HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-10-22, Page 4RWS A Env OXBIN D 1.$ TITD DOMINI VI AC liioloacin,t axe NA Vet'l linO'Vfh Wet, Mg room TUregit 7 711r1440, • VA V wwa toudationsreel SUVOtflileNte 0 by a400ro, chartle precedence Of allything• of the bitul ia the Dominion, WAOONS OfanPoriorworkmanship end material, Eateut Dominion Laud Boners 1‘;:)1?7,01tii-lrartOr$2 $eed. Prins;33xi0a4-east sowers tkitivtA, sugaoptueo an 04n141rowi, and every other kind ot Agrieultural implemoute hand or made to order. JAMES R. MOORE, Paov, (16-1y.) t. Wry'0,July 1,1874. :MOB-NINO ;'.XABX..%! aincracoza, The Eemlier the Better, • WOULD the farming community understand that owing to my services be- ing constantly required at the mill, Mr. G-eor -re Willis is authorized to purellase Vain for Me on the Exeter market, and transact other businese ip th, village in connection with the mill. I would also say that the eerlier in the rday fanners ring their grain to maalcet the better pleased will be the buyer and ths more satisfactory to yourselves. Mr. Willis will be on the market continually. Highest price paid for wheat. glour can be bought cheaper at the mill than anywhere else, as the profits 'elltinr stores are saved to the consumer. G-risting will receive oareful attention, and Chopping Done Every Dav. D.MeLENNAN star. October 22, 1874, TBB L., E. 1 B. R. R. IS 111111 0 ISAAC CARL' G Begs leave to ttank his Blends in Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patronage in the past, end hopes to merit a fair share of their trade,In the future, having o 1:41:ofriiimeist.341a Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in. a General Store, consisting of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc Ready-made Clothing, wines and li- qtiors, Hardware, Crookery, Boots andShoes, Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be under- sold by any cstaLlisLinent in this section of country. Exeter. koctober 7, 1874 59 IZA NT ON'S IS THE SPOT FOB h e a Goods EXETER, ONT. 2xeter, , October 22, 1875. ONDON UEBEC andMONTREAL Temperley Line Comp eh the following first-class LEON ST8.A.AISHIPS. 4cOTLA1D, MEDWAY, CHAMES, • DELTA, 5EVERN NYAFZA, HECTOR. 'The Steam -119e this Line are intended to sail Luring the Bd. 1111,of Novigatioe of 1879, from , isONTAN FOR QuEntt.ANDIIIONTRFAL folloWer-Scotland, Vdchicielay, 2/th • Augest, evoty alternate Wedneeday .and Fiatutdity hereafter, And trent .„ ° WEBEC FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: T,hurticiay, 2160 Aegue :• BeVeren Tirateday, lltlfSept. 'Steitlesicl,Tuteidayieffed. „„ And. every ttitonate atnettarty Thti ad y isteafter• ate lower that other. LiOes, elittleittettleined- tri petiOne deditortiofbritg out their plena, , riit. 51'1,0440i Passage, skisty to '• PAVit,SitANtr,-.Stoitt.t.erti, Agent, SEE. 14ARY'S, At hone, mateorfetretle;' 895 et 4,480Bi 'day �laterwirl No , „itift 11A col oil trsirn,L. Chopping rixotti:.tral. .0;c1teeS'W:illia tel.( cerif .tritittiWnif4 ynei4,6, Crwarlo. ,C.iscate rillY,111th Greenwich NeW Ver • • • , iit�iii 1400 PLA. Tre),,n.,11 SOLO' Pt,'�C Elf the 'ten.