HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-10-22, Page 2er rimo'
Eririy l'hursday Mornng
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EXETER, OCTOBER, 22No, 1874.
Wahl 01,444 LIBEL SURD.
Tbe verdict of the jury in the libel
emit of Creasy J. Whellains agairtst the
Manager of the Mail is attracting a
good deal of attention jeet now, and
(many mid eevere ere the adveree mid-
lefseue passed upon it by both the Con-
eervative and he independent Reform
prees-that reunion not so anximis for
at party t, iumph as for the maintenance
of the liberty of the people. The con-
duct of the Ontario Government iu titk-
inn onto itself the prosecution of an
peosition journal for publishing stric-
tures on the character of one of it.
hirelings cannot be too strongly con-
demned. Had there been -any deubt in
the minds of reasonable men ii,s to the
truth of the leleit's charges, public sem-
paatay might be extelided to thetiov-
ernment in an endeavor to protect an
innocent mate But no one who read
the defeudant's aifidavit, published iu
the Mai/ after the coeclusion of the
triu.lnbut which the prosecution womd
not ailow to be produced in court, can
come to any other conclusion than that
the Mait's charges were well substanti-
ated. Nor could there be ally questioo
regarding the reliability of the souree
'whence the itiformatioss was procured.
The tabulated charges weie not solici-
ted, but volunteered, end forwarded re-
peatedly through vu' iota soutees, to the
Onion° Governmeut, by au association
teganized iu Englaud fer the purpose
ef aiding eznigration, and in the ranks
of which was a Minister of the Crown.
This honorabh °eentlernan dared Whel-
lams to sue hintfor . libel. In not al -
Jeweler the defendant to issuea commis -
to take evidence in: England, the
Government acted most unfairly. Then
we have the spectacle of a Government
violating the law to trample on the lib -
et ty of the Opposition press and to
shield a mu whose proper aboCle would
be in a penitentiary. This war in forc-
ing eleven jitrors of uncertain mind to
stan4l aside and make roam fer eleven
eeternained Grits, who they well knew,
would be certain to retnru a verdict
against the Mail. If this be law, we
want less law and more justice. What
a degradiug spectacle it is toetheeProv-
ince to see a member of the Govern-
inent exhibiting such ecetatic joy at
the verdect given epee -lit an opponent
• by a jui', pasked in -the 'Interest of the
rCrown. eneeThe—a
grown Counsel had
copy Sf'ffv.y."list with the names of
the Oritinelfe Getvernment had selected
Larked out, and thus he packedi the
jitney. How humiliating to. the legal
neofession to see a Crown Couusel gcn-
'-iiiig so outrageously violent ,against a
eofendant. And all in the interest .of a
Liberal Government! The" action on
1,,e part of a despotic and corrupt ad-
nanistration will but add more fuel to
1, is feeling of indignation aroused
iezeinet teem throughout the Province
1 y their fonuor ads of intimidation.
Alds7.2..41.4"Tr"../rIE OF THE
The renowned Thomas of the cheeses
/ steal 1 sighs fur a foe at whom to tilt.
Once more Tei toms lenge to covei hitn-
self with glory and -.-defeat. He be -
Loins the stiecess which has attended
McKeller iu his career. and yearns to
follow in leis footsteps and acquen fame
and --plunder. Were these two wor-
thies in frequent intercouree, they no
doubt would be as '
"Ewe sonls with bit.a single thought,
Twolbearts that beat as one,"
but we fear that McKellar will become
a resident of Downie ere 'that occurs.
• Thorned ie fur ever yearning for.a seat,
• and we fear that his yearning will nev-
er be satisfied. We 'wonder at Thomas'
determination, hut remembering Thom-
as, we cease to wonder. He bee a. very
determined way of blundering into the
field at vary innoportune times. He is
aware that he is unpopular with both
parties, through managing leen. eir,
while ia tLe Ceunty Conic; c't,(1' on the
sliding scald plan, and. yet 46 defeat
etarieg him in the ,fece,,, eahnot deter
him or cool his ardor. His desire for
thitario's welfare led him once upon a
time to be a candidate for North Perth.
-The poor fellow thought he might be
useful -to himself. The people's de-
sire for the welfare of North Perth end
the eafety of Thomas, led them, once
upon a time, to reject Thomas of the
cheeses. Hard hertre..d people! Soft-
headed Thomas! Yet he, clid not des-
eetie of gitiuing a leat in the legielative
kale of our country. Conscious ef hi
influence in the County Council, he be
gal to champion the rights of the
teouth Eidieg pe _Tie, as had been be.
we his doled the eliampion of the
nowntrodden North Riding. This art-
meliteavre or the artful man brought;
him into sonie faVor with those who
wore not up to the redoubtable Thomas,
and he was Chosen y the Orite at
theirystairdarti:-bearer „in the Dominion
oereition ilionnenditige But how mud -
elm, mid h1W eadwas, That'll?ta1i !
