HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-9-10, Page 41 a tsar A.w "'rwattcllini 1110 'using Sey VrOf;tlle rvor41, in the 7)xeeenee Of lltil"les,' sail a lzillcllttvo Str,,i ?lit? 11 1' 1 k4 shave: of (loan ul)ou Ills 141a1>'e1hp, There's time for ell. things,' No, sir, there isal"t as ruble for t11I r• i a^ stir • 5' In 111 (1 things, Na law, saver set spurt a time for sweawrieg. A profriue exkreseiorl is a sin AO OR Abnllithati011, anter it when luta where you will, As Mfor la live, it is well rust our best. In their i i settee, 111x' cannot be too KIN, sane Pith' tool honor - Able, if we want to staid rl,rigl.lt• bo' lyre as good Woman, or a es,.,el frii'l ,yeN,, while £' n about it, 1'11 add, or before ai little ruoitc of a girl baby, with her. Oily know ., i oe ono other before I whom we ought toles just as particular if not more eo, When Ile is not around boys,you can sitfely do just as y( u please. lint when you're iti His pros - mita ,a• xnd' to my bringing we're all there,' el thereabouts pretty much. :all the time ----have a cure l Don't offend the deepest love; the whitest parity, the Sretitest honer, of all. soul fresh from heaven, ' . .cl r .'Heise [t Sickly Rat Tv►tkp�#�._ s .l' raadayr � it t b O R4 ieadt/ d rl . N .i A wholesome drug store on Maga- gine street is the happy posse7sor of a young domestic alligator, The little crocodilohtls townie quite the,pet• and plaything of the ostablishmeut. He is of an amiable' disposition, fond of inusio And dinner, and cicite,submiseive,,slled ding tea1e, ,.and showing repentance W}dulleVel Vas fourl(1 rad:Assary to cos: - root him, I was resolved by theclerks'ili the cs- ta'blishnleut as the alligator had reach- ed his'tlltrd birthday, ;ane! increased to . throe feet iti length, to cutr1tzo him to pome other employment than that of a anere pet. At first it was thought thet • it !night be turned loose to reduce the Pepnblieaau vote of this State by picking eip.stray .picaulnnies, for whorl he is commonly supposed .to have a great lova; but this was thought a chimerical grad ;dangerous cuterpriso. and there- fore given up. Kt ways finally eoncludsd to make use of Crocky, the alliga".o:, as a eat. The store teemed with rats a 1 nloe, who0 sande dally,ini"ads on the quinineand ipects; audit is well known that alli- gators have;. a special and ine:stiulattle iatre(I towards rats. A rat, to practice on, wal.s,eaught the other day, and itnprisoned in a• barrel of calomel. There he had spent at least a week on a meagre, insufficient and injurious diet ; lie was then weak andmelancholy his health was broken, pis constitution gone, Rat and alligator were put together iia w box, and a nluuereus audience crowded round to get the 'frallit', place. 'Pip two enemies soon awoke to the ap- I'=reeiation of the ease. The rat safely, and snugly eusconeed lriaiisolf in a cor- ner. . '1'he alligator heritated a moment .tmetaph.rrically), and having made up 1'us niiud'as to the mode of attack, acl- vanced slowly toward the rat with wide open jaws. 