HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-12-10, Page 2eeese. K.
it, TIICitSpi
$er a late henr to write
It ektTetal *ekt but lat t • 'a
t ittakepti
elPon tld',$ newspaner4 Past) at
n$ sh/lieir aileietY tie furnish newe.
§tvawle newe Paine to thie untey
Wileatt Sahib wee eeptereele it was
Vived with a Pry a joy, and the 40-
40.74.4 feP VengetSeee wee foroeioue, No
men evee • richly deeeryekt death
Or the crime 004 he WA eoninated,
bet exultation, the me rp list of remenge,
will not eedure relleetleit, If there
wee no doubt about the eeptured man,
the sooso: he was tried and put pet of
existeuce perhaps the better ; bat what
good.14i0 (loath coula hVO done anyone
we ootiht net soe, The papers seamed
te have * cruel pleasure it; the recapit-
ulotion of the horrible etiffesings
floret' by the men, women and ehildren,
of Cawupoo ; and of the treaehery ky
which they Were puttqpid ama men,
demi. All this was done to s:t.elte
feeling $.4 eevenge,, We thought, let
,itu3g00 tAk0 001001 hut, the less sitid
about it tile better, To gloat over an
executioo s searpoly alloweble, and be-
trays somewhet ef h feeling leiudred to
With* we 0,re punishing, " 4).14 el'Po
the very worst foete of torture long
oleawn met eau be bad enotegh for the
willa,in." Such wage the ininiman sen-
timents whieli appeared in emu() of per
exchanges, But is Nene Struib really
captured? Hes not the Nene Sahib
who ordered the Cawnpove uatteeacre
and waded theepeth a sea of grime been
dead for many yore ? Now that the
first exelieeenee of feeling has passed
ftwity, doubts are arising. Sp many
'Tena Rehibs lieve been already eaptme
ea, thehe impression is gaining,
ground thet this pee may be added to
the number. His appeeranee is said to
be too youthful to llow of his being
sucesssfally substituted for the'denuine
enutineer. We had. rather that the
Teal Nena Sahib escape than that the
power of Britain should be disgracedby
progeodfude dictated more by a spirit of
reveuge than justice. And late report
..es, that the supposed Nene Sahib has
\an\released from captivity.
41481-reesoladeeite?, with a Mt.-
\ gesence.1
The most\t?servable thing in the
World and that wleichattracts much at-.
-1E1t1on feene..C.,4 pnblic mind, iS a 'pre-
valent•8i111, Snit ma,y be called, -for
/1-9 Other vain name can its signiiii
ovation lette'So- readily arrived at. 'Tt
1;41it ,qualified. Yes ; it
office; qualified to stieh q, degree
• Hueee WU ebtaie 4 /Kra ill eeabea by
bike, A1lowitAg ,rQ.avrailaemegt,
a1V 4110;311 ft • 4 7
kkOderieh, Townaltip„
lior11i of Huron •tousli,
(suet tett lie° hair or
okylksb.ip. .„1,808
Wiogliam and Teeberry
W e8t of Gra vel Po1(:L-1,200
Hullett, west of settle reed, 735
Poptdatioe. of West Hoe
ron.„......“."1.1“•*..•”gl? 484
NeTslIlop... "8,808
East of Gravel
▪ I toad .• .... ..... ......2,943
o • .. ..
Howiek ., 5,417
Tureberry, (test nf Gravel
AN Exense.-----Qinistmas and New
,Year's will come on Friday this time,
If any beaY mho eXypets a Mee present
should fail to t'eeelve it, the disap.
pointment nut bo attributed, to the
fast that Friday is ea " anlucky dey."'
Okeeteeeeme--We erteite reeei.Pt of a,
eoweloeieation front, Me.' Geo, ;MaY's
Solicitor, Geo, :Hey, Eeets13neklog14alli
Peleee, 49 Piceedilly st.,(aS st tooi114
oard) ,reetiostieg us to state filet he is
yet ia tho village, and not left, eerstat-
ed in our last weelt'e issue. We Make
the correetior meet reedily, aseeve have
bed ocular demonstretione of the
EnexetoN.---The election, of Officere
for Exeter 14, Op L, took place on Wed.
neday night last, with the following
result ; W, M, Bro. O. Willis ; pep.
M. Bre, J. Specimen • Treas. Bro.
Lambrook ; Sec. Beo. j.'White ; Com.
Bo. W. llawkshew, rU. Staddou. J.
Pratt, L. Hardy, .1. Balhwill.
GRANT.—The orange body of this
town passed a metier, kkt their last
meetieg which showed that it did net
leek judgment with regard to the
benefit of the town. It was that the
band has the uee of the lodge -room for
its practice free of charge.
• Peewee Oneest,----By reference to Mr.
A. Skiereer'S daVt, it will that he is
nowinanufacturma the patent cream
breed, which is eteemed as a great
usury, and not only is it said to be
cheep but good. It te a new thing in
thie part. S, intends extending and
reknoying his business to the Minn St.
during the coming spring.
WELL SUPPLIED,—It MD hardly be
possible that any other villoge uf 1,500
souls is so favored in the matter ' of
postal arrangement as is Exeter.
Those residing in the southerly part of
the town are within ' a few steps of
Exeter Post -office, whilst those nitethe
north are aecoMmodated by the Hay
P. 0,, which is within the corporation.
popithition of Huron.
East .. 21,464
Souvu I•11,TRON
Teckersinitli 3,099
Seafroth 1,868
Uelteree 8,831
Stephen 4,340
Stanley 3,804
Goderich, south of cub
line and Ham.) 11043,807
Hay. ...... . . ... 8,897
populaeion of Huron.
