HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-10-22, Page 3funipopolarnle§ie.H.PliotitaS'*o0O,40,, '-044.1tehseltryartl'tenee. 4VOlticago,*tustt,, matter :44.Y,Orgoo "lii**0.040,",$100,40,,,,P,'',' •.- '';':'. ,1'.- - '''' .','•':',T,L5•it,:t0,•liro.,46.ii-,,,i,-POttOi'a).,4-• 640 . wee. nun MI6 Sfil,' A 66', ,.. , .. ,„IW 101.1q. IA' 161..F1, .1•67q646113,46).; 1116,14. , .. ,. .,, V'''.."...,.',' .-:'' ' ' ".1.1'W/1q0F',P4.1.'4q.-''' NR1.60 46I,L .p44511111 e4yertue.,4,.10 f6 11-01Rttpi4i''0,004 ',,. NY,04 le net se' Inotph *,'1.:: : ': ' JIIIII,:tloof ttls,,geoft :,Woacy! . P,*to: of wOktiliog: •.,,„,:, ,- , inyltatiOna,t: .: ‘‘'''Oelii,e. ai!tiiiiul, aTOl. see tiieti,,eliulaW. at. ia &plea •3p,.. mi. sharp, ' , 014p paper after chronicling: tlie .41eath..pf p„ bo from the kick of 66 110r$0.i. :.t6140614y 660;04 ' Whete are the poliee ?" A Ussonri odhoesname is warik,,, ilm, 3,Ii's paper isn't,' "tate to 1..),(1 6111d early to rise, Neverget tight and advertise „ 'Vie detectives of. the *country call that day lost whose low„ &mending llay e,,o11,'" s1;11 4riugs uot a rcce;:ri of another Ross Quilp, who has 11W:0 -Wore heen a Universalist, now thinks pbere are two things destined to be eterlially lost—his limbrelle, and the man whp stole it. Olassie—The only thaw:el-me between the 'COlOssus- of Rhodes and Eng Hul- 1,* the VIII. was that while Colossus was a 'on.clot Ring Haul:was a Horse dealer—" T Icw you don't like 'i§ 'ed, and I allow he ctia't got a play 'pad; hat or, now, look at Sir WOhn Macdonald, the cleverest man in all Canada, and look at 'is 'ead 1" A converted liquor compounder has been divulging the secrets of his profes- sion. Now, if a corner groearynian could be got to the mourner's: beneh, what a world of good he might do i Au editorial notice of a woinans gro- pery store reads as follows: " Het to- matoes are as red as her own eheeks; her indigo is as as blae as her own eyes, and hr pepper as hot as her own temper." A fellow who hid under a sofa at an informal Boston missionary ineeti-g says that the thirty-five ladies spoke twice of the downtrodden heathen and more than a hundred times of a new :kind of hair dye; " Breakfast for ninety-nine," said a :waiter to a verdant clerk at an hotel, not long ago. " Thunder 1" said the clerk " we can't do it." The waiter pxplained that ninety-nine was the number of the room. He went out between the acts and returned vigorously chewing a cove. His wife asked him where he had been, and he said, " To see a friend." She calmly replied that she thought his friend must be dead, as she could smell l,is bier. At a dinner party recently, Senator Nye pit his new silk tile carelessly up- on the sofa. -A-few -minutes after, Ge- neral Butler sat dowr upon and crush: ed. the hat, fearfully. " Damn 'it," reared Nye, "1 could have told yoa it wouldn't fit before you tried it on," . An Irishman recently stopped at a, hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, where pret- ty high bills were eharged. In the morning the landlord made out the 'amount of damages and pi esented it to Pat. After gluncing over it the latter looked the landlord square in the face and exclaimed, f! Ye put me in mind of a snipa.L._"_Vh3; ?" asked