HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-9-10, Page 3t" N.oly 41)(Ay PIJR011.4$INO ig§ litter StliTO AOF S9.141AILE .4.141) IPAANOY, MOO TASTY, to lieleeting the , 13EST ASSQRTED NEWEST DESIGNS 4$.°11 STOOK 'irgli'WIDT.10kIT 11E41 Ii14FbilE A Stock 4Q be cipaplete) la.n.e# week, RaER774 E Itcrtra 011.1jERS. Exeter, J. W.,pRODERICK, • ST, RMULTAWIAL WORKS T 601VIBINED REAR:Wit 11/0WER IN411,10).ognsw) ° THTHBESHING MACHIN]. S • from this Hstablishment are So,*re111knowli that any -recommendations would be superfluons, The Three Wheel Cane 7low • inure by 1 olaims precedenee of anything of the kind in the Dominion. WAGONS ef sUperior workinauship and material, Patent Dominion Laud Boilers, 'Plows, Cu1tisiatbrs;,1-Seed. Drills, Broad.cast Sowers , Scufilets, Sager -kettles and Cauldrals, and every other kind of Agricultural implements on , tend or made to order. JAMES R. MOORE, PROP. marf., Jti1y1, 1874. (4043%) .4q 1•••—• cn -0 0 re4 E -I ••••• abekra ire3. ar../ae Iser..-131 azar••••=1 "'-'4=1; N—No. 01.311 0=5110 4113-7/ X—ms tlif=311 Er-sc—em gam Sr—ma eguio 41:09 de:11 --4*—", area ==6 5F--• CCM S=E4N ICL1110 CONSTANTLY INCREA SIN CA- FTHIN1THRE AND Rousgircii4i.ism.Ng. TRADE AT DREW'S WAREHOUSE OWING TO, THE, .YEAY Low pRi- ,-oES.at.Whfc.1121 elk:11111H NiTURE, and to Tithe satiefaetion giv'e, my BTIS1NERS HAS .ALREADY 1NOREASEDFA1BE0ND MY ANTICIPATIONS, and by careful manage- ment arid strict attention 1 hope to increase nil, business at even a still greater ratio. Any atti- 'de iitlthe furitu kepThjtoj1 or city estatalshine;nt wil alwayii be kind lifinine. 1 flatter inYself that 1 have the . Lgrgest and 'Best Seleoted stock :in Es.:Eetoi;0 • 4-7. sitd,slifios more, 11)13'1/III\T T -Q KEEP IT 0 My stock eonsiete in pert of 7slaar'as8ee, SPring Beth, Lounges, Softie, VAMP Steele, Oto in ane, Carlo chairs, Ladies' Ensy chairs, Bedstincle of every deecription, ' 06** toP rrattlEM; ,E=t021$1021 Teloles. Bureau - NidcboRr4F,,, Hat -racks, Mirrors, What-notS., 43=It00:14 4111„) PAItTee0Ite StrITESI I.,qtAio stools alwAys on, hankA large stock el pictures always on hand, and PiCturs kli,AlthItTG. DONE TO ORDER. ' Particular attention paid to Cane Work, (UVEME A CA.LL, JOHN DREW. • FLPTIR 1VIILLS. W.A.NTVAD, Thhe Sitliseriber wants ,to. purchase t rge quantity. of I'VE WHEAT, o good qtialay for which he will pe,y the litaltest molot ur ff You ,Want GOOD Priptirt, and Ciiii1A1), Ottli st Metionnint'a.1‘,411., Twent fkvp co4ts pr 100 lbs.-. will be saved hy °int; to the mill for yoar Float, tho rotioltv-Virig profit by it nonr can bo bought cheaper at the DIM thittl ltBrelle're olge, as the profit§ pi the flour stores are saved to the consumer,• on the Chet of November next. FOWI.E'S PRE AN HUMOR CURE. Per liitornitl and li,4tornal Due„ ktiarraht0 the pity afro Petleot cure FOr all kindn of Piles Scrofula, T.otter or lling 'worn), Solt Elienni and'all Diseases of filo ti1;111. One Dottlo warraatea to sure all C(.130.3, of Piles. k'ioni to..a.ipiiies to (di eases of tJnzor worttg fOrniff,o Bprofula, raltdilietu,o,Anai disini0 to T14.5 rfamir4be .4 ?, used in SOldle i),i 9,110 ifo Ogle, eutiro' 4 !,0ou4s, Neny casesliaVO boom .enren with,an01,4iNikr,,C1 isrelestrloe 0111Y, Hundreds Of lettOrfl. and eerP/4100,t0,0 tkre ilpu in the proprleter's Poseession, which call POOPOti- plication, N.D.-TWO Inea5?1Lte,45 001tVlil4,20-041,- hie hi its composition, 1al) cases ogaunre oust, ors aroreelquetua to, reinao. tut): mloY• 1111Y, Of; non o who ostnot.,)varrant it, ,ite re0(1y0! baok theoney from the proPrietOr, P1110E $1 per Bottlo B04105 f01' Perry Davis 4.; Son, ten'Agts, Montreal, • tiSISQ•titdr.V/ CQUnOIL PrtOommixos.