Seethe.. ...... .. ... 22,705
Notwithetending this, we think teat
the " diVidiuts," may IteVe been a little'
overdone, and the " poeters that be"
will wonder considerably if e
Conservetive should be returned for
molt constitueucy, which we:imagine
to be possible end attogethee probable.'
Ae old fable serves +-e, illustrate the po-'
sition of the Govarnmeut, A deg was
crossing a body of water by lumens of 0,
plank. In his mouth was a Pleee ot
meat: Happening to glance into the
water, be caught sight Of his own sha-
dow ;' and the meat seemed held up to
hlin tentalizingly, In his greed he
attempted to seize it, and iu doing SO
drOppea 11110 the water the nitrite he
already possessed.
AND DOW Hon. Sidney Smith has
been dismissed Thenfthe position of In-
speetor of Regietry Office, to make
room for a good ,Grit, because he had
the teteerity to oppose Mr. Xerr, in
Wo,,G Northumberland., "To the vig-
.ors belong the seoils."
Tun apology fur a newspaper publish-
ed in Parkhill calls the editor of this
journal an ass. Now, look here, friend,
with the kindliest feelings we aecept of
thelmen; and only otir modesty .pre-
vents ogr retrirning a Roland for your
Oliver,s and telling our readers how
some of the West Williams &raters 'dis-
played tdicir wisdom by renting for the
Winter the ears of the Gavtte man, to
use as eeyes for their straw stacks.
ae,fgeo of the remnant of quit1-1 THE most desperate attempt at wit
we have seen for along time ebbs outin
our Seaforth (totem, last weele It pain-
fully reminds the reader of perusing a
,ee yolosi Alm:Inc" in '74. 'Po rood it
puts one in mind of sitting on the
" tagged edge" of a dull buck -saw, lis-
tening to the combined music of forty
scullions pouring hot pease ,along the
baeks of sixteen curs. Give us a rest.
YAROOB Elan who started. an
ent:rebellion is now a prisoner in Cabul,,
Poor 'Yoloob ;•,.what sorrow. :from the
ranks ofethe 'Canadian -friends will now
peal 'foith.
(mhos at were beeeetheinioalizerl
ealer, the bread -getter of a
e famile Works at his daily labor,-
neeseele goes home and genvers au
n trldly vices—the billiard
'the bar -room, the street, and
eeds up with dire comments on
life.in ee gutter. 'With ali due tle
reece to this father, we caneot help,
remarkitig. how lost and Nears' his ora-
tory has been, and 'how prejudicial to
morals,hes been this eypocritical
peal, And.why • Sit:1p1y. because the
text chosen'for his impromptu. sermon
is made eiee (4b- him hi •tho next Intlf
le, mind withendless sightis,
to fill
body with whiskey,
of denione end his
so pe,,,z plainly. The oxample, set,.
fast14.t12/8 '111,941.''dedtrOYS .tdse effece
wpeti hts veleitt,ls'neight otherwise hate'
sToduced, arid big rein/irks' are but as
chaff before the wind. Itt short, he,
betrays, himself; and says plainly.:
E• What 1do,.10 thon not bet whet I
Pay irtakea net heed,
takeie inkireliee sp,lightly and bring,,
tete eghjegt o'f, quell inoralisin in the
area, with the actiens of -the Ontitrio
Cfoveenment, is' but a .elow comparison,
and only ate invidiotts disthnition may
Lie &Vint' 01f1:•11Q4ens of the latter be-
ing ter the More tleserving ,of censure.:
It was said that Sir. John Macdonald's
Government, in or;ler to gaina large
majority of, seats in his favor in the
1-1011S0 of cOningona, divided ridings in
the most lutlieroes tililmner, -We will
not say tp what motive the dividing of
these ridingsinay be ettribeted, bet we
can tiOy Say they, at all eyents; were
C}YQ14 and geographieally ded, leai-
ing about an equal populattee in each
of tiOldings, The present Ilefoum(?)
GoVaiirnent has taken pm initiatory
etep, and will certainly hand down
parliamentary ,but unjust ..precedent.
In order to giye the local 'members for
this county an easy chance of re-elec,
tion, they hate picked out h man's farin
and clotted him in the South .11,inind,
his neighbor across the road but in the
eame towwhip, is placed in the West
Aiding, kiia. .0 on, The Eaet Ridieg
Is siniilarly. Mapped pet, 'It will thus
. je seen that for the Looal Hoese Xir
oits divided into thee° ridings, 8!out1,
gast lord WesC,, givieg Heron an extra
member, ,Atid the (totality le this rich=
eulottelY cut with a view to etisure th?
eattern of three teepeerters et' the Gov-,
pertinent. For the perpoe,e,we will del:.
pit tti t Sr joint divided the sounty
ler Dein:mon eleptoritl plieposee With.
out any attempt to ragat4 geogrephieel
rules, hot his desire to iiteeease
ettength 'did not lead him to ittieh an,
hlttolPi. as ',to' Ons tewnehipe Up piece-
lte' 110011 4O116":111 .146`.'pteS61.1'
J.) edelse fen -tiers q.,t)r3,1,)01.154?
ea the alert, lest 1.11 thor
Na.ht alrogidi the onfAtio41 iietryediyie mid o set
" • 4its°tt,Pril.1111,;'
` the folioWine 5001,1 the
nit we fop, pow
Sr. MARY'T was fixecl by the Grand
division ofehe Sonoof Temperanceas
the next -place to hold the semi-annual
session, and Brantford, the annual,
Ueneen the new election act, read in
the Legislature,.members of the Local
House will he required npon entering
the House to take au oath thet, they
have not paid any election expense ex-
cept through the authorized agent who
publishes his etetement, a,ud also that
they will netpay.any itt (dare. This
clause wil relieve .members from the
importunities of friends who payenpug
with the expectation of being recouped
by tbe eandidate after hs election.
