HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-12-10, Page 3'• your hate 'MASI() ,S01110. No•Or WP '31.-t'atritater that has iielaa`buit A tle-The prow. /tow to got rioh—Live oil air awl , aoeO on eiotuee Imes, Wheo latherinometer falls, how of- t\lv on an average does it break? Kollee, who has boon bolUng ovAir latelyhas sttled down again, A worn-ont shoe is like ancient (itieece, because it once had a solo c,eole 04). it good thing to be above•biaid botgeuerally a bad thing to bo over- iduard. A paper has t144,4,,ametiseia:nit -Two sisters want washing," Milhous of bAothers are in the same prodica- knent. This is the latest form of wedding invitations ft. Come around and see me capture a inother-iu-law at 8 o'clock sharp. Grinnp accidentally sat on a red hot eoal, and spent the night followiug iu trying to turn ,So he could see his wound. • Why dia she tarn her back on you young man 2 Innocent. child! She wished to make an exhibition a her new overskirt. A Frenchman intending to compli- ment a young lady by calling her a geu- tie lainkt, said; "She is one mutton as is small." A eircuNlion iewitaxiingarquoil,'Wes- ton, itiissouriAiM1,:peop1e„ naYesita go.a excuse for remaining away from prayer meetings. We eauktellAteizan-oveit by Weenie - tires or killekiby.hollweaqlosion..,,,An Indiana man,has,,J,Upti4,hee.e. cauelie:d, to. death in a eorngrinder. The Daily 2oki4)nieltititie4i Schintbunt is rapidly displacing:the,other apes uf Yedde, and has a -cfactilittion-'of 800. Now is the,..time_,tu._ subscribe. It ist that are ontf.benele. ia-totheSkalthy. We never knew akhysician to advise a poor man to ilje any A CoriCiaaa Sayle; '"The Canon city ;ta1Le,to cro- quet. They say it is too hightOned for them. Leap frog is their hest hold. A eonfidentiaVelerk in a Chicago cattle yard haajtist ,skipped ,out -with severalathotieaudadollars. "The New York atonunereiaathinlis he las . proba- bly ta,ketansasagialoa ,Craves. . Without anysdesire to Meg, the De- troit Free Prdis koiubg,t§::oki Mioiian sanfloweininefeetehighiandrespectfully inquiree-after healt'la of other sou- floweaCOU'UOT-.`the coqty "Well, Bridget, if 1, eogage yon, I shall want you to' stay at-home wheu- ever I shall,go‘ont.',' "Well, ma'aan,,I have iit'Ajection' s," said, baidget, "providiu' you do thesame when I wish to go out.' Why driAhey call.the people who live in the ritlAdth,,SeaiIslahds canni- bala 2'" askedan an old lady Of a sai "because theyalite•'on other pe,o; pe," answered the sailor. "Then my son-iwhiaarannsla cannibal," said she, nsately-,'"for ie1ivsen Me: ' • Nineteen ewrsago aTennespefather refinierla eget-hieYorniglangVeago ter a candy -pill; and she disappeared'. The other day she aetarited.; lifted elev- ven children out of a wagon, and enter- ed the 'house and took off herthings as coolly as if she hadn't been gone over a day. t A Falb* iitilliect.into- an -office one morning with the interrogation: "What's the differeniee-abetweeo the mice ChaeliaVeajtisf' been eating any - greenbacks and the epiatles. of Paul ?" All present subsided, -and he gasped: "They're betlflintiblietviirs' ?" and than proceeded* the dor. w ou, end alter soinailiiog less than the outaltu dredth awe oi rOWUij the opighbor agaia aopeared for "just another drawiiia of te:ta' \thou the oft- ),:i$ited to .:anistor w;.v. arought out and i"" bo el4PtYf f400t1 Okl holy aud oblial lig neighbor was j oat one pound of lea poorer than wheu bought the now cani4ter, hiQh 011/Y tO toll the -story. 