Exeter Times, 1874-11-5, Page 2Eittlf0.
. •
*ts gee ernege
pretoe e ,1401.$9.blit paAtt
040 per Pftlahle StrietlY, 'In Savona°.
IN)) suPseelptiou intaenter loss limn Ai* Menthe.
g$ or .411)YEU'ITSINV
teeteessateu tete tiae,,.,,,,,,,
'neon. ettesee Vtglat /{41#111i011, pet line
atisertiserneete et 4trttypttartie10#1061 or
*4., Qt exom seding tAtIOXItik
Lati eittta 4.4,k4§Cq'tWn't notate enteets.
tot'eu.'tit"6 '40'43" atertleess teed dosthsi.iserted
Astvertissinents without spoche d) ections will
ineerted till tentieneete eiteseee iieeortih')triglY.
ets to be pleas meil by a pooOf
dk I tionpariel,
1 0.'4 Itcr ttRE3f10 d .4 S
litta ;011ov-10g will be charged for yenrly
Ie COlantu ss
" 15
4esaker " ..... • ,,,,,, „,„, ..... . 8
1,4dith " ..„. ..... „ .
carAx, six linoR and under, S4; six to ten
taas, wetter,
mimeo " .swateconestementwisasearozworesestafar
elrattge tale le being told by emue
of the -G tit politicians that but the trif-
ling sum et' $2,000 wee spent by Mr.
Cameron's party daring the late 'elec-
tion campaign. How they areive at
then' ahproximate we cennot say, but
below will befound tient° of the amounts
*peat, as morn te et the lege tt•ial.
Neither 'lees this comprise. all, for vati-
c RS SUMS were spent of which no ac-
count is given :
Dancey, Trees, of fetid $3,000
Cameron paid out. 2,315
Cliuton Subscribed._ .. .. 500
Total about e;,
5 845
Nearly $6,000 Doeen't leek much
like a third of thee sum, does it ? Bet
their ways ere many
:mg U.1 L DICJ T19
The old adage that tho .e who
won't believe must be made believe,"
will, we thick, soon be verified. Once
upon a time there was si man who had
himself hnagined thet ha aed his do-
ings WOTO immaculate, and he imagin-
ed that ao matter what he did nothing
eould possibly be made telt of it let the
crime be of as serious a nature as it
might. Such was this poor man's fail-
iug. But he never did anything to
require the penderous exigencies of the
law to be test iu force. In a sense he
somewhat resembled some of the poli-
tici tits`of the present time. It does
teeny efferd amus ement to watch with
what dramatic effort the party of shys-
tering:have dittplityed the mane giag of the
recent 'election. The men who assum-
ed the role of payinaeter tookthe great-
e4t, possible care to pay out money to
those who were his warmest friends
and etaunchest supporters, ,always be-
ing certain to excompany it with the
safe password, "Buy no votes," which,
1...:ow.--r.....foax3 mrallo, • • IS
heibery eommitted itIaireotly aIlatb"?
peewit, On the Calicliattte'§
WOuld not forfeit the etnadidate'e seAt,
end it is obvious that such tconeteuct
'Hort Wedild render nugatory a YO1Y
vmss provision or tile htw, for the sure
(4 both ---the forfeitereof the seat of
the eandidate mol the diequalificetion
for two years—is the metteure ef Plane
ieltuteut preseribed 1y the clAnse, ,
it may be that the proviiion oflaw
LS 14 hard one, and it may no (leant
work hershly in some ceees, bet with
',heti have nothing to (10 where the int
teutien of the Logielature i$
A inquo w c en eetiendovith the:above,
we append the follewieg, extr acted
front Via, 80, cep. 27, see. 18, r. 78, of
the Stetutes of Canada( ;
many votes as you can."
...Strange, but nevertheless true, the
,late election was more particularly le-
gal than any other which has ever ta-
kea place in Canada. . None of Mr.
Cameron's agents swore to.. having
.spent meney otherwise than legally:—
But, they Must heveforgotten that Mr.
Cameron P-cknow1edg0 bribery by
agents, .FIis magnanimity must have
been great. if he knew that two thous-
and &Hare were given by him to defray
the legal expenses and that no bribery
was committed, when he, in the:face of
theee- rae.3 (?) filed a document stating
that brittery had been committed by
etgente. Two thoutteod dollars was not
the a tenott sum as spent by some few
thotinetde of dollars ,
As, to the matter of disqualification
-there can be nothing clearer than that
personal bribery Ives committed. The
facte were worked up so nicely and
brought home so forcibly that even the
greet Walker case, the pending result
of -which .makes even the steunchest
Grit to trembie, affords scarcely a com-
parken. But why dwell upon this ?'
!There .can be no doebt that the plait)
of the hog ou the matter nt 'ans
otherwise its 1
be evaded in every M-
id the settee iesiilt attained,
te law frastrettel by itself. Oee
f the most learned ,an' l most intelli-
goat men of the dey, Judge Gowan, hag
set all (1,0(1'011 all rest, and administered
aepilieshich will not be, relished ex-
ceedingly wedby either Mr. Cameron
or his fidentle.. The following is a de-
chnon lately atverdel by that gentle
rn i-
t in (the M.etter of a muni_ipal elec.
ei en, the Ittie ageittet beibery and cor-
ruption being the settee in each particu-
lar, and the circa -instances in °both
cases being similar. The party ;lib.
gealified hail been eleeted to the reeve -
hip of the municipality. and then un -
emoted. Oa hie attconpting to ruu
Again, and a p retest., entered, the deci.
Eitel spoken of wee given at Barrie in
ittly of the present year. The sec-,
tione whieh wit ("note below are taken
from <ledge Gowan's decision and 0 11
Gtrefotted in the Gallatin Late Journal kr
October :
" The 153td gee. of the etat. enacts,
' tit following persoh glitsil be deem.