'The rat, trembled ; there `\vas rio escape, nothing but the wide open jaws of the aliigattor before him. Without hesitatiurl, like Curtius he ppui. "d straight in tate yawning gulf, and get lug a good hold on the lower tip of ti1e.,aligator, s\piing himself to the Nrc,l k lorOa are aO1lt'CO kit tho ktatei•. iaGg Hillsto laurels, And a eruel 1i'esteru 111tyn in:c(auntts fur'', it Ulu tulle ground that it 1s ales tilde for the he,t`beLe to talus their Sulnl,"v1t1 ols A Califoraiie tei11porance ar4S)eiatiola Omits the bevertlgo,i of its members to wine, beef' lull). (1 (101, " except when laboring tiniertiniera seo..e ,4f tllscol ltL..g e !malt, end thou whiskey will be likely- els," " Look Fere now, Satlusita," yelled a. Clay county., 1 fieeonri, wolnao to her eldest girl, " don't bend 'over that well 40, fur. You'll (1111 ill there souse of (hese days, and then we'll have to carry l'itter," When they told an Indiana woman: that her husband hard been sli0ed up by o, reaper. per site iknnetiently replied : "Well, talkie the Piece' to the barn ; I eau't leave tho gooseberry sauce just 1101" ,"; , Oise reason why Wisconsin girls get four dollars per week, is beeai}ao they have to go down stains at itminight•`to inveetiz. ate strange noises, while the anal] of the house tidies Up a position under the bed, 1Vatgner is in the Moine State Prison ' wanting to be hung, Ito deserves to be execute,l for writing' that atrociol}s Lo ltengriln ; but as any iaiusielen will tell you, it's mighty !lard to execute Wag- ner properly.. SEEDS I SEEDS ground, -- The "' Sadrine" gave, a► squeak and '''swung himself° around, the rat finally,, letting go,' Victory in the first round. The alligator, however, was not daunt- ,ed, and advanced with the same tactics. The at this time, by a most agile inovainent, leaped. entirely. over the al-. ligator. ,, Doing -behind him -he now proceeded, to ehaw and gualy away. The unwieldy "aminal could not get eirouu''dto defend''his hind legs. - By a good use of his tail'. the animal ,again got free, and advanced desperate - 1y, though. with, Bagging courage at the jlariug rodent. With equal success the •hat again ;sprang into the al", alighting .on the alligator's back. The fight was ,aver then. ` The alligator' could not Arun shake his enemy off, could not dis- lodge him; and finally gave up the fight, laiyirig,himself down on his be11ya. X12. a submissive attitudee. The rat wits Set at liberty and given. - he runs of all the (!rugs and medicines, while the poor•alligator was doomed to disgrace and ridicule: His master no longer feels proud of his rough pet, and offers to go in bathing -among a thou nand full.growh crocodiles without the yeast dlinger. ' A'mysterious atteupt was made in Belleville, Mo., Tuesday evening, Aug. 25th, to assassinate the Rev. J. P. Da- vis, pastor of a Methodist church of that city. According to Mr Davis's statement he left home about half -past seven o'clock to slake a pastoral call on .tile family of Mr Hilary West, on South High street. Not finding any emethere he concluded to take a walk. 'Where "near the German Iletohdist Cliure(i lie heard a ,soft, light,quick step behind him, and someone oriel, " Slop I He then turned and saw a ,pistol close to his nose. He pushed the weapon: aside; its- the s-atssn.ss••iu.ells-, nhargod it,—and the :bullet passed through -the -flesh part of his left arm. Ir. Day�is•''struck Itis assailant, who staggered Lack, dropptd the 1,i 'tot, and fled. The weapon Was'a small., hand- some, sevenhba►rrelled revolver, ap- parently '.3 Wore •p,trently new, and two e .iaml e1 ;empty. Mr, Danis says that 110 lead heard a pistol discharged ie Jackson ,street, just few miuutee before the at- tack, and thinks that it was done to .tort the weapon. The curiou i part of •tile story is that Mr. Davis describes his would- be -murderer as a man, but small iti stature, of light build, having email delicate Hands, lila a feminine' ,;noise. Was it a woman ? 