-Connell aiet pursuant to adjournment in the Town- ship Ball Usborne All members pre- sent but L. Hunter. Minute e of pre- vious meeting read . and confirmed. Moved by J. 'Elder, see,onded by J. Ilaokney, That the Clerk notify the eollector to, furnish ,fer drispoption . by this couneil at their lipid meeting, bonds execnted by himself andtwo good and sufficient surities inthe amonnt of $16,000, for the elue performance of his duties as collector for the present yearl--Carried. :11loved by J. Elder, seconded by W:13rOCK That the clerk • notify the tavern. Inspector to prosecute Mr. gi avie, of Farquhar;, foryWti the lieense, law„.*Of 1874. ,Moved.by E. Hasyne,;-secon,d,,d, by J. Elder 'That theis tavqn Iaipecetor be instructed to make diligent engAty. as to whether W. tiinnin, at LumleY, is in the habit of, violating the license law of 1874, and if so, to prosecute at once.,--- Carried. • Cottiacil thea ad- • ourned to 1st Saturday in October. ' S. P. HALLS • t Clerk, • t11-1,0-4 . ' O1:1.X I' ()JO. ° WHEAT SHIPPED:, --Our ,renterprising merelialif Mr. tlit'oltiven Shipped' the first Oar new Spring wheat on Tues- day last that has been shipped on the G. T. R. west of Stratford... 01.101OW :4;c,ifI1lery is in operittion3andis• dding good.. , work, Those'who wish good photographs had better come to Granton. EXHIBITION PROSPECTS. --T110 prOS- pects for' a successful thot on the' 18th are :good. Agents jor musical instrits ments woulki do well to bring along their samples. No Jbjefition to exhibi- tion. •'„. •. Orisisd-ron GR.4IN did opening here,for a gOod grain buy- er; who wants to win? 'ANIMALS EILLED.-Some"7.49 head of cattle killed on the G:T.R. between Granton and Luau, •. Since April, by the way also two 11114eS:. MEDICINE. -One of our merchants has a few bottles of Hennesy's (is that right) best, buil. then 'he dosen't sell it only for medecine. He would not sell it for people to , drink. No, Sir Try him and see. •Lakruso.L-Our friend .Mr: Cornwell who has so successfully conducted tb,p ordered clothing department of Stanley & Hudson, is abent to leave, to coin- menee business on his own account.)He' is to be replaced by an equally excellent tierkinan. 'Stipeess to hoth. ' ,Sss DELL iRINGERS,,.--CZOW11 50'11'4 of Temperance are .nektetiat--- 1110' with the manager of the " Alle ghlniaiu vocalists and Swiss Bell ring- ers" for one night of theft -famous con- certs about the latter end of September. If they succeed 4i separjng •them -a grand treat is in stpre for Grantenians. They also propose holding an •open en- tertainment on the evening of tne 18th of which. T have no.‘doubt due notice will be given, .', .• t Luesis •crowd of what must bethe neighs of Inican made their appearance .in our streets •cin .Saturday last, much to the annoyance of respectable villagers. Now we have no cbjections to those fellows coming to Granton, but we ask you to not come again on Sunday. If you de', try and conduct yourselves so as not to disgrace a respectable place: If you come again don't tempt Or sorely tried Hotel -keepers to violate thilaw,of both God and man. If you do, inthe name of all that is great and good, ;do not pretend to play nine pins any other game m a stable. If you want to do ths,se things we ask of you to gram us •who claim SOMO decency, ancl go to poine-plaee•that, is not respectable. adyise yot, veet u all-%,candtir • ft, stay at home. [The correspondent .gives tlie names ofsome of the 'parties implicated, but , we withhold ..them .trustingthat the liko wftl