HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-10-1, Page 3NRW 874 000 1874. New F411 And. Winter Stook 0\ich is now Complete, and will be found Choice vtaid (400d, is the (rest & Best era had since opening business in F ee„ Goods to In 1040 Stook . A Choice lot of Dress CALL XAMINE! In Carpets will be found—Brussels, Tapestry, .A.11 -Wool, UniquVeit, hemp, and Stair-Carpetin,g—all good. value. In short, the subscriber has virited the different Markets this season, an(l has taken great care in selecting his Stock, which Will Be Ilieund Good Value !And, as the subscriber buys for Cash, and sells for Sashhe is prepared to sell Goods as low as any house in the trade. N.B.—The highest price in Cash paid for Eggs. S. W. BRo nucK. Exeter, Sept. 24, 1874. ST. MARY'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS THE BSTCOMI3INED REA.PERAMOWER IN THE DOMINION THE THRESHING MACHINES from. this Establishment aro so well knowh that any recommendations would be superfluous. The Three - Wheel •,Vang Plow made by J. R. Moore, claims precedence of anything °Nile kind in the Dominion. 1VAGONS of snporior workmanship aud material. Patent Dominion Land Rollers, Plows,Cultivators, Seed. Drills, Broad -cast Sowers Scutfleic, Sugar -kettles sna Cauldrons, and every other kind of Agricultural implemonts on hand or made to order. JAMES R. MOORE, Poop. (46-Iy.) St. Mary's, July 1, 1874. iszt; -n ••••-• •-••• r•-/ C: Erma croZ scs•••••—•.-E3 ems121 (=se es. -se ersoe—es seines 2r—ez, eses. esame w•sot .eer:mt e=z een Z=bRso m0,1 elom Call and Examine rfl 7:5 0 0 r -cd giq .4c A) <4"-4 CONSTA.NTLY-INCREASING FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHING TRADE AT Or. DREW' S WAREHOUSE OWING TO THE VERY LOW PRI- . CES at wide]: 1 sell my EURNITURE, and to the Si:lief:teat* 1 always give, my BUSINESS HAS ALREADY INCREASED EAR BEYOND • MY ANT101PATIONSi and by careful: manajge- inent and strict attention 1 hope to inttrease ny business at even a still 'greater ratio. Any arti- cle in the furniture Line kept in any town Or cikt,,, etitalillshment will always be fortnd lit mine. 1 flatter Myselfam hat 1 Je the t • — Largest 'and. Best Selected, • - stock in Exeter, • My stock consists in part of Mattrasses, Spring Beds, Loungesfiefft44 Pomp .stools Ott an, Cane chairs, Ladies' Easy chairs, Bedsteads of every description, , ter Tables E2ctertaiao. Tables Bure,aus sideboards, Hat -racks, Mirrors,..What-nots, ,E3E301I.00311 AND P4.ZL/4011 SETS Hair Bolsters alga Feather Pillows always,' on hand. 3,fits'e stools always on band. A. large stock of pictures alwais on hand, and Pictur FRAA11.4 DONE TO ORDER, ---0 Particular attentj:op. paid to 'Cane Work. •GIVEME A CALL. JOHN DREW. NIQLNNAN FLOIJR MILLS AVANT:RE). 'Thhe subscriber warite to purclamea largo quantity of FYFE WHEAT, te good quality, for whieli he will pay the higheet mar set home. If you want GOOD t`Lort, awl CHEAP, call at MeLennao s1JilI. Wen; ty-live Cents por 100 lbs, will he saved by going to the'lnill for your Flonr, • f*. +11. re' 11 1ACT NO se. „ _ _ and profit by it 'IOW' do he Imola cheaper at the mill than anywhese olse, tho profits pi tho.ilour stored aro Saved to the consumer, Grieting will rocoivo earotul attontion, and ( hopping' bone ri,ver IDav. oiotA'r INTgANAL lEXTBRNAL REY/DRY, IlTaiten, internally it relieves instautly the most acute pair. livid oNtornally, it is the host Lint.. Mont En the iL Its elfoot is almost Wotan/An- oouSi idrorUtt4roger trOln the IlleSt i0paitt, it soothes ttioirritated or inflamed part and tOYOki iNFit 0,114,1 not to, the sufferer It iS AY WO 1,0(00% ttiOild, and everyone 81101lia iutvo it with Omni 0.ylrboKothoy out pat their hantit in, t443 3104 if riocd bo. rice 25 toetrife‘ per Bottle rorry Davis & Son solo rrepriotore 1)111.1111111ittlIti0115. , ".