HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-9-24, Page 2EYrir
:'4its4y Morning
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Ail 1'044440W tattelcc;tut-t
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Ad.\ elliscmouts without slyeao 61. • •6•dione
)bo ioa-oltsa Nrisa. 0.061ctie.rt,od rord
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"A vs. tisem entS 2-- '
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Hasiuess a/Irak, six 0444 043.44 541 flix
ineoer. . • J.
r br,iPTEN11$,Ft 24Tu, 1874
alp to the present time of writiog
vine 'electiou Wide have been
Come with as kiad reader, and let us
loolg at tin'a:result in each case.
Here, let es look at London !nat.
' 'Theebotunteutie Majew \Valk er Was tut-
seeted here, mot it -le not yet decided
eihether:ete not Ile will be eligible tot it
candidate at the ensuing eteetion—aot
thrtieglinny fault of the oneedleelt Mae
.joe'eelott the judge, taking the evidenee
of others into consideration, , and luok-
jug' at tile -ease ne et:Mellon tienee
ettould net take open himeelf the
eole rentieptitifify of dtelarieg that:dile
litlafor was apt" lea n red
Ideuselfz Tlzorefore, dear reader, that
,question will go befoleo a higher court.
Plititee nceou: I° el y taLiocoln -and
'behold the diseetrees resultel the trial.
Captt Norrts watt everbeee d shortly
After the trial commeeteede _stavtlig
Leen proved thet inaueese sums were
totest Ity• las " frittole" in gantiog
the election ter the ratty of Polity end
Siome Thus was ano-
ther Grit spitted,oa sh.tYp•'eotl of
Let Pe locilk`at Eesex. now. Mr. tele-
Gregor's friends (friende must be the
lame of these silent:1 liteci) -gave .$8 and
Jugs of whiskey, aiul other sums to
munereus' to mention. In tide ease,
the sponge was thrown to sueet tr.f.ter
the commencenieut of the trial, through,
leer that -pereonal bribery would be
'brought home Li Mr, McGregor. Toe
lappellatit'sttoen4: accepted ihe posi-
Olen, and alldwed the proettedinos to be
atayed tet McGregor'e ejection. Mc.
Oen epreguleled: out.to escape decapita-
tion. t '•
Noi'eth Tt_ufreer comes next in our
tway. You know Lden'lliDeneall.•-W
eeurse, he was in the Local House at
onetittme. Yes ; it etas durisag Sand-
' id. mocaourda's regiine. He leased a'
Laloo .beitanee poor:Sand-.
:featfol Laanixier anata-sak
444 .3.1dpity miehtint,•411biole-.
tihki--lutteitR houSe, and called
gutclfielct thoice names. etell aie-
gaioder, corruptiooist, &c. Ile believe
Jed that this ceuittry woutd ILUV211' onjoy
happiness pure and unalloyed until the
:feu" detuon of intemperate:4 could he
exorciset1 from; our :midst. And it
was with. this object' view that he
loafed . around tlie.„4.1"onaan .Catholic
aural door on Subd.ty morning and
leek the people ese titee -tavern acrotie the
sway and treated itteatt.when they amine
from mass. You 'see, 'resider,
:Lone kept* the principal, principles of'
teniperance "teetactO. Itetteving• that the.
..sou.t.-er the,. Whip. key :was t used .ur, bo
teener W cit14.1 intoimperant e
;be 'Used up. protnized,Government
gave Goeinnient contraote;
,and.otherwisk.dainaged -You
•Qe, he wee all for Lorn then ; but he
Ivan omitted, and now he ie altogether
1n Cornwall, our next itoppingetha.ce,
xr,,Mecdonald went under, hietageots
-,die-efing played the 001110,, 111.614 ,,John
genie to txdess, tthe genie 'not being
etriatly itiessideuce with the letter of
Ale. Another supporter of Mac-
„kenzip, tauisue..h., like the.dew upon the
PIPtIlltaino7 .. •
i3ut vfe speak•teliderly of the deed.
In Marquette the appeltatit; Mr. Ityon,
vele; alloaed to take Ids, steat, oppo-
Pent', the leteettebt..Ctineingliton, hav-
jug. polled VS bad votes. Tforotureing-
oflieer, pell•eterit, eegutiateters, and
' othees ateetse'Verely censured by Chief
eJuittice •WoOd for the shaniOful feand
•they teed .tti-acttised their partizan
lout enetttupuloiteezeoduct infartiork _
Cemoilighron's electioh. Poor
,Cueeiegheen had elready paesed to a
jiigherettiblegal then a,O' earthly one 1
New let tis examine the other side.
A214.2 V, 40, Ft 0012L1'not IS here presented
Topper, too
abitodoiseit. The: tele)
edeer for Cetabeilloatil
hie seat and vitoquielSeos leiettf
IMSU S 4111
Grite tried' siX
eia Ortte emeeat •
Three Chtteeevativ " • vile Cots
$ e za• t i s oa ttitl #,Wit compli11101 tea
item the BenseO on 1de pers'onal eon -
duet during the contest ; two Censer,
rative members letain their eeate,
Now, hiud Wit() ttl'e the eur
wore disettee eeterred eoop felneioeted her
to ewe eiteibly eateer. She Led thought it a
reit hit difficult thane to die end hey° behiod
- "her ize teeny ecarowingt .frimetle, Ospe-
eittlly her beloved littsband • hut as She
TEE EitOT-Itttlte
t110 nditor of the Exeter-T.tysA
„ , .
S212,--,-.1. 81100 I 0 10Y0 110
more atteutiou to Mr. Kin sinao"ti, letter,
IMO it not been misleading' froni-ftyetto'
lest. In his th•et he wede broadehiartte
at the party aimed at. In hietlast
ties got 0 a step further, And Makes 'use
of my mune (abbreviated.) There
oecessity for soch modesty, foe ell
do is above board.
I am surprised that 'he catioet die-
tinguish betweeu my preliminary re
pearke on the etstract question and what
tote pleased to teem a iedefence." The
tru)th is, there is ne4tinWto.!rdefend. I
did\ state (in your iskie o6f ,tbe Brd inst.)
for the sake of correcting Lis misappre-
hensions, the facts fit the case, and
now, sir, fur the ettle of your readeze I
will reproduce them. They ere as fol-
lows ;---e" A gent teman—a thorough,
practieel baker arid oonfeetiener—wrete
me to enquire there was"au opening
in Exeter for owl iu his line of busi-
ness. I wrate litui a reply, and stated
all the facts in the case, wiz:lona either
advising him to clam or not to oome."
