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takoq.uOnt moor on
isimuuts of strayed eattl••. artluloa Imo sr,
eit• aet oNeetoulg ton Mes-4Irat PlODALi
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'A h. A it', AGRI': t
The fcglOW,M14 Alttf4ti LAI .e`ft444041 year4
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.7E-xfaiT1a"•i, OCTOBER Ise, 1874
V, Om P,C41.11,
It wouia nOt be mules to say a few
etaorde to the Mende in South Perth,
Politics are rather lively here at pres-
cult, St. Mary's aspires to be the hub
a the riaiug veal te govern it, laid s
go in stiff ote the keel ticket, There
atre 11R less then three devotea =In-
here of the Imlay of eatlue zeal and come
taloug joanisto in the ,field—two gea-
alemett of the long robe, and a 'might of
the yardstick ; hut 'which of the three
"will be the choice of the coevention is
'et very uncertaiu, And iudeed it is
t even surmise. for each of
the three emus to have an equal °Llano()
-with the others, The whole three will
. :scarcely be chosen, It %Fill surely he
:the one who eau cry most loedly "Come
along, John ; w0\0 lute of money."
But, however it turns out, there is a
certainty of big rely in the eight dollar
and it jug.of whiukey party, unless a
sop is thrown to the disappointed ones.
Stnne of those " who do aspire" very
wrongly and naughtily iuiagiee that
their claims on the eoufidence uf the
party and the plunder of the country
are 'preferential ; end as none of the as-
pirants are noted for their adherence to
the principles enunciated by their lead-
ers (they only have faith in tue prate
ties of these bright and particular
stars), they will be pretty soee if their
claims are ignored by the eonvention
tied they are prohibited from revelling
it the luxuries of aIcKellarism. It
vaald not be at all snrprising to see
(Lai of them as an Independent eitoai-
The Conservabe es have made no
move as yet, but are keenly watching
tee, movements of their opponents, so
that when the proper time arrives a
1E0170 will no doubt be made. Rumor
hath it that Mr. Davidson, Rieve of
Fullerton, has some idea of contesting
the Riding in the Conservative iuterest,
and, should he come forward, he would
make a capital run and probably be
elected. He is a farmer, hes been a
aratneber of ethe County Commill foi
year's, is well known throughout the
riding, thoroughly conversant with its
every necessity, and would consequent-
ly make a very useful member of our
" huge County Couocil " at Toronto.
eas,the agricultural class is by far the
largest and most important in the Rid-
hig, flee people Should see to it thatone
i selected as their representative who
thoroughly understands their regaire-
. ments. And, 'Moreover, they should
Iii very. careful. to Select a man, who
will not give hie sanittion to the Eight,
ful extravagance:and corruption which
ha; reinned triumphant in the Legible -
live heels at Toronto since the deatleaf
the Seatilield Macaoueld ,Goyerninent
—the pa atet mat most economical Can -
ever posseated. With its downfall
was inamiirated an era of extravagance
which is swiftly and surely hastening
the farlasr to the dreadedtime of direct
taxatioa. This can only be averted by
a determined step on the part of the
people, and with the people of Trowls
pocket riding rests the duty of con-
demning the :Idiom, which have cher-
acteeized the present apology for a
Military in Ontario.
Come Smith, Jones 47, McDougall ,
lot as hear from you.
Since the above was pat in type the
-Conveution Reforthel s was lidd iu
Bt. Mary'', •The following gentian -len
were bitilatted. for: A. alcDouobull beat
.0. B. Smith,C. S. Jones i\icDuu-
gaI of Downie heat Jones,
afittheeml, Mayor of Mitehell, beat
Delimit v u r.. thus receiving the nomina-
tion. Hu ia allowed four weeks to noll
Mins& up and rtuninete betake giviog
deeisive ens ver.
.11 1111111B 0 IV $ao,000 r
Our Grit contemporary in Got:lei-jab
has come to the relief of Mr. M. c..kla-
ineron, and makes, au aleffectual
reativ paintal attemat ?e,aatteaeitehe
,daageng etatemette httene a coil-
plet of weealtr ago and since rePeated in
aud several other journals,
that Me. Cameron, either pereonally
-1‘ or through sone agent, made a pro-
" posit to some of the Bayliela Censer,-
'" valves, that they should. use their ha,
" fluence to have the protest withdrawn,
s‘ and that; if success:AI, the Govern-
" ment greet to Bayfield harbor wOULD
Th/C/MA81311 Priem $30,000 TO
000 "t a'Vell, we repeat the charge
in all its fullness; and maintain that
avery word therein stated is true. It
will require more ingenuity nod explaii-
ntory powera than either Mr. Cameron
or otir contemporary poseeseee to in -
'duce the electore of South Heron to
'believe that disgeaceful and tempting
overtures were not matte to par Bay -
Acid frionax to have the peotest, (polio/
neter for it moment exnected Oiat
Mr, Camerae would adinit the ,truth of
evatat are stated, However, there are
theee whose words are of equal weight
ith afe.,Cameeon'e, uid these aro wll
ling to testify tO the truth of oar as-
sertioue. That it. Cameron- hag good
reason to know,. And, as to lolling Us
Wo ltoNe 110 0146Cti011, bat we
wI1ilt0C01) 50 low as toanswer in the
nogentletnanly raid ttejoitenalietie
!nee. Our conterepentry knows 1)0-
'.1' ti ohly
teerkl-e-atitt diet ata,
ft' W13ctt Itiet•10 It is Ay ortl-k„,
The man who indietea the ,tertiolo ig
the $4-totol must be a eareaget in the
riding.; ()raise bereft of ail les seneee ;
for ilo save, man, bittieg the slightest
ktativiedge of lqr. C ',moron's cheateter
as a aeletieleie, or the leftet reepeet
teeth tte atiraself, would ever take
the rote lila an attempt te whitewash,*
eo eampletely 4.!OVOVeil With the lath 01
as is 111. 0, OitihrOit.
