HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-14, Page 20COUNTRY LIVING Only 1 mile from Exeter, on paved road. Unique home, excel- lent condition, white brick, ex- tremely well built, brand new roof, very well insulated, 2 bed- rooms, Targe living room, large dining room, office/den, good size kitchen, Tots `bf cupboard space, 4 plece bathroom and 2 piece in basement. Hardwood floors throughout, full dry base- ment, full walk -In attic. Central heating, oil fumace, also air tight Wood Craft wood stove. Spring well, that has never gone dry and pressure system. Mort- gage clear. Lot 105 It. 6 Inches by 130 ft., lovely trees around grounds. Township by-laws, lots cannot be purchased for buitdina on, therefore, no one can build' next door. Viewing by appoint- ment only. Phone 235-0922. No Sunday calls please. 1F Page 20 Times -Advocate, July 14,1993 SOLID OAK DINING TABU:, custom made, never used, seats 6 adults. $250,00. Phone235.1168. SET OF DRUMS in good condition. Phone 236.4572. BLACK ANI) DECKER lndustniil vacuum cleaner plus wand and ,floor brush $400; Weedeater 10" ttimmer odel 1210 • 32100; Paramount yard blower Model Pk1150 S25.00. Phone Doug Robbins 235-1519. DRYSD Major Appliance Centrt Ltu Sales With Service The place to buy appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262 -?72 FLAGPOLES, any size. Bicycle racks made to your specifications. Hamilton's Machine Shop. 235-1655. (20tfn) 2 ELEC1ROHOME 8000 BTU air conditioners for side sliding windows. 3 years old. 5350 each or best offer. Phare 235-1958. • SEARS CRAFTSMAN 10'• radial arm • saw, 12 amp. Excellent stupe, 555e limn. Phone 284-3233. LONG LASTING GARDEN fresh cut flower bunches • eville ($5.00 and �d 510.00/bunch)a>tyunusual varieties grown (lilies, delphinium, snapdragons, asters and dried flowers. Glad: available approximately Aug. 1st. Call Loralce (229-6464) or Gertrude (229.6253y 'We will arrange if you wish. SOFA AND LOVESEAT, new condition, floral design in blue, rose and beige. Matching blue ,swivel rocker. Phone 235-1647. (27tfn) 6000 BTU VERTICAL WINDOW air conditioner. used only one summer. 5400. Phone235-1505.(27:"28') 2 -WAY RADIO - Excellent reconditioned FM systems by Standard and GE. Base plus 2 mobiles installed and ready for use 5995 and 51195 with warranty. Good used • mobiles and portables from 5125. Rentals, wide area repeaters, servile to all makes. Tenex Communications Inc. Ailsa Craig 293.3255,1-800.265-2936. (27:28c) GROUP Sutton Group Preferred Realty Inc. Reactor 1-238-8800 • Huron St. Weld 2 bedroom bungabw, spadbus d'lning room and living loom, Main 'floor laundry, new bath, oak hardwood fborfng. Extra.farge :lit withmatureetrees.'NEW'PR10E$79A00. GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GI< C. Realtir and Insurance Inc. 1:91 RE�t10R Exeter Ontario Clinton Ontario (519 235-2420 Grand Band, Ontario • (519)482-9747 284 Main St. (519)2384484 r . .OPEN HOUSE Sat,, July 17, 1 -4 32 Goshen Street. Zurich Lot size 66' x 174', 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, large rear deck.Unfinished basement. FAO heating. Bill Fuss 236-7755. 40 --- Ali ikt - - i DRIFIWOOD a "NORTH OF IIIIELJOSEPH 12' x 50rdnit close to beach. 8'x8' storage shed, fully fur- nished. Try an offer. . ---- . �c _ . _____ INVESTMENT PROPERTY Main St., &wafer, )lncommercial, 6 apt. giving excellent return. Call Bill Gilillan for details. ismoi,4046p .444, TRY YOUR OFFER Luxury living - no maintenance Quality built, four years old. Forced air gas heat and numer- ous extras. 