„sd guiteet of beibery aIld J11111,11 be pun-
ialted aeStOrdinglY• • '
” Ileac person who shall dieectly or
Indirectly, by himself or by any othe,r
porton nit hie bebalf, gige, &c., Arty
Money, &e., in order 10 ludace any vo.,
'tee to yote.at aluttniciped election, &c.,
Shaine deemed guilty of bribery.
44 W.110,1 is briber/ we alla. ,by iefer,
,enee to the 153rd see. And meg one of
Mee ado mentioned la any one or tho
Aub.c,potiong, optotnitttla by a pertain ei-
Alter direattly or indirectly by the per -
gen litre lett et tante tithet perecni on
hie behalf undee sulneeetion 1 and 2)
tonetientes an eat of beibery tinder the
illOatlf lig Of the law.. * * le the
words .' an act fbribory " nteent Only
au mei dente be the partz himself per.,
isonalty; it, would, folio* that art 'ttot of i
" No candidate at any election shall
dtrectly or iodirectly, einpley any
means of corruption by glving eny
,..um of money, etc,, with tbe 'intent to
corrupt or bribe, etc.; and if any rep-
resentative returned te the }louse of
Commons is preyed guilty before the
proper tribunal, of using any of the
tbi,ve means to procure hie election,
his election bled' be thereby declared
vcid and he ehall bedneapable of being
a candidate, or being eleceed or return-
ed during that Parliament.
THE Advertiser of London has taken
up the " Come along John ory."
A. reform joernal says the election
fin the Local Legislatere will take
plane about the latter end of January
or the begning of February next.
S. J. J. Brown 'ha' s been 'chosen tie
"the Candidate" at Niagara by the
" Party: of Purity," and if Ile doesn't get
dene to a brown," whywe're a ghost.
That's all.
. THE &Tontor in giving currency to
the report that John Carling was the
men to be 'chosen og the Conservative
party, did so, we imagine, knowing
there was not the slightest shadow of
truth in it. If John Carling, however,
shmild consent to become the candi-
date, we miglte say, truthfully, " no
grit need apply."
8111MMITOMMUM!, a•••••
Moue, $veterea, eeryoue eppgare
to be ti orovgbly s.3atistiea with the IVO-
grege wage tty the fall, for appeared
in toll tbrce o turday last, Antilles
now eetirely Vanished, The 4IT4, "0
Teeny bettetiful and the nights pious.,
THE CREMATION of Lady Dills°, the
wife of Sir Charles pith, is noteworthy
as being thefirst instance in England
where a person at all publicly known
has disposed of his dead se highly ap-
proved by science but so liked by
sentiments, English newspapers are
markedly reactant about the burning, but
the details' of the affeir which have
leaked out aro thought not perticularly
revoltiug—yet sufficiently repugnant
to ordinary taste to render it likely that,
should Sir Charles essay Political life
again, he would find his prospects of
success somewhat obscured by this de-
liberate departure from established
,ALL Reigeewgiets,—' The youngsters
did Mt spread themeeleese‘on Saturday
night last as Innolt AS WS luatioilmtea,
an. those paterfamilias who Were eo
ciereftli of their cabbage heads, gates
and signs, new Sulky frons a lack of
over-confidences—in boys.
Exeter District Taches' Inetitete
be held in the echos)1 bouee, in this vil-
lage, en Saturday, the 14t1i inst.' By
glancing aethe following it Will he seen
that an excellent programme is provid-
ed :—." Manner ot, `Condecting Recite -
tions," Mr. I31nt liford ; "Botany," Mr.
Battel • Essay pn 'Advantage of hav-
ing composition properly taught ie
al Schools," Miss Mustard; " Spoiling
and Dietation," Mr. Rosebrugb. Elec-
tion of officers.,
S1100T1 NO MAT911.—A ehooting match
took place at Rodgeeville on Thursday
last, Wm. Balkevill and A. Shere being
chosen captains. Balkwill's men made
a score of 55 and Shere's MOD a score
of 45. The-ehooting was average when.
the high wind of the dAy is taken into
consideration. 1 In the evening the par-
ticipators in the mateth sat down to a
eemptouous repast prepared by mine
host, Mr. T. Snell, which did great
°LT to the culinary. abilities of Mrs,
is giving up business in Exeter he has
eu hand a stock of Electroplate
and Nickelile, goods, he will sell on
and after the 5th inst. at cost. Parties
tvishinganything ni his line will save
time and money by calling at the Do-
minion Laboratory ,one deer north ofR,
Davis' blacksmithshop, Main St. Exe-
ter, All indebeted by note or book ac-
count will please cad end settle as
quickie- as possible.
7- A CALL.— The members of the Exe-
ter Band have a rare tinieperegrinat-
ing around from house to house, feed-
ing on the best Baltimore oysters, and
enjoying themselves generelly. We
think of joining that band, and would
join it and live en the fat of the land,
but that the second party to the agree-
ment do itiot seem willing. Only a
few nights ago they enlivened Exeter
North with the beautiful strains Df mu-
sic floating out on the calm evening
wynd and enthusing the people, and
—and—and—got fed by gratified lis-
teners ; and on the evening of Thanks.
giving day ' they waltzed forth to the
residence of our worthy and deservedly
popular reeve, Mr. George Willis, and
serenaded that gentleman and hie ex-
cellent lady. A musical critic pronoun-
ced their „rendition of n Home, Sweet
Home," which they played on the hewn
In front of the house, as the best he
had ever heard. The " boys" were te-
ken into the house, where a spread
wits prepared for them, and to which
they did ample justice. Who's next ?
ON SATURDAY 111E1t, a full Bench in
the Court of Review gave judgement in
the .Montreal Centre contested election
case, declaring the election void, • and
unseating the sittting, member Mr.
