HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-06-23, Page 234 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 OUTSIDE STORAGE SPACE for rat in Clinton. Call 482-7966 or 482-7993. (24-26c) y e • 4 • IMAINPARIb • Rent -a -Hot Tub • Put some splash into your , weekend or special occasion. i 4 Book now to reserve i • For information all 4 Andrew Martens 262-2218 k MINI -STORAGE SPACE from $25.00 per month with power available. Seven day access. Call 482-7966 or 482-7993. (24-26c) - ( The Huron Calamity Board of Education TENDERS .for SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT and LANE CONSTRUCTION HOVVICK CENTRAL -•PUBLIC -SCHOOL Sealed I'ctiders clearly marked as to diluents, will be received at the office di Maitland Engineering Services l.td., 4)19. Josephine Street, Wungltaut, Ontario 140G awn, --until 4:00 PM. local time uis.WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 11193 for the replacement of sanitary sewer andsthe construction tat a•stew Zane at the.Howick Central Public School,.Lut t.7, Gopressiun.9, Township of Iluwick, County of Huron. The work includes approximately 244 metres ul 150 nim diameter PVC sari- tary sewer, the construction ul a new 250 metre long access •lane and other work incidental thereto. Tender documents may bepbtained at the office of Maitland Engineering Services, upon payment of a nonre- fundable fee of $15. Each tender shall he uu•the fond pro- vided and accumpanied'by a certified cheque in the•amount el 82000 payable .to!T he'Iluroi'kountty Board uI Education. The Tenter Deposit will be held as Contract Surely until the protect is substantially complete. Tenders shall be open to acceptance ler 15 days from the date of closing and the lowest or any lender will not I ecessarily-be accetittd. Bea I1awsim `hair Bub Allan Directy 100 ACRES for the '93 growing season top price paid. Pham 235.2180. (S3tfn) CLEAN QUIET n n-insokiag Christian gentleman seeks Unite room in Reeser, cloandrpiist wviroarient preferred for July Ia. Please call 235-3494 anytime. (25c) HOE FOR SALE Well -kept 2 bedroom, new gas furnace, new roof, nicely decorated, g000 neighbourhood, mature trees, affordably priced Apply Bob Luxton 235-0791 COUNtt11Y • • R AUCTION trinpjarl UNRESERVED TOOL & EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 261h, 10:00 A.M. Preview 8:00 A.M. Sale Day At Bill's Auto Sales Main Corner, Downtown Walton (Intersection of Huron County Roads 12 & 25) TOOLS & .EQUIPMENT: including 52,000 paint booth exhaust fan with duct work, 'Snap-On" A.V.R. analyzer, jack -stands. cherry•picker.'transmis• sion jack. reassure washer, 'Webster 5 H P. compressor, wheel -balancer, -Aircomatic' rtifg welder, •work bench-• es -bench grinder, sand -blaster, 'Coates' -RCM tire changer. 'Kingston' sir axle jack, 2 lurch sets, floor jacks. 'Acu.LKt' 5 (onetectric car hoist, 'Drum Dokter' brake recondition- er, 'Kwik Way' rotor turner, various paint guns, air hose. socket sets, 16 speed drill press, cross -slide vice. 4 ton pona•power, 'Mitchell' auto manu- als, 'Hoppy" headlight aimer. plus hand arid power tools too numerous to mention 1972 'Mint' certilied Monte Carlo. 1987 Firebird, 1988 Buick Lesabre, 1986 Topaz. 18 H P International Diesel riding lawn mower with blower end dump trailer, Lawnboy push mower, 1983 Kawasaki 1100 LTD, 1979 17' Grew 140 H P 1/0 boat and trailer, 6' P T.O snowblower, lubricants, fluids, plus hundreds of other unlisted useful handyman articles • TERMS: Cash or cheque (Visa and Mastercard with 3% premium). Announcements or corrections made verbally day of safe Auctioneers Reg Bradley - 345-2564 Art Larivee - 345-2426 • 3 bedroom bungalow • full basement • forced air gas fumace • oak kitchen • Air exchanger/ventilator • single car garage • main floor laundry • located on private court • maintenance free exterior • occupancy late lune Call Roger Dougall 235.1281 evening 235-0448 1110I1'ICE 4F TFlmp Tenders will be received on or before July 7, 1993 for removal of rotted mortar and repair pointing to all walls and chimney for Woodham United Church, Woodham, Ontario. 