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Times -Advocate, September 15,1993
Hi and LaBelle -Dim
!extinct the esti
inion to their sen,
all of Clareshol n, Altana. The
to take place October 30, 1993.
Milner of the Eastern Star Quilt drawn on
September 8 was Mrs. Thereu McCann, Mt.
Cannel; winner of the Looney Pillow, Mrs.
Marie Shier of London. Thank you to every-
one who helped make the project a success.
As a result, S1,000 was donated to the Alz-
heimer Society and 51,000 to Cancer Re-'
search. 37'
GILL • John and Debra ante thrilled to an-
nounce the safe arrival or their second son,
Andrew John William, a brother for Jona-
than, bom on August 24, 1993, weighing 5
lbs. 2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Douglas
and Edith Gill of Exeter and Ken and Mar-
lene Scheerer of Stratford. Andrew joins
Jonathan in congratulating Mammy on the
completion of a Master of Education from
Westem, earlier this year. 37•
WOODBURN • Todd and Starr Vtioodbum
(Jesney) announce the arrival of their baby
daughter, Taylor Raven, born July 13, 1993
at St. Josephs Health Centre, Landau. Tay-
lor arrived at 11:57 p.m. weighing 6 lb. 12
ozs. Proud grandparents arc Mr. and Mn.
Garry Woodburn, New Hamburg; and Shar-
on Wurm, Exeter, and Melvin Wunn, Grand
Bend. Great-grandparents are Vera Young,
Parkhill; Alma Woodrum, Parkhill; and
Mrs. Edna Reid, Crediton. 37'
ICESTLE • At University Hospital, London
on Sawrday, September 11, 1993, David L
•Kettle of Clandebo e'in his 76th year. Be-
loved husband of Eleanor (Abbou) Kettle.
Dear father of Helen and George Cunning-
.learn Sharen and David Newman all of Lu -
am; Nancy and Michael Stehle of Gande-
boye; Toni and Kate Katie of Landon and
-Janis Kestie of Calgary. Also survived by 12
3dthildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
• Dear brother of Melvin Kestle of Sebring-
ville. Predeceased by a brother Harry and
Asters Ilene, Vera, Edith, Kathleen and Lil-
lian. Friends called at the C. Haskeu and
Son Funeral Home, Lucan Monday 24 and
7-9. The funeral service was held a1 the Lu -
can Revival Centre, Main Street !ascan on
Tuesday, September 14 at 130 p.m. with
Pastor Wayne Lucas officiating. Interment
Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the charity of
your choice would be appreciated by. the
family. 37c
RYCKMAN • Wesley H. (Wes), a member
of the Fergus Brass Band since 1969, and
was a member of the Bethelairs, of Bethel
Baptist Church, Fergus. Wes passed away
on Thursday, September 2, 1993. Friends
were invited to call at the Graham A. Giddy
Homo, 280 St. David St..S. Fergus.
NW was held at Exeter Cemetery an Fri-
d4jr, September 4. As expressions of sympa-
thy donations to the Ontario Heart and
Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by
she family. 37c
PONSITT • The family of the late Eileen
a would like to extend a sincere thank
you to all who gave donations, sent food,
flowers, cards, and visited with comforting
words. Words can never express how much
we apppprree o'ate all the kindness shown to us.
Thank you especially to Joe Risi and all the
staff of the Blue -Water Rest Home for their
excellent care; to Dr Wallace and Marg
Visscher for all their time and visits: to Rev.
Gani Lozano for his comforting message
and beautiful service, it helped so much; 10
Michael O'Connor and Funeral Home for
such a kind and compassionate way of han-
dling the funeral service. May God bless
each and every one of you. f'
37nc Tom, Barbara, Bill, Marjorie,
John, Helen, Jin, Marion,
Nancy, Chuck and families.
CRONYN • Thank you to everyone for the
cards, flowers, fruit basket, books and more
that I received during my recent stay in Uni-
versity Hospital. Thanks for visits and get
well wishes. Special thanks to O'Connor
Ambulance service, Dr. buff and the 8th
floor staff for your excellent care. Every-
thing was greatly appreciated.
37c Mike
DEITZ • The family of the late John Deitz
wish to thank relatives and friends for their
lovely flowers, cancer donations and cards.
Special thanks to South Huron Hospital and
Dr. Wallace for their kind care; Rev. Don
Robinson for his comforting words; the la-
dies of Kippen church for their delicious
lunch; and to Michael O'Connor for taking
care of all ti angements. Your kindness
will alw: ;. inembered.
