Exeter Times, 1874-9-24, Page 4A rornoy nd, therofol neVer e ain 0) '7 glen, aliel etlil More by welnel prOln/lne Ofladiee that few Aloe I have been Weeaed with by liatnn leave, arta 1AM llopelneely and hel leeely feet. 81,11ile,, the vc..40.e, g.s.twe et ere of the tau° Se*,t PrZNSin ne it diet l‘larlow th Goldinnitiee eon : 1 nail Otlielook, sponk n ralafe- 714; realle ie ThnothyTru ,.lone, but my frinlnie tend eteant141,41110 Vail nee 'Am 01,9 ellY, or Tire the Basi fal ; and this only make: me mot -shy ati4 ).-03,,Ailini; ules-; eome feir on ittke4 pitY Pet nee, and doee the e'ene ftl14 pops the nueeliea, and take Nene to church and inarries me, 1 eha live in eingle lileeeduess, and go to id. k;l'itVe bac 4o, m site of myeelf, Von the woret of it is, I want tob parried. Nearly all the people I lino are married, --have wives to share the joys and inerease them ; to share the 'sorrows excl. leseea them; to CQi1801 them in trouble, and 1111;NO them eielmess, Some of thera have love' phildren, te make home all that i leveabh3, beautiful, mirthful andlienP3' But I. live alone, with no eno to ehee comfort me ; 1 would rather hav eomeone, even to plegue, thee to en dare this life of weary loneliness an enieerable solitude in the midst of bus and social world. Ohibs are of no use. My ellynes remits rne from enjoying Ream, aven't the faculty of converation, 1 d net care kir billiards, bagatelle, abon indte cards,and cannot Illy close. aminefact domestiecreature ; tate to make an agreeable husband, if f,p,e, only,get a wife, But ean't. pQi41eriiig.over nay lonely and dean bttestateel at lest determined to mak t`a, bold etelke ,for a" wife." I woul "telyertite. ;1id. Ah ?Ohl laiseraw .41n, wretched me I I did. 1 gave no p too flattering description, Yoeng twhieh I ann only twenty-four; with good lucerne, whicli1 have, tolerabl good looking, 'which I ani! but no iaingling With society, end therefore not hepeght into company of eligibl partis, I had note ithstanaing the'ef. 'vantages been compelled toremai eingle. Any yoeinglady of similar con dition and position, would find this rare npportenity, as every ,th;ng wit kena Ate, 1 added that I was of goo temper1 amiable dieposition, conrteous -ftnigentlemanly in my demeanor, at: shoubrinake * good husband... AIL o 'which is true tp the letter, as they say 1 added that cartes could be interchang ed. Unhappy me ! I was overwhehne twith replies. From the maiden o bashful fifteen' to the wideW of gfty aud from fair ones of intermediate age's tir y came pouring in upon me with of fors that might Cave tempted an an namite to his cave, and if the law per initted, merry Vieni all. .1 was befiild eyed. One nad flaxen hair, light blu eyes, and rosy cheek, and an eannuite pf nine hundred a yeete.A.nother raven tressesnwap likelMainl, tall 'nn( etately, although she was 'only seven teen ; hed no fortnne, 'bet could sing ply, and dance wed, and what beekeel in money could make up in he accomplishments. A third had been pompared by hei artist frieuds, to Gui an's•Madorina so she needn't say an iOtlige 'word about looks ;in ether ne speets she was all the meet, exigent and fa tidious could desire. A fourth ewa ewe good looking, but, then, sheewa eadewed with all the virtues under the sun, end beenty is but skin deep,' and liandsome is that handsome ,does. threw ,his fetter and carte into`the A fifth—but why go op to Ole crack o dbom ? They were nearly ail of the Fame charaeter, end all peernised to peke the beet wife under the sun, and all were equally suitable to fill the va- pant place on my hearth. The num- ber of. widows Wil0 replied was astori- jelling. Some had children and some had none ; 1 some decided against the aplicatioee with incumbrances, as these flowers Of the home are nng,raci- pusly. designated by people wanting of- fice keepere. After rejecting a basket. fal pf applications, there atilt remained too many for One Mall to select from. It was -indeed a case of embarrae de richesses. Aker ennch trial and much reflection, 1 selected three wheee letters in 'Con - :Inaction with the* mean seemed Meet 'eligible. 