• 0; hey' fitalt tht t4M41AtitIlat Steel' ee'AU Itinan.of trinte Wren itoaatanga, thg ',1•17Ci yeastohl. he Alter 14, "tellies ted to rCivplt liittat ttn.a. : prporrty0,',:ptiy *Id take if .11,14,-,4,00.0ilbArULLINO4t60t•SR VOlt ltity,. At • AL4,14.111,AN flAtt; 446040 GET THE BEST • JOHNS' HOT AIR DRUM I Saves e half the Wood, and WILL SA ITS COST IN ONE '7 WINTER. Pr CS Iteditted to $3 50 Cask T HAVE a verY largo Stock or STOVES ! frem ditYcront milkers, and sel- ected with great care, whieh I of- fer VERY LOW Alta/ a Bide As - sediment •of Laiiteim £C ST071111IPt ''VABNISII---A. GOOD T119 eS t'Ptko41700" 4!". QQ1,41TEEs114WQ 41.1011Y4:41?:P4,04:.TO:$.11).-411 PAYSON '8 IND11,1,1111:HIS.1( Seett itt.4 ittltktout. *Ay rtrortt., iii hik .0910.13.0410Stlyi.'lL4o i 008404- intlidlitell ..o.a.1)0010r,.• 'item+ ;tot dry nth 004 XV zta ytr .404 10,4er 'Ilma any othefink wdl.:40.4. VIM, how etbrie..,'.....votioNts.litig hoe etiderc8141le teat ef Mr, ty yeors', an4. le neW the Meet po„iellite ink it; exie-, totes, angle tierivellett tot unixerinity. efeeality 004 Mork mere eositiv, end indetibly time aey other. apporalene Moniteci preeotaiieri. of the . • P*'ife CeOtS per $011,11by,,PIWgiStp,4 St,011,009,6 ..ead Valier ' cieede polders • oot.0491,22.,;614 , 400d4ixE../tgron Arucc, The 'Tizer has boeome so notorious for its opposit,on to the Londou,,1 u 1)1111,P3 Boalw,oy ; ,eur tiro fiat; doabt, and dwrectit if it oould, opon all the negotiations connected with it, that the snarl in its columns it pig4t wgr* ni$ unlooked tor. • Notwithstanding an apparent ambiguity ia the wording of the Directors' Report, which the Free Pros alone, of the Cannditin, pa - pus, publiihedyesterday, the great ()en tral fact remitius that the railway eclieme Las bem readopted bY tiv Great Western :Shareholders at the in stance of the new Board. Ef any modifications in the agieernent have been suggested in LAulou, they have not been confirmed. It is possible that the "Western Board may seek to issue their own bonds upon the branch at say 97, rather than those of the local company, which might not command niore than 85. Any such modification would be eminently salutary to the parties concerned, and be the means of saving a considerable sum of money. But no modihcations of the agreement have taken place which will in any way affect the prompt construction of the y, excep t beneficially.—FreePress, 20th. a Dangerous Experiment.. In the steamboat Queen, which left New York un the lth hist, there was as one of the passengers the noted Paul Boynton, pearl diver, life saver, and man -fish iu general. He leaves on a dangerous experiment, which is none other than to make a sea -voyage in life-saving suit. It is his intention to drop over -board -not less than two -hun- dred miles from land, either after leav- lug New York, or before reaching Liv- erpool, when he Will be left to the mer- cy of the Waves until he shall meet with a passing vessel. Mr. Boynton is eonfident that he will come out all