37• Edna, Gary, Minnie
Mark, Nancy
DIETRICH • We wish to thank our neigh-
bours and friends for coming to our new
home in /Chive and arranging the house-
warming parry. Also thanks for the gifu we
received Your thoughtfulness will always
be remembered.
,37c Stephen and Josephine
GREGUS • We would like to express our
appreciation to our family, friends and
neighbours for the expressions of sympathy
shown to us in the sudden loss of our dear
brother, Bill Fallon.
37e Gerry and Gus
JENNISON - I would like to thank my fam-
ily and friends for your visits, cards, flowers
and treats while a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Victoria Hospital and since ream-
ing home. Special thanks to Dr. Lam, Dr.
Garr and nursing staff in both hospitals. It
was greatly appreciated.
37c Judi
KNIGHT • We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to everyone who attended our 50th
anniversary Open, House, and especially
those who brought or sent cards, gafu and
flowers. A special thanks to our family who'
planned this wonderful occasion, also the
A.C.W. who helped and assisted with the
hutch. It was all very much appreciated.
37' Lloyd and Dorothy
MCCARTHY - I would like to thank neigh-
bours, friends and relatives for caning to
my surprise 50th Birthday Party and for the
many cards, gifu, flower and best wishes
that I received. Thanks also to Keith and
Erma for the lovely supper before the party
and Bruce and friends for providing the mu-
sic. A special thanks to my husband Jim, my
daeOssen Monica tied Thiess sad her faanc
Neil for all theirttsu twertt. I enjoyed seeing,
everyone and will always remember this
special birthday.
37c Marjorie
NEES • We woutdiike to take this opportu-
nity to thank our neighbours Joy Graz and
Bill Dcicken for doing our milking and tarn
chores last Friday whsle we attended our
granddaughters wedding. It was very much
appreciated. Thanks again guys!
Marg end Glen
RYCKMAN • The family of the late Wes.
ley Ryckman wish to express their sincere
appreciation for the sympathy and suppon of
their many friends, neighbou and -relatives;
also (or the donations to the Han & Suuke
fund, Cancer Society and Gideon Bibles
placed in his name. Hunks also to Pastor
Lindsay Taylor of Bethel Baptist Church,
Fergus Legion members, • firemen, Fergus
Brass band members, Bethelaires and pall-
bearers and all those who sent cards and
flowers. Your thoughtfulness will always be
remembered. 37
TASKO - A sincere thank you to the ladies
of Centralia United Church and members of
the community for their gifts and best wish-
es at my recent bridal shower. Special
thanks to the "Supper Club Girls" and the
UCW for their enthutiastic "team effon"
(wanna wrestle71) and providing a delicious
lunch. Your warn support is appreciated.
37' Mary Lou
TRIEBNER • I would like to thank all my
relatives, neighbours, and friends for the
cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was
in St. Joseph's and South Huron 'Hospitals,
and since returning home. Also for phone
calls and enquiries. Special thanks to Dr.
Gans, Dr. Sweeney and all the doctors and
nurses in both hospitals for their wonderful
care. Special thanks to my family and those
who gave my wife rides to and from the hos-
pital in London. Last but not least I want to
thank all the V.O.N. nurses for their T.L.C.
It was all greatly appreciated. Doug
WEBER - I would like to thank my rela-
tives, friends and grandchildren for cards,
flowers, gifts, treats, visits, calls and prayers
while in the hospital; doctors and staff at St.
Joseph's and University Hospitals and Dr.
O'Connor, Pastor Larry and Pastor Obeda
for thcir visits and prayers. Special thanks to
Donna and Leeland for taking care of me in
their home the past year. I can never repay
you. God bless you all.
37• Edna
WILLIS • The Willis family of Exeter
would like to express their sincere thanks to
their friends, neighbours end relations for
their prayers, love and support extended to
us all in the loss of a dear mother, mother-
in•law, grandmother and great-grandmother,
Carrie Willis. Thank you for the floral trib-
utes, charitable donations, cards and baking.
Special thinks to Rev. Cordell Parsons for
the memorable service and visits; Dr. Gans,
Hopper Hockey Funeral Home and the Exet-
er U.C.W. ladies for the lovely lunch. Spe-
cial thanks to South Huron Hospital Tine
management and staff of the Exeter Villa
went far beyond our expectations with lov>r
ing care for mother for all the years she was
at the Villa We thank you all very much.
Adult Health Clinic. Location: Health Unity
Office, South Huron Hwpital, Exeter.
111:3 .; 100-33 p.m.