111 1 OPi';. Tlie nearest approach to a confidence dence ,game is polling a male's tali1, r time )`e:c;e to be sacra r 'Why ought 1. called a tliingulntny ? Because it is a swatch you call it. It has been noticed that nothing Makes a ;woman laugh eo remelt as a now set o teeth. A ;nett advertises its a New York Taper fora barelreoper,, "who must be Ideo1nnien led by !lis pastor,°' Oh! ma, There's art ttngel with =wings." " Pthww. I that only a Louie - tale girl with her onus spread," r" glad you,1 sir " said Henry Erskine >to' a.dilatory carpenter, " been there to 4he °ld . ark, we r3 . out not have had ' h t� ,,theof ye 0 yet. At W11° ls4t,,o stralgllest Mali mentioned lu the Bible '�I`osepl1, because Pharaoh ler \d.1' 11 rt t' is , ii... Matte a �lllln. ,(t,licl skin1v y e remained tltak:,nar iii '"gyxat„ When they tr:c(l to force Miss (i ay, of 1.ndepeudeuee, Missouri, into amarriaage against her will, she ki4lked the 1111015- ter's halt off, knocked •tlid young. man down, and rode off on alai -do, with one foot ou each side of bin. A subscriber asks oar'• commercial' man to quote the wholesale prices of sellas bottles, He says ho can't afford to pay five edits apiece for them when the roof of his woodshed is the Bead gl}arters of all the oats iu•the, nuigllbor- hood, Mr, •'Tracy, of Missouri, bad been sick a long tattle, and had her souls iar the barn. Wlianl she shed the coffin was found tole four niches too short,. incl the neighbors woulilrl't even let Lim saw four inches off the body to snake a fit. It is said of Katie Ting, thePlliladel- phia ghost; that on`* ,cue occasion a young man attempted. to clasp Katie in his arms.. She soeuled greatly distress- = elikea 's elnbl c from his 1 slipped )utl a. l and 6 el 11 shadow and did not appear !again WO evening. That'sright , Katie. Because the authorities of Cedar Rapids, in Iowa, won't sprinkle the streets, the Cedar Rapids limes has got its back 111) and refuses to publish anything about the Beecher business. Nothing like Iudepeudelit, journalism for bringing people- to their senses. " Bey," said it traveller to a disobedi- ent youth whom he encountered, " don't you hear your father speaking to you ?" Oh ! y -a -a -s," replied the youth. " But I don't mind what he says, Mother don't neither, and 'iivixt she and' I•; we've about got the • clog so he don't At High Falls, New, York, the other day, a youug lady,•.wllile:cossiug a field W9,3 kao. k3.1clown. byarean, ani when the damaged damsel saw her:lover she :ini- formed that astonishedt'youth that he might go about leis 'business; as she was disgusted •with his sex. " I our handwriting is very bad lu- lled," said a gentleman to a friend more abdicted to boating than study ; " you really ought to learn to 'write bet-' ter." " Ay, ay," replied the young man, Acit is all very well for you to tell me that ; but if I were to write.better, people would see how 1 spell." A yankee poet thus breaks forth Oh ! the snore, the beautiful snore, `fil• - lingthe chamber frons, ceiling, to floor!, Over the coverlet,, under the sleet, fro,in her wee diiupled chin to her pretty feet ! Now rising aloft like a bee "in June ;' slow flute -like su'bsidin'g; then rising again, is the beautiful snore of 'Elizabeth Jane," ` They occasionally get hold of "the wrong man in Kansas when they are hunting for a horse thief, but they do tile; fair thing; with' the• . widow- • They give hen a lot in the graveyard, bay the r coffin, and march in processon, singing Jolin J3rown's body:" After that they make up,a purse, 'buy her a shot- gun nail two dogs foi her- .to ` make . a living with. D144LEI1 IN PUST