HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-09-01, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, September 1,1993 Forthcoming marriage - Mr. and Mrs. Eric Finkbeiner, Cre- diton and Mr and Mrs. Cliff McDonald, Exeter are pleased to arrounce the' forthcoming marriage of their children Anita and Bill. The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 11, 1993 at the Zion United Church, Crediton, with an open reception to follow at the Exeter Recreation Centre. Forthcoming mania The parents of Norma Boersina and Al Vender are Pleased to announce -the marriage oft heir children: rJie marriage will -take place Sat- urday, itmay, September 11, 1993 at the Exeter Christian Re- formed Churfrh. Forthcoming marriage - Lloyd and' Pat Rimmer and Bryon and Agnes Lempreire are Pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of Leanne and Darrin. The wed- ding will take place on Sep- tember 4, 1993 at the Gosh- en United Church, outside Zurich. Open reception to fol- low in Dashwood Community Centre, Dashwood. EAM ILy Another view... 13y Val Thomson Better to have loved and lost... When I wrote that last column about the kitten and the fragility of life, I never dreamt I was about to lose someone very dear and special to me. She was 82 years old, but you would never know it, and she was one of the best friends I ever had. She was my Aunt Dor- othy. She lived a long and healthy life and it was a blessing to have her as long as we did, but that didn't make losing her any easi- er. She was the one who had al- waysbeen there for so many of •us in the family. She was an in- valuable link to our roots on my mom's side and I leamed a great deal about myself through her. Aunt Dorothy never changed and that is why it was such a shock to lose her so quickly. She was hardly sick a day in her whole life and then, after not feeling quite right for a little while, she went to see the doc- tor. He admitted her to the hos- pital and two weeks and two days later, it was all over -- an- other victim of cancer. The whole thing seemed like a baddream. Now we are biding our time, letting the reality of her loss set in and allowing time to heal the sorrow we feel. Donthy was bom in St. Mar- ys in 19i 1 and was the first of 10 children bom to John and Margaret Ellis.. Being the oldest, she had the responsibility of helping to raise the younger brothers and sisters. This was the start of a lifetime of caring for people in her family. She helped look after children for three generations. In 1945, she married Jack Bai- gent, who was from Guildford, England. Uncle Baige, as we called him, was a real character and a lot of fun. They lived most of their married life in Stratford. Although they never had any children of their own, they endeared themselves to many nieces and nephews by having us stay at their place for holidays. My brother, sister and I, and many of our cousins have a lot of terrific memories of those days of paddle -boat rides, feed- ing swans along the river, and playing in the park. Even at night we thought it was quite a novelty to lay there listening to the traffic and watching the lights blinking on Ontario Stfeet. We never got homesick at Aunt Dorothy's because it was so much fun'and we felt wel- come, comfortable, and loved. Whenever I lose someone close to me, I wonder about that phrase, "Tis better to have loved and lost than to have nev- er loved stall." It hurts so much at first that I J sometimes think it would have been better not to be so close, then the loss wouldn't be so bad. Like the song says, "If I never loved, I never would have cried. I am a rock. I am an island." Then I realize that life would be pretty cold and lonely if a person lived by that. I can't ima- gine what our lives would' have been like without Aunt Dorothy, or many of the people we have lost from our family. For a while the memories bring tears but they will eventu- ally bring smiles and laughter and we will revel in their warmth. Memories are so im- portant because they sustain us, help us through a rough time, and make us realize how lucky we were to have someone like Aunt Dorothy in our lives. We would have missed out on so much without her. Now the things she taught us and the memories of all those wonderful times will stay with us. It really is much better to have loved and to have been loved, now we can always keep her in our hearts, until we meet again. - Editor's Note: Val Thomson is a Granton area farmer, home- maker and mother of four young children. She enjoys writing in her spare time. Anglican parish to host retreat EXETER - A national and world- renowned leader will be leading a retreat in. the Anglican Parish of Exeter and Grand Bend. Archbish- op Ted Scott will be leading this re- treat on October 22 and 23 at Oak- wood Inn in Grand Bend. Archbishop Scott served as Bish-; op of Kootenay in British Cdlum4 bia; in 1971 he was chosen as the Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada and remained in that office for an incredible 15 years. During his term of office the Anglican Church moved forward in such are- as as the ordination of women, the development of a code of business ethics, improvement in _ the Church's commitment to worldwide aid, and relief for people in trou- bled regions, and many other areas. Archbishop Scott was involved at the level of the Canadian govern- ment in such issues as the repatria- tion of the constitution and in avo- cating improved conditions for native Canadians. He became a member of what was called the Em- inent Persons Group and as such his influence was becoming world- wide as he joined Archbishop Tutu and others in the struggle against apartheid. The two churches in the parish, Trivia Memorial in Exeter and St. John's By -The -Lake in Grand Bend are looking forward to Archbishop Scott's involvement. The Rector, the Rev. Fay Patterson, and a com- mittee chaired by Charles Baxter have been planning the parish re. Treat during the- past several months. ' he'two c t�urcTie Aagide-direr"e ent historically in that St. John's was opened in 1949 almost a centu- ry after the first Anglican Church was established in Exeter. The present Anglican Church in Exeter dates from the 1880's and is one of the town's most important historic buildings. St. John's was originally intended to serve the summer popu- lation but almost immediately be- gan to hold services throughout the year. When Trivia was opened and when Si. John's was built the Chris- tian community existed in a society different from the society in which The churches exist now. The two churches are located in growing communities and have potential for significant growth. Archbishop Scott will lead the parish in an ex- amination of the present character of the two churches and will focus on the continuing renewal of the Concerned about your Wili;ji;jiWyo Fumace Condition? A Have it checked by your local independent contractor! 9tEARLEY Com. 15 Years In Heating Service Fully licensed 24 hour emergency service 2344289 Specializing in service and preventative maintenance • OIL/GAS HEATING • FURNACES &FIREPLACES • AIR CONDITIONING • HEAT PUMPS • SHEET METAL RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL A parish. As well both churches will be examining the role of the Chris- tian community in society at large. Archbishop Scou will be at both Trivitt and St. John's on September 19. Hi rkton FetivaI of Fiowers KIRKTON - Many tumod out to the Kirkton Horticultural Society's Festival of Flowers. Music played by Shirley Barton of St. Marys opened the event. Mrs. Fran Culli- ton of Stratford judged the many entries of beautiful flowers. President Madeline Parkinson welcomed everyone and read a poem "If you have a Garden", to open the program. Marjorie Johns introduced Mrs. Fran Culliton who did a presentation on flower ar- ranging, later the arrangements were given for door prizes. Marjo- rie Auhill thanked the speaker. A lovely piano solo by Shirley Bar- ton followed. The Toronto Dominion Bank db. nated prizes for - best gladioli in show, Laura Hern; best rose in show - Maxine Sereda. Other winners - 1st, Evelyn Har- rigan, 2nd Pat Down, 3rd Ava Murray. Junjors under 12 years - 1st Jared French, 2nd Marilou Hern, 3rd Ben Willis Leake. 13 - 15 years - 1st Andrea French, 2nd Steven Murray. 16 - 18 years - 1st Katherine Hem. The meeting closed with and a "social flour. • lunch We're glad you asked... XYlei X3‘27 1311.1. f lASIKEIT Funeral Home Limited 370 William Street, Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-1220 lion I Lli'I'CI IFF .WHY SIGN A LIVING WILL? Recent cases of seriously injured people being kept alive for weeks or months by artificial life-support systems have brought about a large increase in the number of people who have signed a Living Will. This document di- rects that should the signer find himself or herself in such a position, he or she should not be kept alive by medication, artificial means or 'heroic meas- ures.' The Living Will has won popular support and approval by all major religious groups. More than three million of the documents have been distnbuted. Supporters say signing a Living Will frees them from the worry that they may- be kept alive, even in a coma, for long periods of time by artificial means. The 'right to die', they believe, is fundamental to human life. Whether or not you sign a Living Will is, obviously, a matter of personal choice. You may wish to oonsult your clergyman and family before making such a decision. 1f you do decide to sign a Living Will, you should tell them about your wishes. As•tuneral directors, we can tell you where to obtain copies of the Living Will. FUNERAL HOME PHONE 235-1220 Cy3t1ON tnral, I lar 14A1 SI IrAr I A!,•.$ K m1n NJ IMfvMrralr,tr HOPPER HOCKEY FUNERAL HONK Exeter, Ontario All Chairs All Occasional Chairs Sale on all instock and custom ordered pieces I A