1. Heallh Court
selling; 2. Foot Care (foe): 3. Blood presa
testing. 37c
September 19, 1993
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Wheelchair access
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-1190 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
-790 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
'rrtttttdlalr tstmtktgs
790 p.m. - Bibb Study
IliMguioaa ate bid at
94 01400 $ S% Stater
For'moee Inial anion please
call 221108
Septswiber 19
oo hl0 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, September 19
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Mtxnirg Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 parte. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
670 Main St S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, September 19
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
790 p.m. Family Night
Programs for all ages.
Nursery available for alt services
A place to meat God and a friend"
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, September 19
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Service
Nursery available
Everybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
68 Mein Street South
Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Courtesy Gar: 235-1967
Sunday, September 19
9:00 a.m. Men's Breakfast
11:00 a.m. Worshiproe
and Sunday
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 19, 1993
11:00 a.m.Holy Eucharist
Sunday School
Nursery Available
Youth Group meets at 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sieds Vander Meer
Worship Services
September 19
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service.
790 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
Religion is daily bread - not cake for
special occasions.
Comet of Janes and Andrew St.
Sunday, September 19, 1993 ti
100 a.m.
Junior Congregation 10 a.m.
Courtesy Car:
John Morgan, 235-2644
Everyone Welcome
day, October 6, 1I:15.1:30. Adults 57.00,
children 53.00. 'Tickets available from mem-
bers. 35.39c
September 18 and 19; Saturday: 10 a.m.-9
pm.; Sunday: noon -5 p.m. at the Seafonh
Agricultural Society Buildings (beside the
Seaforth`Arena). 36,37c
tember 22, 1993, 7:30 p.m., Exeter Legion
Hall. 37,38c
THE DIAMONDS, physically challenged
people -in 'Huron, invite you to their next
meeung on Saturday, September 18 at noon
at the Huron Adult 'Day Centre, Clinton.
Linda Girard and Susan Wolnik will speak
on the proposed changes to Long Tenn Care
in Huron. Everyone welcome - lunch provid-
ed. For infomution, call 482-5666 or 1.800-
267.0535. 37c
FORMATION of the Huron County Long
Tenn Care planning committees will take
place at a meeting on Tuesday, September
28, 9: ttt80 a.m. at the Goderich Town-
ship Hall, Holmesville. All interested per-
sons are welcome to attend and be part of
the selection process. Long Tern Care ser-
vices are part of the selection process. Long
Term Care are pan of our future. Please plan
to attend. Refreshments will be served. If
you need transportation or help at home to
attend, call 482-5666 or 1.800.267.0535.
THE HURON COUNTY Historical Socie-
ty Meeting will be held in Auburn Commu-
nity Centre on Thursday, September 23 at 8
p.m. with Elizabeth Keulewell who will
speak and show slides on the Railroads in
Huron. 37c
annual ug days to be held in Exeter and sur-
rounding areas October 1 and 2. 37,38,(39)'
KIRKTON GUIDING Registration, Sep-
tember 23, 7-8:30 p.m., Kirkton Guide Hall,
for Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Puhfknders,
Rangers. 37,38c
TUPPERWARE Open House private out -
of -business sale. All new products at cost or
less. Commences Wednesday,September
15. While applies last. 161 uron St. E.,
Exeter. Phone Doris at 235-1934. 37c
HEYWOOD • In loving memory of a dear
son Bill, who left us eighteen years ago,
September 13, 1975.
As time goes by without you,
And days have wined into years,
They hold a million memories,
And a thousand silent tears.
Just a prayer from one who loves you,
Just a memory fond and true,
In our hears you will live forever,
For we thought the world of you.
Always remembered by Mom and Dad.
McCANN • In tong memory of a dear hus-
band, father and grandfather Joe McCann,
who passed away September 16, 1991.
He had a nawre you could not help loving,
And a heart that was purer than gold,
And to those who knew him and loved him,
His memory will never grow cold.
Always missed and never forgouen by wife
lune apdAapilly. • r 37�
McKINNON • In loving memory of a dear
um, Randy Francis, who passed away Sep-
tember 8, 1991.
Fond are the ties that are broken,
Dear is the one that is gone,
In memory we shall keep him,
As long as the years roll on.
As we loved him, so we miss him,
In our memory he is dear,
Loved, remembered, longed for always,
Bringing many a silent tear.
"In silence we remember."
Always remembered and missed by Mom,
Dad and family. 37*
RYCKMAN - In loving memory of our
brother, Wesley Ryckman, who passed away
in Fergus, Ontario on September 2, 1993.