440 - ,, ., t �` t -�slitr NEW PRiCE Main floor family room leading onto a deck. Three bedrooms, formal dining, partially finished basement with a workshop. - . -• -_ OWNERSHIP MAY HAVE SAME PAYMENTS AS RENT 408 William- St., Exeter. Three bedroom, brick, semi. F.A. gas heat - priced to sell at $75,000. Call Bill to view. z . t,,-. EXCELLENT HOME WiTH INCOME Presently a duplex. Renovated on both levels. Oak cupboards in both kitchens, hi-efficeny gas heat. Could easily be con- verted to sinyie residence. Priced at $129,000. Call Bill. F ' t r ....;;.1 . ' REDUCED 3 bedroom on large lit, gas heating. Large -19'x19' family room. New kitchen including most appliances. Central to all activities. Make an otter - asking $111,900% Call Murray. LUXURY HOME -123 THOMAS ST. -EXETER Huge private lot, central air, F.A. Gas heat, whirlpool tub, main floor den, finished basement, double paved drive, profession- ally landscaped with sprinkler system. Try your offer. Call Bill. . + M WANTED Buyer for immaculate 4 bedroom house with 7yr. old 24'x24'ad- dition with large living room and family room. Hi-eff. gas furnace, formal dining room. Open to of- fers, asking $131,900. Call Mur- ray. • PERFECT STARTER - 410 WILUAM ST. EXETER • Three bedroom solid septi- detached. F.A. .. s heat, 'single drive. Priced . :: at $75,000. Call Bill to vi, ' '' i •>'' ti .r...,. MAIN STREET COMMERCIAL 1600 sq. ft. main floor plus three bedroom apartment well main- tained and vendor will assist in financing. Price $129,500. Open to offers. #4 HWY. - HENSALL 2 + 1 bedrooms, finished roc room, wet bar. 2 servioed btu at rear. Asking $150,000 complete. Call Bill Fuss. FIRST TIME BUYER- LOOK IN ZURICH New 'cupboards, newer bath, light fixtures, washer, dryer and dishwasher. Large lit - 86' x 264' at $94,000. Call Bill Fuss. • BIII Q1IWIen 23541 l6, At Vastly 2364999 Murray Koys 235.2098 Bill Fuss 230.7766' ROYAL LePAGE = ■ D.:. ;td CHERRIES - Pick your own+cherries u Mt... -y Bros. Orchard, 4 miles southwest of ']Medford on Ridge R, -ad off County Road 9. Black sweet cherries ready July 60h and Monunorency cherries ready July 10th. (26-28•) SWEET CHERRIES - pick your own or ready picked. (Good . pitting machine available - bring your own containers). Rock Glen Orchards on Rock Glen Road, •Arkonc. Chris and Joanne Mead and Willy VsnHree 828-3074, 828-3888. (27;28c) HAY FOR SALE - 4'x5' round bales, hard core centres, Red Clover. Call 565-2728 or 233.9297.(27tfx) BABY ROCKING CRADLE on stand. Solid pine, new handcrafted 5250. Phone 228-6303. BLAC e CHERRIES - you pick or ready picked. Ridge Farm Hwy. 79, Widder Rd. 'Medford. 296-4272. (28c) CUSTOM BUILT insulated doghouse, $75.00; Fedders window or wall air conditioner, 10,000 BTU used one season 5425.00. Phone23S-3147 anytime. (28:29c) c. CHERRIES - Pick your own cherries. Starting July 14 at Berg Orchards, Forest. 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash, comer of the Ridge Road and 10th of Bosanquet. Pitting machine. Phone 786-5762. (28:29c) 8000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER, 3 years old. Call Audrey at 235-2164 after 6 p.m. (28c) RED AND BLACK CURRANTS at Ron and Judy Dougall's 235-1491. (28:29c) 'PICK YOUR OWN CHERRIES - 1 mile ,south from St. Joseph's on Hwy. 21. Phone ..36-0570. (28') 40 GAL ELECTRIC water heater 550; 3000 2 generator 5400; 20" box fan' 55; electric chipper 3125; service station air compressor 3500; electric winch 360. Phonc227-4602. GOOD HOCKEY SKATES - Far below replacement. Daoust, +Size 9-1/2. Only 560.00. Phonc23S-0514. (28tfx) OAK TOP TABLE (green punted maple legs) and four oak hoop k chairs, good condition. Phone 235-0636. (2&29c) AIR CONDITIONER for vestigial slide wI.sdow, 1000 BTU. 5250.00. Call 284.4677. ELECIRIC`G.L.DRYER,.325.00; french door 'ninth -bevelled etched glass, 78-11402", 5120.00; VW engine, runs good, best offer. Call anytime 284-4718. RCA XL 21" TV and RC VMT VCR, $625.0Q Ban Saw General Model 490, $600; sewing machine Finesse Model 833, Gold Admiral gas uapve 575.00; MehOgany french doors with Ya,1 d glass, 5100 