Ifi'D Of iota 4lieltaa ottaiat election, aim
Thinik tat, laoktti, Tri'crtv aspired,
sud Axe.. TroW, a Gat, eoiningb1t h.
the field as at itidependont Man, Witt
*arty tilt at Valishard slip
riart fihn, and Willihg to suptial anti
vote foe stuything, good or bed, littoela aaartity of weed
will be taltea fee eabeeriptien i-PAitti
ed, the gto and 11'031
M. Trow is a Liberal con-
lesS he • leude yeti enoney) and had it
broed plutterua We hope Thermo
willin4Peere uPoil the leeeon teuglat
littst et that time. At the ineeting
Stretford, at which Sir Julia efecdrat.
eel, Hon. Wm, McDougall ftsid eeveral
otlter eelebrities spoke, Mr, Trow was
ineking a very Steave canvases uno eo
AN.$ OW1110114 11.110111a$. Thonme is ef
a very ttervoee temperament, and felt
at'er the close of the meeting. SollbS
attributed tide feelitie to the feet that
ilois tliat day made his eafeee iuto
the stern realities ef public life, Ile is
llS0 ill1p0A101,1S. it is effective, very,
to be tieteical and impetuous ; Real Tho-
mas ettempted to 10 sae this te
the Hoe, \Vita .MeDoiteall. Ira 111c -
Dougall emiieed Thomate In fact, ev-
et•y oho preseut noticed him upoo (bat
"'fur. Boora,---We nutieed the other
day that ir'Treble liad on_ exhibition
in t i8 wiudow 48 Arst nrizO boets•
1de sold one of the pare we underatand
for a yea y litindsonie figure.
fall was so unbroken as it itir at.prieeeitt..
Lheromi,-Mr. jna. Vial gave a lec-
ture iu the B. 0 Church, on Tuesday
night last, on the authenticity of the
scriptures. A goodly ounibee was
preseut, and the lecturer did ample
justiee to hie subject,
Meincea. -Dr , ley nit mall Tellnest8
Tim Reaos.---Tho toadere 110),V in
140011(311ot order, and teiee 'the formier
ample opportunity to get iiigrain to
market. It is many years since the
oeca1o0, and 80111,11eted Lem. But the us to state it iKasetialee to his enereashie
lieu. Me. MeDeueell was not yr that practice that uecessitated his employ-
autriber, lie coaxed the gentle Thorn -
As up on the platform. With lamb -like
aniocerice the gentle Thomas aeoended
C0 the trap. Mr. McDougall thee
emused himself and the audience by
torturing the candidate for South Perth.
You couldn't say to Thomas e It's a
ehame ! a shuttle !!" for some time al-
ter that meeting, without being in den.
ee of tardily injury, resultiog from
homes impetuosity. - Mr. Trow took
advan'age of the vanquished speaker,
made an offer, aed Themes retired
from the field. Take our advice, Tho-
mas, iced retire again. The people of
South Perth are uot anxious to send
the most ignoraut and most egotistic
man in the county as their represouta-
I lye.
Boa. Snetteer-64-Senea, formerly Post-
master-Geueral has acceded to the wish
of many friends and consented to stand
for election in West Northumberland.
His election is certain.
Tan London Adve, tiser puts on a
smooth face and says it Was dein to
measures put forward by itself that a
surety has been made of the building of
the L., H. LB. Let's have sonie more
ON Friday last there were two indict-
ments brought iu by the Grand Jury
of Salt Lake City tor lascivious cohabi-
tation, and it is generally believed they
were against Brigham. Young and Geo.
O. Cannon. The days of lormonism
are fast drawing to a close.
THE way it's dew. If a member of
the Governtnent or any of its employes
think* himself libelled, all he has to do
is to enter a suit in the name of the
Queen aud thus sate costa should the
ease preve to be adverse.
THE Kincardine lievie.), libelled Geo.
Brown, and a jury placed the damages
at $100. The Mail libelled Creasy J.
Whellanis, and a jury placed the dam-
ages at $200. Are we to conclude from
these facts that Whelan& character is
worth twice as much as Brown's.
IT is said that the venerable and rev-
erend rooster Horrocks Cocks talks of
resigning hia position as a McKellar
emigration agent, because some have
doubted his righteousness and others
have attempted to e blast his young
life." It is to be hoped he will neon -
Meer his determination, not that he is
of any particular use to the country as
au entigretion agent (that were a hbel
on -- well, on even thellams)-but
that he serves as a pattern of sanctified
dea.d-beatism which it were well to
avoid. There is nothing created that
has not a use, although many live end
die without showing for what use they
were created. -Sowith HOrrOdtS.
THE following for C. J. Whellams,
which we clip from a letter to Satur-
day's Free Press :
StE,-Allow me, through 3 our valua-
ble leapez , to let the outside world know
what a "rap on the knuckles" our
Clear Grit Couneil of Chatham gave
.Mr. Creasy Whellams. This person
shievel to Chathern a dozen or so of
dirty, diseased immigrants. They were
not fit to work, so our Town Council
had to keep them, for which bills were
rendered amounting to over a hundred
dollars. •Our Council had enough of
Jr. Whellams and his progeny, and at
its next meeting passed a motion in
structing the Town Clerk to inform the
head of the Immigration Department
not to send any more such specimens
ofe humenity. Mr. Whellams must
have felt sour over this rap from a
Clear Grit Council. It must show that
the good, honest Reformers are getting
disgusted eith McKellar and kis tribe.
Exeter and licit:ill!.
BEGINNING TO LEAN -E. -The leaves.
Boys.. --A boy wanted to learn the
art of priating. Apply at this office.
Seem.et. Sicavices.-Special services
are now being heldin .the W. M. Church
OVEIL-We have again to crowd
over some articles left out of our last
weeks issue.
PI/OPERTY CHANGEs.-Ifore property
changes during the Fast week. Good
figures paid.
POSTPONED. -Mr. Geo. Drought's
sale has been postponed from Saturday
last the 17th inst. to Saturday next,
the 24th inst.