H this etettnneut isnot frank and con -
elusive, I hut) w not how to write. And
yet Mr. K. still cliogs to it that
poiot tamed et was tto gee my
friend into the village before Senders
got well established, so that he m ght
have dbotteir chmee to ' runt Sanders.'
This iSfu.4cfruin first ti) last. I never
tried to get Mr. Flemington to came
here. • lie .gct his encouragement (if
any) from ther sources, uot from we.
•I only answered his euquiries seriatini,
ieferred him to Mr. Logg for any
further infermation he might require,
and what heelettote toettir. Legg I .1titow
not. Noy die I hear autibitig debee'
from hint 'until he cello to the village
to see fur himself. 'T shoidd certainly
have'encouraged hiuCto eome, had not
341r. Sanders already commenced in
busiuess, but as it was, I gave him no
aelsice; left blue to use Lis own judg-
To saY " that I considered.Sanders
not at all eligible to take the plate of a
first-elass baker, but might do for a
second•clese One" iS a complete fabri-
eation, and Pas oot ia it it particle of
truth. I never tiaid a word to any one
agaitsat air. Sanders in his bus:le-As re-
latiope, oer drew e,uy iovidious corn-,
between him and Mr, Derain. -
No ooe wishes Mr. S. more success
than I do. But if my word is not
euougu, I have no more to say. I de;
uptee the mau who refuses to eccepteit
pure aud simple. And after the ex-
vIttontiou I hadt given ie eeyetast
ea--1.!Awtinfl ?cute) fot Mr, Ii:, to put,to-
ige.1422- Snob, viigzoarolo of nearly a
who= in Toe Troas, I regard the:
yery essenee of ineannesii.
Yours truly,
Stes-I regret the necessity to have
to Write in so positive. a. style, but if
. K. has Lo leepeet for himself,. he
drew neer the 'Auld Struggle her views
of (1001-1, a,nd deoires for life, .trere corn-
pletelyeelialoged, She didnot wish to
livo after hee faith Lad fully vutfoldedto
the eye of her soul the ” eternal weight
Of glory,' nod the 'Wet •fadetb
net away. She wee converted when
very young; but tier experimiee,
that of a great nonty others, wae °Lae-
acteriz, d bY these elterretivee of kept
ter° aid of coldness, ManY "or tire be-
loved Allende 1?,xetey, mid Fairfield
remeniber hew; in those epeciale
meetings Carried on by Itevat Clappisen
and Hobbe, her eau" wothel kindle into
falmoate as elle SpOke of the pow r and
beauty of that immortal theme Jesus
Christ Alld Mill crucified." She in her
last moments very tenderly arid prayer,.
telly beeeeehed her feiendeand.aquetat
eos to meet her in the . al me
"go. out no more factor."
0.1 May 1 triumph so
When all my lyart,aro'n past
And dying' find my 1 'ain't foe
Under my feet at last,
+••••• •
40,4,4Y 4114 thfott :thenott Yes from the
modowe, and in ttltnclat fivery esso re-'
ee,;ived fataror terrible likturie$, for the
thetenee was nearly 60 foot, The great.
Rst consternation Nribi Mt. by people on
the, streeth, whO had, fisombled to hio
Mitose oambere, arid their cries Jul4
eetti did not help greatly to cozuvese
theonill heods, but theciplitted fireloeu
andtpelieetuen, as soon as they arrived
in, auffimietA nombers, worked with a
will, aod to wive ttege, lo effort s
rescue girls some y brava (Wits were
perfermed, and it , . said that several'
firemen, the number i1i given ea four,
geete their lives in. thie humane en-
deavor, Morguee end hospitals were
'nosed:de, impoverIshed. end as last as
One Ceuta be picked up from ueder the
wiudows of the Mills 'stretches were
yeady to earry her. At the Central
Station 25 boaies were dead, and other
unfortutmtes bad been teken to other
stetions and to their homes. In the
Mieedou were those whese teetteriege
were ioteose. It is not too high to
place the moldier killed at 40 awl the
injured at twice thet, number.
, .
• icy K viz ixo
(To t4e hatter ef the txeter Thnos.)
Everythfug thig Part of the country
is almost °attire. eed havoclis being made
on the railway fencee and stablee in the
adjoininglitids frol* sparks teem the
engines. 'Last week a great fire broke
out in ItHOttithompeeints bush Sird. eon.
Pickeringtewhieli clarinee the last
week, cattsed a great amount of exedte-
motet, io juxtapcsition with it are
two large Swamps, otte belongiug to Mr.
McQuay and. the other to Mr. Clittp-
inam It was feared should tho fire
fita its way to these all hopes of stay-
ing its ProgreSS wonld be at: all end and
that, therefore, tee loss to the township
must be ieuraeose. The fire haslound
its way tu each of these eivemps,
but, although, thernis no hope of ex-
tinguishiug the fire,by the active work-
ing of the people almost eight and day,
cleariog up old rubbish arid such
like, they lie.ve been able to keep it
somewhat, io cheek. Duriog Wednes-
day, Thursday and Friday, the altos
fell thickly. at the school house .distant
about a mile from the broth All dam-
,er DOW ihohight to be over—Ol-
e -
though fire burniug yeteteueless there
ehould rise a Leavy wiud. Cause run
known-, -Supposed to, be either -from
soinepersou shooting its the woods, sma.
thus set fire to the leeves Or, by light-
ing their pipes. Several, have caught
severe colds by watching these Ares at
night. The Brotklynitee have lied
their share of fire; between the ,two the
air 13 SO Allea vith innoke w'hich causes
Ave to appear very much shorter.
• • • - 41.
appalling Calamity.
LEAS-PH4 =Ott wesotavs AND INTO THE
Boston, Sept. 9.—The follownag is a
full account of thole° at Fall River, as
given in, a special to the .tletireci/ ;—
Mills No 3. and Zia tbe Granite Works
.haii been running tisout twenty wino-
tesewhen operettivesin No. 1 which is
-the old mill, were started with a cry
of fire, ,andeecape ,of Ite from the
fourth zetory, in the next to the ripper
floor, which was the mule warp spin-
ning departmeet. There.were nearly
100 girls at work under a male ovate
seer: Du the upper floor, the fifth,
abOut 10 girls employed spooling and
must be taught to respect tlie name warping cotton. eThese were the
and vorition of others, • NY- youngetst of the operatives.. With the
. .
