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Times Advocate, 1993-07-07, Page 5
Back in from the archives Time of the Time) Advocate July 13, '1983 - Kongskilde Ltd. announced this week that the manufacture of` all of its plows will commence at its Ex- eter plant next year. Vice- president Rick Mills made the announcement. Plows have been manufactured in Sweden since 1971. Huron county clerk Bill.Hanly said it will be a "nightmare" if every municipality follows -Ex- eter in holding back the uitool- lected portion of the Huron county tax requistion. The Ausable Hayfield Conser- vation Authority has given the green light to 81 couage owners ,at Port Franks to purchase their properties. Lucan resident Don Mercer will be among the 30 'people aboard the Green Peace Founda- tion flagship "Rainbow Warri- or" .when it heads intd:-iiussian waters late this month to'pnotest the Soviet slaying of grey whales. Ecole Ste. Marie of St. Joseph will remain open to take care of the 51 students. There is a possi- bility. of the school becoming a French Emmersion or French language nguage .iaciiity..Currentl y' 75 minutes oftch:are taught to gradeione.toasighhatudents each day. A Sports Hall of Panne for Hu- ron~.county:has been proposed by -Glenn_ a • er ofCKNX in Wiirtgha res. 25 Years Ago July 4, 1968 - The five Onta rio Scholars at South:Htaon-Dis- trict :High .School for this are tirrry'3bard;:Bi11 Jef Joan -Pepper, Janet-, Miller and Jim .Knox. John .Goddard was bt3st-in grade. 12. -lie was also apps in his .ehtsr3he two previ- ous years. Levis Contracting of Clinton submitted the lowest -tender of $363,327 for the first -phase of coastnrotion of Exeter's Main street. Engineering estimates were 5378.689.. C.A. McDowell of Centralia is the sub- contractor to .do most of the sewer, -water and sidewalk work. 'Lite canoe jousting competi- tion winners at Exeter's Doman-. ientsDar.oslebrations were Bich Fairbairn and Walt Tiodeman. Roy .Dewar ,received a gold watch from tler.Exeter branch of Canadian Carus for 25 years of continuous service. A veteran of 25 years with the Ontario. Provincial. Police, Sgt. Sid Daley takes over as head of the Lucan OPP detachment. 5O.Te. :. -o July 8, 1943 -On August 4, Ontario electors will go to the polls to elect a new -government. The Liberal coven - tion for Huron will be held in Hansell on July 14. MLA James Ballantyne has stated he will again seek the nomination. The Progressive Conservatives will meet the next night, also in Hensen. Times Advocate editor J.M. Southcott is the returning offi- cer for the Huron riding. No, it wasn't the lack of patri- otism that kept the farmers from making a hullabaloo on July 1. It was Just good plain sense and Cute weather to continue with the haying. The Huron Agricultural War Committee is asking town peo- ple to volunteer any spare time to assist fanners in food produc- tion with haying. hoeing or har- vesting. The Exeter contact is Dr. E.S. Steiner. A variety of pullets is availa- ble at Lakeview Hatchery for 23 cuts each. Mixed chicks are 12 cents apiece. :100 Vfyars.A,go July 6, 1893 -Dominion Day was a red letter day in Grand Bend with people attending from every part of the county. Most of the crowd was brought by the Patrons of Industry and altogee were 3,000 peo- ple picnic&ing and rusticating between the bridge and the lake - shore. One matter that marred the reputation of the Bend on July 1 was that wheels of for- tune and other gambling fakes were alk,wed in full swing and right in front of the eyes of so many young people. Over 2.000 persons attended the July 1 picnic at Mount Car- mel. Splendid music and a large entertainment platform amused the younger part of the gather- ing. Men and (maidens cooed, danced and drank lemonade. Their hearts were merry. niiahepug 11/11'. �TICIPacr • Times -Advocate, July 7,1993 Casual Industries family �perated business makes a leisurely living 13y Catherine O'Brien T -A staff, . GRAND BEND - In the past few years more people have been spending their leisure time at