right in the matter, and prove the val- ue of the dress. This is a rubbcr suit of armor of peculiar pattern, contain- ir6e, compartments, which when inflat- e:1, it is claimed, are able to float a map of any weight in safety. The one tak- en by Boynton wi!1. weight fifteen pounds and nu carries with him a rubber bag, two dozen single lights, two pounds of cheese, six pounds of crackers, one piece of Bologna sausage, one axe'and one bowie knife for sharks. single flags, rockets, and an extra suit of clothes, and a large double bladed paddle with which to propel himself. Mr. Boynton is of fine physique, and weighed about me hundred aid eighty p3unds. On the Jersey coast he saved seventy-one lives. a Co llgrast. (Prom the Toronto Sun.) The Conservative party hav have no reason to be asliained of the result of the election trials so far. in every case where thereturn of a grithas been con- tested in court the appeal has been suc- cessful, and bribery has been brought home to the candidate's agents, and a widespread system of corruption has been exposed. On the other hand no- thing has yet come out of which the Couse vatives as a party have reason to be ashamed. Oae of their representa- tives has been unseated in an eastern county, but in giving judgement the Juige said respondent left court with- out a stain upon his honor. Yesterday the Cardwell case was up in the Court, and, though Mr. Cameron is one of tile foremost men in the conservative party and an opponent the Grits woult' be li&ppy to get rid of, they utterly failed in their attempt to get evidence of bri- bery or corruption on the part of Mr. Cameron or his agents. 'limy are at tempting to unseat him on technical gronnds, but are unable to urge any improper practices. What a contrast Cardwell offers to Welland, London, Essex and other Grit constituencies. In one case the contest was carried on fairly, honorably and upriiiht, without a violation of the .law in any respect; while in the other cases it Was dearly proved:that bribery and corruption Wei e resorted to without scruple. Sir John Macdonald was not right when he said that the Grits spent ttvo dollars 'where the Conservatives spent one ; for from the exposures, that have been made the Grits Must have spent twenty to their Opponents one. AMERICAN NEWS WIRE ABOUT TILTONi—MT. Beecher filed with the Clerk of the , City Court of. this City an affidavit, !loopy of wbich was served upon, Messrs. MorHs an Pearsali atiOrileya'for Theodore Tilton against him to Thomas G. 'Shottritia;r4 his counsel in the Case, And that be had substancial defence, The Grand' Juiy of Brooklyn indicred Thrnas Bai of the Brooklyn Argas, for it ;ille11ott8 '41'7 ticle, clial•ging improner relations be tween Beecimr ancl.tIte late Mrs, Henry C. Bowen, 13y the horses attached to a stage running Off atid tlirowing tlieniselveS itttri East River at Astoria Lferry, last night, Lour inside passengers Were deowned. The drivei!..*4eaperi by awitri., At on ileyeht,alt old stamp re Ir irtiOnrit,•i hfa Stitt -1'a .