At a mean% of the Provincial Agri-
eultural Soeiety on the altii lost, there
was a gteat competitiou roe eeenring
the next_ Exiiibitiun, Evitlenla it was
deviate' that it shalt be heal, next teats
at 4 Ottawa, by a vete t 114 to 57
4 ,, ,
, ,,ilooll pa.,, ,, , ,Vollae8mvg,
Seat, 24, it 1 ilta p. ee. (pito vieible, A
oonber of penal) Wildle,Stied the sight,
s'etigos. were eeee dropping from it,
s yet li0110 IDLY° been tound,
On Tauredity le,et a social party e0n-
sisting of Joseph lareeme,Robt. J. Baird
and hie wife, a womau on the stre'at
lunned 1.111.1lie 1arrity, and Mrs, afut-
Haat), Wats 1Nlonagehen gathered to.
galier in the filthy dwelliee place a
the latter, Seaforthsaua enred open
a riotous debauela All the, aarty be.
came more or less intoxicated, awl the
same night the body of "Mr. Baird was
discovered in the kitchen of the vile
den. Behind the left oar was a deep
out, one of las eyes was hlaelteneaed,
his setup were breueea, anti other merks
of violence WOri) fOillla on him, An in-
quest failed to testeu theguilt upon any-
body. The other members of the party
iuciuditio' deceasea's wife, wore arrest -
od, fwd. aro now iu gaol. A broken
chair, found in the room, is probably
the instrument that robbed Baird of
his life. His companions were a hard
14, and the unfortunate man's charac-
ter was not of the best. Tho man
Franco isstrongly suspected of having
committed...the crime.
tatie eitapoettiou tte eau scarcely hold
oar einitempoiary responsible for its
atteratates lix defeace of Ma Cemarou,
itud 1,11 defence of the prineiplee of eon -
tallied in sueli overtures, It farther
" Mr. Cameron's election is 111;0-
" trOStea agaiust beettriSQ 110 succeeded
" and beeenee there is sufficient evidence
aliseat Nor, by the thougatlesenese
" of Ins friends," Of course. If Mr.
omen Fon 1.14 not b0011 °looted, illegally
ae L Waki, the Conservative perty weuld
not pow be miaor the paipful neceesity
of showing to ivied a sad state the no
hie tioustithency of South Huron has
been brought by our present member.
Such a picture will be displayed at Oita:
forthcoming triat as to cause honed
thou's_ eheeks to burn with shame. The
latter part of the senteace just quoted
speaks for itself, and loudly too. 1314
that the election trial is so close at
hand, We would haVe a fear words to
say which might eouvioce our Gocleriell
contemporary that thoughtlessness"
was not confined to Mr. Cameron's
" friends" alone. Therefore, we mem
ly repeat that Mr. Cameron will eat
only be uuseated, but disqualified. So
let him make all neeessary preparatioa
for his exit and subsequent emigration
to " fresh fields and pastures new."
But how comes it that even tho Sig-
nal gives a contradiction to its own
positive statements ? It remarks it
does not know what passed at the con-
clave of Bayfiela. Conservatives when
the proposal was submitted for their
consideration. It malts an admission
that there was a calling together ana
that a proposal was submitted. Our
charge is thus fully substaptiated.
Here the Signal uujastly and meanly
stigmatizes the Conservatives of Bay-
field as being " suspicious." It was
their bounden duty, when such a dis-
graceful proposal was submitted to
them, to ascertain what the Conserva-
tive party of the riding woula have to
siey to such a question. They perform-
ed their duty, and in doing so, received
the laudation of all honest -minded and
right-thinking people, while Mr. Cam-
eron sinks lower than ever in their es-
timation. :et
There happen to be a few Words in
our article which the:at:pia greedily
grasps hold of- like a drowning. man
.clu telling wildly at a straw—and offers to
aIr. Cameron to bolster up hi failng
courage. It is a drop of comfort and a
gleam of sunshine tothem;—auct this
is the seutence : "We'pealaiiie the mo-
" ney came from Mr. Cameron, but we
do net flank so." Perhaps the editor
of the journal in 'question atoinot see
what we thearit therefore eve explaio,
apa let him deeivie all the comfort he
mity from tlie explanation. We have
reason to believe • that the money came
through Mr. Cameron, but free?. the
Government treasury, There was a
large amount of money received by a.
certain prominent Grit in God erich from
the Government a few evenings prior to
the election. Is that satisfactory ?
THERE is no liant to its brazen affront,
ery. The London " undue" ZOItil organ
now quotes the " Come along john,"
THE Grits he Londonsucceeded in
having 3 Coueervatives vctes taken off
the 1b4 in London, and three of their
own added. On the other hand, the
.Censertatives managed to littye 0.0 Grits
struck off making it net gain of 54
&Nee, our last issne and up to the
time of writing; three lima° Grit mem-
bers have been unseated: Mr. Shibley,
of Addington Mr. Jodoin, of 'Chan&
13a and Mr. Xerr, ofWest Noithuniber-
loud. This gentleman defeated the
Hon. Mr. Cockbnen, and thus " elevat-
ed the moral standard et' the peo-
room* .nrotrowar
Cavan the London Art/art/see bell the
truth if it wanted to ? We fear not
In Saturday's issue it says T. M. Daly.
was " defeated. in his candidature far
the Dha-einioa House," andentatts thus
etarcea to fairbafj24,1,11-6 Local. That
certainly iseas far teem the trail' as the
geuerality of statements which appear
ia " the only religions daily."
Ton first gun. The Hon. George
Brown was presented with a hnndred
dellars' worth of' character by the j u Ty
in the Einem:dine Lariew libel CilSO at
1311011111,toll 011 Friday last- What is ho
going to do with all that money ? And
all that character ?
A frightful typhoon paesed over
Hong Kong on Sunday last. The
The seamers Lemma and Albany, and
eight other vessels, were wrecked or
foto alerea, and many missing. A great
amber of nouees were destroyed, and
it is eeported rule atoll sited pereons were
killed. Tao aateage to property in the
ciey mid herbor and in tlx surroundieg
bonntryi's immense,
0 U It Gritty eotele. up in Seawall
last week gave a aenial to our state.
molt that Cameron ,offerea to the Con-
servativee of %afield $30.000 to 00,-
000 already given. All of the article
wo eonsider worth a reply j$ co.
piel bolo tv.
At the Elgin Assizes held ttl Str,
101)1:18, before Judge Gwynne, \Vjl
liene White, for' bigamy, wits eentancea
to sae months id tam Central Promo.;
Henry Ifietriblet foe ittgamyeaeit months
itt Gentati:Praeon a'diftii,,-;Abealuun Ed -
mamba foettesanit 'With iotaiit to coin -
met 16ite, two yen% at the Catitral Pea
si, it,MaelMalion, Beq,, of London;
te 61-0W11 00111184
Jflral $14olvs
Bast Wawarcosli. at Bograve, on 'Sept. 30. ,
Western Filir, at London, on Sept, 20t4 and
soth., and Oct. 1st and 9n0.
