HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-14, Page 6'AWe welcome Joe Carter back
from the hospital. New residents at
the Villa are Christine Eveleigh
from Kirkton and Peter Steciuk
from Toronto.
Sympathy is extended to family
and friends of Roxie Weber.
.USI -picnic
tICDITON - The Annual picnic
was another event which carried on
the celebrating of the Women's in-
stitute 900- Anniversary on Tue-
day, July 6 at Crediton.
The weatherman came through
with its usual rain storm.
After a delicious potluck dinner,
many contests, get acquainted, pie
contest, tic .tac toe, word play and
license plate meanings were
played. The carrot relay proved hi-
A blind auction was the scene of
keen bidding and everyone having
fun _for the good cause of the Dis-
trict's purse.
The next District event is the �1
County Rally on October 4.
limes -Advocate, July 14,1993
forthcoming marriage Mr.
:and Mrs. Jack Tudor along
•'with Mr. and, Mrs. Elwyn Ker -
•slake take 'great pleasure in
:announcing Tthe forthcoming
marriage sof :'their children
Marjie and Steven. The cere-
monywill _rake place =at
Thames Read :Church on July
_7rat 6:30 p.m. Open weep --
Von no follow South Huron
pec Centre lee Surface .at
=8t rent - Jo -Ann Bester
of Walkerton, Ontario and
Wolfgang Slawik of Huron
Park, are happy to announce
their engagement. The wed-
=ding will take place .Saturday,
*August 7, 1993 at Sacred
*end Church, Walkerton at 3
-o'clock in the afternoon.
anniversary party
EXETER - Metlillay evening,
Jame 28 the Exeter Legion Commu-
nity Band played.
The Exeter Villa Anniversary
party was held on Tuesday, with
Barb Storey, Pat Vance, Jackie
Snell and Jane McCombe receivigg
their five year pins. Annie Lytle en-
tertained with piano music and re-
freshments were served,
Rev. Hilburn conducted a com-
munion service on Wednesday,
with Elly VanBergen.assisting and
Reg Clarke playing the piano. This
was. the last church service for the
With the hot and humid weather,
activities were limited. Bingo was
played on Wednesday and _ a sing-
song was enjoyed on -Thursday. lee
cream cones were a treat on Friday.
Vorthcoming ?d aie-Forrestare:pleasedto'
Jannounceithe .marriage.ofiheir , yowigest:dauJghter, Dawn Ma
tnia..'Weddingto take-pletre:mt: St. -Peters .Catholic Church in
--.Sarnia on August 7'th at 12:00p:m.
`ll",• .Irl►
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ifiter4tev.illabert Ai''usibn -
'The ReVr"iatdefa"l ball.
During a candlelight .Celebra-
tionfof Marriage with -•Holy F.u-
:chariist, The Rev. Patricia .Gar -
ohm. ;Mcnpclhbs :became
the "brid.e e-RRev. Robert
:Allan loxton :-on ::Saturday,
.April 24, .:1993t Traiyfit Me-
Ang an .lhurch, ;Ex+et
ler.-Rettty _is -1 to :daughter .Df
4Mr. ed.-.12004Jr. land .,Miffs.
Patricia Dobbs of Centmlia,
sister bf Mr. Fred Dobbs;lllaof
Collingwoorl and the :only
„granddaughter of Mrs. Gelgfgi-
na Dobbs of Exeter. Rob pis
. the sof of Mrs. Muck '.uxton
-Tend tt 'e.-Mr.:n.. .ton
of To, _ . Presto. er for :the
wedding ceremony was The
Rev. Christopher Greaves and
The Rev.. Fay M. Patterson
was the celebrant. All close
friends of the bride, the maid
.of honour was Sarah. Dodge
:of Ajax and the bridesmaids
,,were Miriam Weickert sof
Kitchener, Crissie Wyllie -sof
Kingston and Janet Stelterof
.Guelph. The best man end
.;close friend of the groom was
ivRon Weaver of Toronto and
nthe groomsmen were David
Luxton, the groom's brother
,of Toronto, Alan Scott of To-
,lronto and Fred Dpbbs 111 of
..:.Collingwood. Soloists were
Mrs. Patricia Dobbs, mother
"sof the bride and The I v. Wil-
;liam Cliff of Simcoe. Mr. Tom
..Conder was organist and the
:Choir from St. Paul's Anglican
thecal provded special
Ilsrinusic . under the direction ,of
is 1r. Richard Hansen, Master
;zof •the Choristers end choirs.
guests attended a wedding
.;C liner in the Parish Hall fol-
rlowed by a reception . and
tr lance at the Lucan Communi-
ty Centre. Since returning
p{nom their Caribbean honey-
-moon on the tropical island,.
Bequia of St. Vincent and the
„-Grenadines, Patty end Rob
,4ave resumed their work as
ssAnglican priests in the Dio-
cese of Huron. The residence
'is The - Rectory, Holy Trinity
Church, Chesley.
Pho7 by John Dobbs
Thames Road by Rhoda Rohde
THAMES kROAD - Rev: lWpp
conducted the:church and -baptis-
mal service:on Sunday morningr.at
:Tilimville United Church.
The responsive reading was tak-
en from the Green Service Book."a
°rffattt'"from parts of
Inns 'nand
•The • choir -sang '"'Worship the
. lord accompanied by the organist
'Marjorie Johns.
-The congregation, read "The
Creed" in unison.
Special music, a baptismal duet -
.Elaine Webber and her daugh-
ter Jill of Stratford.
The congregation sang the Bap-
tismal Hymn "A Little Child .the
--Ssvieur-lune".-Rev. p-bap-
.tized Richard Daniel, son of Ge-
rald and Carolyn Johns.
Carolyn assisted Matthew her
oldest son to light a.tbnndle on.the
communion table.
Rev. Aliwp told the children a
story "About Communion."
The Scripture Lesson was road
.thorn tomtans 8:1-11, and the Gos-
.pel of Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23.
'The title of Rev. Allsop's sermon
was "Sower. Seed and Soils."
Life and work of the congrega-
,eOn July 19 - 23 Vacation Bible
School will be held, $1.0() per
child per night.lt will run from 7
pan. ,to 8:3O .p m. ,rat Elimtrtille
Uniited_ a , , h.
On July 18:chntch will: berilbid
_ at Thames RaadTihunch+at '10:15
_aan. There- will be'two babies bap-
,jart.Sunday July 25 at 10 a.m.-The
-.service on July 25 will showcase
:Jibe activities of the participants at
Ailible School. BBQ hot dogs for
•.dnnch and pot luck dessert.
"The Board of Managers of
'names Road Church are having a
.pork barbecuelon.Sunday August
'22. Advance :tielitiets may be- ob-
tained from •any of the managers
on the board.
Sympathy of the community is
extended to the wife and family of
Alae late Harold Parker.
- Congratulations to Doug and Jan
:Cooper on the birth of their daugh-
ter Amber Elizabeth on Friday, in
The McClure families and the
Johns families all got together for
lunch at the home of Gerald and
Carolyn Johns and faunily after the
baptism of their son Richard Dan-
iel on Sunda,.
Quiet a number of people from
this community attended the Hod-
gert reunion on Saturday held at
Dashwood Community Centre.
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