'Reference required and work must be completed by Sept. 15, 1993. For more information contact John Rodd 229-6425 or Bred Parkinson 229-6646. Send tenders to: Ron McNaughton, Secretary of TRIIMees Board Woodham United Church, R.R. #6, St. Marys, Ontario N4X 1C8 Lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Please note that the following has a specific date and time for Bite visit to view the work. It is MANDATORY that contractors at- tend the site visit. There is only one site visit. Contractors 10 greet at ODC Administration Office, Huron Park. HEATING CONTRACTORS TENDER HIP93L Q SITE ViSIT - Monday June 28.1993 at 10:31g.n1, To provide and install five (5) gas-fired furnaces at Huron Park. "The Ontario Government intends that equitable employment practices be supported in the private sector and encourages you to take an active role in achieving the goals of employment equity." Individual sealed tendere for the above contracts will be re- ceived until 12:00 NOON LOCAL TIME ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1993. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Develop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario, NOM 1 Y0. For further information regarding these tenders please contact the Huron Park Office at the above address or telephone (519) 228-6657. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY AC- CEPTABLE. MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC, DEVELOPMENT & TRADE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the EP'ate of RETA ILENE MORLEY Late of the Village of Hensall,-in the County of Huron, who died on the 9th day of July, 1992. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of July, 1993, after which date the estate assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ' WILLIAM EDiSON FORREST Late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron. who died on the 29th day of October, 1992: Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of June, 1993, after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executors 29 Garage & Yard Sales 'KIRKTON UNITED CHURCH Garage Sale (trash and treasures) also UCW Bake Sale. Sat. June 26, 1993 - 830 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. at Church Shed (behind church). (25c) YARD SALE - July 3 - Firs sideroad east of Kippen. Signs posted. Sura 9 a.m. - ? HURON PARK - 114 Algonquin Dr. Sat. June 26 - tam. -7 (25•) HOUSEHOLD ITEMS and antiques. Smokey .Hollow Schoolhouse, Hwy. 83. Saturday, June 26 -9 a.m. (25c) RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Wed. June 23 at 6 m. 1986 Olds Cutlass car, 1978 24 ft. tandem travel trailer, modern, furniture, `' appliances, arid household :effects for Jean and 'Gerald .'Reid :at Richard Lobb Auction Building in Clinton. Des.. June 29 at 5:30 pin_ Tools, toys, furniture, steel wheel wagon, 2 wheel trailer at 197 Hamilton Street in Blyth for the estate of Russell Wilson. Wet. June SOt5 . MF 1085 tractor, Case 430 with loader, good line of farm ma- chinery, Ski Doo, wood splitter, some household items for Rob- ert (Bob) Jewell, 2 miles west of Benmiller. 524-6376. Huron Country Playhouse Strong cast helps to make Oliver a hit Times -Advocate, Jule 23,1993 Reviewed by Fred Groves T -A staff GRAND BEND - It's all about change and hope for a boy and a man who become friends and learn about themselves through their relationship. This is the story of Oliver Twist, a poor orphan who realizes, after a long search, he is wanted and loved. 'Oliver', being presented at the Huron Country Playhouse from June 15 to July 3, is the first of a long list of productions which will be held at the local theatre this summer. It's a collaboration of brilliance by not only Lionel Bart who took the Charles Dickens classic and adapted it for the theatre, but Playhouse Di- rector Max Reimer who takes full advantage of the talented cast he has to work with. Young Aidan De Salaiz who portrays Oliver Twist, has got a genuine in- nocence about him which he projects to the audience very early in his song 'Where is Love'? When you come away from seeing 'Oliver' you will wonder what you have just seen, a musical, a comedy or a dramatic look at the way life used 10 be. Reimer has taken all of these elements, and combined them with over 30 young children to keep the audience guessing all the time to what is going to happen next. The local children who in this play are Amy and Sherry Cassell, Joey Denomme, Julie Godbolt, Ashley Kelders, Andrew Maver, Keriann O'Rourke, Kristy Pinder, Hilda and Sandra Steele and Niki Vermeulen. What the director has done, is made the audience focus on more than one major characther. All of them, including Salaiz, give wonderful per- formances. Todd Stewart as Fagin, is animated and has played in 'Oliver' before but not as the miserly Fagin which he brings to life and leaves the audience wondering, throughout the production, if he is a good guy or a bad guy. If you want a villain, look no further than the hulking Gordon McLaren as Bill Sikes. He is no stranger to the boards at the Playhouse as he started his career as an apprentice here in 1975. Watching Sanders Whiting, as the Artful Dodger, is i;ke watching an aerobic workout. He is always moving and his energy and enthusiasm is only outweighed by his constant big grin. 