-$0uth Huron at Molter, on 14.fonday iota Vries -
day, oth and ani Out, ,
North Middloso4.-4ilsa Craig, Tuesday and
Wednesaay, Oct dtli and 701. ,
mituliell.—r.euesday awl Wednesday, eth and
Tuokorstaith13rauch, at &Worth, in Oct. 8
and 9.
ceiberne.—Triesday, eth October.
'Provincial Fair, Toronto, Monday Sept, 21
anti four following days.,
of this day's betas may be had. with or
without wrappers. Full ot local news,
foreign miscellany, and choice, liteite-
ture. .The eleventh instalment of our
'new and to everyone iuterestiug story,
" The Broken 'Wedding Ring," appears
in this issue. Price,. 5 coats (mai.
erLysau or 1.1.312,—SCSIMER ARRANGEMENT&
P. at.' • A. M.
1,471 12.15
A. 31. Jt.
0-0INO 'WEST 4.15 • 113
I • 5.10
Expzess for London, Buffalo &Toronto, 8:15am
• V. II.
Luean, May 25, 187-1.
0.onie gear,
Best English Double Boiled Oil,
Raw Oil, ciallIOS 1st white load, and a
complete assortment of Paiuters mater-
ials id 'Harstone & Son's, St Mary's.
Pure Elephant Oil (90 -cents per gala
Castor Oil, Pale Seal and Stock's Oil
at Harstoue & Son's Cheap Hardware
,Store, St. Mary's.
Patent Fly Traps, Patent bag ties,
picture frame moulding, at liarstone
& Son's, St.Miny's. B.
SOlitli Cast Steel Grass Scythes,Hoes,
Forks, Hancleteettle Rakes, Suaithes,
'Cradles, and alt other Harvest Tools,
itt Harstoac & Son's 'St. Mary's. 13.
4 - •
Largest stock of N,figo, Hinges, Lock
Glass, etc., at Heatstone & Sons, St
- sasewswenykrtscaseer-
POSTPONED.---ROV, I. • Barr's sale is
indefinitely postponed; from reasons
given elsewhere.
ationeria—A few days ago asallr. John
S. Westoott was, working with a tiers°,
it. kicked him on the left log, causing
considerable pain, aad laying hem: up
for a few dftys.
lietianow.--aThey say" a rainbow in
the morning: is a sailor's warning."
if sueliabe the also, the sailors mast
have imea suffieiently warned yesterday
.Lareavsetzerrs.--e0or village Council
is bent ou ithavovement, ani, although'
economical in the extrema everything
goes on. flonrishinaly. -aThea creek
Which rune along the south of Pickard's
new block and Drew's hotel has had
laborers employei in it for the past.
few days deepening and. widening it.
This Will be a great boon to those
living along its beaks.
n„, .
Fon THE WESTI?.113t.--Vtially, Satur-
diy, Sunday and Monday last, were
.chosen by those showing horses to the
Western fair as snitablefor shipping.
Oa Sunday Iast, rio loss
thanthree horees passed through here
.from the northern townships en route.
A. great many of one county- cousins'
and villagers have also gone.
. CORPORATION PL/1301-1ASE.-11110V011.1011t
i8 110W or hae boon for seemtithe on
foot, for the purchase of the Kelly lot
-e-north of Me. Broderick's store. 11
is to be used by the corporation as a,
'street; this is it much needed conveni-
ence, and WO aro glad that the matter
has been taken in hand. for the dis-
tance between the two st'rd4,-$;,',1,il: w ni
existence it too great. Wee "''' 'stand
the lot in question can he based
for $1,000, A petition in en dation,
we believe asks the Council to grant
about $400 of the sum, and private
individuals guarantee the rest,
the high cheracter of this medicine,'
and that it is used with great- auccess
and satisfaction in our very best , fami.
lies. It is the favorite medieine of oar
missionaries in. heathen lands, when
they use it 11101'0, than all else together
for the diseases that abound in those
warm elimateS. It should be kept in
every house, and be inreadiness for end -
den attacks of sickness.
THE PAIR. -11110r0 is every 'prespee,t
of the S, B. Show; which is to be Ile
ui this oti Monday and Tueeday
next, being the beet ever beta inEuron,
The nitiaber of entries large; tied the,
eehibitioe of etook, etc., will be miser.
passed iti quality, The staunch farm -
ere of this cfuninunity rightly feel
proud of the display ;It thole /to W. 111
11111810, there will be vast eonipetition,
ft -eta thought; tlatt, ne tees thao 'five
beeeehttiatt i11 bo eo )np, eti ti on
the Goderich,,, ,allintone Wmchelsea,
Zurich ttfid EXelee, Several orgen
companies will„ be represented—Mart
Bros., of I./ail:hill, llowiliativille
co, outh.(thlu orva Co. and ot11a8,
Tbo show ground is the heet in the
eouuty, and lovers of horses pan ece
them display their tayerat good 'malts
to the greateet 31,(1Y,V1t0c;,: 0-03 welt as
their bad ones,
!"'Z',ITI,eson Apnea -Mr, Isaae Oar
ling informs us that he has au excel-
lent stock et dry goode, groceries
and would ask visitors at the lail. to
mill in, ant examine his stook. Change
of advt, too late for this we elc,
Tno Ythrekon Gonuferousure.--At
the last meeting of the village Couneia
00 appointineet way made wItich looks
V00 y much like' as if not only the maw -
ail bet some Of t110 Tate-Vayel'S were
1;wAY,ed upon " running the machine"
With \as little expellee as possible.