'Phru ehe mediae lia1.0 uharacteristic speech pea haps tile first (Joe in her h1e. alio eaid L'lioupoest that empty aaniater. tilled it fo'r thee with a pouna of my best tea, alai have lent i ull to thee in driblets, Laid pot into it all thoo host sort me in 'return, LZn1 nun e but thy- self has tit! en they fano Or edIlod into it, and now thou eeest it empty ; there- fore I will ,say to thee, thou hest bor- rowed thyeelf out, awl Leah lend thee, no more." A FREAK OV rai MOD,ERN Troy Whig relates the following: " We have beard much of the wonders of cable telegraphy iii out -running time iiiiiiiiiilating space, but an aueedote re - lutea to us the other evening by W. P. Phillips, Assistant Agent of the State Assoeiated Press in New York, who was on a visit to this city, surpas- ses anything we have ever heard. A gentbnnan of the Western Union Tele- graph office, at No. 145 Broadway, New York, was sitting in the cable room when a telegram 1170111 Philadelphia, destined for Paris, came ever the wires. This message, like all others for France, was to go over the cable via Daxbury, Mass. The operator palled Duxbury a few time,- and then said, that fellow is aslee0ividept1y, but the cable men are awoke; I'll Intro to get one of them to go and wake him up.' So he step- ped to another iles4s Plaister Clove in, Newf‘„unchando and sent the fallowing mespage Topable operator, Duxbuiy. Please .go in and. wake up ni,) own true love This me:Fie:14,re :Mister Cove hastened to send across the oceap to Valencia, Ireland, who in turn rushed it to London; thenee, it ,hurried to Paris, and ttfailla' European end of the cable it s6. pielYe owl the operator flashed it back to, Duabury. In less than two minute's hYothe clock the message had aerform- ed a journey of SOMO 8,000 miles laud and sea, as evidenced by the chok- ing at the Duxbury desk, which ticked in a manner a little petulant. . That's anice way to, dos Go ahead. Your oWn,true love!• .- THE LOVE Or TEE INDIAN MOTHER.— How helpless the Indian" babe, born without shelter, amidst stOrm and ice; but nothing for him. • God has-placed near him a guardian angel that can truunph over the severities of'Inature; the ,sentinel of maternity is by his side' and 'so long as his mother breathes he is safe. The squaw loves her child with instinctive passion, and if she does not inunifest it by lively caresses her ten - &Lest; is real, wakeful pd constant. No savege Mother eVer tauSted her habe to a hireling nurse, nor put away her childifor that of another. To the cra- dle, consisting of light wood, and gayly ornamented with the quills of porcu- pine, and beads, and rattles, the nurs- ling is firmly attached and carefully wrapped in furs, and the infant thus swathed, its mother's back, is borne as the topmost burden, its eyo nbw &ter - fully lashing.light, new accompanying with tears theaaailingavehich the plain- tive melodies of the carrier cannot hush. Or while the squaw toils in the field, hailers her child, as sprint; does her blossoms, on the bough of a tree that it may be rocked by the breezes from the laud of souls, and soothed' VS sleep by -the lullaby of the pines. Doer; the mother die; lfie-litu-slingsueli is In- dian eompassion--shares her grave. jgriculinral. The 'farmer, hko the ,blisinese nian, A mairsetat ainto: a ,:butetier 8'.• shop, - ' g..