• 1:Ooliler ofWilllitnt4114, Fulton titree's, YOrki., wait ari'e::.te,a laat week for ptiebtthigStolen ettiMps. Wbile he wa ti. the torahs 'ins:toren. watt 'broltea tyti, :and rivet $00,000: 117. tfiCifiet, 'T 314• ,Valttables; .tvhielt fiiia..sitvoii thiring ‘yeti; sto1ii itiong Jifs !e&ele 1,bn:a stolen: W0 4Z�00 tir.entydellneitnici, and. eon O'riretable • Trtro Wfinet 'Citeirlie"Ontebet,, re*. '±U?IIS oI t116 dtiattitiebi of Atiouittu .fro t1i tL S s1iow. t1tal the, Wheat ;;tercteii'',thati.last yentolr:h alI of eteep.t ttefrWi Mititteaott.t,ittvt and tkeletotei.,Setttit,titt*. 1P111. illirxels*Lt ;a Oetit equal telaet year's yield. Tbe i;ewEngli;bd litates, bate' #11,b4)at ;',00/etta1llie :Ofth eet3,8118yaAppxvz.;;;;;ItAng, 1•1;o14-1;;;Eibels. td4l40 hs :',inekensed, be' v10(1001'110; 9013'. 'The tl;eae l$tat'aL4 001siderltblY OPIE8 Of this dspiny be .bad et tlient •WrOtIVOrki• of local rt.° fOrCiOn nalecellttp.y,',.. and ellolee litertt7,, 'tiue 5 . OtNits ehPIL I HI TABL,R, onson or ils:a.84n:77:4.itt,;i:en,u:np Express for XiontIon,Eugulo 0Z:wont°, Stiriam tioiseWusw 4.45 ; 1-13 5,10 Best English Double Boiled Oil, A0.97 Oii, James ist white lead, ttnd a complete asso-tment of Painters mater- ials. at Harstone (.Tr, Son's, SC 'Mary's, Pare Elephant Oil (90 cents pergal.) Castor Oil, Palo Seal aml Stock's Oil itt Ifarstone & Bon's Cliearklardware Store, St. Mary's. Patent Fly Traps, Patent bag ties, picture frame mottlding, at Ilarstone & Son's, St.Maiy's. B. Solid Cast Steel Grass Seythes,Hoes, Forks, Hand -made Ba1es, Snaithes, Cradles, and all other Harvest Tools, at ilarstone & Son's, St. Mary's. B. Largest stock of Nails, Hinges, Look Glass, etc., at Harstone & Sons, St Mary's. .44 It KR T.Y. EXETER. White Wheat to $ 01 Spring Wheat . to 91 Oats -, ... 'to 84 Potatoes ' ... 40 to 50 Barley ... - 00 to. 95 Peas ... ..; 50 to GO Eggs ,.. ... 14 to 15 Butter ... 05 to 25 Plour per bbl.... 6 00 to 6 00 limn ... ... 10 to 12 Snorts .,. li to 16 Wool .. 15 to 35 Hogs 500 to 550 GRANTON Pall Wheat ... - ... $ 92 to $ 92 Spriug Wheat._ ,.. .„ 90 to 91 Oats ... ... .. ... 85 to 30 Peas GO to 22' Butter 24 to 25 Eggs ... ... .„ ... 12 to 13 Wool .. 37 to 38 SEAFORTH. Fall wheat 90 to 91 Spring wheat 90 to 91 Oats 0 35 to 0 35 Barley 80 to 82 PeaS 0 77 to 0 78 Butter •0 25 to 0 25 ff,ggs 0 12 to 0 14 Wool 0 36 to 0 16 i ST. MARY'S. Deihl wheat, per bussel Spring wheat 83 to 02 88 to 90 Barley 90 to 95 Peas .,. .., 75 to 76 Oats ... ... 36 to 37 Egg., per dozen ... 12 to 12 55 to 25 Wool 86 to 36 LUCAN. White wlir et 85 to 05 Treadw ell 80 to 93 Spring 80 to 90 Oats 0 05 to 0 36 Peas 0 60 to 0 75 Barley 90 to 93 Butter 25 to 25 Eggs, per dozen 15 to 15 Potatoes 40 to 0 50 Lard 9 to 10 Tallow 5 to 51 Ray 12 00 to 14 00 Timothy seed 9 50 to 3 75 Clover ssed 6 25 to 6 50 Wool 37 to 39 Sheepskins 0 75 to 1 00 Pork 6 50 to 7 50 Beef 5 to; 6 Rides 6 00 to 7 00 LONDON, HilIn7)0wItr; ;'•3) 2:)1:1 White Wheat, Deihl, per cental Si 75 to 31 75 , Treadwell ... 1 70 to 1 70 Spring W.Lsat ... ... 1 70 to 1 51 Iittiley ' ... ... 