What wo refer to is the collectorship of
the village. In the premises, we ao
not at all blame the Council. They
have done what WM fair on behalf of
of their constituents. aanaly, a man
hastbeen appointed who is trustworthy
andall that, But, a inan who will al-
low spleen, envy or ill -will to So 11108 -
ter lam and his pocket that he will per-
form tnd bear tee responsibility of this
for nothing, must either be "fond of his
country" or caao not what it costs so
long as, his revenge is satisfied, No
one wilf,ever think the more of him for
if. Mr. Senior would have performed
it for $251,1 (small enough pay), and we
know the work was done efficiently last
shown :iHgh. this -spa.cio.L W
(W111.011 is near completion) it few days
ago, by Mr. Otton., 'We had not the
slightest idea at iteeommencement of
its real magnitude and solidity. It is
really a fine structure, heying four large
rooms below, and three above. The
second story is reached from midway
in the building by ascending either
ono or the other of tbe two flights of
the heavy oaken stai1e,`,4 which leads to
the right and left. At the top is the
hat -room. A large and spacious room
is formed in the second story, which
will do tho needful (for a time) as a
reception room, or for other specific
pmposes. The budding reflects a V11.8t
11110101111t. of credit on the contractor, Mr.
Exhaustion and degeneration:follow
the excessive use of the eenaaa,-tattlevet
duo intervals of rest of repair, '
der to maintain the wonte1 eneyk'TI,11
expended, whether of body or:mind,
must be restored. When the exPen'di7
hire of brain matter and other nervons
eleMOlit I is continued by over werk, the
early extinction of life itself may be
lookea for as the result of such regen-
eration. The ingredients composing
Fellows' Clonipound Syrup of Hyphos-
plates are such as constitute healthy
blood, re-establish sound nerves and
sense, and will, consequenly, pot only
arevent this exhaustion, but in most
cases restore such as is teat,
Tam Cleeieuee FAIR.—The following
persons from this vicinity took prizes
Tit the Central Fair held at Guelph week
before last : J. Rickbiel Hay, paiaes feS
horse in agricultural class. " Yuiing
_England's' Glory," owned by
Flanagan, t3iilthuIph, took:and itt heavy
draught horees.., aVe observe that this
aniand took first prize at the rProvin-
cial, over the same animal that took
'LA prize at Guelph. Heavy di atria,
Stallion a years old, C. Masen,-Ilayfield
took 1st prize, and Hugh Love, Hay,
31(1, Heavy d.ranelit Stallion 2 years
Old, NV. Peck, Bayfield tool 3rd prize.
in Ayrshire 'cattle Geo. 'Huston, Bien -
shard., took four, sewed prizes and mei
'first„ 2nd- for bull 8 years Old and up-
wards ; 2iid for bull calf under ate
year old; 2nd for cow 4,year8 uld , 211(1
for heifer undst two years old; id for
heifer under ,one year old.
ri ge council.
The Council met pursuant to adjortru-
ment at the Court -room, Esleter, Sept,
2811i,1874. All the members present.
The minutes of the preViona. Meeting
were read and confirmed. By4mv No.
10to, provide for the construction and
continuencnof slatighteiahoeses mu the
vibago of Exeter, was.i•eadana passed,
on motion of J. Pickard, seconded by
iW. H. Verity. Moved by J-.. Trick, se-
eonded by J.Ross, that orders be grant-
ed. for tne-following 'sttms viz: Isaac
$14.20, for. labor e W, Lucre,
$12,00 -; White & Sons„ $05.471, for
priatiog voters' list, The clerk
reported the receipt of a treasury check
fax the-smn, of $3070.11, on account of
surplus aistrbiation fund. aloeea ay
W. .FL Verity, ,seconded by j. Pickard,
that Charles Senior be -appointed eel -
lector for the present year, salary ,to be
$10. Meted in amendment by J. Ross,
seconded by j. Trick, thatMr. Matt-
art:be appointed Collector Providing he
collect the Taxes fornothino• ; 001011(17
inent carried. 3.. W..t'Broderick
presented a petition, Signed by a n quit
her of rate -payers, concernineethe pn
chaie. of Lot :10,11eio sI,, for the .1i:1r.
pose of Ope1i10;.1 it new street; leading
from Main. to William , Street. Tlie
Reye aptleMe, Pickard' were appointed
as committee tc,\,,inquirninto the mat.
tot concerningthle. above, and to re'.
port at tne next- me\etieg of:. the Conn-
ed. Moved by j, Pl'eltard, seconded by
J. Ross, that the Calmed adjourn until
Monday, Oct. 18, at, half past 7.o'cloele
p. ni. Carried.
M. Ea elten".17,.
(yrom our owo coreieohateare
-Acieninert.-74)n Tuesday, Sept, 2 -2nd,
Caleb 'Milken, son Of Mr, G. Millson,
8th, concession Hsborne, while'wrest-
ing with it infech larger hoy named
Wm. Hcon., aceidentally frachired the
email booe. of IdS leg; but is .doine 08'
well as can be expected under the
SOltOOY, EXAMINNTI611.—On .Friday
Sept. -181h, the Children of the :thlion
sehooI.Se.ction No. 11, sittiated on the
w Ellie be iwOOti 1.3id0n1ph 'and
,1311tosbardi, were subjected , theie
1 1
'ognatr quarteely eeettninatioll by 111'
speeter.S, Pe Groat, assieted loch -
Iles, A:.Diiismbre, Miss She, and
Others, 'The children aequitted them-
Seivee ie 0 ieentme which infleet:j great
erodit, not only noon theleselvf s hitt
also their teacher Miss Kilgallein --The
00en00ey and peotrintnesS with Which
the questions were anetvered' show
clearly that tho pupils the:roughly, tin.
lerstand thO;:differeitt subjects so far
ts' they have gtine, After the
;ion 016 611ildil'011 0eetli'Ve41 11 131111010p of
riee boo C5 03 tL 110,8011t; 0180 08 an 06-
illOW16(1&111011t 111116 t1icit 11.1:6gt0:38'
atisfaetu'y to the parenta ni general
Ini appreciated by thein, '
Or,e,an ate.," NV, Ball & Co„ Jackson &
The Zurieh Pair ili111 00010 Antigone,
aed eYeryone iutereeted in the event is
aitisfied, none more tat thou the aria()
wiunces. The village during the athyas-
ttn-wd 131000 the appearance of that
city of Teutoe fame from eyelet' it de -
elves its ehri,teniug, thee that of it
(gantry village of between three and
fear hundred of a population. There
could havo been po lase than eighteeu
huideed persons proeent during the
day. This concourse of people wasn't
composed of the residents of Hay and
1(3 ticmuity, but of numbers from differ,
ent parts of the County. This is an
loycra 01 s11. rj110 loe.] t.e.f ott,t(aotirloav,bt:Ecyniiiso,strts,:i.0:11rttyhaY,ig,:;111,10:10).