RECEIVED AND IN STOCK A GOOD SUPPLY OI` FIELD, gA%?.DEN AND FLOW,EB-SEEDQ HORSE TOOTH CORN Land LA-STE AND SF>ED POTATOES JOHN BACK, FLOUR° & EEED STOKE tinsi4xl jnstittintlinis, BUY THE Best Organ Made. " 1Vhat is that for ?".asliedthe color- ed porter at the --Rotel, Long Branch, the other day, holding oat a s25 cent note given him by the gentleman addressed for carrying up his trunk. "That," said the geirtlell en, taking the note°and puttin'g•it back in his pocket, " was for your trouble and this is for you impudence, " and he kicked him eleven feet, nine inches and a half into the hallway An old mala and his wife who came yin by'the Central road yesterday morn- ing' Craw about thirty !lacks at the door of the depot, and about tliiity. hackulen shouting Hack ± at, them, The man took it all! is a high compli- ment, hent, and turning to the old lady he said, "-I tell you, mother, they -think we are something g 'o,tt, or they'd never has all'the,3e carriages cl'ayt'ti here to meet us, I wonder how .they 'knew we was coining. ;> A gentleman who thinks it biglt time that little " Johnny" poetry should give place to something neater and more fully charged with sentiments, send5-i-Inrper's Monthly the following as a gely combining both : ph, bury:Bortholoinow out in the woods, In a beautiful hole in the ground,' Whore bumbto-boos buzz and the woodpeckers i,ing And the straddle -bugs tuinble around; 8, that in winter, When the snow and the slush Have oovdcoA. hiY tact little bed, II:e br"othor Artonius stns go outwith Jane Ant visit the place "vith'his sled. ACAICYLTUNAL ACf GCIATiG,1 urns TRE ONLYY MEv:1I.EVER AWARDED FO R,OR- OA\S Pi THE UOYI\ION. —0 -- IN BRITAIN AND WHEREVER SEEN, our Organs are univer. sally acknowledged to be summon To ALL oTnuns iu all the essentials of a good Instrument. 430015 t� tatione . 'W GRIGG, Iderokiant T 'ailox and. Ga ,e .'al Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY BOOKSELLER & STATIONER R A Stook of 1+ artily Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian Hymn Books, L'selm Books for the ttee of Pros= byterians, Church of a+;t)glalid°•Prayer I:3ooks, Miseetlanooue Literature of ay non; domoralf7111g nature, and a general assortment_ OF. SCHOOL BOOKS .STATIONERY 0 XR Ill. " tt,NO 1'012 BAIL ---1 c i sale a splendid ratan, absoforte, rd tlb JonnY s i, ensNew :tr[, The ilatr uloit lK unsnrpiissed in fun - noes and tit/mese ol(•,Unita I oi• partiailars apply toRfigk ilttwillfi'llilloySt• I1xetery at s YVIa oi,' e resider/4e `'t11 instill/ma' 1 ai' n Wray ,cone . AIT, 26,1s.�lA During the YEAR 1873 we secured as usual FIRST PRIZE AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL ARTS OF CANADA Alive Years' Guarantee given with each instru- ment. For Illustrated Catalogue, Address W;BELL'.& COMPANY, Organ11ialndoctureT, OUEI" A, ON' LONDON QUEBEC •and MONTREAL Temperley Line. Composed of the following first-class IRON STEAMSHIPS. SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, THAMES, DELTA, SEVERN NYAFZA, HECTOR. The Steamers of this ,Lino are intended to sail during the Season of Navigation of: 1873, from LONDON FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, as follows : Scotland, Wednesday, 27th August, 6net and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from • , QUEBEC"FOR LONDON,' AS -FOLLOWS: Thames, Thursday, 21st Aligns Severn, Thursday,11th Sept: Scotland, Tuesday,23rd • • = And every alternate Tuesday ` ` d Thursday, hereafter. Rates lower than other Lines. Certificates issued to persons desirous, 61 bring - ng out their friends For Freight or Passage a1iplyto" DAVID SHAW; Montreal. WM. A. BATLY, G.T.R. Agent, ST. 