Exeter, Sept. '21st, 1874. this attic, curniog from the wipclows
The ieugest that ever passed
through Canada., itra'S taken over tale
Canada Southern •the ether evening ;,
over 85 cars aboerd•
• alarm the flames seemed to lap up to
The amateur chanipionsbip,oT Ameri-
ca is held by the Maple Leaf B, 13.'Club
of Guelph. A match was played at
Beantford, on Saturday last, betweeht
the Maple leafs, and the Swett: Mood
club. The Guelphs' scored e mete'
then their opponeuts. '
The Buffalo Cowie). says : " er
seven years ago several strata strongly'
impregnated -with salt, and below that
vast deposit of the purest rock Min-
eral itself, were discovered in Canute.
en the shores of Lake Huron. Tile,
same formation lots since beets found -LP"
extend throligh Seaforth, Clinton and
Kineerdine—a distance of 75 miles in
an air-line—and at these places, as well
Goderich, the manufecture of the
best quality of salt is now in successful
operation. The discovery itself WRS ace
eidental, and is interestmg. It was
supposed. oil ,might be obtained neer
Goderieh, and a sanguine operator
bored some 700 feet into the earth with
the hope of. findioo exhau'rtted
his capital, bet at this crisis the oor-
poration of Goderich and a land cdin-
pally having special interests fit,' this
subject came tothis relief, and advanced
ample substantial aid on conditione
his 'extep.ding his researches ' the
depth of 1,000 feet., DAS bet:fig tettitttlee
he reacloil what is probably thetledef
an ancient sea, the waters of which
were evaporated by intense heat, WM:,
ing fin absolutely inexhaustible supply
of salt for the use of man. The brine
obtained from this source is, when not
pumped too rapidly but left to attain
its natural strength, thoroughly satu-
rated with this intlispeusible article.
Mu. EDIT011,—A11 lovers of peace, below, aud to the terror 0'1111 up to the
and esnecially ell alio' desire :to follow great tower, in the centre of the build-
tinoexample of Chrott, \till, I am sure, 'leg le which were all tho stairs com-
'regret the introiluctioo into a newspap- menicating with eitell story. The fire
or of controversies such ae the lot eaught, as stated, in the mule spinning
which lePPeared in Tem bents. Wise- roem and the north -wed eud Of the
ther-11r. L. WiLS right or wrong in the mill, and it is stated from the friction
cadet:elle took will net attempt to ar in .4 mule head, which at once ignited
gab, especielly as 1. do not folly know the oil waste about, end spreneling, by
the circenastauces. Bot, ifall ger tote; enea,es,of thp oil,on the floor need about
dotage or Acts of todiecretion- a eretto thet4lee,da 'tor ittaelthory, with great
lie -Proclaimed far ft110 wide, what a life 4uiciness towards the centre tower, the
should sale had! If eeeryune in this ouly source -of escape for those on the
village mild oeighborhood took Mr. K.'s fourth and fifth sturys besides the bre-
plan, fancy the depleyable results4 eseapes, ,V;vo on the sides .of ereeh gable
DOW ihillk it my (TOO *cell'upon all mail. e As it.'roshed ewer the Waring it
well wisheits of .eur eillage to feewn iftstantly fieond attbstance iu the wood
down such 'a eourte as he has thought work, and at onto getting into :the
fit to pursue,. 1-1,. Cl, Bineerciez. tower rent up to and ehrough the single
, , entrance te fifth story, then spreading
tothe roof tineb.ers aud fillipg two rooms
. 450 x 90 feet with dense Week smoke,
Mrs. Rebecca Gidlaghee, the subject and flames while the f1311108 were mak-
of Ibis brief opticee wee borre in the Sag such terrible headway the opera:.
Prue:loge el tbiebec; and' cleetarted
life on Menday the ttli. Of September du
kfountain Township, Duroles County,
Out., aged 23 years. abont two' years
agoe, she visited. Centralia, the fag-
deoce alter. brothers James tend Ro-
bert Timmine, where she %remained
some oine months. While in that vi-
cinity :she beeamo aequaitited: with
=MY fideints Whotwili ramemlor yitb
pleasure the friendships. itnil happy es-
sogiatiteiS of the past; and enter into
the; sympethies of those who n.oiv
inouru her loss, Many of the friends
iii'-'15i'leter will cherish tenderly the
memories of her hvely disposition;
cheerful temper end other amiable
quelititee maoifeeted odds them:
iu the SOeit11 2111(.1 401110 Sae ClI010
FL OM Centralia she returna itO-ther
home iu ItIountain Tewiteleiv,O;Dinnliese
,t4,o the „ease* we have just eeatofited1 when, oe 4-4e. nth. 18:-7,, she Hee
Monti'cal West, Mr. Ityant do united in matrimony to Gallegar
-eeppoeition inentabere wee petitioned of alettilda, Iter :hot uotebereatted
eband. Hero' Ituatrieneoiat alliance
:Olga/Let, at4d,wlien the judgee tried the liti
tety eeetere,e thee ate ovaetwo wa,'S Oneuf tile ',Most' pleasing' eliaracter;$
and that God who has made sac:red-the
did. wet, evareaut Silent iti ns t,' 6-11.
Ryan.:.;.T.hat :gentlunrto. therefore re - nuptial r it, 860111E21 tO stride Upon her
',tattle his eetit. •
eta tte, e Conselvatrte,
./1 d
Seit 0. 0 0 0011 0
eettto ;on the p,i,rt. of friends in his la: -
L. -hair.' The udg co: pli in en tea Mr.
'White ou the fact that he had avoided
;and trit.,q to prevent co.4tiptiott:' None
td the Grit roWiliett'i were coMplietent-
,ed oft this Or oflered ;toy helm from the
"jodictal hooch to: heel their teentated
:feelings, hut.. teere Iticheeleotttetlittit not
they deserved, You bee, -deer leader,
these eaSes i.ere tried by :ivag'os, 21,0d
.jutigos wrappeAsin,,the sceurity of their
Vioeition, are net gulled by the ex'igen.r.
',cies of Patty.
tot; 115 IllYW, .0610 V11)1.1 ItOl*S0
,C111401A110„;': 'T1113 lu.tAing .becti
-proeeed4:With for 8mnd:time, the peti,
tioners ' Wore c.matzined. to confess
.6 41 110Wor hetiettli 4110 Preol Thfi 416 061' tid0rtutiat0$ ).03,ttop PAA,
• - , ute L' ties' of wedded. 4'1,4 teeiseestated
fall Skews.