* We wish it to bo distinotly understood that wo do not hold ourselvos responsible fel any opinions expressed by our oorrespondonts HURRAH YOU L., 11, R• Enr.roa,—The village of Exeter, in view of high taxes tor tho above named sur& has commenced in time to curtail expensos. I am creditably h: - formed that the village council has ap- pointed Mr. Goo, Matted as village collector, he having rendered his ser- vices for nothing. "Who'll be tho next lucky inan ? Work for nothing and board yourself. Yours, ANON. THAT BAKERY. — To the Editor of tho Exeter Times DEAR SIE, -1 illt011d8C1 to say more 'about Mr. L. and this baltesy fair, but as he now denieeSthe '-oha instead, of continuing todefend sue course, I should of coffrikelake the again. This changinal taotics, denyingthe charged tho atte to defend the contsSeshisplied therein rather a sharps:Ornor to turn (fo is plain thatit.vas attompt to fend the coarse referred to), but a have shoWn that his:etttentt, to clef such a course, oondonine:Phitni, eVeoesme .c,Oiald 880 that 'ik.',gfctki,,, 1MS S'etilit/40 t1.1111. the,'„sharP:**0 they than ruffiS!his head agaidiSt a's*i As to his cionialrOfthe.'charge, andfli clainnog that I Or:MI(1,14k° his sti Mont for pure .truth, beldOspised him for doing, otherwise,,I think suc course on hie paao,will not satify an telli,gent public, °specially those I have boon told more about this aff than I have 'revealed. If Mr. L. avi es to show the charge to be untrue, w does he not ask :for my author for the statement I have made, aud to the party (or parties)aint see how comes thst there is such a mistm standing in this matter. I think if would do that. ho would be told to h face, all that I have told tho pat (in effect, if not in the same words) f there are several others who can t tify that they have been told. tho sau and more than what I have stated a told it by the person who kuo all about it, and we have no right doubt his word, either. Therefore :Ur. L. is falsely accused, I am not blame for it. But he has mot y proved that such is the case. He cal my letter a rigmarole, and there a some points in it, which. he clods n attempt to explain, or take any noti of hut disposes of it as shortly ao siblo, ;last as person having a mut bone to piek, would east it to I i dog glad to get rid of it. He despis the man who would refuse to take h word, pure and simple. Mr. L. shoed remember that hiS. lirot 'letter in ropl to mine, contained no definite doni: of the chr age, and that I .did not poi tradeit an y,statetifent lobtle'fliesoinobt showed ilia:CH.1e statore'eut 73thersa! vealeil more thesis ho -had told', ii,d his own letter, and the fact of his wri ing it, told against him., before tthin' language degrading only to himsel and disgusting to others As to my- self I take no offenee beiug thus dos- sed, It is a natural consequence.that ose Who advocate the purest princi- es will he, deSpiidd by those who do t appreciate such!), cause°, ;With re. rd to his denials .