PRODUCE. -The grain market here is
increaeing, and purchases are consid-
ered to be lively, owing to the late de-
velopments in regard to the London,
Ituron & Bruas,
Tun Wnkruna.-"What is the nad of
s'ayihg " it is CORI Wait until it gets
below zero, mitich is oot likely to hap-
pen before the heat of election is bver!
PERSONAL. -Dr. Cowan, now of Gait,
fete of Exetete paid his old hotne a visit
the other day, and le as enjoyable as
ever. Not speakaing cannibal bite, you
CittIAP Goons.-11anten hi a man of
few wort ;ilia week, butt t much Or-
pOde. says his,gecida aye cheap,
mai those who; half 1-''; iiiehased from
hint have no (Atte bt his word's'
At 1.BrOolt4
4,11fi8 villago, lott they are
win ter tur ni fig 'AU
- he qu ti fry of %tee tteiefr!d•
.sinter, T1i� yu1i'
1d1 onciitirtoltheu
tly double
, tra last
log the services of D. Mines, as an es
sistaht, bet rather to his iutibility to
etteudee itieht or even at other times to
his business from ill health.
%inn liousE PHANTom.----Ponzeray s
Democrat ot New York, which is the
liveliest weekly published, is now pub,
lishing a story entitled e The White
Horse Phantom " the °peeing chaptere
of which are livel,y, interesting and full
of minute detail. Sabaeriptiou $2 per
lifetime it will save You many "dollars
and afford much gratification. Pay -
son's Indelible Ink is indispensible for
the purpose ; it needs no preparation,
it will not injure the finest fabric :tea
can be used with a'ocominon pellr
VERY Low. -We' are sorry te learn
that Mr. Logg, baker and eonfectioner
is laid solely by the unerring hencl of
consumption, that he is almost unable
to ride from hie bed: Only a few weeks
ago Mr. Logg was about as Usual. Our
sympathies are with him and his fami-
ly, and our hope is, he may linger on
for some time.
Soun-The handsome set of gold
mounted hullos which Mr. W. Fan.
sonshowed at Exeter and Seaforth Fall
fairs, and took first prizes' at both
places, was sold by lkim the other day.
A gentleman in the vicinity of London
purchened it, paying about three hun-
dred 41u1lars fot it.
Me. McImeteee.- Mr. J. McLennan
again speaks. Ile has appointed Mr.
G. Willis to purchase grain foe him on
the market, and to transaet any other
busiuess in the village connected with
the mill. He wants any quantity of
wheat, and he very wisely asks the
farmers to bring it in the morning.
STAMP Youa I3iens.-Many ceuntry
merchants are in the habit of returning
their bills to wholesale houses signed
but not stamped. This should not be;
undei the amended Stamp Act the con-
ditions concerning stamps are very
strict. Every person, therefore, who
sigus a note should, in their own in-
terest- cancel the stamp themselves.
FURS. -We see it reported by elm
dailies that the furs are not yet as
plentiful along the Ottawa as they have
been in previous years, nor as plenti-
ful as they are supposed to be. But
Broderick has secured an excellent lot,
he says. Howe% er, these are last year's
furs, you must urderstand, and man -
featured into tippets, muffs, etc.
To SPOETS.-We have received the
initial number of the Canadian Sports-
man, published by Messrs. Gosset &
Jose of Toronto. Aa a specimen of
typographic excellence it bears its
character well, and as a recorder of
doings of the turf, field and flood, its
appearance would indicate it to be an
exact one. The subscription price is
$8 per RDHUID.
DANCING Szesoa.-The near approach
of the seasonof long evenings and so-
cial gatheriug,a is foreshadowed by
other events aside from the rigil figures
of the almanac, and the tailing leaves
rustling in shaded streets, and none of
these are more clear than the move -
meats cif the devotes of Terpischore.
The latter are remiuded that tile TIMES
ob room is the place to get' tasty ball
programmes and circulars.
IT'S YOUR INTERESt.-Now don't be
quarreling as. those do who make a
business of lending money. It's not
the direct interest you will receive by
the lending of your money to much
advantage but you will receive an in-
direct interest for it, now. Bisset Bros.
declare that you will receive' a big in-
terest on your money by purchasing
your stoves, youralinware, and hard-
ware at their establishment. Their
change of advt. is really ef interest.
The stock which they have laid in is
• Peni
iere.---There s no reason why
people should fear very close times this
winter. The wheat and barley crops
were abundant :and command fair
prices. The farrneks, as ageueral thing,
raised wheat and•will be provided With
more than the usual'amount of rrioney.
••The lees. efeetheseOritesesespeatill be felt,
of course, but wilt net heeessarily make
times closer than they have been for
some time. Hay stacks cover the face
of the country in all directione, which
is a stun sign that the farmers are pro-
vident and have provided carefulty for
their stock,
improvement SOCiety is ataxteti in
connection with the congregationof the
B. C. Church, Exeter. This is a Much
needed institution in every society, and
e are glad that the society iti this
place does not over -holt its worthiness.