the land- " Beeause ye're very nigh all bill.' . A yowl& lawyer in a country town asked some of his friends to a game of cards in his rporn, to be followed by a little supper. Frogs, were a new spe- cies qf food iii that latitude, and a dish of them cooked in the choicest way was the feature of the occasion. Supper time approache(1, and during a temper:, pry lull in the conversation., the dear snddenly opened, and a Milesian wait- er, in a loud voice, announced supper Mr. E., them tads is done, and. supper is ready 1" It is related of George Clark, the cel- ebrated negro minstrel, that, being exa- mined as a witness, he was severely in- terrogated by the attorney, who wished to break down his evidence. " You are in the negi-o ,minst el b,usiness; I be- lieve." " Yes, sir," was the prompt re - 11,Y; " Isn't that a low calling 2" de- manded the lawyer. "1 don't know l)rit what it iii sir," replied the mins- trel, " but it is so much better than my father's that ,..1„ani rather proud of it." 'V What was your father's calling ?" " He was a lawyer," replied Clark, in ,a tone of regret that put the audience in a roar. The lawyar let him alone. We thought that everything that it :was poSsible te say about " hash" had been said, -but here is another contribu- tion : "'A certain hostess, whose table is noted for its b. :iformity of dishes, has a brisk daughter who electrifies her ma's boarders with the following parody sung to an accompaniment on a new .fifty !tloilar piano: " While beef4etik ' and yenis ,n cpst lots of basil, »e it ever so grisly there's nothing like hash; the 'r.rapings and. leavings (If no use else. Where, when 'Mixed altogether make excellent fare. !HEiSla, baSli, good meat hash 1 B:3' it 0y0 - so;.,,gt isly; there's no - ;thing like hash .1..: , ,,,A stranger '. from home, hotels ,ch*le in vain ; 0, give nie "plieap eating4MoSe44bod tuat's more .plain; the aaai'6er who gayly re-eehoos )ny cal!..f6i: a nice .plateof hash or a si,,'„agre'fishball, Hash, hash," etc. Retail:41 Borst's. The Society for the Prevention of Pruety to Animals puts forth a set of tuIes fur the •treatment of 1)113413, ;horses. 1. Pat the horse upon the neck ; ex - inflict° the harness carefully, eneourag- ingly while doinrz so, then jump into he wagon and give the word go ; gen- erally he will 'obey, '2. A teamster inM says amehe c a otart th6 WOrg, baulky horse by taking hni out of the shafts and making Win, go round a circle till he is gidy. •If the firat &wee Of this sett doseii't cure him he second wilL 3, .r0 dur6 a baulky horse., simply „Pace your hand over the 1101"SeS 11086 Shil S1111,6 ot wind until he '694.DIS:to • " 4. The brain ot horse seems t• o tui- tertairi but 0116 itiSA at a time; therefore 4aorit;ntiecl tvliiPliittg, only confirms ,his ittult1),irri resolve. 