-Cif • the charge (as van' in his last letter). I do not take on ns..e to contradict it, though I am rry to say there ere those who will, sntradist it, if challenged to do so. te maia.objectIhad in View, has boon tainod, as the psi:toil:les hi:41sec, of aleli I wrote, have been fully soffdicafr, , not Only by mysSif, but also by lele, in denYing the charge, and tivpda g to repudiate the course implie, erein, therefore I am g to say 110 more about its. I ve it to those who,liciard what Mr. has said. :I Mustonow jay a enin- ment to iny friend :Sli..,Bolton ; Thal, ter of his ; well, as a eon:position it splendid; I question if the loos OSt 11 in Exeter could beat it. But it is endid too in another souse, it is ite plain that, altlic ugh Mr, 13. is, d in his protestations ngotOist ouy !son interfering in matters, hi w y are not personally interesten, conduct in the matter - writilew- ft letter, gives the lie to his word's Attined therein, what did I ? at has he done ? II wrote in defence rue principles, without being person - Ho writes to give hiS .°.opiniold that id wrong, and to censnre ino2fer (lu- so. So he has seen fit t6 j2,11rsue a. rse rather less jusiiiiablethan that doomed in his letter ; and in., dig - g pit for me he !fallen in himself, i, t is so completely broken by the' fall t it will be impossible to get out, II it is all right. II() is company no now(only worse).413ut never d; friend 13, I am, not at all] of- ded at you for interfering' in' .this tier. Indeed T. am quite pleased at Actiops speak loader than words, although your words are against - was actione vindicate me. It a kind act, foxing that there are or three of L.'s friends feeling let me for what I had done. Good your eis,e, friend 13 ; perhaps you will is hear feom you again, and if you s well next timo, I shall feel al"-, t having a flag livisted over • dwelling as a nittrk et` distinction, laps some inoroO:Of onr Monde Id favor us svith,a'feW words, and 'further vindicate tho (name cone fied in Mr. 13'81,ottelo, by showing ben popular one. One remerk es '0,f, pours° Mr. 13. thoughP he .stsilting against me, and helpifig other sido ; that was not aidlis:n His g a .syniPathetio nature, Wortiti intse fool to help woak side, arid id surely entitled to sothe credit fpr top,:anms dlit seohard that his ef• to help thet. side Should work vi.ee bt:tt alas, for Mr. 13 siacis reri- YOule: PespeeiHJy„ 11.. Kress:AN, A. hover of Right. Vo eah1y Must act thpa e rt of the Sainaritan towaido Mr, Kinsman, no af- rge, h a field rapt 1t is r it de- s I end arid Ile ra- 3,11. on re. by 11 ii1 in - f lio sb- ity go it de - he is sor or es- te, N1v1C! to if to ot Is re itt itt • .• ,• e- -tt pi tl, lio ga gi up so co TI at wl ed L. 11) lin lea L. Pli let is ma spl lou pei the his Cecutill soh of t al. i,,ug t00)1con git la aitit We fori min fen 1110, it, and lne two liar( for let t do a, mos you:. Pori won still detn it to mor Was [11 10/: Of e he i that, rot Goo( and lot him Immo that such voluminoms ellettoe 15 116 has SCItlit 3bto roply With ttr0 as IntrtitiCOS as timpani possibly bo, and contain but o con teXPJ? 1E14)59 'W.11014. itO 1)44 0.110,$01,1 to 1YritO, 13f343.1),E3t, tHliti losing all ,force of argn- Ment, Also that it is not Pitr wish to guy long,,cr continuo suchi. almso in these columns, but allowing 111r, 1.3oniton oa- Bor, Mr. Lund an opportunity of .01,4,y, ints if they wish.--EinTigee.'t neeeiber rertbresot, 4111/AN Uti PON'T :KNOW ,l1S01,11!' W95oP To $,000. v11115055, 81. Johnsbury, Vt., Bcpt. 22.