EastWavanoulint Boigrave, on Sept. 30. "
Western Fair, at London, on Sept. 29th luta
30th, and Oat. 1st and 2nd. •
South Huron at Exeter, on Mondtw and Tues-
day, 5th and etli Oct.
North Middlesox.—Ailett Craig, Tuesday.' and
Wednesday, Oct 0th and 7th: !
Mitchell.—Tuesday and 'Wednesday, 'OtIC and
cruekerSinitliBraneh, at St.:.forth, et. ( cl.
and 9.
Colborne.-LTuesday, 611.1 Cetober;
Provincial Fair,,Toronto. Monday fip.t, 21
sea four'fallowisig aase.
. .
Costoeoe.-- Co impost to Pi. will make
erre*, and that often. Io the rep011
Of lb ,Teeehers' Institute io litet weektit
Toil, the eempoeitor gitule it read in
the jangstor vote, 5 te 9 when it
sliotli haVa been 01 JO 9; also, " new
noobere were then reeetved" the in-
vinelde typo made *4 New membere
werethen reeeivnig."
Feetrom'e.—The proprietor of this
It old home epealts Mr himself
h theae columos tho week, Wo
formed that, over $80,000 ' worth
eOds Lave heen °Petted out in.
ittge eetablisbment tide fan- It is
pr ty widelY knowu that moat of those
go is are direct imoortatioue.
oe, , THE CONVENTION, --$01101 Hur-
on le well represented at tee Comoros-
tivs Oonveutiou now being held irt Tor -
on o. Metiers. D. Hoed Ritithio0B- V.
Et iot, James Benson, iseae :Cerling,
ant (Icor 0 Willie repreeent a few of
the emoicipalities.
Tee tl000noel Teem. — The daily
papers contain notiee that the Election
Court has, decided that the protested
The regrets and well wisbes of many
,friende will iteeempany Win, Our
readers may teepe heer f50M him
oces,sionAllY itiol through the
eolnintle of the TsttoS-
InVb.kevaAlto% P.414
27th FebsOasY, 1$73--N.r,
behalf of My family, I wish to acknow-
ledge A debt of gratifodo I owe Mr,
irgr qIne!ii6tititciewea'9'f la)ilyoo;litUtti.LIAte;u4"rilnilseQuat
metter, atteoded -with evetyOmPtoln
of Consglisption, After obtemoig, the
ettendaoce :of two eminent 'physieuens,
who alforded her no relief, tate weepers
euaded to try Fellows' SyruP of HyPO-
PhotiPltitee. UPon, tWo bOttlee
We had. every reason to. believe she
would be oured, Her physitians were
surprised to fiod her improvemente SO
rapid, aod Advised her to continue its
ose, whieh she did Anti' her complete
rdell7Irgr liel rlrfl 7;1 1701?) all: 1VeCi t h'301ra tPaske:eln'
nor regoired any medicine, enjoyntg
good health, and lupe that are ef-
flicted with any Loog or ()hest trouble
to use the Hypo. without fail.
My wife, also having been in bad
health for some time, and having had
Typhoid Fever in Deeember beet, which
left her much protracted, was advised
by the physicians to use this remedy to
build her up. Before taltiog half a
bottle she ft,und herself much beoefit.
ed, mul still continues to use it.
I believe under kind Providence,
Fellows' COmpotind Syrup Hypophos-
phites has been tho means of restering
both' my wife an4ditughter, and I hone
the afffieted will avail themselves of its
!hate abd a secOnd. heals° sold three utisteit'af'°irt tahluoeu gl sh 34P‘Py ir‘el eellYalc"lig'qd
Tosarn As,Evess,
election cage for South Huron will be
heard in the Court House, Gederielnon
,the 20th inst. Now, witneeses, rent-
or the hollow trunk of yon ola tree may
tclio:latesrv,,,teliiie. sick -teem and the old barn,
0000 roe Measisce—tigain, Mr. R.
*tinning -has been carteing off prizes
for eherp, Ilere he went up to
niton -and Blyth the other day, doil
tete& with him a lond of lemb• It i •
sdti ll'oeuetd al e4s tt to•o't bYtei btawto 11 eo r cntrhrri cede
of this day's MIES may be bad -with ar
Without wrappers. Full of loeitl news,
foreign miscellany, and choice litera-
ture. The eleventh instalment of our
new and,kemerveno interesting stem
The Broken, Weddifig Bra," appears
in this issue. Price, 5 ceots each.
' 'NEATNBM'' --- Neatness ocemplified
ot lite lambs for .good figines, e , .Yottes 't:raly,
, . : t: . THE Y. P. C. A.,—;ust as we. told
..'.IS'-te ,be fouud in Breiterick
's mere. By '
soca that his fall stock hasjust.arriVed, connatittee. They would go to work
the merabers of that entertainment
refer elice Le advertiseinent le. will lte
Mid -that it is the largest'he Las ever: tnd furnish a first-class programme,
toentedet to Exeter. -we knoiv Lig auk then open the doors and sity, "pass
„ .
storit iet,cyammed to the full, and that in; your weleome; and the lecture-raoM
histgtock looks ehoice apd geed. Cali be Completely crammed. Evetione
ectittes and secuie your eupplies. *as :delighted with the proceedings and
L„ H.& B.—Anvthino at all to keep the manner le which they were con-
your spirits up, so ilere rt .i : .4. meet_ &toted. In the absence of the presi-
. dent, Rev. Mr. Luod, the vice presi-
mg of the directors of the reed was lield deut, mr. Jaho Kilpatrick occupied the
on ZtlesdaY evqrling last m the . city of chair. After a -few remarks from Rev.
London, to Niko into eonSideratiOn the Mr. Godwin, relative to the Workiege
advisability of - eomtneneing 'operations of the society, the choir seug the ,open-
.itionlinnzlsteleyilaylIepreteoeitviteeat:tioloueionffogromitalg. , iitmleeperlosrhorAsu, remarksi ana oiled upon
The chairman made a few
lien as to their intentions, but it is al- Miss Oarling,' who rendered . " Come
'illOSt possible work may he:commeneed Back to Erin " with good eifect, Miss
inn: cotille of weeks. ; . Lizzikarfing at the orgita, - Mr. 'Will
Pezo-Ext.eza is a purely Vegetable j. White reed an essay, " The Results
•preperation, safe to keep and to use in of ItiVeittioe," and Mieses Martha and
every fetuity. The simplicity attending 3Ane Verity rendered ie beautafel style
its use, together with the great variety fer ones so yeuog, " Climbing up the
of diseases that .ntay be entirely erA- wits " The History of the Crusades,"
Golden Stairs. Next on the pregramme
dictated by it, and the great amouot of synopsized hi Mr. H. C. Boulton, and
doliu and sufferingsthat can be alleviated: Ottiheing cooeiderable talent on his
through its use, is imperatit-e upon part, followed by Misses Ethelda end
every perstm to supply themselves with Hannah Ma,ry Broderick tsingiue eery
this valeeble rentady, aed to keep it prettily, 44 Silver Threads amoog .the
always at hand. Gold." juet Wore a ten minute% re -
G OCM If0H TUE BOYS, ---No. 6 Compaay cess, Mr. Thw, Ceiling very ably de -
evening lest, and eeport a very favour- 'Mies Mannieg took her place. and sang,.