there were two of them) of fortune was
on latnd whit its imin of eraft to den
pens° luck to the lovers of chance and
the dimes to the pookets of the opera.
tors. -We could not help but remark
the evolution of things 41 general, and
that of fortune -wheels in partioutar.—
Hove we have, instead of the grizzly -
headed, liattein-jaaved old reprobate
who usually ;‘ lams " swift machines,
the boy, smooth -faced, and yet iu his
teens, who is entering npon his gamb-
ling career with stolid and smidt-like
indifference. The (blueing:halls of
Messrs. Mills, and Deickert were open -
pied the livelong day, and the stout
timbers were made to spring again as
sumo strapping beau with hip hello
would hoe it '' across and amend the
floor until they came to the " break-
down.'' Cornets and violins, played by
seemingly never -to -be -tired musicians,
kept the onlookers, asnvell as the par-
ticipators in the ihnice marking their
one, two, three on the floor.
The Z arich brass band serepaded
tho villagers in the morning and gavo
a welcome to the visitors,. doing the
eame in the evening, only this time bid-
ding a good-bye to snail as were going
home and not romainieg for the denim
in the eventug. As usual, one of the
points of attraction was tl e horse -ring
and the
: suety oitemen;
where was an excellent display of
lenses, cattle, eheep and hogs. In
horsas, Mr. Hugh Love, sr., showed an
imported heavy draught mare colt,
'which deservedly received recognition,
and was awarded an extra prize by the
judges. Messrs. White, Wilson, Smil-
lie and Holtzman showed some excel-
lent buggy beasts, as did others, -wiles°
moues we could not learn. There
were twelve horses shown in this class,
causing no small amount of trouble to
the judges ia their decision. Mr.White
carried off a first. In the othar classes
of horses and,colts there was also it big
percentage over those of last year. In
cattle, MeEwan, Sparks, Bell and Nic-
olson held their own. Some excellent
stock Was shown. In sheep, the veter-
ans, T. Martyr, Wm Lewis, and Wm.
Penhale were on baud with choice
stock. Some dissatisfacLon was felt at
the decision of the judges in the matter
of the year-old rams. Mr. , Penhale
was awarded the first, and Mr. 1-4ewi9
offered the second, which ho refused,
thinking his to beets good if not better
than that which took the first. Air.
.Martyn showed two rams ill. the class
mentioned, one ,o,f which he immediate-
ly sold for th?, handsome figure of $80.
wasreallY the 'centre of attraction. A,
great .display of ladies' work was . on
exhibition. The display on .the whole
;vas far ahead of that of last,year. :,Iii
01111105 the display was not as gobd. ; OS
that efprevious years. . . We noticedet
hag of beautiful flour made at :Mr.
I i.011W1Ck b Mill in Zullch. 11 1. GT001,,G
' Pedlar represented the Dominion. Or-
gan CO., and showed a really- fine in-,
strument. The following is the prize
list, and Messrs. Brown laid ()Hinman
we have to thank for their reedy and:
willing assistanee inlielping us proeure
it : •
AgaLeultural class—Brood mare and
foal, falli not judged with mare, Chas.
Tough, "Alex Ingram. Foal, Alex, In-
gram, Ernft Gies. 'Yearling colt, Mr.
Kercher, Jas. Kercher. Year-old geld-
ing, John Extine. Two-year old colt,
David McSherry. Two-year eld geld-
ing, Alex. McAllister, Ernst Gies. One-
year old filly, Alex. Ingram, W. Mc-
Dougall. Two-year oldfilly, B. MpAl-
lister, T. Sturgeon. Span horses in
harness and wagon, Jas. Arins,,tron
Jas. White. Carriage class—T woeyear
.old gelding, Ben Smilie, Wm. McEwan.
One-year old filly, R. Douglass, W.
Wing. Two-year old filly, 1st not
known, II. Bauer. Span horses in
haruess and. carriage, B. Phillips,
Brown it; Wilson.' Buggy horse in har-
ness and buggy, J. White, G. Holtz -
CA Trtn.
Milch cow, Itaving hie regard to her
milking qualities, iso and 2nd, Jno. Mc -
E wan. T wo- year old heifer, G. Sparks
R. Douglass. Yearling heifer. R. Bell,
Jas, Logan. Yoke two-year old steers,
1st and 2ad, Jas. Logan. Yoke one-
year old steers, G. Sparks, j. Logan.
Bull calf, R. Bell, D. McE w an. Heifer
calf, It. Bell, G. Sparks. Yoke work-
ing oxen, Alex. Spark, Smith Thomp-
son, Fat COW or heifer, G. Sparks, D.
Itch' wan. Fat ox or steer, G. Nichol-
son, Alex. Sparks.
. Aged ram, T. 13. Alartyn, W, Blair.
Yearling tam; Wm.Penhaln, W. Lewis.
Ram lamb, 1st and 211:1; \Vm. Penhale.
Pair ewes having' raised lainbl in '74,
Pu 1101111 MeRwan, Pair yearMg owee;
lcdttnd, 2nd, \V. Penhale. Pair ewe
lambS, W. Penhale, D: McEwnei. Pair
fat sheep, lst and 2nd, D.'AfcEwan.
Large breed--1408eC1 hoar, Benson
Berksliire—Aged boar, W.
1.31air, W. Penhale. Aged sow, W.
Blair. Spring boar, 11. Love, so,, W.
Blair, Spring sow, W.. Penhale, W.
Blair. Suffelk-eA.ged sow, A, l‘relilwell,
Spring boar,"Jtio. AV-Orkin:to, Spriog
sow, A. areal witn, Ino. Workmaii,
If6Wer, Th61118011 & Williams, recom-
mended.. Scultlee. T. & recom,
mended, larey G & J. 13rooks, Set
earriage harness, W. Fanson. 13-t1Try
towhees; W: 5'i111S011.
613081, '
TWO lateliele tveredatell er midge
proof fn11 'wheat; :Santos. Bell, johii 0
Iattlatielsch. Two bushels white Win-
ter wheat, W. Ife,Fewen, Chas. Tough,
Two bitshels spring Wheat, Ja8, :1.10114
(ieo, .Sparks. TWo bushels barley,.