— Mr, 13eeobor 1110A10 a 81000011 at the Caledon- itt Count,y Fah!, held in this placo to - to over 8,000 persons. His sob- oot was :—" What I Don't Know About Farming," Ho was brought on the Fair Ground in the open phaeton of Hon. Horace Fairbanks, the President of the Fair Ground Association, and the millionaire philanthropist of St, Johnsbury. Mr, 13oecher loolcod well as he drove up, to the sound of the martial mueic, and WaS greted with loud cheers by the asssembled thous. ands. IIis speech was frequently interrupt - e dovith loud cheers and hearty laughter. He surpassed himself in his vivid ora - to: y, Ins words of solid political and so- cial wisdom, interpersed with.that rare humor that mikes the great popular orator. He closed amid three cheers, called for by an enthusastic farmer, that made tho welkin ring. He could with difficulty be taken off in time to reach the depot, so dense was the throng that gathered around the carriage to shake hands, with him. He was quito fati- gued, and to escape conversation and courtesy made his way to the locomo- tive and rode with the engineer to Wells Riyer Junction. After readring that point ho took a scat in the oar and chatted cheerfully all the way back to the Twin Mountain House with the oentleman who had accompanied him to St. Johnsbury. Deterinitbea Sraciac. A MAN CUTS EIS THROAT AND T HEN nouns EIMEELE AGAINST A LOCOMOTAVE, • .Poughkeepsio, N.Y., Sept. 23,—Aa tho 2 o'clockMason River train from New York was approaching Irvington this afternoon; at the Sato of 40 Miles an hour, Williarn. Laid, engineer of locornotiye No. 82, suddenly discovered amen rushing down an embankment, baro-headod, and in his shirt -sleeves, with both arms extended, evidently in- tending to throw himself in front Of the locomotive. Tho engineer was horri- fied, for it was too late to prevent the suicide. The unfortunate man ran headlong, and. jumped against the lo- comotive, stliking mar the forward driver. As quick as lightning he was hurled full length beside the tails, Tho Iran was stepped as quick as possible, and when Conductor Molius, with his brakemen, went back they found the man's wife leaning over him. She gave his :name as John Kenny, and stated that -just befero'the train:was'approaeli- ing.'he Cat his throat,„and then ran to- ward the track. Ati7ei'ainination ro. vettled the fact that Kenny's throat wascitt. fronnear' to oar, and one Of his arms was broken. He wtil also terribly injured :Wont the body. The men is in a dying condition. No cause haa -.been' Ile:lived: for the terrible: deed. 4=1""ITAMMAMW, Pour full, i° ntim picturo3 embel- lish the October Aldine, a number -which glows With all the boruty and richness of tile season, surpassing eneli of its predecessors:. A tinted pagesby J. D. Vocidwaliol represents a wood and riv- er 5ee06-i11 the fall of the year, when Lilo leaves ere dropping-fro:a the trees, tud th6 is balmy. The' picture 'is an exquisite gem. Dosdemona," af- ter C,:banal, is a noble fioure, wonder - f11113' engraved by jonnard. The face is full of beauty and pensive sadness, and the h lids' aro clasped as in prayer. Arthur Parton c.,ntrib utes a grand fall -page piethre, colled "Al Rapids of tho An Sable," and repeWatiug in a v i d mainjer the bold sceuery of the Adirondacks. The,spirit of the,picture is fall of life and motior. A eharmaug 'subject, sure -to attract wide adMiration, Spring,'" by Pierre As cgty,, from the original in the possession df A. Stewart, 13 tq., of New York.. The ef- feet of soneldoe is soft and beautiful s s'• - • • ' and the. whole picture is a poem. The (Algr illustrations in this 'number is more than usual. The table of literary contents for this number is admirable. The Aldine company littS determined to es bablif3h an Art Union, .sim iliar to the hVClI-hiltohvII ArI Union , and distribute its works of art; both sculp- ture and paintings, which lirecond. a/1 t- ly Collecting, .among its Subscribers, a•17.1,4 a rib' r 1 • AfOGLOCHT.IN—HOSKINS.-21t the mantle, ROd- gerville, by'Bev. Logic, on the 20t1,t ult. Mr. John Met: lochlin to Miss Mary Ann, eldest daughter of air. Winlite:whine, all of Exeter. , 4,owele---11-ltso --1 {0p t tile 23ra ult., by lite lb • . W. Lowrie to tt, 4.1 tee:ugh:or:" of W. AVileowi, 1:. e., SWERT—PitOUT..