• .
• look f Mt. • ' ' •
Roe:ill:legit tat) rteieleit)ititiiiiitens "o'T he Tug oiry .—
Its Thelon,
of oolunteets arrived home on Monday
able caner tugu. Not only do they with .cousiderahle nic,ety, "In the bright
hale and loterty, but Le' proud. They %lays te come.' " The M.ay Queen,"
brought Immo over Baty donus px: au'read by Mr. Rosehrugh, causedmeny
prizes, Cant. HOW9,111. winning the 1st sbirmeapsItiseitt;,throb at the beauty in its
prize of $10 in the officers' match ; $8, Miss VeritY sang a solo in
1st the all comers' match ; .$4, ,t et to her usual style, Which was well received.
Mr Rob. Verity soineWliat relieved a
'17'.`""Pa"Y's nia/.en ; 111111 .' I ' "" 1" 111' slat mom:it:my oy reeneng: Lir 0 roomy
three years' service match. Lieut. Eh
, humorous strain, " The shadow on the
riot, $5, in the three, years' service whale' Mr, Jt W. Broderick sustair-
match ; and $2, in the officers' match.
T. Horn, taking the colonel's prize of ed his reputation as a Singer in the solo
$20 ; and $8. -in the all-conters' match. and chorus, 44 I know thou art praying
ri k wkitiock had a to.night."; bre was assisted in the chor-
„„-eriPtett414o---- ran ns by,Ablis 1 enty and Mr. 13. SwIner-
aged. the Win. ton. Messrs. Grigg and Gedwiti gat'e
Biddulph, on
p,ic-oic at Ids -11°4, h.'
Friday last, and he a readily-, and recitation respeeti- c. y
e enueic which tliorenghly eagroseed t le :atten-
Chelsea- brass band ta disco Lion Of the audience dud' g thete.etere,
during the day. And well they did: i sa . ' hc proceedt: es closed by sing-
ing the Ed 10 anthem.
.------, 1,....... •
MO'S° 21,
::::teEsx:dtevla.11:3:074acili4Porfe:lies.°ns 13411 is"" 3)Iskft
"York, 1l.$ St ,loint N B and lathe principal 014
41413)1:14;0:1;l: 13;sleloltee,5S. terling 111xchangA,
A. M.
GOING EASY. 1.47; 12.15
A. 12. P.M. P. 1E,
OM° WP.ST 4.45 ; 1.13 5.10
Luean, May 25, 1874.
• Best English Double Boiled Oil,
A Savings Bank Department has boon
Branch Molsons-naoh, „i
front one Dollar ($1)
Poyabla on Demand with 2kiterest.
Exeter, May 7, 1§.74.
Raw Oil, James lst white lend, end a
complete assortment of Painters Tinder-
ials at Harstone & Son's, St, Mary's.
Pure Elephant bit (90 eenis'-041,1.)
Cestor Oil, Pale Seal and Stock's'Oil
Ilarstone Son's Cheap Hardware
Store, St. Mary'e,
Patent Fly Traps, Patent bag ties,
picture fritme mouldhig, at Harstone
& Son's, St.Maty's.
Solid Cast: Steel Grass Scythee,Hoee,
Forks, Hand -made Rakes, Snaithes,
Cradles, and all other Harvest Tools,
Itarstone & Son's, St. Mary's. , B.
tives became fairly wild. The' ON erseers Largest stock of Nails, Hinges, Lock
at glance'saw there was no waY Pos- Glass, etc., at Haretosie & Stp
sible tc...check the fire, and gave their mary,s.
sole attention to those whom they had '
at work. They called to them to save
themselees and pointed ,out ways of
ebeape. , These azeve principally. "fire
la ers or; the .timid crezttures who
dared not roll the fire gauntlets of . the
.towee. The. overseer of the spooling
ream,. who himself remsdued till lie was
nearly suffecated. in smoke' sti.t.:s that
seeneln.his room mid it must be
hi' nei.`lielo'W.:Stafh, 'Cannot
be depicted. Cnildren 1.421
out knotriedge of what they were
doing, crying, begging pitoonely to be
Sweetie yet wrettching theioselves ewey.
avnen talon forcibly iota carried to
Itheet6Wer while yet there wee some,
Chaiice M. to the irou ladder tu the two
eeuttle windows of the south end,
which opened upoo the yoof belcony, at
tile bead of latli St. tire ladders.
They euslied. to the wiodows et the
south* gable entl but they were nearly
60 feet fgoin the ground, aid daeed
junp down, Cottou ropes were put
out for theni to slide down by, apd
and her compenioe, as together they some took }mane. But in then.
eligaged ie life's great bsttle, 1.3ut efforts 88Veral met, with deathor injury,
thete joys, like earthly joys, Wero. fad, fo,e, oo emitter Would kt Is?Pit be lowered
hug ; n.041 it soon became apparent' that before it rush fee it freto the story be-
leottlife Wore wee all but teiteonsplielielly low. Too many would talte how of the
Consiimption, that, moat iileeePtive and rope, which would part., and all igfiiig,4,
glieetly Of ell diSeases, fastened upon int; to it would dome dOwn in A Isubehs
her euestitatiois tatod eider itSinfluenee "file`fhtnies'brol:escetaled with. quick:"
‘pikpidly sank to the sepulchre 'ofithe
deed. Often -fit theleet years: of her
,Itfe,, ;sloe itad, been beought 'Petty tbe.