Clete, ',remelt; Ate. Buchainui, Two
bushels black nabs, llobt. G. Broderick,
John. Troyer-, bushel(minion
White oats,' ii.61)t. 1). 131.0(161461I,f bah. f
ean Metwain Po latehale potato
nate, Cinta. Tongh,' 3ao ton, TwO t
Itobt, Nieholeon, Conrad $010.a.D,
oeuinee veeneenara.
Peek white beaus, Devitt Peck, Geo.
Spark. Twelve ears Indian coo, Wm.
'Wilson, Duncan Meillwao. Twelve
onions, Daniel Zeller, Conrad Salaam,
Twelve field earrots, white, Thos, Stur-
geon, Conrad -Wagner,. Twelve field
eatTots, red,Sanmel Carlisle, Twelve
Sweedish turnips, Conrad \Vegeer,
Alex. Sparks. Twelve matigold wurte
zel, Justus Mchic1, Conrad Wagner.
Bushel early potatoes, Jas. Bell, Alex,
McAllister. tei.
: 11'31u:111
11;1i B°p. Philips, j
' A
Foeter. Squeshelst and 2nd H. %run
Three water melons, IL Wurm, A
Geiger. Three musk tholone, J110.
Zimmer. Three healcabbage, A, Gei-
ger. Christian Buchlen. Six blood
beets, -.Mathew Wurna, A. Geiger.
Tomatoes, 1 pock, Geo. Sparks, Wm.
Collection of apples, not less than 6
of each variety, Jno. Tough, Win. Bell,
Duncan McL' wan. Four varieties of
apples, and 0 of each variety Jno.
Tough, jno. 13. Geiger, Jas Bell. Six
pears, A. Leamau, Jno. B. Geiger.
Twelve peaches, Hery Deitz, A. Leh-
man. Six bunches grapes, jno.
iner, Alex. MeEwan. Named collec-
tion of grapes, 6 of each, 1-1. Dietz,
Jacob Kercher. Citrons, Alex.. Mc -
Ewan. Two bottles home made grape
wine, jno. Zimmer, A McE wan.
Twelve crab apples, red, Geo. Sparks
Jno. Zimmer. Twelve crab Apples,
yellow, A. ItleEwan.
noiunsTre st.tsurAurceris.
Ten yards full "cloth, R. Bell, Jas.
Cochrane. Ten yards home-made
cotton and wool, Alex. MeEwan, Alex.
Ingrym. Pair blankets, R. Bell, D.
ltiteLri'itwz,ciai,h Hy.
Pair skin boots, Chas.
Side harness Ag.atliT
er, J. j. Moritz, S.Witwer. Kip skin,',
J.J. Moritz, S. Witwer. ''Calf skin
S. Witwer,J,J, Moritz.
P.atchwork quilt, Win. Grandy, D.
MeEwan. Quilt peivn on ground -work,
G. Merner, Alex. Buchanan, sr. Home
made ,eoaerlet, D. McEwan, W. Wurni.
Home-made nutt, Miss Annan, Thos.
Ford. Berlin wool work lst,.itna.2nd.,
alias Annan. Pair woolen mitts; S.
Carlisle; • Pair woolen socks, 11. McAl-
lister, D. MeEwan. •
20 Its. salt butter, B. Bell, D. Me -
Ewan. ' 5 lbs. 'fresh butter, Wm. Bell,
John Troyer. 15. Iba. • home made
chem., R. Bell, D. MoEtvan. 40 Ibe.
factory made cheese,. G. Menier. Five
lbs. honey in comb; J. C. AVideman, T.
Zimmer.. Strained*, honey, Fred Hess,
'John C. Widethen: Honey in cernb.
Alex. MeEwan,Robt. Bell,,
.Pairgese, Jas. Foster, let and 211d.
Pair ducks-, Jai, Foster,' A. Jelinston.
Pair black ;Spanish fowlsre:A...Johnston,
Pair;farm yard fowls,.: A. Johnston,.
,ExTrUs.7--White cotton quilt, Miss
'Annan ;lag cabin quilt, Mrs. Wni.
son, 01.08. C6 chrh.p6: Wool tidy, Miss
Annan ; .2nd; .Miss Annan. Berlin
'Wool cashion, Mrs. II. McAllister, Mrs.
GeOrge :Sparks. Crochet work, Thos,
Johnson, McEwan. ' Crochet table
'eater, Thos. Johnson. Table mats,
:Mrs. li. 1111cAllister. Braid woel:, Thos.
Ford. E inbreadery,' Ale's. Buchan an.
Lady's. night dresS, D. McE Wan Fred
'Demuth_ . Braided night tirt-8-;°. • .1"Mrs':
II. McAllister, ,Te$;.Coalirane, Gentle
-inari's fine shirt,rAlex.'Bnelmnan. Ba-
by's dress, Thos. V61•11 .108. Cochrane.
Braided apron,_ Thos. Ford., Feather
flowers. 'Thos. Ford. ,S. Carlisle. '
wool flowers, -Miss Annan, Win.
Wilson. Wool Work framed, Jno.
Troyer. Sample -work,: R. Morner.
Crystal painting, S. Carlisle. Pencil
drawing, 0 Vitneallten burg. String
buttons, T. Johnson. Lady's etock-
ings, T. Ford, , D. McEwan. }tome
made carpet, Mies tannau. Bag flour,
W. alenwicl..
Horses and Cattle—Messrs. Bawden
of Exeter, Govenlock of Seaforth, and
Stewart of Usborne.
Sheep and Pigs—Messrs.„ Bishop of
Usborne, Jno. Stewart of Tuckersmith
and E. Nichol of Wingliam.
Ladies work ----Mesdames W. G.
Wilson and A. B. Shaun' z of Zurich.
Dairy Pioduce--Messrs. Wilson of
Hay, Elliot of Zurich, and John Hunt-
Diticeqe of
The followina which speaks consid-
erable for the read. gentleman who is
to leave us next spring, we clip from
the London Free Press of a few flees
since :
" His Lordship the Bishop of Sas-
katchewan has been detained iu Ontario
for some time by the effort to obtain
two clergymen to act as mission-
aries, at the important districts of
Carhon and Edmonton. He has suc-
ceeded in securing the services of one
gentleman whose qualifications are of
a very high order. The clergymau in
questionos the Rev. Isaac 1.3arr, itt
present Incumbent of Exeter, in the
diocese of Huron. Mr. Barr distin-
guished himself as it scholar at the
University of Toronto, where he took
honors both in classics and Hebrew.
