HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-9-10, Page 20 r jig y 11/1 o:r771t) etI a g Qt,tk(A), S , . -,..tott'144,,,,iteitatita,teithh: etoent- in adveaso. j,..No otai41.34,tiyiA4,(9f,0--f41:14.4 0,1; )401446. 4.° 4-1°..?P.4),41..fle*P2'„48b,V4.- 1. te , irOKON, ...107.1nl •4744414Y,d4,iutti`',, brtilos los't Cr ti#0,144_cte ntrnequon't month, t‘hcents, ,oitai&o.eq totmccefaung zt,, iucs---,ayst ntonni NAiiitoi„W,,A 4).141),,,tearriagcs ato .Acatbs. inserted witvertissinttnidwittawit sue. '4,-,c,, 5aittiUlli Will, ), tuaernakt,41 fort0ud Ow ,; 0, ineeprAinalv, s:ortillculonts W v,e' ii..tel : ,:d. by a seal'e', of ' ' ) 0,0i9r01,00trai7:11N-i ,,.''.".' , !1...,,:. • 'r..tif4 4,100,W)i-lJt wVeS, V-i)4-',4-14).4.,,rfl ,ter roitrl) '' ° 4 ' 1,- .!.,'.•;',,;o14&174Al'e.:, , r, ' 0 'Aios. • 3 ItO'S ‘4'.40-11'14)"••,..^....4.$C00 !....,.,,,,„, $:,..1.5 ....,.,„„,.,$26 - 493.1t00' • --',` i,';',.,.',,,. 46' „VS.,- tt. -„..,..,,. S. --------------- 8, ,,........,., ti , Onfib004p,, , od:tly,,i3li lines and ukulJr, $4; s6. t:o ten ,..; ...- „ , i , . 41),IIN WIIIT,.111, r.KETT, it:' Stall:0111E tc 10rii, 1874 •17,.77-7,7•-7. 1.141,*1. !SVA: IrtiVt"),CO3 ,T.4e 0110).v -inn.. i4,a portion of the evi- 11011044ittietibrih: at, the Uorit)yall elec- tion-U*1,1:ot' '"-Pr'iday It needs but cdniiiieftt'Ple4",4teVa1'a4;iiilb Of 4” iv ^74 1.•Ave-rY, if it, is ittis,tket wretchedly disgustitig it$ ,±3,10-10,9tOri ank+kollects.bht-little„cee,, dit artiesliho Weed 'Web' itidang id hoi '1)0...Th1;110n t; Cd. the'di;),< fr o •, erP,V9g4te,,,T-41A/X04 r.,iMnilidattes, "were 13ergiutluid Mitedbnaldrtitedatter ings5'nttlit43..• )1y: 2 0 ' vfiv eitstwthest, ....A'.1‘j.ki*.o.1, :1 • o -ettae, kild:',:,;iftiefe -were seaenati *ittiessis 'xhe London Heron. and Bruee'lload 11.61,K,f4 lie did not wish to spend oeSse:11 ill the elaadoion. 1 ook 11,4 40" t4vo part in the election 1.ecatise W11,8 tt/ailltl$ to defeat ;Dr, Bergin, Q. What do yoa eensider sac/14 a large •una or uloneylieery 004 the eleetion • I received back $71 from (Lance OW lest btugpart ,of the- ineney loit Donn} ST4bEst. '4Wdra---,1 gave E1 - wad River $15.50; it'orsyt4, $17O, David INk'laus SA 'They • Waatod 111 the taetory, and wanted to, pay their reat to Br. Borgia, They WOO to'paly. Ke Oka nanic,:}! Whoa I wanted it 1 clad not get i•t Mack yet, This was all the nl.onq ileojela inidt received it from P., 13. NerAomiam, bowman, here remarked that bribery was learly proven, aua .,that ull that Whuld b ecuseary now Volliti be the question of ageney, AJAX. IsilULItE,R.N7 W01417,7a: WA clerk LitOret I attended the meetings at lat-r, 'Ma:Len:Ian's ofilec. The respondent was Wore, T. aid. Apt notice partieulatia' what he wasoing They were looking ever the Yoters' 1. gave T.,6014.1r $1Q, to go pway the Clay of the tc,,3jon Ilo 'qfurke0JiLdk and said that Dr, Allen offered: him $20 to stay, so 1, ge eye him 10 more td' Stay aWity, eleetion was declared' void. 26,1 O. 4r-11. -The report of tho COMmIttee, lostigatiou sent ontt to Canada by the Gritat -Wetitern AailrOkidBotirct contain, edencli smioue eharges, against the 3).1.- 11'!ectorti that that body deemed. it its ts make reply to 'them. The, fol... dewing relatiyeato Our local project, the • Wo tut...qCsinbl'iled.' in :re- montlialilttis who 1111-4-109pa 'd and id out Fw"rth1 to 1)3: t.44°°-°.14111Ittee is s' =Duey f„ou , ecitecl liiie pt. Sixty...eight miles, rimning naxtir from Leudon • 'the Coin- „Ivo,e.v..,peete'cl,to., Wive tvP0,11t...olie ,pany'Sleaiu line to tlie town of Wing- .There1jv,-"beep' .haM, oti the: 8,ol4tli. Brace Extension- of -/aOetin4s, at. ny °Oleo, htt 1 di4 iot OEv;die \Vellihgton, Cirey, alibi Bruce Itail- teint an ' There iNy're ,none at ,iny ,waY, • 1211e, tioard 'Were. urged by, the LouseI-,.pliti4,Ontittbent for•elee, Canadian Directors and. Execrtive to 11404eiices, keinaRe with the ..bendexi Huron and Brnce flIJjiiibout $40 Some tinie;Vefore th .Company, NVOkl.iillg, and traffie timbale- eleetibn tis lIaQe 'Wolk Ii. th4 nients, inalucling-.tdietprotistOit --for 010 ot sL. it 1new if, acquesitiou of bends, .s4miliar to tliose wPi•ktkiloi hie ih,1(372, au.1 oqld ao w14014 lAoo.n made with the he a gobT".Sitpaortee in this cantass. Gr°Y• 614 BY* (Jn.)&4'1Y”. Ine-k gyent'sdnie inozieyin eativaie, • Xoar Directora belieyed, and still beng ne 1 u,sked un t.o lioye,' tliat 'tbe proposed arrangement: rn OAS erection, gave .Goowptild be.a.lyantagetenS th* this ,Conapany 1.46P,Oxiti1d14. ,''I'ouittitstee, about $156 and they afterwardlearned that 44,4 Par, l'i4,9v,Tie, us ut businessin the north; raugOnleilt 80 far completed 4that the Ivetit-oirVof the Co w'n Ship*, Itud desired seal 11 the Compatly ad heen'ailixed to hien to; g;:t; and -,eilairass aniCiog the peoit iu CtIno4Li, Under tlie .of u .appO.u.anxioaS to eel. Miuutc. ptsed at Beard .Igeetin,q held b4zgti ud it,iuight.itAerfere , with h15 callaci?1, o 5t1 4ePtamber, 1873. buiness 1 do not .renisniber crininittee would lead.the'.8hare- thing was -said' about givmg niOney.:ts" 1.161(106..to believe, th,it m consequence thepepple' ,,,Tintentled th,it he„atiotod, of their appointment on October 30th. hive the niolieyfiii; his---bexpenses, dis 1813, the l_amdbn -Beard on Novembei. bursethentt, or whatever it might be. 5t:h, 1873, 1.3..a,§0d,t11,0 reselution qttoted wept. back tbrough the -township bitheni at, page:17, eeiteral" lkifide. I 'did 'ie t consider liow `111-14a4,11,114 as the text" of the Agret-. oitOlf--ti. day he was to h -e 1'htia "Menthaa not yet be apitrOed had been preViombi ",the Roard, not has the .nititier been ufesitin that part' of "the to n'sip i " sub,iiii;tted" to the sliareliailers, the .44-e• "13 alithelize ino.4q A.14etriaptipai;,' ilkoolved'$20 1.)14, The cdrinnittee are 14. error, as,. en „.