1 83 to l'1 03 1 55 1,o 382 1 25 to 13.3 IS tO 10 21to 32 00.tS Pearl Egg, per dozes; ... Butter per pound ... Rate itegtster. — • SATLIID.A.T, Oct. 21. -Ferre stock and imple- ments, the property of Mr. Geo. Drought, Int 7, con. 5, 'Osborne. 1 o'clock P. M. 12 months. 3. Spackman, TNICIteDAY, Oct. 22. -Farm stock and imple- ments, the property of Mr. IL Fodgins, lot 36, eon. 2,13iddulph. 12 months. J Lynch, ans. • ....Mown.ty, October 26 -Farm stock, etc., the property f Mr, H. Wolfe, lot 17. con. 6, stephen. 14 months, 1 o'clock p.m. A. Bishop, auc. TUESDAY, Oar. 27 -Farm stock, ete„ the prop- erty of lir. 'Lynes Flinn, lot 27, con. 8, stephen 1 o'clock p.m, 12 mon ths. J. spackin'an, an c iioneer. TUESDAY. OCT. 27 -Farm etock, etc., the prop- erty of J. Grundy , lot 15, con. 13 McGilli- vray. 12 Ines. 1 o'clock p.m. FE 'iy OCT. -Farm stock, ctc., the pro- perty of kr. saut'l Cornish, l t 1, con. 9, Osborne. 13 months credit. '12 o'clock noon. A. Bishop, rine lioueer. .11.4111.111 LE D. Ihritu-Cneca-At the B. C. Parsonage, on the 19Ih inst., by the Bev- W. C. Beer, Hr. Henry Dyer to Miss Mahalah Clack. 10--•••••••4 intifiEb. DnEw-in Exeter, on the 20th inst., the in- fant daughter of Mr. John Drew, aged Imes. Witmodit-in Exeter, on Thursday, the 15th inst.'Mrs. Mary ADD 'Whitlock, mother of Rev, J'. Whitlock, aged 84 years. Wnr,sn-lin Stephen, on the 20tn insl., Mr. Wm. Welsh, aged 93 yeal'8, DUNSP000-3 n Exeter, on the 15th inst., Mrs. Dunsford, eged 73. 11918••. - (gm Agrutiootatto. • BRICK FOR SALE. A QUANTITY of Erick for Sale at -CIL Centralia Brick yard. Yard to be let for the year 1875. Apply to THOS. GREENWAY, +Centralia, Ootober 2231874. ' SERVANT WANTED. WAN TE D ---A Servant Girl wanted. Apply to JW. BitODBRICE, ffseter, (01 -0 ROAN 170 It SALE% t11]tIi1 Subs:wilier offers for sale, on Tot 6, l'40301) Tharovsllead, a new four-etem :Parlor Organ,,of the Canada Organ Co '31 make, - Apply to 'W. Ist 01 -it. • • E8T1tAY. TRAYED on lot 18, cori, 8,. flay, bra or about, tile middle of Auguet last,an rqp, xtrileh Cow. . The ownot ie requested to prove property, pay expenses, and teke her away,. . 81-9t. ' ultf-uay.SWAittl, tatiourD. M�rcit Vallobst 'az; • Cleste,t0 Otttlitteps' 81.13LE,DEP081T011Y i3O0iSILLfl $& STATIOXEll • A. Stook of i1stthiiy113 '13li.rblele(841Pti7ti'n?iti , 1366ke tot tlie nae•nl Pton. bYttrigle;' Church- of. theta. t1aytiY Books, •Ittiseelleettn ''Litetattite of n bon.deteniallaing iintbm caul a gel:fetal:maw-01;6a • I SCROOL BOOKS & STATIONERY 1,014 r•-• •1.-1) BINE SS 1./ 0 0 N.8.4‘43,.), -I ..e l3gei1diug sites cam .c 11t,4a4 oneldent, iii.!.iO; 1);hirifelri01,111teeieay814 01144114lbnkwl454:4Zx01;uila:8tt0o 3,10'litlhl Of 33e380601.Y, and fr011t tlieeereat adtrae- twee about toi'be teel:l d from the tom- tit Breve B383)333310 ite Progent 4.1klue. Quite e. utonher of ftertwoy, preperty in rm 383)333310 t IlerlIteeWW. 