He subsequently passed through the
theological course of three years at
Huron College, and since his ordina-
tion he has earned for himself a high
reputation both as pastor and. preacher.
The 13ishop has appointed him to the
office of ex.airtining chaplain. As the
the season is now so far advanced, Mr.
Barr will not be able to leave Ontario
for his new sphere of labot until next
The Bishop left Lon don on Friday
last for the NOrth-westom companied by
Mrs. McLean and family.
1)0)11 teatineeting of Sexamith,'W,31,
Chtiteli was held on Wednesday . event
nag' of last Week, .,antl :was 0complete
euccessin every respeet. -The tea as
prepaeed by So:01111th ladies cannot be
beaten Mut they fully totstained their
intmo on the eteiling. iirtpleStioll,
Chair Was taken by Mo. M. Ettoroit., ef
:Exeter who did die .very best serviees.
whilo oceapying ita 1110 oddlimner
was ani hept the 111111i011(36
interested.' He Called st•!teessfoliy itod
in Twilit manner tipon a,81•8.'),Vill, J.
White f the Txmla, Ranton, ReV.:
TretheWay,',Ntr, 13. Swineetoo,
Battel, and ROI. W. GodwiM The
WO ROO, gentleinea tiii'octo(1 t1io att
lentiOn ok the- andience thetimelVes
• J14;V:WV. RA,
The Tilxeter Branch of )folsoni$130
1.1.8,, St, join), N.lat, and ttll the
and Quebec.
Melee advaneea eu Peoduee,
;Buys and sells Stertipa' Excletage,
Discounte Note(,
A Saviiigs Bank.' 1)01)ArtIllellt Litt; be nt
Branch Molsolis Bank,
from one Dollar ($
Payeriae Dentana Leith interest.
Exeter, May 7, 1874.
Dry Goods S
Eanoy Goods, Cutlery, Wall -Pa
We are now pr
Alan E2rtensive A.s
iu tho several departments en
Bought direct f
on tho Bost Terms.
Ono of our travellers -will tako au early 'opportu
-with full Buts of Samples, whoa your esteemed or
Loudon, September 3r0, 188-1.
Tigte Londiglat Lf41-00, and
We take the following from the Free
1 -?res$ of Monaity Wassel, th
Engineer of #19 London,' Hertel end
Bruee :Beltway, will proceed this thorn-
ing with his sniff of assistants to stake
out.tho for the ..eontractor, the ob-
jeCI, being to commence effeetive work
tine fall. Until the meeting of the
shareholders Of thoGreatWestern has
been held (Oat. 'it is not certain
if the road Will be cofietericted affili,
atimi. with that. conipany. But should
they decline to carry Mit the ae-ree-
Meet' of 1878, .thea thee° are,a4eyetat
ternatives open under which the serva.
00 of .the road can he conducted." Th
staking of the lino :lbw (-Poing on is bu
Il:rocrratory to actuelb: eonstructicn
whether che agreement is fulfilled ca
., $2,000,000
1,11.4„.„1„.„,„ • 1,r .„ di(),.099
iseues Drafts on Louden, gngo Neq
ariacipal toWns 004tAX1411
NOW 'York Exelionge, Greenbacka,
°paled in cooneetiell with:the Xxotor
1) 4.11E10 AN
mall -Wares
per, School nooks fitattonery
epnred to chow
sortzrtexl,t of Coeds
umerated above, which have been
by our Own 13uyer.
'city of calling upon tile Merchant s in this section
IA (MA 1.111,1N our valeful attention.
By telegraph from our correipondont
Widder, September 80, 1874.
ACCIDENTAL DEAT11.—Yesterday ea -
ening, a farmer named Aaron Tool was
run over by a freight train, half a mile
west of this village, and was killed in-
NEW CHURCIL—The new Lutheran
Church, now in course of erection is uiz
O fairiway of bean" completed • it will be
a credit to the society and an ornament
to the village;
e NEW STORES.—Mr. -Jolla Mitchell
t has lately removed to the' new store,
, erected this suminei by Mr. Noah Freid.
• He hies on hand a splendid stock a
goods, whieli he is prepared to sea as
:theft') as , any house in this or any
other town. " Cheap for Cash,' ;at/
Mitchell's motto; Mr. Thomas Ham-
lin has aso erected a new store on
Main St. which will be opened some
t time this fall. Mr. Hamlin hopes to
secure his share of tale.
. (TY0111 OWI3 COIVOSP0214Eat.)
All orders lat at Bosworth's' Drugand
BooltStere (next .door to iticLeitias DOWD
for 'Printing,. et tail inge heart/EDO
.ete, Wili recetve prompt attentam. Diehl
subscribers future receive the TOES
at the above-nemed StorN
111.3GAN:GOTIN11,,---$ special meeting of
the Council Walk lield in. the ceunce
rotori on Tbursday, 'Sept ' 24, ar7
clock. .Piesi,mt the reeve and ebuneil-
lore, Relic and Goodacre. .Minntesi`eof
last Meeting Were read and approvedg..:
By -Law No, providing for the col-
lection of poll ai,x from young inen and
()there whuse.taxes do net lumina to
$2 was read- thee() tinies and passe,. •
The conned' then adjourned.
Os A Dunsx..--L--We are very sorry to
relate the foot that one of the 'leading
citizens of Granton; W1M was lately a
prominent member of the temperance
organization and is as far as we know,
a pillar of one of the churehes hi that
eame' to Lucca' last Sunday on
O heavy drunk. That is about as bad
as the Lamm rowdies spending their'
Sunday in Granton.
PISHONEST FAiiirrais.—No fewer than
four farmers were detected tit this mar-
ket..,:on Saturday last in attempts to
:cheat grain buyers by having sample
hag* of geed grain on. the top of the
loads while underneath WO113.. bags of
inferior qaality. one ease 25 ete,
per bushel was deducted off the priee
but in. the othei 'cases they were
ordere0J take the grain away. It is
a pity tO allow seek pereees escape'
justice, and the buyers here have ala
meet arrived at the eUll elusion of docking
the next man detected in such rognery
25 Cps. a. bushel on his load, ana then
giving him: into custody.
a Locan Ep‘spete,
1 Now it happened that there dwelt,
in the village of Luca') a certain man
called 'Michael, and he was named after
a great archangel.