11 you caii by any •thettlIS giV5 31,now subject to thjnk 1* will goneratly.fin% treUble in stlixtinghint, k ;smoky is to • *916' ft, ouviple' �f torus bfistOrtt tVCrih• e Atetind his,fOrelegf. jest below Lite knee, , tight ontugh tor the horse, toleol arra kevilJ generally go ilang 'or, ea Met: going a short distattoe yot dem get oat and terttooe tho string, to pro. Vent injitrs; to the telia0n3 ift your tor. • • ' , •A. The the tea ,ef he home .)qotwRou •ttle ili,11(.1 legs 14,141 tie Jr a vora to Bads le 1. , tks etriug' areutia the hOrge.13, 066r 01040 to )DS P06661.,• , row 04to.e. neea. sposial f4401/ti011 AMY? fla , „ pr' gets ro“1190(1,' P..11161.1090,poo9pmg A:gavot!, •they, grow thin, awl POMO 110 ,Yi0161mili 0411,11(1.02/1tkV. 0110.1.1Yi e Itept.in well -waterefl etisAly yes e'ht alIONVOti LO Pan put Or in a 'gee', well ventilated tablewithpleut), qfpure won water at their ' SOZITIOO, 116. 0161.1.01,` OftS0, 140 value of aOwn fodaor, 'eroPs wilL beeinne apOreet„ on or wih is better than sorn, sewn in drilla, and frequently horse -hoed, Many lariners are now following tliie mettiod, of suP- illying summer food,' •thousands havenever tried it even, on a small scale, 1)o not o9gleet thorough brqsb- ilia, combing, and rubbing down of all horses and such 'cattle p8 are atat,led constantly. Labor thus invested will pay a handsome retruai iu time, Balt should be placed in large lumps, whore at -1411111s can lick at pleasure ; notwith- standing all the theories against its use, practice has found it to be of inestim- able value to live stook. 10-0.494-4 Lloto!,a to rioicrish. ID the course Of a. trial upou sO,MP' forest lights a witness named Elm was examined. • Being a hale hearty t,ld man, the judge asked him what had been ,his maimed: of ht.°, I have always been a yery early riser and very temperate," Turning to the jury his lordship saall ‘: *io gentiOnlen, what youvpf6.; sonoly q.pect from early rising pia temperance.' The next witness was brother of the first, and though elder, being upwards df eighty years of age, he was a more healthy • man! AddresSiog 'him the Judge said': !‘ I suppose from your appearinee that, like your brother, you have been very temperate ?" i` Alas, my lard.," teplied the witness, "1 live never gehe'te bed sober these thirty years." ‘: Ala well, gen t1eman,1 • 1'On:failed the judge, " yoa see an Elna will flour- ish wet or dry B' THE Best Organ Made. THE ONLYMEDAL EVER A -WARDED FOR 011- - , G2S JN TEE DOXIN/ON. IN BRITAIN AND WHEREVER smrs. our Organs are univer- sally acknoWledged to be SUPERICS To ALL OTHERS in all the essentials of a good Instrutnent. D,uring the YEAR 1573 we secured as usual FIRST pi:3474g AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND miNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL ARTS OF CANADA A Five Years' Guarantee given with each instru- ment. , . .„ For Illustrated Catalogue, •Address W BELL & Organ Namtfactiir el-, CUB' c•-• hatcher,. D. THOMF'SON 7+Tatehmaker & Jeweler, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of EXETER and vicinity, that he will on 111.1.0.S.; 2nd Sept. open that shop next door to Mr. Treble's [harness . maker], 1„y1th an entirely new and elegant assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. From a practical experience of the trade ac- quired in London and Glasgow he is in a position to meet all its general requiremente,promi tly, efficiently, and at Moderate Rates. Watches and Jewelry Idatig to Order, Agent for illtssrs. (-1. Stuart re Go. ( Lim- ited), Watch, manufacture's, Liempool. His 8'20 Watch 1S HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. THompsom & ivrooliGALeg Stegm Saw Mill, 71 miles west of Devon, on Centre Grovel Road. Constantly on band a complete stook of , HEMLOCK LUMBER AND LATH, Also Ash Flpring, Hiekory, Vibitewooci and Oak On 'hand at present 200,000 FEET OF HEMLOCK LLIMBER, (Seasoned). Orders wilt be punctually atteiided t'ci by lertving them with ' D, THOMPSON, Jeweler; pxe+er, Exeter,'Sept. 10 1814, '•se-ann TRE W. D.MbLI-L.0011LON WATon, •is the best in the Market ' VC mire Mut SaetnaW, 11,..16tedIcebtota before Int yisig. You Willhltied an other atter went teem, A.11 who weartheta._ recostsinetiff then/. Geld mid Silver, LatlY and Gentleinnill 462.64 WDMIcItte Stre66,12Ondolskte the TlieifoleSt,best'amd clitiapetit Meek of IMO Gold ,lo*sloy",titetlirS, 111,1ser and Plated War011arstiy. Gocdo dcs, ,^64 in the PVOV.ifide'• zieta§ring' el cloy deSorlptIOn. MGiOGtilN DitatIlls Lohden,, Ont.. ..,444.444,0444,444,444,44,,,,,,,,4441,444,44,41m4v.44,4444,444 triZ11--14 , • 41.•s. o 0 Pr.""EIM 41 On" e'i •Si COO _I° 0 g EtZCLIP a) P....• rd RI "•0 0 1,1 00 faratt ...- 0 • 01 ........aa....7E9 arrA • $,PA,F0)337.1, §; III/40/sT. .• . *1)10 ' ' 0 , ., M ' ,,44Z5$74,:. 4 $QN • .• 7 wto to ntotriininorowvttlettas and tkse 24:0,11Un III' :0'1107: l';:466.114616ItTit0194:::::::::: .:,'Ok'',' T' ,•gowv4,11),31.4i, tiat,t titoy In:o )r ) '. m.,' t. 11 ' ' -or 4.0c4 tor . ' , ,, , - - • ,,, : 1 „PI f40 , .,u s „ 14; • Nr691::s(:P'11:A/141:9),ineslitia4tnY'1404, 16216:1?1-40):Pi:461:1 10,0toa.LS110V6(4:0'.: K.6• ,169.14;sve,:)::;,201.si‘ap:rtiti 04.ftt:sit46:ori/eeti, st91.0 A .('-'!',11A1.11,1.00t;;I:y1460:ew.iltit..t171,12.1r4,r, 51) AvouTII., l': T. IvX113S0t•r: , '' ' 'II^ (21::"• .0 I 1.161 L [-t-i50 0 P -041 IT -0 Cke eizzo (1.) NI 5r-gteii, C$ cztill el 3.70 Z .1.111P,M111160111.11011691.12=0.1i1.1 Old SU—, "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used me up. Regulate your movements hereafter by this, and don't depend on me." JNOW take the present opportunity of returning my thanks to tue genes al public for their very liberal snupert in the past; and, i'i asking for a continintnee of ther confidence, would s.ay that within on my part viI1 be wanting to make the establishment worthy of pat- ronage. 1 would now call their attention to the following assort:Smut of • IS 0 . , A NEW ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS FROM $1 00 UP- • WARDS. 'WATCHES FROM $10 UPWARDS... A very good watch for $15; and for $1.2 the very best watch eve I offered to the public. This watch is made expressly for this country; it is very strong, not easily put out of order, is a - reliable time -keeper, fully warranted, and Carries Rs Own Recommendation ! with a large vaaiety of WATOZEB TO 01-IQOpZ FROM 18 K Gold Watches forLadies in very is X Handsome Cases. Beakiftil Gold ie1te in Morocco Cases, Gold Ear -drops and BrobeAes. in endless variety. Gold Bineelets—Oased, Gold and Black Bracelets, Gold Chains—ft very large stock of the lat- est, patterns. A large assortment of Lefties' and Gent's Rings, Gold Lockets and Charms, Gold Watch-lceys, Silver Tea•pots, Cruet Stands, Cake 'Baskets, Ladies' Work -boxes suitable for presents, Black Goods in.great variety, E P I3utter ICnives, Table, Dessert and Tea -spoons of the best quality, Spectacles to suit all sights. In fact this House has the Largest Stock in the County to cboese from. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired, and warrant- ed. Opposite James Pickard's Gel:level Store, Exeter, Ont, Exeter, October 15. 1874. THOS. FITTON 00 CONSTANTLY INCREASING FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING TRADE AT RENTS *WAREHOUSE OWING TO THE' 5'X- V»» at which I self ray jilliTtNIT1711E, rand to the satisfaction 1 always giye, my BUSINESS HAS ALREADY 11WREA.SED FAR BEYOND MY ANT101PA.TIONS, and by careful manage- ment and strict attention 1 hope to increnee my business at even a still greater ratio. Any arti- cle in the futnitureLine kept in any town or eity establishment will always be found in mine. 1 flatter myself that I have tho LarRest and Best Selected stock in Exeter, My stook 03114141;s in part of qtttrasse4, SPrin.g` Sais,Lounges, Sofas, Camp stools, Ott •ars1, astis oh tirs, Lad' es' Easy chttirs, Bedsteads- of otery description, 'k 'ab1s Et t$iClt ablezg, ElArea,ula Sideboards„ itat-,kaOlts, Mitrtira, What -1166(h 4 , . • Mtiitt)C,»Vt AZ12,),PAZ4ZOIL $ZTZ0».' „ g air Iloisters and •VeathOr always on hand, ts gtook fttWaytt Ott hand.•A.'Istgo stoolc of pictures always on hand, itnd Pictur •rRAMING DO' pi TO OnDltIt,.• Pattictilox attentioll paid to Calie Wprit, Pit,1108, OrgnS. an,d Melodeons for sale and on hall, GIVE1CIE A CA •SOHN 1)11FIW, „ . 0006s.10....700¢0, L.100.0. *111 give ialengetie Met,t, 'kohl rt to$8,,)er day tcati be parstted layenr, .etvn ,iteighlyerneed; aric gtrietly Partiesilltre freer,ar SalispreS Worth setieral tloti litre that will nimble you IS ge• id' Wendt 116•61,66-0. 'toil'. be Sent bit Itt51.1it t, AftY dents, AddressLATtiAlkf,,84 . 4843to- 4o2 Wit to±ttt,5'Doticsitf Mai •• TI1V.1,14Gt51,,Art . moottogg &limbs •• liereist L0(TI7O lIa, DI' .6,/t.'0476`gettt,',W111 124 'held siSfellSWSA"coil 'fltti invitatiphls ehten tles1 to all t'itXtlit bis 'Ciro% Ito; VP April 27; 'MAY 26, Jinni 24,21tatie , 22, Itily 27,11„:0if: 252 Sept .00.6, IfirNevL.1611 Doe (ear .4 II 04.'414'14i WS I • • , aehliterp, ' THOMPSON& wiLLIAus AGMOULTUTIATI IMPLEME,STS Boiler and. E.I4gine Works MITCHELL, ONT. rdlolo-hm•se, 2) v Wood Sawing Machine ThiB inachine has been thoroughly tested mul givers 'ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a RAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, • - Grain Crushep! Or other machinery, without extra expense ex- cept fur the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of Farmingimplements kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP in full operation. EAT EWE of all sizes to order. Promptly attended to. Asisiroos— THOMPSON &; -WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. Mitchell, 'June 18, 1874. 45-1y. J BQS PLANING MILLS ! J. R CS, Builder, Mannfacturer, and defile' in all kinds of 7:4ING XATPIALS, such as SASH, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED or Win. 2.. A CELDIAIG8, eto .1Ile has also on hand a ifrst-olass lot of Flooring Sidino- CAK:tigri Scroll -Work, etc. Whiph they furnish o order. DreSsed arid Unds.psed, , constantly an hap& Lath& SI,thapies Always an hawl. S'pedial attention paid to; VherShgl*tifiderstandlisg his bealnei,4t,'.,,keet-s,‘ trig Rabb` bufeIsperielleed,*(likiriefI2 and using Only first4ass material, 'lie, confident et glaingettfire satistaction' to ali Whebuy...laver •' patiCaiage'.; •• ' Gall e itdtoct4'• , 111VtlitAta.littottft L0f,ti4S: SAtit ft,•(41,4,gorotel,1!L ,1•64' 4on 110$9 tvol*JI ' • --„r17.4,4,,tg*.7. 