HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-07-14, Page 5• :i in Jinnn flat wives of MANNA - Adv.11its Exeter everelnended Monday night by -41alliltalafor their telephone acting a suspicious 11+#ho was apprehended Ebraildee. A Niagara Falls man, was convicted of break, enter and' theft at . the Feather Tick, steaiu g a car and vandalism and damage at MacNaughton Park. -Carl and Anne Cann, treasur- ers of the Flowers of Hope cam- paign for the South Huron Asso- ciaton for the Mentally Handicapped reported the recent canvass realized more than $4,500.above the target figure of $15,000. Exeter council has supported a resolution from Stratford and Toronto culling for extension of .Daylight Saving Time to the :first Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. -- Federal -treasury'baard chair - Oman Herb Gray was in the {iirattd:Bend area Monday to of- ficially operf the new Grand -Bendharbour buildingand Play- house II . at . the Huron Country Playhouse. Overnight camping facilities have been established in Exeter, west of the Highway 4 bridge through the joint co-operation of the town of Feeier,.the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authori- ty and the Ausable Nomads. One sports announcer in ;the United States was heard to say, "The umpires would have .to wear ski masks" if. there -would bean all-Canacliari'World Series this fall. • ,5 luly 1 ].;1961-1ftiestroyaed two large barns in: them= • this week. They were ion : the farms of Wayne ,McBride t in Tucker- smith township; wrest of Kipper and 'Joseph White.on'.Conces- s;ion 4. in Stephen township. After many delays, :the .fast :actual sins : of construction !of the OrandShcend Mater system have ..taken -place. .Contractor C.A.1McDoweu.Irid.;of-.Deotr l- ia has started excavation and in- stallation of pipes. Only.:12rof.therfust152 auto- mobiles .checked.by:Ministry of Transport mechanics at.an Exet- er location passed their initial test and :were isauedstickcrs. :Snapping • turtle bunters from Covington, Ohio: ..have been busy in the AusableRiver,.south of.crediton reoattly. July 15, 1943 - A number fihotn:Exeter and community at- tended July 12 celebrations in Wingham. The crowd was thrilled to see a large proces- sionmore than a mile in length. The • 'Woodham fife -hand, _50 stream with Addle etslifiestals, blue berets and -aesissge.alt� ea paraded through :1110 1srroets ,of Exeter before heading for Wing - ham. .George Armstrong, -reeve of Hay township and -12 -Huron warden may seek the Progres- sive Conservative nomination for a riding of Huron. Another candidate is expected to be Dr. K.H. Taylor of Dashwood who was unsuccessful in 1937. Exeter reeve and current war- den of Huron, Benson Tuckey was awned Liberal candidate for Huron in the upcoming pro- vincial election. ' He defeated James Baliantyne who bas rep - maned Huron in Toronto for the past nine years. Rivers .Meat Market bas dis- continued delivery service be- cause of gas and tire rationing and lack of help. Freddie Dar- ling who took over delivery when .Bill Chambers went over- seas bas www pined the armed forces. .1114t0" � July • 13, 1 Between 6,000and 7,000 Maple attended the Glorious 12th of July cele- brations in )~setter. The streets were almost:impossible as four trains from the north and south arrived. More than 20 fife and drum bands and eight brass bands were in the parade. • ' A correction fmm last week's issue. The new post office in Biddulph township will be called Saintabury and not Salis- bury. Nearly 1,000 people toured Trivitt Memorial Church and tower and contributed $27.25 for their view :of the country- side. AIMPINrric StAVINSIIIMABI illeckseallilit knave= a tevrarding By Catherine O'Brien T -A stats LUCAN - A.lot of people think about starting their own business, but don't want to risk the security of a steady income. With the on- going recession, this security is gone for many, so the risk is notas great. That's the case for Larry Forrest who has turned a sideline job' as blacksmith into what is ,now a -And now the business, called growing opportunity. can be used for emetgencyiebs." Larry Forrest Blacksmithing, is a "It was something people always Fowrssyt travels to of full time venture. laid me 1 should do full titre," he Mann tensity ty : f "You have to be wall organized said. I:I111<oriend,Op ao juggle the -appointments," :he So Iaast year when he was laid off' to terve clients. from