home to save a bit of money. Casual In- dustries is trying to make that stay as comfortable as possible. "People are concentrating more on activities in their own yard," said Doug Courtney, president of the family owned business. That has been the philosophy of the family owned business fgr the past 15 years. "There's more of a stay IIOtne'atti- tude." And with fewer people taking va- Troylkyson, of Grand Bend, operates a cutting machine used in:the production of Casual Industries cushions. cations away from home there is more money to spend on casual fur- niture and accessories. But they want an excellent quali- ty product. "People want value for their dollar," Courtney said. Courtney and his wife Karen along with their two sons Darin and Dean have been manufacturing and importing a large selection of furni- ture and accessories for outdoor and indoor use. With the desire,for--a -durable product many people ave been at- tracted to Courtney's 'PVC tubular resin furniture which is designed using polyvinyl chloride tubing. The PVC furniture is resistent to harmful effects of sunlight and harsh weather. -T etubing is molded iatodiatinc- live styes -for Stems such.as chairs, -tables. or :.Alas -that. are male on thepsesn1ges of _ the Grand Band But it is .not the only product -to be found.at Casual Industries. The local company has continued to expand :its product lines to in- clude gazebo style shade houses as well as new styles of lawnchairs and wicker. But familiar items such as out- door lamps, umbrella posts, -artifi- cial plants, .plastic dinnerware and seat cushions can still be found along with.other accessories. Casual Industrial, Courtney said, tries to introduce . innovative prod- ucts to the consumer that will en- hance a patio, sunrbom or deck. "We have tried to come up with more vibrant colours this year," he said. Choosing fabrics:and product lines is something :that :has .started to keep the family busy year round. And with a two new factory out- lets, in Sarnia and London, the fam- ily is busier thanever. above, production manager for j. Casual Industries, relaxes for bit-to model products of the family run business. INVESTMENTS i 1 GIC/RSP 1 Yr. - 5.50% 3 Yr. - 6.625% 5Yr.-7.25% Segregdied Funds 1YR.-11.66% 3 -YR: - 11_55% ply Gasser-Kneale 3.2420,.238-8484 • GIC sates subject to change. Short - ten,, rates available. Segregated foal rales reflect actual post performance. Future returns will vary. to be included in the Thnes-Advocate annual NILS CT©SY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS if you are rit,,,r; business .locally and have not been contacted to promote your business in our Most popular Annual edition please contact Bari) Consitt ttf 2,,► -1331 before Vtell. July 14. Our I-'lIONt 1300K '!fri'll's listings for tin �tltloi!►l1I, COl/l/llllllltleti. • Centralia • Crediton • Dashwood • L Yet P," • Grand Bend • Ileusall • I<irkton/ttiuocll,ff►,r • 'bum/ • Zurich It i0i11 by distributed 11 o111 subs( rile, ', i/t►llr t.11�tt►lllf i tlfi'I/ Charly rd Accountants Elowie/ B. L ia,,, B.A., M.Acc., C.A. 412 Main St., PO. Box 2405 ExMer, Ontario lam/ 1S7 (519) 235-0345 Fax: (519) 235-3235 AUCTIONEERS FILSOI� N The Arctioa•ers that Ouaraatee You More $S conskiering A Sale or need an Appraisal 86841633 666-1967 Call Collect Supplying you with 38 yes Efficient • Mdbile Office • Immediate Payment 3 Auctioneers n is Our piessurs t0 )e/Ne you AUCTRUNEEf Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Bob 235.0874 Laverne 235-1278 REPAIRS rJ1',!'i- MIS ~IQI?RQitTUNIT DVERTISE:WIERE YOUR MESSAGE;: KING FOR YOU EVERYDAY OF TH R FINAL DEADLINE IS WEPT :IL NORM. WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT DY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1831. Exeter MASUNR • GENE9ALSWONRY Block, Brick & Stonework Specializing. in: • Fieldstone • Fireplaces • Inserts Call IVAN NEILSON SEAFORTH - 527.0603 • fSowfmts Matiw\ ■woks to ell makes 1raID Oat [mottos 90 Day Warranty E zpariancad since 1952 SOW A .Satz! i4��.. itNford \ Phone 171•�ySO J