'MARY'S. ' OR`GAGE SALE REAL ESTATE IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH FOR SALE BY AUCTION 'Y VIRTUE of a power of Salo contained , in a certain Mortgage, dated 26th March, 1873, made by Robert Brown, Esquire, of the Village of Zurich, in the Township of Hay, and County of Huron, to the undersigned, and de- fault having been made,nnd notice given, in r of said mortgage,1 shall offer for sale terms 0by public emotion, at DEICKART'S HOTEL I5 TEE VILLAGE or 2Vu1Cn, 05 :WEDNESDAY, THE 16th SEPT NEXT nt o o'clock, afternoon; the following proper- ties, as contained in said mortgage:' No. 1 ponsists ofLbtl Numbers ,, C, 7 8, 9, and part lots Numbers 2 and 3, Brown's survey in said. village,` containing seven sores and two-fifths .of an acrd,'nro a or lesa,•w�P11e lotri uiay be offered separately if required. N(y. 2 consists of -part o he Mill Re- serve e serve in said village, -containing olio -ninth of an acre, with the store erected thereon, and now occupied ty Mr, W. G, Wilson. No. 2 will be offered subjecyto n mor'tgagb el $500. For Further particulars, apply to 'p ALEX, DAVIDSON, Accountant, Ifatnilton, 24111 August, 1874. , ' 53 o3t, O CEMENTSi.. P. ATENT IMPROrD R FICI L LE Adopted Wile Surgeon (Jeneral tT, S, A., for the U, W. Army and Navy, Very light, yet Strong and durable, perfect in action. With 27 `Fars' raetical and oarofnt ex orionce, de, y p 1� pate i exolasive1y' to tide speiilal'branch of ltfee• haa ai al surgery,err (sh ev e d l�t t he (hestt Prize Medal at tiltVorldfs ix oslGiQn .Lona<x f and now axtliverffatly l tltilitteit' by ail surgeons 53 tiro most ilol'lent .dt"tifleiat Lek known.— Manufactory,11Lt C tllaedaltt,St , l'lailatle1phin, 1'a, J',Lint', , A,Hitt lair A oat bloittretil 1,,e ,,\shone 56 10: can be issoly, fiend for 1t» Iasttsted L'aatal(;gtip, ' GROCERIES, 'ions aid Li;.ui HARDWARE CROCKERY Boots and Shoe8 Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN A'LL - KINDS OF LEATHER R ALL KINDS OF $EAEOI TII & I'1URON arbie Works 2=44' .2EPP1CT W (T44. t"g 99' *Ape ,'9 ,), Weld tutianatoto their atlain4Ma :.frkondsa and the $.neral public that they srg. prepared to 1111 1t er der far ¥onumellt it Roatigtones, Table Topa, Nautica, 6G0, erra•Uite DIo>aaenaenu Imported, to Order. \York of the best style and art, and oannot'b1 mini seed in this Bart of Ontario, A, Call rose eotfully solicited. Opposite 10ogan & Jarnieson's store, . 11IA121 S'L'11Fr`I?T, SEAk OItT1i, M. L, 1,IESSET, IL MESSET tee Munn , THOMPSON &. WILLIAMS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTI Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. HOE -F I N,DI NGS Can Paic1, for Malii .f$A:4C CA(ti, Two-horss plc!: tattcii►t�; WU' o; o434.1'i n il4 ..,. 10n4 irk til .®keel'�.ud Apr A.PVPd4.10.41 tits gate, #0 doat i - po �t �ot �e4a k4,faeh ':04/43/10-4p2444* Viriia 1)wq 3n uta MnrYe ,lvxa w tinge ?9uli:4,944.4Patel, A14 -chart lv,tettee OMoleo, mtas, willreceixe»ro$a c)ria» .n trlalary's, ;Aul est 213, i(375, 1.1y,. 