The following aro the officers cleated t
President, Rev, J, Whitlock, Vice-Preel-
dent, Mr. J. Gonld; Sec., S. Down. it
will be for the benefit of the eongregat
tion of the church, and will be StiStaiti-
ed according to its liberality, The
programme will consist of essays, wad-
ingee recitations, and addieesee, with
dieeu8SiOnS ther4loll.•
A Cceteneaton.---Wei are happy to
following eoireLtion, though
, „ ,
,serry we 1aVe to make it. In an item
tst yibek, we stated that a newly tnar-
viee man of title town was taketi before
he P. M. nf toudon 00 a eherge of
.ingey 1 i It appears •that he
went himself to the station Ntlien he
found that, the buggy had been stolen,
and froln Shone() to to the gaol to, See
the man who heel stolen it thof in, tea fiat titt
who Illiat1810:-Al 0104 the et,0011) 'VMS
taken before the bealt, end then 80 -
(144tekwilleleeee o hui1.k OtIlOr Ni6O, TO WO rEd4or Of 1Seeter tames.
as bo Led tio eattee to be acqattted, e DEMI $111t-^-1 aotiee th 1),e last
144- 4):41.0WS is thy :la receipt of let, weeh, $ teem of your paper an article in
eneeiticer from Yarioas 'parts roe
peeting Lis Syruti •of klypophoepletes
Oele:eeeentle reeeiletel, leede to elle ix-
iief that the piddle Mietake his meaning
in refereuce to itfl: POWer in iniVaSnig
ett1)0101' eueeee te the mind. When
,the intellect bus, been imeaired by over
work or other eallSeS, the uee of the
Syrup, together with preeautieu in the
eise tif kited, clothing, exercise, etc., eeill
eeetere full poem, to tbe bruin and
nerve. Superiority of geoiee cousietein
great,capacity of bruin inassimniatiog
meterial fa in every quarter, and 01
deeetli in proportion, but 05 by far the
gyeater number is endowed by nature,
'eariSequently inOltillg maturity, it
NVOlild be gain) impossible to fled cra-
Ilium matte:bet nebeeeary to conetitute
the ban. - Hence,' although the Syrup
will essist iu restoring a nand Which is
loot, it cannot change a natural born
idiot to an intelligent man.
,f/p• 4
MOLSON'S: BANK. -The following
which we glean from the report ,of the
animal general meeting of the above
institution may be of interest to many
of our readers: "The Molsons Bank
premises are set down at $186.000. I
may tell you, gentlemen, that this re-
presents the actual cost of the whole of
Bank premises and the various plaees
where we have branches. We, are
erecting a building in London. The
premises there will cost in theneigbbor,
hood of $40,000, and we could dispose
of them to -morrow if we %jelled at a
considerable advance rate upon the
price paid. We expect to sit rent free,
or very nearly eo, because the building
is well adapted for offices, and we shall
be able tolet them to advantage. Then
again. we have opened premises at St.
Thomas, and I am satisfied that we
could get au advance of titty per cent,
for our property in that town. At Exe-
ter, where we have also a branch, we
can easily sell atan advance." • We are
pleased to know that the branch in this
place is doing a good and increasing
Council Proceedings.
The wisdom of the Village of Exeter
aesembled in the court room on Moue
day evening last. Present, the Reeve,
and Councillors Verity, Pickard and
Minutes of previoua meeting read
and confirmed.
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid 1. Whitlock, 10 days' labor,
14.00; W. Lucre, 8 days' labor, $10,-
50. Thos. Thompson $3.
The reeve sterna that 7.tit. Matthart
had determined not to collect the taxes
for nothing, as he agreed to do, but
that he would do so for $10.
Moved by W. H. Verity. seconded by
J. Ross, That Mr. Senior be appointed
collector at a salary of $25. -Carried.
THE seeeees.
The question of opening up the two
streets intersecting Main street was
then taken up and discussed.
The reeve stated that he had spoken
to Dr. Browning about the lot, and the
Dr. informed Win that he would sell
when forced to do so, said not until then.
Mr Ross was of the opinion that it
was. more important that the streets
suoule be even on Main street than on
the back streets, and it would. be better
to secure the property on Main street
directly opposite the existing street.
Mr. Pickard said it was of more im-
portance that they should be straight
OD back streets, as people seldom cross
the Maiu street, generally turning to
the right or to the left, while on back
streets they usually keep straight ahead.
Mr. Verity thought, with °tilers, that
it would be for the benefit of the village
to have Dr. Brc wning's lot for a street.
Dr. Browning was present, and on
being requested to state his intentions,
he said he Was determined to hold on
to the lot and fight for it to the last.
There was really no nee'essity for the
street, and it would benefit only a few
of the ratepayers --only increasethe val-
ue of,Mr. Eacrett't, Mr. Broderick's, and.
Mr. Carling's propel ty. The people
were•therefore opposed to the scheme.
If an appeal were made to the ratepay-
ers, it would be found that the major -
Ly are against putting the village to the
expense of opening a street for the ben-
efit of but a few persons. Let the
Council try it, and the people would
show that they are opposed to it. But
yet, if either Mr. Pickard itr Mr. Car-
ling, who seem SO anxious to see the
street opened for the ennvenience 01
the people, would give him and Mr.
Percy the same amount of frontage be-
side himself (and his property was as
valuable as theirs), he would most wil-
lingly let the lot go, and the person
getting it could then dispose of it to the
Council for a continuatiori oflhe street.
The Reeve said the village would
have to pay cash for the land. and it
would be well to consider our financial
position. At present we could ill af-
ford to spend a large ansouet of inoney
in buying streets.
Mr. Itoss thought the streets should
be fpened this year if we heel to borrow
the money. Next year the parties will
want double the amount they now ask,
and we would have to borrow the mon-
ey then.