Michael P. Ryan, on the ground ofthe
votes cageIJI sne etection
and because the Court considered
coriupt practices by agents lied been
proved. Each party to pay their OW11
costs. Ryan will be brought :out
attain as the 'Consoi•vative candidate.
No CDC has been spoken of as yet on
the Liberal side.
pine was sentenced to be hanged for his
A FITTING sentence and a just one!
was peseed on the. ,28the ult. Le's
ettinplicity .with Louis Biel in the
murder of Thomas Scott.. Some. of
t le citizens of Quebec have held an
indignation meeting', the following is
the substance :
A large al d infliiental Meeting of
abOut 3,000 persons took place in the
rtetvi,e8 Cartier Hall to protest again:A
the condemnation Of LePine, and to
demand that the amnesty should be
granted immediately.' . The meeting
wits.•presided over by M. J. P. Rheatune ;
the Hall. MM. Thibandean. Canchon,
Caron, Pelletier. Frechette. and Amyut,
addressed the meeting, and all engaged
te get the amnesty by
to secure the libert of Lemeans-117n, t7,
phte. The
public sentimg a is very excited. Poli-
ties were exc. tided from the proceedings,
bet A is adtiitted by all that, if amnes-
ty' be not sranted, the three French
member °Fore Cabinet will have to re-
Atter arid ticitlitll.
Cann on Thursday.
Cornea yet on Friday.
An snow on Saturday.
PERSONAL.—Mr. J. W. Sefton, bro-
ther-in-law to Mr. -Jas. McNabb, of this
hall e contract On the Pacific
telegraph line.
Cireisome Het-mg.—The Exeter bak-
ery has changed hands, Mr. Sanders
having sold out to Mr. A. Skinner, a
pratical 'baker. Advt. next week..
TRE SNOIN.-1•10YeD11)01* 1111110TOd it-
self in by ushering in a miniature snow
storm. It was brief as watering -place
love, end faded stwey like ,tt weekte
walling left out over night.
SAY.—Did you cite'. wink at a girl
when you had on apair of goggles? If
so, chd ib not remind you of the -man
who tries to do businese without advert
sising. You knew' what yoti wero do.
ing, but she didutt,
Dam von Sarte.es-We wohld direct
special attention to the adverthernent
in another colunin of the -a1e of part
of lot 8, between the 5th and 6th cons.
of Uehoehe. The land is:ttrell sittietedo
Sale on Thursday, the 19th inet.
Pesergreneno—Owing to two of the
municipalities bein'te "inadegnittely rep-
resehted nt 11Ia alteting of Libeeal-Con-
sereatives held at Brttcefield on Mon,
day last, it W0,8 poetperied Mita Friday
the 13t11 hot. A full attendance is re-
1),o/s0x's Ixot meta In AND CRYSTAL
ltretteseg PBX eombieed, and enelesed ift
1)1 es neat polighed weed cue, ie the
latest The Stage, is eotiveuient,
portable, always ready for use, and
Completely prat:OW the pen and ink
trom loss orinjury, can be hp t itt the
work baeltet „Sti'ld Is alWayS settdy. Peice
AV sots,
'eeve of litallShard, ;being et like ftgOr
for the, evening. NO better 11101100dd
the lehtPcfn The Rein Mr.
Levinget011 tried to pity off the belttnee
Of debt by eubeeription, hut Only a !•few
dollees were euhseribed; the elloir eubt
berating a liberal amoune„. The Exeter
eltom under the leaderehip of Mr, J. W,
Broderiek wee peeseet, ana Tendered
fitting , Service, Aftee the usual-Itott.
tine of thank, all parties eopenrhied.
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment at the Court Room, Exeter,
Nov. 2nd, 1874.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and confirmed.
Moved bytel. Bess, seconded by J.
Pickard, That orders be granted for
the following sums on account for lab-
or, viz., Isaac Whitlock, $6,2e ; W.
Lucre, $4.50; Vies. Thompson, $12 ;
Thos. Bissett, $9 ; Richard Horn, $2,-
7 I.—Carried.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
J. Pickard, That $10 be granted to Mr.
J. Ross, to be expended in charity.—
The Reeve and Mr. Pickard reported
that they offered Mr. Richard Bissett
$500 for 28 feet in width of his proper-
ty for the purpose of wideniu,g Saaders
street to William etreet, but that no
agreement had been entered into.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
J. Trick, That the Reeve and Mr. Pick -
aril be instructed to have the matter
settled immediately, and that their of-
fer be limited to $500.—Carried. - -
Mr. Senior naneediMesers. Geo. Sam.
NI>C11.04...30/1 110(1gS0/1 as sureties
for the proper discharge of the duties
of his office as collector, who wero ac-
cepted by the Council 011 motion of J.
Pickard, seconded by W. H. Verity.
Moved by J. Ross, seconded by J.
Pickard, That the resignation of the
Treasurer be accepted, and that Mr.
Wm. Sanders be appointed in his
Mr. Sanders named Mr. Isaac Whit-
lock and Mr. Davis as sureties for the
proper discharge. otothe duties of his
office as Treasurer. These were ac-
cepted by the Council on motion of W.
H. Verity, seconded by J. Trick.
Mr. Senior addressed the Council in
reference to the appointment of a com-
mittee for the safe -keeping of the in-
s trmoyeeahyv
nteof‘.H..vri ty. s
theExe teerbras:cob:01i by
J. Ross, That Messrs. Geo, Sarnwell
and Rola. Pickard be appointed for the
above.named purpose.—Carried.
Moved by 3. Ross, seconded by J.
Pickard, That this Council adjournerm-
til Menday, the 23rd Met., at 7 phi,—
Carried. 1.1. 0.100.
Sou.—Mr. James Oke sold hie farm
on the Thames Road, Thaborne, on
Tuesday last, to 1)finiel Kenneth, for
SERENADE. --Tho Winchelsea 'band
serellAded at Mr, and Mrs.Godbolt'ere-
sidence, on Wednesday evening last.