pair, Moffatt microwave oven, 3125.00; Matti P max camera w/teleahoto lens, case and tripod 3225.00. All in excellent condition. Call anytime 284-4109. � ABTIST SUPPLIES , • Artboards ••Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads- Calligraphy • EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 17 Wanted To Bu" QRS AND 'TRUCKS CKIN - Brook's Auto Wreckers 228-6700. Safety Inspections - Towing - Used Peru. Cal Town Line Collision 228.6700 Crediton (4tfn) WHY PAY .. MORE? Engines, transmissions, rotors, drums, radiators, much more, scrap cars purchased. Cal Pete 234-6791. Free delivery. (19tfn)_ PLAYGROUND SET - pressure treated type with swings, slide, fireman's pole, etc. and/or free standing tree house or playhouse. Plus swimimtng pool slide. 8-10 ft. long. Will pay cash. 237-3422. (27:28c) 1 ti VVUntec GREY BARN BOARD, leave message al 227-1335. LOOKING FOR ANT1QUF. FURNITURE, toys, signs, post cards, clocks etc. Anything old or interesting. Leave message at 227-1335. 1 y Proper I or Sale GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile "Home Park, retirement co nmunity, paved roads and street lig:its, year round living. Horner for sale, excellent condiiton. Cable T.V., pool and club house, pets welcome. Phone 238-5584 or 243.2294. (42tfn) 1111111111.111111111 HOUSE FOR SAL' by owner, 40 Alexander St. Exeter 3 bedroom, brick bungalow. Please call for details 235-009. (12tfn) DASIIWOOD - 1-1/2 storey brick home with 3 bedroom. 1-1/2 baths, kittiten, dining room, living room, den and- family room with laundry, full basement on comer lot. Call 237-3450, 237-3363, 237-3763. (22tfnc) ' LOVELY "UNE YEAR 011) quality custom built 3 bedroom louse. Central air, vacuum, many extras. Mature trees on a beautiful secluded lot. 248 Mill St. 235-1483.('28x) EXETER - 2 bedroom bungalow, tastefully decorated, :new :gar furnace and water heater. Excellent neighbourhood, 3 blocks from Main St. Asking $75,900. For viewing phone Bob Luxton 235-0791. (28-30c) 20 Property For Rent LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliances. Laundry facilities in each unit:Ground floor units available. Phare 235-2961, (4tfn) FIRST MONTH FREE- ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS,'HanalL Omani two bedfoom apartments with'fsidgge, awe, heat and " hydro. Laundry rfaciliries en premises. For more information and viewing opporumities call 262-2827 after 6 p.m. (21tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartments, laundry facilities and heat included. Last blondes rent free. Call 235-3497. (251fn) EXETER - Two bedroom apartments, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. w & d, d/w, a/c. Call Gimp Haven Apts. 235-0349 or 262-2401. (44tfn) For Rent Wellington Place, Exeter - large 2 bedroom apt. Townhouse Simcoe St. Exeter - 3 bedroom, 2 baths. Excel- lent condition.I-Available im- mediately. The Maples , Hensel! - 2 bedroom api. Available immediately Ducharme Investments 235-3729 235-3511 236-4230 BACHELOR AND ONE BEDROOM APT. No lease-oReasonable. Fridge and stove, parking and laundry. Phone 235-1497. (461fn) TWO BEDROOM, redecorated apartment. Large livingroom, kitchen, new uled bath, main floor country home. Treed lot, garden plot. Adults. first, last and lease. 