HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-11-5, Page 3, 4A' 0. B14'0 "WRO OW 01,4 kit1.1,0;t Or Of ;JONI) •1Ththe, the old unser a 'West, 3.)rook... *ShQ W:1,9 MOM, 1WIIoitlinoiaV pretty, and her feank, engaging man - 114 outiaileed„ her elgarms, At her fie, .deatli she vi•ould be heiress o *ist3VOfl 1dOildra, anti, al. though 'men pretend not to bo '1 1y by 'pecuniary mittfers in affairs of love, yet tt, 1.$ to be supposed that his prospeetiVe wealth di1 not lesseh the nuMber of he adorers. Among theee 1,11Oet. 4rdebt, and perliape inoet WuS Will liarmouili, a, little- y91.113R; earpeoter, with a heart liarger titan his purse, and vexy little 'thought or care foe coned:radices, Vor= Sin:eddy, old Jacob never suspeeted the partiality of his daughter for Will ; he would have put her on breed and water before he would heve eoneented to the lightest degree of intim:toy with Will :Darmoutht Jacob Blake Was not in favor ot marriage:. Those who Iteew his eirotunstanees were not emetrised at tide; :ler Mrs, Blake was a Tartar, with temper enough for two Tarters, A. maiden sister of Mr. Blake resided in the family, Whose prineipal business seemed to be to not as a sort of echo to her brother %lad. his wife. Whatever they .thoright she thought too, She re-... garded it as A primary sin for Katie to Aeeoelate with young men ; Uici this doctrine W1te perseveringly drilled into their niece, who, tho-ugh never dissent- ing, ,had her own ideas on the subject. One day Mr. Blake and his wife went to Dedham to ROM d a fair, and Miss Peggy being sent to a frierds, Katie was left .alone. Will liarmouth in sone way learned the condition of al - fairs, and early in the afternoon came over to keep Katie embpany, As her parents were .not expected home until he next day, and Peggy not till late in the -evening, Will felt perfectly secure in stepping awhile after supper ; and he and Katie were 1 eying a jolty time e.tupping Corn in the old-fashioned fry- ing.pan, over tile huge wood. fire, when there was a sound c.f voices at the door. ".Good gractiou's 1" erigqi Katie, grow- ing white with adarze, e there ie Sena Peggy. Oh, wit eindt tee".cio S She will scold nee to death ; and father be furious. Gel under the lounge, quick ! Oh, Will, do, for my sake." Will could not v, ithstand the plead- ing in Katie's eyes, and deposited him-; Bell in the desiguated place. Katie pa out the light, and darted intean adja- cent bedroom, and in a moment was Appaeently asleep. Peggy's voice was heard speaking softly iu the entry." " Be careful, Mr. Pike 1 there there's a loose board there, don't want to disturb my niece:. Softly ; it may creak." ":Peggy dear, evhere are you 2" responded the squeal- ing voice of Squire Pike, the widower of one yeaa, ." I can't tell which way: -.you've gone.".." There, Daniel,- be - easy. Good heavens, Daniel Pike! 'Well, I never." and a report burst up- on the air like Uncorking a champagne 'bottle. " Oh my," cried.Aunt Peggy, "what would Jacobsay2mlx:dsiexciletteLe ,I, haven't been li4.6ta. "DY fi " Let Jake mind his 0".., business 1" feud there followed a rope- ti Lts- the first, only morLg of it. .Do • Daniel, and let me get a Set yourself down there, afor e fire, and eneke !our' for I am and A light was soon procured, Peggy 'divested herself of her wrarping„s, and blushing like a. girl in her teens, sat down opposite to the Squire. "It's a fine evening," said Peggy, by the way k.I cpeuing the bonvereation. "Very,' replied the Squire, drawing his ehair