1 'Wrote to the address given, • and by return of pePt the answers 'name: Afeetings were appointed and devicegiven by which we should ,know each other. One damsel fixed ;upon a retired. spot in. St. James' Park. • She would carry,abaudkerchief in her left hand, one corner of which should ine tied with some mauve colored rib- bon, and I was to wear eamelia in my pope'? h .happy moment arrived, and r was punctual,' but the lady was there before me. Oh, the awful disallusion- mg of that interview! She had told pie she was young and handsome, she rwas neither. She had told me of her F.4110 taste, and she was dressed in the meet glare manner possible. All the colors of the rainboW reflected from her person. She was the bereaved :widow of the deceased public- an, and looked it. Her peeper place was behind the bar, serving gin and bitters fo young cods and beainlees,, nke-ltededared to answer my ad- neetesemen _ poolly wished each other good bye, and never rad again. The Second was also p faifure, but the third was worse. It pealed my fate, but did no obtain , inc a lyife. At first it promised Well, but ets issue wain for me, calamitous. I shrink from narrating the adveeture het the interest of buinituity eompeleeue. I have put my hand to d , ie plow, ' and must not turn hack. 1 met the thii:d 'of My selection at the time and 'Phice appointed. She appegg4 to all that he repreSented herself. She looked like a lady, and , !spoke like one. She sant nly, ehyriees? and met it with encouraging questions. Skilfully and gradoesly she drew me pn, until I foundmyeelf talliing to her as I never talked 13. woman before. With a modesty that was perfectly en - kipping, he irtiel:0(1 I shoullnot think hadlit of her fOr answering' an advertiee: nicht e'pelitig a wife, , Many happy matches, she beliened, bed thns been brought abut, and 1 ehould find that shehad euffidentjustifiable epaeonS for What she had done. •` Tbeii oqr talk be , pa ree more g•eliralth an .1 fonnd she eVos well informed; spoke tit'' pur beet enithorS1 eepeedellY the poets and ni)ve-, fiete, in it manner wtkh proved aeauain labile with' tlxeir weeki. word 1 was ele,,k4PfPre(1 gy9r 11!4,44 and care in love, and 'tholiqlet al last have found the one fair maid or nee.' 06,111.80 We met again, e t pany tiMee, and / eteIr fonder • /11!•jttt 1 t() 1 41t have 1 heed, le e 8 e nee f.„ t d 01(' bright eves umee eve weret j \yolk ine-t ine sja le, wnenI fott4a re4re4 seat, a I reesea tp ;Jape the day. 1 wae 10900 44 lwatelling her face an ing foe an anewen, and I h&z4r nOtieed anarter of.yo men evqbad, etolen behind y xrrnwas Aeonodner wait and. I wile tetnierlYjit eerneetly, eekink fon a ee- ply, when my raptures Were'brolien in lipon, and teeribly dispelled by a bure,t of Iftughter front 1701111d, (1,11d he Field,. nig, myfeflo elerk at Sone eeset House, slain/inn'ny sunnoeed inamorta on tne back, exelannitig, Well, Harry, have you fixed the wedding -day yet ?' Har- teol' off hie be/tenet, his false purls :tad eltiganu and iner8t ont 141101411g 44 my face. I saw allAn, a moment, I had been eruelly hoaaelle Without waiting for the jeers of my fellow-clerk's'd 1 reshed away from the peek, jumpeen the first omuibus, andavent honie. There packed my portmanteau, wrote to my ciiief that iirgeut buSit'leese-- fatnily lais= awes, 1 ironically wieito--erncltlifeel attention fora few d.ays, arid le t Lau, don that night. What I shall de neet! is undecided ; belt one thing i. certain shall never advertise for a wile agikint As a caution to others and to prevent any similar bashful fellow from com- mitting the like fully, I have told the story of %How dyerfised for a wife end didiet get