Proo.11 114.1r.
flew, Dente/agora—On Thureday
ternoon last, the Woodhane Division
Sons .of '„Vemperanee had a "rare old
"time," They, had provided for their
friends in their new Itall—awhieli by the
way is 11 handsome end commodious
structure, and a credit to the village
and Society—a sumptuone repast, to
which a, largo. crowd of admiring guests
did ample justice, Then the speaking
commenced, and Rev. Mr, Manning,
Lectuter for the Grand Divisitm, geld
eorattloont celebrIticeowhiled away the
few remaining hour hi speeches, the
former gentleman holding forth to an
ietereeteci atidien,ep in ati ititereeting
'manner for two hours, The dedieation
took pima at Seven o'clock, and, tO Use
the quaint ettpression of en onleoket,
" llyee, it's ' grata proceeding, sir;
shure nn' it is." The few hones then
remaining nntil moonlight, were ill
with humorous anecdotes and speeches
trent Manning, Tibbiis, Donallson,
Livingston, and others. Mr. it. Eaton
of St. Itlat y's $101601 as Chair/Pall for the
afterntion, tnet,tieg, Captain Drethottr)
Blackwell as to ohtain entire peeseesion
°jet t}111°41 pf1807'eAun'o'crl:Zytp4enadiit ht:1.1);u1i10!:
lvotron, arltin,teueilwailhe
heat; otith'Itno
be true, we can come to no other con
eliteion than thet he ts a ettarecter wile
cares not What he does. It is said. that
etente lime 81000 lie leas loader of a, frit-
easdit the neighborhood known as the
"thtiliigriesr.tySitcsrittItotell:n ayTe1t
:1 ;xoltitestrgsisury jeclei Os We
a 111.1ntber ef young fellows in the parts
were seoured by han, their. 111008 were
blaekeeed, and they sent to the house
of Mr, Blackwell. Ile was aronsed bY
knock at the door, the %moistest reply-
ing,10 11 quaery from:within, "a friend,"
The door was opened andthe maraud -
ens entered. Mr. II. had a rope tied
eroinid his neck, mid was told that Ite
Was to go to Mr. Brown's, knock at the
of this day.s TOisFEsPrilliEtt?be mid with or ihill0000thrationa,,titiesadt.c7ltillul:eullidiesit;Olubilstudspetiel\eoneirafotilyldieetlitleniridcol.
without wrappers, Full oflocal neWS) net (to:I...pleasant hot tickling intgonott
he did as requested. Mr. Brown fetgn.
ed a very kileeny feeling until Mr -Black-
well was inside the tdoor, asking the
latter what luryianted, and then going
into his bed -room and fetching out a
Caettee or ezee---sugaze anBANontuEN1o. recelpt already' filled, which he made
a It. . esett. hislandlord eigu. This was no more
EA3T, 1.47;, 12-15 nor -less thet a receipt for a year's 110,-
siti.,14 vlyt,
G0/E0 WEST 4,45; 118, 10.54062 1)50 rent, Mr. Blackwell was then lot
teepees. fur Iloutlou,13ua.aliot.ttitot
ostto3,aStii.irtani go, in4 afterwards had Brown arrested.
When trio it thejudge allowed Blacks
relean, May 25, 1574. • .t) , topass judgment. ;ln the goodness
of his sonlhe allowed the titan his liberty
aud the latter diseloeures show his
generosity. We understand Brown is
now engegeclon the Grand Trunk, hag-
ing given hp the farm , Mr. Blackwell
taking poesession.
' ..• •
foreign miscellany, and (themes 'Acre -
time. Price 5 cents each.
Best English DonbtenBniled
Raw Oil, James 1st White lead, 'mid a
complete essortment of Paintersemater.
hagat Harstone & Son's, Sit;'Vary's'.
Pure Elephant Oil (90 centeltergai.)
Castor Oil, Pale Seal and 'St:Ocili!tt Oil
at Ilarstone & Son's Cheap 'Hardware
Store, St. Mary's. s
Patent Fly Traps, Patent beg \ties'',
picture frame moulding, at Harstone
& Son!s,St.111aly's.
Solid Cast Steel Grass Seythes,floos,
Forks, Hand -made liakee, .Snitithes,
Cradles, and ell other Harvest Tools,
at Harstone & Son's, St. Mary's. a.
Largest stook of Nails, Hinees, Locks
Glass, etc., at flagstone & „Sons, St.
nran and tfinitat:
Mr, J, Y, Savage has been appo' Mod Agent for the.
gates in the Village of Lucau inC Vicinity
3B OUVOWOred to receive subscriptions and job
'work z oleo it liberty to give receipts for tbe
saute. A few doors from McLean's hotel
(krom our own Corresponde:lt.) •
On Saturday evening, one of our vil-
lagers in walking on the sidewalk mate
\father's hotel stumbled over the body
of a man which pined on examinatioe
to be all that was . Mortal of James
Simpson who was employed as a mouhl-
er in Mason's foundry. Fifteen years
ago, the deceased lived in Stratford,
where he was a highly respected and
sober man, but a habit of tippling ex-
pired :that time grew stronger and
stroeger, until he become a confirmed
drunkard, .and the Dian who was once
respeeted..as a man of energy and sense
became. oinaudlin and miserable- the
sl ave of a passion for strong drink, as
is the case with the strongest men who
drink to excess. His constitution gave
way, anda couple of nab/alas ago, he
.began inspit blood, buttnallang will act
is supposed a fit of cou ing with winch
he was seized on Saturday evening, ill:-
duced bleeding at the twigs which se
weekened his attemiated frame that he
fell on the sidewalk, and in a few min-
utes his spirit went to that " bourne
from 'whence no travellee, returns:"
Yet, notwithstanding the frequency of
such startling teinperanc.e lectures ae
peer Simpson has just.given us, drunk-
enness appears to be onnthe increase
amongst us. lagers.