Vela ;nid
, New Yeee'sEVG.—New Year's night
. - , ,
.-The Brass Bancl--,greind, concert,'
"Wn GoAsuoAn.'!÷-Fav and wide are
We known. Odthe 17th inst., the Exe-
ter Brass Band itednd assisting 'the
brothers of brasin the"stone tewn at
o011COrt whieh is to 'beheld here.
. Hain Woux.—It , appears to be ex,
tveinely hard work for the ,element to
make iitiits mind whether to snow or
to letit alone. Scarcely 'enough 'has
fell during the last .two dayto cover
the asmind, altliongli, desperate effort'
has bon made,. .
PERSONAL.—ige. M. M. Rospbrugh
having resigned his position as prin-
cipal of the Exeter While School, has
entered into a partnprship with Mr. (1,,
Vandusen, , The combination of these
two gentlemen will give a w,onderful
stability' to the united business--s-the
drug and book and stetioneeea
SOARCITY:—A peat want iS.,j list now
beitg felt inour toot for beildinge.
No less than two or three families hoe?.
ind to occupy e`nP. building in nianyrin-::
" SR/also. --,The':liour when
sherry hie we ,g . lis et leet liege
eitiliered in with all the poem posethle
.ttt yoeths end nteidens of gay eixteen,
he heavy hosts‘which we have rvt,a
ddrng the past 40W days hate liatle'te
teitelency to give; a evonaerfel solidity
to the glass -like 'substanee.
Qum Tv3on.0,.--While that wemen
a11:ek9ted to Peseonother women .go.
goingelown a elAireli aisle,last Sendaye,
and ripped off ..eliet other womati`e
lienging pOehet iir 4011.1g it, ellen _the
most eursory examination of the
twee eounteettrace meth: it plain., that
tem Bableatli in her, steel Ilea fled, .
Goon.--s-ye havo to thank Mr, T,
Prime hatelter[fOr the-Lpreeent of on
px(30.1eitt pieee. of 1.11(qtt, 11116WD
,laiiiesed mettle", 'line is II,now braneli
of f,110 ntbinges, Mit littelylventnred tip -
on, by Mr. Psier,,and if that whieli we
have Mul the pleasure of hying is a
Lair eoecienen of his skill in the epleed
meet lieo we 'predict fey hirh a lerge
esid liteetrtiVe Sale for tile arteeter
A Nue', J3UseetCss.-2-We welecnie to
Fluter, Mr. Griffin, late of London,
Ont.. who intends commencing busi-
ness in towe during the coming spring.
In the meantime -tee has been appoint-
ed agene of the London Narseries, and
is prepared t received 'orders from
farmere ler fruit trees, etc. . We can
recommend hhn as being a triastworthy,
and competent gentleman, Jelly under-
standing his business.
lsTeieurte'sDetoen.—Is your hair fall-
ing out? Is your hair growing dry
and lifeless 2 Is your heir lees pliablei
and glossy than of yore ? It wants' a
good healthful hair dressing to help ex-
hausted. ature to recover itself. Try
Bearine and mark the change.
Portome.—There is not a great deal
of pork offered for sale on the market
yet. This is more astonishing as the
gures offered for the article are good,
ranging from $7.50 to $8,25, while in
St. Mary's the highest offered has been
$8.30. The want of sleighing may
account for the little ,corning in.
NRW IRON BRIDGE.—We are glad to
see thatoer Reeve has been exertieg
V.IrCirfit 01' THE
The ideal of greatneee and inagian
tude in the hietoey of the world hee ex-
isted with the peule of Exeter ittthe
teilread and he the new eehool
Nothieg to theni is or was pf so vast
e of sl1131 0de): sit): eut:tt
hearing tbe sum t ,of the 1/011 110/8Q Of
dee /4/094 48 Ile atrOde illtO their
burgh end seeing a pile of brie,lis f".ortu
e.nobly structured school inkilding.
The lattre one of the8e eneetations
has already heen realized,,and we hope
iu a few days ti be able to elu•enicle
that the beildieg of the '`foriner has
been eonuneneed, Thee, what a peo-
ple ! The school is truly, as Mr, Miller
said at the let° opening," the best
selkool house ia the county, It is built
in Gothic.style, with sunken entrance.
door, and surnioented by a beautiful
tower. To the eight as you enter, yon
areled(unless you`go yourself)to teearge
room, capable of seating about,I50 pu-
pils. To the right of that again is an-
other class room, equally as huge, with
lobby in rear. To tleo leftof the en-
trance you may flud a repetition of the
scenes on ate right. Admitteig you to
those four roosins and lobbies .djoining
is a largo sultry, with right and left
stairs being you as you enter the door.
We talee tho right ;we march up; look
to the right way of the building and e,
room equally as large as its fellow on
the first flat is seen, Out of thie, and
into the large receeption hall which is
adioiumg, we find t a! room coveringas
much space as the two centre ones on
the iloorbsneath. Then out of this by
the entrance in the north end of the
,room, we find another apartment (mak-
iug seven rooms in all) and lobby.
Now we descend by another flight of
stairs, and again find ourslves in the
open air. High ceiliteg and largo eooms
are the pleasing features about these
apartments. The woodwork throughout
is of vast credit to Mr. Ross, whe has
himself for the benefit of the village
while at the County Council last week.
His efforts to secure the ezection of a
new bridge over the Sable, have been
SD far successful that tho motion to
have a new bridge was passed, and the
County Engineer directed to furnish
the estimate for an iron uridge—a iari-
ty in this county.
Ii.enTaient OUT. --The "setting in",
of winter without the usual fall rains
is going tii'proye rather troublesome to
farmers and owners of steels:. A very
largo peoportion of the wells, springs
and creeks have not a drop of water in
them, owing to the long • " dry spell,"
and in many oases stock has to be
driven from oho to' five miles to secure
water. This if continued, all winter,
must prove injurious to the stock, and
extremely troublesome and expensive
to the eteemers. 11 may, however, in-
duce it larger sale of .cattle, and thus
bring down the price of meat.