never act= ()Cour again. We haire; no desire to bring their names before the pubiie, 'Were giving them 'warning: En] • • IGO • Gnorny"s , aka* large crowds, and iti'diikely' t ' •continue for some time. Good bar- gains are given. , t.htlitoniars=-The.. store of -Messrs. grandy,. of uricb, was entered on Fri - LION& last bylburglars:vidlilew:suits of oiothes were taken, There 'happen- ed to be but one dollar of change in the tills, and , the thieves took 48 cents ef, this with them, probably pot 4eelpg,,, the remaining it , The shop Of Mic Geo. Hess was also entered -the same night, and three watches' StOlen. , The telegraph office is in eonnexion, xith, the jewelry 'store, and the thief, id!btil-°' fle pursuit,: aniserewed ,tile instrum nt from its fastenings and it is supposed ho gatnn board the Clinton and Exe- ter stage at jUppon and took his way north, . Zuni= FALL The Fall Show Of the Zurich Branch Agricultural So- ciety will be held on Monday and Tues - lay, Sept. 28 and 29. This institution hoe so grown that, tho Directors have cleOided to prolong the show to two days, which we think aiyise proceeding ttn their part: The Zurich ShoW, is geally one of the best branch fairs in these parts, owing to '(,:tho streetes ef- forts of the offieers and Director. HP nits Suotta.---41r. W, O. Wilson says by way ,of poster that he never runts out Of Begat.," and -what, he keeps is good. • 0 CR S li1110 ifIX1)11.1ritg* Bayfield now receives $10,000 of a grant towards its harbor by the $tan. ley Manic:4)0. Cottneil, Seeforth is now on tho botrio stretOli and will soon becOnto a town. The Goderich Assizes will Commenee risting will rcceiVo eareful attention, and Cliopi)ing IDone, The Goderich Si,mok Lap. changed hand,s, tt iS noW ownea. by 'Won, Allen Diehon, and loolin welt under itg now intontgetnentf . 010e, one inNeztis9,,s 44g$ Pt 'for a i.lver-inounted atchkr, • if it W0TO braSS band they -Wanted, tho ,oator of lho, •Po#4 AIN til1PPlythe bra; acil Calera rt the band 'RAU' r` the Brussels man is dieposaof " The Star says, the editor of the Lucknow Sentinel is clamoring for a, basket arrive fruit, Let Someone: seod Wm, a paniphin."' move in 04404.41tent, that one pumpkin (heed) is enough for Wm. -Carried. And Mr. Orabb thinks he has ' been libelled by the late proprietor Of 'the , Goderiell Signet: *rah, hint. , , A Base bI1 Match wa's played at :Paisley between the 'Paisley and —15-alasy, ; Kincardine, 14. Ohristeplieruck, hotelr4ener, of Ailsa Craig, on Thursday last, -while walking, on the railroad track -from Parkhill, laid down, toad irs,sapposedstri, haire.Talleitaildep, 4ad°1.)0trig's run over,by a passing freiglIt traiin aid wits fearfully inutileted.-: 'Dr. -Hen- derson, who =rotated „both big§ ht.i.s hopos of recovery.,.? „J • On Sunday4orenoon, 1,000 boxes of pli:PW.Were*shipiledfrdin'OOddikich, 500 beingtoken„by the Ontario andtboire- maind'IV. the•Bentoli. • 'This." 'trait is intended for the St. Glair region, where plums are Pot -grown -to any extent.- Sijnal.' s • Mr. David Gleger'has Set11:J.)1s farm 'in the townShiplof Hay'to 'Mr., Joseph Settfle from St, -Cletnens,' • '.1110, farm contained 70,,acreS,7„ arid•:',0airold for $3,009.,„ Mr.'Gelger. intenilkmoving to. the tewaShiP dfDinTiftieS, County of • Waterloo, Whore:he bakkaore,fhepa a fine farm of 110 geresi• • • Mr.' CharlesIzMafien Titelcersrnith, • arrived lionae iStkarilaY. ISO:from the Old Conutry,wit14f•aithther'CiMportecl heavy draught stgii*., ',It*111-- be re- membered that Mi.'