HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-08-11, Page 5ok JhtltrefhviM!lNlves Tim. Some d area residents more than a doc- � � . Gwyn Woodfine _ d 'from the Dashwood 1 Centre recently. They join individuals and firms in nu- merous centres who have been advised that Dr. Woodfine filed 'a leads tptcy assignment on July 25. After a severe drought, rain for area crops arrived in the nick of time. At the Exeter branch of Canadian canners manager Stan Luscombe said, "While early pea tonnage is down by 20 percent, the rain should certainly help our corn crop. Two .inches of rain fell Fxiday -and more has fallen .. ge 7�ttst' T51968K art guJack Ma- lone, manager of Centralia In- dustrial Park reports 203 of the 365 housing units at Huron Park have been leased and occupied. J.A.D. McCurdy Public School purchased recently by the town- ship of Stephen will open •for classes in the fall. In projection of population by an engineering firm, Stephen township with a presentpopula- tion of 2,700 is expected to grow to 3,000 by 1970 and to 4,000 by the year 1980. Docking space along the Aus- able River at Grand Bend is at a }> i.fW.) 1. att.rner. ter ✓ , ttigo It Sias-annbmtoed"-recently by Radio Corporation .of America that television would be ready for every family use immediat- ley after the war. About 5,000 sets are now in use, mostly within range of the New York transmitter. War exingencies and the attack on Pearl Harbour have cut television broadcasts to a weekly minimum of 12 hours. A hen pheasant is a frequent visitor around the south end of town. It is apparently not accus- tomed to fending for itselfand has had at least one harrowing experience with a dog. Grand Bend is this year expe- riencing the largest weekend crowds to be seen at the popular summer resort in recent years. In additon :to ! the weekend, =words, cottages and cabins -are all filled and at a premium. Quaker Puffed Wheat is on sale at Soutchott Bros. grocery sone for 19 cents for a large package. Civic Holiday was observed in Exeter Monday and the town was locked up tight -The local lawn bowling tourney was fea- tured that day and some of the bowiers had difficulty in secur- ing an evening meal as at iaast one testament was sold out. Quite a number spent the day at Grind Bend. At the Exeter Markets A large eggs are selling for 37 cents a dozen and creamery -butter is `sing for 39 cents a pound. Rural housewives serving meals to extra temporary farm workers have the support of the Ration Administration of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. They can receive extra coupons for tea, coffee, buuer, sugar and meat. -.10014anititdo August 10, 1893 D W. Foss of Hensel' has handsomely fit- ted up his Palace bakery and restaurant. He will be in Exeter eery Wednesday and Saturday afternoon to deliver orders which are tat with George Sanders. Firs cissa bedroom suites are on at J.D. Atkiason's fumi- lure in Exeter for 159. Lum- ber and wood will be taken in 11 exchange for furniture. i Usbome & Hibbe7 l aMutual Fire Insurance Company Eisner, Onittlri►o NOM 151 (Established in 1576) Prarvi les FuN Insueenoe Coverage for Fenn Ptaiasesies New Ilgtplirirwsare Wai01a1Md DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Jamey Li.uanurwR2, Zeas .......w0111>7 1WileifilsoitteintaR1 St. . Mom ...a11001177 Jack N.ta.rtAwt, Krtuen....... Aster-- i IrflbMseiM�... .Awtisiar tr. Helena.. awn atrlaert................... ,A suMrd Mond •In +alt/IpY cVstn yachts tiave rrst By Cathertne O'Brien Tek -Miff EXETER - Building Weed class racing yachts is a painstakirg pro- cess that requires a keen eye to de- tail as well as the ability to keep up with new technological develop- ments. And achieving these goals has kept Scorpio Yachts in the trace with its competition. "If the designers want to use new techniques or materials we can adapt to their needs quite easily," said owner Hayden Gozzard. This ability to adapt with ease comes from the fact the business operates on a small scale with three full time staff and another five peo- ple brought near the end of each project. "That's all the staff you need dur- ing the first stages of production," Gozzard said. As one of only two of such boat - builders in Ontario, Gozzard pre- fers to treat his craft on a more creative, less competitive basis. Gozzard said producing custom yachts is more interesting than pro- duction line building. "There is a greater feeling of pride when the project is completed," he said. Scorpio Yachts has been. in busi- ness since 1980, but it has only been in the last seven years they have been specializing in custom yacht building. He got into the business at the lowest level, learning through trial and error the fundamentals of yacht building. "It's not a skill taught in school," he said. "It is something you can only learn by doing." As mentioned earlier, there is only a small pocket of builders around the world. His main competition is four oth- er makers scattered in Europe, New .Zealand, the United States and the other Ontario builder. "Irmay not seem like there is a •lotof.competition, but there are not a lot of buyers willing to spend more than half a million dollars on a toy." The way Gozzard sees it the only way to build a durable light weight racing yacht is to build it by hand. "Customers want the very best workmanship," he said. "Making diem by hand also makes it easier to fit it to the customers personal needs.,, Once a design is chosen it is fol- lowed rigorously. Gozzard said there are about six top design corn - parties. They are in constant touch with the designers, top sail makers and any organization involved in the production of custom yachts. From the design stage to getting the boat in the water, it takes about seven months work. The time of course depends on the size and style of the boat. It takes about 6,000 hours to produce each custom made yacht. Since the yachts are built to stric design speeifications there isn't really a personal signature that sets Scorpio Yachts -span from +serer builders. "People in the bftsiness of racing know who builds what," he said. 