HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-28, Page 22— since 1887 FREDSBIIRG Page 22 limes -Advocate, July 28,1993 veisisafraitotiredies Scramble July 21 Ptrst Ola Batten Mug Cousin lean Crerar Wanda Reynold, almond Lu Keetan Doris Osgood Marg Upshall Linda Webber Third Dianne Oerstenkon, Nell McCann Glenna Trip Helen Wasnidge Low 1Putts Joan Cole Susan Dolphin Helen Kerley Ruth Miller Sponsors: Exeter Chrysler Ltd., Hensel! Siding and Osgood Enter- prises. Door Prizes: Anne Armstrong Dianne Gerstenkorn Linda Webber Joan Cole Sponsored by Exeter Chrysler, Hen - salt Siding.and.Liada Webber 50/50 draw Aanettmtstrong , :....; men AFlight LN Bill Coleman 31 Milt Cole 31 B Flight LN Bev Alexander 33 Bill Smith .33 C Flight LN Frank Cawthorpe 28 1st Frank Cawthorpe 28 GlcrucRohinson 40 Bill Smith Doug Harrison 2nd Bill Taylor 3 Orville Workman 3 Doug Parsons 32 Ron Rescorl 39 143 C1omMicr in - Frank Cawthorpe irronwoot 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 1st .2nd 3rd 4th 1st Ind 3rd 4th Soh :6th 7th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th :5th Back ninewhlte tees A Flight David.11oltunann 34 Hayden Gozsard 38 Bill Farquhar 391438 Steve Dubarry 43N40 Lorry Wein 40 B Flight Rob Fenton 41 Don Currell 43 Mark Cronyn 44N43 Earl Ross 43 C Flight Mark Vaodergtmst 42N41 Mike-Dedsjardine 41 Ron Chsnyi 43N42 Scott Pincombe 44N43 Jason Cootman 43 Tony Underhill 46N43 Ron Bilke 44 D Flight Andy Deboer 42N43 Buq Preazcator 43 Jon Disney 47N46 Mika-Baanderhorst 51N48 :Kan-Uoeamnn 49N48 Ittoutttvrod Award: Jim Steen Closest to pin A & B - Bill Farquhar Closest to pin C & D - Mark Stuck - les Skins A & B - oomy over Skins C & D Kon Chsny i Mark Sttrckless Jack/lord 010 112 114 Ladies July 19 Closest to pin04 -Janet Wedlake Closest to.ptnitl7kj -Marge Sohilba Longest drivai9 - A & B. Lynne Farquhar C & D, Sandy Bergman " Low Putts: A Marge Schilbc 14 B Bev Robinson 13 C Mary Lou Hyde 17 D 'Donna Mercer 18 Birdies: Pat Fletcher 01 Marlene Parsons 13 Lynne Farquhar 11 & 17 7.Seniordlifens 1st Biu Oilfilen 41 Hayden Gourd 37 Emil Hendrick 50 Jack Muir 143 2nd Jim Steen 42 Lloyd Custunan 41 Lome Kleirutiver 44 Sid Daley 46 180 3rd Bud Presecator Bob Coates Lloyd Eldon, Ken Ho`key 4th Guy Giddings Andy Da$oer Lee Webber Bill Thompson Cloaeu to Ps+r04 - Jack Attu Closest to Pin*? - Ben 43 46 52 42 51 47 42 45 if/6"4\DANCE 4 4 HALL 348+4678 g p.m. 1 a.m. Dross Cafe Fri, 4iijy Q Lea Davidson & Sgpbbrush vat.., I�,uJY.31 _,)country V.ra J is Safe Na,'ean;makes AIDS less mstant $y .I�►in Lobb FILA 'Staff BLYTH - Life seemed so simple when Cassie, Ke- vin, and Hannah grew up in their sleepy little Nova Scotia town, who would have 'guessed that one of them would later be living and dying with AIDS. Mary -Colin Chisholm's Safe Haven is a touching story about Cassie, played 'by Marianne Copithorne, a young single mother who has returned home from Halifax with the news that she has been infected with the HIV virus, and • is compelled to break the news to her family and friends. An interesting turn of events comes about as.Cassic reveals the truth to her high school sweetheart Kevin, portrayed by John Wright, who plays a gruff but warm local handyman and musician, and Hannah, portrayed by playwright Mary -Colin Chisholm, her childhood :friend who is now the local doctor. However, Cassie -truly does -find her safe haven when she finally breaks the news to her Apnt Fay, a lively woman who