one.' 111.7.1110111. A weather reporter—a:clap of thun- der. lAVORTI-E RON Virorits. fintuartil, (144; DEALER IN 1474137 gi (44,r2 or IlAil,g,14TON,) WOlild intimate totheir nannerous triende and, fdae klentlka rxbile that they are prepaved o a10.11 orders for Monuments Headstmes Table 'rope Mantles /to, Ortofite 3iontonelit3 kaportet? fcA p,r4Ort Woik ot tlAr, best 'etele-aml art, and, gannet lei =passed in thie Dere Ai OntariP, A, Call respe,pttriny whetted, Oppelt4 XiOecna &444/liesoWS Sto$0k MAIN STBEVM, SEAVOIntlf. ,vEssnm, R. mosswr lathinerg. GILP ST. 3WA.11-2"'S, Timor:nth mut general:dealer iri tOVeSp plows neeenxiees 40., ate. Tinware, eepperware, su galyanigal'irOli very caul, 111laVe-tionehieg'4oin to.„l21 Rents per foot. Cut nails, $I0 lair ewt, Goeitrag St0Ye5 /.4, and Upwards, 48-ly The Curtis plough e9:6h WIF.VEB! UST RECEIVED AD IN STOCK pflA an SDPPLY or FIELD, gAfinEiv AND FLOWER SEEDS HORSE TOOTH CORN Land LASTER STIED POTATOES AOHN BACK, FLouR & FEED STORE n5itial.c lIcititit tItittIts A crying slianie—fe neighbor' e young one. A NEW CANDIDATE FOR, PUI3 LTC FAVOR. A fieshionable lady 'says her is the latest thing out. " , Tadking of oarsmen, John Pate , _ it's a great thing nowadays tof. eentleirma and a scaler." A darlcey'e instrnctions for on a coat were : Fust de alien left, and den give one general.' sion. , A New Hampshire woman?elf . ing, made her husband' s . -011 t Bible that he woul&nreite'; -a° man with it sharp namiree' he Dominion Organ -.Wr• eta 8/15-7 - • •An holiest old farther, orn'hein fumed the other day, that.oneof his neighborwoWed him gegrUdg,te, groevled out, " No 'natter; he neve): piyany- tliirig.'' Nothing appeals iniere 10 the sympa- liiiee ot a kindhearted persontlIan the Factory, of spectacle of, a starved dog, sitting ou BOTVIILINT/LLE, ONT., the ragged edge pf anxiety waiting for a bone, have nvw in the Market their really First-class Reed Organs, which are acknowledged on all hands What small boy does not envy the to be , nerve of the portly man who enters EQUAL TO ANY OTHER 9RAN -chureh, takes out a big handkerchief, . find deliberately blows nis nose three oier offered for sale in this country. •,‘ grui /611'1: f -s kC times before sitting down ? Little Johnnie is dead, hut befo-re his , spirit was eeafted to the angels he re- quested that a water -melon vine ,might be allowed to wander at will over his green grave, that it might be a warning to future generations. In easter n debating society is trying to settle whiph is the hardest tq keep, a diary or en umbrella. A Paris journal, speaking of the great scandal, says, " Monsieur Beech- " eves an actor before he turned cler- gyman, and that "Monsieur Tiltin"ls an English lawyer who had gained a wide repiitation in Boston as wprose- cutor oi criminal snits. ' _ A. Church of England ,elergyman knoCked his' sister down- and sat' on her. This is all the'inferthatien that roaches us ; but if she had the spirit of a woman (and any pins) in her bosem. he won't be able to sit on Anything else for a goodly /Period. A very fat man; for the' purpose', of quizzing his doctor, asked hien to pre- seribe for a complaint, which hende- clared wee eleeping with his' month, etp:' en. '‘ Sir,'' said the doetor, yOur,dis- ease is incurable. 'Your skin ds too short so that when you shut your eyes your mouth Opens." -Susan B. , • Set on the 'knee Of T. T. Naughty Bessie came and peak d— Susan B. ran off and shrieked— r• Thie giddy, giggling Susyll. The editor of the Clarksville Tobacco Leaf hits weitten for his paper a story entitled "The Story of Croly Place," which he is printing in weekly insta- ments. The heroine is nainei Emel- via- Enielvia is a sweet, sweet name. If we could find a girl named Emelvia we should love her to death. Or if we didn't we should murder her in soine other way. "Ilemmeeme......Meneeleme! Visitors to London, BE SURE AND §E THE r••• 1-4 READY-MADg CLQ THINC To deViCellt Al' SUIT, To get a UIP WELL MADE, To get a GOOD -PITTING SUIT, WHY WALKRS' la THE 'SPOT. • CLOTIIING A S15 CIALITY ' . 