emilinee of tite: tomtit; but tiodor the
"brasing of God she' was its' 1k6quo n t
Her last letter to her
bruelter "tolteett' dated Aug. 14th , was
very eneoettegiug. . Her health 'was tio
far improved ,45: 'peI101 41(12 10 attOlid
tO h o 8011(>1ir $.1 1,18i t and
rouble through 'Lltaottedit in. tsetteli. tor
berries.' She begen tO think it Wag hot
tiotteuteiption that efiented her eysteni,
lo a eery els ()rt. pertott df, hciteevere
her proSpeets toel hopes Pik 1404'
WC.1.12 blighttd .;`, and broken as the
nee'," of thetight to the entre co of the
lower) or fourth floor, „tlieleby eutting
Off the means .of eseape, but. the opera,
ttycie theettye ladders of the soOth
galtle'd1iectly • betoeo them tied Were
orged by the overseeee t eitizens be•
low to tali e tlietn, Some did, be t
otheee '4 th y w lel ad roll 1 out
, 8 0 p y
011 the baleepe and dropped -or threw
themselves' froM the guards, hardly
looking at the iron holdere, I'lleretvae
tithe foe evet•suno to, have :beep saved
hail the right emirs° been ptirsued, anti,
it was ifot for Want oflireetion that the
girls lost their The, people on
the geouotiprocured matreeepe for
flu iiixittitt.
A FACT. -,--It, i$ an established fitct
that those merchente :who liberallyetd-
vertise their business raretV,
complain of " hard times." '4 '
Sian Bars. -11r. j. Spaeltniati'llet
empowered us toiuform these ssA) re:
:serviees'ne Ituctio of'
the days wheo he ie lib..f•er.
Soesere—It has boon telly decided td'
hold. a social ou Friday evening, the
211t1 inst., under the auspices- of .Fideli•
ty Division, 5, of T. Barticelare le .i.t
lase dive.
RnItalltrient, HaWkS11aw runs Lwo
stoo•es duting the time of the Western
Fair. It conanences next week. Fare
for the round trill, $1.50. Stages:wilt
leave Exeter about 5:110 A."111.• °•.
Tnn 13A•inut7 troupe
played in. Willtita's hall on 'Thursday
night and, althotigh playipg under
many disadvantages, it was evident
thap more fav Ora bl 0 eircaill8l031-
ee3 they Would not fail to I LAS°.
DON'T MISS IT---Wbon a young lady:
notices yotir Shiit button hanging by a
single titre:col on the 1' ragged edge" of
Dry 'Goads
.P160ty Goods, Cutlery, \Valf-Pa
We are now pr
=tangly° As
Bought du). eat f
on the Hest Terms,
One of our travellers will take an early opportu
With full outs of samples, when your esteemed or
too. Bat the Worst feature of that
band.*as, that, when .their services had
been dispensed with in Biadulph, they
ettrae. right up to Exeter, for other
nitwit than to disturb the equanimity
of the town. In fact; they setienaded:
one pr:two public Owe, end So. de-
lighted oley goodthearted citizens that
they Were Made serenade needy the
whole town, amongst others, Mr. Win.
Plaited end his newly -made bride, whO
returned from their weddingstour the
e:voning previous. The bend has ad-
vaneed remarkably well, and under Mr.
Harry, Betreat's able tuition Soon
claim no mean rank.
Ton Beetn.---.-Prof, Walker aOd the
instrameets ter the uSe :of .che brass
band arrived Exeter, on Saturday
6veliing last. :As soon -se they Were
unpackeilt-- of course we mean the bit
etroments, not the profeesors—:the sev-
erel*. preetitioileek gethmed in' Mr.
.Seitior's.photograph rooms, and began
jestiog the merits Of the instrunients.
,Witat Weida the twelity apd one of en
haidience who etecel in, front of Mr.
'Senior's window im that partieuler
eight think if we we were to say, "nto-
sic hath cherais to soothe the sevage
"'roast," th 2' Bot if they were delight-.
ed with the first rehearsal hear bonnd
:less will be thcie delight and unlimited
-their pleasure when, after n, feW rait-
ticee, the muSieel chords Wia be wafted
in' eweet cadence threugh the volumes.
of biliowy atmosphere Which disporte
itaelfiin the preehicts of our midst.—
'Ought Batt lliere ie'no danger of now
haeiete toolittle nmeic et our fait, 'as
Wincrielsea, Exeter, and-Hmd—sorne
other binds are likely te :Oro znpete.
Fos Inn SNsktr 311 :1 w.or.----Mthotigh
it is it plus -ere to ust wheo we hear of A
tilegeSS yet it ie mixed with A
degree: of sorrow when that frimid is
leaeing the vicinity for foreign parts,
Such ie tlie case with .the Rev. Isatic
Barr, Who has Worked assiduously siiiee
his incumbency in Exeter,. Itt forWarde
leg the spiriteal tad tempera' intersts
of the branch of the church to which he
belonged. A period of prosperity has
marked Christ Church in Exeter and
the 01111t01103 in tile patish since the ter,
rival of,ithe Revd :gentleman. lie is
though in the course or four weeks, to
the button hetet end y9.41.4ttotkon teave us, its he lies been appointed to
ao„,t kot. eccompauy the newly -Tenho Bishop Mc-
Lean to the Saskatchewan Valley. Ile
that, for yott may never:get' ,
sj„E lantee—tthose are the daYS--V will winter at Vert Carleton, and. pre -
'apples are ripe, and you see the enitell'l Ole hog qttirtors of ow Rtaisoo.:8 Btv,„
deed in the Si)ring to Fort Edttotit011*
hopi coming over board fences lik‘ Ocoult)an and'about 100 miles mirth
greased and r Ynetinnt, west of :Vert Garry, andt.)00 miles from
strike," bang," agaitutt the other sidt tho Reeky mountains, Mr. Bart, we
of tho fence, just after they get oVer ate' glad 10 learri ratikm next to the
you sAtt.--Tho Bue Bishop among the dignitaries in the
Dew ai0OeSe. lie hag also tsceived the
,Dtpublie,attction at the parsonage, appointment of examining chaplain to
'It6tCI. WealiksdoY tho lth bt 0019. the bishop. .11is, Intics in tins Aide
all his household itarinture, Mul it180 are t)0 exandne all candidates fot Holy
hie horse, isaggy eutter and harness. Ordered /o, the course year, 11)
Nothipg 1.)c• Spoiled, ! will returt to tele with Wu). tangy.
Lmtlon, eptember 414, 1814.
%ma 4.....z.,===;wommoramob
:LOodint, Eng., NO
v York .Nxelutoge, Greonbackg,
opened in eoonection With he R.F.f0t,01'
ppwards received.