„;F„;„ ,„.4„,„„ must know what he is doing, lie must dan,,,,deluo;411°4077,iiiii-C,1;977wuer7,9-i•The'r- ,h---4'-g-bci: have sonic pretty decidechideas of What thoughtliiialviiiild have ajoke- itaaher he is going to accomplish—ina,:fapt',' he must calculate it beforehand.. you supp1Y4e:i.ai a yard of pork 2'' exPensa,"fin(ra41: •Ylladaine'' can . He must know his soil—thatofjeach " Yes sir4shif,sa44'; and thenturn- lot, not only the top, bet the subsoil. ing to the,...bky,ehe adde4j ,, Jana., .He must know vihaagraiu and:grass' give that -glitilleniaK thre,e'pik,ii feeT.'''' is adapted to each; ti mo aen thE4air ''.A,,i .1h2O . 'f,3igar ' kltsittes‘ , He must know when is the best ,time to-avork titem--ti healer they need shni- Beuds-: his .a:nnual gees to ,, the editor of mar fan,,wifig, Detrifift rail:: iii:esdi . a a .Tis autmpLandothe leaves , are dry, He miistknoW the condition in which And rustftha &canna the ground must be plowed, so that it ebe- ' Pounaih§.in!aldit draigat% is not too wet nor too dry. . At'airitlin-g fedst per *Lind: Hu inust dehow that some grains re- . A young gentleman' and his lady -love whatthese grains are. , quire either sowing than ,othe'rs; and. were soul idiig and 434616g:the loae. He must know how to put 'theta Knees ofeantriagn'ificent Julie ',eieninga in: , The gentlemanstook out his thne-piete, He meet know what 'it will pay to and seeitgaithe slifeneeS'of the hour, have machinery to help him as well al§ said toffisaconloanioni,itiap affectionate musele. ' tone : gligsadeariis eleven • o'eloclo , The Massichusette Beard 'of Health How quictFly tue Ilies when you are, in give 13 an interesting paper on the on - good company." The lady, , who -had, ;gevity of the farmer. It says that been stleott „fair seine time, answered; evidente collebted frotn -country physi. "1 wish4P7alat 8V, tile 8.11:1110".., eialIS throughout the State for the last " HitoaPh reiiii,a1 tlie2yOung hian, twenty-eight years, . sherwa that the "you could if you'd lieolike the deuce, ; average length `ef the life' of; a fernier, as I do."' 2"2 iu that State, is 65i years. This is •••••••• much lonigeralunic that, of any other Hoar a QUAREI,..STOPPED BORROWING. class or citizens: The classanost near- eiCelatialeaya the,sulteet of lint- ltapproaching farniersr viz., out -door rowing and lending came up in the mechanics„ live only'521 years on an course of,aconveasation with one of its average. • subscribers abejoalier day, when he ski. d. How the boys May be saved the denly recollected a funny occurrence of.' trouble of " going for the cows" is thus that „character that had happened in told by the Anterican Stock Journal: his neighborhoo‘d, :lie said he had a "Every tune they are driven up at neighbor Whose family were great bor. night or in the morning give thein rowers,, but seldonl, if ever, returned good ;lick of meal or bran, and our the amount borrowed. An old Quaker woid for it the cows will always be on ladyaitaother ocirrower, who had'endur-, hand at the milking time." ed theseanvasions for:a long time pa. The growth' of winter wheat is great- tientlyr hit' upon a very-philosophieal ly iticreasing in KIIIISRS. The yield of mode of eventually putting oiti ehd to k this crop per aere is -heavier than that the nuisance. Keeping her own coon. ofapring wheat, audit is not ' 801 5115- s sel, thesnext tini lier good man went centible to alarmage from unfavorable to towinskIhrdiiitintrate 'and exPresti, seasons or 113r inSeetS. order to purchase a 4oitittuof the best An Illinois farmer determines the tea, and ilsipanconistor,to, put i it age "of ailimala °ter nine years old , by in. 44ioliftb:W.She'alcitdy htel aim. the followino•ooVel nietl• od : A,fair the ty ofttelia-lirlealso-d Critiister;' lie was horse is nine 3, 'Are old a wrinkle comes