MihneinAn,.-- The query haibeen repeat-
edly asked of us, ." What stir in Muni
eipal politics 2'.' Inquiry has enlight-
ened es but little, In:Exeter, Mr. Jno.
Trick will retire, the 'other three coun-
cillors will be asked to stand, and the
reeve, Mr. 'Willis will likely 'receive no
opposition, '
In Stephen, a number of candidates
will be named, but it likely very littls
change will be made. Mr. N. Freid,
an old ,cotincificr, will proabably find a
seat at the beard this year as many
wish for his becoming a candidate.
The Change in 1.1.eborne is known to
none, as but little ie being said. The
present council could scarcely be bet-
teied. HaY, like the other municipali-
ties, remains quiet.
Gauar induction in prices at Green.
way's, Centralia. Furs &e. for less
than cost, a few splendid mink setts.
per, of London, has secured a patent
for an improved breech -loader which in
colistruction differs in maity respects
from the most of those ordinarily in use.
It appears to be 'a simple, strong and
durable snap actiou, and is self lock-
ing. The frame is inclosed in the stock
so as to have this of 'wood eXternally,
from ono end to the .otlier, DO slight
ad vantage in cold weal lies. Theshell
it thrown free from the barrel, and a
Ole with this action eau be diecharged
p.Q times in tt minute. • Two sets. of
bete els, shot and rifle, can he .used itt
the panic stock and either brass. or pa -
leer shone may be used in .the shot-
YOUTHFULfrinntounn.—A fit sub-
ject for a moralistiney be felled almost
any clay'on "otir Streets. There es a
fether and a s,on, *.Tbe father llenpens
to be of that Claes spoken of in scripture
aohaving reached the laat'sand in -their
glasS;'and the Sohis elle who ethiiiiitis
you of,t1nO sportive :lila 111110all1 lain t)
with the 'proclivities of -a yotitlifill
'Wood is barned in that hotnie,-and :the
scion employs .s ittieimucii, *a,
School. hi teamieg it on
tit the house: The Pllicr, afty'lle' had
on a. load, but, nnlike eome pelitteittie's
pocket.bouice it WWI hard to draw'. The
old man's, assistance was' reqUested ;
lie acquieSeed, hitched i1iplftc the
vehiele, and failled. That' load 'IyaS
somewhat heatier; for the' innocent
outh, in' Ms effort td IlkaS0 ia, Won't
011111(1 tnsheve thO eleigh along. On
aif DIP U 44 P
Fame Bor,o,—A big 4410 was real-
izea at Mre, Gifford's sale All Tuesday1140 Inot ,
tolusit1,0,0f0L' te.thiemt:bOantir,X111$11b4oey-
longuig owiegoluilhOleiyilread,y.f.,1,074,,,t105,400A0Ire.a$Siti.inpls,iaLeni
catiteined 200 40/08, with Det VO/Y g5t4,1t1
Ftini.--0 Friday:last, the bs,rn and
0011t9/1t8 Of Ur., Eawk4d, `1,Vs,,r+ en the
8th coneession of Biddulp11( was eon-
eumed bY fire, The build'ing contained
grain and farmingimplQments amount-
ing iui value to about47(10, 'upon which
there was an inserenee of 43000. Mr,
Ryan was cleanisig wheat at tee limo,
ilea only succeeded nt savii?g. jwo bags
from the barn. His horses and har-
ness were kaved. Ho wati so hard
pressed that he could not save his
coat. /
11.L. di.lr811.4 D,
F Tar,ouosmr Onnoeute.—The election
of officere for L. O. L. No. 178, took
plate) at the lodge room, con. 9, Bleu -
shard, at the regular annual meeting
held last week, with the following re-
sult : W. M., W. Elliott; D, M., R.
Rea; Trees„ John Rea ; See., A. Bea, ;
Chaplain, 0. Grafton; 1st Core, man,
W. J. MricIntylrew.
1i00 NG AOH
S .A squirrel shoot -
me match was held on Friday week, on
P11511100 Concession, Blamshard, between
two parties of fourteen each, The eap-
tains were William and Richard Baynea,
the loseog side to pay for the supper,
Mr, Wm. Baynes' side came off victor-
,ous, having 18,080 pellets to 18,260
by Mr. Richard Baynes, being a major-
ity of 460 for the former. The match
was finished off by a supper and ball,
at the house of Mr. David Campbell,
where fifty couples sat down to supper.
really spared no pain La makingthis
said end substantial building; being
enhanced by not looking at all cum
soii but everything as it were, hyclock
work' Shape. We can say 'equallY -as
much for the tison-work by Thos.
Bisset. It is 'the opinion '(4 ntauy
thee soma one was at fault however, as
to the heating arangement. , might
proba,bly have been better to have lied
the entire buildiner heated he; hot air,
instead of having mat
stove in each o
ef the seven. This, ef course, cartaile
consiaerable expense. Diffiirence of
opinion in this matter as well as in
many others will be found to exist.
It was in the large reception. room
. where a large crowd of Smiling juvenilee
met your gaze, as you entered
on the niglit of INTeclnesday the chid
inst.' There they sat, some in white,
some in mauve and some in gray and
black, a sunbeam trichling on the coun-
tenance of eo,ch. In front of them sat
the thirteen members who compose the
Exeter Brass Band.' And busy as the
very bee was the children's much loved
principal. Mr. Rosebrugh, who ap-
peareill so anxious to please everyone
that that wale')." really could not bebet-
tered he seemed to think should be.
