HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-28, Page 20Doug Jacob Auction Reg 271-7894 Thursday July 29 at 5:00 p.m. Large auction of furniture, antiques, fire arms, and misc. items at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. In Mitchell for Mary McDonnell and the Harvey Hambley Estate. Saturday July 31 at 10 a.m. Estate auction of flat -to -wall cupboard, cranberry hanging hall lamp, parlour tables, four washstands, old toys, Victorian style furniture, lots of collectibles from an old country home to be held 6 miles northeast of Woodstock for the.estate of the late Ira W. Goodger. Wednesday August 4 at 7 p.m. Property auction of 1 1/2 storey brick home on Baseline Road in the Village of Woodham for the estate of the late Art Barley. Thursday August 12 at 5 p.m. Large auction of antiques, furniture, op- erating 1/3 scale Goodison steam engine and threshing machine and much more for the estate of the late Bert Mahaffey and the estate of the late Ed Gillick. Antiques & Household Auction Thursday evening. August 5 at 5:30 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter We will be dispersing the Goderich household of Orval and Violet -Holtz- man along with a Parkhill area estate. This is a good dean auction with many collectible items. PARTIAL LISTING: Walnut china cabinet, 5 walnut dining chairs, buffed and table, red velvet ladies chair, 4 poster bed, Eastlake chair, wicker planters, cedar chest, dressing table, 2 merchant crocks -hilt and Clinton, 2 commode wash sets, desk, Hefner wind up train and track; early Canadian pressed glass incl. maple leaf and Nova Scotia Star- flower, Camival glass, a collection of 25 shaving mugs etc. Watch next weeks papertor a full listing of this fine auction. Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874, Burt Lobb 482-9377 PS 1 Page 20 Times -Advocate, July 28,1993 IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTA- RIO HERITAGE ACT, 1974, S.O. CHAPTER 122 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL AD- DRESS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stephen has passed by -taw number 23-1993 to designate the following property as being of architectural and/or historical value or interest under Part W of The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, S.U. Chapter 122: (a) Plan 211 Part Lot 5 Reasons for Proposed Designa- tion this building was built by Henry Eilber in 1888. the stain glass •windows were imported from Ger- many and the bricks came from the Crediton brick yards. :Mr. Eilber owned an insurance _business, he was a Notary Public and Conveyancer writing deeds, mortgages., wills, etc. He was :one of the:=founders of the Hay Township Municipal Fire tnsu- :zsnce. fair. Eilber was also the .Olerk for.Stephen Township until :1896 when ,-he was .-elected- to :tite-Legislature. -His. son 'Herbert -was given the .position - of Clerk "#wdenlie was 16 years :old .end _continued. to work out -ofnthis :building. Mr. Eels&.was:an.MPP until 1918,.duting:which-time ate was: a _seat mate of :Bir:Adam :Beck,fatiter of. Ontario:Hydro. -This _building utas 4 very Vie' . stain glass •windows:end.a:smell-. er round :stained :-glass ,window :snearitte-.ceWng. In the bedroom - .Artheso tal-tin.oeftiog,ews in -trite one -room the :original floor ,rand chimney. All; of :the tin sand eaillsouerodginal:and+the _outside sills -and dooretDesi are out stiane. •This building. is now.Anened-._by :Doug and persica :-heeds.:and -they.rare soomatitlg a -tied .and 'breakfast. _DATED: at ;the _Corporation.- of :the Towntehip . of .Stephen , Obis '9th .day, of iuiy, _1993. JJnda L. Oliver, Deputy Clerk 11111111111111111111111 THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, =banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, mac. Kitchen facilities wailabk. Phone 3335-0318. (17ifia) `TWELDING SHOP, ate -1 insulated, 40'x80' -with 200 amp, 550 service. Croton area. 5600per manth. Call 233-7296. (26ifn) air; mom � t4eNROI 11 t 1 Floor Sander 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 HUREX EQUIPMENT & TOOLS #4 Exeter III 235.0918 or 236-3543 iIM ---tai NroDer1 Warne( -PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN seeks towner country property to rent September 1, 1993. Option to purchase is strong conddenuton for future. Phone 227-1340. (30-32e) �eaa! Noticr_ +NOTICE TO stern RS In the:Estate:of iANNA`.MARYTY -_. Late of the Township of_Usbome in the .Canty of . iftmon, who -_died on .the -td:day -of .March, 1993.. Creditors and ;ethers :having :Maims against .the above acute are -required to send full particulars of _such claims to..the under- signed :on • or .before the 29th day July, 1993,. after which date. the estate assets-will•be distributed. having regard : only to. claims that have then been re- ceived. 'ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor fcr the Executors eTHEI URONTOUNTY.BOADD OF>EDUCATION "' CONTRACT CUl DIAN:ENDERS Plainly marked -sealed tenders will be receivedhby,the:undersigne(I prior,to:121001noon:Friday, August 6, 1993 for contracting custodial services at:the tbltowing-locations: Lusatian Effective Date Hensall'Eublie-.School,,Hensall,:Ontario September 1,:1993 The:Education Centre, Clinton, • Ontario September. 15,1093 All tenders:must.be.submitted,ondhe official tender forms which': are available:at.ute Huron County :Board- of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Ontario. The lowest or any tender notneceasarily accepted. .Shelley King FinenciatServices Department Huron County Board of:Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario: NOM.1Lo .iliesthblit 1 OQ lift Bea Dawson `Chair Paul Carroll Director -Designate 26i cu(hl Nnitre• NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of HELEN JEANETTEL-AMPORT Late of the Village of Crediton, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, why, died on or about the 2nd day of June, 1993. • Creditors and others havint: claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of August, 1993, after which date the estate assets will be dis tributed having regard only to claim, that have then been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN ..;Barristers & Solicitors 987 Main Street -P.O. Box 100 i xeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 -Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PATRICK GREGORY FLEMING Late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 7th day of June, 1993. Creditors and others having claims against the .abc- ,s estate are required to file full particulars -of such claims with the un- dersigned on or before the 27tH day of August 1993, . after which date the as- • sets of the estate- will be distributed having regard onlyto the claims then filed. .LiTrLIEr3GRANT Lawyers 711Maim'33tnet- N. _Exeter,":Ontario 'NOM` 53 -Soticitors-ford nacutrix .HOTICEIDZIEEDTTBIRS In th&Estate.of _GLADYSM E.COOK Late :of -.the...Town :ofEaer, in :the County .of Huron, deceased. Creditors :and others :having claims against the •-Estate. of :the above -named deceased -who died:on or .about the 2nd, day of -May, 1993, are required to send full particulars, of such claims to the under, signed= or before the 20th day of Au- gust, 1993,. after ,which_date.the assets of:the estate will:be.distributed having reger&only to claims of which notice has iben•:been -received. DATED at _Listowel, :Ontario, this :20th day • of July, 1993. ROBERT S. JOHNS --Barristerand Solicitor P.O. Box 248 Listowel, Ontario N4Ws3H4 Solicitor for theExecutrix Z.,' r rti ane uarage Saw' SATURDAY. JULY 31 - 309 PrydeM va., ateler.BAm. 102p.m. (304) -TWO FAMILY YARD SALE - 91 Richmond St. N.-Remiall.July 31, Aug 1 & JENA. a :CHAD'S 1ST ANNUAL YARD SALE -Sat. July 31 - Rainer shine. Crafts, pine benches, nail kegs, eta hwy. 883 west of Dashwood conc. 16&17 aorth,also Hwy_ -21 south of St. Joseph's Cone. 21. -east. Hollow signs. (30c) YARD SALE - Hwy. 083 East, 1/2 mule right aide Fri. 9-3 - Sat. 8-12. (30c) YARD .SALE - 18 Sherwood Cres- (oft -rde Blvd.) Exeter - Sat., July 31 - 8-12 (30c) Set The Classifieds 236-1331 "i i�'t'i�itt - arAWSIC • 3 bedroom bungalow - • full basement • forced air gas furnace • gek kitchen • maintenance free exterior FOR SALE BY OWNER • Air exchanger/ventilator • single car garage • main floor laundry • located on private court • occupancy late June Call Roger Dougall 235-1281 evening 235-0448 Custom • Mound Baling 4 ft. wide by 3.6 ft. high Se Exeter - 15 Sherwood. Immac- ulate condition. Beautifully landscaped. Close to schools and shopping. By appoint- ment only. Phone 235-2230. Asking $15.3,900. (N(QUF HOME 'r Scott Consitt Marna, Ontario 885-2728 er 233-9297 OpGy 1 mile from Exeter, Ottly 1 mile from Exeter, on paved road. with white board fence and lovely trees. Excellent condition, white brick, extremely well built, brand new roof, very well insulated, 2 bedrooms, large living room, large dining room, office/den, good size kitchen, lots of cupboard space, 4 piece bathroom and 2 piece in basement. Hardwood floors throughout, full dry basement, full walk-in attic. Central heating, oil furnace, also air tight Wood Craft wood stove. Spring well, that has never gone dry and pressure system. Mortgage clear. Lot 105 ft. 6 Inches by 130 ft., Township by-laws, lots cannot be purchased for buckling on, therefore, no one can build next door. Viewing by appoint- ment only Phone ?g, No Swt My 0811,=is► Muncipalities work on local agreements EXETER - A sector agreement was 'reached late last Monday be- tween the provincial government and the municipalities. 