5390 monthly. Phone 235.0392. (22tfn) APARTMENTS FOR RENT - Heat and hydro included. one and two room. S70 weekly arid up. tiensall 262-2314. (14tfn) EXETER � �Aprtrr eats for Rent Phone 235-0512. (224 n) ZURICH - upper duplex, very clean, casually located, 2 bedroom. reasonable rent. Available May lit. 1-453-1847. (16tfn) RF//i1I( E3iucwater Realty Inc. 396 Main Street, S. Exettar, Ontario OMCs 235-3777 Ras. 236x1304 Marlene Parsons, Sales .Rap. NEW LiSTiNG EXCELLENT AREA • Split level brick home on quiet street, gas heat, central air and vary pri- vate treed lot. GOOD FAMILY HOME - dose to downtown, featuring natural woodwbrk, pocket doors, island in kitchen, developed attic, and Urn. a NEAR PARK AND HOSPITAL - immaculate -3 bedroom, brie or home on corner lit with mai floor laundry and family room. Yard nicely landscaped a fenced. OTHER USTINOS $197.500 - 97.5 acres, creek, bush and brick home. $249,777 - 150 acre farm, stone house, tented land. $132,900 - 3 bedroom brick home, good location, family room. $105,000 - 4 bedropm family' home, close to downtown. $89,900 - includes 3 appliances, And fresh country air $110,000 - attached garage, fin- ished basement, nice lit. $112,000 - investment properly, owner wants and offer. $189,000 - prime location, excel- lent tenants, good return. $82,000 fully leased duplex, good location, gas heat. $570,000 - commercial mall, make an offer, acquire your own tenants. LOTS AND LOTS NQF LOTS rOR SALE STAR AT .19,500 AND UP. GALL OFFICE TODAY FOR i:REE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR PROPERTY. Propert'. MAIN S1. EXETER - Modem 2bgd room apartment. Available immediately.7PJnone 235.2557.(17tfn) SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment, main floor, suitable for senior 5445 per ' month including heat. 235-1449 or 235-1950after 6 p.m. (19tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - Main St., stove and fridge. 5269.00 plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 235-1810. (23t(n) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Spacious 5 room apartment located in downtown Exeter. Heat is included. Call Dinneys at 235-0173 -9-5:30 p.m. (2011n) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - 2 bedroom 5404.55. one bodtootn 5337.15. Heat supplied. All ground level with private entrance. 451-2131 or 471-0407. (20tfn0 O E BEDROOM over Laurentian Bank 5350 per month, fridge and stove included; Available now, not suitable for children or pets. Phone 235-1060. (22t(n) BACHELOR APARTMENT newly renovated, fridge and stove included, off Main St. Exeter. Phone 235-3380. (23tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENi', downtown. Heated, fridge and stove supplied. 5304 month. Call 235-1354. (2311'n) EXETER - new one bedroom apartment upper level, fridge and stove supplies. 5445 monthly plus utilities. Available July 1st. Call evenings 235-3293. (23tfn) TWO BEDROOM spacious downtown apartment. This is an upper five -room apt., heat included. 3372.00. Cal Dinneys at 235-0173 - 9-6. (23tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, Main .Si. Exeter. Available July 1st. 5350.00 a month plus utilities. Phone 235-3921 or 2274352. (24tfn) HOUSE - 2 bedroom, newly renovated, close to schools, parks, shopping 5600 plus utilities. 103 Andrew St. Extter. Phone 228-6820. Leave message. (24tfn) EXETER - Spacious house (or rent on huge lot adjacent to Exeter. Town water, 3 bedrooms, garage, 5700 plus utilities, first and last month's rent. References and place of employment. Phone 235-2121 and ask for Bob. (2Stfx) LUXURY 900 SQ. FT. two bedroom apt. with whirlpool, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, air conditioner and dishwasher. Call Glenn Haven Apt. 235-0349. (25tfn) EXETER -• 2•bedroorn apartment 5350.00 pias utilities. 235-1547 prior to 830 pm. TWO BEDROOM apartment Downtown. Fridge and stove supplied, heated $346/month. Available immediately. 235-1354. (26tfn) HENSALL - 1 and 2 bedroom spanme*ts starting ' at 3288/month plus s. Includes stove, fridge, heat and hot water. Available immediately. Cal' 236-5504. (28tfn) 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, new gas furnace, freshly decorated, large family room. Close to downtown and schools. Phone 263-5201 after? pm. (27:28*) TRIPLE ABUSINESS SiTE. FOR -LEASE Main & Wellington 2000 sq, ft. - Ideal 'for fast food (independent or franchise) Excellent parking (416) 282-4955 • PENTHOUSE APARTMENT'S for sent, approx. 