puzzled to determine vhat tlic old lady on the upper'lip, 'arid every year there* saaattolaemata aatattan attew am -sister after he has one well-defined WablI1.r. but hie qtiestionings and reasoninge for every year afteranine. ,If, for ill-, elicitedipathing mere, thaa, ayepetition stanoe, a horse has three, wrinkles, he of the or4er is tw'elve .; ifile has four, he is thirteen. i; Jinja sno t not toll thetn to get no a Add the, number of wrinkles , to nine pound,otjhe‘best tea and a itew cams- itbd Yott will got IL ter r gotv g along?. and "de as 1 Did you farmer readers ever take a thee,' , • ,sla?) too pencil in an evening and And"40 along he 'did; and when 'he eat /nate the' trtie difference between a lame hoine at night the, tea Iola new good pia a poor breed of hogs All )11Vster were hiaeonipttnions,' The old have seen and acknovvledged there' is a tpok thourtroiff Mtn' with tin amino- difference, yet the larger moieiy of turecit7P10?1911,aciP usPa,OY' Phteid foaa fartneri de not folly realize the ample doiniotafli otiepOinting• the tett iti the margin in tavor of tile best liege, Tho' use., tri the glielf tor special: increasing dernand for baths and lardiu aatiisainarl,not lone tta Wititi tor the alfparts of the world shows that hogs ase iliaTarynbdr '13.11,ti frequent ,thie that yield largely of these profitable Lain 4661: ea, Thetkijda :Old parts are in detriand:, The 'doh sequence • 1Sly,,,enlpty,ing 'bank. is there le it range in thuite In e a inittitalter Of bor. this time at St, Louis from $4.50 to titv nigh or con, 1.40., and.at anieago frOn1 $4 i " 'Make. inle allowing it, difference of three per emit. in favor of the good ho,. Norl this a11:2 While the improved areeds et ho,g,s etin holittlAlo As easily and wia: equal anal to aventge at futeeu inontlis old 850 peande as the " greaser" !leg Will 175 vowels: or kI little hotter hog wit]. 21.20. If ft fernier has flay et the latter class to sell oww he sill get; at, $4 our oats, $1,1‘25: if lie has flay " greasers," which areto onmerous lin this Comity yet, he will 60 $700. But it he haa-hity otahe hest Pvland, Caine, Berkshire, etc., which have cost io-more, paid which rendered a large amount of satisfaction, he will receive $2,450. These are figures that cannot be disputed, and aa•e within the reach of every farmer who has180 aai'en of land in cultivatiou. The number, weight or price is not overestimated. Aud,itiaaisiug them atlteFejs. no^ $8 ny 'to be paid tO harVestlandia'naor that ever -dreaded season called thresh- ing. We woold not urge any one to go into wild speculation in hogs ; but raise your own and corn, and then there ie no debt to meet when they are sold. Fifty hogs is a reasonable lot fa a smell, fatfuerrwho : 'proposes to feed all hisrain on his faam. Now, let' any One look carefully iver these figures, and if we are wrong, give a bet- ter statement through these columns. Any Man who raises fifty acres of corn can have fifty hogs to sell every year, and grain enengh fe? Iiiii. other Horses should not be Stinted in their feed. Werk horses should, be, pet out at pasture at night,; but they should have their usual allowance of other feed. They have some lost flesh to make up. Scrape off the egg a the bot -fly from their fore legs and should- ers with a sharp knife, or wash them off with warai • water, every evening. Three hours' rest at noon is not too much for the team while plowing, The lost time may be Wade up in the morn- ing and at nights' -This arrangement is not a bad one for the driaer as well. (Jive water often, and don't forget the handful of , corn meal, stirred into it. Coltmay be taught to eat a little meal or bran, and to be handled freely. Careful attention and the gentlest pos- sible treatment should be given to all young stook at this season. nsuaseran Swiris.