helps Cassie understand her mother's_death when Cassie was born. Perhaps it'sthe rnnocenceutdsincerity of the actors that make the piece so luccessful,:but Director Leah Chemiek.has helped create a showstopper that not only pte4i4es excellent entertatnmenbut is a thought pro- voking look at AIDS in a small town, not so untlike 'those in Huron County. Both educational attd informative, Safe Haven is a story not about tragedy, but about the triumph of family, and the ability to show love and compassion at even the hardest of times. Focused around the kitchen table, the set is a meta- phor tor the heart, as artistic director Peter Smith points out, and becomes a place for sharing and reminiscing. The humor that balances the sadness is quick and wit- ty, with the sarcastic Hannah making light of many mo- ments with lines like, "it was one of those 24 hour, 26 ounce relationships" which describes her one night af- fair with Kevin. The comic relief provided by the jovial Aunt Fay, played by Loma Wilson, keeps -the audience laughing as her zeal seems almost infectious. Because ofthe the Festival's long time commitment to community, they have teamed up with the Huron County HIV/AIDS Network to help the Network's 1993 fundraising .efforts. "It is about community," said Smith, "the network is new in the community, they're trying to help people and we would like to help them do that in any way we can." The Huron County HIV/AIDS Networkwill be sell- ing tickets toSafe Haven for $15.00,zofwhich the Net- work will keep S2.50 from eachaieket. -People interest- ed in supporting the Huron County HIV/AIDS Network can obmin tickets bycalling the Huron County Health Unit at 482-3416. Safe Haven will be mmtingrtmtil August 21, tickets =are availabiieby Calling :the Blyttif3estival Box Office at 523-9300. it• Sponsored by Granton Optimists and Lions 1Fmt Day mal in Grastwi GRANTON - Nora Wisset and her.daughter Christine of London enjoyed a :-*rip,.tto Vermont .last week. .Emerson and Mary Wallis visit- ed with their son ,Kevin, Linda.nd Keith . at ;Maidstone .on -Sunday, July 18. -Thirty-two .fancily .mem- 'sitars enjoy mem- ' 'enjo3 .swimming.and -base- :adill,.followed. by apot_luck supper -:vehen Faith andisanne Wallissur- :prised their _aunt":Burma .Wallis -with "a birthday: oke. Granton W1 members'Florence Bryan. and Muriel Lewis attended the 90th anniversary. celebration of Coldstream Women's Institute, held at the Coldstream Community Centre on Thursday July 22. Gina Shearme hosted an outdoor vacation Bible School at her home in Granton, Monday to Friday momings.Jast week, for the Com- munity Bible Church Children. Krystle Wallis, daughter of Wayne and Sandra Wallis of Sar- nia spent four days last week with her grandparents Emerson and Mary Wallis. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, July 25, Pastor Norma- • HU PLRON COUNTRY AYH 11ILA1It1; 1N MIL WON "II V Ray,Cooney'S S°rr°t, db X11 Neil Simon's :%off •4A ASS.' ■.t■'>'� Begins August 3 SPonsoredbY: AMA! Vvr1114211 N Un„t,,t t„ i*.AN ICI;( A� Sponaoced by. isatcry Playing until August 1 4 lexadfiee.baws Men. • Sat. 9 a.m. • 9 p.m. (519) 238-6000 Apo ct.) jp lie Voakes entitled her sermon "Time Management” based on the lessons from Ecclesiastes 3 and Matthew 6. Sunday services have :been :dis- continued.until Atrgust`29. There was ;no.sttrudce:at afie .St. Thomas' Anglican -Match un: Sun - :day. nglican h:on:Sun- day. Regniar'services'esume.next Sunday August 1 at 11 o'clock. 