We will remember his sense of humour
through thick and thin, his friendship and
compassion to his friends and fancily and the
enjoyment he received and provided us
through his music. We thank family and
friends for their kind thoughts and cards.
37• Alma Preszcator, Melon Rydunan
WILLERT • In memory of air father Har-
old, who passed away September 15, 1985.
The rolling stream of life rolls on,
But still the vacant chair,
Recalls the love, the voice, the smile,
Of the one who once sat there.
Sadly missed by Ervine, Ansberth and.
girls. 37c
5.Oth Weil* Anniversary
The children of Marion c4 Ralph
'Nbsson of Ptursbo►o, 91(,5. formerly
of Exeter invite you to celibrau the
'occasion of their 50th anniversary,
Sept. 19, 2:30 • 4:30- p.m. at the
Youth Centre in 'F.Keter. 'gest wishes
Bruce 'Wasson, Helen Tinney, 9%fary
Lou 0 Brien, 7(plph (Skip)Wasson
Jr., Elizabeth Wasson, jocelyn
-Taylor, Cindy Tupper
and Donna Allen.
For Huron Park
Thurs.. Sept. 16
McCurdy Public School.
jj ffit
Friends and Family of
Brad Scott
;1 and Erin Smith
are invited to their
Sat., Sept. 18
►1 Parkhill Community Centre I
0111 II
►1 Beef B -B -Q
Culimote - t,fi►d•nt{.W
The family of Mervyn and Avis
Cudmorc wish to express their
love and congratulations Ili the
occasion of their 60(1► Wading
Anniversary, which was
solemnized Sept. 16th, 1933 in
limes St. United Church by the
Reverend Harold Stainton.
Attendants were Lulu
(Littdettfield) Floody and Walter
Johns. Bruce and Dearing and
Markham. and Nancy and
Don Rooth and famil Luta .
It's Nifty to be Fifty
Happy Birthday Bill Ferguson
Happy 90th
0 Birthday Emma
►1 Rowland -
1 Open House is being held in 4
Parkhill at Sacred Heart ►
0 Parish Hall, 159 Ann St., on tl
t1 Sunday, Sept. 19 from 2 ;1
" p.m. to 5 p.m. Best wishesti
H only. Please No Gifts. 11
• w w w w w w w �w w www
177 Helen St.
Sun. Sept. 26
w' We welcome you to decorating
w, accessories and gift giving
w, ideas of
w. r dried and silk floral designs
and handmade bunnies by
., r hand painted shirts, shoes
and hats by LORI HICKS
-' V wooden shelves, doll
w; rocking ch airs, shadow
boxes, toy rocking.horses, w
w� benches, etc. by
w� r and much more..
w ww A warm invitation to all! w w w
Buck &Doi'
for Darlene Hart
& Don Broom
Crediton Hall
Sat., Sept. 25
8:00 - 1:00 a.m.
DJ and Lunch provided
Happy 35th
Mom and Dad
(Keith (4 Dorothy
Sept. 13
Love from your family,
Karen, Danny, Laura,
Leanne, Rob, Lisa, Doug,
Liz and Corey
�C )C )C X )C )C )C )C
in LILIMO' 0
▪ n%,L'l m upaiul�1w
50th Anniversary
Bob and Ada Dinney and their
family invite their friends,
neighbours and relatives to
join with them in celebration
of their Golden Wedding
Anniversary at.an Open House
at .Exeter United Church on
Saturday Sept. 25, 1993 from 2
- 4 P.M. Best wishes only
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • •
• •
• •
• •
• F, t •
• •
• •
•I 0
• •
• •
• •
• •
• • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lucan Arena Booster Club
Sunday, Sept. 19, 4:30 - 7 p.m.
Lucan Community Centre
Adults $8.50, children $4.00
For more information call 227-4442
The Lambton Heritage Museum
t Show& S
Sept. 22-26
Celebrate the International Year of Indigenous
People through quilting and art.
Features: • Paintings & Prints by Ontario Artists
• Over 150 quilts, many for sale • Cammetnorative Quilts
Admigaign: • Adults $3.00• Seniors/Students: S2.50
• Children: $1.25 (includes GSTO
The Lambton Heritage Museum 1s located on
Hwy. 21,8 km south of Grand Bend
For mon information, phone (519) 243-2600
40th Wedding Anniversary
Sam and Aldan Sifirtner wit to invite you to an Open , alfa ;
in honour • stair -40th wedding anniversary at Centralia United Q urcI oji
September 19, 1993, 2.4:30 pan. Beit wishes only please