1t is now r r to municipalities to Township changes iandfi I I regL%tions CREDITON -Stephen Township council decided last Tuesday to make a few changes to its landfill .� siteregulations. Council.agreed that truck loads of construction debris brought to the landfill must have the originating location of the material recorded on the dumping ticket. They also -agreed to limit landfill hours. -Effective-August 1, ,access -hours will 'be -limited to Monday and Thursday between -the hours of 10 a.m. 'and-4-tan.aandthelast Satur- day of ;the monthbetween the hours of 1-p:m. and 4 pm. set in place'local agreements before the August 1 deadline. "That is what we are striving for now," said Bill Micklc, Exeter Reeve and vice president of the As- sociation of Municipalities of Onta- rio. He said the town of Exeter is waiting for an information package from the province before it can be- gin putting the local agreement in place. "It's -sort of a whirlwind light now," he said. "The package was suppose to arrive last week, but was just mailed on Friday." With a local agreement in place, Exeter should be able to shave 20 per cent off the $67,676 the prov- ince asked for. New Ilderton sewage works ILDERTON - Irene Mathyssen, MPP Middlesex, and Parliamen- ;tary_assistantto the Minister of En- virotttmantand Energy,.presstntted a :cheque for $114,750 to the Town- -ship of London."Thisfusipayment :under the jobs(l io 'Capital -:Fund will:allow.ccnstmetionavork 10. go ahead:lon.a .mal sew- age works'prujcctin Bdrnon. total project funding .is in -excess of S3.2 million. • Parliamentary -Assistant to Oita- -rio's Minister of-Envinasunentand .enemy, -Hud Wildman .said the :government .is .>Jetermined to in- vest:in our :envirOn hent by clean- -ling -cop -Ontario's >water supplies. The ildaatoti:izoject:;iime :is ex- pect tto:txmte-47 cn rears of .oplpymentinour .00t ity. "We.are optimistic that= ninny as two indirect jobs will ;follow 12 5) - at irecLW =%the :.sewage -project, r Mathyssen said. The engineering phase of the 11- detton project was funded to a to- -tal:of $110,0OO',under the Ministry of Environment .and Energy's Di- rect -Grant prognin i . LARGE AUCTION SALE Of household, some antiques, boat, trailers ,etc. From the estate of the late Pat George, London, plus other consigners. Ilderton Fair Grounds, llderton. Thurs. Evening, July 29, 5:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD: Frost free Westinghouse fridge, other fridges, ale, stove, dep freeze, household appliances of all kinds, beds, dressers, 2 sets of bunk beds complete, dining Loom table and 6 chairs. upright hutch, end and coffee tables, several chesterfields and chairs, cupboards leather sofa and chair, bar stools, desks, stereo, drapes, picture frames, 2 microwaves, lamps, TVs. all kinds of dishes and box lots, sofa bed, etc. ANTIQUES: Flat -to -wall, cast iron seats, lamps, harness makes bench, books. MISC: Picture frames, secretarial desk an credenza, 4 drawer filing cabinets, odd chairs, pin ball machine, round tables, small tables, mirror, rectangular pool cover, vacuums, garag door openers, hockey.and ski equipment. tent, picnic tables, gym equipment, axe handles, etc. Comrnadore 64 computer, disc ,drive printer and colour screighs picni tables and chairs. NOSE BUGGY: 1 seater, wooden wheels, in goo condition. VEHICLES: 15' Crestline fibeffllass Mat with, Evinrud 40 hp motor and trailer, 27 Airstream house trailer wit air, complete, awning. 