The Reeve thought that as the street
beside Mr. Bissett's premises would
cost the least money, it would be better
to have it opened and allow the othar
street to lay over for future consider -
Mr, Verity expressed his intention 6f
seeing to it next, year, if elected to th
Council, that those parties who toe
value t1icr property so high are assest
sea at that value,
It was then moved by Mr. Rose, se?.,
onded by Mr. Veeity, That. Mr. Willie'
and Mr. Piekard be authoriied by tlf*
Connell to offer Mr. Bierett $500 foe
the half-stteet, 00 feet in width, ene.
tending from Main to Withal' s, anil
if Mr„ Bissett refuse the offer, to heti,
mate that arbitration will be entered
The Council then adjoteined,--
Woo IA 1114.1%
DUnseealesa-Woodhatri DivisloO
P. dedieate their oro* hill, On
Ifitirscloy next the 29th inst.
collent programme and it splendid tea'
:Don't fait to attend* les a holiday,'
iNhieli the witter Mies hly flame wit/Out
my linowledgc or eoneent. 1 regret ex-
ceedingly that I fina it neeeseery to eay
one word in reply. In no convereation
which 1 .hgve 10,4 with the aueltor
the srtiele Itt gnestion upon this very
unpleasoot aCair, wotild my words bear
any such constrnetion as teat sought
to be put Upon them, I shall be very
sorry indeed if front the desire of any
person to publish this matter, 1 shalt
flue it due to myself to lay before the
pnblic any particulers 10 conitectioo
with it. Such communications, in my
opinion, instead of ieteresting your
tolligent readers, or saving . hartuiter,
will only tend to furnish food for scan-
dalanoweers, by far too munercitie 101
Our miclet, end whose disposition to ex-
eggerata everything that comes in their
way is already mach too strong. In-
stead of assisting such in their nefari-
ous work, by adding fuel to the flame,
let us rather with some of our leading
politicians, try to " elevate the stand-
ard of public morality," but not ie the
dame menner. Yours truly,
Centralia, Oct. 15, 1874.
Tuourecee v$, G -nom Tatane.---Some
time lest August, a .man . mimed
Thompson, mot with an sseeident at
tuie place, by falling into one of the
cattle gnards. It appears • that the
man Thompson had perchased a ticket
from an neat in St, Johns, N. B., and
traYelled on it to Danville, when he:ex-
changed it for another which had once
before passed over the road. • The
consequence was that the 'Conductor
on board the train Which at the time:
was near Granton, refused theticket,
mid told Thompson he had travelled on
it before Thompson called him a
liar, When the conductor told him that
he Would put: him off at the next sta-
tion. Thompson, boweVer, got off of
his own accord. He went to cne uf
the hotels iri the villa -se, and had ten.
While returning he came by •way of
the track, and fell into one of the cat-
tle guards, breaking his arm. The
station master and Mr. Foreman o
this 'village Were important witnesses.
The verdict of jury was $1800 datitagee
for plaintiff. The cattle guard'. since
the accident has been removed to witia-
in the prescribed 'limits of the com-
pany's land.
of Zurich has applied for a partner for
Knitting machines,
(From our own Correspondent.)
110ME.-The young man, McE wan,
wholive six miles from here, and shot
at his father (an account of which ap-
peared in last week's Times) did not
reach Uncle Sam's dominion, but in
a couple of days after the occurence re-
turned home, and quietly went to
work. We opine Le should be a sad-
der if not a wiser man.
LEGAL. -Quite a number of tete local
gentry who have interested themselves
or others, aud some of the interested
others love gone to Goderich to give
eviCience (if allowed) in the S. H. Eleet-
ion trete if every township supplied
the same quota of wit esses as Stephen
some person or persons will have a
goodly bill to pay in the matter. Oon-
eiderable anxiety is manifested as to the
result of enquiries as to persoual trans-
ACCIDENT.- On Monday, the 11th,
Mr. Win. Flynn of 8t1 con. Stephen,
while'helping a usighbor to raise a
frame barn, heel his leg broken by a
falling plate. „ Dr. Rollins of this place
set the limb, and he is doing well.
WANTED. -A good tailor to settle in
Crediton. This want is daily felt by
the people here. A better location for
a good workman could not be found in
R. R. ---Satisfaction is generally ex-
pressed at the prospect of the railway
being at last built, people believing
that if ever it does pass by, it will do
its good rather than injury. So you
see Orecliton an afford to be magnani-
missionary meeting of the W. M. Church
was I.eld at lelunville on Wednesday
night last. A geed attendance and
excellent speeches from Revs. Messrs.
Clappison Godwin4Luncl, and Dyer.
Mr. Juo. W. Broderick, of Exeter tilled
the chair in good form. The excellent
choir of the church sustained its repo -
cation on the occasion.
FARM SOLD. -Mr. 11. FIMS011 dispos-
ed of him farm by auction on Tnesday,
the 80th. inst., to 5(1. David Miller for
$7,000. This is an excellent property,
and well worth the money.
nick N. E. B. Usbornc, sold his farm
to Mr. A. Stewart for $5,000,
eardaritoti:--r Trio' were nei-
b b thel di
l est, but an s very good.