& C 0
per, School Hooks& Stationery
epared to show
ortraeret of Coeds
uniatated above, which have been
rom Xanufac'rs
by eur own HuYer.
nity of calling upon tne Merchant: in this section
dors have our eainful attention.
vionsly surveyed. in budding lots tt. PAIN.... KILLER
but for some reasou, Whether that thet
auction. -125 lots were offered for side
TERN A G11:1412'
L & EXIERNAL RritirglYr.
lots were too small or the upset price IN
too high, -or the locatiou was uot de-
eirable, lame ol the property was sold.
Wetieee A Polooneotee—The want of,
consteble Or patrol policeman is still
felt in thie village, where in the past
week two of' onr villagers have been
struck' in the feee with stones, thrown
by persons with whoth they quarrelled.
noeminee Exuanathez.—Q tette a
number of per villagers went to Toron-
to see the Ptevincial Exhibtion
Home Mem—Li:lean velunteers
have returned from camp. The emu-
peny is a credit to the village.
DRAUGHT CIATU.—The draught play-
ers here are about to organize a club
which will no doubt be able to Main-
tain the credit of the place at that game.
How is Parkhill on draughts 2
[The fore Niog NYN1 fecniV;021 toe late
for last °week's issue:1
Rush Fnms.—The undo topic of con-
versatien during the past few days bas
been bush fires. Feare were en te rt n -
ed on Saturday last that a lire ethieli
was burning- iu Nethaniel Ryan'e woods
would e-xtent to the village. On Smi,
lay Kilgallin's place wits reported to he
on fit it, entMouday it eves
and on Tuesday the news aerived that 0
bhtolru:ae a .eoi e dTilileeaNts...:11: et orfailthwanyhctta.era:
a short distzeoce lreSt Of Llleail ;Wa5
rain, 'which fell on Tuesday. I. V.:4
(From our own Con ospondeat.1
III orders left at Bosworth's Drug and
Bookstore (next door to McLean's Hotel),
tor Printing,. Advertising, Subscription,
etc., wilt receive prompt:attention. Liman
subscribers will in future receive the Tins
at the above.nanted Store,
ites „are in grief—their confidence Las
been ebased, Some of them who have
heretoforebeen reputed pion:thieve been
beard to sweer, ton" all this Itas been
:caused hy the failuee of Clormont,Dan-
iele and- Co. Of Mootrc al. Toro enter-
nriehig,cantriessers of the defunct firm,
to nee it. ComMerciet nhease " did' the
eillage," and their cestoruers the
language of slang " were done broWn,"
and this is hOw they. Were dope—the
eaaveSset Lad an extensive priee hst of
dry -goods ttee, en Which peices: 'were
week has beell a quiet one in Lucian.
There has net been nnich movement in
1,:tain, the farmers being buey thealting
or .ettending te other matters conne
ad with the tartan The aim.
teote:Zst; keel) cool, wb;"'t was a tietslilOi
it It:dement with the mer-
cury in the nineties. No robberies, to
elopement or sericite& things of thet na•
tture to record.
'C..):4 4 ;i1EVA.TI DE12024STRATIOH.—The
conservatives Of this vicinitytitne talking
ot getting up a demonstration 021 ao-
o mot petite recent exposures io the
conrts of.the eorrupt preetioite of the
political pharieecs.
liTaken internally it relicves instantly the most
acute pair. Used externally, it is the best Lini-
ment in tho 'world. Its effect is almost instantan-
eous, affording relief from tbe most intense pain.
It soothes the irri bated or inthuned part, era
gives rest and quiet to the sufferer It is eminent-
ly the people's friend, and.everyone should have
it with them or where they can put their bands on
it in the dark if need be.
ice,',5.1,5 t•tetils per Rattle.
rerry Berle & sole Proprietors,
Ditzw.-1/1 Exeter, on 'Monday, the 20th
the wife of Mr. john Drew, Cabint*,4paker•
of a daughter. tttr's •
FOsTED—ZELLER.- At the niarlae. Kippell, on
Sept 15, by Rev. Onmerun,Mr.JohnFustx
of Kinloss, Elizat.oth Zeller,
townsuIP:of Hoy.
C121n0,-.-1n St. Thonixs, on Monday, 21st.inst,
the wife of kit, Itiehard Ching, aged 20
ItfolaY1)%a:—' 1.11 TJaborne, on Sept II., Isabella.
11012 ,Nfiljed41,8r6e3,1,1e,arie.sli,et of the, late Robert stewart
',41, Sale' Ifle—ister.
''TliutalitY, se 4.--F—ar,p-,..-graiqr:rird Duple-
1874.—Farm Stock and im-
of Mr. 411141. Urtideilck,
, Con.-9,Hay.-1:1.1ioson'oury,
plements, the property of Mr.' R. Mont-
gomery, lot 20, con 11, Stanley. Sale to
commence at 10 a. tn. Terms 12 mos. E.
Ressenhury, Atte.
FamAx, Oct. 9, 1874.—Farm, farut steak Lte,
the property of A. E. Nast, lot 8, con.12,
Township of Hay. Terms 12 months
Wamtasn.tx, Sept30.—Parm stoek implements
etehostplroolitle.rmty: ofHI:liontretsx, ulopt. ,cf).11. 11
Hay. Terms 14 months. Sale to WILL
'WEDNESDAY, Oet 7.—Housebold Fin
the property of Rev. I. Barr Exeter.
Terms, 12 months. Sale to commence at
1. p. 111. J. Spaclonan Ane.
FSAux:fAttioTrAuxit,nrOcel.,3,—Farrit slack iMplements
Greenwoy, Devon. Terms ,12
mo ;tbs. Salo to towntense at 10 a. rn.
the property uf Thomas tit
Q.A. 6 and following days Dry -goods
groceries &o., H. „Macklin Iowan. - •
hiONDAY Oet. 5.—Form stock and implements
the property of Mx. Robert Cave, lot 16
3conDint;38,m013reidkltilloir)11, Terrns . 12 months:
(Peron rearig.....ral .011:esozial Zan.
Pursuant to notie.1, the annual meet-
ing of the Huron Teachers' Association
was heldde the Ceatral Scheel, Clieton,
on Saturday, 19th inst., the president
in the anvil., 'The attendance was good,
somewhat over sixty teachers having
been present .1nrizig the course of the
day. The centralization question was
restuned, The ,fellowiug places were
suggested as seitable localities in which
to form hazel Iostitutee, viz. : Demgan-
non, Gederieh, Varian, Exeter, Clintoo,
Seaforth, Wessels, Gorrie and Wing -
quoted very low—lower generally then] barn. .A.fter considerabl,r discussion,
the cost of production, for insteuce grey I the report was amended. end adopted
cotton costing et the mills 91 cts. per in the following form :
" The said Institute or any others
which may be formed, may affiliate
with the Central Asecciataon on the
following terme :
1st. Thet each affi.'liated Institete
shell pay to the treestmer of the C. A.
ttu anneal fee of ten cent , for each of its
2nd. That the member of any local
aftilitited Institute Le a metnber cf the
Con tral Aesociatien.