3 wheeler ATC 250R, real good outboard motor boat, 35 h Chrysler motor and trailer, fl bed landscaping trailer, etc. The above is a partial list one. Plan to attend this interesting auction. TAMS: Cash stile night: Lund booth seevea3,414164Sal Household and Collectibles Auction "Thursday evenina. July 29 at 5:30 o.m, at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter We will be dispersing the contents of the E. Greb home:of Cambridge along with additions from the Sanders St. home of Mr. Land Mrs. L. Smith. Both homes haveDeeneold. HOUSEHOLD-& ANTIQUES::Nice .china cabinet, washistanif,"bowlront bed with matebing chestosecrsawers,rqueen size waterbed, old 'and new dressers, chesterfield and chair, halt tree, computer desk, wardrobe, W/ W almond apt. size fridge, 2 elec. ranges, Inglis auto washer and dryer, Kenmore auto washer, dehumidifier, portable TV, answering machine (new), exercise.bicycle, chrome table and chairs, recliner, platform rock- ers. Mitchell electronic organ with Leslie speaker, antique postmaster desktop, blanket box, old store counter with drawers, old wooden chairs, drafting table, crockery churn, steel utility cabinet, air rifle, misc. pictures and prints, misc. beds, 4 Hometown vertical blind window coverings (blue grey cloth), 3 windows at 56" rod x 53" long, 1 x 5' patio door at 64" rod (2 yrs old), 12' fiberglass boat with trailer, down rigger fishing pole with cannonball, fine china and glass, nic nacs, kitchenware, alumi- num ext. ladder, hand and garden tools, collectible and hundreds of use- ful and interesting items. Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874, Burt Lobb 4824377 i PROPERTY SOLD Clearing auction sale of wood working tools,lnew wooden doors, househpld furnishings, etc. For Mr. Frank W. McClure. Lot 25, Concession 10, London Twp. 1 mi. S. of !Merton Ont. J�Iv3,1 HOUSEHOLD: Fridg�nc stove, McClary heavy duty dryer, chesterfield, love seat and chair, leatherette rocker, blue swivel rocker, chrome kitchen set, single bed and mattress. dressers, stereo, humidifier, microwave stand, odd chairs, bridge lamp, small appliances, older fridge, spin washer/dryer, BBQ, hair dryer, exercise bikes, 4 drawer filing cabinet. etc. etc. WOOD .WORKING TOOLS: 36" wood lathe Beaver 18' bars saw, portable compressor, 811 kinds of ,motors and wood working equipment, rotary circular pump. carpenters clamps, cedar and walnut lumber straight grain, jnsulated panels. etc. DOORS: Finished and unfinished doors, glass and door parts of all kinds, etc. MISC: Small safe, drill press, sump pump, dehumidifier, vacuum cleaners, speakers, electric motors, assortment of hand tools, 3 dollies, garden tools, lawn sprayer on wheels, ladder, work bench, table saw, snow blowers, wheelbarrow, MTD riding lawn mower, roto tiller, power mower, (2) 2 wheeled trailers, etc. For further info phone 666-1162. TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth. Auctioneers Filson Allison - 4s "s• -el est •4 LANE AE AUCTJON SAS Antiques, piano, modern__ furniture and appliances, 4 guns, to be heist at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Art Youngblutt of Gode- rich, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Shropshall of Clinton. Mary E. Levey of Gode- rich, plus good additions. Ultrimatic 3 wheel battery rsc scooter 1 e new, Admiral 25" floors model TV and converter, Zenith 26" floor model TV (now in 190), porta- ble 20" TV, new scale Williams upright piano (good one), piano stool, antique drop front desk, antique stadung bookcase, ants:tue dresser with mirror, harvest gold Moffat fridge and Westinghouse 30 electric stove, Speed Queen heavy duty washer, Hoover compact washer, Inglis dryer, almond 30 inch electric stove, dglnumidifier, 2 modern chesterfield and chairs (good ones), 2 older chesterfields, 2 pressback rocking chairs, sheet music cabinet, modern dining table with leaf and four matchingl chairs (like new), 2 three piece bedroom suites, dresser and long chest of drawers with mirror, Kenmore power spray carpet cleaning system, 2- 303 ten clip rifles one has scope, 22 cal. semi automatic 12 gauge 3) shot pump shot gun, old fridge, 12 cu. it. chest freezer, reciiner chair, ping pang table, modern kitchen table and 4 chairs, captains chair, pic- tures, Singer sewing machine in stand, upholstered chairs, table lamps exercise bike, fishing rods, small bear skin rug, 3 electric motors, JD chain saw, 220 V milk house hedter, shop vac, vise, electric .now shov-1 el, 2 portable 4 channel walkie talkies, 40 channel CB radio, 3 ft. lawn roller, lawn sweeper (new), acytelene torches, new push reel lawn mow- er, 18 It. extension {adder, step tackler, 2 touch tone phones, tilbreglass roof top carrier,. dishes, glassware, pots and pans, etc. This is a large auction with many good Clean items, plan to attend. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID Auctioneer Richard Lobb 492-7598 Clinton