'Fun Day The :annual Granton --Bion Day was held .on .Saturday July . 24, sponsored by .the Canton :opti- mists and the Gnantanlaons. t. The parade proceeded -from the Cenotaph comer d • by. she Grsn- tt n Fire -truck and piper Carl Mills of Exeter playing the bagpipes: Val Middleton carried the Canadi- an flag and was followed by 161it- tle friends with flags for.the colour parade. Prizes were awarded as follows: Walking crass - 1st Amanda Shearme, and Veronica Blom,.2nd Kateline Arthur, .Emma Burneu, 3rd Scott McLeod, Ken French, Joel Nichol, 4th Stephanie Blom. 2.wb Is - 1st.Jeremy Ouimet, 2nd Halite Targnoli, 3rd Chris Stanley,-4th�..alena Atfield. 4 wheel s - 1st Patrick Broughton, 2nd Sylvanna Cbanthalath, 3rd Kelly Thtupe. Animals: 1st Bob Martin with the family dog Toby. huh/Pill! - :1st Samantha .and Drew Grant. .Large float - 1st Granton Hillbil- lies (Heather Benmer .and crew), ind Granton Mites (Dan Egan and crew), 3rd . Day on -the Beach (Granton Optimists). Small floats - 1st _Big Bear (Adam and Scott Rae and Jordan, Megan . and Lindsay Funston), 2nd Safari -Ry -Man (Ryan Pennington), 3rd Pirate Ship (Chris, .Stephanie and Nancy h Ws). . Cars - Jim Kerr. Horses - 2st Joan Shin.2nd Ken Sherwood. Horse and cart - Grandma's Mini Cowgirl. The fun day sponsors wish to thank everyone who helped make this a great -day. rli ire/ ice , rib : "A Tradition of -F ani ly Service" ...where your confidence is ,:well placed. fyittri. FUNERAISHC)i E INC. 471 Main S1 et, hoer --- 235-8600 i� sasior dib '41 Because of the holiday Monday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday afternoon in rr for us to maintain.vlt►' publishing schedule. Mary -Colin stars as Hannah, in her play "Safe Haven" .43brfg with Lorna Wil- anWho .portrays Aunt may. Chisholm Lucan community Bingo Wed., July 28 Bingo starts 7:30 pm. Regular Games 1000 Jackpot Game 52 calls or less $300 bonus "Total prizes 2800 Dice to the licence regulations, no one.under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 SPECIALS German Octoberfest Sausage on a bun w/fries Smoked Venison Sausage On a bun w/fries $3.95 lr Mitipmemcatealls also -Take one of our delicious homemade pies home with s •you Cnttry Cafe Dashwood 237-3553 MONSTER I•I•VI•G'O 'MONDAY AUGUST 2, 7:30 PM Se.aforth Arena Doors Open at 5:30 pm sty asigetzes ALL GAME PRIZES WILL BE DOUBLED PLUS -SHARE THE WEALTH Proceeds to Seaforth Minor Sports Lic. #048196 PUBLIC MEETING concerning Zoning By-law Amendment Township of McGillivray TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the lownstyp of McGillivray will hold a public meeting on Tuesday August 3, 3893-at:i&.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located -1/d tnUe Beeth.ef County Road 024 on Concession 15. The meeting is to consider a proposed Zoning By-law.Amendmett yoeler Satetion 34 of the Planning Act. The proposed zoning by-law amendment would change the zoning of a portion of the lands on Part Lot 21, Concession 11, from (A1) Agriculture to a (P) Parks and Recreation. The applicant could then carry out a summer day camp. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendment ADDITIONAL. INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment is ava le fiytriog rtioLular,pffice hours at the Towntht�p Office. (DATED Bt -the Township of McGillivray this 23rd day of July, 1993. Mrs. Shirley Scott w Clerk -Treasurer Township of McGillivray