HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-14, Page 14Junior 'D' hockey
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EXETER - Fundraising was the main topic of discussion on Thursday
might at the South Huron Recreation Centre as the Exeter Junior 'D' Hawks
4of the Ontario Junior Developm.ent Hockey League held It's second annual
encral meetirSg.
Earlier this summer, the, Hawks had a very poor turnout and there was
'even some cbncern of whether or not they would be able to have a team
due to4ack of executive commitment.
But on Thursday, a much larger group of people had the ideas flying as
fast as pucks and the new executive, headed by president Tom McCann,
began preparation for the 1993-94 season.
Former Hawks' manager Al Quinn chaired the meeting and he said,'"the
executive last year ran on five or six people doing most of the work."
Some idea's for fundraising were to have another World Series draw, a
.dance and>en the possibility of having an exhibition university hockey
game held iuxeter.
"We despe.infelOseed some fundraising," said treasurer Karen Dickins.
Shetyperted although the club has over $1,000- pe bank, there is' an
unpaid etobill of 84,800 which she said the Hawlcs'Would be making an
i m medidle`payment , towards.
Dickins was pleasedto announce both the OHA entry fee and the perfor-
martga bond have been paid.
There -are no new entries into the league which held its scheduling meet-
ing inght in Lucan. Alvinston Flyers were rejected in their bid to join
:the etakes Junior 'C' League.
Executive member Wayner DIckins who.. along with.>coach-manager
George Pratt attended therfiddtkOHA meetings,. said theriUnior Develop-
ment League executive asked DOHA to say'1dthe iters request.
"It looks like our own Junio('D' league isholditig quite a bit of clout,"
said Dickins.
Pratt said -there is a possibility -the,Hawks a:rest of the west divi-
sion teamstnaypfay`an interlocking schedule with°teams from the cast.
The 199394 wets PJesident - Tom McCann, 1st Vice -President
- Wayne Dickins, tt 'Vtce resident - Al Levier, Secretary -' Sharon
Lynn, Treasurer ='wren Dickins,: Directors - Larry Lynn, Barb Durand,
Ken Durand,IRon Westman, Torn Dalrymple, Laurie Lavier, two more to
be appoimed.later,
If somebody has seen a better example of guts and determination
of the TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS, I wish they would tell me
about it. I think about what they went through in 3 series that went 7
games. DETROIT was tough on them (I think Detroit has the most
talent in the League) and to tie them up in the sixth game (Gilmore
who else) and then to win it in T.O. was amazing. Then to beat out
ST. LOUIS -in seven with CURTIS JOSEPH who turned into TER-
RY SAWCHUCK, was unbelievable.
The Semi-final was tough to take because they had it in the bag
and let it get away. ru let you in on a secret. During the morning
skatein Los Angeles, I said w Ron MacLean that I sensed they (The
Leafs):aro going to lose and don't.ask me why "I said Leafs are los-
ing tonight and they're losing irCF.O. too.
I hope fou_can_say but you-woaL"
The key was the sixth game because they were running out of juice
fast. CLARKE was at his very best that night storing goals hitting,
coming off the bench for the extra man and wasting a beauty home
for the year. Now here comes the rule as they say, "(remember Leafs
leading scorer ANDERCHUCK was tossed out -of theand
tined with a game misconduct for cutting CHARLIE HUDDDT..
Now GRETZKY cuts GILMOUR for 8 stitches and believe it or
not, one official saw the cut that 16.500 saw happen (not to mention
the four million on T.V.) But not the guys only five feet from the in-
cident. Could it be that no one wanted to call GRETZKY out of the
game. so they come up with a beauty... "the puck Crit him." Get real!