—Mr. li. Cryor, of AlassillOn, " Ohio, a successful swine :breeder, says.: Black swine are thea. tive swine Oi the:8°011'ot England,!and ,whatever bieeds. :they' may be'eaosseal with, the pure Berkshire hogs should be a jet black in color, with a thick set coat, of black flee lieha liatt Choose one with coarse hakrather than one that is short Of hair. •White is allowable on 'tips, of ears, feet and, legs, face, nose 'and- tail,' but not too Much white, as they are always a black breed, and plenty of hair denotes a good constitu- tion. Choose' a 'Berkshire with short aria ear's' asbate -famous ooes haye slouch ears) and as short a face as noSadile;, With broad buck, carrying its width well back over the hams (it is much easier to breed them broad over the shoulders than hains) and by all means' they should be deep in heart place,.(frora top of back just behind the shoulders ,level and smooth all over ; in fact, as near a hewn block as possi- ble. IN • PubEshed by request. The Twelfth day el August, P.m sorry to say, A blow from a rake took the boy's life away ; Four binding together whilst dinner -time Come, When the man went away, leaving his sheaf • undone. The boy with a joke, he helloed come back And bind up the sheaf that is left on the track The man he stood, and thendid say, ...f`Are.yon. my boss here to -day 2" The boy with a smile full of jokes did say I am your boss, 'von nmst obey; • ,rho menifilled with anger then came back, Gives the boi a slap which made his face black. ° The beucounteredrend then joined ; And thiswas the time the strife did begin; ,A young boy was there--stepp'd in between The angry man the boy to screen, , Telling them he would bind the sheaf— They would go tc dinner in peace; But the man ,kePt threatening whati he'd do, He would break his head through and thro'. He siring for the rake and gave lilm a blow, And on the ground the blood did flow; And niter the blow the lad gave a, shriek rhetooth 01 the rake sank three inches doer' in the brain a mangling there; And soon the life must disappear. • What a dreadfal sight it then must be For those in the field there to see : To see the lad smitten down By such a blew upon the ground. The proprietorthen to the field did come, %Telling the man a bad jiib he had done The man he , stood, made no reply, Looks upon his victim where he lies All men, 710W pray give ear Why lets your tempers rise severe, Stay your hand before you diay The human life, and it away. ,The Sons of 'Pemp'rance must lave the praise Fol following the young brAhOr to the grave; It thus respects each one When the spiritfrihn their bodies gone. Fathers and mothers, be pleased give oar WhO have loving children dear, Pray drop one tearin grief with me 11Iv son is you no more to see.* • —ISAAC Stephen, Doestnber lo, 1874. S. GIDLEY,EXETER,' Cski • BINET-1VIAKERN ikUNDP.ItTAHERS, 61e, this oopOrtunity.to inform theinhabitants of this , and surroundingsections that their Xow, Bearso • la' no:* completed,. and 'they do not hesitate In oar,. frig 11101 11 18 ono )1 tho host in tine te wesrn pert Our dINI)IilIt'llAIIINeDepartiiient; as liereteforei Will he found hi a.Very emolotit condition, Oelliins,-niain andelse, shrouds, 6Id, Illiierilleftirelsii_ed,tIA the shortest notice 6414 Most, rettednitble tarblet, " 1.119.ge.ed'tiefierIeetiet,'ofltTRXITtlitt ' at, • August 29; 14 5,2,4y „ , , , KiNgm414 1))31141$11, ome. and. .reeiden c.o Main street' Itlitbter,2114 any' ',gine In gdegitilight. Thitriftlaref',6Xecipted). Ad4vido' free, r Parente ahead da1 Sj Advied Ittenti ehildriints,fikatifeetlt. 