'Oliver' is a story about a young boy but it is the leading lady, Jennifer Rockeu as Nancy who makes this classic a smash hit. Reimer has brought out the most in this talented lady's powerful voice and her two solos, 'As Long as He Needs Me' and the reprise, are done with the curtain closed`and the spotlight focused on her as it should be. Rockett no doubt got some of her voice projection from the Artic where she just returned from singing for the Canadian Forces. There are few criticisms to this production and the only one given by this reviewer is that perhaps the music itself is at times, just a little too loud and covers up some of the singing. - All the voices in the Huron Country Playhouse's 'Oliver' bring a mes- sage and should be heard clearly, adjusting the volume on the music in certain situations would not be a bad idea. Page 23 Making magic in Blyth By Erin Lobb - T -A Staff BLYTH - Imagine, if you will, Disneyland meets Barnum and Bai- ley's Circus, and you will have some sense of Blyth Festival's ,11ea- son opener, Many Hands. Directo. Yon Oram has en the words of Playwright Dale IIair+i);ton to create a production that gives concept of community theatre new meaning. From the moment the band leader strikes up the Parade of Promises the audience is swept into la world of colour and drama that !could give any professional theatre company a run for their money. With local tales as the focus of AUCTION CONSIGNMENT - DONATION &BAKE SALE ST. GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH taturdav June 28.1 um. 13th Concession London Township, just west Of the Denfield Sideroad, 3 miles Northwest o1 ilderton. ANTIQUES - oak frame upholstered chair, 2 gun stock chairs, top of , flat to wall cupboard, spool bed, byegy lantern, stool, antique glass and china, rheostat, 490 Chev - 1918 or 1920 model, transmission and rear axle, wooden chest, wall paper rack, cross cut saw, horse collar harness, Iron implement seat, ell lamps, steeple mantle clock, reel lawn mower, glass, dishes, brass, etc.... neck yoke, old picture gf Ilderton. FURNITURE, MISC. Baldwin organ suitable for a home, stationery hike, ski machine, 2 handmade quilts,Bissel sweeper, PTO shaft, Iron double sink, car vacuum, electric corn popper, drip coffee maker, mans medium suede coat (like new) electric clock, Iron fence posts, Targe selection of plumbing fixtures and ABS fittings, new garden seed row planter, new child beat for back of bicycle, 10 speed bike, folding single bed, electric furnace and water heater - good condition, books, end tables, kitchen table and 4 chairs, furniture, pictures and lamps, swivel rocker, electric lawn mower, bed spread... numerous other articles. Anyone wishing to donate or consign, call auctioneers or 666-0394 or 666-2667 TERMS: Cash. Lunch booth Auctioneers Hugh Filson Tom Robson Ray Filson this showstopper, which follows the history of Blyth and surround- ing area from early 1800's to the present through the "Root family" history, you would think only lo - cats would appreciate their impor- tance. • However, they give the play lots of regional character, and still typify any small town in a rural area. Harry Nesbitt's portrayal of Smillie, and Louanna Alexander's Maggie Pollack are just two of the many characters which gave the play a whimsical appeal, by, giving strong performances as the town bum and the eccentric spinster. Many Hands closed on June 19 after completing an eleven perfor- mance run. However the memories and good spirit generated in the Blyth community by the production will carry on. HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE 1111A'lRV. IN 'FM. t OUN"111Y presents A Dickens of a show Bbok. Music and Lyrics -by LiONEL BART Freely Adapted from Charles Dickens' OLIVER TWIST Directed and Choreographed by MAX REIMER PLltitfG UNTIL Jtil•Y 3! Sponaorcuby BIG V DRUG STORES BOX OFFICE OPEN MONDAY -SATURDAY 9:00 - 9:00 (519) 238-6000 • DATE CHANGE - Strawberry and Ham Supper, St. Mary's Church in Min- sky, Friday June 25, 5 to 8 p.m. Adults 57.50, Childress under 1213.00 23,24,25' BRINSLEY UNITED CHURCH Chicken Barbecue, July 14. from 5 to 7. Adults 88.50, children under 12 S330. Advance Tickets only by July 8 frau any UCW member or 293-3101 and 234- 6283. 