6 The Reaeon Why W We buy our Tweeds *eel" CTBf0rCah,- We inake our Own Oiothing, Well made We sell for Cash, strult sell at Toronto prices, there- , fore underselffrig the eliettpest Clothing ROUE - OS AVOSt PRESSE .ahhi, Cheap and Stylish, =Over 1OOfioee, o ehoose front. IN -CE -17s, id WARM --GOOD, kr 121 et. per ' yard, 0 Sell So Cheap. the Manufactur- , ,therefore it is :9 TD cfi*4laE,2: 8ggt4 FLANNELS araVarietr NY"E';', shirta rendy-m ride. el0 .--..., Carpets, Carpets. MO. ERY 0 MAHTLES & $ RAWLS nticE tiToitt,tho 1,60titat tion§o, o trotible foA1it4 seethe LER4$0176- trto & :London. (.4 aiS *Old Most reineetkliy fti um inhaletents of Exotet,ftinVaiit e , • o0nclthgee 111 that he. prepared to do Iciri !of hoelt dein the eib hatid firalr :160)11glett:1)isidery Blary,'S. Maga- lIj tu derl e eft at the 00,0941.t fee petemett etteenon t• George Pedlar has been appointed 'General Agent for The Five Surrounding coiettlf04 Huron, Muce, :Perth, Middlesex, and Lambton, and. he does not, a5 many agents do. claim quah- tiesior the instrument which it does not possess over that of its compeers, but he Teels satisfied It will always retain a Good li'eputation If any report is received disparagingto this Instru- ment, a favor would be conferred by letting mo know of the same when I will at once disprove them, al I know the instrument to be perfect in every particular. . I can guarantee satisfaction, as I am a practical tuner and manufacturer. Pianos, Organs and Melo- deons tuned by the subscriber. 'Agents wanted. Address for the present to 'Ex- eter, Co. Huron, Out. G. PEDLAR. Exeter, sept. 8. 1874. , 64-y1 TJY, THE'. gest Organ Made. THECNLY MEDAL EVER AVAlatiiD PO eta „ , Gees IN TILE nommiox. RITAI1ST.. 'AND WIlEgEVER stmt. 0hr Organs' ar"e 'univer- sally acknowledged to be surninon To AEI, OTHERS in all the essentials of a good Instruntent.e., • • During the YEAR 1873 we secured as usual FIIIST PRIZE AT LONDON, GUELPH,AND INNUMERABLE •' COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL ART OF CANAPA A Five Years' Guarantee given with each instru- ment: For Illustrated Catalogue, Address , W BELL 8i COMPANY, Organ Namifvetnrer, dIJEI" ON?' geot3s &Atattorter. W _GRIGG , Mercb.s.nt Tailor and, Coneral. Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY'- . ilooKSELLER & STATIONF,I1, , sfpplc of FamllY 141,q$, PoketBib1e Wesleyan and Bible Christian Hynen .004.sf PealM Boielte`fpr the nee of Pies- byterians? Church of England Prayer Books?, Niscellaneene leiteratuep of a non-denviralieing pftture, and ft general' assortment OF SCHOOL BOOKS& STATIONERY E8 RIAt RIFLES 1' St J. CORD it SON Dnnaa8.§t., London, Ont., have noir on hand large Stock of Eittifing Sporting 644 Target :Ma; of their own manufacture, Nworer,ehot;capti, esetridges, Wedding, fishing taekler sad goner- tb oplting geinhe leen pbt post for Pric'e Inst. Repairing in Onri liliaeXeentoit promptly, Londoragiept. 5, 11114, 5411. yQoQd�l - GROCERIES inn/anti Iii;tto HARrow:AliE C ROCKER Boots and ShoeS Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LEATHER ALL KINDS OF SHOE -FI NDING asPaid.fo litides I ISAAC CARLINg. ecv-. . EW PUMP FA.,CTolti. PIT MPS. PUMPS G.BOLTON, HAY would inkrm the inhabitants °May, Stephen and Usborne, that he manufacenres all kinds • of -pump., including the IffONSINGER PATENT' yoRpg PUMP) for which he has the exclusive right for the above-named townships. The subscriber feels confident that he can satisfy those in want o pumps, as to workmanship and quality, and a " such prices that he CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THE DOMINION'. Meenieeceone.