4,7444,44,4•4744. 4.4A, „ , Z14,Nett (.)F A = , ' ' •».„ 44 4 tf! 443:4, C.•';'t4.1 , • A c)i,[1,0tomer$ 04114, Pul.);10 ftgOner4.1:( woula An. that): .14t144 R 'AWE' 0, t • my pis,90. QiI1I5 iti.pbo,pQat§§. et' a een.ple Of Menth§ to tlio hr1(11g polAN100,to tho sootli uq pressut st4,414,vt41.01), i• fk,»QW 0941"60 gr.90t'oAs 111611dx6(4.5014t1644 wlitou.x 40,4 • •oossoN, fi'1,11QQAti111,1.0, to OArty-eu tue ,IXTTIlsTe AND , TAIL olixet., 6y1S1Oil 1, 62 s,'6,1a I 4 eveting Py ti:tne55)451t011494 oxolAsoor, *i;!sl ltopo 641'f:4641W 619, old an •gailt tnany new eastoners, 1101 susettOp.w1,01 PKOW43 1060.2 I Tlioro are a 114.111bOr Of PorS(64611Zidobted to.;k1o,fpr • florsea and first-elaSs oonveyouees aloya,yo, 4614242 Commoreissfrigson suumesst's skoticei„a•BocE • Ws ZIP litES ETC , T 46661,.. 4 theis,sselfou itti 1066161. LOS boon pat( ingot.° ,Tanaory la§ , VIPM.Py.' tiQur,),,e114 tfetrto: •, , , Lii(etiy and 8ale , to 4).90„r ot't Ibo bolttaee cfnr eltQlisbefQte tJititiai, , ix.a oft:n.:12,it,vioi.i:jvitli P3.9 0040361 11094, , ,:::,' :;.i iiiT.,:iiii, 4 1, P-....-'''' .......:-. ,:k1 •,.,. .4Af, I_.-427,” _ IU (-4.,00D II0ItSES AND COMFORT, - ABLE vehicles always on hand. I'avorable arrivoSements made with connuercial travelers. All orders lett at Bissett's Tinshop wili be promptly attended to. 11. sts. T. BISSETT, Prop. Exeter, Sep, 4.1571 'It FrO NIERS And Stools -Breeders. WIVI SWEET 7. 5.,• tho•a;lttiliaote 'Ontario 1 , 1 ,Veteri- - nary, • College. Has removed his office to 011e door north of W Ranson's harness shop, and directly opposite Da- vis' Blacksmith shop. Veterinary Medieines at- wwys on band, Calls promptly attended to, liorses examined as to their soundness A,ttgu 141511i, 1575. ' THE _FAVORITE LINE, — . Ha, vv.' cshaw's 8tagei LONDON & EXETER. OFFERIlici.,IT AT EDT LO which will'uot fail to Satisfy'. „: „ [Wt./fit " , 4 „ •.1 Locknian & Singer Sewing Machines • which, it is won known, are the leading Sewing Machines in Canada. C. VTCOTT. HARNESS SHOP m OENT1ALIA • 'Wm.- —Cotterelt." • Good Horses, Comfortable Stages and F.ast. Time. . There stages are' driven by the ntost aeconnue.- . dating of drivers, and leave - 1112 ‘YESTERN 'ROTEL, LONDON, . evory Mit.,01.11.0041, .4).111,, arriving in Ionian in tune to ewine.01, With trains for the east at d 1% est, as.2.1 connecting in Exetewih te Clintoand 'St Mar 1 's staves. • , ' , LEAVE EXETER ABOUT 1,3„) a.in„ colineet.ing io Lueaa. and London w!th stages and. 1 'ants.; 'NOR() °KS, TORN HAWK5HAW, Driver. l?roinietor. H. CLENIF.NTS' PATENT tit PROVI1 ARTIFICIAL EF,G Adopted by the Surgeon General U. S. A., for the U. H. Army and Navy, Very light, yet st2ong and durable, lies:feet iu action. With 27 years' practical and careful experience, de. voted exclusively to this special branch of Mee - habitat surgery, followed by the Great Prize 11.1edal at the World's Exposition, London:, 1851 and now universally admittedby all surgeons as the most perfect Artificial Leg kuown.