211ins',, loots ito0,011. Wood Sawing Machine This .machine lifts been thoroughly tented end given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex- cept for the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of JOHN TREBLE'S %�OO T SHOE, .. f EANI) Harness Shot), MAIN STREET. A largo and variaed nd as0hficlrensortmen'ts of Ladies, Gents' Socnis Ggo SHOES OF TILE -LATEST STYLES AND BEST WORKMANSHIP Kept constantly on hand. Alec a cliok -e lot of FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, SLIP, PERS, ctO., btr, "i".. Having secured, the Services of MR. J, COMMAFORD, is prepared to rQooive orders for call descriptions of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY I.I.ARNESS, A complete stook or HORSE oLOTH ING, ,BRUSHES, iCOMB$, ill 1' WF IP , Farminglmplements kept constantly on band. BOILER SHOP iu full operation. ENGI.N'ES of all sizes to order. REPAIRS promptly attended to. Addross— TI-IOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. 45-1y. !fit:hell, June 18, 1874. J ROSS P ANING MILLS! 1. ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kinds of ,, 'T : DING MATER IAL, such as SASH, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED Doors, Blinds, MOULDINGS, etc He has also on hand a f rst-clans lot of Flooring,Siding C SING-, CI'oll-WOr S k t etc. Which they furnish o order. rajaMBER Dreebed Acid tindfessed, constantly on hand. TRUNK, The subscriber takes this opportunity of thank - tug the public for their past support and assures them that as nothing but the best material is used and none but drat -class workmen emploped, they will find it to their advantage to continue that support. - Lath (tz Shinples Alwnya an hand. PARTICULAR.AT"rENrioN PAID TO ORDER -WORK' AND REPAIRING. Ex.4er,NOv >mbor 20th, 1973. 1S -1y. pruE11,.,H.,sz 13.R. ileBs to return tlauks for110 ?at z1 g bestowed ripen 'him foram past txoutY Y®a rs by tl4e 1,eeple of Exeter and surl'oUd1111; couot7; !tIlc11`3;NW oneel 5 illi.atlldepartnloalts the THE subscriber bogs to thank the people of Ex- eter Mid surrounding country for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and now after enlarging -hie premises is prepared to do work which cannot be surpassed either in or -outside of cities. Particular attention paid to the making and fitting of COLLARS, Speeiul attention mill tb PLAN'S 01 SPEcxrICATIO `S.• 1 horott hl tendo stare in .1 i nose koe -' g �'` . r . d b' 4!S 1? 1e1 r ..p ing'nosse• brit oxperietiee 1 Wor!lmon, and nsl►ig oh1 r f1 tw lass anaterial, "lie feels eoutidetit of a.1II'.diitone eat!atnetioia .. iii �'hai'lnla' i ver alt: h tli " 4r iia e' 1fI it els a o , P g P tl .' Y A Gall anlicitou . :.. ()TS 1",tt :SA.Ts1l''. qf'P,O,SP HARNESS EXETER; AND RODGERVILLE. Largest and �tost Cornpiete Stock OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY, CQMP1ai.SING Y !toady -Made Oiotbing;111i1IinerY.'Eate sk DRUGS, PAINT All of Which will be found to bo GOOD Remernber this is t1ae Oldest 'Established House in the County 't . Post Qfce. Oppositek�a . (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND SILVER MOUNTED, In -h, most stylish and fashionable manner pos- sit 1, ltepair!ng receives every attention. The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hand. He would intimate to his many friends that he has looked to their health and interests in Boots and Shoes. andhas just received a largo and varied stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Wear. This branch will be found replete in every particular, and the stock will be sold at a slight advance au cost. The services of MB. THO. ALLEN, Thane? Road, have been engaged to take charge of this department. and is now prepared to receive all or - dors for work in this line. Satisfaction guaranteed and v,ork performed witu promptness. - 14-8n1. W. FANSON. gimute, *up, 014,, W. J. GILPIN, ST. MARY'S, Tinsmith and general' dealer in stoves, plows nails, glass, &c., &o. Tinware, copperware, and galvanized iron very cheap. Eave-troughing from 8 to 12i cents per foot. Cut nails, 34.50 per cwt. Cooking stoves $14 and upwards. 