----At Christ Church, Exofer, by the Bov. 1. Barr, on +he 30111 ult., 111ri Thomas Sweet, of Ustworno, to MISH Mary .Prout, of Exeter. Sale ItegiSter, Ttionenkr,, Oet. 8—Farin stock, implements, ett.,• MI's: E., Flannery, lot 8; con 10, Ste- pliem,e 4 P. 1,1,12 months. .1 Spin:lima/10Mo Tifesnoct. 13-elEared stpelf1implements,&c Mr. W Lewellaft,,lot 17, cen 5, Biddrilph, 5 P. M. 14 inos.gresepli LYneb, tole. Wereitsmtv, Oct, stock,, implements, et, Mr., Wm, S'anderawitxoter. I P. M., , 12 months. 3. Siatolonan, alio: • TifUT:SDAY,. Oct. 8----Thirm ."Stook, implomente, ete. Mt A O'Leary, lot 7; N 13, .:NfoGilliv. ray. I P inos, 360 „Dyucit, int0 ' 40NPAV, Oct 5-11Farni stool4 tuiptoments, etc, '2 1forgsn, 14.10,, eon 4,, Biddril ph. ' 13 • 4T:indite, Joseph Lynch, Ube.. MONnav, 041.2--Varin stodc and vorn„ N 1-2 , lot 22, coil 4, Biddulph, 12 montbs en tho stook Joseph ,t,,t1C11, 11410 ' , VilIPAY.--COt .1.874.--Varin Stook and hit- plements, the property of my. B. Continence itt Id a, in, Tories 12 Mos. goillef,Y) lot Q,05 0011 f Stanley.. Salo to BosSenbury, AUffi FlifDAV, Ott. 0; 1874,--Eartn, faria stook eke, the' property of A, E. llaist lcd Rf con Township of hitty., Tering De, months , •iI Ott, Atio, Skiounitv, Oct stack hupletuents furniture c, the, proposty o Thonsts Greenway, Dovon, Tarns ig months. 'Salo to connnonce at le a. In. FPIOAX Oct, 6 and following dnye Dry.goode grocerieS faMan. ltfeen,tv, Oct, ti,---Fenti (dock and implements the ercotrty of Mrs' Robert Cave,' let 4..0 0011 8. biddulph. Xernift ;t ttj1t1Ils. ,/,:binssioe,Attor At boom, male pe female; 035 I 1$.0.01, day (iv eyentug. to 'or 0 01 4)0 Is by 0)101 too A E' dress 'with 0114' e'en t r'oturR sttoup, 11•Wetso, 174 k4.10.ttlYi0.4 41 NOW io5a h1b1'1i)I'JLOM 11[U Yib14OK 01"k..bboter, on tho nit, itroan-oolered ntiloh eow with whitboll„Y,s[rvoa owl) 110,010, Any ono andtug Out sante will bo snit ably ro• warded by leaving leformation with Mr. TIMS, •Prier, EXotee, 5E3 VIARM VOI3 SALE IN: USBORNE, ono Of Ow best whoa kgrowing townships in Ontario. 'rho farm comprises south half of lot 04, 3ra 0,0neposton, gpoomiug GO lions, on which is erected a Sood hunit barn, and A comfortkble log house. About 40 aArEnt Iti ,good cultivation, the 040,,tom,) in hardwood bush. Distant from Exoter Six utiles. For partieuhirs,.(1,144 to norm. 51531. ART, ICOdiNrVia0, 67-tt. FARM FOR SALT E --PART OF LO 10, 3111 eon. of Hay, containing 70 acres, ab,out 00 Of Nvidell aro under good 0eltivation. Five Attlee from 'Exoter, and convenient to both oltureli and school, ifrante barn, gax.05, good house, good yueng orehard, and splendid ii1110 kiln on fhe prennsee, wow. PATRICK 0'13BIEN. 1P1.4ENDI1) FARM FOR SALE 6,tuit Xicb,16, 0011C0,361011 TOwliFillip of Stephen, oiTivvet7til 110, il,w/fxvo'* ivied Lonffi:itit of the 144e ‘(t)tichard .00En'irisioliI)"13)°1,1r1; 100aeres 0 f which are wOott8,12 'For poitsrtionliLrs 41,14 to 8, D, oa tho proud 11 y _lettsr prepaid to Exeter P.O. 00,.' BAL1WILI tirl•tf • "nit. H. --------- 011leri Ttrd residen eu — Main streeti Exeter. En guess hours,, any time fti goaddaylight ('ilursday's excepted). Advice free. Parents should call for advice about chi biron's nest tooth it soon aa they begin to fail. Work will be equal to that of any other office,and warrantedelatieftio- tory. IN THE ELECTION (JOURT. The Controverted Ele(,,- tion Ac -t,1873. Election of a Member'for the House of 'bonintons for the Eloctoral Distriet of tho South Biding of - the Cooney of Huron. DOnliniOn of Cafafdri,,) provinco of Onfarlo„'- BlectioniPetition of TO WIT" Sont! Haron. Tako notice, that, tho above Petition will be tried at the fiourt Home) iu the Town of Godorieli, in tile County of Huron, on the TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, IL I). 