Peoeuessiece-The contractor of,
Bethesda 13. C. church has it SO far to-
wards completion that the friends hope
to:open it boleti() the winter is fully set
111. c
WINCIIELSEA BAND. --We feel it but
he to the ,Winchelsea bend te state,
let althou0 choice as was 1110 music
itialiecoursed at, the fair this phiee, all
playerwere not present. We do ,not
Wonder that the USborne peoPle are
peond of their musicians. '
NrIV Goons.--Srnith. and! Crodl)olt
vo a really large Stook of now winter
s. Yro examine them is tp pur -
Se, fea- quality and cheapness are'
attar from headquarters, Maelten-
., ivision, gives tlie following pat
hare of the eliare on the Texan
village: -During the fight five In-
en Ortte10? Wnithtled,
and tie* horciere 'rine :ine teeie
, 860'efthe, best
cti,i'd to be retained, tind 1,0,16
aekeot a possibility .t`,t their
fltti ibto,the hands of' the ims.
iiMs, All the,the lodges were
tti4 the loss to Ibis particillar
10 tIZ41.1 0511 iteeparable.
e cf rape, itt /1i)i01) fivo
050(1, tkrobeing ,etied ip
3, 8, 84N81,Ani, sworn -AM harris-
ter in eoderich- There was so gene -
at ea: Central Committee that 1 am
aware of. Saw respondent very seldom
during the eonteet, he being ill and
being chicly in the South Riding.
There was on election fund, I Bub.
seribed personally. I gave $100 cash;
James Doyle,gave $100, About 51,00
paseed through my hands. I believed
that each person should bo peen. I
eave some nioaey to ern Camel on's
friends in No. 2 Startley-perluips $30
or $40. I left $100 with Mr, Iroosidee,
Stet hen; $80 with Mr. Beagan, ie No,
Stanley ; ; $200 with Mr, Parsous,
Crediton; $100 with David, Johns, Ex-
eter. Also paid for a broken buggy.
Witnessa-I gave $20 yr $2.5 to Dr.
Browning of Exeter ; $20 to Mr, Sweet,
Stephen ; $800 to Daniel Mac-
donttla /.3russels. My own perecand
expenses would amount to between
$100 and 5200. My livery bill at
Exeter WaS heavy. I paid a. hotel -
keeper named Press $20, being for a
bill which he claimed agaiust me. I
instructed all the parties to whom I
gave money that they were not to use
it to buy votes or influence them in any
way whatever, I drew up a circular,
which I intended to have printed, but
could not do su in time. Daniel Mac-
donald had been instructed to place any
money that might be rceenired ia the
divisions of' "Islam. None of the
money WI'S used illegally to my know-
ledge. I did not give orders to any
person for election purposes, or*notes,
The only sum pa:i by me was the $20
pr eviously mentioned.
Goderich, Oct. 21, 1875. -Cameron
is unseat( d and. me (13 to pay all CR8t114
The petitioners apt eat on the same
points as were raised by petituners in
the London election case.
Paw and lijititp.
. ,
(troin our Own 0Orreepondsat.)
Tistweeto.-Uoder the heading of Lu-
cien advte. will be foiled taut of Mr.
Watt, tinsmith. It speaks fur itself.
FASMONABLE.-Mr. Cathcart, fash-
ionable boot and shoe maker, Lucian
says in this week's 'TThIES that he has a
large stock of boots and shoea. And
o he has, and they are good 'value too.
FUNNY. -That Bosworth, of Liman,
is a phunny phellew. See how he ad-
vertises his business this week. Oh,
palace, what a puzzle'! This is the
place whero "Grip or any other periodi-
cal can be procured. 'This Week's rep-
resents Edward Blake as a bird, sitting
on a post, while if. C. Cameron, How-
land, and Mackenzie eau try to catch
aim with salt feem their respective par-
ties, and George Brown, in the charac-
ter of an old woman, looks on in hor-
weeks two an item complaining that
some Of °the young men of Lucun went
to Granton on a Suotlay and uonducted
themselves alter the manlier of roughs
appeared amongst the -Glenna' iutelli-
genco in the columns of the TIMES. The
young men implicated denied the truth
of the charge .here, but none of them
del so ,over his own signature, so some
believed the story and some did not,
and altrinInter was apparently fergot,
ten until a fewnights ago an individual
from Granton who was snp,iosed to be
the correspondent frorn that village, was
here on business, , when some of those
charged with Sabbath -breaking and
rowdyism supplied themselves with eggs
and laid in wait to assail him as
soon as he appeared to take the night
train. The young 01 00, however, got
windof the preparations, and renter
than risk the destruction of his cloches,
waiked home by the. track. We are
sorryto have to notice this thing, and
only do so to assure float' who do Lot
live here that the cooduet of those
would-be .peace,breakers is viewed with
intense disgustby the grant 'majority of
the community.
THE HIGHWAY. -One night lest week
as Richard Thompson Esq. lumber mer-
chant, was ms his way home -froln the
auction sale which it held every' after -
's -cam and evening in the village, he 'was
pursued by three Men right up to his
melt house, which is eittutted in the
suburbs of 'the vintage. There
Was; no doubt, plunder, as Mr. Thomp.
son was thought to have the proceeds
of a large' sale of limber on his per-
SPORT. -Our village sportsmen ere
enjoying rare sport, shooting plover,
I -which have appeared in large flocks itt
this meghborhood.
THE Lrezese.-MichaelConners who
was arrested for selling whiskey witu-
out license, but who compromised the
matter with the constable Who had him
in charge, by paying enough to cover
costs, has been rearrested and commit-
ted to gaol; the act of the constable be.
lug illegal.
ACCIDENT. -As Mr. Win. il. Ryan
was hauling a loacl of gravel from a
gravel pit 9, reW days agt an overh,mg-
ing bank eaved in nod part of it fell on
inn ; ho got out with difficulty, and has
YelYtiMiltqffig„troili „ohci effeet.' of
.he brt,iiseo;
Ltisdh-AfeW' nights;ago sonae
iierson,.6nealted': into Mr.,,Merret'„4-houee
aid Carried off aieseverceat; and a new
dress belonging' to Mass Merrot.