55 sooting't1to8gffit5 fall.' tvcritwitaae'egael te that Of litlY otlief billet and watretifttlaIiihtisfee ter*C 1,111111trAt theie or: wiemrrflow_per, vOnek, day er,evedithI, 2i' 4.410.'4te 0111(1 p ag 1 f %). Ae'rireSS With ten befit fyInlAtif Voe,Nd re 37th j,,,iaoatv16.vt, York • Si3.2/Aw,", , 4 Entered' according 1.6' Act' Of Congres, in the year 187r, q DvNss, Smocx 84 Co., Indianapolis, Ind., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington. anadiau Bank of 'Connneitoe LUCAN. CAPITAL, . O,000.000 RESERVE 2,000:000. A Branch of thee -hove Bank has boon opened in Lucan for the transaction of General Bauldng busi- ness. t A:STINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Sums as low ozone dollar received on deposit. Interest -4 and Spor cent. allowed. No notice 1 withdrawal required. -American currency honght antriold. • 1). STOW IxEDDIE, A gin -a. GIE 0 Fashionable BOOT dr., SHOE INIAE.ER, Sign of the Boot, Lamm, Ontario, "Big WOTtiLallaii el:11111i iiiiteheaistrouliktikeifutihnistilirigale tsltioestertf.olitiunudtisit ganaCt.17111;'s loUl3 i41 ts110t:101, 211511- iifaeture, Mho imported work, whiob 110 CAN SELL AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that he Is prepared to do order work second to none, a. ho etoplo,;,s none but First-class workmen, and usith nething, but First-class Stuck. G. CATHCART. (61-y1) Lunn, October 22, 1874. WATT'S TIN oHOP,—LUCAN T c. -WATTS, Of the Lucan Stove and Tin Shop, dealer in Tinware, Shoet-iron and Copper - ware, Stoles, Coal Oil, Lamps tend Lamp doe:. VE -TRO CI G - on the shostestr notice, .and at reasonable priees. He flatters hitnevlf that he eau sell at as reasonable prices as any House in the Trade. Sal:Wm:lieu guaranteed. The HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKINS Bememberthe Stand, --First door east of FarrelPS-Drng, Store, Main -It., LIM/11. • J. baa WATTS Lucan October 22, 1874 (81-m3.) =22e...E622=774,pom HARNESS SHOP in OENTRALI Wm. Corte rel '''>.-,\------------2 LAUB OF LONDON wishes to oNirvana the lithe hitants 01 t•toplien, Vibrant., Biddrilph ancl Mc- GilLyray that he lias 0 Harneas shoi: n. Centralia, whore all in want of 14"i LIGHT OR HEAVY HARNESS or any art Joie uvattuy kept in a ill class establish/lie such as Wel"' SADDLE VALISES, & can obtain the 88,1110. Give me a call and examinonly worhfor yeurselves. TR U :NHS, 11 WEIPS, My prices are ns low as thosetharged by any first-elass workman. RE - AIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WM. COTTERELL. , ntralia, August 0, 1873. 504f. Liras= 4Nnswycn-No 0. ...C. SATILILISON3S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFO iTK, NT., LII‘LL IN THE FRONT RANK AS, USUAL SEWING LII THE FLORENCE Nosielss, Reversible' Feed‘Look end Knot SW eh Family Sewing Machin eha llengei the'woricl. in porfec,ion and range of work, strength and beauty of drrability of construct on and raPidity of. motion. Call and. examine. , 'Send for °deniers. Agents wanted ii2OvOrytQwn in th Province. This Machine has talon first prises at 'ell the County PMTS• . Oa C.WILLSON, •General Agent for 110)011141in. EXETER NORTH CARRACIE• FACTORY xessis. & L 13rooks have now, commenced the mannfac- tul:e of 13 uggies and Wagons for the Spying and