closet° hers, and laying his arm over the back. "Oh, good gracious 1—that . I don't consider it approprious. Mercy! what was that 2" 'Both listened attentively. "It was the wind real:Mg the window, I guess," said the Squire. " Dcn't you gl to getting nervous, Peggy. I thought it wei Kate waking up. And if she. ehouhl, 1 never would hear the last irf! liark 1 There's a noise -I -- Gracious airth 1 it's Jake and marm getting back ! What shall I do ? We're des° for! Oh, Squire, taint Tight for us to be nothing to one ano- ther. Ito help tale. What shall I de Tell me where to go, Peggy! I'll go Anywhere:for 'your sake, if up the chimney." "Tinder the lounge. quick, quick, dotil delay a minute 1" The Squire obeyed, but the space -was already SO well-filled that it -was evil/ difficulty he could squeeze:himself intogo small a compass. And just as he had succeeded, Mr. Blake and his wife entered the room, flourithing .around in the dark, for Peggy had deemed it best to extinguish the light. -Ms«) inalle for the fire, which glowed red with coals, stumbra over the crick- et, Anil 1111 headlong :apninst Peggy, standing bolt upright, trying ' ered senses, ke, IV V g011eet her " The deuce 1" cried ook out there, old !Woman, or you'll be a0Wil ONtl° /DO. clark as a posket here, and I have .fell over the rocking - chair or churn, I can't tell which. Hel- lo! what's that ?"' reaching out his hand to feel his situation, and coming in contactewith the boarded faee of the Squire. By George 1 it's got whiskers,, Peg. Peg., wheue Are you, and what's this 2" . TheSqUire did not relish the assault -111ade on hie hirsute append:Igoe, awl by way of retaliation he gave a series of Vigorous' kicks, which hiti in the legion of the stomach and stirred' Itig "'Leek here, old chap," exclaimed ho, 4.1 I'm perfectly- willing to share ally quarters with you, seeing we are both in for it ; but you'd better not under- take that. again." " Heavings ejaculated Foggy, i‘ whose voie6 is that ?" "Wholn the deuce is here ; that's 'hat ,I- wane to know?' cried Jake struggling for an upright position " ello;, who's fell down over my legs 2" 1" I'll let you know who's down and , be's eep," said the voice of `Mrs. ! Blake; and the lady scrambled up only to `go instantly down again over a chair. "Jake, where are you? Gib up this instant and git a light, Or 111 hake. ,your breath out when 1 git on my feet agin jake started to obey, and just then Tiger, the watch -dog, who, hearifig the uproar, had managed to break 100ao irom his chain, rushed up to the geoid, Ana, 3.et up a bow -wow. The Squire had a mortal dread of doge, andeidther fear tor love wee Arcing enough to keen iiimquieseent now. Ite sprang teii feet with a yell. Will followed, Kate, bill of alarm /of her lover, hopped out !of bed, and appeared with a flaming talloev dip, Peggy threw her tame round the Se -tire's nook, with a ety of terror, and Jake was Elliott with le,na20- ,/ neut. Mahe .\.;is the only ono \VbQpcpwow.g,ii )ier Wits, She eciwied the eorn,poppa, and laid it about lier with vigor, Her aim wee net 4.1)Yi1.y$ eorrect, anti, in eonsequenee, she slingshot' the looking -glass into n, thou. sited fragments, demolished two Imels and pitelier that were quietly ropos, ing (01 the 'mantle, and bbookod down tile elock from its shelf. The squire broke from Peggy's embrace, and dash, ed out of the window, Will followed, and 11Irs. Blake would have pursued by the same inalet, bet that she was toe large to got thzettgli with ease, dreadful council was