2 Ancl Michael did commune -with
himself thus : " My health is growing
feeble and the desire for work is not
what it 011,30 was, but my friends fire,
many and thirsty, so I shall open a
3. Now this thing was not only
against the law, but WaS an abomina-
tion in the sight of many people, who
said " we must put this thing
down, least preadventurc our fathers
and our brothers should be enticed then,
4 And the howl() was called the
Good Intention Inn."
5 But the saying of it sw bin wise
man that hell was paved with good in-
tentions stirred op the friends of tem.,
perace, and an officer of the law, to wit.
Wm. W: Lee, License Inspector, was
ordered to his duty—and he did it.
0 And he brought Michael before the
judge, even the Buss, and charged him
with selling the spirit of rye, even an-
cient rye, and. the fermented juice of
the corn,
7 Then the judge cried with 0 loud
voite " art thou amity Bald 'Alleluia re-
plied how am I to know until thy
servant hearth the evidence,
8 Then the prosecutor mai Saenuel
and &ones and John and Daniel ancl
David and these all testified to the
truth of the charge,
0 And the judge pronounced him
gnilty mid ordered him to pay hit° the
treasnry etBirtk=two,sheekles of silver
er to be banished freni-Liman kr many
10 And ao the Wyatt§ viadicittoit aint
the transettessor was a eadder If net
tvieer naui.
Naw Onnuem,-,,fyhenew ChUreir
at iihnivilbe is pregr, esing rapidly to -
Or Tate a length of tune., P.tlie Exeter
'oh eompletion .1,r1c1 will be opened‘
V. 1‘.t choir dispaoet itiII8iG iit,tho itv4i-4011.,(s (40 01080 of fall or begining of
pp/a& Proeeed4, $,‘4-8,00
RECOVERED.—Mr. Wm. Ball has so
far recovered from his very long and
painful illness as tc be able to walk.
CHARIVAri-Oue of or very much
respected citizens, having-lately joined
himself in "lawful wedlock'. Or to use
a, common term " got ..spliced" to a
young lady at it distaace, the boys de-
termined to celebrate the joy tel event
a grand charivari. Shortly after
;dark, the boys—boys, did I say, cutler
old boys, some of them—began to as-
semble, until in a short time some fif-
ty or sixty were gathered together, with
every necessary for the occasion,--rus-
ty muskets, cow bells horses &c •and
1 at ts
as kept
Started it noise which was
distaitce of five miles. This
up for about an hour, whet' ley:agreed
to go an the•acceipt of and
moisten the parchedthieats with 'lager
free bull was given one
night Itiet week at the hotel and, was
quite a success.. About eight o'clock
the guests began to arrive, and swat
commenced to trip the •• light fantastic
toe." The ball was kept np all night
and after four in the morning the feet
till swept swiftly round in themazy
.4 .01 RACE TS.
, ...
White Wheat ... ... $ 90 to *1 00
Spring Wheat ... 90 to 1'00
Oats ..., ... 32 to 95
. Potatoes ... 40 to 50
Barley ... ... 70 to 50
60 to 50
Eggs „, ..„ 14 to 15
Butter .„ ,.. 25 to 25
Plourper WA.- 6 00 to 6 Du
10 to 12
Shorts - „. ... ... . 14 to 16
Wool ... ... ... ,.. 35 to 35
Hogs..., .. . .............. ...,...... ....... 6 50 to 5 50
Fall Wheat ... ... ... 81 05 to $1 07
Spring Wheat... ...„. J 05 to 1 07
Oats ... _ 35 to 36
Peas ... ... 00 to 65
Butter ... ... 94 to 25
Eggs ... 32 to 13
'Wool ,., 37 to 3$
Pall wheat 9.9 to 1 00
.S'prin g wheat 95 to 1 011
Oats, 0 36 to 0 35
Barley 70 11) 73
Peas 070 to 07))
Butter' 0 23 to 0 2.5
Eggs - 0 12 to 0 12
W out 0 36 to 0 Bil
ST, IfAltr3.
Deihl wheat, per loussol 98 to 97
Spring wheat... ... 9O B.., 97
llarloy0 80 to 88
78; to 80
Oats ... 35 to 35
Eggs, per dozen 11 to 12
Butter :-.. ... 25 to 25
Wool 20 to 35
, vocAx,
weito wheat 1 60 to 1 (ir
Treitclw ell 60 to 1 00
seriug...,„„.„„„„„„........ ... .,100 to 1 00
outs, ...., ,..,.,„„.„,.. .
..... ,..,.,.. ... 0 . . 35 to 0 39
Pea H,.. 0 55 to 0 70
Baxley 82 to 95
. .. .. , .. . ... . .. . .. .... 23 to 2.7
Eggs, per tioseu...., ......... ,,...,..,12 to 124
l'otatous .. . ... ,. .. , .. .. ,.„
. .„,,..
, ... 40 to 0 50
Gard „ , ,,,,, . 9 to 10
'Ballow„,„,,,„ „, 5 to si
Hay , „ 10 00 to la 00
Timothy seed ... . .,,, . . . . „.
.,..,„.,.,. .... , 1 50 to 3 95
Clever st,ed , 6 25 to 6 50
Wool 17 to 80
ShoopskinS ....... -,,,--... . . .. ..,.,. 0 50 to 0 75
(Froto Yo0tOrittty's Prot) Prose.)
Wkito Whoitt, 1)ofhl, pot coital -, 81 0510 41 it,
. l'
” reiv1Weil.,, ... 1 55 to 1 10
Spring. Wheat ,;”' ' - 1 70 to 1 03
. ,.,.-
to 1t
1 07 tt) 1 00
.. 1 10 te 121
15 to 14-•
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Itto toy
Egg's piwdozon
Botter por pound „.
131tittio The te-
ceipt of cattle to,d,lay hate toot 1,411
head, Making the total supply for the
week thins far 8687 head, Theatarket
native, all the fresh arrivals being
thraugheconeignments. The pled e aro
nearly bare. of efock, $8.75 to a5.14.
'Shieo atia tatlibS.The receipt of
Shoop and ItimbS to -day bate been 5,400
head, making the total supply for the
toil supply for die wee' tints far 10,-
800 head. The market closed heavy
:awry Canada 10111b8 Nyek0 (voted lit;
$0 to i0,50; Western sheep $4 to $4,
Woterti, lambs at $L00 to