A Geer MeernseneaA meeting -of the A. Faust, a German of fluron town -
supporters of the grit administration ship has been sent to Walkerton gaol
was held at Fitegeney's ji4e1 last Mon- to stand a trial for alleged perjury.
day evening, for the pnrpose of ain The " newestest " and " innocent -
pointing delegates to attend the con- est" swindle we ever beard of has jut
tint. at Ailsa Craig- on Tuesday. The come to light in Bence. A pedler hes
delegates chosen were dtlessrs. Dr. been going the rounds of the farmers
Hossack, McDiarmid, Gleason, Hersey selling forty -yard spools of thread as
& John, 'Walker,
Cow Knaanna-On Monday 'last a
cow, the property of Wnee Walker of
this village was struck by ta passing
'train anekilled.
SQUIRREL Iltner.--Oter Thanksgiving
a shooting match taelet. Once between
elected by Mr. John
Fox and eight chosen by Mr. D. Keddie
the losers to pay for the oyster supper Henry' Bush, jr, convicted Of rape at.
which was ordered at the Central ho- the Assizes at "Woodstoelt, hae been
tel. Mr. Keddie's band proved inferior sentenced by ItIr."Jiistice Strong to
to its 'opponents and had consequently eight yettes in thitTenitentary.
to ace as entertainers. The supper was
served in excellent style.
LUCAN Cour-rm.—The regular meet-
ing:of the 'conned:should hatettebeen held
on Monday evening Iasi', 'bee as oniC
one merriberput in an „appearitece no
meeting took place. te -,Agoenen snt.iiiMEL :1•43.Szil;';:44.Al„squr.. Rodger, Se., and wife, were &tying to
tel hunt takes plagu'eosdayftlset4eeeli church, the herse Suddenly took fright
the members .of the Iitteltilepeange
Lodge dir`„grd esinceseigOidderlfeli'Mr.
Pegg acts as Captitinoe 'AdttOttrt :and
Mr. Win.a.Colbett as'Coggin (it the
other,. the defeatedpaety tteepec fog, 11
half barrel of beer, a'half 'turret of; pr -
tor efrantdhea sbyosetioitif
his iit's,o be I)artal(en
'o sport 5
ticipated, ae
4 iirinadroz: e,./IS.Ignpr'131111-
Edward CroVell of Kempt, near
Halifax, mistook au Indian named,
Germany for A mOOSe Which both were
hunting en Friday, last, and shot bite,
tho ball going twrongh his head,
Mr. Bertreaux, of St. John, N,B,, was
preparing fiente dynamite ler el.treri-
nental purposes a Pony dive ago, when
10 1150,,1118 hand lown to attune, Aoa
SOIDO friends standing near teeeived
shocks. fie had prepared. a Rartriiige
Of dynalllitE3, WhiPil lie 1))11^1)9804. ex-
ploding in a ,yeed underneathhis win -
4 -1W..'". He exceedingly leaned out on
the tell and 11ght0d, a 08811a 1)4PM' fi100 i
but, es elle latter burned more rapidly,
ineide than out the fire penetrated eint
eertaidge ham he Was apiarist and the
dynamite eploded- Mr. Bertreaux's
nand was shattered at OW WII8C jOint
and blown into ta. tedueend pieees.
A Toronto stectiange says ;--On h
girl, nettled 'Ill lizahoth J'arie Hill, being
charged with larceny, and a Mall, MID
D, Hill, with assault, the chief witness
stated, that the tiro prleeners were bee
elnktren, the latter being her eldest son,
and, the former :bar fouyth daughter,
site havieg had eighteen clnldren in all.
Mrs. Hill: (the inother) said that he
and her family came out from England
when 110 8011 Ran-1\5'as seventeen years
of ago. The, young man stOpped here
ono month and the went back to Eng-
land, and returned to Canada two
.(ears ago, since which tinie the: -have
. gen tieing together/ as man an wife,
lent they were 'normairied. im il last
Wednesday, the rito'being peddle -nod,
by a PresleYterian'divine, *ha of couree
was not aware of the existing relation-
ship. Both priewsets were placed in
the dock- With rutted to thetcliarge
of: larteeny, she said that the clothes
had been lent to her by her sisters she
returning the same cempliment. In.
the most emphatic manner sh 3 denied
that the male prisoner was her brother,
and said that she had never seen hine
OR two yeeee age, wb-Ar.! .4:, came from
England. The girl admitted that she
was the daughter of the Witneesn but
the man did eet attempt. to throw any
'light on this extraordinary, and, if true,
most revolting affair. saying:not h Word
while in court. The eldeet daughter
of Mrs. Hill testified that the male pri-
ember was her brother. ThecaseAVBS
remanded foe a week.
About half -past eleven o'clock wi
SaturdeC night last, Richardson's Lori'
don confectionery was burned. Loss,
Mr. John Birrell, of London; has re-
turned. frem Ins 'treus-Atlantic trip,
looking well efter his journey. ,
A young man named Simmons, son
°hit:. Simmons, oil refiner, of Petro -
lea, was seriously hajured by the dis-
charge of a gun he was pulling front a
boat at Port Frank, on Feiday last.
Hie hand and left side of his face were
oompletely riddled. He was, brought
down to Sarnia the next day,.