46-1y, The Curtis plough 119.50 WINTER I VV R.&T. BISSETT Have now rn hand a quantity of STOVES OF LONDON & HAMILTON MAKE, And would solicit a call from an; wishing a really good article. A quantity of Tinware, Copper -ware, etc. Always on hand. EAVE lovaCINC MADE A SPECIALITY. ,.., • ig4Yl 0 Old Copper, Iron, Rags, &c., TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT CASH PRICES. W. & R.$ BISSETT xuTER, Oct. 16, 1873. 1" atcheo, III" W. D.McGLOCHLON WATCH T 0 the best 11.11<. the market GROCERIES -AND LIQUORS G. A. MACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock, of Oruce ries C011S tin m of a Green, Black, and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Sugars, &c-, Which he is prepared to SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. !� DON'T FORGET TO GIVE TIIE NEW STORE A CALL. Drugs, Patent Medicines Stationery, Fancy Articles, Wall Paper, Dye Stuffs, Orgazis, lVlelodeons Rede Mortar J. Y. SAVAGE, Man. Luca,=. N. A. BOSWORTH HARNESS SHOP in CENTRALIA Wm. Cotterell, (LATE OF LONDON). • wishes to acquaint the inhabitants of Stephen, Osborne, Riddulph and'Me- Gillivray that be has a Harness shop hi Centralia, where all in want of LiGHT OR HEAVY HARNESS or any articl„ usually kept in a first- class establishment, such us SADDLES, WHIPS: TRUNKS, VALISES, &c.,. • can obtain the same. Give ins a call and exainino my work for yourselves. My prices are as low as those charged by any first-class workman. RE- PAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WM. COTTERELL. Centralia, August f,, 1873. • 60-tf. USIO ANS sE17VIIY'C : i CRINES MUSIC, O. C. WILL SO N' S SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICUIliTURAL iM11LEMENT EMPOIl1IU\, SEAFORTH, ONT., STILL IN THE,FRONT RANK AS USUAL - SEWING ]1YIACHINES. THE FLORENCE Nosielss, Reversible.Feed Lock and Knot Stitch' Family Sewing Machin ,ha nenges the world in perfecAon and range of work, strength and beauty of drrability of construe) oa and rapidity of motion. Call and examine: Send for;cirenlars. Agents, wanted 3n every torn' in Win Province. ±110 Macbino bus taken first prizes at;vlI the County Faire: "• O.C.WILLSON, General Agent Cor the Doodah). :\11)1.<4.4 0..171:< VIUSIG� MARRIN BROS. -IILL ONT. r_ .A1;tKI , H �•,�/ ,eta e d mdwmhnu.nmmmmoolml v. �1 II << IIu�Ilull�mlVI�NU�l Ilo�lmlbl, ��°j ', uuao 0 li n n I000llil�l, !� p1 ,foto ,, On O „ h IIp6 iia num 1111 11 �!. F pp ..qr:�' •,,��,,-.e]� boll �1 III�I0IIIIIII11 IllilllNIIII1I IIIIIIII IIIIIII111 I01�1 _MIM911hCgllllll�h II Illllllhhlltnill' ilhl I 0111IIIIII(3l111011UI i 101101 1111 �`; 4«�hM11�IlJIIIIIt1�IjbIIINIiII�lI �,�polWliill�ll�ll���ll� .101M • 1_ 11, 11 111', 1;11.11a;'111'1'•' 1P inin (nC ec obile.. 'l.' 1 ) .X ct ic ele i T.444 o Ofo fu 1nyii'Yeti ii11litU"611d athrafter,n ky6rri; t1 who \6tr ',Mein ,reufiiiwtnnd!'ter . r3olf�S Slf/ee' Littin/I Pllnt161xane, fl�tour 47itfnits 8trt. ,�li i6� re td t aabidlV. hrhY8fit d o ! d. f lathoofit1a' (01d tT6wolr6 Ytidkd iilvdland Piht6d Ct3r1(Hdy foodsa18r k7.4iii.;., 1i.potln Irt B .b eve teyiitleia tV. ry:bPclho(4 3 1 - Tile R g Reed organs: mems other Organs l a 11oldin not wvisli to detinet from the t of o U We elo £, �'. p b ottrii, out are ever reedy to su bliit them to a fairimpartial test, fooling t e1+ `it1t. C'bllf ldollt .o£ t li es $456 TO ' t e500.. 1r3 `restlnlotilals.iront alto bast' I tteleittit1e 011 cetibti'lateat i lie snob. illi) : , d i. Ll IN' DIMS9 rnW � 0 ;7,