1200 sq. ft, 2 bedrooms pits den, and 1-1 bedroom apenrnent, fridge and stove eupplied. Call Re/Max Bluewater Realty Inc.. 235-3777 or Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (Thin) GRAND BEND - Two or three bedroom furnished cottages, fireplace, available September to June. Phone 238-2029 or 238-8674. (2728') LUCAN - ONE BEDROOM heated aparunmt, ground level. Available August 1st Phone 681-0005. (27tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, newly decorated. 5330 per month. References please. Phone 235-2420. (27;28c) EXETER - 2 bedroom house newly renovated, available August 1st. Also 1 bedroom house available Sept. 1st. Phone 235-1810. (28c) AVAILABLE SEPT. 1ST - i bedroom aappaartment, self con ained, heated. Call -235.1891.(27tfn) 21 For Rent THE "011) TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet roan, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc.. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235.0318.(i71ln) WELDING SHOP, steel insulated, 40'x80' with 200 amp, 550 service. Cinton area. 5600 per month. Call 233-7296. (26tfn) MOTORHOME - Phone 235-0435. (26-29') POWELL $ ANS•c , pr14. p , ia."•.., C.• pt..:, (519)686.1010 IES '511•12112:1 Ideally located approx. 1 mile east of Exeter on a paved road near Ironwood Golf Course. A treed 1 1/2 acre lot backing on to farmland. This recently renovated home has a triple car garage, en- closed sun porch, high effi- ciency furnace, new gas fire- place, new plush wall to wall broadloom, spacious eat in kitchen and large living room full of warmth and charm. Re- duced to $137,000. Call John Marshall 227.4271Salos Rep. or `tel Glenn Powell Realty 666.1010 • r is us am q 1 Floor Sander 11 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 HUREX EQUIPMENT & TOOLS #4 Exeter 235-0918 or 235-3543 ii EN ow In al lei 23 Wonted To Rent STORAGE FOR ROUND BALES for winter. Exeter, Centralia or Lucan area. (519)228-6288.(27-29c) WE Do LAMINATING Specializing in Posters up to 30" in width Exeter Times -Advocate Exeter 235-1331 Home Lile/London Realty Inc. NEW LISTING EXETER - Mill St., 4 year ofd; 3'plus 1 bedroom home.'4fhi8 home features formal dining room, fireplace in Targe family room, cement driveway, large kitchen, a real pleasure to show. HENSALL - one year old 1650' sq. ft. ranch on Targe lot. This open concept home tastefully decorated deserves a private showing. NEW LISTINGS CREDITON - gas bar - snack bar, you name it. Plus salea- ble Tots on this property all for one low price. AILSA CRAIG - Large split on • large lot, backing on ravine. COUNTRY LOT, 1 acre plus, water, gas, hwy. location. Call for price. EXETER - Main St., 2 storey 3 bedroom horpe, handyman - special. $69,900. Zoned commercial. EXETER - 3 bedroom ranch on Targe pr'0 lot with new price. $99r.. U. Open to of- fers CLANDEBOYiE - large 4 level side split on large country lot. LUCAN - several homes priced from $100,000 to $175,000. CENTRAUA WAREHOUSE with over 3000 sq. ft. pf storage, large overhead doors, can be used for many uses. ZURICH - large 4 bedroom 2 storey brick home, could be re -zoned back to commercial on -.main street. Price $69,900. Open for offers. CREDITON - 1 large serviced lot. 84 x 168'. Price $19,900. CREDITON WEST - 2 storey. 4 bedroom, executive , home on large country lot only 4 years old and with a new price. MT. CARMEL - three year old one and half st'- n ey open co- cept home4O�. plus 1 bed- rooms on Targe lot. This home is priced right. Call. MT. CARMEL - One year old 3 bedroom raised ranch, open concept. Priced right. New price $119,900. CENTRALIA - 'Large serviced lot with privacy and a view. Ron O'Brien Salsa Rap. 646-0445 anytime or 234.8281 Residence •