.4,0kit'llika valu- able animal,. ,whicillye,,:',i.nikirtecl last year, and his pgekiantrenterprise in againmaking a venthrea's most com- mendable. We trust he may be more successful next tinie; and we aro sure his enterpriser,will be cluly appreciated by tlm • Oii Xoidti la sung 1T, son of Mr. Dundan •McLetin Tuckersmith,-; was driving a teantoilhorses in a wagon on his:father% the41,iihnitls took fright and ran „away, throwing the boy off, but , not serieusli injitring liun The wagon whaisniailtdd itiratorni, but the hones were .not injured.-Exposi- ter. The Expositor is1rOtilled aiia hi ail anguish of spirit. Meser% Daniels & Co:, of Montreal, think their fair name has been slandered' by that .journal',' and that they are not yet as".a Daniel come to judgment." • However that may be, our cotem.. is a brick, and gives' the Most qualifying' apology con- ceivable, and -well, if Clermont, Dan- iels & Co. are se.tisEed,, we guess we'll try our hand at a little libel too. $4.14 dissaseptin;9 cured in its wonAt for& Read tine from David Simpson, 89 Privee Street, Boston :- pear This is to; Qertify thritt, nty Daughter, (Sala. Simpson- has -teen` troubledwith SCrofula and Salt Rheum 'Rumor., kr:severe "year% inostly-ponfi - ed. tO'heishead: -:11.Ie••Iiitsacairrttyerre it has been so bad that .sliehas been tittlid time not being able to read. She has been tiuder the care of physitjans ow-Yerk and Bos- ton and finding relief,' int Cook two bottles of Fewls Piles and Humor ,Cure, which wholly cured her. 6ounituniotiou5. ' DD. WOODGATE TO NIL DTTON. To the Editor oftthe Exeter T1MEp,-: .t,"41 Sin, -1 confess it is with fear and' trepiation that I attempt 9, reply to •Mr. Offen. It will be brief. A man who, after four months' sojourn not exclusively occupied, I presume, in an examine, ion of the subject, can sip; down and calm& dogmatise on a Church with a history of a thousand years, is surely sea- artin ,spectaiileAor -gods and ehen.,.'. Yet. lie.,bas ;his prototype. The friends of Mr. Pickwick, --and who are not his friends remember' when he was inlyeauced by Mrs, Leo Hunter to the famous'Conitt, Sjiiorltorks then gathering his materials for his great work on England, that something like this conversation ensueili:,;,• . Mr. P. --Have you been l'Ing in England? - Count S.,-,Long-ver,long time -fortnight -more. Mr. you stay ltere long • Count S.--One,weeke , ,gr...%24,4gwrIAlate. etngh.]4:00 tfrekt*, oi till the Materials You want in that time, Count they are gathered. Mr. P.-10301 Count S. (tapping his forehead) -They are here -large book ettlionie-etfull of uotesr-mus- ic, picture,'Srience, petii`,4611,1cS; all Wigs. •Mr. P. -The word politics, sir, comprises, in itself,' a difficult study of no inconsiderable magnitude. • flaunt ! ver goot-fine words to be- gin ampter, "Chapter forty-soven, The Word poltic surprises by himself, Ate. ,c,` • "Wonderful main Count Smorltork 1" said Mrs. Leo }Butter. • II, Sound philosopher!" said Pott. Clear-headed,, strononinded Pors90" ,'• Count Sinorltork and Mr. Otton1 , 'Arcoqes aolbo ! Nevertheless, oyer- ' 'Wile c -as am m eontemplatirg so powerful' an intellect, I fear must,, tho' in again ask for cater gen*. prdttlofthe;felloWitiOssvti:04, wind& .1%zi.60" more" quote iierbanni. 7.7 01000(44)0,u4t, E.D4 W.694gao ihforths ns Ly jiiyae letter that lie will DO 0Wer u.0 morel Of 14r, Otten's lettorf$ unless proof ire adyaneed by, 04.4 gentleman ,ot. t.fferts inede tosahstan,,titAe.„„h4,40geslions,---- • 81 .414,14,114E'rk ;EX 1,1TE11,, whit() whoa*• ,„ Sprialg w t onto iQt4,toef,3° Barley POO Butter Flour per bbl.,. B ran Sboits 05:to i'l 10 03t,0 1 VO 85 to 35 00 to 05 10 to 00 60 to 70 13 to yi • .2 .i.,-, c t 000 to 44Q • 00 to 00 , 70. to 00 Potatoes 1,.' . ‘' g 35 to 35 05 to 75 Hogs„..., ,, .. , , ..,„„...