—One-Fourtil mjle north of the village of Exeter,. on tet7 London N. B. --Repairing attended to with prompt- ness, and done at reasonable prices. CE.Q, BOLTON., "Hay1874: : "134.0m. wElpit NORTH CARAIAGE'' -PACTORY NeS131%. G. j. 13roolts have 11,PW Pqn14101100d tilt) IllaPIlfao" t.t1TO qf Buggies and Wagons for the Spring and Rummer Trade. TEnms—Cash or Short dil. Mk) onhailditt lot of Seotoh DiainoLi Rotors Of their own manufaeture, whiett they can and will sell tlti 'ojefeeep as any one in the trade. 131t0OIS k ,121,0,480 to 09/11 in. ) THOMPSON& 1474114IAMS AoRjouLTITEAT4ImpLEmpas 'Boi.ier and Engine Works MITCHELL, ON'''. Two-horse)V) HaVe new rn hantl iteuan4te S TOVTS OF LONDON & HAMILTON MAKE, And would solicit a call from any wishing a really • good article, A quantity of TinT'Are, Copper -ware etc. Alwaye on hand. .A.VE-T01707411''q MADE A SPEOMLITY. Old Copper, Iron, Rags, &C., TAKEN IN EXCANGE FOR GOODS AT CASH PRICES. W. & R. ItISSETT XETER, Oct 16, 1873 tter Wood Sa.win.g Machine hs machine. has been thoroughly tested and , given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with it BAND WELERE for driving a Straw ttji.:it,ter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, withont extra expense ex- cept for thetelt. A. TRIAL QFFERF.D. All kinds- Of-, FarmmgImplements kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP in full operation. ENGINES of all sizes to order. REPAIRS promptly attended to. Addres s— THOMPSON & 'WILLIAMS, Mitcliell, Ont. Mitzhell, June 18, 1874, 45-1y. J Ross PLANING _MILLS ! J. R CS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kinds of MA TEMA, 4, such as SASH, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED Doors, Blinds, MOULD1N3S, eta He has also on hand a ffrst-class lo o Flooring Siding CASING Scroll -Work, etc. Which they furnish o order. Ligranna Dressed and Unthossed, constantly on hand. .. at" v.eaer- S " ...les linur Alweys, an hand. Special attention Inaid to IsLiaTO& SPECIFICAT/ONS. TheroughlY Understanding his busitiese, keep. ognotie but experlericed werkrnen, and tieing' Only ersteltiefx materiel, he feels eonfideet et givitigeetire satisfaction' to all whe inay favor himwith their patreilage, , A dial solicited. EV.gnAt? VIttiAclt '11.,OTS t Ott t3Att , , . BISSETTS' Livery and Sale Stables (In clinnecilou with the Central Hotel). GPOD HORSES AND COMFORT- ABLE vehicles always on hand., Favorable arrangements made with commercial travelers. All orders left at Rissett's Tinshop will be Promptly attended to, . R. & T. BISSETT, Prop. Exeter, Sepl. 41873, Z• 3Y. EXETER LIVERY STABLES "VV. Rollins, Prop: g "(In connection with Drew's Hotel), Horses and first-class conveyances always on hand. Commercial rigs on a Moment's notice. EL.. tt.',STIE Exeter,Sept. 4, 1872 313ARERY MHE Subscriber takes pleasure in inform• ing the public that, HE HAS COMNFNCERD Biscuit Balflivt' in Exeter. Having secured the services of a PRACTICAL BAKER 1 can guarantee satisfaction, and hope to se- nure the public patronage. 1..Bread for sale at the post -office. RICHARD SANDERS Exeter, July 22, 1874. 48-tf. LONDON QUEBECaildMONTREAL Tomperley Line. Composed of the following first-class IRON STEAMSHIPS. SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, THAMES, DELTA, SEVERN NYAFZA, HECTOR. The Steamers of this Line aro intended to sail during the Season of Navigation of 1873, from LONDON FOR fft.TRIEC AND AHVATREAL, as follows:LScotland, ‘Vedneeday; "27th August, and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from QUEBEC FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: Thames, Thursday, 21st Angus Severn, Thursday, lith Sept. Scot1aud,Tuesday,23rd " And every alternate Tuesday 0 Thursday hereafter. , Rates lower than other Lines. .''.