„ Vitfl'44",fo.tt, aglit':a,,fter,_ This . was , kactolas,r ;the .SeeretarY trie#1-4y 1, iiiieited-L-tlia $800 Were , wrote tO te the effect -that thc _ „ A ... -,„- .p;.-3re4ihe',nicai0 charged. to you Sealed; ,a,hd- again, in, October. 20th; by Mr le1iellan2 1'17.0).41,12d tbetefoe PreVious LO ,thair itot '01*, (Ur:. appichutiriciiat). the follOWiag eab1ines- it Tie's; Stage 'iv as, sent to kr; price:--. bILe -of tbe'168001,1.-iag:141,dr.ed,:bly - -•Qaoa,tionraised,aa.tOI...aondOn, t4 my h 'ron Alia Bruco agrOeinent;iCto not "verth.W.-*t0:1114-ged. i.;44, ft -hither adVicTe" • ttai;*ri.of 'k4d...fa.„'t,*.ii- the', oiiik _sipper Z., Price on the-follawing'elay, Octolier cist:' • r iii4Pose" I:1 -674a. --,for it, dit.1 21st',.as andet. " /let nor "approving " Agieeineat entered into -with . the of it tte'hight before'the ehetioif, "'London, Huron and BruCe-w0 c,recated intiaTolit,iireOliii the :night 'h -e; "yet. ItWitia sent. (to' England) on the .1,spent$90 the " lust. Mr. Barker, (our solisitor) -nuce- $800, in treating and, hot,e1 " advisee Unit the Great Western :haat .1' ' • -* • l eipeasesk • , ‘.8 out in the towns p no antinnity to aulee t April, there- , • • .. , - nijouf avail flights. 1 often paid five "foreatgreethent be ,shomitted dollars for a higlit'a lodging,. may " at the Shareholders', nieetiuf4, 29th have .1,rive.4.1gisi. -.$1,0. He. drove " 00„tobel!.„ P9n1.1.se8 $450,000, forfeit- ine round one night. have paid Al- "ed unlesa tlie Railway opened by 'Thrive 'paid Algal, $2 or " December, 1874. Sharohelderset a`x- irse,elatins genesal niceting should. confnm. tionetau*: general, y come= , o ses could not again be procnr- huy,moreJliliai -•11.elie ele'otion, Underetaiiiting from tliiS Cable,'-inee; Vaaape'ilot -4.4'eseii-sen's Colliers 020. , 411d. a eable.xcPly receiVed-frem Aoisaday,..ifor.„treating. La -lid hot treat 1C - , • , I„pai4::$00.fori.special: train to -take. Ege that 'the tordr. not -eNecnted,;Yer Beastafort-frotri_Ceriewall to,Prescott. imPlieak, that ,'R 'Was. not sealed, didAot artainge for, the train, but got PrC,SPefft was JastiKedin.Stating 0:the an..acceunt,from, Mr. , Spicer in about Qa,fieral`noting dA, Cteteber 29t13, '1874 4.0 • dairy, Ited a in.essage,ao, pay it. - Thisthat tlle",.agre'ent'en..t. WOnicl„nOt he seal= was.the,-first,iptimatipu,,,Iereaeived• of ed without 'preVionsly sribinitted to the my.11a4ity. tw.roto. to Mr. Brydges Shareholders, The copy of the' .tigree- for, a train befnre, the .election. .„ I ment referred to did not rea,ch, LOndon .thouglit hi. mighthot chargeanything till October 271Y, 187.&. and,. therefore for it,., 1•49t .thaiitelegrana; Mina hiui no reference Could be made ,to it in the, that#.,14,rbis,not politic for to con. half yeare' report ,which had. been pre - tribute in any way toepolitical elections vierislY iSsued. • • . . in Canada-, I••diestiriy"ed the' telegram: SO soon alia it was known in Canada Ciwahis Munni,. -sworn -1 live in that, the London BoarddisapproVed Cornwall, and am a ',voter. IntenOed the iininediate -sealing of the 'arrive- to.Note for Bergin. Jahn Angus Grant, met, it was eaneelled, . ; • arid McMullen came: :after -me lvith Baider the " Greta' Wes-fel:AL.:4A, teat:noted said,Dr. Allen had. sent -:for 1873-," authority is given to en-tel.:11;11d nie.'", • 1:Went .tyith thein;"bitt,,144ead..- of 'alai Agreement with the Laden taking -me to Allen'oi they Went out 'to:1 and.Bruce 'Company,: but this': let a so Ilartintowniandlept me there till af- provideet hat, pri liability of clebenture. Or the election. Their object was to shali-be incurred Alitege-With 'the. eon peeveitt me Itilm;yoting, for ;Bergin.' sent ,Of the, Goat '‘VeStern„-Shaechold- D.13. l‘letesr..,,,,s4, sworit--,-L-I am a sen-• "'' acia partner. of 'theee - of McLenn en The tionitnitit6ir.ThaVe: deioted two id aait 1}fitedona anvatised part pages of their re"port to this matter, of the -town- was 'at' and7facts',' as.,n6 w laid before tlio pro-. both •1Ueet1ngit'at.;-:4 prietors'pretiPthat then ii1teiet1 a;ib • respondent Was with in efi."bfli oc- not been adversely affnct9d. casions.0'Mr. McDomitld and 1 Went „' dOwn to the ,factoiSee. I paid abont fiTini,LecAL Legislature meets feir 4300 for election', purposes.' The train -Sadler': business on the '10th of atimunt•I gave. 'Macdonald was, Oct. next.' , • '• $015. .1- gave Mr. Dickaou$50. gave ?41orrissettet140,11r. Sti1e 4i50 REDJiJ.tING eonstitorloies- wag' IlleA.rthur $40; 'George- MeDenall! 