborne County of Huron, 75 acres cleared, remainder in hard- wood bush, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation, underdrained, good orchard splendid well of water, frame barn 80x70, a good cellar under, a to house, and convenient to school and church, 7 miles from Lucian. 5 from Granton, and 11 from St. Mary's, on a Flood ravel road. Terms—$5,800; half down and tLe other in five or seven years' time. For further particulars apply to TAMED" SADLER. on the premises. I07-tf OOD The subscriber has a quantity of excellent bee o and maple cord and,stove wood, which he will eel at reasonable figura, L CARLING 105 DWELLING HoUSIil FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for Salo er rent, a splen- did one -and -a -half story frame dwelling hoose, on eimooe at., in the village of Exeter, adjoining' is } acre of land Terns reasonable, and made known on applying. tb T. HUTOIGNSON, hxotor v. o. Exeter 575, tf, BISSETTS' Livery and' Sale Stables (In fronneatime with Cotra nt1). 1 n 1B` a ), „r . y, U��sr<�", ,;t17Y S . `f::OOD O1t Iil•S" ANI) 0011VORT. 1 J1 .MIMI 'clifelettitITtu'ac s on hand, Ii'avorable rraitgdttieritir;:YuiuUe with• doiti horcial trn velure. All rri'iTertt left ht, ssott's tt"inshopp will be aptly attended td, diTt 130181a"r/t,Dien, VOR SALE Two cuttersnsarly new. see DR MOORE 0 0 us m S Al Z c7 'can gletES a 23,oY, , 'S, r..., r:r A. SRN vv'iiiQLE$ Lf AN1) ar4TMIL R EEB AN ,D CONFECTIONER, 'tailor, this opportunity of thanking his friends and the lolulbitemte of ,Flxetor and viohslty for thei;•paet liberal patronage, hoping to merit the saute byeupplyipg, iiia customers with everything in his lino snip ,RIOR FIG ANYTHING EVER BEk'OE:E Ox!',1?'ERh l) IN Ii1XE 'ER w1 l)XNq CARIES MADE, TO ORDER, pOCIALS AIND PART,1T11348P:IZCIALI ';i, Ili'• FANI ILIF S WAIT'.ED ON DAILY. $ $fE4D Ccn,ete.n,t iy OU, Iland At the Exeter North Post -taco. and T, Shojit'a, Crediton, and Hitchen"s, Centralia. Exeter, December 28th,1875. (10.1y). LADIES! TRY QU1t Brilliantine Hair Cream, rho most beautiful hair dressing, in usa ORIENTAL RAIR RESTOR1a.t will in a very short time:produo a healthy growth. ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT is without a rival forwhitomng and softening the skin F" ROSE TOOTH PA.STh for beautifying the gurus andpreservingt1te teeth from dogay. RO SE, CREAM GLYCERINp ,RIN r JELLY t the a mpiexiosa, and removing an, truckles, oto, will remove all soraness caused by exposure, cracked hands, etc. SOLE ivIANUFA CTORY, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter GEO. THEXTON, Manager.. Exeter, Deo Haber 23, 1875. Member Ontario s Pharih toy 411. 3t �•J V/ Correct solution to J. Drew's Rebus will apre'trnext week, together with the name of the winner of the prize, and the names of those who sent solutions, with' the c a',a when they were received. SAMWELL PICKARD Beg to inform the public that they have engaged M R. .Formerly B with RIGHT McIntyre 8c Co,. to conduct their TAILORING DEPARTMENT and feel confident that all orders entrusted to them will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION All cloths purchased from them will be CUT FREE OF CHARGE Theo have also received a laPge lot of All -wool Shawls Blanketsbought much below their value, which they are now offering at Great Bargains, IENC ISBN WRITE oi10E6SORS TQ 0. B. MITIt+„ `. M.A.R•rt. y 4rrM laow)o*vto>aaa#.ful'r51u5fav, Read -rade Clothing. IN MEN'S ANP 1301($,' ALSO Wincies, `la ne1s$1.ck las- tros'and leer;noes Freda stbolt of Boots and sh5eq, "CHEAPAS EVER." IlENDLI1bON WHITE Successors to G.13. Smith. St. Mary's, October 2?i 1875, ANNUAL ETING. STEprwN AND EliiORNE IBBANOIL AGRRICULTUBAL SOCIETY will hold their annual meeting at 5ho CENTRAL HIOTRL, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1876 At the hour or 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose di. electing o)Ileers for,tlte ensuing year, and transacting other business. W, HODGSON, President Jr. WILLIS, VVHOLE'SALE AND RETAIL Dealer in Lumber SBINGLL1 S, LATH AND. CEDAR POSTS. FLOOR - ENO AND SIDING -DRESSED AND t114- DRESST1D. An extensive Stockou band. The Lumber,' for Quality or price, cannot be beat. 