--,- Manufactm y, 1320 Chestini6-St.; Pa. J. A, HARTE, Druggist, Agent, Montreal P. Q.., where models 'eau be seen. Send for il- lustrated Catalogue. . EW PUMP FACTOR T.7 PS.PUMPS G. BOLTON, HAY Would inform the inhabitants Of Hay, Stephen nd Usborne, that he manufgatures ail kinds of pump., including the BIONSINGER PATENT FORCE PIMP for,whiob he has the exclusive right for thLI 2,beve-unmed townships. Tho subscriber OA confident that he can satisfy those itt w22121 pumPs, as to worlsit-auship inul quality, and 'a such prices that Ile - CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THE DOMINION, it.tAxur.i.enitty.--one-Fonith mile 'north el the vilhig'e of Exeter, on Lot 7, Ray, London -Road.• •N. B„--Bepairing attenkid to with, prompt - nes -2, and done at reasonable prifteAl GE 0, BOLTON, Hay,AprinG 1874, , 31-3m. NOONOtt% L' , THE E., & LIZ - insem4S4865g I 4), 'Var41 THE subscriber begs to thank tbe people of Ex- eter and surrounding country for the very liberar patronage bestowed upon Min int he past, and new f Lex enlarging his premises it prepared to eto work which comet be surpassed» either in or eattsisleef citie.s. Par6soular attention paid to the, making ana Lifting of COLLA1tS. ' HARNESS EXETER, AND RODGERVILLE.. • (Sign of the Big 13oot). , HEAVY ii:ND BLACK AND SILVEB, NOIMTED,, In he Most stylish and fashiensand inanner'p'es- 9. Repairing lel:selves every attention. The /?0OKINELL IT AND'. OYER -CHECK on hand, He would intimate to his nittny friends that he has looked 56 their notath and interests 111 , Boo t8' arid. Shoes. and h tts just received ts large and varied stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Voar. This branch will bo found replete In every particular, and the stock will be sold at a slight ildvrolco oi% cost., The serviceS of MR, 11110. ALLEN, Road, have boon engaged ke to tacharge of ti.is department. and Is now prepared to receive all or- ders for work in this lino, Satisfaction guarantee'? ttIld s,4rk 1)Orfat1Yled VALLI. tfrOfilptD0130. 14-0M. We "PA IC ON. Coutity of Perth. , ()TICE is hereby given that the GUAND PROVINOIAL PLO-W.117G MATCH biarriet No. 4, vialer the anap;cen of the agrtcui., biro. ittici Artn AnnociatioP or Ontario, opee td Plg'*)116I1 the Provinoo, will tairp pined on 'the Vat= 'of:Atittzitatkiti Ezti On ,1ot33;6011;1,s TOWilithip of lierolnastbcipe„ad., oinfilla. the Xfursui Read, and about It Millis oast of Stratford Grand Trunk acitway Station ON' ' 'itIONESDAY,, Tat OCJI012811,,, , , ,tionAtintitotti feenn Cetintlee 61? IndingS, .riotlutv.2 ing talberibed 525 to the fonds of ple Match will be eharged ats oistranco fetrot 51; otherwise, cT- tnittost free, 511 elittleS 10 be 'novae Dor,soeitsiy, �rby iett,, p erost-pitid, to Stewart Ossisslical, Se- cietary.lreasilvry fit ere tferri relat-opitor 0001 be roe tba dity of the Match. , ' ,• , 82.161W.261fir (10 Seel etatY•Treeinntr, 1)1114-T18T • oolo•ttha, „I vomitus so • , • llinitt street Iftoter,' /fit tltttig holtrS„ any, One' . geentionaitt- ,rb.tresawyrs cAdeptod), Ativice 11'02 .thttents shostl.i.1 call for advice ;about sill Istron'S first tectfx es1 Mors its 'filo,' bdgfir le TAIL Work 1011 he 610051 to that a apy ethat �fllnr atui ioatrattted sandal LAWB OP LoNPOF winbon to stc (Luna int the inhabitants o' • Stephen, Osborne, Bighltilphn aa*Me.