'they bribery and 'eorruption. ' The $20 Alex. Amy; $20. paid ,$.18,for;a; 'GritS "rocleeined' Lontloi1ait pablegrain to GOO. Stephens in LendOni • Fa:gland, one of the leading &dewy ,GE.oitcr.E 13110WIN,1 has a daughter ni shareholders here, asking hini. t3 get Brne,k, nr fair comptoxion• dark blue,' men to virpport Ir aleponaid. • I aogtoen,ha„,,,,i0 eyos, and do ilot kW.if he aid req 013 ted I 'or. a s , • • , received rio inetinction to that effeet.., r •„,D,oi,„`,t;,n Sisuea lent R..W.r.Gratvely '$3f4.",e. The 'object. thee, • Was that these Tattles borrowing mon- ey should paY' debts duo by'r-"thena trosult o f -,e" wonder, the 2e400, leter Lcgrow $75, Max-. otho 6,;;;ve:11, :NicDoneil $50, Aeal:Rada Mit .edenald th"`-' Was a ailk rit in t'''° .1)°14'11'" (of 8t,713,,rolrew;fhniy Aefeat; treasury- When 1?attlian1eht met, and $50, Gttbriel, Myers :1;050; Angus .I.Jafesg that -Mr: etrtwright wanted three mil- $a3tY, William 'Henry -$4.0.). The latter lions raised by MI inerease of tariff, owed' Dr, Bergin Morley, 'and he told ' 'me the Deafer iferafdPat hint througla v'm'En t"°"°t414-kta:31:egor Of Eig" if lie voted againat hum lent Riell- sex (aril) ?" Nrcoaohc-la oi'' 0011-tWal1 4otal Damovan jassrs lirdinlittreit, (Grit) Walhor of London (Get). No '$30 ; "John MC(fiflivray, $10, aid jos:, tidings heard from 'any- of the Tory ode votes foto: 01 constitt,lonnio$, yet. litid these' Grits theser.partievitc various' dates, HOW ity,61fled 8Pouallog ItionelY ,bnYing of the notes like ,siX per (iota, E itftee, and bad whiskor doetioim 'wards fliettglit it it'd:tree} expcinlittire, watfla hot Itcmv ba toiriedi EJ lticdonaht Was.not itiittafr 6t ' 00 WA aving 1mia04b The esri na the tollowing Ifr, pondft was, aware Writ 1 Was canvass.. 01604 tia!"1-08 016- ng foThilt. -1 de Mark/low- that ho ton, as publislied in the otiobe, %Iv Await. that 1 4 'spending 'idly. nry Ivo wilt Ltovitto "• the titan(11011 of public morality wInob 0 (air epponeeti have atone No nataeli tie " debese a awl to eendaet publie affati, " upon prineiples which honest m 0 clan atepreve mid by Traetia?es,'}Yoln '41 ' ' wa, beat t he,. ha,lit li, day,* 1 a., g. .,, 11;o*ever, 't4aiy won't"..bear the,/ glit of ap., 41000,01itritkl. " i''' 4------.041,41wall----,, 14i1ee1n---14id n uither qahnient is nleediesSo,.!'e kg is saidliUt nit Aolett., aileron heard the result ef the Essex election ;t,r,h41,2"ie peeked las 4111114,41 pyC1.14(1.; for 1.44.4i6P1-qug:4O;Ni.1.$)',•941-(4. gOiig like Ids illastrioes qt),Wityyplana pow. 10,5, to fight a foreign tannatry'gaeliemy, only tins tune the-enetray'ig-4nhans West.--etonnt as far west (Ana faa:ther) as lie gam get Withent running o' --the edge, But lie woulde't fight fair,; hribe mid corrupt even a red- skin, leatWIty8 110'111/1'0111iSe them, and, tbat conic" whksile‘ for his pay. Farewell, M,O. 41ailiernber, cheat fiair next time, A Ninv and peculiar inetliod of get- ting tlAstles has been discovered ftt the cientafie AgriquIttnal MoKellar Aaademy in Cruelph.--Ahe Model Varm. They ,simply, allow the thistles to grow With 'the grain, and when ,the latter is ' • o xipecerit all together .and barn it. • „It ts sin*, death to the thistles and is tier* tainly 'very eonvenient for a lazy man; 4ial...:sat'ves trouble and sivearing. That institution is progreesing ,rapidly., to- Wt,rds. Reform, and will probably, be a ticcess in the ", far dint yista of the fut- ure -when the angel Gabriel calle its managers home oi.o. newiGovernment takeg!. them by the 'collar and jerka thein out of there, . CANABIAN fitAra, • A. young nian„reeentlyreturne4from file States, was rObS,(1- YeaterdtiY. $500 by a enter named; Guillpt, ,who had pudertaken to show him round Montreal, • Arrangementa lAavet been made by Boston T4cctu1 e Bureau to We the Roy-. Henry Wald Beecher leeture in Montreal about the 3n4.1 or•lirdof, cot. This arraneement was, it is raid, con,. nleted.bofore the reeent unpleasantness conneution . with Mr. Beecher's name. , o - No loss than '284 appeals against the voters' list for L'ondon; have been lodg- ed with the city clerk. Classified po- litieally, 1711• have been, lodged in othe iuterest of Reformers, and over,. 100 on the part of Conservatives. ,The Judge has not yet fixed the date when tlic4 ap- peals will be heard„, The President of the AN,Testern Fair Association. aeletiowledgee the receipt, of a beautiful bronze statuette rcpt.?, sentili„g an Alderneyaow and -calf, td.be offerOd flS aprize at the 4ispretip1l of the 'ilireetork t the • Coining Western Fair. - -lintries for the fair are eoming in rapia:4, 'and the ,pe4peets o ,useess are highly eneonraging:. Eleyen emitrrauts arrived at Mon- treal, and left with Mr. Willis for the township of Sebastopol. If the locali- ty is suitable, one of thaparty, wile has been acting as a sliippitig agent for soine years in Roliemia, will bring 60 families here'early in the spring, *1M/4 in me ineautarne a -1.11 .94e up gunrcrent • land for a Boliemiah settlement, Mr. -Barnard, British Columbia, it is stated will receive the contract for the construction of the'- Canadian Pacific telegraph on ECoNpletiou of necessary prelmirinaries including a deposit -as a guaranteeT for the proper performance of the work. His tender is $800,000, whica is inueli lower than any compe- titors, 'Be is expected here next week. At 11. meeting held in HaMilton be- tween the delegation from Smith Bruce and the • W G. and B. 1.1tu1eway Directors ou the 2nd; inst., it meta moved by Mr. D.D. Campbell of Listo- wel, and seeonded byMr. E.Q.K. Dav- ies, of Heaferin, and resolved that p vote 3f thanks be tendered to the Board for their explanations, and that the de- legation have eontinned confidence in Thla waS illianimensly carried. The cheese factory rif Mr.tP. Me - aster,_ of Ligne Dock, was. broken in the. largesi 4-ezik•litulibsto_and some of 1sro trace of the thief has bee;4iecii ed, 'A meeting of the :electors ,;of the County of Essex has been calledbY,the President of the Liberal Association, Dougall, to be held akEssexiCen-fre, on Monday, the 17th Mrs,'Bristow, Otte