-Certificates isstund to persons desirorts of brig.lig out their friends. " ' For Freight or PassageI apply to DAVIT) ,steane? Wit EAT.6 G.T.E. Agent, ST.. -.111A11,Y'S. THE FAVORITE LINE. 1-Ia,w1.c.81.1amr''s tages! • LONDON it EXETER. Good • Horses, Comfortable Stages and Fast Time. These stages are driven by the meat acconniao- dating of drivers, and leave WESTERN 110'1EL LONDON every afternoon, at 2 pm., arriving in ,Luean time to connect with trains fey the oast and west and connecting in Eketer with the Clinton and St, klitriee etstee3. s4t,sa0gae:Ired:).,11,:theliepest,i:ng i,rrLucan and Loudon with LEAVE EXBTER ABOUT wnnoox$ $011g1fAVICSITAW, •• Vroptioter. R. CLEMENTrk, PATENT NIPROV1 ARTIFICIAL LEG Adopted by the Stirgetni General ln S. A., for the (1. S. Army mid- niterty, Very light, yet eteome end dttrable, perfect iri action.With 27 years' piadical and ettreful experefece, voted exclusively to this epode' branch of rifeo- enegeien followed by the Great Prize Medal at the World's, :Exposition, Tontlen4 1851 and riOWlthiVereally adinittod by all arirg'eO,ne as the most perfect Artifielan Leg loiowiea-, 'afiteideetoty„ leen tiliestennete Pe, J. A, HA1tTle, Ineiggiet, Agent, Montreal P.,0',vviidres models ea. be eeene 0„,m, fo.r 41; itisttrktp4 Ctalogue 4Q11$ RO&4 , ,010, to return tit enks to the pee& of texelee Largest 0, o patrapeOlp lieetowad apea bitn reetleine xantatry; teal ie now o IN. T the peat tweeee yesio by" eolog All aiedepartmente the couiv.tiy, cominaaucq 0 0 Beatly-MadeClothing.Millinoryt lien; do Cope, Groeeries, Boots ee lhOs, Fad DRUGS PAINTS OILS Are, °rooks ETC., All of lybigli wilt be found to be as low as any other reliable house in t110 Remember this is the Oldest Est4blished House i Opposite tb.e Moot Offi , the County C. A. MACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock „ of Grucetgie consisting of Gre,eill Black and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants,Prunes, Rice, STYCIAIIS, ciko, -which lie is prepared to SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER DON'T FORGET TO GIVE THE NEW STORE A CALL. oremememe• -emengeomeomeememme. HARNESS SHOP in CNTRALIA, Wm. Cotterell LAWF OF LONDON Wishes to acquuaint the inhabitants 0, 5 tephen, Usborue, Biddulph and Mc' Gillivray that he has a Harness shop, .n Centralia, where all in want of LIGHT OR HEAVY, HARNESS. or tiny article usuatly kept in A first- ' class establishment, such.as . . ‘i ., ....,.„,....„„,,. SAPDLES, TIWISIIiS, ,,.., Wlift'S, VALISES, 64 , , , \ can obtain the same. Give me a,call and examine my work for yourselves. My prices are as low IC,' thetee chargeeraby any first-class workm --R.E.. PAIRS PROMPTLY AT' PED—• ' W1‘, Tfil REEL. Centralia, August G, 1873. 50-61. Drug icines. tationery, Fancy Articles, Wall Paper; D,ye Stuffs, Qrgans, elodeons, Red Mortar, 'moan N A BOSWORTH J'. Y. SAVAGE. ItatTSIO ANID tEWINCI 24141.CIIIINES. 0. C. WILLSON'S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT\ EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH, ONT .. .9 STILL IN THE FRONT RANK IS 'USUAL SEWING lifitilCBLIATES. THE FLORENCE Nosielss, Revel sible Feed -Lock and Knot Stitch Family Sowing Machin eha lunges the world in perfec,ion and range of work, strength and beauty of drrability of construct on` and rapidity of motion. Call end examine. S'end for menhirs. Agents wanted in every town in itlio Machine Provinte. This Mace has taken first' ifizes at all the County Fairs, U.C. IVII+SON. General Ageot fee the VI(P1<ii< 0 t( :1\111$IC MARRIAT BROS PA.RKI-IILL, ONT. „,01104,111_,,,rFoi / """"'""1lm""""71, 111,11111L101(11MOIRROMMINI :'tTP CLr's',,;Ifellilpooesmou q".111 plerdeleorAfmreeopeavietfireitomme 0'11i Eira;15-iltiliriallOt1111111t111;31121iTlitIrrtain 1 I isea1/111111 " (HIll L 11 111 1 r_ 111611"e" '1111111 1111111 1111111 1:Ell111:11tr4 t 55 TO 0100,. The in of Reed Organs We do not Wish to, ,lerilet froM nlerits ef other 0, rgetke omen but are evet aeady suninit them to a fair ftucl itnpiertial t.est, feeling confident of the vomit. WTeetimorlifq isom. the bV4t, Nnalcians itiCanada can he secin iolainuidgulthrogio