It will he remembered. that in 1872 a
party named' Ninhem was murdered
at or neat? St. Thema% No trace of
the murclerer'could belied, until a few
days ago, when the Chief of Police,
London, received word from Minnesota
that Fitzsimmons; one of the in urder-
ere had been captered. it appears that
he, feeling very careworo, disclosed
himself, and acknowledged having kil-
led an old medicine 1111111 in Canada,
to a servant, with the injunction to
hvgp, eilent. This was net doife,.hoes
of the County, who ett once proceeded
to the spot, and arrested his now.
ft is reported in Barrie on undoubt-
ed authority that Mr. Hiram Cook, 111,
P. for North Simcoe. intends to burls
empary into his awn acts and those of
his friends by following the nourse ad-
vised by Mr. Blake through Mr. Beth-
une to tho late member for West Nor-
thumberland, namely, " Throw up • the
plead guilty of' bribery by an
Gswirx TO Or
Cheeneeuen—Mr. Rate Keefe, of
the 8th, ertuceeeion of Billulph, is will
ling to plough with any of: the uten or
bop who were:etompetitors at the re-
cent matchein Granton, for fifty or it
hundred dollen; a side, !Pile match to
take place on his own farm, allowing
any person willing to compete the
vilege of practice an the groundiiThe
furrow to be six inches by nine. .
,TYPIPOID PEVER.—Messrs. Jamieson,
McIntosh, Bugg, and Mrs. Bugg have
been leid low for some weeks by ty-
phoi6 fever. They are now convelue-
eent and doing well.
Tun Feet WREAT.—There is a large
tract of this cereal sown in the adtoin-
ing townships, aed it is looking exched.
nasty well,
A Row.—A young man named Mc.
Roberts was rather seriously wpuuded
at the plowing match held here on the
30111i Alt. It appears the boys had
been vexing Mr. E. Halls, when it is
saie he stabbed the young Man iu the
thigh. He is somewhat lame.
WOODEN MARRIAGE.=W0 have had ft
wooden weddiug in our midst
during the past few days. Of ceueee,
your readers are aware that 'wording
to ancient custom, every marriege an-
niversary until the twenty-fifth is cal-
led a wooden anniVersary. Mr, Thos.
'merchant,. of this
and lady, celebrated the fourth anni-
versary of their wedding day, on the
27111i ult. A number of young and
some older persons were present, and
an enjoyable season was spent.
, Ahlt- A AM -be
Mr. John Johnston, of Whitler, a
section man on the Grand- Trunk Was
run over on Thursday last, and killed
Mr. Laidlaw, of the; Paiekty agriculs
ttiral works was presented on Friday
evening last with a handeOme gold
watch and -chain, ae a token of his high
esteem in which he is held by the vil-
twodiuutired yard spools.
Goderich has voted a free market,
A new Presbyterian church was
opened at Palmerston, by the Rev. J.
McMillan of Mt. Forest.
The hands employed in several mit7
eihine shops. sewing maShillO
te., in Montreal are 'being discharged
in consequence of the dullness of trade.
A serious accident happened at Osha-
wa on Sunday last.. Whilst Mr. B. J,
Our readers in Biddulplietre.no doubt
somewhat it,terested in :the ,late case
• •
of Brown v Blackwell, lately tried be-
fore the Court of Chancery 111, London,
Sintl we tiresent below a •teWof the pale.
eicuiars. It appears that Brown rent-
ed a paecel of land on :the gisel,Pengese
sioir of Bitlaulph from Blackwell, and
13Iackwell took.up bis residence on the
rear of the lot. 'The rentlisid net' been
paid by 13rown as.Blackwell had sup.
posed was agreed upon, and he (Black'.
well) had a warrant for Seizure taken
gut, and I3rowit'e goods and chattel
Were thereupon condigned to the trier -
cies of the Iasi.. action' &twee het
disdommoded Br° th41,1 and iiindeKe4
tte he said, from' putting in a erop that
year, , its it Was in thespring. f Ile
therefOr0 sued Blackwell for illegal
sezinre, and recovered dainages, Being
thus emboldened he again appealed to
the courts when the judge held that the
writings had leo flaw in, thein, anit that
the keener' deeision W fi orrect.iine,
Ile also gave judgment in fav* or
Drown', awl thnutgog fo tti6 timpani
elf $1000. WS 10,81 appall 10 this conrts
Wri,6, isaupposed; to So "-Weaken 'Mr,
and i•itti Away, overtnreing the , buggy
and throwing the enctipante heavily, to
the grennd. Both received .severe -11.1-
juries, Mee, Rodgers being picked Up
insensible. The sufferers are a e fair
Way of reeovery.
Col. Stephooson is ,spoken of as tlie
Conservative candidate for Montreal
The City Council of Kingston has
granted free taxittion for ton years to
the tannery of Ford & Sots.
A narrow escape is recorded as hay.
ing taken plitee in 1.c.ingst0n 011 Saturs
day last. A. team, driven by Senior
McGurd, crossed the track in .tront of it
freight train az Cateraqui. Tile wagon
was hoisted so qitrongly that the cedar
post which supported the crossing no-
tice wita,brolten, The men and horses
escaped miraculotely:
The Listowel people willhave node.
ing to do With the Stratford end Lake
Huron Railwey unless they are guar.
aonrloonedd dlig;eucotit count:Mt kvuttnyic, a st iso t otale
tt s
such was tho.okiginal agreement.
Mr. Alex, McKay, of tins firm of Me.
Kay &Port, furniture dealeite of Wotid-
stoek, liea of a low fever on hiday
last, He was a beloved citizen.