toWnshiprif-Ma- tilda, was seriottsly beaten7---near1y. to death -hi 1.4 own house. -A' man named MiloYell, a neighbor, While, drunk, made a furious attack on both' Mrs. BristoyiC and her husband. The anthoqttes'are after him, -Iprl Duffeim last the sight of one eye by a ball when a boy., • James A. Froude, the histmia,n, accordirn, to the London Academy, is now on his,wity td this country. Mr. E'.'Forster, the English states, - man,. is expected to arrive in Amerlea, atau early day. ' Pierre, the Niagara Falls" funambu- list," had a narrow escape from 'being funambuled" from the rope he was walking recently. He lost his bola/lee, butclinging to the repo', managed to -go liand over hand to the bank, On Tuesday evening of last week, while Miss Tweedle of Stuarttown, and Miss Barber of Georgetown, were walk- ing near the railway, a spark from a .passing engine -ignited the clothing of Miss Tweedle, wnieh was consumed, and burned her so severely that she died ou the following day. The County Council of Middlesex in- tend to make hard labor prisoners work on the roadewith a ball and chain attached to the leg of each iudividtial The idea is' peobably taken from a simi- lar tiystem winch -is adopted with, Mili- tary prisoners of the [hilted 8tates AxY7,storday, (iforaThy) Mary Clarke was arraignd before W. J. 'White, Esq., charged' by Amasie Wood,. Esq., of Fin- gal, with having stolen a gold watch, audthain fawn his hens°, about the 1St of May la,st, • The evidence Wits conchitc. sive and His 'Worship committed her to- stand her trial at the first toilet of competent jurisdiction. Bond was ac- cepted for ,$200. Mary alleges -that the Squire gave her the watch as a compromise for an assault he had COM - Inland on her, A fatal accidenthappened at "Trenton, Stailrday last, to a little boy about five years old, sou of Stoneburg4 ThS father and some °there had been out lanitingy and returning bad their guns htying iu the botton* ofthe wagon. On arriVing ,h0810 tI14 boy began climbing up on the end of the wagon, and jast .tW tinwo time his father hootin%g°tI'aloboy l4°151; sara11:4:1J7:1:10' 1 1, fro, ' tMellnlitto wit Onk16, wont ;'shooting 1/gett§lh, him instantly, hurst. N. 11„ Sept, rt,111,P soi Ono'. oath was passed on, Oliver Gallo nal Angelo Paulin for the nittr,,‘ dor 0t latter's, husband, At eloten v'oo 1 e Court hionse at Bathurst-, wasea d to hear the sent anai""of' tIto Jtalge alien ,the prisoners, The Iyottlifitp. s c,91..k,tnt.111A pteOnted fill'appearalice, -haggard and \men with griefrand showing low, treatehereme iu- stincts,: 'When S110 heard the sentenee 'passed She 1)6trayed her gelef inq 'slight 'sobs, scarcely audible, She is to '807 ijile)4/11'illtuit,O11;•134:11::: 11::, au cu n4 tfitolt to BrinittprdSemoine etole cruantity Of elothing front Mr, Fishbarife tme. The, detectivea were informed of it, and the 1otiijg was feand it1 one Colon - 40, Pf Tornutoot JohnIVIclilLay, it.. farmer in the - Township of bunwick; a little north of Dutton, has' eaught liVe sake that lues't'wei heade on one body; The heads atrel rit joined t og,eth el" 4114' arre, per- feetly;fOrmed, with two eyes. in; patch. This wouderful osnalte. Will eat and drink with 'tin* heeil; and goinetirnee, with both at once, . The ,Spurti4 friareand,the Watford RaCingo'ernb 'areat tOggerlieads, beeauge the latter rehises liqachate their "ad- yea:tie-nig debt. '• , '• • . , ,. • ; 'The practical results of Free 140.Ys' trated4ri Oshawa last week, yoriag., man ataine‘t, ),),Tarcmarried a, woman with ,Free Love proclivities., After •reeiding, Jegetlier for some years he wanted 1o,gWeat, holle.Yilkg eonla , do better., He;')yent, and pftor aeMahna ingetway ,sonie time retiarned.and found his wife„ had take :a aa With his brother, in-law,•rialeee arifsi was dead. ge, how,. (way, managed to obtain ,his, ehildren- and finding they. ,woilld not be :ado • in that neighhorhood fled to. Canada and toele up his. residenee ,et Port Oshawa, with Elder Hearnto; whoni hel4ada1etT ter. of lnteoductien, , Unfortunately , his; unfaithhil wife leatenedof hits where.; abouts,and 'followed pursuit She. came lid() an aftert search fennel! where, the' ehildrea were ,and ;one :day drove to Varewell's while he Wras absent, and seizing the children; drove, off. RICAN riEvis • • —7 NO forma l order will be issued from the War Depart -Mont as to the 'distrie bution of troop g in the South,. but the whole matter will be left ivith 'the De4 partment who .will dispose' of the forcel ao that they can he uSed by the United State S Marshals in case of necegsity. The ylui10number of troops in the several Southern' States ntiniber le -i tween 2,500, and 3;000. 