Summer rf1e' - TErat$—Citsh or Short, Ore, • Also, on. hand,a lot of Scotch Diamond.AkroW'Syoftheir oWn 'manufacture, which they can and will sell as cheap as any otib iUaftj.' , rrofs &ccita4fi,C-4 THE E., & THDsubscriber hogs to thank the 11501,10 05 Ex. Oter and surrounding conntry f Or the very liberal patronage bestowed upon hiln in tho pest, and now after enlarging his premises is prepared to do work which cermet be surpassed either 171 or outside of Particular attention paid to the making and iittinc of COLLARS. HARNESS XE TER • AND ROVO 11VILLE (Sign of e Dg 13oot). Tit AVY BLACK' AND SILVER MOUNTED, In he most stylish 2111( fashionable manner p00 - s.' Repairing reee 000 overy attention, The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK S01 tIlcoVd1111cnnn.to to his foamy rSen tisG. & J.BROOS. ;itsiolo1014r licaIthind irtorots rs.);00ts shoe,54. Please to call in, TndiNEW2 'ACT' Olf 1859, 151 the matter Of JAMES CROCKER, 141301001)1. The insolvent bas*rnarle en Assignment, of 014 Estate to Inc, and the (100(131010 aro notifiedto ntoet 01,10o p11(200)51111A100P.5 Of said Insolvent, 're Eli invilld "Township of lishorire, irt the County of Ifitroa, on Tiieday. thoithaay of 'no. oombc, 1874, itt tho hour of eleven O'clock tho forenoon, to receive statelnenta 05 1151 airfare, find ar,point fto Asalgnee, 'Bated at 110001110 1110 26011' 411437 el Novembet, tErbt f ' antra waaaMa ,1414)5m Aoipmc. huahma,filstreacivecleleito ,iimati•A took for Gents' teitlesI(Alitieeg0flL Voutls Wosna'.This btrtyla evory partioularf Saul the etoeit *in be,:eORI itelight; Flay/Ince e(k nes& The eotilooe,efli,at 1lXL0, k11111N TheAr 111 noad, have beionliugitged tmio eIum..ge 050411 department, And ift hew Iiroperoa Lor000lvo all of- tlore for ,*01.15 101111)4,0,Setielhotien guarantee(' nIcI*Oth:perfOrmed Wifai oroulptneflif, • W. FANHON: THE 1lf,CrULA.:11. 1\106tibits imuivnoll Pomo ne.igo„ .140, 1(13 0,30.0 win 0,bold. eor 1110 Vitatienta eXten 411 all Vidtri0 thY017, 3410. 0534Apiit 1,7,116 Yelli saasa PA Weil,. 01 Oet,.I0, Nov. 11:,f, 'Dee ainUS, 00. 11A0 8001,0 TaoivIrsal\& WILLIAIVIS AGI (10 ULT U.R IMPLEMEN`„N Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL ONT. Two -horse power Wood Sawing, Machine This machine has been thorolighlf tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION 1111 supplied Avail it BAND WEIEEL, for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra, expense ex- cept for the belt. , A TRIAL OFFEEEP. All kinds of Farminglimpl'ements kept constantly`on hand. • OILE-R SHOP in full operation. X ES of all sizes to order. E At. a a pro.puy ,,t,t.ided to. Atkins THO MP S ON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. June 18, 1874. The Dominion Ora -an BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, Call and see our Splendid Success Taking Everywhor Immense Number Sold. N. B.—Old Instruments taken in e-xclonige for lora. Instruments constantly on hand et Prelre 'Furniture Ware-roorn. Music Stools from to 135 each. Send for Circular to. ' Cis 74' al:liar. EXETER P, 0. 1 enentl Ac,,root, BUY THE Best Organ Made • TIM ONLY YLEDAT, EVER AWAII,DtD FOR OR- GANS IN TUE DOMINX03,T, IN BRITAIN AND WHEllailVER EiBE14, our Organs aro univer- sally acknowledged to 00 SUPUBTOIL 110 011., OTE(Iraiii in all the essentials 01 11 good Instrument. .rrin g the YEAR 1873 we secured as usual FIRST PRTZES AT ' LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA A Viva Years' Guarantee given with each instru, 1150)10, lOr Illustrated Catalogue,. Address W. BELL & COXPANY, Organ alliainaetur er, GUEI9,, ON7 N -41y PUMP' 'VICTOR a.: rcrs PtJMPS G.