„..,.., 5 10 to 0 00 , GlIA.NTON. $1, 04 to $1 03 SP• rItig Wheat.„ 1 00 1,0 lt, 1 00 a 0 .0 .,. 60 to 60 se to 24 12 to 131 o ,.. -. .., ... 37 to 18 SEAFORT'li. Fall wheat - , .. ... .... ..,..... ..... .,., .„.. 05 to 1 05 Spring wheat' ... 1 00 to 1 15 Oats . 0 80 to 0 35 'Barley .. .... . . . . . .. . .. ,. .... ............,...„. ... . 05 to 70 Peas - .. ... .. 0 55 to 05? Butter - , ..t.. ....,- , . 0 23 to 0;25 ,,piie, to 0f,12 Wool ,....,,,d,..i...t.;,...i../. i..q . :...,;.........., 0 3t1 tai oz 3G o • , ,-, ' ‘ ST. MADY'S, 4' u • Deihl wheat, poi- buesel ,95 to 1 00 Sprig wheat ... , 1 00 to 1 10 05 to 70 0 ale s ... •.. SO to 32 Fine, per dozen ,1-1,1 to 12 20 to 22 Weoill -. 80 to 86. Wlaito wheat ' 1 ma° 1 io Tretulw ell 11 00 to 1 05 Spriug.., .......... ,.... ....... - - ...... 1 00 to 1 08, Oats ..... . . . ... - ........ ......, ........ . . •„ 0 30 to 0 se Pens 0 00 to 0 C5 • 13arloy 70 to 75 ' Butter., ., ............. .......,..„ 22, to :25 Eggs, pc;i•-iii;.r.'e'ii:,. Lard '43444104 V$ . Tallow Pees, Bettor , LUCAN. to 18 40 to 0 45 010 20 80 Hay 10 00 top 00 Timothy sood ...... ..... ........ 3 50 to 3 75 clover socal ' 0 25 to 0 50 Wool •. 87 to 39 Sheepskins 0 50 to 0 75 LONDON. (From Yesterpay's Free Press.) White Wheat, Deihl, per mita' .., 51 75 to tei 80 " Treadivell 1 65 to 1 75 Spring'Wheat 1 CO to 1 86 Barley ... 1 4) to 1 75 Oats • ... 1 05 to 106 Poas1 00 to 115 Eggs per doz,c;n .. 11 to 14 Butter per pound 24 to 27 Buffalo niarkets.---Cattle- Tho 4ipt of cattleggdai haxe p totil1N-pppiv.-for Y°104.11).44.9101•0 WM! 11144a,;-silis ie Imarllet, till the fresh arrivals being through consignments. The yards are nearlyibare of stock. • • Sheep and Lanbs.-The receipt of sheep and lanibs to -day have been 1,000 head, malting the total supply for the tdal supply for the week thus far 10,- 000 head. The market closed heavy Heavy Canada lambs were quoted at $6' to $6-.25 ; Western sheep $4 to $5 Western lambs at $1.00 to $4i. Hogs -The receipt of hogs to -day have been 1,s.oct. lioad,maltipg the total supply foi. 'tleg Week thue far '19,100 head. The market is slow. Yorkers were quoued at $6. to $7.; heavy •logs at $7.25 $7.75. TO FA_RMER.S And Stoclt-Breeders 1 , Gradvate of the nary ' Ontario College. Hes removed his office to one door north of W Fanson's harness shop, and directly opposite Da- vis' Illaclismith Shop. Veterinary, Medicines al- ways'On liantV, balls proniPtly attended to. Horses examined as to their soundness Augui t28th, 1873. BISSETTS' Livery and Sale Stables, an connection with the Central Hotel). CLOOD HORSES AND COMFORT - ‘...A ABLE vehicles always on hand. li'v.vorable arrangements made with commercial travelers. •promptly attended to, All orde,i.s. 1ef.,t,altti13Zre.ttm's Exotor,,Sinli'4:,11355.%.41A1. *.of*, 24Y. -141.XETER a '4 ,LIVERY STABLES Rollins, Prop. •.(In,00nnectiou with Drew's Hotel), added Nfr. Stioligritss. , Hill'SCS and first-class conveyances always on hand. Commercial rigs on moment's notice. eWk EL. CHICSVE Exeter,Sept, 4, 1873... , & S., G1DLEt 'EXETER, CA- • BINEiT-ttAKERS 5 TJRDEItTARERS, take th s opportunity to inform the Inhabitants of thi9 I111( surroundingsections that their New :Hod's° atliau Baukof Commer LtToAN, ID fiERVE p,A,A ••••• • 000,fl.00 2,000.000, A .1441/e1re43 t1ioabyo Built has beef' oPened,in Inman for the trsusaOtiQn o43 geocr tiff*, • . , . , , . , ankieg2344 SAVINGS'BANK DEPARTMENT. of,04;ign,4°2fg,0191,044.3110 dollar received on depesa. Interco -1 and 5 per cent, allowed. No notice American ourrency bought anti sow, n, STOW hEDDIE, Agent, • First Fall Importations rry-4 AMMON. eap Cash Store. Great Bargains. First Fall Importations W <4 .c.n 1 Cheap Cash W A Store. G-reat Bargains 'CENTRALIA AND CREDITON HANGE OF BASE! • To any Friends, Customers and the Public in general I would say that I inten • • • 11-E1YIOVING my place of Businessin the course of a couple of months to the brick premises to the south of my present stand, which is now in conrse of erection, 1 having field the paernises Which I now occupy. r shall still continue to ,carry on the CUTTING AND TAILORING. BUSINESS which]. in tend devoting my time and attention exclusively, and hope to retain my old and gain; roapy.new _customers. There are a number of persons indebted to Inc for GROCERIES, ETC. ai th eir accounts should have been paid before Jannory last, a prompt settlement • is:re- quired. in order to clear off the balance of my stook before removal, 1 am now OF FERING IT AT VERY LOW whica will not fail to satisfy . I am ag,int for ths • PRICES Lockman & Singer Sewing Machines which, it is well known, are the leadirg Sewing Machines in Canada. 0- 5017TX-100T T• XETER NORTH is now completed, and they clo not hesitate in say- ing.that it is one of tho best in this western part. Our TINDERTAKING Department, its heretofore, wiU,in annul. in a very climb:int condition. Coifing -plain and ornnmental,-- also, shrouds, atc. Funerals furnished Olt the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. good..asisostiviit !of /EIIENITUTIWal- ways la wick. J'Augi(st,A, '7k se-iyi • kiNacErWAvo0BA.N1)11)ATE FOR PUB .. — The Dominion Organ " G ODLESS priests are put into the ofTice hy those who have the living at their dispoeal, Without consulting'tlo oviehes or comfort of those who havii, to pay theln:" Polly one-hqf of tho priests are hatO, by their pariehioners, pve-loactli are merely tole- ate,11nri the other fyitrt1,•1>A's8„1009(141i91" 'A great many' Of the cArgy see it an'd 'say, " Oh, lee have the Clapernment and the.ormy aa our side, What 'weed 1se fear? This feeds their arrogance and will hasten their doWnfall." With regard to this lasp,asseitiap 08. peciaIlY, I ttelt."Nti...:. Ottoir,for theiiame and eildress of any one clergyman Who uttera these words to him personally; For the thne and• place of any cleri- cal meeting whoritly•Sneh language' wit§, ti§Pa by 048 pr h lyl" 0).2 filer the nano and date of any neWS- 'paper ot periodical, specially devoted to Church interests, in which 'such a doc- trine or anything approaching to:it was promulgated.••• : •'When. he bas *doiie this; it, is;itrhe` time enottgli to notice the very irtgoll.' 0416 bat by no Menus ineenuotts,,way in Which be as gal).)10(t t110 OX1/11,0tS j gave from .14r, wan ato others. Mean, while 1 can honestly assato Olaf, r have not the least desire to alter his opinion or ilepriVo him of his, eon** tiO)18 ;on the ten trory, 13 thinli. they Aro entitIod to ite touch respect 11111111111115-3 7.1 , .,/ ,^rnp rrprownpmmunener ny, ,14°,1* 115n0,1_107g_1707:704.:orizni7z1:74", ‘1111 11111147111 — .11 1491011IMIL '( girt (1.43 Factor', ef 33 0111:A/AN 11.1:JLE , 0,N , haVii vw in the !iferitot their many First.elass need Organs, which are acknowledged on an hands • to be , . , EQUAL TO ANY, OTHER 'ORGAN over offered for sali,. in thncountry, GeorgePedlar • has beim stppointed pteneral Agentfoi , rite .triee sfirrote,telttogi nH viif, 11445e.0‘,Perlh.,'• iddicifax ; 001 -tianSlitotti and lie does not, ail ninny, agents' do. chitin quint, tio,, for (lc, instrument which it (1014 not 104444e45 00043 that of its compeers, but befenis satisfied JI Nat retain 13 Good 2?eptitation 11 any report to received dinputraginiao thin 43896.11.. 