held, „iTalte stormed, and Mrs, Blake threatened ; guid at last both Katie and Peggy con- fessed ; and Jake and his wife were so rejoiced at the pi:pspect of getting Ad of Peggy that they fo"'rgazo their daughter, and ioek Will Magnolia' home at the end of the year ; and, in due time. Peg- gy and the bquire N\ ere mach no flesh. a -0000w. Vo.o4, On Satdday afternoon a sad -eyed boy, with diet on hisehin and a tear on his noe.:0,,Called at one of the pollee statimis and, asked if he could be sent to the Returin Sehool, hebeing a home - lees waif. As he had committed no offence:he was told that he'd better go to the 1\ ea house, but he replied hie brother was at the Reform :Sehoof and he'd rather go there. Ile *.attt to go out aril steal anythiug, or smash someone's plate glass window, and his. anxiety to go Witched the heart of a gentlemen who had willed on Dulness. He consulted 1th the sergeant and then said to the lad: - 11 I guess we can fix it, I'm going to' leave lily w allot on the ilea, and the sergeant mid I will go up stairs. If you talea the wallet it will be stealing, uaid you will be swat to the Reform i3ehoo1.'' The wallet was left, the men went up stairs fur a moment, find when they came down, the boy was Lo \there to be scen: neither was the wallet, contain- ing $6, and, to be brief about it, the lad and the money are still Carefully :‹Ieetteese!fir Tei. Our teeth decay. Hence unseemly Mouth, breath, imperfect mastication. Every person regrets it. What is the cause ? I reply et ant of Cleanliness. An absolute clean tooth never decays. The month is a warm place--eabout ninety- eight degrees. Particulars of sub - stoma, such as meat between the teeth, must soon decompose. The gums mil/ teeth must suffer. Perfect cleanliness will preserts/the teeth +o old age. Hew shall i se_ cured ? Use a quill pick, Whinee. tee mouth alter eating. But s me people are inconsiderate as reg leds the pre- servation of their teeth , some, FAR. hlY/ who have never lall the' pleasure of sufferieg this jhle malady of teethed:4e, au' thinkiliere is no use f trYjog t clelnse their teeth, until pain oblige' to go to tes them, and. probably have e dentist to, have them ex- t' a" . Bestow this trifling Care upon •r precious teeth ; you will keep theni id ruin your dentist. Neglect it and. you will be °ivy all yoga. lives. Child- reu forget, but watch them. The -first teeth determine the charaoter of the second set. Sug.ir, acids, saleratus,• andsub- stances of a hot nature,. are nothing' when compared to particles"of food de- composing in the teeth. Merertaialization may loosen the teeth,long use may wear them out, but keep 'them thormgh- ly clean, fblid, the) will neve; decay. This advice is -worth almost athousand dollars to every boy atia girL Books have been written on this subjet. : This brief article contains almost all that is essential. INTERESTING. AlEpDolruAlTtitnolegnoosallyhtelaiiatthnalhi.a.nxgioosmsoicomni-. fortably warmed. The season •of year is now at donut when you will require the very best 0 STOVES AND BISSETT BROS. bog to say that they have just received one of the largest stocks in the county, consisting of Stoves of the very latest aosign and the b" anufaetures, which WILL BE SOLD NAB; CHEAP Their aim is and always lies beerx to !mtisfy c08 - tome' HarlioNVIM, inware, Co,perware, etc. always on hand. Also the "V7 oo io and 1,000 LB 0OAL13-1.14.011 $18, Old Pags, Copper, Iron„ etc., bonght. BISS Era 13E0S. EXETF.R, Oct. 32 1874. 