'A good assort- ment always on hand, cheap for Cash. Ward Eastside Main Street, between G idly and; Victoria Streets. T, WXLLIS, NEW BUTCHER SHOP mhe undersigned would inform the iambi..Tthants of Exeter and viofnity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SkiOP one door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopes the same liberalcordeatd pronag tohiem that hehaa.,been ao fn t BLAC%ssizra AND WAGON MABLEG' lino will bo extended to him /nine new branch o business, Bis meat wagon NAM can at the rest dente of the villagers three times ;each --week an FRESH MEAT allk.nds kept constantly on heed M his butah shop. N. B. Blaokshithing and wagon making carried en as usual in all its branches; R DAVIS- Exeter Dec.'2 London, Huron & Bruce Railway, NOTICE. This RailwaywiIl be opened for Freight Traffic on FRIDAY, 81sT DECEMBER, 1875, Freight will be received at the, Great West- ern Freight House iu London, on the day previous to the opening for the following sta- tions Brecou, Centralia, Exeter, Howell, Brucefield, Clinton, Londesborough, Blyth, Belgrave and Wingham; also for l{incareine, and pointe on the W., G. & B. JNO. CRAMP'TON, F. BROUGHTON, Gen. Freight Agent. Gen. Manager. General Offices, • Hamilton, Dec. 17, 1875. FRESH Oysters ! Oysters! r Y Y AT GEORGE .KEM P'S Tobacco Store , Dealer in first class Mande of Tobacco. t hotce Civerrr in every >r ariety WHOESALE AND RETAIL and Hotels supplied at reasonable rate All kinds of l:ipes and smokers sundries Stock Full in x11 Departmentsr L. . H. & B. R IS THE .,,COMING And we are Still Ahead. out the opened have o and p LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST stock of Goods over brought into Exeter, Of Everythingin the General Line of Business, iof consisting Std e & FancY Dr CoodsMillinery, heady" .made C.othirt.g, . Boise Furnishings, m Gents Furnishings, Rats & Clips, Carpets g , Hardware, Grohcriet, Boo ancl Shoes, Stationery, Wall Papers, Crockery and Glassware, Patent Ailed skies, &o., &a. Y: have also seeulect the services of MR W. H. IVE's late as manager of my Clothing Department. All work sent out of Mtn guarani a b, Pant ,oettln a speciality. Alt by Mtn guaranteed t� be second to none its the Dominion. g 1 persous favoring us with a call • will find the goods and prions right. Remember, this ie tha. place to get everything you want at lots prides. N. i3. --'All kinds of Farm i'roduce'talcon in exchange. d' -AS' ?ICKAED Exeter 9, -X$76: " EZE'rzB.. o. s. if ,; , T�rtc'l�lrtal�E3r's and. r'r:,.l nxtYir. 11/nuf`aotur r� ()VIII/ SAY TO those who• lntdnd tiirolsasfir 5o`. do s0 froth he manufacturer. rise` dealer who buys te soil • agsin intuit necessarily claim have a prod. Wo to give the purchasors the benefit, whreli cannot tall to moot rho Viows of the ()rangers. Our expenses litre less thanthosn of 'City Manu faoturers,00»sogtte,Wadant• yn0 o9"�I N I' INF ',? y 6 WOULD calt specialattention to mit- toidortalcfng depart, moot, whish is Moro conn p1eto t tali etoer,as'We have added aotOtal now designs of late. The bort damns s1 ''tli slitottas and Dory ea to , e Yarned 1 ril>1'laiY31('s h" the lowttet l)tlatis„ t tr noir hoarseo•prdsouneOtt tb'y coninotohiluduos t $ Secol 50 e the 1'royince,• mb1cmg for all th/'e�`� Different y5�•�o`Qie'ticsL" 4 i. GIELu .i I�RES�i ARRIVALS! LT ,THE People ' s Grocery Store. 3. CRUNNICAN has received a largo stock' of GROCERIES, CROCIERY &c.. ' taallso a allarge stock �ri.V.�Joff./.� y 'ROO SiS suitable for Fall and Winter, codsisting of Mens, Women's and Child- .yen's Wear. Those in want 05 a flint-eiass article In the 1300 and In not fail -to 11 8]Oe line should i d EXAMINE MY STOCK Before pm chasing, ea nay" ozpovteuco of thirty years int that lino elle blbs irtn fit ptitelsatlug to s'oicct that only wlibeh Oats trsoorcii>Yoild,' 1`i.L&U1GE LO`Ir op' First Class Baeon 1U'ST I ECEIVED. CRUNN1CANI 1ilt0PRI I(1i 'S OLD STAN] � ww