HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-14, Page 22• iressnlft1,flitIntsi1111NNraasrf Berne Buck . Do ✓ s; ti Id II & Marg Moore i y Sat., July 24 R y 9:00 p.m. I e Exeter Ag Building R yfl • Tickets available at the door' for Al Pym Page 22 Tinges -Advocate, July 14,1993 11k . BIRTH' O'ROURKE • Steve and Tina ORourke are thrilled to announce the arrival of their fust child, Cameron Steven, on June 17. 1993 at C.B.GJI. Walkerton. Spoiling privileges go to first time grandparents Barb and Wayne ORourkc, second time grandparents Hans - and Joan Ncllessen, also Janet and Roger Hartung. Great-grandparenu are Ileen and Ivan Sharrow and Clan O'Rourke and great - great -grandmother Hazel Stebbins. 28c REGIER • Kelly and Tem and Kristyn are happy to announce the birth of their nephew, Tyler James, bon June 30, 1993. Proud Mom is Marcia. Grandparerua are Jimand Marlene Regier. Great-grandparent are Ge- rald and Eva Tyler and Clem and Theresa Regier. 28c re DEATHS CYR • At University Hospital, London on Sunday, July I1, 1993. Mr. Paul Emile Cyr of Zurich in his 61st year. Beloved husband of Marie Theresa (Durand) Cyr. Dear father of David and his wife Carol of RR 2, Dash- wood, Catheririe and her husband Rene Sauve of Chatham, Thomas at home, Patrick and his wife Gail of London and Michael, at home. Dear son of Mrs. Florence Cyr and the late David Cyr of Ajax. Dear son-in-law of Mrs. Gertrude Durand of Zurich and the late Maurice Durand (1993). Dear brother of Armand and Helen, Cyr of Ajax, Lionel and Bernadette Cyr of It.R 1, Dashwood, Dorilda Gay of Dartmouth; N.S., Marie and Joe Quillen of Orleans and Cora and Jerry Folks of Holland Landing. Also survived by 7 grandchildren and several uncles, emu, nieces and nephews. Rested in the Zurich Chapel of Mtchael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, then to SL Boniface Church, Zurich for celebration of the funeral Mass on Wednesday, Julyy, 14 at 10::00-a.m. with Fr. Matthias Wronsloi celelrnrtt. As atpteurons 9 of sympathy donations to the Canadian Can- cer Society, Palliative .Care or charity of choice would'be appreciated. Parish prayers were held Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. 28c MAGUIRE • Suddenly u the result of an automobile accident on Monday, July 12, 1993. Gary J. Maguire of RR 82 Lunen in his 33rd year. Beloved husband of e (Ormstrom) Maguire. Dear father at home. Dear son and son-in-law and Mary Maguire and Cyril and Joyce Ormstrom all of London. Dear brother of Rosemary and Barry Maguire both el Lon- don, Brian Maguire of Tilbury and Cathy (Mrs. Larry Genyn) of Lighthouse Cove. Friends called at the C. Haskeu and Son Fu- neral Home, Lucan-on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. The Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, July 14 at 11 a.m. at Si Pat- rick's Church, Ewan with Father Gary Du- channe. interment St. Patrick's Cemetery. -28c . CARDS or THANKS r ESSERY • I would like to express my thanks anti appreciation to all my friends and neighbours for the lovely bridal shower and gifts at the Centralia United Church. Special thanks to Mikayla for the French song, the Supper Club Gals", the U.C.W. and to those who partiin the skit. es- pecially the two "schools". FERGUSON - I with to thank relatives and friends for visits. cards, flowers, inquiries and food, while I was in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal oseptal hid sine returning home. Thanks to Di: Wallace and Mrs. Vrucher for their "spe- cial" care. All was very much appreciated. 28* Inita r CARDS OF THANKS f FINKBEINER - We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who made our 25th anniversary so wonderful. The beauti- ful gifts and cards will be treasured always. Thank you to all our friends who helped in any way. An extra special thanks to my Mom who gave so much of herself to make the party a success. And last but not least, to our thildren, Russ, Robb and Vicki for all their love and hard work in planning and holding such a great pany for us. Thank you for everything. 28c Jim and Linda GLANVILLE-ALLEN • We would like to thank everyone for attending our Buck and Doe to make a a wonderful evening. Special thanks to those who worked so hard prepar- ing for the event. Also a thank you to every- one for their understanding and considera- tion on that night. All was greatly appreciated. 