1874, and on such other subsequent days as may ha noodtul. Dated tho ifith day of Septembor, A D.1871. By order, stonNser to. DALTON, Clerk of the Election court. TEMPERANCE SOCIA_L. A socinll itill be held ia the Leeture-Room of the W.. M. Chu "elt to -morrow )Friday) ev'.„e when the following programme, interspersed with music, will be provided, To eommence at 7:30; Am% open at 8 p,m, Admission, 20 cents, PROGRAMME. Chairican's Address A Dialogue by' Deb*? Grigg and 3 Lambrook, An Address by MI' C Boultou, A Reading 17 W Grigg. jr, A Roadie,: hy Miss Victoria Bissett, A Recitation 1..y Luther Manning,' A recitation by Henry Hooper, A reeitatiou by John McNabb, BEFBESHMEN'TS. A reading by Miss 'Vcrity, A Reading Nelson HooP or, A.ddrass by .1. Minton. Itendieg by Miss Manning, Address by W. Godwin, Itsadiug by Thomas eitiline„ Recitation by Itonort Verity, Readiug by kiss Greenway. Visitors to London, BE SGItE AND SEE THE READY-MADE- CLOTHINC To got a lay WEL'L MADE, To got a 0000 -PITTING SUIT, WHY WALKR8' 18 THE SPOT. CLOTIIING A SPECIALITY DRESSES—Nobby, Cheap andStiVish, —Over 100 pieces to choOso 111?AVY and WARM ---GOOD, for cis. per T ciothientiLie!aao to /ilea. FLANNELS IVEED8 , I ; .rapty,Iscarlot, White, shirts rondy.inado. Carpets, Carpets. MILLNERY9 MANTLES & SHAWLS ONE -PRICE STORE,the Popular House. 1 'LA"; No trouble to show goods. ' • LIKE* 11.'ef‘SONs Toronto & London. calittCh To got a Cl/EAP SUIT, • The Ronson Why Walkers' Sell So Cheap. Wo buy our Tweeds direct from the Manufactur- ers for Cash, Wo mako mir own Clothing, Lind 'iliefore it it wall made, and Wo sell for Cash, and soll nt Toronto pribies, there- furo midorsolling the elioapest Clothlbg Hour- : es West of Toronto. , D THOMPSON, k4maker & Jeweler; 1,„ „ kintimate to the inhabitants of EXETER and vicinity, that he will on • 2r).(1,Sept• t., open that shop 'next door to Mr. Trobie's rhitrness maker], ivitti an entirely now and elbgant assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. From 5 prit6tinal experience of the trade AC- Londeleaud oinsgew ho is in a position to meet $01 ihkgericiral retphroinents prom], tly, efficiently., and tit,iiItifloralit Rates, liVatolvos and jewelry il1ado to Order. ..,Igerit for .311,88,..•, 051uarttO Co. (1.1,M••• ed), TVatch num ilfactukel s, Liverpool, IS HIGHLY 11EI00x1ikiiiNDE1). THOMP8011 86, M'DOUGALL'S Steam Saw . , ,n)f,cs west esr nevoe, on Contse Grovel 'Mast ()modestly on hond ncomplots gook of iIliMLOaIc LT.r.,\IBER AND I.X.EIL AJSO A.13h V1001111k01101tOrY, Wilii3OWOMi find fjak owi hand at present, 200400 FEET OP Heyt.ock LU4IBE1?, oeaorc, Will be punctually attended to by leaVieg tinnn With 13, Tnemrsom, sowoicr, Exo`or, r,xotaf,, 1811, 6";-ihrir auk of COMMOITO LITCAN. $ (3, 000A000 A • ,000M00, 1' Banc3 54 One ab.951Dank has boonoponod;to Laosn f99009t/011 Ocniorenersicios boat - Wm SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Sus le as low au one dollar received on doposit, of withdrawal required. Amorican currency bought and sold. Interest, -,4 and0 per coot anoirod. No notice, now tssannse Agoet. os NHor 0 F2-1 • 0 First Fall Importations R at pi a_ Cheap ash Store. A 1 Great Bargains 5 NOMA" First Fall Importations - J I Cheap Cash Store. G-reat Bargains 41•1•1111 CENTRALIA AND MENTON FALL ARRIVALS. JA. ES PICKARD