To speak of a good chairman is but to
name Mr. Isaac Carling, and to kuow
liow well the eiltertainineut of the eve-
ning weal off is but to mdin
mention I
as filling the chair: The belie on
this occasion must surely have intend-
ed to make use 'of instruments end
themselves as advertising mediums for
their own concert, for the openingpieee
was grand, and to .follow the ratio of
comparison to the end wofild be outvy-
trig description. Excellent is a trifling
word for it. And just listen that in-
fant class ,as they warble "Baby goes
alone," and you'll imagine yourself in
all the elyssinin of innocent babyhood
once more. To put upon paper the
manner in which the pupils under 2fr.
Rose beugh's direction, sang;" Christina,s
Carol" and t'sleeping spud" would be
but to attempt with a 'ridiculous' per
what words could not enunciate. Those
little buds just rising into womanhood
and manhood, sang with the glee ancl
the innocence with which nolie but
children can sing, anti with the Correct-
ness whiele singers of more ;mature age
do not often possess. Miss AlcTavisli
although having made herself a favor-
ite with the Exeter people before, re-
newed and almost redoubled thi,. favor
ism if such a' thing were itossible.
The volume and clearness of tone
which she possesses is something Mar-
Vellous in an amateur. She was loud:
encorecittt every reeital, It's wa4 not
xpected byithose who did not ;know the
singing proclivites of Misses ; Fisher &
V, Bissett that Exeter had any in' its
village,who could so welleend with such
ease, hold .forth in solo and`Duet, Bat
then you see it has, and on ,this oeca-
sio# they -appeared to be entirely iu
their ,element. Miss Bissett's,:alto was
highly spoken of. The little Wonders
Misses gthej.cla and Hanna Mary Brod-
irick, elicited considerable applanbe
for their duet, "The gates forever op-
. . ,
en," Exceedingly well accomplished
was the duet, "Tittle footeeeps," by
Misses. Martha and Jews Verity. Not
only was tho singing of those two little
ones good, 'but their appearance while
on the stage bespoke for them no low
place in tho ninsjeal ranks in our town
at no distant day. An addrees of tell,.
ing interest was tlelivered.by R. Mil!
ler, Inspeceor. - Mise Verity did fall
jilstice to, her reputation -as an organist,
She was aasisted by Miss Elston. Mr.
Elston accompanied ointhe bass viol.
About 7,00 persons were present, the
hive room being nearly fulecl, $84.65
realized.`antbat, Was used. was one of
t7heirbil'1S71,gver Toitgue lteputetien, loanel
by Nis, Chas Senior which was all that
etteld be de,sired, Miss McTavish and.
'Mrs Senior sang the duet, "Gipsy cottn-
excellent style and tbe latter
gentlemanand Me. L Crocker perform-
ed,with very pleasing effect a beautiful
gornet deg, • 0.
Ilh1,0NAL, - • :qr. :13latchford, S. 6, Noe
5,' fisborne, !As -resigned his position'
(fettling:roil/id the Otteietit gentleman risS 1eac1tcry it being' 148, intention to
obserted 1116deVotecl ofhis loin* Sitting's ttirt1r1its studies to tteollegoato Course.
Ptytvoll, formerly of this place, but
late of MitniCO, alut 0111 make a vorY
6fileiciit't(ittaien '
'NuMti" Eif,tAsn,—Oli, Friday 'night.
le,S6 :Mr. M. lolland'haa. 81it6p
1iit by clog*. Other neighbors hVqal
50 hO011 trodbled,
dOtnfortltbc, on the Weed, with" ,tlitirrib'
to nose aild, fingers ext'eiicled toivaras
eoittp playmates in 1140 distetice.'" Thee'
boy flow ietye.be don'fare4 1S .f4t1101`
'lad to poy thO dothill,tOeti'etrkt 'for
the cordWood Whieh Was`Oin4S110t1 OVer,
)110 haek
otan and rifinit.g.
Mr, ,f, y, Savage has been appointed Agent for the
Truns in the Village of Lucan and ;
is empowered. to receive subscriptions andlob
work; also at liberty to gill() receints for the
same, A to», aoars from McLean's hotel
J.J. Fisher's stallion King el
the Dominion died In ColbOrne One day
last Week, of inflammation of bowels,
Atolierstburg Presbyterians
have decided on placing an organ in
th4 church of diat tOWn,
- Three men have been committed
to jail in Welland for setting fire to a
bun in flumberstone.
--- Seven hundred negroes attacked
Vicksburg on Mundy last, by three
differeut eoads. They were driven
thick with a lose of 25 killed awl woun-
bed, and 40 psisoners. The whites lost
pee killed, awl two woended. The at -
welt was made for the purpose of rein-
tstating Crosby as sheriff, who was re-
quested to resign because he bed not
givee. bond. The negroes in the coun-
try are reported as burning dwellings
and giu houses.
rom our own Correspondeatl
' vPPOSITION c TAGE.—Mossrs DOD elly
have put on an opposition stage to run
from 'Crediton to London,calling at Lu -
call, so the public have increased
`aceemmodatian and.fares• will probably
be lowered,
A 'AVM fracas occurred in
front of the Post -office a few days' ago
between a young man ftom the country
and a couple of young men belonging
to 11110 villade. The villagers were
enowballing, and frightened the farmers
team, who thereupon retaliated with his
fiststo which the villagers responded
With fists and thee; beine'Lottnumbered
•the conntrymaneretreeted ie tolerably
geed Melee appettehtly of ' opinion that
116 worth' prefer meeting the enemy,
separately than when united. No seri,
our &meg° done.
Oliddlese.V tOntity ot, ounce,.
1.Plie above Council 'nee in. the County
Hall en Tuesday afternoon, Mr, L. E.