28c Sharon and Jim HARRIS • I wish to express my sincere thanks to my family for their many trips from Windsor to Si Joseph's Hospital. To South Huron Emergency, Brenda you were great; the doctor on call and nurses, Hoff - mans Ambulance, Dr. Carroll and his team and nurses on the fourth floor. Thank you to all my friends and neighbour for their cards, gifts, and calls while in hospital and since coming home. Such lovely food was brought in to me since .I came home. You are wonderful friends. God bless you all. To the V.O.N. and Debbie, Dr. Gans, Bea and Wilma. I am a lucky person to have such people around me. I thank Clod so many times. A sincere thank you. 28* Clara INSLEY • A sincere "Thank You" to fami- ly, friends and relatives for cards, gift and concern, while Ted was a patient for several weeks at University and South Huron Hospi- tal Special thanks to wonderful staff at both hospitals. Our appreciation to everyone who remembered us on the occasion of our 40th Wedding Anniversary with cards and gifts. God bless you all. 28 • Ted and Rnth JAQUES - We would like to thank our rela- tives, neighbours and friends for the lovely gifts and cards received for our surprise 25th anniversary party. Special thanks to Wayne and Laura for the use of their home, our chil- dren for planning everything, Olga for the lovely corsages. Brenda for the ekes and everyone who brought tach. Thanks for everything.8* Harry and Susan KLEMKE - I wish to thank everyone for flowers, food, gifts, phone calls, pnyen and visits while I was inUaiversity Hospital and since resuming home. A special thank you to my family and to the staff of doctors who took care of me. Thanks very much to Roy for looking after my garden. All is very much appreciated. Thank youagam 28* Paul McKNIGHT • We would like to thank our children, grandchildren. relatives and friends for the lovely gifu. flowers and cards ave re- ceived on our 60th wedding aonivenary. You all made it a day we will never forget. 28• Len and Mabel • CARDS, OF THANKS r MULLER - A heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lain, nurses and staff at South Huron Hospital for thew wonderful este and support • while Stephanie was ill. Exeter is fortunate to have . such a good facility. Thanks also to my great husband, sister, man and neighbours for all their help with the other kids while Mont was away: Also, for the support and concern from all our family and friends. 28* Cecile y SKILLENDER - A heartfelt thank you to all- the dear friends, %cache's, students and psrenu who have been a pan of my Stephen Central tan icy for your kindness and sup- port. Your p�sence at my Open House, your greetings remembrances will be pan of a golden chain of memories. Helping me to mark the time is a delightful anniversary clods presented by the Student's Council on behalf of the children. Thank you each and everyone. 28• Jay McROBERTS - Once again, Audrey and I wish to wank our family and friends for the many scar of kindness to me, during my shon stay in University Htsil and since returning home. Special tharths to Dr. Wall and his team, and also to Dr. Steciuk. 28• Elliott r COMING EVENTS r VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL at Mid- dlesex Hall, Centralia College, July 19-23 froth 9:30-11.30. For children ages 4-12. To pre register call Karen 228-6236, Rohnda 228-6816. Sponsored by the Exeter Chris- tian Reformed Church. 26,27,(28)c SHDHS 25 YEAR REUNION, for students who started Grade 9 in 1968, Saturday, Au- gust 21. For information call 238-2556. 26,27,28c ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAHS An- nual Camp Out to be held at Family Paradise Campgrounds near Walton on August 20-21. All Brothers and Sisters in District 8 and friends are welcome: Any enquiries please conuct Bev Parsons at 235-2027. 27-29,31-33• SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL and Auxil- iary 40th Anniversary. Chicken Bar -B -Q Wednesday, August 11. I993, -South Harm Rec.' Centre. Continuous entertainment. Tickets available at the hospitaL 27,28,(29)• HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Adult Health Clinic. Location: Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1993. Time: 9:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00.330 p.m. 1. Health Camsel- ling: 2. Foot Care (fee): 3. Blood pressure testing. 28c ALL WOMEN welcome to: 1993 'Take Bade The Night" planning July 21 at 7:00 p.m. Women Today in Clinton. Phone 482- 9706 or 1-800-268-3094 for more informa- tion. 28c for John A. Steuer and Becky J. Law July 23 9 p.m. at Exeter Ag Building for tickets contact Becky or John at 235-4005 anytime. Tickets also available at the door. • ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood PASTOR LARRY STOJKOViC For the months of July and August 9:00 a.m. - Sunday School and Bible Class 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome • EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-111:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour 7700 p.m: Communion Service Nursery Available Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study All services are held at 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome For more nformation please call 229-8881 July 18 10.11:00 a.m. Worship Broadcast BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, July 18 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:10 a m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Service Nursery available Everybody welcome Come and Worship with us to As; :a: ornaTORY EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St Sunday, July,18 Summer Services 10:00 a.m Junior Congregation 10 a.m ages 4+ Courtesy Car: Eley Van Bergen 235-2586 Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 235-2661 Sunday, July 18 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Moming Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Feltowship Wednesday. 