HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-09-01, Page 10• Page 10 Times -Advocate, Septepiber 1,1993
Centralia flight reunion
A reunion of Centralia flight students was held at the home of John Gibson last week.
The nine men in attendance were students of Gibson's and have not been reunited since
1959. All of the students have gone on to become senior captains and pilots for major
airlines such as, Air Canada, United Airlines, and Canadian Airlines. Though most now
live in the U.S. they were all one Exeter area residents. They are, in back from the left,
Terry Thobum, Paul Priske, Lee Yenta, Hal Schweyer, Don Sinel, Rene Croteau, Terry
Dowd and Paul Aubin. Seated in the front is Zella Gibson, Sam Aquilina, and John Gib-
Grand Bend
CWL hold quilt raffle
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - At Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church, Grand
Bend, the Catholic Women's
League held their annual Quilt raf-
fle. Father Paul Beck drew the tick-
ets. All were members of the parish
C.N.L. Mary Mommersteeg won
the quilt and two cushions; Nellie
Kelders won a hand l pitted afghan;
Roberta Walker won a collector's
Parish members gathered at the
church hall after .the 11 a.m. mass
to witness the draw and to say
goodbye to the church organist,
Robert Vandersteen of Sarnia. Hell
be going backto school full time,
unable to travel: to Grand Bend. A
new organist, Loma Miller, will be-
gin practicing with the choir,
Thursday evenings after 7:15 p.m.
The C.W.L., held a successful,
baking and vegetable sale after all;
the weekend Masses, last of the
season. The next C.W.L. meeting is..
Tuesday, September 14, 8 p.m.
Congratulations to these new
couples who were united in matri-
mony on the weekend: Roh Bryson
and Arlene Kuntz, with .Deacon
Sam Dixon officiating, and Mai
Vrolyk and Julie Hillier, with Fa-
ther Paul Beck. officiating. Best
wishes to all!
Congratulations and welcome
into the Catholic community a11;
those infants who were baptized:
Christopher Matthew Lakusiak, son
of Ron Lakusiak and Ellen Vanden-
Bygaart; Courtney. Elizabeth Thom-
as, daughter of Richard Thomas
and Kimberly Bryson; and Jordan
Thomas Kadlecik, son of Thomas
Kadlecik and Jo Ann Dupuis.
Do you need help raising your
rs? Register for an eight
course on "Systematic Train-
ing for Effective Parenting",
S.T.E.P. on September 2, 7:30 p.m.
at the Grand Bend Public Library.
Ed Tighe is the facilitator, tall 238-
Gied days
The Huron -Perth -Bruce Chapter
of Epilepsy Ontario would like to
thank everyone *rho helped to
make Glad Days Such a success.
Peeters Enterprizes of Perth County
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full insurance
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for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Larry Grdawn, RA2, Stela .,346+a176
Loyd Morrison, Aft 1 St, Marys ,aY4!'rt
t.eraaiwney. thane .14,41163
.Mj{1lej0ert. RR1. Know..........1 4I 2
.pasph Ct>olle, AM Mace* ..4100110705
b ehen O'Shea RA3 Granion......411411000
Rags Hodgen, &Mat 5010060
bhnbbme. Mich ................. �Ii111st 2
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atYrtt+.cwn. :4310
A refund from -t1Npfee ips de-
elen,d for all policy hoidens
MO►o quality, are on record and
in �aod efeediig es et Decrm-
ber 81, 1012.
provided the gladioli for Glad
Days, which take place during the
month of August across the three
counties on alternating weekends.
Flowers were sold during the Au-
gust 6-8 weekend, in :Huron -,Park,
Bayfield, Hensall, 'Zurich, Exeter
and Grand Bend. Thanks to all the
town captains, volunteers and, of
course, those who bought the bow-
ers or made a contribution.
All the money goes towards fund-
ing research into the causes and
treatment of epilepsy and educa-
tional programs.
Anyone interested in a member-
ship or a subscription to "The Glad
Reporter" newsletter may call Marg
Vere or Donna Woods at 1-800-
387-5259 (Clinton). The newsletter
provides valuable information
about support groups, educational
events, fundraisers, and precautions
about swimming, deriving and other
lifestyle concerns.
Chattered Accountants
Daniel B. L um, B.A., M.Acc., C.A.
412 Mein SL, P.O. Box 2405
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14�� Devrwl. Sf.,11d
TAKE NOTICE'ittat'the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron and the Council of
the Corporation of the Township of Hay will hold a public meeting on Saturday, October 2,
1993 at 1:00 p.m. In the Hay Township Hall, 10 Victoria Street, Zurich. At the public meet-
ing commencing at 1:00 p.m., the following will be considered:
1. To allow the public to comment on the need for revision of the Secondary Plan for the
Township of Hay under Section 26 of the Planning Act, RSO, 1990. The Planning Act re-
quires that municipalities provide the public with the opportunity through a special meeting
of Council to comment on the need 'for revision to the Secondary Plan. This meeting is an
opportunity for persons with comments or suggested changes to make their thoughts
known to Council.