3.10111. a, favor would be conferred by letting nio IthoW of the same whoa I will n.t Once ilisproVe thorn, tit I knoW the instrument to bo perfect in oVerY particular, , 8411 gitarantee ant 011 a practical WV& ann. inkinifacturer, Piano 8, 043(344110 old M 010.. clouts tuned try the sabscrib or. Agents 'wanted, Atioroa tor ttic mesent, to1h3- 0101', C 115330, ont. vE.OLAP„ meter, Sopt 1. 3071tot.yi CARRIAGE FACTOZY Mrs. 'G. & J. BTOOIES have now commenced the rnanufac- bilie of ',Buggies- and Wagons for the • Spring and Simmer BAKERY MHE Subscriber takes pleasure in inform- ing the public that, HE HAS COMMENCED BREAD Biscuit Baking, in Exeter. Having secttred the services of a iSA.CTICAt BAKER 1 can guarantee satisfaction, and hope to se- cure the pnblic patronage. 1-1.3retid for sale at the post-olliee. RICI-IARD SANDERS Eleier 'July 22 1574. 48-tf. THE..F.A.VORITE LINE.. I-IavvlcSIAka-ryir's Stages! LONDON & EXETER. 'grade. cre, Good. Horses, Corafortable Stages and TERMS—Cash or Short Fast Time. — — Also onhand a lot of Scotch Diamond Harrows, of their own manufacture, which they can and will sell as cheop as any one in the trade. 1 O. & 3. BROOVS, Plea,se,to RIFLES! DIFLE'S 1 RIFLES! t•ti • GURD 86 SON Dendat-st., London, Ont., h vac now' on hand a largo atOokof Ranting Sporting and Target ',Hints a their own manufacture. Powder, shot, caps, eartridges, wedding, fishing.tacide, und• goner- td,sporting good. • ,-)sliend per post for Price 1.48t. top:tiring in Gun lino executed promptly. London sent, 34 1874. 8411. „reilftalf/ 0 it 84i/if!), E I,NO Lor to, in the) 1(3811 Com. of 131an• ) shard, oir the townlitelbetweee 13141451)0(8 hint Didareph, comprising seventy.sight 0434341444 efiont sixty of Which ere (sleeted and in 0 high State of eeltivationthe balance is bush, nic alstanc6 from Gratoti 18 two Milos' front DM, '1 can, 7 on es, am ront 88. 14154315, 19 nu es.-- Thieist4 good chance for anyone wishing a comfortable home, never failing simply of watcr, 110013 sold within two months it will be divosed of by roletiolt. For further leforma* Sion apply to AIS3AHAM 31ONT00141T*18, 043 018011 1,0 Aug. fi7tI1isetl --0.,...— Those stages aro drivcin by the most accomino; dating of drivers, and leave THE .'STERN HOTEL LONDON , W 1 9 every afternoon, at ;2 p.pi., arriving in Lucan in time tweennect with trams for the oast and West iti.d connecting in Exeter with the Cliuion and St. Mary's stares. • . LEAVE EXETER ABOUT 4,30 IL.m, counce.ti,dg in Eileen aim London, witli tr,• W.B.ROOgS /0E14 VA.WrisnAly, Driver. PrePrietor' NEW PUMP FACT* k PV MPS., P Uldf fr G. BOLTON HAY Would ieforui the inliabitaute hf flay, Stephen and Usboine that he -manufacturee all kinds Of ineluding the MONSINOER PATENT FORCE PUMP) for which he hes the exelusive light for tile hbeve.nained townships. i.Cite etibectiber feats coofident that ho can satisfy those in Wal.t 0 pump% as to workmanship mid quality, and a such plices that he CANNOT DE MIDIatSODD IN THE DOMINION. 141i5u2.4arory.--050-Fo01'th mile north Of tile village( of nxeter, on. tot 7, Hay, London Read. X. 13.--itepairing attended to with promPt, leeSA, 0114 40410 ftt 1023011051.0 PiqoeS. CEO DOLTON /ay, 17p51110 1874. . 