HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-8-27, Page 4G 5 the Exeter Cheap Cash Store V , Broderiek has now commenced to run of his took of Summer Dry Goods at Greatly Reduced Pioe o as to insko room for Fail Importations. CLEARING RALE. e have coramenced the Clearing Sale a little earlier this sea son, in order to induce the peoplo to buy =ore readily be forothe season, is far advanced, NO TRORDLE TO SHOW GOODS his is 11 genuine clearing sale, We are certainly selling cheap. Come ana see for. yourselves. "No trouble to show „goods." HALF PRICE splendid assortin of Dress Goods, Silk Warp Grenadines, (beautiful stripes),which we offer for about half price.— Ladies' white and coli,n.slias,Prints, Parasols NEW AND GOOD GOODS • This House retains the nanae of keeping New and Good Goods not old, shelf -worn goods. So I take this method of clear, iug out the whole stook of summer goads, which I would rather sail at a great sacrifice thau keep them over a sea- son, Aldas Iintend putting in a Fall stock larger than eyertefore, we must haAe the room. Come and get Bar- -gains. Highest paice allowed far produce; cash for eggs J. W. BRODERICK. Exeter, June 23, 1874. 311.1•••••••••••"•••• •••••••••• ••••¢1.1.1•1 T. MARY'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS THE BEST COMBINED REAPER & MOWER IN TH 111 DOMINION PRE. THRESHING MACHINES froth this Establishment are so well knowh that any recommendations would be superfluous, The Three - Wheel Clang Plow' fpade by J. R. Moore, claims precedence of anything of the kind in tho Dominion. WAGONS of superior workmanship and material. Patent Dominion Land Rollers, Plow,Cultiyators, Seed Drills, Broad -oast Sowers .. r'* -2 sussillitherseseneim. " . • ..ly , San:films, Sugar-Rettles and Carildrous, and hand 1Ffs, Ju11874. ...--- tf) ........„ = ABE NOW OPENING OUT • Choice Lot of every other kind of Agricultural implements or made to order. JAMES R. MOORE, PROF. (48-1y.) - 011 They have bought a 0-1 E?41 E.3 Egy4 t=z, Rti 62 and are now able to offer cam col in.,. .4111 --•=g 0:4.9E1 CUL -Te. -6) CCL,I9 ffst.-ma erZfe) 047.1-M, =1:20 OEM ss -see -.101 rci 0 0 ((o.nuntnuottion - Wo wish it t(„) 1)0 distinctly understood that wo do »o 1101d ourselves responsible fOr aUy opinions expressed by our correspondents, TO the Editor of the:N-400r Tiags, $11t, ----1111e0 is nothing probably hot- ter known than the fact that i.'ailway e°n1PalliOS aro ox000diaglY ).5 °mit- l'Icitc-,7Mtit'lgie,.11atin't)ii!,81''''''''''"1') oo--At St, awry's oa the 12th inst, the -wife otxr 011nA.,41110V5W6,074A-41011.84 'Tar, Allure, buggies, wegoas, horso, , the property of Mr. J044. `,1riO4, BNetc,", 0 to 16 mouths', Oredit, totamoAaa at 'la, A, Diehop, ono, :Pardee getting .tbeir eel() bale printed et thiii office will ooiyos hOtleo aaaboVelonicil, plying with the requirements of the aw with regard to the height aud E•oanAl- riess of their 1.011002. Now, Sir, I live close to tho Grand Trunk, and I haw been much tormenteathisyearby the do- ings of the railroad employes, and it will be a benefit to me aud to others if you an enlighten us on tho subject. We eclUstantly hearing of cattle, horses, pigs, Sheep, (Froo , being killed by passing trains, and in numerous in- stanees PO or uext to no inquiry has been made as to ownership, but tho animal cr animals have boon quietly buried or, in 0110 OilSO at least, burned, and tho proprietors left to fincl out as best,they could. the fate of their proper- ky. Can 1;Lis Itr.oilly be done? Surely a man is entitled to knoW what becomes a his property, or how otherwise can it be decided as to where the fault lies? If the fence is insufficient the Company are liable for damages, and ibie sudden and secret burial looks very much as if its officials were trying to shirk their responsibility, 13nt not only aro the ordinary fences insecure, thegates of the station grounds are almost Myelin,- bly open, and the fences at the crossing dorm altogether, so