Distinguished;1, medical iinfliOrity
warns the drinkers: of water ,ofie6h8
near dwellings to beware nptheiyphoid
poison( stirs to he foimd sooner or later
in these reserWirs., it any of tlte hoose
drainage catilpercolate to „them, . The
gelatinous, matter often fotind upon the
stories of a well is visor) to the human
system, probably 'causing by its pores
a fermentation .of the :blood, .with the
ithnormal heat of fever. Wholesome,
tainted) wateris aiWt13tS fie° fl'Ofn all
oolor adodor, To test it thoroughly,
plaee in it alow ,grains of lump 'sugar
and ,expose it, stoppered, to sunlight, in
a window, If even after an exposuie
of,ei 4' OS t11 wetee becomes
ttente kind,
eareit is pure
fitiettaaine perfeetly
and. Safe. ,
4 CiltiAlt
hOlirne State that the•aitiroitation of the
'Islands to the lAritisli Empire has
lioon erirritel ant, Ser 1 ler,
miles enrge ItobOrt, Govtv-
Itor.Of NOW g00t,15 Wit108,, 110iSted tit()
letitisli flag oil tete Fiji eoile
oi o at.70.
1v1.I. - UP CAPITAL • • . •
The :Exeter Branch of' Molsons Ban
Iorit, U.S., St. John, N.B., and all the
and Quebee.
Makes eitvancee on Produce.
Bitya and Belle literling Exchange,
Discounts Notes.
A $tivings Bank Department has been
Branch Molsons Bank.
from one Dollar ($1)
Peyab/e Deniand with haerest.
Exeter, May 7, 1874.
4111i PF .4/‘
Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Wall -Pa
We are now pr
Art. 'ErtensiN.re
in the 8ovora1 departments en
Bought directoth
One ot our travellers will take ;in early opportu
with tull littera sample., when your esteemed or
Lon4on, September Srd, 1894,
The farmers aniline Hamilton ask
the modest sum of 86 cents a poutehi
for butter.
Isaac Radcliffe, a lock -tender, was
drotvned at Allaubury on Thursday
morning last.
- The King sI. W. M. Church of Ha-
milton intends holding a jubilee ii
November next.
Mr. J. C. Miller of Parry Sound is
the Reform candidate for Muskoka and
Parry Sound Districts. .
The Hon. Geo. Brown ebtained a
verdict of 560 daniages against the
Sarnia Canadian, on Saturday last.
Mrs. Bradford and her son Willie
were hurt by the fall of a scaffold at
Stubb's hotel, Meaforcl. Thelatter bad
his log broken.
The Reformers of Thorah succeeded
in taking eleven names off the Voter's
list and adding six thereto. The Con-
servatives added twenty-three.
With the exception of about foul teen
miles, the Grand truuk line between
Montieal and Toronto is laid with steel
rails. Before thenew year it will he a
steel track the w'atle distance.
About noon on Monday last, a fire
broke out in Geo. Island's blacksmith
shop, situated at the east ,end of Or-
angeville. Two children -a son of Mr.
Ieland mid a daughter of Mr. Gray,
both about three years old -were con-
sumed in the fifteens.
At a, politial gathering it Otterville
last Thurscley, Dr. Devlin, who aspires
to a seat is the Ontario Legislature, an-
noruseed that he would go for Edward
Blake, and the Canada Fist party.
Colling,woocl is excited over the dis-
covery of a salt spring, at the depth of
twenty-seven feet. The find is of suf-
ficient importauce to warrant a thor-
ough investigation.
It is estimated by a greed authority
that the cheese made by the three
hundred factories in Canada this year
will approach five nailhon dollars in
value. This looks remarkably like
progress when we rementber that ie
1864 there was not such a thing as a
cheese factory in the country.
One Mr. Tail has been gazetted Min-
ister of Militia, vice Hon. Mr. Ross, re-
signed. Mr. Vail arrived in Ottawa oo
Tnesday night and was sworn in on
Wednesday. • Re will return to Hali-
fax, in order to settle his private busi-
ness previous to taking up his resid-
ence in the capital.
Henry Rush, jr, convicted of rape at
the Assizes at Woodstock, has been
sentenced by Mr. Justice Strong to
eight years in the Penitentiary.
The hands employed in several mach-
ine shops, sewing machine factries, etc.
in Montreal, .are being discharged in
consequence of the dullness of trade.
A hundred and thirty Montreal
grocers will, it is said, have their li-
cense to retail liquor cancelled for sell-
ing liquor in smaller quantities than
allowed by law.
The season for the catching ef trout
closed on the 1st inst., until the 1st of
May. Quail may be killect between the
1st of this month and tae 1st of Janu-
ary next. Sportsmen will make a note
of this andact accordingly.
Another li re has occurred in Lon
which burned down buildings to thelos
of $6,000„e •• . . .
A hotePerabery took pine° at Haw-
thorn's hoteliliondon, on Friday 'ilea
last, by which a commercial trawler
was relieved of his gold watch and
Te ariminal docket of the Brant
Assizes comprises four murder cases,
two mansloughter, one arsom, fraud
and felonius aesttalt. Brant can take
til6Dlael'ilideltiViasfall,iisiokle, of B. rantford, was
killed on Wednesday, by tho falling of
a scaffold at Watt's soap works in that
town. a wife and six children mom.
hie Ioss
The Grand Lodge of the British
American Order of Good Templars inet
in session at Lucknow, on Tuesday
last valuable mate wits stolen from 11.