4 A prize fight -tpok place on Bliiek! Tom Island in. Obrinnunipa Ba,, Sun. day last. between Edward' Flfinnery and Philip Riley, twd Jerbey City roughs. Nineteen rounds were fought, when Riley failed to'come t3 tibie Beth Were badly bruiied. , . As a christening*were ,going through the streets onrooklyieit German named out cif a 1ager beer sa- loon for the puipose of :giving thenv it; saitite: cliewnisarietol and began tfihrei7f4rapealislrd tita•no4rtgehr. baalirm.4.91:f Lena, Chenmark and lodged in the head of a child ia her, arms. Both woimds are prenouneed fatal. .Lutz was arrest- ed, , Jnst before the performance of 6, dr- egs at Pulaski,,Temi., 11, few nights ago, a coal -oil lamp fell on the lion's cage' broke, and spilled its burning contents so close to the lion as to infuriate him. A keeper, thrust his head and shoulders through the door a the cage and made a vain effort to extinguish the flames, when the brute sprang upon him and tore the flesh from his face and breast and one of his arms. When last heard from the man was not expected to live. Ile would, doubtless have been killed outright but fer the:timely interpcsition of a brother -keeper, who sprang at the lion, Whip in hand; and. coMpelleil him to retreat. The 'Americans have a large debt but they are capable of making "both ends , • ,•-•0 ,Able,10, T41.! ellieffifftifie Elie fiscarYear ending June at), 1874, was s$,,e2e8:,t7h5::::ed.89,w_villuiled the ,, receipts were $289,47q,756,.00. Tints it willbe receipts exceeded the ex- penditure by fill'ea,A. millions of dollars. three-quarter. GREAT -BRITAIN. -.Further details of the Austrian Po1iii? expedition have been 'rei ceVed.,' . After . , a.bandoningtheir ship; the party tra2 yelled for se -ten months in sledges, and two winters were 'passed On the ice. The lithest point reached was in lati- tude 80. large titiet of land Was, disCovered to the northward of Nova, Zernbla. The expedition. arrived :at Warde on a Rtssian Boat. Only one: death cccureed dining the entire voy- - . Thiwiaxiden. .experlitiou from tlia. United :States to observe transit of Von :us, are :cd_at Capp Town on the 5th df , Aligns 11' The •report of the oommis.sion, pOintedte,inveStigitte, circumstancelkef Bazine'e.escape is made public,' p1icate4:the:,gaci1ers, aed etat.s• they werehiatig,ated. by COL'. yilkittiti 13azitine's:aide.Ide-camp, to,facilititteple' prisoner!eflight,but acquits the _orig. son of:the port of complicity ifictli.e af- fair: ' , amemeneeneeeiimeseaseiestenimeemen;we- Falleeimemel'etsur 'Shows. Hullet,Dranebi, at chnten, Sept'. 15t1 and 10t1 Tuckersmith Branch , , at 8eatertil, en Sept 17 foal 18. North Ifiding-at Blyth, on Bout. 17 and18 East Wawanosh at 13a1graVe,'on Sept, 30. Western Pair, at London, on Sept. 29th and 110th, and yet. lit and 2nd. ' ' South Huron' at :Meter, On MOndayl.tratalues- 'kitty, 5th and fith North Middicsoic.La-Ailsathiig, Tuesday and Woduesday,cie.tilibrnd 7101k • Mitchell.-Tutsflay and Wednesday, 01h and 7th. Col borne ,-.2,Pliday fith'petober, sept i'isti/ at Greaten, PrOdbentl,Ffor, ',tore:tab. Monday Sept, 26 ana feat lowing (lays.- . •••1111101W.S.0411•11•001110.11....00M Pure Elephant Oil (00 0eut4 par gal) CaStOrOi1 Pale Seal and Stock' 011 at Hairston() Bon's Cheap Hardware 8to 8t4 Mary's, Patent Ply 'Traps Patent bag tieS picture franie ,thofilding,' at Huston° & Sou s, St Mtn y s • Solid Cast Steel Grass Seythes,Ilops, Yorke; Hand-nladd takes, Snaithea, creutp8,ttnd fin oho, Rol:vest 1.,001sf at uorstope4 1f8 st, Mftgy'S. B. Ite COPIES ef thisality'S T.A1ESmay be had with or wItbont. wrappers. Vali ot 10041 news, forqgforaiseellany,amt choice litcra, ore, The ninth inStalitiont, Of Our nQW andto Civeeyone interesting story " The Broken Wedding Ring " appears 111 044, j0110, Priee, a cents eitaai, TM T iXIANGP C91 ' ' , A. at, 1,11. P. Ai, , 5,10 1:41,011fl' 4 1874E. ,11, JENNI,NGS. Bdst-c Itaw 011, James 1..st white lead,' • and. it oomplete assertinent,of Palters mater - lit llarstone & St Mary's. 411,0114.: • II44T was intense 0,1). Tti.eday last, Smelt:me new eabserilaers added their names to our books last week. $?.oiers.-You can kill deer, pliet‘S- • , • ants and other game after 'the 1st of '0,4140140r, -Citow4n Ontr.-Alettee Ssom4i Cana-. alloas the Vhoviucial 4.141.4t10,11 11110 another from H. Kinsman., Tue. TEA To-mix.--Iternentber, the B. 0. Sabbivt1iSooj anniversary takes place to -,day (Thursday), and'he sure 'and go BOUGHT.-Blessi•s: I-Iarcly and ,Bal- lentyne purchased the 100 a,e?..,ee farm con.. of Usbnefor,w oehich they' paitt of 13tillehtyne,- Lot- 29,,, $8,100. society hoid its reg. War seiril-ifiontlaly meeting on.,1nesday evening last': A reading ia giil by Mr. W: N. AMU and an address by .silst:Ftt9s7f:i1:11'8:11°‘ o6minC linn and 411if ,Utiptitin Howard, arid I.dentenitut El- liot for G,oderieli. 'Wait till they come home from the peaceful carnp. and we will hear Of sorties :rad camp life, see sunburnt physiogs and scraped probes. es. For, S'aow.-Thoee whose 'impose it is to, show stock at the fortheonling fall exhibitions are now busily Joke-, pared fitting it up. Some of the 144- yozi skunk-ownerli intend showing at the Provincial, Guelph' Ceutral and West ern. THE Fara, Goons. -,-The fall stook 11QW being reeeived by 111r. John II:in- to:an is fully:up -to 'the standard. Mr. 11. is a close buyer,- and his selections are choice,' as will be seen on inspec- tion, by collie at his store in Exeter. Change of advertisement next week' DE-M-erooS.--4he bushel of pilaus which , Mr. Wi.. G. Wilson, of Zu- rich, left at .our office on Mon- day last were none the less relishable because hedrovup• to our door in his new express wagon.. We htve to, ten- der to .him our hettetiest thanks for lillift'Wou.--411:'.. .. W Dearing,. o f .0. Stephen, .plowed, out and' put in pits, ready for winter; 100 hu4els of Early Rose potatoes; in the sldr& space' of seven hours, on Mond,, last. Mr. Dearing is a regular brick to work,-and? wants to know where ilia • man keeps himself -who= beat sacl work, .... , ,, WHAT TU (BE WHO 11.N01% say. ---"The " Exeter Tholes has just celebrated " first anniversary. It is a lively local " paper, 'and bears evidence of prosper- ity. Though on the "other side of " the fence," politically, we leartily " congratulate it on its success." - Brussels Post. Gmr.