that they appear to invite accidents. The question stands thus Has a great and powerful Company, merely because it is great and powerful, the right to do things which an ordinary citizen dare not to? Why should I not be able to shoot my neighbor's cow or his poultry if they stray into my garden ? I cannot do' it even if my fences aro in perfect order, but the Grand Trunk can defy the law and. de- stroy the property of others when it is only by the Company's own criminal negligence that it is placed in a posi- tion of danger. Do, r ir, enlightei, us. I remain, AwmiK. Ang. 25, 1874. [This is certainly a matter of law and justice, and most certainly the Grand Trunk is responsible for the no. tions of its employes. The fact of its being a gigantic institution does not leave it less liable to punishment than the peasant in his lowly cot. All rail- way companies are bound by agree- ment (which the charter in most cases specifies) to build and keep in thorough repair all fences along the line of route, whilst owners of farms are bound to keep closed all gates leading from their farms.—En. Turns.] . To the Editor of the Exeter Trues. • Sin,—I like to see business increas- ing in our village, and. .would approve of each and every person doing all they can in all honorable way to increase it;; but I am very much surprised and abio very sorry to find any person trying to get a stranger started in the balling business before Mr. Sanders shall 'Axe get well established, so 'Lk:A' he (the stranger) shall have 'a good chance to either run Sanders out or at least get an equal shwe of a business which in tliis place is not too much for one bak- er. Such, however, seems to be the case, and by a person; too, whom' the people would least suspect of being guilty of such inconsistency. .Mr. Sal- derg has been at a (mod deal' of expense to. start in this backing business ; and he is also among the oldest 8ett1er5. in this locality, and we ought lather to encourage such enterprise on the part • of an old resident than.tuget a stranger in te the great disadvantage of suell a one. I hope to. see those, who have made an attemptat the latter course act more in keeping with the doctrine of our New Testaanent, in the future 1 am, yours respectfully, w H. KINSMAN, r - a lover of right. Ex.eter, August 26, 1E75. EE 0 72_1) ii sd"i "rsil t") A •-•-• "r A ‘.../ J-_-4,_8_1J.L.L-1. rn • C otte re! I , 7.1 t'm = • (LATE OP LOHDON). Gilllvray that he has a Harlleag shop s in Centralia, where all in want of reireggritl LIGHT OR HEA VY HARNESS. r y or may article usually kept in a first- ly 41 class establishment, such as 1- SADDLE S, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e., amn obtain the same. Give me a, call and examine my work for yourselves. My prices are as low as those charged. by any first-class workman. RE- PAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WM. COTTERELI.J. Contrail., August 6, 1871 50-tf. .11110•12••••••111:•••••••.• CONSTANTLY INCREASING 3. DREW'S WARE E OWING TO THE VERY LOW PRI- CES at wbieh I sell my EURNITURE, and to . the satisfaction 1 always give, my BTJSINESS HAS ALREADY INCREASED FAR. BEYOND MY ANTICIPATIONS, and by careful manage- ment and strict attention 1 hope to Menage my business at even a still greater ratio. Any arti- cle in the furniture/An° Isoptin any town or city establishment will iliveays bo found in mine. 1 flat& myself that 1 have the Largest and. Best Selected stock in Exeter, and, what is mom AM DETE11VIINED TO KEEP IT SO. tly stock consists in part of MattiasSes, spring Dods, Lotiuges, Sam, Camp 8100101 Otto an Cane Chairs, Ladies' basy Chairs, Bedsteads of over/ description, Center Tablez„ E=tensicz, Tablea Zureettuz liatbeatda, tratyr Oka, lairrorS, What -1'141r itimoozet St72,'Z'Zaa, Atuale steeta always an handA logo stock of pieturea always 071 hand, ioad Pi VIIAM114(l• DONE TO .0ItD1,B, artiotlar attention paid to Cane eArAltfit elOitx .t)t.P)v ture .1-Zcnottacing; Masotti 