-- -- Gillivray that ho bas a Htmaess shop"' n Oentralia, whore all in want Of '-"N L, I GH T OR HEAVY HARNESS i,, R or any arLicie usually kept in, & first class establis lime suchits• TR U,NkS,, AVB US, '4 'r ' • VALISES, SIC can obtain the same. Give me a call and examine my work for you -selves, • My prices are as low as those charged by any first-class workman,i,41.- PAIRS' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • WM. COTTERELL, contralia, August 6, 1873. 5641. uirrvid szevvziw, xvIZICIZINEa, MUSIC, 0. C. WILLSON'S , SEWING MACHINE AND AGR,IQ ULTURAL 411:5LElkIEN"..c EMPORIUM, E4FORTI1 ONTO, [ILL rN THE FRONT 11A.N1tAS -USUAL kg" IsTue 1711ACHIATES. THE PLoRENCE Nosielss, Reversible Feed Lock and Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin eint llenges the werle. in pada° :ion and range of work,. strength and beauty of drrability of construct on and rapidity of motion. call Mild examine. Send for eirenlats. Agents wanted in ever). tom n in the Province. TLis Machine bus taken first prizes at ,all the County Fan's. ; 0.41. WILLSON, General Ag9il. f‘it!' FAL, RIVALS, X.14TER bas just opened oat Obits laa,r( st most cintiPiete best assorted and cheapest lot of goods everabro'agrit into this part of the Country' •" It • IT A.V.ING. mportiedall ot his Dry-G-oodsfrom " tia@ European Markets Ha is able to do a little better than any,oulier house in this part of the country and cloes not hesitate to say that liEhas tb.e LARGE ST STOCEOF GOODS IN the COUI\ITT and as :cheap as can be found anywhere ,st market price 'paid for all kinds ofyroducea Remember this is the Oldest 1.1;stablished`TIouqg in -the County Opposite the Post Offj,c,eh • G. A. IVIACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock, of Groceries consisting of Green, Black and Japan rilEA.B, R.4ii.sins, Currants Prunes, fidoe9 BI:TCLAMS, ago, which 4,5 prepared to ,• §ELI, cHEAi3E, THAN 'EVER DON'T FORGET TO drvE THE NEW STORE A CALL • • • C.iltitt4:0•0' • .T4IXE1.1"04 A• I . • • • .• »• CADiltiACfE CTOlt Messrs. G, ,1;13rooks have now coratneneed the nia-unfae- tare of 131.iggies and. Wagons for• tliq $1,1r,illg and Suinixtet Trams—Cash. or h.ort OTe- , , Algo Onhtuid lot of Soottoi Dianiond. Itarrovvs, o.,(' their own tannubleture, wiiieh •they eau tiad, i1i o1i ui.phee)p as any one in tho trade, & J:81a00/(S. Ptease to eat' 'TIMES! RIFLES! RIFLES! L CURD 46 0,QN 1)updas-sl,, 1.4oPclotli 1lal'7d'iiOw oil hand a, large stoolc of » , ,TeaVrgerti,411110, 11 ,1t' cartittlges,ivs,t1ding, fishing:tackle., and genet., al sporting goods.• , • Sena per pont for Piice Xisi. 1lepaithi n » tho Qta lineexeetiterl 141:oin.1)tly, toria.($ii,sopt. 3, 1871. 54-yi. • rtinnsiibioliftioly. takes pleastrker xpiert.pyg , 1,1g. tbat- HE HAS COMME,10514,s: BREAD 1314ottit:Aftil)g,. '1,17keick. ' ,11.1),V19 . ' the Berl/idea 'as,••"4. • 1 can guarantee eatistaiitlet,, and ho)e; ttt, ente,f,116,pra)iierttito,nngn,,, .r. 1*.tirott'e( far sato itt 1113 ptIThtd. • ',•‘mCHAIW 84x1D41.1g , • • i&kotbr.hiy 1874, • • . ,