So what happens? GRETZKY on the Power Play (because of
ANDERSON'S dumb Penalty, scores the winner. He shouldn't have
been in the game, let alone score the winner. but you can't blame
GRETZKY, he came through when it counted and he came through
in the seventh game, with stank off of DAVEY ELLETT'S skate
and believe me folks he meant to do that, it was no accident. But lets
not have sour grapes they (L.A.) won it and if MARTY McSOR-
LEY isn't worth at least 2 million next year. 'Nobody's worth it, but
he's big, tough makes plays Wow
about those passes to GRETZKY
when they were shorthanded, great
plus and minus, fights, hits, blocks
shots, and is a team leader. He's a
beauty and speaking of -beauty was
there ever a sweeter played than DOU-
GIF GILMOUR. He gave his heart
and soul and body (30 stitches to the
face in the playoffs, not one penalty
called). He is without a doubt the best
two way player in the world. The LEAFS didn't win it, but they can
be proud and you watch, there will be a lot of kids wearing LEAF
sweaters and sportswear instead of the SAN JOSE SHARKS be-
cause pride has been put back in the Uniform.
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Senior soccer
Exeter Fury
OR games
EXETER - Thc' Exeter Fury of
the Western Ontario Soccer League
split a pair of league games last
week beginning with a 4-0 victory
over the Assyrians.
Last Tuesday night, Chris Haugh
opened the scoring on a header fbl-
lowed by a goal from Henri De-
Bruyn as he blasted one into the
In the _ second half, DeBruyn
Sarah Wuerth, left; and Jeanlyn Baker show off for instructor
Andrew Tomassini during last week's soccer camp in Exeter
which concluded on Friday.
Soccer camp teaches
the basic skills of game
EXETER - The heat didn't seem to bother the 20 Exeter Minor Soccer
Association players who took part in a week long soccer camp in Exeter
last week.
Hosted by the local soccer association and presented by the Ontario Soc-
cer Association, the camp was designed to teach children the basics of the
very popular sport.
"We teach them basic skills and try and teach them sportsmanship," said
instructor Andrew Tomassini who does as many as four such camps a
The camp, began on Monday and concluded on Friday with the sessions
running from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Keeping the attention of the players
for a long period of time, especially when it's their summer break, at times
can be tough.
"There's a range from 6 to 12 year-olds and at times its hard to keep
their interest. I try and do a lot of activities," said Tomassini.
Among the skills taught were ball control, passing and shooting.
Combined teav wins
four at tournament
players from
A team made up of
both atom teams in
Soccer •
July 8
St. Cdtsntban 11 2 it Exeter 6
Goalies: Mitchell Tiernan, Aimee
Gosh: Justin Muller (2). Nieolino Mel -
lace (2), Zachary Neil. Michael Nedra
Another great team effort by an excel
Lent team. Wonderful!
Exeter travelled to Stratford on Sat-
urday for a tqurnament.
Exeter played five games and did
very -well, winning the first four be-
fore losing by a single goal in tic
final. The loss carne against Strat-
ford as other teams in the tourna-
ment were from Listowel and St.
The hot weather did not stop the
enthusiasm or effort put forth by
the players and both coaches Ken
Farwell and Brian Hodgins are
proud of the team's efforts.
Record seven teams
Tense shoot -off
finale to annual
Claybird trapshoot
EXETER - 7iac Exeter Claybird
Gu Club's annual fundraising trap
shoot drew a record seven teams to
the event Sunday afternoon.
Belt buckles, coin sots and tro-
phies were awarded to the day's top
shooters in the 16 -yard singles
A three way tie for top shooter in
the "A" class made for an exciting
conclusigrn to the event, requiring
100 extra targets, fdur rounds, to
settle the top three winners.
Winner of the "A" class was local
shooter Jamie Caldwell, who shot a
95/100 in the regular competition,
followed by a perfect, 25 in the first
shoot -off. Jody Mosurinjohn and
Brad Mann, who also shot 95's,
kept the shoot -off going dnother
three rounds. Mostuinjohn took
second with a 24-23-22-23, com-
pared to Mann's 24-23-22-21.
In "B" class, the top -shooters
were Ed Jarmain with a 95, Carl
Kolesmith with a 93, and Jerry
Beaver with a 92.