61-tf --_,Onflef34)04,64c-nied %vim' ;14 et4 elthtito. tuaet,(121 (vas q'aht;iely, C-619.5 00 ifogap deeffhya /7, 1:#0 (.2_,0 0 .6' &J.,/ a/7 u.q ed ge ,keelfre 1, 6awe/ :/ee etlinee0t) er;ece4e4;i, (4.0/ig0ted alut, .ati4164,e*4 4 •464.4. CiAeo- . e e,e7 adon,sept.3, 1074. tl-yi 0 • • 0 4111.1 Choice Lot of 0 ta. 0 Ai 0 OP ,, 88 -10 104 0 A Plig a tin -4-, ga:1D Cire-04 74 Cr.,411+411 WY:4D P ce k 0 Ori...4;11 Et) r -d egni0 V.4 0 e, Grim CI A al km 0 14 0 0,4 tw esel=5 VC= 0 a) ar4le GS= 01=i2 Ere=5 entells =mew ttaza cc3 fzi rj 0 0 r-4 c13 F -T-1 81 r -I Old Sol.— "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used ie up. Regulate your movements b.ereaftur by- *do, and d.oliosta ‘121, ....401•11•1•1•44•, T NOW take the present opportunity of returning my thanks to the gonmal public, for their I very liberil support in the past; arid, in asking for a continuance of their confidence, wonld say that nothing on my part will be wanting to make the establishment worthy of pat- ronage. 1 would'now call their attention to the following assortment of (*, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS FROM $1 00 'UP- WARDS. WATCHES FROM $10 UPWARDS. A very good watch for 815; and for $18 the very best watch eveoffered to the public. This watch is made expressly for this country; it is very strong, not easily put out of order, is a reliable time -keeper, fully warranted, and Carries Its Own Recommendation with a large:vaiiety of OT.NEE. VTATONES TO 01100SE' 711.01VI IFICLAPITTAIMPP 18 K Gold Watches for Ladies in very 18 It Handsome Gases. Beataffuk.' Gold Seta in Morocco Cases, Gold Ear -drops and Brooches in endlesv- variety: Gold 13racelets-cbased, Gold and Black Bracelets, Gold Ch.ains-a very large stock of the lat- est patterns. A. large assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Rings, Gold Lockets and Charms. Gold Watch -keys Silver Tea-pots, Cruet Stands, Cake 13askets'Ladies' Work -boxes suitable for presents, Black Goods in great variety, E P Butter Knives, Table, Dessert and Tea -spoons of the best quality, Spectacles to suit all sights. In fact this House has the Largest i Stock in the County to choose from. ,Clocks, watches and Jewelry oleaned and repaired, and warrant- ed. Opposite James Pickard's General Store, Exeter, Ont. Exeterratober 15, 1874. THOSJITTON CONSTANTLY INCREASING FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING TRADE AT J. DREW'S WAREHOUSE OWING TO THE VERY LOW PRI- CES at which I sell my EURN1T,URE, and to the Fattisfaction 1 always give, my BUSINESS HAS ALREADY INCREASED FAR BEYOND MY ANTICIPATIONS, and by careful Damage- ment and strict attention 1 hope to inareaso lliy business at even still greater ratio. Any arti- cle in the furnitureLine kept in any town or city establishment will always be found in mine. I flatter myself that 1 have the Largest, and, I3est Seloctea stock in Exeter, o----- Itfy stock consists in part of.;1‘1 dtui 8pting 13111, t riagel,.S , Clamp stools, Ott Jos, Cane chAirs, Lllies' Easy chairs, 13o,dateacls of every description, Oe,,tor Tables E=ton.sion 141.2.eausi sideboards', Hat -racks, Mirrors, What -tots, SE2311-'002?.Z AZTD AnaLcat en TS, Hair :Bolsters and Feather Pillows always on hand. tlk'i\itsic stools always on band. A large stock of pietures always on hand, and Pictur FRAMING DONE TO ORDER. 