: Ord. That there ellen be two meet-
ir gs of the Central Association in each
year, eiz, : in June and December.
4th. That paph affiliated Institute
`furi.isli its members with tickets of
mernber ship .''
Th'uteetiug proceeded to tlie eleetiot
of officees for ensuing tem, when the
fellowing,,,were chosen : Presideni,
H. J. Strane° 11. A. • First'Xite-Pre
sident, Mr. S. ; Secood Viee•Pies-
lit,iideeao;tu,i:iSefrr; Ra. Af8ilitleerm; ) 4Si iete re tiltilyre,,
Stang was introduced to chair, and
votes of theolcs tendered to the retirieg
officers. ,
it Wise resolved that tide Assoilltion
regret that 0 potheious ettempt siteuid
have been made to injure Mr. Miller by
the publi. atoll of ae,opeonme letters
cootaming a geese misstatement of bit:
aptiOn at and in regard to the Jun
Meeting 0 this Assothition, Lula 4J,
vart of the preeeeding,of the last meet
mg° of :lie Presbyttgy of Heron, oi re
feretsce to Mr. Miller and Lite propoiie
Sabbath Sehocl Convention, and fur
Liter; that this Asseeiatien cannot too
wlrongly condemn the gfoOs unfairilegs
Of the Giobe newspaper hi refitsing
to publish tot autoritative correetion
the anonymous lettere, and that th
meeting dosing to express its full unlit
donee iu Mr. Miller its an upright and
honorable twin; and. its entire eppeov-
put t,t tho wive, ,04:40, pt6., Om 0100,00r wbieh he Isee
waya ittitehereed the autim3 of his posi-
.yhrd was offered at 15 yarde for $1.
Samples of the dry-goptis were exhibit -
'ed by tho agente, and bufere werettold
that if, on arrival the goods ordered
tvere not equal 'to sataple they might
refuse to tette and pay for them, the
eoods to be •sent'O.O.D., persons how
ever orderiug goods must pay the agent
,at the time of giving the order 25gts for
each dollar's worth ordered. s The
agents drove a brisk trade; ignoraot
people theught they had long been the
victims of rapsemus niorehants, but
here WaS a firm of himest dealers whist
could idierd to sell &neap because theY
bought such large gretutities for cash;
so they ordered their fall's stock.
Avarieious people who are generally
well posted in prices, although they
knew C. D, coutd 1101 afford to
gen at such figures if they obtained their
geode in ea honest =miser bonght
freely, for their Inottu is " make money
e 1 • u 1 ut if not met-
- us leo let ) — ee
motley," The ,goodetwere to have been
shipped Ang alst, but the pres.3 of
business Was such the ;shipments
weeld be delayed nntil Sept 10, and
%Oleo that dete areived tho 17th, was
fixed as the day, up to which time
agents were ordered to sell to those who
had ordered before. Here was it °bailee
not to be lot slip—the demand for the
goods towt be increaSing in other
'dads and shall we be careless in se-
curing bargains? Result was further
Orders, but the shock came on the 17tb,
When:the papers contained:an announce.
wont that Clermont Daniels St Co. had
gone to Smash ot tin; United. States.,
Tho victime of misplaeed eonficletice,
and their Own greed wore wry facei
evhile their neighbors who refused to
bite at the tempting. baits soy it serVed
than rightr
the 18tin. 11151,, 'Ale, P., MeIthargev
offered a piece of lima. the Western
. .
_Lt., DAY lest, between CientriLlitt and Lamm,
largo,knit shawl, of red, treeu and black colors.
Anyone finding it, will be anizfiy remunerated, J.
TIMMINS, Centralia, 5T It.
./L ono ef the hosh wheat growing tow/10144;2A
titrio. The 1111211 ci minim s °Ob., 14alf of lot
35, ard concession, containing id acres, on which
is erected a good bank barn, and a enefortsble
log house. About 40'actss in good crativution, the
balance in hardwood bush. Distant from Exeber
six 16 alea. particulars opply to flour, f4TE114-
-L. No. 10, fird 00n. of Hay, containing 7517a-ctries.
alott t so ofwhith are tinder good cultivation. Five
112 ilea Itom Exctrr, aml conveniett to both
chul (Aland Sc1,001. ll'tcrue Lam, 80x05, good house,
good young orchaid, 111/11 ridendia 1nue kiln on
tbe proud. sca. 60-320. A'l HICK OtERIEN.
c,IPLE NMI) FA101 IfOlt SALE.—
kJ Lot 16,1st concession T ovegtai, a Stephen,
attutted on (to corner of fit. Alitry's end Leinten
Gravel toads, elm Mile from I xotor, the property
of the 16i.to Riehlod 1.31111iwili, comprising nearly
I00 acres, 40 of which aro which are woods. For
pal tictilarc RAO to F.D. talkwill. on3he promi-
see. If by letter prepaid to Es.oter 8, D.
IC FO .14 sa 65-tf*
1-41'..ING LOT 10, in the 12th Con; of Van-
n slim 41, on the townline,botweers Blansbard
Bidclalph, comprising seventy-eight acres,
about sixty uf aro c.ettred and in a high
state of 4mitivation ; tho balance is bush. The
distance -from Granton is two miles from Lo-
cal), 7 miles; and from St. Mar,y'g, 12 miles.—
This is g good chanco fur anyone a ishing a
comfortable home. A never failing supply of
water. If not sold within two months it will be
disposed of by ;motion. For further inforina.,
Gronton P.O. Aug. 27th, 18/4. 53-2m
TBAYED 141,011f Ob' THE
mthseriber, Mr.1). 6rhite of Ur ntot,
4 It4tri
Or -Aout the 20th of A11
s0bscriber beef, to aecloallitAbocs:wolAws
wm61115 aOun, thee they tess,e ettee their Wird.ed,
14111100062 by ea11114 aty eitteadelite *lune utd
prepared to proiddrate dritti4it et vetoing. lit
11cE,t inanixer,autett retteentible Pritlett, ,
, ,
le74. 'ard Linetlansfairtl,Antfla