Shipley,, Warden, presiding, The War-
den informed the Council that $, P,
Great, Esq. 'Inspector of No. 2 Divi -
Sion Public+ Schools, had tendered his
resignation, and that he had appoitit-
edeMe. John Deernese; eonflemed. A
vote of tilallka WAS then tnedered to
,111.. Groat for the very' satisfactory
manner in which be had discharged
the ;various duties of his office,
A eommuilleation was received Prom
Wrii. A. Fartnex, of Manitoba., chaining
the reNvard offered by the Council for
tile Inliraerer of ThomeeeSeott. VOA.
— Call is being inade to the States
of Now Liersey and No ,York to send
Clothing, flour, and other neeesseriee
the.starving people of' Nchritskit,,
.Lueeet Conetoire--The regular meet-
ing orate council was helci in the conn-
eil room ou Monday Dec.71h at 7.30,
o'olock. Present, T. Dight, reeve'in the
chair • councillors Goodacre, McLean,
&Robns. Minutes of last meeting
were and epproyed. By-law No, 82
appointing polling place for next ennui-
cipaletlectaen was read. 8 tines and pas.
sed. 1.'cived by A. Goodacreeesecondect
by R. McLean, that the following ac-
counts be paid and the reeve sign or-
ders for the same.: George Hodgins,
work on crossing, $6.00 • Peter Batler,
hauling timber, $1.00; W. W. Lee, In-
spectorof license, $5.00 • W. W. Lee,
drawieg bonds, $200 ; Wm. Mattheeon
lember and laying sidewalk $2,67;
Path. Gormally, repairing culvert, 75
cents; Me. Horrigan, part taxes remit-
ted, $1.67 • 'Widow Kennee relief.
Carried. er. P. McIihargey addressed
the council asking for a remission of
taxes on property which ho contended
hai been assessed too high; action was
deferred until next meeting. The come -
oil then adjourned. •
VESTRY Mezerxe.—A vestry mectina
of thepewholeers of the English church
was held cat Monday evening. Its ob-
ject was to decide what stop the con-
glegation should. take conshquent upon
the withdrawal of a yettely grant of
$150.whioh the church sow' ty has been
in the habit of paying the clergyman
who officiates here and Ws St. James
church, BA-1(11.11pin The Bishop re-
quires that each clergym.an shall re-
ceive at least g800 per annum, and
the church society very properly thinks
that two wealthy congregation like these
should raise that amount without any
assistsnce from it, and declines to con-
tieue the grant longer than this year.
The pews of the Lucan church are
rented, the clergyman receiving all the
rent,over $400, and the idea of some
was to add someting to the rent °reach
to make up the amount required, a
motion was, however, carried that no
change should, he made nutil the Eas-
ter vestry meeting when the -whole mat-
ter should be considered.
IttiencareL.---This time last year a
keen canvass was being carried on by
persons desirous of obtaining seats at
municipal council board, buttnow there
is nota word heard about elections,
and yet nomination day is at hand.
Some change must be made for coun-
cillor Robins has removed out of the
limits of the corporation aud we hear
it rumored that Mr• Dight the Reeve is
not inclined to run again. It would be
a pity should the latter rumor prove
true, for Mr. Bight has faithfully at-
tended to his duties, which are not al-
ways of the most pleasant hind, and
can bring far rnoro than the average
amouut of knowledge and business
talent to bear in their performance.
It is, besides, very undesirable to make
freqeent changes, for by the fime new
men are acquainted with the actual P0 -WILL PURCHASE A
sition of public affairs their year is up q) choice building lot in the very
1 1 00
and when they may bo most useful they centre of the business portion °film Village.
give way to others who have to com-
mence as it were to learn municipal
vrielle KE TS _iiii
E XET1.111.
White Wheat $ 66 to
Spring Wheat ... 87 tp
Oats ... ... 35 to
Potatoee . 42 to
Peas - 80 to
18 to
13uttor - • .,. 23 to 23
Flour por bbi. ,.. 500 to 000
12 to 12
Shorts ... 14 to 10
}Iasi .. . . ...„ .......... ,....., .... .. .. ... 774 to 820
Beef 400 to 050
Hides,- ... ..... 0 06 to 0 061
Sheepskins.., 1 00 to 1 25
Hay . . _. .. . .... . ..,.,...,., ... . ... . .., 19 00 to 14 00
Dried' Apples " 2 09 to 2 00
Onions 90 to 1 25
vii to 12
geese 5cis per pound; Turkeys Sots per poun ;
Chickens lOcts to 12icta each; ticks 20ots to 25,
Pall Wheat ... ... .„ $ 90 to $ 92
Spring Wheat,. .„ .., 00 to 9'2
Oats -, .„ , 35 to Se
Baxley ..,
Butter _
•70 to 72
.,. 1 04 to 108
••• .. • 25 to 25
181090 to 1890
Fell wheat '111.
37 to 89
.„ ...
S p r i n g w h e a t . ,............... , ....... . 0010 98;0522 itto0000 190084802
flutterPBelwboal- alsoet, oys..: . . . . , ,
Deihl wheat, per bused
BI:tgl algi:e, )p.. e. r" 'd o s e. n'
Butter ,.. „.
Spring wheat ST. MARY'S.
.., 1 00 to 1 07
90 to 92
0 10 to 0 18
90 to 92
1:1Vio°111:11!t:eg wh ea t
Treeniv ell LIJOAN. 815217:827 to
°0:: 8213169584
Hay 12 00 to 1300
8 00 to 845
PlEr oy
Peas Oat; 20 0525075 to 01 59090855:
0 70 to 0 72
BI,Atgt,tetrov.:. s.l.
dozen... 25 to 25
Erelr'llinttl?twtrilie ea de 8 a . 858 to 8 75
14 00 to 15 00
4155 to 0 5160
10 to 12
5 to 6
595 to 5 517
°1 ..... .. .. .. ............ ... .37to5
,0 '15 to 1 00
13cief ...,....,,...... ................ ,....