0 Particular attention paid to Cane Work, Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons for sale and on hand. GIVE M P. A CAL DREW. • 41117D. --Wo will give energetic men 001 wOlnon BUSINESS THAT W/LI, PAY from Sq: to $8 per day ‘;, ban 'be PUtenda. In your OWD neighberhOOd, . and is atrictly bolOrable, Partionlars free, Or fateples Worth, Several dol. los that will enable you to go to WOrk at Oneef Will be Sent On rceeipt 0 llfty cents, Add Tess J. tATIT & CO., 48.01, 02 Wasbiogn4st., Beaten, Alas% 11 TI'113 REGtJLAIi Meetings, of Tfobalio Fn orest Lodge, No, 10a G•it.C., Exete0 wilt ba f held lisfollowh. A cer P. A (led to 111 vagifing. etigqinvi,fatiot ihektert ihrom Mfit, Plffs Abrit 27, May WI, jtincli,june 9.0, Jely 97,A tar, gift Sept ely Oct, It NOV. Vs, Dee Ai and a M, DA.03 _ 11I Ili • • fo • SEAVOW,13 4 ii.U.RON Narble Works. X.X.444ESSET sow gWo 11101410i txx)tc?Atii,uti:i;ttl())41tth owlirotyin 4ttli..00r if)ta'110.0n44 tit (,01111 tlt tho xors010.131'ini.0;nts, Reeds:tee:es, Table Tops, OF, IIAMILTON.) 1 ell G rotate 21fentrnoita.ennttsles ,t6Pc.. ortIt. to Older, we)* 01 tbo best stylo an 1 art, and cannot be urpassea in this part el Ont A OW/ roaliootfitliy Opposite Logan s Jawioson's Store, M.A1N STREET, SEAPO15T1I, M, L. MESSET, 11. NESSE THomrsora WILLIAMS A0PLI0ULTURA.L IMPLEMENTS Boiler and Engine Works 1VITTCHELL; ONT, Two -horse power Wood. Sawing. Machine This machine Las been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND NITEMEE for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex- cept for the belt. A TRIAL 'OFFERED. All kinds of Farrningi rkiplements kept couetantly 011 hand. BOILER SHOP in fail olibration. E of all sizes to order. P.EPA:LIIS promptly attended to. Address- THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont, Iliitahell, June 18,1874. 45-1y. J ROSS PLANING MILLS J. It OS, Builder, Mannfacturer, and dealer in all kinds of ..137:ILDITiG MATERIALS, such as SASH, PRESSED AND UNDRESSED lifoors, Biids MOULDINGS, etc ' Ho has also on hand a first-class lot of Flooring, Siding CASING, Scroll -Work, etc. Which they harnisli t) order. /LAMMED IS a Dressed and Undi,5ssed4 constantly on hand. Lath ez Siditple s AlWayS an liana. * Spatial attention paid to 84 SI) CIIICATIO118 ',thoroughly unaorstanding hh finSinfiSS, nom) but OxpOtiOlatedWorknion, and using only iltst.elass reaterialr 1111 feeLS coaildont of giving entiro Hatishotiot to all who may faVer hirewith their patronage., A Can aolieited. SIP/VERSA/ VILLAGE LOTS rOtt 8/11,11 (Zilit:tieftes, D THOMF'SON Watchmaker 4 Awelor hogs to intiwato to tha inbabitantS Qf 3.0c1:=11 taut vicinitY, tIntt 140 (401104. 111.1_08.p. -Z1: -1.C1. Sept. int., open that Shop next door to Mr, ',12roble's [harness nakorj, e 14. entirely new 811(1 018861(1 WATCHES CLOCKS & JEWELRY. Prom a practical experience of tho trade ac- ‘tuired 80 Loudon and claeguw be *In a poeition to meet all ita 1011.00411, l'04.illiP0111011,42 prowl onleiontly, and et Moderate, Rates, Watches and Jewelry Illade to Order. Agent for i1lessr4 11. &tart d Go, (Lint. ited), 1Vatelt manabotarei 8, Liverpool, EriS O Mratcli. 18 niGHLY RECOMMENDED. THOMPSON & M'OOUGALL'S Steam Saw - Mill, 71 milea west of Devon, on Centre Gravel Road, ConE,tantly on hand a complete stock et HEMLOCK LUMBER AND fLA.TII. Also Ash Flooring, Hickory, Whitcwood and Oak On hand at present 200,000 FEET OF HEMLOCK. LUMBER. (Seasone(1). Ordersvili bo punctually attended to by leaving them with D. THOMPSON, Jeweler, Exeter. Exeter, scut. 15, 1874. 