EXETER has just opened out the largest most complete best assorted and cheapest lot of goods everabrought into this part of the country. }TAXING. Imported all of his Dry -Goods from the European Markets He is able to do a little better than any ocher house in this part of the country, and does not heeitate to say that Hahn theLARGEST STOCKOF GOODS IN theCOUNTY and as cheap as call be found anywhero Usss":""High 'sI market price paid for all kinds of produco. Remember this is the Oldest Established House in the County Opposite the Post Office. WATCH no :ono lost soo too W. D. MeGloch Ion Wad looforo inlying. Yon will have no other lifter 3300111 Mein. All who wear them recommend thmn f4old and Silver .1,3015' and Ocnideth 1110 aiaes 77 DundaS Street, 'Lomin moo the testimonials 'rho largest, boat and cheapest a Mek of fine Gold .Thivoirey, ClOcka, Hirer 5,10 Plated Ware: Fancy Winds,An the ProOnce. Honoring of ovey description. W. D. M'CLOOLIN. 17 inindas at, T.,oudof 1, Out N Pon's:ILI& .111t11.44 TAT 10, hi ale Igth Con. et 'Man- . Otani, on tile townlinelhativeen and ItobinipO, comprising set0l11e-0404 fiertS, atiOnt Sixty of Which are (floored and in ft high statcnf cultivation ; tbe baleuee btigh The distaiwec tiotit Grs,ntori itt 1'00 nilleq irOth til - 0511, /Milos.; AO froth St, Mary'iy12.thiles.,-- 'nig 10 g good eloinoe for anyone wfohlna ti comforteldo home. A neva sopoly of wator, eohlwRIlin. two mowelws it will be diepoeed of by seettion, 'T et in Uwe). iww fe. In a. Mott apply to ABRAHAM MONT(' OMPIY, astoo 1'.9., Aug. e7t1t, 1874. 83.2in NEW PUMP FACTO.Ni. ITMIDS- PUMPS G 'BOLTON, HAIr would/inform the inhabitants of Hay, Stephen njfj Ushorne.,1 ilitiixtlittitifItItegtittirioes all kinds MONS1NGER PATENT FORCE pump for which le) hos the exelnsive right for the above-named townships. The slibeeriber feels confident that he can satisfy those in wio,t o pumps, as to workmanship and opiality, and such prices that ho CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THE DOMINION. MAIPTYFACTOnY.----011CXOnrel Mil() north ot itzlownivillago of Exeter, on Lot 7, Hay, London N. B.—Repairing attended to with prompt - floss, and done et rcasonable prices. Arriii01,874, ,CE0; BOLTON. 8=4.ffin. T A.11 INE .I.t S Alel Stock -Breeders, . , . $wtET S•f Oratinate Yetert• Miry College, to 01145 door north of,,, W diroctly opposito Oa- Vhbwririary el- reoptly atteteled to, their soundwiees baser luts just retariled from _Tridt7li.7"rifriTarflr.."941..1 open - Aug. iii7;177t757r iC1T niiumbieturer eonsootor tbsoulel, 0. 13. Sinith'e store, who ilits wOrked U» lis trodtc, between wholosnichig and retail," tog, to a Sir,0 whioh, along Woh, Inc ability to pay easit down, en - abbe) him to buy the bulk of hie stock direct from Manufactnrers in Britain, in Canada, and iu tho United States, And on 800001'1 of the dullneee of tra4 south o the linos this oeuson, Ito boo so oured for cash some temptin hargeine from American mann fuoturoro, MONEY TO LOAN. COUNTY of PERTH LOAN & SAVINGS 80011:TY. Board of Ilfrectorac G. B. Smith, Ilse., President; Jae. Trees EePp., 1'., Vico-President; It, Hilyard, Esq., Mien Bank of Montreal; Win, Veal kluttou, Esq. Geo. McIntyre, Esq.; John Sanderwen, req. 11. Harstone, Secretary and Treasurer; Bank- ers, Bank of 'Montreal; sonattors, Jones & Mc - t DougalL Tho advantages this Company offer to Stoc1. holders are 1st —The most undoubted eocurity, as the Con- stitution. allows of no investment except en Beta ieetate. ent1.—The continuous investment of morales. Ord.