00 ain8ekihek taiga to atignitint thee-0415*4)14,1g weaving, demo, that „they imuy haVe.ttrefic Wiabta atttisacii by calinia at my 1'4)$1d41)35, 11104381 aln prepared to 52343011 ,11 all k1ti44 60323808(1438, 111 tiM 123414114401>43434 141 1501(43 renacifiableAlilifielt WATEINSON 1871, 4314 ttitiOntlighMkt,aria • , ", " '1. G Bsm ITH buyer has just returned irate [ Biitain, Fall etOelt now open- ing, eolitioxion between , linilsr(r)iluigialiet(illr.eit. 3. at,i,t1t1.111i tho,(,8>nebottio1r(;,11. who hag worked up his traks . • between wliolesaleiug , to 44. ,074.1 along IAith Mu ability to pay eitell 38514)5 him to liuy the hulk of hie „ stock direet from inanufeeteters ^ Li Britain,ou Osus4g, 1118 51 tile „. United Statee, And oil 000011118 of the dullneee Of trade eolith of Hie linee this (omen, be has se. cured for cavil stip() tempting bargains from Amerieae ' lecturers, , - ,'t • MONEY TO -LOAN. • ;, COUNTY of PERTH LOAN & gAVING6'.. SOOLEITY. • • . , ji„, G. B. Smith, Etia4111r°efeiDdieln.etc %VOWtosI. •,'.Z eq. -, 18> P., Vice-Presitteut; 33. Hilytird; Jlsq., Agen ' Bank of Montreal; Wm. 'Veal Button, Leda GoojohnSaeer1:.69. R. farstone, Seceotary and Treis7:; %R:ana,- ' ers, SOlieitpr0M0 Dougall. , hEoesit,dbaebores.,,,a0.rveat7tegee this company offer to, Stock, • stitution allows of no investment except en Deal lat.-The' most miciMilsted Security, as the ton- , and. -Tho continuous investment of nionlee. • Srd.--That SSI soon as Savings Bane ie grin each Stockholder gets his proportion of the "-profits in addition to dividend on his stock. , • -,. , ADVANTAGES TO DORROIVEA8* • 1t. -The system: of revaymente by Yearly„luilf:, yearly, quarterly; or monthly instalments falling due at such dates in the year,eind' intending over. soon a perhAl of years_ai =lay nnit thobonewere... ' 2nd. -Borrowers will be allowed interest on, any • sum or sums they may deposit' to meet their ea- staltuenti . •. Ord. -The expense of exa.mining the Title • 0n433 drawing tho•lViortgage is regulated by a moderato. notAllowing Vie borrower to bo overehar-. ', • , gad. Ith.-ThisSociety dace not deli mortr,ages...- M.-Agents are bound toregard all applicationk for loans as strictly confidential. '• fith.-Mortgages purchased on the most. reliable. terms. 7th. -"rhe head office is established Atilt: Jeer ' • N.B.-The .Society win'emumence on the lot ay' Of May next, to loan inouoy at tife,Socretary-,ana Treasurer's office,:cOrnex• of Queen and Water' streets. , April 26,1874. , . • .• 'THE IIEG3LA1t.• • llfebtings of Lobanent • Roa,Erp,c0t.,ELxodefed,r..N0*in.11,30e iff/rXel ,,,,ear pea, * held itafollovs. A eor ilial invitation is eaten- .ded to all visiting bre- thren. 'Mar. 30, April'. 27, Xtay 25, Juno 24,Juntr 29, July 27,Ang. 23, Sept: 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 2.3712ec. 21 anc1,28. 31. EAU' RETT, eeretar - • • ,y • WANTED. -We will give energ,etie teen - and welneti ' , • from $4 to $8 r day ; can be pursued in ybur aim neighborhood, and is strictly.he.norable Particulare free, Or samples worth severtiVriol- lars that willene,ble Yon to go to work, at once, will be sent on receipt of fifty cents. Address • 3, LATHAM ift 00., 48-6t, 292 .Washington st.,DostOn, Ms BANTON'S Ranton's Stoitk is well assorted. • Ads : ditions haying recently been , made thereto inNew Prints, New,: GreYt, Cottons,,New White Cotton, RAN - 'New White.Shirts, N'ew Regatta - New'Priinella SliCes,excellent ,val. , ue-full range of sizes & prices. • • RA.NTON-"$: . • New rr6sh Groceries. Ranters Teiii are extra *ate ; they were, purchaecd before the Lae advance, itua wffl 1() sold Very Cheap, and subject', • ;,BANT..0.1N7S • . 0 approval, tkny tea finals not sati5n factory to tbo parchaecr tray • RANTQNS 't • , be return&l, and money Will `be re toded. Don:t hul to try *