Chief' Stewart, of Niagara, fell mit el
his btiggy It few dais ago' and hrelte ide
:41Goo.13rowir has' accepted the chat.
lettge of J,, IL,'Sadler, the English
champion, to row a live,reile race with
a turn for $S,000. ' '' and the Etone'Town, TheGrits 01. 1130
The Bronze lvto('jat of the Itoyal 1iti, riclnig have alreac y held two Conven
m -
,iiiane Society f England, hal been liontiea
s, d the great nd moinentons
presented throtigh Hon, It, 1W. Seott to kostiou of Aelecting a victim ie still
Maeter Jones Jensen son Of Mr. ;Tepee, ( „settled, There ewes- not scent to be
,141,, P. tor Sonth L6edo, for an hob of" much difficulty in finding a, eandidate
distinguished bravery In 'saving the willing 10 811erinee hitY1861f VII the ittta
litieg of a woman and chilt1 Iron Oa* of party for the welfare of the constit*
anolne rivet last St111011014 Clio:my, tut it troubles the taittftti taltr.,
fl'he Exeter ,Brait
44 44
And all the principal Cities
Makes advanees on Produce
Buy's and sells Sterling Exchange,
Diseounts for the Farming Com -
Collections made in all parts
Deposits from One
Payable on Dentaial with Interest from
Omen MMUS -From 10 AIL to 81'. 1).1 ; Saturday
Expter, October 20, 1874
..E.U.liQPF,'...1Ar AN'
Dry' Goods S
Jp • r•$g p.000,00a
r•,,r r CO PO,
011 of Molsons Bank
and Towns in Ontariti & Quebec.
GoodO, Cutler, W),31=ka-
We are noWpr;
In Ezcteirbsive
in the several departments en
Bought direct
on the Bost 'Items.
One of our travellers will take an early7opportu
Wailfuli sets of samples, whoa your esteemed or
.ondan, Septtnither 3rd, 104,
y Grits somewhat to determine upon
the one of the many, mid yet satisfy
the rest. It's a eerientemeiger to them.
Mitchell, and the northern townships
seem determined that noec but a Mit-
chell man will receivetheir support,
and St. Mary's, Grits maintain that -ex-
ceeding to pre.vious 'agreement they are
entitled to the doubtail in these days
of Come along johnism to -famish tile
candidate. Tout Badholtyue, of oheese
fame, with El, itetid *1.8 tteit 0e0tnie -
Mg as little brains as oue -.of his own
cheeses, comes in with Stratford influ-
ence, and remelting owe the crowd of
" politicians" trom Mitchell and St. , 0
Marys, snatches the prey. It was ever ,
se, Mitchell and Stet+ teen always elite, set
and send a man to represent es Whose.. rn
interests are in direct antagonism to'
St. itlary'e interests.. And.etich a man
as, Tom Ballantyne 1 Niawouder that
the St, 'Mary's 'delegates! feel like bears'
with sore heads at having 'Ballantyne
thrust over them. At every election
this person's name is brought' up, tarn,
ed over, thrust efore .them and underl
their noses, until the Grits in St.
Zionudation -di' ”ijk P
haS not had justice doee it by the pegs-
eut Government. tWts should have had
cormty town of St. Mary's long ago,
3111a although other, new counties are
being formed, there is' not a whisper
about this one. St. Mary's holds the
balance of power, and should an inde-
pendent St. Mary'e man offer, and
13,131.1Ishard join hands with the town, he
would be elected in spite of Conventious
and northern infinenee.
Yours truly,
New York Exchange, Greenhael&es, Ogo
of the Dominion.
1)011ar Upwards, received.
date of Deposit to date of irithdraural
from 101. 3f, to 1 P,Df.
1:53W1). W. STRA'11111%.
Esualt,orzALET.s as
D .431ER,rgAN
mita 1 1 -
per, School Books d,'t Stationery •
opaied to' show
worthaimmt of Cpods
umerated above. whieh have been
rom litaldufger
by our own /Atlyer.
nity.of calling upon tt‘s ereeeeent tits section
ders will have our cal oful attention.
MEMCIAL men say that nothing is so
Frtant to good health as a room Com,
fortubly warmed. The season of year is now
St ho.,:d when you NriO. require the very betit
To the Editor of the Exeter Tams.
DEAR SIR.7-411 yOtlY laSt week's issue
an artieletwas inserted over the signa-
ture of the Winchelsea band which to
ell ecenniori sousepeople appeers ridir
calorie stating thatitad the public opin-
ion been taken they (Winchelsea bandy
woull hitge take t the prize, . Now sir
'had the priblie opinion been taken I am
confident that Exeter band would have
.taken the prize- frtem..ehe Wineheleea
band twenty to one, and I thenk d am
in its good a sitnetion to know the pith-
lic sentiment as our neighbeee et. Win.
0110190in Farther, eheEeeter band "Wok
the ',Sesontl. .not only the Pi:delta but
Clinton band and all 'three of the
judges *ere unauttneue in fieVerd'of
Exeter. As to the prize that Was gent
thein by the Board' of Directors 1 ant
inclined to think it wes ;Mae hlte
stick of candy .th 'soothe their drooping I
spirits than a prize.
7444. -
Editor.—It is with a feeling of
great plestertee that 1 congratulate the
members of the crown pivisi9n No,
356, 5. of T. eh their enterprise, gopul•
erity and perseverance. Though, as a
Matter of course it'has Met with a great
deal of opposition, yet it has pushed. on
itsiway and'uow stands as a model to the
village of Granton. I might say that
it is wonderful to see the progress tine
society has met with. Venus move,
merits have be taken, and though rnet
with it great deal of oppoeition, yet
truly we we have to acknowledge that
great hand on high who loads all things
to the right. Temrerance, 'the groat
shield tottociety, is, I fool confident in
stlying no way beltina hitiat in this
village. I feel it a pleueure to congrat-
ulate the MEM bere for this alla hoge
the day will speedily arrive when pro-
hibition shall be peachtimed in our land.
Now, Mr. FARO, I feel confident that
you and ;di the eurroundings will with
pleasure congratulate us on our saccess.
I am sir,
Yours most truly,
SON 01'
1110 Situation in Seal' rertb. ,
r.to ihe Editor of the Exeter Times.
DuAu Sta,—A. few vords 111 eeference
to the. present all.absorbing question
of polities would 31011)0 UnilltOre8ting to
yOLI1' /1111.1103:0110 readers in Blansbarcl
St. Mary's, Nov. 1, 1874.