410 donb teverv lets have been rceitogY .801. ' I3UY ,AN EXCEL - eft ‘../ teat villaslot on anY back Otraet or retired eiteaaom $60 WILL PIJECHA.SE A NICE let 0315 side street 5313 133351 die front ryr-, WILL OBTAIN THE DEED e.y of a very Biennia', lot o13 31, side street, CIA 100 WILL BUY A FIR S °lase front lut and building site. '41,100WILL PURCH.A.SE A choice building lot in the very 0030 30 05 the business portion of the Village. $150 ‘aulloirt,:oonBratTeiA2NiotoT, pr.nt in veer, abutting each other. ct" 6)nn WILL SECURE AN EX - A -v F.:PLY ki eeuent vatiture Jot of about three tares, having good Milian:al sites thereon, pc WILL OBTAIN THE DEED tc.),Giti'of a beautiful vine, tot ar largo size 'with handsome shade trees grown up to perfec- tien. 2 5,, ft WILL PURCHASE AN excalIoatpastnre;lot of about three acres having pump and well; with; never failing spring. $650 did mItilinljthBe cUenYtte StPhrje EbuNsi• noes portion of the village, with niordy finished flume cottage, 24-x-20, nearlynow, having kitchen with good well. of water, ry pc WILL PURCHASE A N supca'b eornr,- lot in thevoil' 1?iisiness portion of the Vijage with finishod. 11 stile cottage stories high, 06-20 wi th verandah in front and e16e11ent brick cellar underneat, to- gether with kitchen pod pinup and well vial never rani:1r spriag, ouni•nodions st ibl.o and otha• appurtenances, 9 0 WILL OBTAIN THE deed 01 000 of the best stands in Lie villago comprisiug two tote of acre anal, abutting eaoh other, planted with choice fruit roes, together with a new wen -finished frame cottage 11 stories, 28118, excellent well of water with noven-failing epriug, large stable and other appurtenances. Parties buying lots with the in- tention of building, can obtain time for payment of the purchase money. THOMAS TRIVITT. Centralia Oct. 8 1874, 59 8 m. IN TE,RE STING. MEDICAL men say that nothing is so im- portant to good health as a room com- fortably warmed. The season of year is now at hand when you will require the very best 0 STOVES AND BISSETT BROS. beg to say that they have just received one of the largest stocks in the, county, consisting of Stoves of the very latest design and the best manufactures, which .WILL BE SOLD REASONABLY CHEAP Their aim is and always has been to satisfy cus- tomers. Hardware, Liman5 Copper -ware, etc. always on hand. Also the Warn.ock and 1,000 LB SCALES FOR B18. Old Rags, Copper, iron, etc., bought. BISS ETT BROS. .11.1KETElt, Oct. 92, 1874, 61-05 airwolk eta 01:1 IM.41s 'waste" ritl•ai") eel -wee v•s 3 Enteresl according to Act of Congress, in the year !Sy; by Dms, Smucx & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., in the Office of the Librarian uf Congress, Washington. anadian. Bank a Commerce LUCAN. CAPITAL, $0,000.000 RE SERVE • 2,000.000. A. 'Sr'tuali o: t'm above Bank has beau 03)0110(3131 Lucan for the transaction of General Banking busi nese. ' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Sums as low as one dollar received on deposit. Ii.terest-4 and riper cent. allowed. No notice f withdrawal required. American currency bought and sold. U. STOW hEDDIE, Agent. GEORGE CA_ T rir Fashionable BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Sign of the "Big Boot, Lnean, Ontario, NiVvTOLI0JDan