his regiitar job he began 10 take on more clients. When he realized there was a good potential at making a steady income from it, Forest enrolled in a self empioymenrprogram at Cen- eralia College in April. said. In one day he alight work on 15 horses. With the help of'his wife Julie, Forrest is _able to keep the daily schedule organized. "I try to set up the appointments for the morning, so the afternt m Blacksmith Larry Forrest rarely hiss .a chance to took up when he's on thegob repairing and trimming horse oes. "No job is too-tilnall, he mid. "1 don't mind going to a - stable where there is only a 000i►le of horses." He said it's a nice break from trin?- ming several houses in one visit. Usually she •tape nds an hour on -each #horse, but -that depends on the lijob. Corrective shoeing, he acid, lien take a bit longer. "That's some - fleeing I enjoy doing because it's a Iflwltaage -and really rewarding to 4100131111011111Wasellble to walk comfort- 1'"Ilearaiditanillaot itfrom Thor slatiehlllleho 1las been in the °tinsinentforat least 30 years." Forrest started working as a blacksmith when he was 14. "But I wasn't confident enough to do other people's horses until I was 16." He said shoeing a horse, known as trimming, isn't difficult to do; but it -does take a lot of practice. "I've been called to a couple plac- es where the owner has tried to do it and given up," he said. "If you don't know what you're doing you can lame the horse." Simple things such as the direc- tion of shoe nail are important. "The flat side of•the nail has to be casut"when hammering iti1; if not you'll have the horse jump.et'best or cause bleeding." A blacksmith • must also know what kind of shoe to put on the :horse and what size. He can usually guess the shoe size just by looking ratthe horse. 'There are also different types of :aborse shoes for different times of -.the year, breeds and activities such ✓ acing. I3orses generally need shoes •nefit- led: °every six weeks depending on she activity of the horse. "Race r.t ef•erss .in -aai INV€STMENTS SIC/I11SP •t 1 1Yr. -525% 3 Yr. - 6.50% 5Yr. -7.12'i horses need them every three to four weeks," he said. 'It's pretty 9traigbtfea weed visite you know what your doing.' The role of the blacksmith hasn't dogged much in the last few years -401 the • tools arc basically the 'erne. And there is still has the same oc- cupational hazards to face in terms 'of being kicked by the horse during the shoeing. 1 "You have to treat a horse like a human, that means being gentle." Even though there are a lot of skilled blacksmiths in the area; For - `Test doesn't see that as .a major =problem because there's a lot of mile who need such services. 'tin still in it to help the horse lust then to make a Living." FARMERS 1992 NISA FORMS DUE JULY 31, 1993 fr HOMUTH, TOR, PINDER McNEILL Chartered Accountants 71 Main Street N. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 (519) 235-0101 DuRICI CHAKTEKEI ACCOUNTANTS Gainer-Kaaeale 5-2420, • LNC netts aJysct to drawee. £t. 84y01 ruts avoidable. Sesrepuddiod- ruts n/leci auralpau perfonewt. Future returns will wary. IXXXISIXILUZZZZIXXXXXXLTIZZZ71/1 ►/ ►1 ►1 11 04 ►/ 1 ►1 04 t4 04 '4 0411 ►/ ►/ ►1 N INS7AN7 COLOUR COPLLS - lase,Mills,Dur /op. Ch artanrd Accountants Daniel B. Daum, B.A.. M.Acc., C.A. ahlaerho►. 412 Main St., P.D. Box 2405 Exeter, Ontario Auto 1S7 (510) 235.0945 Fax: (519) 235-3235 V ArICTIONEEII'S PIAPON & MON Latadestood Aaetiawe t O11•101ajAtee Yai Mune $$ t head anA Saha or 0064011113 0011~1M07 Gall Cottect Supplying you with 38 years 6fr s .nA c• • mow. opw. • Immediate Paymient 3 Auctiurwers Is e W r,ertiq .• NORM WIRE $NG LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Po.mpt Coafte.ra• igict.at ANY TYPE, ANY MAE ANYWIIIRE i LIN•. - .seataisto afar PROFIT NY Ems. Pit a CMleet 234.11831, Extater Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Sob 235,0874 • Laverne 235-1278 ked raises y tr to ell makes ,5raae taatiwMtas dip .Desy .W.a.nnty r 11,401. {: ti , ttstford t ,Pbele 27t ; l nlarge family or team photos to .8-1/2x11 or even 11x17 instantly with outstanding results. Ideal for business presentation materials, • even colour transparencies 424 Min St. Exeter • ,a IIIIIIIIIixuxxxxxzIIIIIxxx;x IhIzmsai“ liLIIIY Block, Brick & Stonework Specieliiing in: • Fieldstone • Fireplaces • Inaarts ChM IVAN NEILSON SEAPOR`LH -5g7408034 \ d ' t' ['t. f st' ti'f`f` and (sl e t out ( 0 1` “