-1STRA.Y.—Strayed on the premises
of the Subscriber'lol 11, coo 3, Usborue, op
ortweet thm
e iddle ofAugust last, a young steer
The owner can hare it Py pro•viiig property, pay.
lug expenses, sant taking it away-
QTRAYED or stolen from the
iBO of the Subscriber, lot 5, cop 1, Usborne,
on or about the 2.15 alt, two hogs --,one an aged
war with bhick spot near tail, and the other a
young sow with pig Inform alien loading to their
recovery will be amply rewarded, and anyone
keeping tbem attar thin.noticewill bo prosecuted
according to law lt, PERKINS, De t on 6343 •
ate 8/STED by 1311. MAN ES, Graduate of NBIGill
Cellege. Montreal
Nigat calla promptly attended to. tlilleo burs
as usual. 60-1y,
25 Acres of Excellent Land,
on the South-west Boundary.
To he sold. by Public Auction, on
N07. 19th, 1874 ,
at hue o'clock 311 the. afternoon, at It. J. Wilkins
" Union Hotel," in the village of Exetor, by-Mr:3:
epackinau, auctionoor (subjoct to such conditions
as will then be produced)
All that pet cel of Laud situate and be-'
ing the easterly part ot Lot tiuinber :Matti abut-
ting on .tho South.west Boundary e0eCe8SUM of'
the Township ef 'Osborne, containing twenty-fleo
acres Of cacellent land, now ip the geauration
ono JamCt,
es Colbert,-.
The land is convenienity situate betWeen the 5th
aria See eons, and cleared - excepting about
4, acres.
Eor further particular)), apply at the :Oleo of
MR. 13. V. 'ELLIOT,
'Exeter, r;ov. 11, 1874. (91.18. nxETiint
of,r1P1511 DAY.-LAgaiis Nyanted 1 Alt
WWI classes of ,working people, of eii
ther 8ex, young or 018, 11141(0 ntore Inoue y worlc
for 08 111 Fiptire inoments, oi* all the tun:),
than nt anything 0180. Particufr
lars ee. Po .t
card to States 00818 but two cents. Addres 0).
STINSON &C0., Poan
rtld, Maine. 611-y 1
611,41tiiSrki1l ItS1101) )11 ItENT.
rro RENT on the totvnline between
Blanshard sal tl Biddulpho Blacksmith's Shop
veth a frame store and awellIng attached, and.
13 acres oi first.rato land. 'This Is one of the best
stands hi the county. Ono tuilo from railway sta.
non. Apply to h. Halls, Otranten 0,0111. e2-1111.
BRICK f1.14'SAIttle
V QUANTITY of Bridk for Seto at
ochtvitiio. Diktk yard. Yard to 181 for
ttic year 4878. Apply to , •
ontralitt;Ootobor 22,1871. 51-11
o it tt tort s A LE,
rpH.E Subectiber offers fter eel°, on
rate gette mainesitead, 1. laity leek -step
Parlor Organ, of the °Amick Organ 'CO
Apply to W. (t1-15.:
, ,
, , „
'PRAYED on lot 13, 6011e 8;
en or about the inhldie f Angust
milch,Oew, The oWner is requetteate 1,toee
property, inty eXpeueoa, and talte her' gene.
81-91. inteneet stgettTer
tette eeteteetbee bees to tiegailitittirOSOWenting
woiontse &eta teat apse hate Winne*
Salaried, w, balling, at »l( resideii66,. Where I
prepared PrOSOCItteall (11 of.tveavl0g, De the
heat 81831130114 M' r.i.loStreit.80051)10 prieett,
• 441.1C13!,S V1141,10.0g
)014 Xatio,111apieltitr 4,41.1)41t1 ,
beg to say that' they have just received one Di
the lamest stocks the county, consisting et
Stores of the very latest desigla ona the hest
, manufautures, which.
WILL BE SOLD RE 1).S_ONA,i3LY1:17.11::
Their tam is and always has be-rn
„ .
to tiefvenfi-
toiiers. Hardwm e,
always on hand. Also the
Wz.00 Azz
unit 1,4100 IIII SCAI.E1U011.S18.
Old Rig, Copper, iron, etc., bought.
ExETE11, oot, as, 1974. 6143
Messrs. G. & J-. Brooks have
uow commensed the manillao.
ture of Buggies and. Wagons
for the Spring and Summer
Trade. . ".
tERms—Cash or 'Short Cre.
Also, on hand,a lot of Scotch
Diamond Harrows, of their OWu
manufacture, which they eau
and will sell as :cheop as ,any
one in the trade.
G.' & J3311KiliCtir
Please -to csA in, '11
Watc4milter 85-Jeweict,
bogy to intimate to tiie in'hutiitants of EXETEA
andV;pinity, that he will 01.1
open that Shop next door to Mr. 'Treble's [harness
maker], with an on tiroly new and elegant
,assortment of
From ft practical experience of ,the trade nut
ouired ip London and tilattgow lie is in a position '
to meet 1111 its general requirements proMj tte,
efficiently, end at 14.10erate nittes., ' --
Watches ana Jcveity at* to O;tt.r.
Agew for 211eg3rs. Stuart te ga, (1.
ited), Watch. manttfachans Liverpot.
lERs SW Watch
TISOMPSON & frpoucAct's
Stam, • Saw. Mill
II ...WOO Devon tioUtre GraViil Wad, .
Cort0tairtlY ('11 Intik a deinAdete.00014 .•
.9to it.st.t1$1o,O11,00I1Cittity, Wiate*Otal.-and
:4006 r..t't 'or, tit10,40.4.,;(01.,
kto, Willi be p014e106111'. attondet1,1?)11,1e,aviti4
It1/61046ftt Iet‘tkitti .r-46t6t'
TOA)04i C4,13'0,184.- ti,l4taffi