'Chat's why it's import to remain on the cutting edge. "Your only as good as the last boat produced." The business depends on word of mouth rather than advertising to gain recognition for quality work. About 95 percent of Gozzard's customers are from the United States, although they have sold to customers in Japan and Canada. With the U.S. as the main source oY revenue it may seem odd that the business was set up in Exeter. But Gozzard enjoys the anonymity that comes from working in a smaller center. It is also clooy� to the lake and production costs'hre lower because there is relatively low overhead. Since they only build a yacht about every year it's easy for them to keep tabs on their products which have had impressive wins in a number of sailing competitions. The first custom racing yacht built by Scorpio Yachts, called Sprint, is still competing, Gorzard saki. Although the winter is the main time for building, Scorpio is in the middle of Crafting a 44 foot long 1 racing yacht that should be ready for launch in October. It's going to be launched in Florida, so the late completion date is not a problem. This size yacht is about the 1biggest that can be made at Goz- ' Bard's Alexander Street shop. "If we wanted to build something bigger, we would have to expand," he said. "But extending operations creates headaches end I'm in it for the fun," Scott Murray examines the upper portion of the 44 foot racing yacht that should be completed by October. Atiteret 11,1993 `6 NVESTMENTS r t OIC/RSP 1 Yr. - 4.75% 3 Yr. - 6.00% 5 Yr. - 6.80% Segregated Funds 1 YR. - 12% 3YR. -12.56% Scott Many and Ed Pmozantor remove the top half of the yacht from its molding. .�._.._ clip andiBNng In. -11 laie R0, t 1 � Outlet ssrte, e4 1 11 to get ready for Christmas Stock Aug. 13, 14, 15 NO G.S.T., NO P.S.T. With this ad get an additional $2.00 discount on a purchase over $30. Dolls, toys, beach supplies, housewares, n • party and gift supplies etc., etc., etc. L. — M' M' _ . Clip and Bring 1 Hwy 4 ; Q, 14 (519) 263-51151 TOWN OF EXETER . CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRYDE BOULEVARD AREA TRUNK SANITARY SEWER NOTICE OF COMPLETION The Town of Exeter is proposing to construct a trunk sanitarylsewer, extending north from Pryde Boulevard and through McNaughton Park, connecting to an existing sewer at the corner of Main and Church Streets. These works are planned to be constructed by mid 1994 at an estimated st of $338,000. The Town has received a jobs0nterio capital grant of 50% for this project. The above project is being planned under Schedule "B" of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects. Subject to comments received as a result of this No tice, end the receipt of necessary approvals, the Town of Exeter intends to proceed with the de- sign and construction of this project. Details on the planning process of this project have been documented in an Environmental Screen- ing Report. This report is available for review et the following locations: Town of Exeter Municipal Office Exeter Public Library 406 Main Street 330 Main Street South P.O. Box 759 Exeter, Ontario Exeter, Qnt. NOM 1S0 NOM 1S1 If you have arty questions regarding this proposal, please call the Town Engineers, B.M. Ross and Associates Limited, Goderich, 1-524-2641 (Call oollect, Attention: Matt Pearson, Planner). Interested persons should provide writ.- oomment to the Municipality on the proposal within 30 ' calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comment should be directed to the Chief /IttminietUs- tive Officer et the Town Hall. . . If concerns arise regarding this project, which cannot be resolved in discussion with the municipali- ty, a person/ party may request that the Minister of Environment and Energy "bump -up" the projtitet to en individual environmental assessment. "Bump -up " requests must be received by et the address below 30 calender days of this Notice. A copy of the "bump -up" reC111011t be sent to the Town trstive Officer. 0 there is no "bump -up" request received by Septem- yr 13 will proceed to design and construction as presented in the plan - 101111 =Minister of Environment and Eater 135 St. Clair Avenue lbth Floor Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 This notice issued llth ANust, /893 Rick Hundey Chief Administrative Officer Town <r.r of En. Gaiser-Kneale 235.2420,238-8484 • GIC rates subject to change. Short- term rates available. Segregated fund rates reflect actual past performance. Future returns will vary. BUSMISS EARECIf CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Kine, Mii/s,Dunlop. CI wined .Accountants Daniel B. Dawn, B.A., M.Acc., C.A. draper 412 Main Si.. P.D. Box 2405 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S7 (519) 235.0345 Fix: (519) 235-3235 AUCTIONEERS • RUM AI MINION The Exrarlanaad Ancttosss . that urease.. Vaal*** 11; NNeed a •Is• t $* a3 S6.1B67 Call Contact Suppyin4 you with ae yews Efficient Santos • Mobile Moe • immediate Payment 3 Auctioneers • tt is 94 salmon, Poet&u AtJ(.: 1101\11 I 1 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Cowteees filtlel et ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete Mie smirk* P9000 SY EXPERIENCE JAhwtw Colieat 431, Exotsr IVIASUNKY 1 GENERAL MASONRY Block, Brick & Stonework Specializing in: • Fieldstone • Fireplaces • Inserts Call IVAN NEILSON $EAFORTH - 627.6803 Bob Heywood, Wattled Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions 'Reosonable rates Bob 235.0874 Laverne 235 -12741 AU(-'tlydlit 1 1 MOUSSEAU AUCTION • SERVICES Complete Auction 1 Service RR 2 Hensall Anne & Brod Mouseeau, Auctioneers 2364588 REPAIRS IRAs to oll makes Fro* estimate' • 90Oeiy Warranty Exporion alae. 1952 ..w .0 Savo 1ta�r 7r' �.,�its fterd �� T t ratt011rrr1