anciruthrla,!etti t ttilxt iiillohittlla•riitaLtshao)fidthr!sitin4) tsltioeeslui rorfolijnorodtisngluclodusunve,sa;;Iditt:Isio,smcnvziisliitlix. ullici 41e, 011,0 izKroited wcr1, Vhi�h he CAN SELL AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that he is prepared to do order work second to none, 0 he employs none hut First-elass workmen, and uses nothing but First-elars Stuck, G. CATHCART. Lucan, ()etcher 22, 1874. (61-y1) WATT'S TIN SHOP, IATOAN T C. itaTTS, of the Liman Stove and Tin Shop, dealer in Tinware, Sheet -iron and Copper - ware, StoAcs, Coal Oil, Lamps and Loam Chimnics. He does A. V E. - T R 0 IT G- 1-1 I i\T G on the shostest notice, and at reasonable priees. He flatters himself that he can sell at' as reasonable prices as any House in the Trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. ;The HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKINS Remember the Stand—First door east of Farrell's Drug Store, Main-st., J. C. WATTS Icuean Octobsr 332, 1874 (61-m3.) 8" 20,000 worth of New Goods, at STORES Lowest Ever Offered. erravalin and 02,7editegle Centralia ancl Credibon, October 8, 1874. NUNIMISOMAS.OMOMMANIVM.bielenCsVars•MtirstAboggioilria......... DIARRIN BROS • P.A.TIKTIII.E., ONT. , el i 51191598155511;411ffnairle Lair 11'1' - . dtf-' 50 4°4 (t) r;1 rr- (1.) p o V 0 Lc t-qci 0;06."3404- P'74 re.* 01 es' rt• v 81P - ;1.:111 e 6 )' t 14 31 'We do rol VirIll tO net i t tl '1. f ea 0 I I ir rac, rem . /0 Nell 8 0 101: Malta .ry up in ( tug y y „ , , , , 0111.81 , 0 Itt AtO et rearty to stalrot tnelo to r34 riul' itira Ittipttliliti rtOkt, re01114.1 , , confident of the result, , ,...,..,,,. , t..,tcs, 'estirnortVie from the Lostnnn,i,t},. .. , nefidittailt ,Filltitellit (") f. ,efillita totrito 't1Pfliiii!littftl, tti r„,*.tf,i'i. .•1, ' IL ' ! '( kttyillgtvokimviaiistarfaeunta, Is610., i,i ,, ,. 3. 0.10 ' t 1.8 04 Whieb, 3`ol ;3; ';'14. 11i• 9.1./f,i'V 00 pay eiallittewu. ii1i1es1.1.41 Le buy the btOlt of his ' 51,00h eet from mane inettirer.i 10 Ibitein, (litneela, end itt tl 4,1 1Tni. 1 Stetee, Arol Oli oecOrtnt oes of twit; south o tho li• (14,, 01'0 8011, lo has 30 vie( 511811 Foino ttroptin gA, f, /UM: it Uri 11103,111 f te ere. MONEY TO LOAN. COUNTY of PERTH LOAN & SAVINGS SOMIETY. Board of Pireatera: G. 33. Smith, Esq., PrchicleLt ; J Ls. Mem, Itrq., It P., 'Nice -Pi (+Meta ; 14, linjui 0 31(41,, 144 13113.13 01 1, oilroel ; N Lel Dv item 43, 130. MeInt \ re, Esq.; Jol'n tt,dt 151.0, I'i'q. 18. klarswne, tt.err.taiy at5 'h.1 tau rer ; lOerl - 004, 111101(01 Montreal.; bolicitox B, Joxies .& 1c- Doug:01. The ielvantages this Company offer to Stock - holden at :- 1st. -The most uridoul ted security, as the Cen- StAution r 11005 0110 investment ,D..c/ei 01. re.,.1 to. 811d,--'1110 continuous investment of moniee. .91(1.-T1at 1,1 50011 as stivii.gs Bank 10 053.0 each bt,OCkltelder gets his proportion of the pronts 111 toklition to dividend. on his stuck. ADVANTAGES TO BORROWERS. 1t. -Phe system of re -payments by,yearly, half - yearly, quartelly, Or monthly inEtalmonts due 3 such dates iu the year, and extending over sneil a peried Of Foals as may salt 'the borrowers, zad.