66-3m. rrITE W. D.MoGLOCHLON WATCH is tho best in tho 'market De sure and see tile W. D. Afeelochlon Witte before buying. Yon win have no other after seein 1110113. All -who wear' them recommend them Gold and Silver, Lady and Oentleman'e sizt s .77 Dundas'Street, Loneou.eo the testimonials Tile largest, best anti okoapest stock 08 11(10 Gold 'Jewelrey, Clocks, favor and. Plated Ware; Fancy Goods, &a., in the Provineo. Berating of ovary deseription. W. D. APOLOOLIN, 77 Dundas st. London, Ont. mazamna=anaonnetramanttei BISSETTS' Livery ant)! Sale Stables, tIii`ii'd444piciv1tli the Central Hotel). 11„1 •''IVERY ..,. Iet; II. ' V 11 4 . F.U1 OOD HORSES AND COMFORT- ABLE, vehicles always on hand. Favorable arrangements =ado with commercial travelors. .All orders loft at 13isaott's Tiushop wi11 bo promptly attondedto. 11. T. BISSETT, Prop. Exeter,.Sepa. 4:1573. TO _Li' _A. It E R S And Stock -Breeders. SIATEET; v. s., ratbiate of'the Ontario Has removed his emu) to ono door north of Iv ransou'sbarneseshop, and directly opposite Da- vis' Plaoksmite. shop. "voteriaary Moilioinos al- ways mimed, calls prouratly attendedth. liersca examined 48 10 their'etrandness AugurtaStb, 1871 Veteri- nary College. galingss, aoth &*loq5,61if. .11 ‘4.ix p al'W. mutate:FM THE E., 11., & ,- THE subscriber bogs to thank tbo people of Ex- otei and surrounding couutry for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and now .itfter enlarging his p101111818 88 prepared to do -work which cannot be surpassed either in or outside,of cities. Particular attention paicl to the making, and fitting of coLLAII,s, HARNESS EXETER AND RODGERVILLE. (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND SILVER MOUNTED, ho most stylish anit faShionabto mannor pos- sit 0. Repairing rocotiros twory attention. The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK 00 000)). Ho would intimate to his many friends that ho 1(08 1501(00 to thoir hotthhana intorosts 11 -Boots co-1cl Shoos. awl has just 10001000 a largo aria varied stook for Gouts' Ladies' Missos' Fwei youths, wear. This branch will bo found replete in every particular, and the 14t0(11C will be sold. At h. filiOlt 0AV11.11C0 0,1 coe s st. Thorvioos Ilto, neer itoad, have boon engaged to take charge of this flopartmont. and 110W prepared to r000tvo all 01' 4)0113 for, work 1111111511111. Satisfaction 44.01.1001000 ivork porformod 4.111 eromptness. 14-81n. W. RANSON, DR. H. KIN„.41,41,Si0v, Oilloo end ((sideline — Main stroot Exoter. Pu fitness holirs, any time in g ootlaayl 1 gh ' Thursagg y's ox1eptcC4 aavioo froo, ParontS Should 011.11 101 atlinoo about childron's first tooth its 4.00) 0(4 they, hog()) to fail. Work Win bo egura to that of (1113' Ot110): 0e100112111 Warr)Untott satiafao tory, To 4z , e5: : 11177 Friona / Custoniers and ill) Publioin general I wolld at int:n R1lft)IING 'ilyP45Z'ulne"'n'ITC71°0ttP°1PlQQzl°1t18t°1CbrlC'1erniSc:10tLes°:1° .y,1.,:t,tid,111,i,I0118eotreo05 eretle0, 11li1(seiul10noni05WMh1 awe eeeepyeshadetilloonleio to earry 00 the CUTTING AND .T„A.ILORING 1313"Sil\TE§ ' 0111011. 1 in teed tleyotiug my 111110 01111 attention exclusively, and hope to retain my old an gahi reany,new oustemers. There are a number of pe'rsons indebted tore° for C+ROCERIES- ETC. unci, as their Recounts should have been paid before buttery last, a prompt settlement is:re. quired. ;111.4.raor to elear 141 t le balance of my stock before xemoval, I am now OFFER.ING IT AT ir E11,7 L 0 W P 1 C w4ip1) will not fail to Satisfy,' I am agent for the which, it is well known, aro the leading Sowing Machines in, Canada. • cstrrzigar HARN-ESS SHOP in CENT ALI.A. Wm. Cotterell oft WIShOS to 0i304- 1111.91; ,7015 .{H OP (F2.11.C1110Z 'UthBitbt.