-. BOLTON, 1814.,V* 0(311 infOi'ri tho illhabiiOl1t8 of Hay. Siephen nO 13 aerial, dust he iliaaataetures all kinds Of pump.; haled Mg the IVIONSINGEIt PATENT POACE PIMP) for Which ha Itas • the ekelusive right .:for Cho abovo,naruoil 16Wila1ips Vie en biletiber feel0 caul-der1:. that he, eau eatlety, those in want o U1fl414 (114 to woklonan41>ip 0014 eituoityyaha .00211 aria% tied he , CANNOT 1311 UNDERSOLD1J111(1 14ottrtAdlOnt,-,,-.01,1e-Iffnif111 11)0..0 north 61. tho tillage of ERoter, oh Let 7, flity, tendon. Ilssaficiathina totereisa to with 3)1Oillpti 11600; MO' done ol 3e1001100do 0ri000. " ' •" 0140 1301A0X,-. ilay,Apill11: G11974 • ,..wOrtlibfb,Tb.W.''.0.00.0..,..0 REENWAY S STORES Lowestiver Offeyo.d„,„,.., Central a and Crediton. Centralia and Crediton, Oetelier 8, 1874. RErrzov 30 - CHARLES 00IPTHCOTT has removed his CUTTING- AND . TAILORING-. 13,USIITESS to the newanick establishment One door south of the old premises. Satisfaction guarantecd----Outting a speciality 0-00T7T1--ICOTT. .1.1002. MISCICIlealit..111.28fiLtaipil..1111C00.11111•1101.0.110VMONlics. (17 11.0.±7 Old Sol.— "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used me up. Regulate your movements hereafter by this, ,and don't depend on me." T 'NOW take the present opportunity of retnrning Illy thanks to the general public for their 1 Tory din,. 11 sftpxtrt 111 th ;pa, era, askin for a C01101111rCO of their confidence, would say that nothirig on tny part •Aill be wanting to uttke the establishment worthy of pat- ronage. Cwould now oall their attention to the following assortment of tiALT4f) A NEW ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS FROM $1 00 UJ?- -. '\VAliDS. WATCWTIS FROM $10 UPWARDS. A vory good wateh for $1.51 ; and for $1.8 the .6ry 'best 'watch ever offered tO the public. This ,watch is made expressly for this country; 1118 very sttong, not easily put out of order, is a reliable time -keeper, fully warranted, and Carries its Own Recommendation with a largo vn,iiety of °TIMM. N.V.A.TpZIES TqC1100BE FROM-- 18 IC Gold 'Watches for ,Ladies in very 18 it Han.dsonae Cases. Beautiful Gold 381(1 1/4 Morocco Cases, Gold Ear-drois and Brooches s variety. ' Gold Bracelets—chased, Gold and Black 13racelo0, Gold Chains—a very large stock of the lat- est patterns. A,large assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Pings, Gold Lockets and Charms,, Gold Watch -keys, Silver Tea-pots, Cruet Stands, Cake Baskots, Ladies' Worlodioxes suitable for presents, Black Goods in great variety, B P Batter KeiVeii, Table DesSof 1 and Tea -spoons of the bait quality, Spectacles to imit all sights, In fact this House13100 the Largest Stock in the County to ebobse hem., ‘Olooks,, Watches alai Jewelry eleated and repaired, and warrant - ad. Opposite Jrunes PieltartlIS General Stere, Exeter, Ont. , THOS. FITTON EilceteraOctober 15, 1874. ,Icenhemin ALL A.RRIV A JAI 1404S ICK Opened out the largest most complete best asserted and elicapest lot of goods everabraught into this part of the Ootintry. IIAVENG. Imported all of his Dry -Goods from tho 12,:.unpean Markets fio is able to de 11 little bettor thim an -3.00161 lionSe h this.partiof the cotintrY. ' and does not hes tate to pay that' • lightt the LARGEST,STOCEODAtOtngiheCO: and a8 cheap as, can be found 'anywhere lia2aa0ffighoSb market price paid for all kinds of )?rodoce, 1 kin:040)0h flaia• 18, tlio Oldest 1;stablis11,elflIouso in the c6tint oppootio tub:P:0ot C413:00.