-itozeowers will be allov,,ed interest on any 80111 03' they nifty deposit to meet their talm &et-The expense of examiniug the Title ea.d drewieg the Mortgage is regulated by a moderate tariff, Lot allowing the borrower to be overcher- ged. 40:1. -This Society does not sell mortgage,. 5tn.-A.gelits 1140 101,115 to rcg.trrt all applications f,01r.11101sS1' S MS strictly v01,311101,81(11. Gta-- .11ortg011ages purchased othe most relindde t 73.n.--Tho 11 ad eine, is established at qt. Mery'R. ;:1001,t3. 0111 104 011,01200 11 too 11 c.f.; y of 2.19y 11.,xt, 30 1)11) 11.01107 no Secrotary and uffiCV, 0001400 of Queen itnd Writ, r St. Mary's, April 09, 1874. 37-iy Visitors to London, BE SERE AND SEE THE READY-MADF. CLOTHINC To get a OITEAP STITT, To got a l3iT WELL MADE To car.t r; 00D-FITT/Nb SDIT, WV WALKERS' I S TM SPOT. CLOTHIYG A SPECILLIT7. The Reason IY.Ity lira -ors/ Sell So Cheap. We buy. our Tweeds direct from the Manufactur- ers fcr Cash, We make OW own Clothing, and therefore it is 133011 100(13, end We sell 5,). (lash, and sell at Toronto prices. there - fare underselling 'the Cheapest Clothing Hous- es west of Toronto. DRESSES—Nobby, Cheap and Stylish, -Over 100 pieces to choose from. WIENCIEYS, HEAVY and. WARM --GOOD, for 124 ate. per yard. TWEED8 • CangoitnEgnyeigloi,tSocnoitech.a_ .sttre. FLA NIVEL8, r.ic3tes.carlet, White, shirts ready -me clo. 0 -- Carpets, Carpets. PAILLN721; MANTLES SHAWLS ONE -PRICE STORE,the Popular House. IER' No trouble to show goods. Tor onto & London.. gInsittal mitiltun etnt5. The Dominion Organ Factory., of B 0 WMA N ITILLIT„ ONT., 1)0.20 11033 10 0,110 Market their really Met -einem Bowl Orgime, 80111) 31)3) acknowledged 011 tin L10114 tr.1 3/0 rr,24u AL 18 Mil OTHEri ORGAN' ever offered for stile 10 this couttry. .)fth1' NVare-roome whore these Liestrumente vi11 al- wityS be on oxhihi3133.1 rt a re Well eetablielied . lito•V'e •Pueuiture wuteb (Aloe. falatiorSer041ar lino beet appointed General Agent fot 'the 10'ive Aturoanfrigng tliattniit* Huteat, nitree, Iladaiummt, mid haraibtori, arid err does not, at mairy bieLte ao, wane anal, - bloc( for the inetrement %via& it does- net poeeese over that of its aorupeett, mit he teem gatigaid ft will ahrtrys retailt ot (;ood Repirrativit if 81153'1'A)(5t0 is received dieperegiti alto e lustre., nient, 4,f.veor woeld corderrel4 iettiltg in* 13504? of 1,,.o 0.0110(4'i)0(1'Wiil a. eileo 4liep5'5l74 31* m, know Leo itistrentritit to , perieet 141 .ry 003131. uh,r, , e glen ieteri ert( tete.) floe, nell• aril 4 betteticat fee mid ittanitfactlirer, ritttle9,1ilgen6.1titdottate, (*(0,1)418. iCei. by the Anbserib . , Agents 4.31,118e0 fOr tho, presol)t 333 150.. o tei•, • . 0,04)Ont P)11..i)liNii. 1)1.3380314 gone SI, U. S'il :ARV 1:33,31,3)01(10(1341'In, f38$'0 3T8. 'myth, ri.;"sn, ee°, IinAV1tYe iieTWItre/ d or , eetialle 11111eSt3e rengbitighein ' „ to: 4-10' foOl, thctiidt48c*60 410 t 244 1)1)04 1(33343350513 • tiftc 4S4,Y4, ' vlettrilt4,134 ,