°Ir111:11.' /11.34(1.43114:51111510ht. D Centralia, where all in want of • :LIGHT OR HEAVY HARNESS or any art iele usuany 1(011(1±21, an. etass ostablishnie Buell as SADTDIILUENK''S, WHIPS, 'VALISES, &61 can obtain tno Sallie. Give mo can and examine my wokf.45 yourselves. My prices are es low as those charged by any first-class workman: ' RE= PAIRS PROMPTLYATTENDED TO. WM. COTTERELL. Centralia, August -.8, 1872, mtreic .61.111.1 enIVIZT MACIIINES. 0. C. WILLSON'S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH, ONT. 9 CILL IN THE_FRONT RANK AS USUAL VIIIIVGIVIACHIATESil THE FLORENCE Xosielss, Revel sible Feed Lock aDd Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin elm Reapa tho world inperfeo.don and rangof work, strength and beauty of drrability of construction and rapidity of motion, Call and examine. Send for eirenlars. Agents wanted in every town in th Province. This Machine has taken 11551 511105 atull the County Fans. 0.C.WILL1ON, General Agent, top orepomini- FALL ARRIVALS. EXETER has just opened out the largest most cemplete best- assorted and cheapest lot of goods everjrought into this part of the country. HAVING. inroorte d a 11 of his Dry-Gioodsfrom: VG.Z. Ire is able to do a little better than any other housein this part of the courreryi, and does not hesitate to say that 11E11as 'alio LARGEST sTocitor GOODS IN the COMM and as cheap as can be found anywhere High ‘st market price paid for all kinds of produce. Reitiernber this is the Oldest Established HORSE) in the County Opposite- the Post Office. GR CE UORS MACE Has just received a large -and excellent Stock, of 6-roceries consisting of Green.,!Black and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, SUCARS ac, wi which he s prepared to SELLGHIE),f-kPER THAN EVER DON'T PORGET TO GIVE''THE NEW STORE A !CALL. e. • Oittirtaoist5. NORTH RIFLES!. RIFLES ! RIFLE ! R.CLEMENTS'‘ PATENT IMPROV'D „ „ . ARTIFICIAL LEO. Adotifod by, filo Surgeon Goiterei. It, 8. A., Ilia 1.1. 11. Aimy and Nn,Vyi Very light, yet atrong mut datable, perfect iit Mitten, 1,-Vith 27 years' practioal mid careful experieneet 11s- 74040 014011(100177 to this speeial traneli el sutgery, len-owed, by. the Orost PiNo 'Ildledal at the WOrtil'S 1.11xpwa1oi1, 1841 mad now niiiVeraeliy admitted by all Surgeons as the Most perfect Artilleial tog Ic00014- M405itfeate577, :1,320 chestnut -at. tehlloetolphie, J Li1/441:111011, Druggist, igent, Moattcal Q.,wliere inodois Can be Sena for :114 nstrated CatalOgne. CARRIAGg FACT011 Messrs, G. & J. 13rooks have llOW e,onitnc:aced the niiin.nfac- bine of Buggies and. Wagons for the Spring and ST1111/Y1017 Trade. Tiatms,-----Cash or Short Cre- dit., Also; onhand,a tof- of Scotch Diamond:narrows, of their OWL. 1114/1010t1ITC, WilicAl they can and will sell as choop as any ono in the tiwous., easo to call in, J. SURD & SON Thuidas-st., London, Ont.,' have now ,on 1,1,anti 0. largo stock of 'limiting Sporting and Target atifks of their own manufacture. Powder, 01101, copy cartridges, wadding, fislung:taOltio, and goner. el sporting goods. Send per poet for Price LIst, lopairing itt the Gan lths exectited promptly. London, sept. 3, 1874. 44.371. 13 Pitt r rictit 501181111011 takee pleasute ing the piddle that, HE HAS COMMENCED', BREAD , 1318411151 Bald 0 g, in xxetey, Irtovipo.":',0c61te1' ' the aervices of Ii l'1.1AOTICAL *.i.ARI:ilit 1 emi griarentee Satisfaelion, anti, h05)(1 tO ge- . , cure the. unblie patroing4e, "..Lelltead fog t'tIo• tit tivilpost.Oill0', , mottABD sANDing .