24,25.(26)c CROMARTY Presbyterian C1uureh An- niversary Service, Sunday, June 27, 7 .m. Special music. Mitchell United Bell Ringers. Lundy will be served following the service. 25c EXETER ODDFELLOWS Potluck and Strawberry .Jtt.loadge Hall. June 24, 630 ppJn. All Oddfellows and wives, R, beJkahs and wails ods invited. Please bring some first cemese. Strawber- ries and ice cream provided. 25• SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, June 27 at die Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing 7- 11. Music by Tumbleweed North. No blue jeans please. 25c QUEENSWAY'S Annual Strawberry Social, Hensall, Ontario, Wednesday. June 23, 1993. 6 pm.41 pp.mm Tadkeu 83.00. All proceeds to Alrheimees Re- searrh. Emterummeat provided. Please bring your lawn chain! Advance tickets available at Queensway Nursing Home, 100 Queers Street, Hensall. 25c HEIN REUNION, Sunday, July 11. 1:00 pm. McNaughton Park, Exeter. Pot tuck dinner. bring plates. wiled and drink,. 25,26(27)c HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUP- PER, Holy Trinity Church. . Wednesday, June 23,5.00 p.m. pm Adults 57.50, childre53.00. 22Z3.25c Custom Round Baling 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high Scott Consitt Varna, Ontario 565-2728 or 233-9297 /. MINIM NMI MIN MINN MIMI OUTSTANDING AUCTION 1 11 1 1 1 L PINERY AUCTION BARN on Hwy. 21 - 1 mi. North of Pinery Provincial Park 4 miles South of Grand Bend SUNDAY, JUNE 27 at 1:00 p.m. 1967 all mahogany Chris Craft 30 ft cabin cruiser complete with trail- er (opening bid will be $4000). 16 ft Pringle Catamaran with oversize front jib fully equipped with trailer (opening bid will be $3200). Trim and toning tables (opening bid will be $1000 each), plus house hold furnishings from a local home, box lots plus additions. TERMS: Cash, Visa, Mastercard. Lunch Counter Open. Auctioneer: John Frayne Phone 243-2713 No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. MOM ill• MINN MIMS MO MIMI MOM 1 11 1 11 J CREDiTON ESTATE AUCTION We will be ispersing t e property aoo nts o t aerate of the late Mrs. Leita Hill. PROPERTY: Known as 24 King St. South, Crediton consisting of 80' frontage on Con. 7 Stephen Twp. on which is located a well built yellow brick cottage - two bedrooms, large living room, eat in kitchen, 3 pc. bath, full basement with 1 year old hi efficiency gas furnace, municipal water, small barn. House has unfinished loft area. Excellent starter or retirement home. Contact auctioneer Bob Heywood, 235-0874 for view- ing. Terms: 10% down sale day, balance in 30 days. Full list of antiques and furnishings to follow. Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874 �►y! �1� Burt Lobblbtt►4.82-9377 NlJSoulhv Huron WM no i Exeter We will be dispersing household effects from tete Corunna home of Rev. Stan Maodonald along with additions from the Centralia home of Rose Lines. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD: Clandeboye rocker, antique bureau, 2 x 3 pc. bedroom suites, open washstand, pressbadk highchair, origin, ice cream table and 4 chairs, old wicker cradle, old sleigh with original paint, trunks, 2 cti)ds rockers, 24' atec. range, auto washer and dryer, dishwasher, exercise bike, trampoline, waterbed with pine headboard, fridge, 2 colour TVs, nice pine entertainment centre, chesterfield and chair, computer desk, modern pine hump back chest, several good up- holstered chairs, night tables, excellent largo patterned oriental style rug, floor lamp and table lamps, 1/2 round tables, patio table and um- brella, several room size carpets, oil bottles, crocks, toy tractor, several lots of hand and garden tools, tine china and glass, collection of ele- phants, propane Bar-b-que (as new), gas lawn mower, old prints and frames, lawn furniture, brass Iardinser wkh stand, odd wooden chairs, new car cover, bicycles, picnic table, and hundreds of useful and collect- ible items.