—That as soon as Savings Bunk is open each Stockholder gots his proportion of the profits la addition to dividend ovine stock. ADVANTAGES TO nourtowElls. lst—The system of re-paymente by yearly, bet. yoarly, quarterly, or monthly instalments falling slue at snob dates in the year, and extending over such a period of years as may suit the borrowers. ent1.—Borrower33 will be allowed interest on any sum or sums they may deposit to meet their ins etalments. 3rd.—Tho expense of exaniining the Title' and drawing the Mortgage is regulated by a Moderato tariff, not allowing tho borrower to be overchars god. Oh.—This Sooioty does not sell mortgagee. 5511.—Agents are bound toregard all applications for loans as strictly confidential. eth.—Mortgn.ges purchased em the most reliable terms. 7t11.—The Iti ad affix* is ostablished at Bt. manes. N.B.—The Society will commeuce en theist day of May noxt, to loan money at the Secretary' and Treasurer's office, owner of Queen and Water streets. St. Mary's, April 29,1874. 8? -17 THE FEGULATt Meetings of Lebanon Forest Lodge, G.B.C., Exeter. will ha held as:011ov*. A cor dial invitittiou exteris ded to all vimitittg bre- thren. Mar. 80, Apr.i 27, May 25, June 24,Jute 29,July 27,Aug. 23, Sept 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 23. Deo - 21 and 28. M. ICAC RETr, eeratat AITANTED.—We will give 'energetic Ms V V and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from 14 to 68 per day; can be pursued in yout own neighborhood, and is .trktly hums, Particulars free, oi baitnplAs ivorth, several dol- lars that will enable you to go to work at mock, will be sent on receipt of fifty cents. Address J. LATHAM it CO., 48-61, 292 Washington st., Boston, Matte gapisfs, goots THEE., H.,t& B.B. THE subscriber bege to thank the people of Ex, eter and surrounding couutry for the very.liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and new after eiderging his premises is prepared to do'verk which cannot be surpassed oither in or outeide 54 cities. Particular attention paid to the hawking and fitting of COLLARS. HARNESS EXETER, AND RODGER VILLE. (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, / BLACK AND SILVER that he has looked to Goal. beet."' -- ' teltAl kb. at44,tttiommer v; sib 3. Italy:ring receives every In he most stylish and fashionable Boots a,nAeN:::_11::::7 ROCKWELL BIT on hand. He would Intl,' at ti.'?,itri'int,01 tritimts Gents' Ladies' Misees' art Y.)utuR We6r: I". and hitAjliBt recety'. 'ed a 111,1.0 and varied stock for branch will be found wad° in ovory particular, d:iteell'il,wfrtoorn:INEurnoprto.krfaioliiriditulii:iill Fict.ltivieS:11:t1,1ris:f:1,1,tfiit:i Hir,siu.i.cae,tirr fl ntesili cost, The &Indium a ,NR. TRO. A1,1,1114. Tbsrs .4 Road, have been engkged ,to take charge 01 t1,111 11131.8tiline.StOelc will be soil Kt a 3light ItAIVAltea Nil \V. FA N SON. JOUNTLc • BOOT, 81./.0E,.. Harness ShOu, • MAIN STR.E.ET. • A largo And vsried rissortmet it of bodice, netlea and Ohildren's BOOTS crid SHOES OF TM LATEST STYLES AND MT IV0I1KISIANs111P :soot cow:lento: hand. Also 13 000150 lot of FELT OVERSHOES, 'RUBBERS, SLIP- PERS, itO, — 7141. T. haying Bemired the services of 141t.r. ColteitiAPCMD, is prepared to reoolyo orderor 101 descriptions of CARRIAGE, TAGHT & HEAVY 1‘,N 0 comploto Athol: 01 II0R82 CLOTA 114G, COMA, *.BRusirsk WHIPS, 'Clio Mlbscritter taltes 11310 opportnelty of thetibe ing tho public foe thoir past tiopport 111431 6101rars the fn 1(0 nothing Itt tl0 fithit 1111(1 110110 lnli6 first -Nose workinen employed, they tyill font it to their adymaego moo:in:me ese• sioteort, PA rtTlotl V PE s PIO S lTATD To ORDER.WORK AN) REPAIRIIII efee; NOV.Mlber 00.,1f7a, 11-‘1Yi