-Whew I If we dmit grip Grip every time we can get eurhands on it. ;When we want a gooc. laugh we'd go a mile out of our road ti grasp Grip. Why, tlati VA'S" a -lige -14P tion be9u ta.o dollars teliesworth's ParelCfs Depot, Lucca), and.you can have it for a year. CuisoE BASE. ---By ieference to Mr.' C. South:0We change 1:f advertise- ment, it will be seen Qui he is also 'about to change his place d business to to the stand farther souti. Debtors will take warning„ and tlbse wanting groceries willdo the':smie and pur- chase in time. s Thil'Maxszoe House.-aie Mansion tOuse is now comrlete, Ott euilding is ,a credit not only to. the b Ider, Mr. R. oBissett, but to the town.1 • It is built throughout 'with brick, Wth Mansard roof, and fronts Main andiurojistreets The ground size of the br Wing is 3,4 x 46 feet; and, the premise aro capable of accomodating 05 guestl, The din- ing room is large and • to the south of ins-tirelibego.; The kitchen mit position, congratulate ost of the the 1)110(1i/1g. Tho boa -r. clea,i and corefortrble, 'teller is -in the most CON eI Oh the whole, we have t 'W. Hawkshaw, the 'I:Mailmen"' and his lady n the -great, taste they have displayed il, fitting up ,the house,- especially the sittiug rooms, Tritemors' INWPITUTF, ---1 10 ' next 1 - ... . . regular meeting of the Illxcie • District Teaehers' Institute will be klit in the ,sehool. Louse, Exeter, out Saturday, Sept. 12t1i. 1871. money, but it is not to be wondered /4 viten it s eodorod that ho was n the poet with some of the iitetest hOrses insis in Canada, She and lier owners are r Itti;:4;acueir(NTia03; '1B)1410011eill'fljoi33,)°111,tinitte) 7).1.5'cli(loet3cIP(etk011?t" next, ' 43:131.teii TI,LacMtlIts' '401:eni'aa 1) to ionne,:otekt ititrtd,t7a, Ipi.teOlisbte.1±144tho- iiess1-4114,-Mr. Dewar, Ins,peeter of 8e14001s, ;will discuss Alio SubjeCt the uo go.p,t-91914r041PAye.-slnui,riletairy,alta, vollinediati,Fil'ina, ioe,Cladsee: Report of Mr, R.,Verguson, delegate to the Peovincial Teaeliers' Association Torerito, and Report Of Corn, on Con- tralization, &c., -ath.e--Appoiutinent of okficers. for ensng terin. 1)„, Malloch --.1111istrated ,method of t.eatehingl'iopportion with a eht.ss,. 6th. Mr. S. Be Miller, Inspector' pf 'Schools ---sketch of proeeedingF, oftLe National StPteatlise,11.1t1:14"a1913eitioclitle' Aof ttillgenstlitsV CUBQN.43^ S1?-1.4.N.4--Phyliian'A Bo - Port of a IlemarkablyCase.--Gatetawn, N. 13.; 7uly,22 • 18684eMr. lames I. Fellows, $ir : Allow nee td bear' testimony in favor of oyouito. ,compound Syrup -of gypcaphoelphiaers, haie,n4.11,if myself for Tubereuldefa 12enelit, and nayO' giVeri it to a great' neinber -of 'my Patierite, witFt the sia,seme teselte as I exi?,dri.n eed ‘ oTheancist Marked was a eaSe which , wa s rindermy care in March last. This •..tvi.aat as. filar " opatient hn(itl'ill,Sitittb,1,l)e;1111111: al. results,' When 1 first saw hickhe , wits' so feeble'that lie Could not 'sit ,up long onmighio hat,e,liis heart and hings exam:hied: "1-01,0 'hina Ander treatment; pres,crib.ed 'your ToMpatind- yrup , of Hyprophesphites, • and -after- naiad. four bottles lia' was 'Mg@ etterad to his farm, and is -now s edniailato* well. " Stronglyrecominendilbar the of yonr 'Compound •Syrt1p of HypophOs- Phites to, atll Who stiffer - in anyway from disesso or weakness of the Lrangs; Bronchial Tiibea; dr general debility. Believe me, ynir obedient servaint., 1-1.''W.r800`17, X. P. rilleve- Council: •• The Council met by oxer of,the Reeve at the Court room, Exeter, On Monday _evehing, •Sept. 7th. '- The lieeve and • Councillors. Verity; Ross and Pickard -present The minutes of the preview meeting were read and confirmed. A petition from the llev. Mr. Ijuteh- nisei] asking. for exemption of taxes was road, and on motion of W.11. Ver- ity, seconded by j, Pickard, -the clerk was insteneted to infolin the .petitioner on. the law respecting the asiesSinent of parsonages. • A petition. from Mr. .7...Vb.:hi:air:II:OA behalf of the Stephen and UsbOrne Ag, ricultural•Seciety asking irir a giant of -$20 for the'llge cf the stieiety,Waeread, and on =firm of 3. loss, seconded by W. 11. Verity the- request Of the etj tioner,Wai gran 1. " Aroyoa by W. J. Pickard, That the appointraent•-of ft, collector be laid' • owe 'until' the next meeting of the Connell; and that OA Mr: Ithitothart had spokento the Reeve oonoornina the' collectorahlp, ;that 'lie be requested to be present.'-Caraied. Moved by J.. :Pickard, seconded by. w. 11. Verity, • That sectitity. in- 'the amount of $4000 be required -for the proper discharge of the dutiesof the of- fice of colleotortCarried; ' 11foved by W. H. Verity, secendedby J. Ross, That t ie Cotincirform a Coer mittee of the Whole, and that Council. lor Pickard take the chair.Carried.' Mr. Pickard :took ilie Chair in tia.: cotdauce with the above mcbtion, when: it was Moved by W. H. Verity; Seecinded by G. Willis, That a by-law, be'submitted at the next meeting of this Council to regdate where hlititsig:otsper'0dea..houses.bys1;1- .1 .1 jBcrelet; io H. Verity,. That thig.:Counell'adjOurn until the call uf the Beere.4-..Carried..:.. M. EACBETT,' Clerk. 1.1 = _ (From our own CorrosPonds.at.) , All °ram; left at Desworth's Ding an 1-lotikstere (next door to MaLean's Motel forPrinting,bidvertising, Sidiscrintim etc., Will receive prompt attention. • Luca subseribers will in future receive the 11111lE at theubtiventimed Store. ---- r;t110E PUOIS.