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Main St. S. Pastor Vernon Dean Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers Christian Education DirectorSiehle Sunday, July '10:00 a.m. Sunda School 11:00 a.m. Worst p Service 11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service in gymnasium 7:00 p.(n. Celebration and Praise Service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Family Night Programs for all ages Nursery available for alt services 'A place to meet God and a friend' • CAVBd PRESBYTERIAN Oe+IRa'I 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Rev. Mark B. Gaskin Courtesy Car: 235-1,967 July 18 J 11:00 a.m. Worship Service (wast Speaker. Mrs. Gwyneth Whilsmith Sermon Title: Cynics or Ambassadors? Everyone Welcome TR)VITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH I. 264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Seventh Sunday atter Pentecost July 18, 1993 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Baptism Sunday School Nursery Available Youth Group meets 17 p.m Patterson EveryoWelcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer 235-1723 Worship Services July 18 10:00 a.m Su School for 3 year old children during morning service. 700 p.m. Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Sunday Rada CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m CKNK 920 10730 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 6:30 am Life with Ch(st is en endless hope. file without Christ d a hopeless and. rFinkef 91(9rma would be phased to have you join them to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversa Sat,, Jury 24 Open House - 2:30 -4 p.m. C:Alie Youth Centre, Sohn St, , Exeter L1� HURON COUNTRY PIAYHOUSE '1IIf:AIRE IN•TItE Cttt/hi'tRY 0''. 5p�141�>, 5)11‘ THEATREBEYOND'WORDS PvtaW- Sunday, July 25 12 noon & 2 p.m. For kidsofall ages and mom and dad too! it 1 Wt �? cirocoNE ivicnvi • Sun. August 8, 2'p m. Ideal for kids -from Kindergart- en to Gr. 8! Bu 0 for Sandra Steckle & Chris Regier tat.. July 17 Zurich Community Centre $5.00 per person Lunch and DJ Beginner's Tole Pain Classes Starting Next Week Afternoons and evenings (Paints Inpluded) Come and see the Items you will paint or call to register Joyce jtii 294-0289 411111,1Wilif WIN c)rcie DANCE HALL 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. 349-2678 Dress Code Fri., July 16 Sunrise _fat.. July 17 Couittry4ustice N'a.dor 15th anniversary! come andenjoy a piece of ;annlverSay cake at the end Ofthe stance. 25tfc'WeddingAnnive arty R, option for Lome & Margaret Hem Fri..Juty 23 Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre Music by "Beechwood'. Dancing 9 - 1 CA Your presence is a treasured gift ?14 (••% C; to any young people interested in entering the Zurich Agricultural Society `Ambassatkor of the Fair" Competition to be held July 23,1993 Contestants must be between the ages of 16 and 21 and live in the Zurich area. Please contact Heather Klopp 236-4291 or Margaret Deichert 236-4130. Deadline for entry will,pe July 18, 1993 Vacation. , I :) nblie &hooll Sun. August 29, 2 p.m. Excellent for kids aged 3-12! Adults: 85.00 Kids 83.0 or all three for one low price.. 810.00 (86.00 kids under 12) July 19 - 23,9:30-11:30 a.m. Box office hours Alan. =Sat. 9 a.m. -4p.m. (519) 2384000 • C HURON COUNTRY PIAYHOUSE 111i:A1'RF-IN-•rIiE-COUNTRY Frederick Knit's WMT U ?TIL DAM Ai, u•slxhnsortYl Lot all i Closes July 17 Ray Cooney's OLflOF ORER sponsored by: i..11 Begins July 20 .c..74...-'Mutolow. Written & Directed by Dean Regan Sponsored by: Playing until August 14 BOX OFFICE OPEN MONDAY -SATURDAY 9:00.9:00 (519) 238-6000 IR g At Middlesex Hall, Centralia College For children ages 4-12 yea Pre -registration call 228.6236.228.6816 Sponsored by the Exeter mss. , Christian Reformed Church Gables Tav rn 1st Annual low Pitch Tournament July 17 and 18 Mens rec division, ladies rec division, co-ed rec division All proceeds to Grand Bend Minor Ball. $150. per team. For information 238-2371 John Musser lf•. i' l Albatross Tavern Huron Park Presents 2286733 Arm wrestling Saturday, July 24, Entry fee 81.0. Registration 10:30 till 1:00 p.m. Men's right 0 - 150 lbs. 161 -176 lbs. 176 - 200 lbs. Men's loft - open, Idles - open 3 ib. olettlting allowance Competition starts "2 p.m." For more information cell the Tavern 519-228-6733 � a Ng 4