2. To consider a proposed official plan amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act,
RSO, 1990. The proposed plan amendment will update the existing Secondary Plan and in-
cludes the following:
• update the plan by adding and revising references to the Planning Act
• update the plan by identifying minor wording changes and technical information
• add sewage disposal policies regarding how development will occur on private septic sys-
- 'the'mimlctpttttty will monitor development related to the continued use of private sep-
tic systems
- new development will be considered where the number of vacant developable lots do
not exceed a 20 year supply
- new developments shall demonstrate the impacts on ground and surface water
- limtted Infill development will be permitted within existing developed areas subject to
approval of the Huron County Health Unit
- communal sewage systems for plans of subdivision will only be permitted based on
an assessment of the Impacts to the municipality
- residential parks will be serviced by communal sewage systems
- in urban designated hamlets where there are fewer than 20 vacant developable lots
for development new plans of subdivision may be considered subject to criteria;
• solid waste policies are revised whereby when the landfill site is closed, no -subsequent
use may be made of it without the approval of the Ministry of Environment and Energy '
and no habitable buildings be permitted within 500 metres of the perimeter of the filled
area of an operating or closed landfill unless otherwise stated by the Ministry;
• add road assumption policy for:
- new development within plans of subdivision whereby the roads must be built to Min-
istry of Transportation standards and subsequently assumed by the municipality
- infill development, where a public, but unassumed road accesses lots which are al-
ready developed, infill development will be permitted subject to certain criteria
• add provisions, allowing Council to use Topsoil bylaws;
• add provision under Section 36 of the Planning Act, allowing Council to use Holding Zone
• add provisions under Section 38 of the Planning Act, allowing Council to authorize Tempa
rary Use By-laws;
• new section added: Economic Development
- economic development will include any efforts which benefit the community as a
• Hay Secondary Plan map, Schedule 'B' and Dashwood map, Schedule 'C' is amended
with changes. A copy of the proposed mapping changes can be reviewed at the Hay
Township Municipal Office or at the County of Huron Planning and Development Depart-
• Land Use Designation changes:
- commercial/industrial uses will be permitted in agricultural areas where majority of
the operation is related to agriculture
policies which may permit the est9li listtllrtent of a single family residence on
Jots of record, uti� in s aerto tette iile rte ;
•,-,01,-); =v0-41
when animal operation are proposed on either the severed or retained parcel on e
land base of less than 95 acres, sufficient land will be owned by the farm operatOrto
properly dispose of the wastes
severance of surplus residence and for the purpose of a retirement home, the total
parcel is a minimum of 20 hectares in size before the severance is considered and
severances shall be exempt from this provision where the farmland is to merge to the
title of adjacent farmlands
where on an agricultural parcel there are two separate permanent residences which
were both constructed prior to the adoption of the Township Secondary Plan, the sev-
erance of one residence may be considered subject to certain criteria
Natural Environment
- Wetland Policy Statement will be considered when development applications are sub-
- management of agricultural lands should include the protection of the Natural Environ-
- lot size will be determined by the suitability of the soils for sewage disposal
lot sizes for septic systems will be suLject to the approval of the Huron County Health
Unit and lots larger than the expressed minimum lot area may be required
- Exeter Area policies are deleted and replaced by new policies which affect lands des-
ignated Urban (west of Exeter) and Restricted Agriculture (north of Exeter) for the pur-
pose of commercial and residential purposes. A change in use to a use other than
that permitted by the agricultural commercial or agricultural industrial zone categories
of the zoning by-law may be permitted subject to certain criteria
Extractive Resources
- goal added to designate existing licensed operations and allow for their continued use
- after extractive operations have ceased, where the land was used for agriculture, the
land shall return to agriculture wherever possible
- permanently located ready mix operations and asphalt plants may be allowed, subject
to a rezoning
- recreational resides' ' ,s residential uses of a recreational nature, which do
not lead to any inert_ of servicing or road maintenance on the part of the
- for a new area to be designated Recreation, it shall conform to the Minimum Distance
Separation Formula 1 of the Agricultural Code of Practice, doubled, with a buffer area
of Restricted Agriculture being incorporated
lot size will be determined by the suitability of the soils for sewage disposal and a
septic tank permit will be required prior to the issuance of.e building permit
development may be permitted on lots createdprior to 19114on existing rights-of-way
subject to certain criteria
road allowances in new plans of subdivision shall be built to Ministry of Transporta-
tion standards, made public and assumed by the municipality whereas road allowanc-
es in existing plans of subdivision, may be assumed by the municipality once the road
is upgraded to an acceptable level by the Township and Ministry of Transportation
- goal added to allow institutional uses in any land use designation, minimizing any dis-
ruptive influence on the natural environment and surrounding land uses
- lands proposed for Institutional uses are a proposed site plan control area
Community Im rovem nt
- where hamlets are located in more than one municipality: they will be treated as one
hamlet when considering programs for community improvement
3. The proposed official plan amendment applies to all lands within the Township of Hay.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation
either in support of or in opposition to the proposed official plan amendment.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION including copies of the proposed plan amendment is available
at the Huron County Planning and Development Department (519-5242188) or et the Town
ship of Hay Municipal Office (519-236.4351).
J.A. Murray, Clerk Administrator
County of Huron
Court House, The Square
Goderioh, Ontario
N7A 1M2
(524-2188 Planning Department)
Janisse Zimmerman Clerk
Township of Hay
Box 250, Zurich