—Mr. W. Lee, ofthi village, has raised plums this sew measuring nearly 6 intlies, round' an weighing '2 onoces each. . YOUNO AIEN PAY YGUlt POLL TAX. . . The statute bible commissioner ha r ceived instructions frem , the counc to put the -law in .force against all th young,men who .have refused or ne glected to pay $2 poll tax. TIM RATIO Srnocu.-,-.TaxesinLuca fprAlio.,.ourrout year two- otint on the 114 for school purposes, and on and one half cents °utile .for mantel pal purposes'. Total e3a cede on "th. d°1hoTCsen. Pitoeritraxos,-The regalia meeting of tho Connell wits held in th connoil room on Monday September, 7 1874. ` Present T. Dight -reeve, chair ; Councillors Porte, Robins, Me Lean, & Goodacre. Minutes of las meeting were read 'and,,fapproved Moved by W. Porto, seconded;'by R -MeLean, that the clork draft ci;ElyLaw authorizing the levying and eolleitiug ot th6 sum of five ;thousand -live hun- dred dollars fur the following purpose on the rateable property of the muni- cipality: Foe school purposea, as pee instrotions furnished by trastees one thotts4d fiVe hundred dollars-, being'at the vale of two cents on the dollar fon minty debt, Biddulph award, scheel grant, Muideipal eXp.011808, (Ct.1) One thousand dollars, being at the eitto of one mid thira cents the dollar, the Silallt being expenses for the eitreent year, -Carried, 11foved W, Porte, seconded by A. Goodacre, That a single stick era:oast:la be nut acrosa Frank St. oppeSitO Ketly'S TOSiaell And that the same be put, in Whell the rest of the croasinge already ordered \ Programme. --Object Le4en.---- Mr . \tk, 'Moir ; the proper mode of opa stoning and receiving answers in cl .s.1.1Mr. Blatchford ; reading' Mr., Ihbiairk ; several interesting questions in' in the drawer. • 3. 11. 'Miller, Esq. will }e pre - led of ill at - octet's sent and discuss the best me keeping order schools. A tendance is requested. SllOW DAI'S D of the South 'Huron .Agri cultural S ciety, in'eo"njunetion with those of the lop - hell and Usberne Branch, liave idetl to 'change the days for holding tin pan She w, The show will now bo het on Monday and Tuesday, ()ct, 5 and 6 stead of Tuesday and Wednesday, et, 6 mut 7, as formerly announced,. is change has been made en account of '11.0 beh'g .14°v6(1 by iNtitcliell and Ailsa, Craig shoWs be 0 A. (4°°ittitm. 'e°"'" -"it'd by W' 1)°rt''Y on the (1078 first seie6ted, sum of ton dollars, be ex- peridecl on Market: St. -opposite. the Noiertintzx Tani -rt. -Messrs. airtecan re81(101100 of w. qingtoy, noJl k• Patch 'arrived home on Stattedit 80,i4 & J-48, coopoi,, un,,3 last froth St, Thomas, wber0 their nth road, and that O. Robins .be conirniss. ioner for expbneling the same --Carried.. nig her mettle mine tttrf. We aro l`ly*Iiittv Xo 29 authorizing, the eollec. Sorry tlio mare not bring home first ion r.ra.4es fov 1 -„he oullent, yogt wafj rag nutMo " Xorthern Light," was try. f:C0 PA REST Tbe ;Braila, York, TY ,j474ef 'Wr015f-,44 13iin and itko advaneeion Pro ion - Bitys and sells ' I Piseoande-Nnto: 14.(1.141),b„ er 411.4000 k issues Drafts on. Ise:laden, Eng, et. priheipal cities and tewne in On New york Exelitinge; Oreenhaelc0, &to, • ,r 4 SAVINO$ ,BANKOFPARTMENT' 4 Sayings. Bank DepaitAwnt has been;' ened counce0;014 thg ExiitoS Melsenkl3a14,1c ; 1.TV.11)0 frOM one Dollar ($1) Payable on Dennod wit4 .?nterest„, Exet.F41610:7,1474: 'Hy! j: 05i, Et P ATKI NSON pcP9.4.TEE AND W491, Li.tr,v,opF,Azy: AN' "Orr .geobictit''S . Paney Gooda,,cut1ety, cv.-v We are lump* , Auk ,sekq bT in the several daps rtments e OUght, _direct f ou tbe,, Best:germs, : • One of our travellers will take, sof earlropPertu, withfull sets of sam,phni, when xonr .esteemed, or London,. SepteMber %rd. I8947 read three times,..and'passed„ Mr. P. McIlhargey addieesed the ,council and asked for a rendasion, of part of the taxes, on land. whieh he purchased from the government;preVious', to -the incor- pora;tion Of the' Villlige. The matte); was laid over. The Councii. then aele journed.to net first Mondayin Octo- ber. [The following was reeeiveil toe late for our last week's issue.] YILLAgry. POLICgAIAN of appoiatine• a po.1-icel'IleemadteYipsaabtii•011, the village is diseuSsed, and a,p, pears to meet withv'consideeable. appro- . ers'Saun4d140XliSaCci4r°eR°LitILIncsiliqn.gift.Th4ee'Otleith-netc41; of 'England 'Sunday 'School' at Ifuly.. Trinity, Liman, and St., Jaines'031de clulph, held it 'picnic' -in Mr. Thomas Atkinson's -woe& on Wednesday laSt. The programme consisted of swings, croquet and refreshments. , MmucnTs...--Afarvest operations, are about at an end and produce is '.egin- inhig to be bxought to market. Pregoo 'alit prices are, Fall Wheat, 95 cents to $i.10; Spring Wheat, $1 to $1.05.; ohts„ barley, 05 cente to 75 centsa, lhices are, tipletver, y.et unsettled, -Lib -MN') lag* -or too low, before 'this issile. of the Irms is in the bands of the reader.; Butter,: 22"Cents 121.• cents ; tatoes, 4,0 gouts.. • TILL TAITING......---LaSt Thursday a $6, bill on Moist:ars J3ank was taken out Of Mr.. Isaac, •Hodgins' drawer by a till tapper. 'A piece. WaS torn off the top right hand corner. .. Look oht fox the bill -look out, fir it. • 1304 AGAIX.r.r.--- liltnawp rettarned home again on • .