Geiger, near Aurora, on the 16th inst.
No elite te the thief.
Mr, Dickeies son of the litte
Charlet Dieltebs, the world-renowned
novelist, ha; arrived at Ottawa and it
'stopping at the fintsell House, 11010
yottng man, apparently twenty.five I
tOnN of age, Anodinto height, light
complexion, awl retiring disposition.
IL) only arrived itt Canada on Titers,
day, aline expre,,ses Ininself as being
11.1 to0i tYlt)4,86(1 With Willa 110 1.01.5 8000 Of
the coatifry, It posaibie that 110
may take tip WS rosidoaiee 10110 Do..
• --- 410,000
isseee Drafts on Londott, Eg.1XCIP
principal citiee and tewne °Maxi,
New .York Exchange, Greenhaekoh4s
opened in connection with the gltOt.
upwards received.
at ger.
namll Virares,
per, School 1300lta& Stationery
0 ----
°pared to show
g ortment Of Coods
umerated above.which have been
rom Dialinfac rs
by our owu Buyer.
nity of calling upoirthe Merchant i in this section
ders 'will have our Co etul attention.
St -23n.
t" farmer of East Zorra had a portion
of erAnflais ears bitten off in a tavern
brawl in Tavistock on Friday last, by
one ofthe canvass men of Cole's Cir-
CUSThe schooner lefarysburg, from Pic -
ton with coal, was discovered on fire a
lane after three o'clock on Thursday
morning last, at Toronto, and betura
the flames were extinguished consider-
able damage was done to the hold and
rigging. ft was also discovered that
one tif the men, Thos. Taylor from
Oakville, was burned to death on deck,.
ou thefore part of the vessel. The lire
originated, it is supposed, by the lean
man knocking over a lamp during his
apItsist miesionary Convention of
euty-thirct annual meeting of
Ontario is now in session in the York
btreet Baptist Church, London, havaig
comineoced yesterday, the 21st inst.
The affray on Thursday night be-
tweeu Cole's Circus men and citizens of
Tavistock, was more serious than at
first reported. No less than eight of
the citizen, received severe injuries.
Steel knuckles appear to have been
used, and one man was stabbed in three
places. The man -who had his ear bit-
ten off is recovering,. althongli for a
time it was supposed that life was ex-
tinct. Be was pounded, cut, and bit-
ten in sech a fearful manner that he
could soarcely be recognized as a hu -
'Men being.
A novel and somewhat Like ium un-
dertaking lis,s heal coninseee a by tl,e
G. W. Lt. authorities, vebiell is 1.10 less
than the work of removing from the
Hamilton eard to Suspeueiou Bridge
two of the mammoth workehops that
Lave :need for upward of tweuty
years. As the two large shops, Nes, 9
and 10, in Hamilton, .ere not putt°
any use bc cau e of the removal of the
car department to London, they were
ordered to be pulled down, transported
to the Bridge, end there rebuilt. The
workmen engaged in transferring the
buildings nave performed their work
mote creditably. Every part of the
shop has beeo taken apart carefully, ell
the joists and rafters lifted down affli-
ct& even breaking or destroying the
inortmes, the windows, eftehee, doers
eze., all numbered, and the allele }lac-
ect on a train of twenty cars that (lc -
parted the ocher morning for the new
buildillg site.
The Toronto Sun remarks :-The
Stratforl Berald has been eenmelled lo
disgorge the munificient sum of one
hundred dollars waerewith to buy Mr.
Jas. Redford, the defeated candidate
for North Perth, a new character. Yr.
nedford estimated his feelings had
been injured to the extent of $5,000,,
but the jury knew better, and gave him
a hundred dollars. Some people are
oorn rich, some grow rich, slid others,
have riches thrust upon thein, Mr.
Redford is one of the latter class. A
whole hundred dollen ! Goodness
gracious! Gracious goodness! And
from a printing office.
• The monument to the memory of the
lete Hon. John Sandfield Macdonald,
which it has l'er some timebeen under-
stood was under preparation, has for
some weekbpast beet in its appointed
place in the St. Andrew's Chuech buri- ,
und, 'Cornwall. This monument
(-inscription upoii it indicates, was
nsponeaneous offer i o of the late
1040rab1e gentleman's seinal frienda
throngliOut the Dominion. It is a
Manikin* ccilinhii , presenting a chas
ankgrateful memorial. The base is a
griy granite, and the saperstructure of
Aberdeen granite highly finished. The
whole is suktneunted by a cross about
three feet in height, the height of the
structui•e being abont fifteen feet.
The following inscription. is cut hit() the
granite coition, the letter being reliev
by gold tinting:-.
To Tim 1141mitoity or
In the 50t1 year of his age.
118 IIELD TIIE Orrice or Pennine
or Tim Piusvt Noz or CANADA,
Awn WAR '119i rrniStrPlio D1111$11
OE 0xAlo
, N%
13 0
of distinetion in the service
Upright and 2oitIoln in the
discharge of hie public doties
pritate iit,13 Was tiltirked , '
144.11 porsoho int igiity,1,'
AND ItitiMonlAt,
In affectionate 'reuternbrarree of
the eenetIttiey anitvoyitrmili of
IXi private frienVlitt,
AE 1.1E118 DENOTED Nt rXto
Att., rAiore or Tut noUnItoi