. .... 4 00 to 5 00
Hiaes....... .............. . .. ... ........... Cita Iii
7 1
(From Yesta1414rdayD'°sNiree Press.)° to 8 18
White Wheat Deihl, per centol ... $1 60 to 01 72
swing wii" eat Tree..dweD1 50 to 1 05
. ... ...
... 1 55 to 1 63
... 2 21 to 228
... 112 to 114`,
... 1 20 to 126
2010 22
25 to 28
Barley ... ... ...
Cate ... ...
Eggs per ozen ...
Butter per pound ...
BERN-Frasivren-At the B. C. Parsonage, Elfin -
villa, on the lst inst., by Rev. W. C. Beer, AU.
Henry Bern to Miss Harriet Fenwick, both of
HainnEnr-H000-At the residence of the bride's
in other, on 2nd inst., by Rev. W. C. Beer, Mr.
jmnes Herbert to Miss litin7 Hogg, both of
-17-. P. C. _A .
Life of kroses -Mr. G.KILPATRICK.
History of England -Part 3 -from Henry VIII.
to Charles IL -Mr. If. C. BOULTON.
Doors opea at 7: eonimenee at7.30. Admission
free, aild the public cordially invited to attend.
Building sites can be &Animal/1 this thriv-
ing village on. easy terms. Tradesmari,mechanice
and artisans will find a good opening for almost
any kind of industry, and from the great advan-
tages about to be realized from the L.,n. &Bruce
ItailwaY, Property in tuis place will, no doubtvery
:Mon double its present value. Quito a number of
lots have boon recently sold.
e WILL village lot on any back street or
retired situation.
,\YotIoljnija sild)oUlFeritt and8nEett,i•At No fIrCo nEt
The Exeter Brett
44 ${
And alt the prineipal Cities
ltfakes advances on Produce
Buys and sells Sterling Exchange,
Discounts for the Farming Coms
Collections made in all parts
Deposits from One
Z-)ayableQtt Demand 'wait Interest front
OPPIOL Henna -From 10 A.M. to a p, or; se,tusaey
Exeter, Octebor go, 1874
STBAYED from Lot 1e, Con. lot
131anshard, 11 yearling Reifers-ono a light red
with white staron forehead, and the other a dark
red. Information returned to the embscriber as
1011ct to11iaii ncoyory will be thankfully received.
CAME upon the preniisee of the Sub-
scriber, on or about the Ist of November last
a red steer about oue year old, and a white and
red heifer about three years old. By proving prop-
erty •ind paying expenses the owner eau take them
away. N. 10111111), Proiesburgh. 6843'
VOTE LOST, —Alt persons are
11 hereby cautioned against purchasing a
promissory note, drawn in favor of John Trevitiok
or bearer, against Christian. Webb, as sal note
has either been stolen or loot. jORN =TWIT,
ICK, Crediton.
rilHE Subscriber offers for pale, on
Lot 6, North ThamesItoad, a net four -stop
Parlor Organ, of the Canada Organ CO,'8',makey7-
win be sold for $100, !Cost $140. Apply, at'Itins
Ofn410 or to W. N. AMIN. 014f .
Le OF Ireland, on or about the 15th October, ono
two-year Pid hailer (red). Any information of her
will be thankfully reoeived. HeINRY jOHNSON,
A. won 00 101 25, and con. Stephen. Terms,
75 cents. at time ef service. l'oak arab prise at
the fair, held in Exeter this fall. W. DEARING.
L./ of the suberiber, Lot 21on the 8ra. conces-
sion of Stephen three spring actives, the owner is
regnoSted to call and prove property and take
them away. RialvEL SANDERS,
I '4 premises of the 'subscriber Lot 15, con, 5.
Ilsborne, on or abous the 15th of Nov. last a bay
horse with ster on forehad. OwnerIcan have the
same by proving property, paying expenses.
07-3t. T. BALATIN.
The premises of the subscriber Lot 16
con. 4 Stephen, on or about the middle of June
last one steer, ono year old, dark roan,1 year old
spotted heifer, with large 'wit° staron forehead
$3 will be awarded to any one leaviug such infor-
mation at this odic° as will lead to their recovery,
or to THOS F M,LAND.
011111M1110EP 112:151WWIllissiz
•A A%000,00
f Po. 46014°C)
oh of Molf3one Bank
till, JOHN, N. 13.
and (lowns in Ontario & (-Inches,.
New York Exehange Greenbaeke &pi
of the Dominion,
Dollar Upwards received.
date of Deposit to date of With.citoma
s tresiio A. te
13 F-] R 1\T 1-1
A Hair Beautifier, Preserver & Dressing
This elegant preparation, named from the can.
ecle Bear, from which its meet elisential element
is obtained, JO a scientific compound of real Bears
Grease, and other ingredients so cerabined o.s;to
r etain for a length of time, its original fragrance
mad purity. .
As a &eosins ter the liair nothing can be more
Jyatutiful or agreeable. It is elegantly perfurnea
14nd renders the Hair soft, pliant and giosey.