$aturday last. .being iberated on bail, Much indignation and excitement is manifested in the vi- cinity on this acconnt. , A feeling by notaheans fraternal is being fomented between tUe. English and Geri,— ,SPoirr.7-A .shoothtg match, took -dace on Tuesday, the 8th inst., the osing party to ay for a supper. , Full •eport next week. RoAns-We understand that workis 1 1 1 .1 till Ill li .1.0.:01.1.1110.:(4. 0..011 OM: VV1111,111 1 Itall 1,1.11 mediately. Wo -k ,orrthe South Bonn dary WA begun last week, subject to ai awardbetWeen Stephen and McGilliv d, - ' •A- • • ' • , ' • ' 1, ray, but was cut short by McGillivrie 1, appealing from the awaid, and refer n ring this perplexing law' question to Toroeto, where, no don t, the lawyer . • Wilt keep it for'some time. Pormese., .---aEverybohly is riskim ,s ev. er,ybe:dy else, when is the election ri certain.- off'? And eyerybody most mit i . 0 ' urally and • yankee4ike asks; " What ,. . election ?'' That is generally a poser . „ ,.. . 7 A feeling prevails that the local elec ; fie& will come off shortly. ' A gooc 1 many, misled by the,report of Camer on'Et reSignation,, , think that it ' Com - mons' election is at hand. '1 sripposo , we will have -both in due time. ....% 1 largenumber of protestetairoventored , s against the voters' list' on both sides, ,.., . . ,. a r Sale Rep,Istfr. . — ..„.. ... FItIDAY, SEP. 1.8., .1474.-,-Househokt PuildIrtre Hatnassl ,&6,,tlie proPortY of ,istr. E: Drew . Perms 14 months. A. Bishop; Atte. . Thnrstiny, sep. 24, -Farm stock and 1mple ineAts, the pro,pertyef rife. Jim. Broderick, ' W1-2 Lot 11, Con:II, Itay.-E.B8senbury • ' /inc. l' PaTqiti)AV .8E6'12, 1874-.-Househo1d'1, arniture etc., the property ofMr C. Heist, Lot 20 eon .11, Hay. Terins, 4 mos, H. Ort Arm., ' ' " ", Parties getting "their sale bills printed at . this office will receive a, notice as above Fut F1. DEATII. ., . " SUADIOR.--Tri London, on sopt,..8i 1874, Mr :Richard stat nelt, father of Mr. /BLUM sinulick, of this , town Aged 68 yours. lnompt.:-.In nay, on the Oth Met. Mr, ,...Wnr, '‘,IMg. -, ,nnte,latlier Of Mossis, Diem , encan:Jugs-011., , , ors, of this town, 6,ged fel years. u, o t P•1 itlt ialttIOXtralatiV glo > ' . '„. ANSION. HOUSE . IntETER, ONt,, W. ittiMitSVIANV, Prdinqe,tor. MIS how and temmodieffit hoteIis now completed, and fitted hp througliOnt„, With first -furniture, The best of Liquors- and eno,elioiceob of Cigars at the The hOliila is capable of .accounnoilatinn 115 guests, riaeolleet stables end an attentive hos.,. tin-. - ((AA y,) ' Q.14,10.p1t) PARM IfOR SALE. - k., ./14,1644,totitoosetou Towatthre,e( stow; eimuttoa'on enitonot of st. Mares andLineden GraVel noii ' . *Milo from Ii. tetel'i the prePtirty of the: WO'. , , iu noutwiu,-,otiquilatigitekly' /00 aotes, ea er .011 ere winch ate WOWS; Per' 1%, particulate apt y,t4ilq,,,1), tiantwni, ofi thO iskAtui,. 465, If by letter 'prepaid to 15a:cto1'1,...0, ' a,,1),, 1141Mrlfy, lit-t,t,. . LI TRAVED BROM PREMISES' 0.11'jTI Ifl 3stilmoribor, Vr.D. 0, kid to of Granton, on 61' 01,116)5f: f 110 .50th' .-,t A II reo ,ti- 11,14, 01 .1114),S, 'boar pig. The ander bo suitably tow,Ard ed. 0, WhIto Orenton. ' y SALE PBALPA$ •Anim.toAlv tijewameavanewerattaalt epai;d. tc). s..ortrilen't of Cloods luvio beeli , rOM by our own Buyer. an ae'ri nity of eallipgApon tho Merchant in tido seetiOn, c1,erio..wili have our careful attention. 0SAI'13'itUNSOINT bts6 $,4-21n. Visitors to London 13E SURE hasID SEE THE L-1 vss. READY - MANE. C LO !NINO To get a 'CHEAP SUIT, ' • To get a SUIT WELL MA.DE, To get a GOOD-PIT'gINO SUIT; WHY WALKERS' 18 THE OCT:, • CIOHING ;The Reasen,Why Walkers' Sell. So await.: Wo buy our Tweecliidirect from the Manufactur-. ors for Cash, We make our own Clothieg, therefore -well made, and " ' C:b We sell for Cash, and soll at Toronto prices. there - tore underseuingibbe cheapestClothing How._ es,West Toronth. , DRE8SES-Nobby, Cheap and . Stylish,* --Over 100 pieces to choose from. . WEIS:77-5KVS, HEAVY and WARM-2,-GOOD,iftir cts: per- „ -r,(ty L Li• -)4':.;-. • :---!ofatkgt,-,a• . sure. 'FLANNELS. PanfL,Ies!arlet, • • • -IL., Q. ecipipets. MILLINERY, MANTLES 454 4114WIS. ONE-PR10E STORE,the pophkr-House. ' No trouble to show good-.. Itt,TtridaZIKER. cid 5 OXsTa. Toronto ctr,.. 'London. GRE,AT „SALE OF" 410US1?#OLD‘ riunlinnz, In Exeter. Mr. A. Bishop has been instructed- tp, Seli by by .P418.44 AUCTION. at the residence of 00, D. DREW in the village of,Exeter, on 11RIDAY, 18TH: SEPrIta ,the following valtiable I U R SS .A N 24141,01;74toies, Ie.Parlor door ve,-4-1 stAves,,,a quiu)tity of Brussels Carpets 1 large room of 2 ply cigpet,. a quantity ot• Carpet, a number of pictures; 1 wardrobe, i Washstands, g feather beds,, 2 Whatnots, 2 lounges auct 6 chairs to match, 1 sideboard, 2 Dining Tables, 1 Center ',1;ablo, 4 ane-seatest chairs, 1 Rocker to matcb ; Damask Curtains and Cornices, it quantity of, oilcloth for titairg And hall, a tirst;class bedroom'set, with wiing mattresses, 1 seven -octavo piaue, nearlyilf 1 beautiful three -seated Carriage (nearly' limb, 1 biuglo buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set of single harnesa, g sets of Double carriage Harness, 1 ll1opling niadhine, also, A QUANTITY or NEw fitlitaTuRE . • SALE rro±Cog.-ItN.. I-tliCSEI) 1. lurk toree4 to sell my bensehold furnituto, &c.', 1 have " PENttOMY PWE41:016-11011,54: to Mr, Thompson, jeweler, and am about re- tunv4ig to tho sunitiot hews la letn of the oao ocupy nt pteticot. TUII:111S. 6tuTtitti1uiittei Ca )811 hnI4lloi'Llolri°gt atplg tevB0Cill 6:01 2t1.1- DISHO P Auctioneer, DRIM! 'PropriOor,