In "C" class Murray }lowering
scored an 82, Carey Hickson with a
77 and Lloyd Vennor with 75.
the veteran class for shooters
over 60 was well represented with
the three trophies going to Glen
Mogk (89/100), Calvin Christie
(86), and Murray Christie(85).
The top Learn was from the Kip -
pen faun Club, followed by Glen-
coe and the Claybird home team.
6th Annual Dashwood Bears.
Mixed Sio-Pitch
July 30; 31, Aug. 1st
Taking entries now
for more information contact
r an De d,37
scored his second of the game and
Gary Wilson notched his first of
the season.
Sunday saw the Fury take on the
division leading team from St.
Thomas but they came up short, 3-
1. Chris Chanyi had -the lone Exet-
er goal as he picked the corner.
After the fust half l3f the seasoh,
the Fury have a 5-4 rebbad.
Hardball roundup-�..._...
T -Ball
July 6
Great hits by: Tommy Dunn, Shannon
Fox (White); Brian Abel, Carina Lucas
(Green); Elyse Hall; Fhtma Bionda
(Blue); City Price, Molly Freemen (Yel-
Rookie Ball
July 6
Lucan 10 at Mitchell 8
Homerun: Grant Barker
July 7
Lucan 27 at Clinton 9
Homerun: Justin Ferris, Craig Galbraith
July 11
Blear 16 at Goderich 17
Homerun: Craig Galbraith (great hitting)
July 10
Lucan 1 at Dashwood 6
Mosquito 'A'
July 6
Exeter 10 at Lucan 4
Peewee 'B'
July 8
1-uc know 22 at Lucan 8
Halls tea: Curt Jurgens (double play)
Trip esbilhaurnralbat.l i s Desjatdine
Doubles: Brad VanBakel, NathanXasft-
check, Deejardinc, Mike Dietrich
Pop flies taught by: VanBakel, Jason
This was the best game of the season as
the bats were connecting and everyone
was playing their position well.
July 7
Exeter 8 at Godench 24
Doubles: Kraftchedk, Dietrich, Talbot
Fly balls caught by: Bram Steele, Die -
July 9
Exeter 5'vs. Mitchell
Runs scored: Tim Meidinger, Kevin
Dickins, Kevin Overholt (2),Cam Murray
Hits: Meidinger (2), Daryl ourne, Dick-
ins, Kevin Overholt (3), Amanda Wuerth
(2), Brendan Buchanan, Matt Ansteu, Ja-
mie Johns, Cam Murray (3)
Doubles: Overholt, Wuerth, Buchanan,
RBIs: Didkins (2), Overholt, Wuerth, Bu-
Fly balls caught by: Anstett, Overholt,
Wuerth, Metedire ins, Bourne
Next game: July 14 at 6:30, Rec Centre,
July 7
Dashwood 129 at Exeter 18
Doubles: Chris Armstrong, Mary Gregus,
Nick Ansteu (2), Steve Mason (3), Tony
Ens •
Hits: Ansteu, Shawn Murray, Megan
Gaiser, Ens, Mason, Jason Roy, Shawn
Murray Youmans, Gregus, Marty Glavin,
Nathan Holmes, Armstrong
Fly ball3 caught by: Glavin, Gainer,
July 10
Exeter 23 at Godench III 4
Home run: Mason
Doubles: Ens (2), Amtstroag (2), An-
steu, Roy, Shawn Murray
Triples: Mason, Holmes, Armstrong
Hits: Ansteu, Roy, Shawn Murray, Came-
ron Murray, Ens, Mason, Holmes, Arm-
strong, Glavin, Roy, Sean Chisholm, You•
Fly ball aught by: Glavin
Good work Exeter
Future game: July 21, Godench II at Ex-
eter, 6:30 p.m. •ask-
July 7
Exeter White 21 vs. Fueter Green 23
Home runs. Kyle Campbell (2)
A game well played by both teams.
Next game: Crediton at Exeter White,
July 17, 9:00 a.m.
Daabwood 27 at Exeter Grey 21
Good same payed by.all.
Next game: July 17. Exeter Grey at
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