nerves to give it that peculiar richness and color,
whieh is so essential to a complete toilet. It is
the cheapest, most harmless edbest Dressing in
the world,
Price, 50 eta. per package
Perry Davis son, sole
December, 10, 1874,
168 -nal
' '13 al 171; EL 01:1DNOGN OF RF ET:PER :7, nil 140 Iv' :II 0 twen-
ty-sixth year of publication, is an eight -paged,
largo double newspn,per, comprising sixty-four
co awns,. It contains the fullest amount of cur-
trbunditgeoRt "oSitpa taesesirgaeivrse,utatithethr ewiDthomaLioenxa. ansthrtrded
re : .. ws by Amin. and telegraph, ample Parlia-
me . oports,,British and foreign intelligence,
general reader will fincl'ecoh weeka serial tale of
absorbing interest, political,And ,literary selee-
tions,. and a elciiid of items ofinterest Farm and
Firma° is a usetuicollection oadomestic and ag-
ricultural intelligence which is desarvedly popu-
lar, The Market Intelligence is industriously and
accurately given froze week to week, together with
O large amount of Commercial news. The Politi-
cal and Editorial departments are conducted in a
spirit offearlessness and truth, the constant clink'
being the furtherance of Canadian interests. The
whole paper forms =unequalled compendium of
of:intelligence stich 'as challenges attention and
dotes successful competition. Price,$1.50 in 'Aube
Agents allowed. 11 commiseion of 25 cents .on each
yearly subscriber. Club lists and specimen cop-
tes supplied upon application by letter :er postal
card, ta- New subscribers this year will receive
Ike FREE Prress gratis for the remainder of the
t year. G8A.td3dres
London, Ont
Dominion Gun Shop & Rifle Factory
First -Class Style.
Cent7a1 Fire.
w OP 11111
• •
zihot- Gans, Iterolvers, Pistols, Fishing, Tack
anti Manters, Supplies, Powderz Shot,
Lead, Caps, Cartridges, Grin Wadding, Wad Cutters, Powder Flasks, Shot bngs, Cl
Cap primers, Bullst-euntai and Ceneral Ciun Fittings kept constantls on hal
unizsie-leadina Flunt,ing and Target made to order. Keys fitted, Bogg
General Job -work and Itepitiring dome with Neatness and Disp
Good Hunting Rifles from 612 upwards. Good Shot -guns, upwar
from $5 upwards,
Sign of the klun and Golden Key.
London. Ont.
Lonilon, December 10, 1874. 68-m3;
" SMIMTE11.,.
MAKES pleasure in informing the inhabitants of Exeter and surrounding Tillages that he,
has rented the Exeter Bakery, lately occupied by Mr. R. Sanderi, and he hopes by
and strict attention to business to merit the public patronage.
Wedding Oakes letlade to Order.
Manufaetilrer of Graham, Half aye anb the PATENT MEAN ?MAD, Prompt atten.
Lion paid to Schools and,Parties, which will be supplied on the most reasonable terms..
Fresh Bread constantly on hand at the Post Office. Families waited on daily.
Exeter, December 10, 1874. 67-tf.
Drugs, Stationery, school Books,&c,
of a very superior lot on a side street.
WILLa a.f it3 tojt Yf
c ron 1 Yon _q_d_nRg,
$.150 ,`,1Yejl Lot -1t4OB THE
ots, front
an,i rear, abutting each other,
conent pasture let et 0010 three
acres, having good building sites thereon,
a beautiful villa lot of largo size
with handsaw shade trees grown up .to perfec-
$250wir'14 'PtilICHA.sE AN
excellent pasture'lot of abent three
4O11041 having pump end woll, With:never ;failing
$650Ny111,, BUY A SPLEINT,
_ aid lot in the centre -of tho bug.
ness portion of the village, with nicely finished
'name cottage,. 24-N-20,110arly now, having kiteleen
with good well of water,
(3o t) superb corner lot In the very
business portion of the. ",efilage With finiehed
intim) cottage liStorios 141511, 86-20 with verandah
iii front and excellent brigic,coller lintlernocith,to-
gether With kitchengoodpunth and well with
siiring, ethomodious stlible and
other appurtenances,
"ddeci Oinite of the liCrat`•ittencliin-
Old viihk,go tomprifittig two..,tolif of4 ado eiten.i
ObOtting coch t1ttt laut6t with choice,
roes, together! •ivi1/1 w new Weil -finished reknit
'dotittO 1 storieca 28±18; eXoellelit (If Witter
with notot-failitig eertee, large etrible Other
enter temMOOS.
'Parties buying lots with the in-
tention of hnilding, can obtain teme for
papeent of the purehneso money.
(lrnf4.tJi8 ()et, 111874, 09
EN 'Joi:.ltitTlgim ere peOnie of
C. VANDU romp bestowed upon him since
h has boon =Type, on tho Drug business MR successor 10 1110 late Dr. Winans, desires
tolstate that, having bought largely this whiter, he is positive that he has the largest and
best assortment of rugs, Medicines, Dye -stuffs, &c., to be found in any 'Drug store between Clinton
and London. Ho has also added to his stook of Lrugs, &c., a complete assortment of stationery,
School Books, Albums, Fancy Goods &c.
They have been selected by Mr. M. M. Rosebrugh, who is well acquainted with the lrepuiremente
of the people in thig line, and he superintend this department. Inspection cordially invited en
satisfaction guarantee/ Preseliptions and recipes quicicly and accurately dispensed.
N. B.—Agents for the London Life Insurance Company of London, Ont.
0171,0 Thousand Dollars
is more ersily talked of than obtained, and George J. Griffln (late of the Lon-
don Seed Store), London, begs to inform the farmers of the surrounding ooun-
try that Messrs. Pontey & T.tylor, of the celebrated S. James' Nerseries, Lon-
don, have appointed him agent, and should they require anything in his line,
Le will
them with a first-class article of Fruit Trees, Ornamental Shrubs, Grape
Vines, 4c., ft ild after an inspection of the stock thoy grow he is satisfied they '
either for oleo or quality, as the eepittetion the above fletn has enjoyed, for 4
number of years is a stifileient guarantee that their tieee have giVen every sat.
isfactioo, and
Iteesonal kitoteledee of the aboo ilottgo 110 feels donfident in giving e'Very sat,
isfaction to all who may favor him with a call ; and beitits a pe1'il:041014 kOSi't
(lout of Exetee, he °woks tee "
ror Author intrtioalgv,
cAll at the poo Office,. who() 44rapla boo co mtv ha ihspaatailf