5Et; :Become it Cita isotrie. Considerable excitement has been caused by the death at Keokuk of an old man named Bernard Slaven, Oska- loosa, Iowa, and the circuustances con- neeued therewith. The deceased was formerly a prominent: Masan ,but within the past few weeks ho decided, while under the influence of a number of Catholics, to join their church aud re- nounce Masonry. He also signed a wiU disposing dials money and proper- ty to the amount ef over $12,000. This document WAS opened and read by the Clerk of Circuit Court a few days ago. It bequeaths $8,000 to the Sis- ters of Charity of Koekuk, $3.000 to Margaret Farrel, $2,000 to the Sisters of Visitation of Ottawa., and $2,000 to Rev. W. W, Dunn, of the Catholic Church of Keokuk. The Masons charge that he was induced to sign the will by improper influences, and will probably make an effort to break it. The de- ceased was in charge of the Commision- ers of Insanity at the time of his death, the Masons having applied to them to take charge of him. GREAT BrITAIN. The Foreign office has received in- latitIAJts- /1/1,Ve SCtilt01 tile ., formation that the Spanish Republican officers of the Aritish war ship Fly, which was cruising off the North coati, of Spain for the protection!! of British interests. None were wounded. AlarshalBazaine has written a letter to theMinister a the Interior, in which he says that neither Col. Villette nor any of the other prisoners now in cus- tody are responsible for his escape from plisen. He declares that he had no accomplices in tho fort or elsewhere, except his wife and nephew. The Marshal describes how he eluded the surveilance of his jailer, and in con- clusion says :-.—." Resenting tho humil- iating prison regulations, I felt justified 118 ,ait attempt to recover my liberty, As I was not tried by my peers, my sentence was illegal," FDWLE'S PILE ANO NOMOR OURE. ter internal and 17xterns8 Wareanted thJ Only suP.e cg Pdrfe6t Cure tor all Ideas of SCrofilla, Totter or Ring Worm, Sal tRithinn and all Di Seithee of the Skin. 6ne 110100 warra8104 dare all Omen ' P0346 Proet 1 to 311016808 40 all '0(1600 0.11186iiiarg, This remedy. has been nada soiritt'bf tho Wert foismi Of Serofula, Salt UMW* dna dthcrtudg of thestdo, witli entire euetitiete, MatiV &thee have boon mired, With an setward itipPlieatent: efety. Hu nalrode of lettere and tertifleittert are hawis the proprietoteentallellion, Whitili can be Soeti 6710(0- 4411000 88 1)131 -.41310 Inalleitte Is entirely Vegeta- ble in 0080,110eitIon, Ea (410 881388 Of failure detti. ors aro rermeeted to refued the, nteiniy. 10111! 82 0000 who 00 801 Warra ir,.888 all ilealere roeolVo beek their toeney Proin the preprletor. Pitleti of bottle;J Illettlee for e5. ,rivi4v13:1641.4.nt., 000 Agist pitteea .zt 01/11./1 '5ranno•-•NT:tex.--13y Cho Roy,' Jos, 'tonicity, at atilzmorose Cottage, August lath, 1874 Mr, It. N. `Young, of Luettn, to NASH Maria Nilson of 1..,,ort- 0014 towasbip, , Annotn--13nisKPX,-Q11. ,WeduesdaYA August tyvolontarg41.0a Joneffilkir.R.Arnold of Caren to )1116)1Dyflie, llieeed, of /Angell 014 itilitEr• EXETER, White Wheet „. 81 17. to 51 18 Troadweil „, „, 1 15 to 1. 17 11280 118 45 to 50 • 00 to 05 05 to 75 • 60 to ' 00 12 to 12. •,' 21 80' 21 6 00 to 000 60 to Shorts70 80 00 Wool 85 to 85 05 to 75 Hoge- „,. ... ...... ........ .... ... . . 8)40 to .380 11ANIPON. Fall Wheat 51 05 to 51 05, Spring Wheat_ .,. 1 le se , • ... 50 to 50 Peas ,,. 60 to 60 Butter „, 22 to 24 12 to 12 37 to 28 Spring Wheat Qats Potato ef3 Barley .. Pearl .„ Egg:: 13,1ttter . Eleer per SEAPOItTH. Pall wheat 1 10 to 1 16 ,Spring lvhettt. ........ ....... „ .. 1 08 to 1 10' Onts.....,......„...„ ........... . ..... ..... 0 59.to 035 Barley 1 00 to 1 10 Pens O60to 0610 Butter 0 20 to.0 21 Eggs . 0 12 to 0 12 Wool 0 86 to 0 88 ST. MARY'S. Deihl wheat, per bwieel Spring wheat ...• Oath Egt;?or dozen • Wool 1.13 to 119 17 to 1 18 o 1 16 60 to 00 45 'to 50 10 to 10 14 to 16 to 90 Buffalo markets.—Cattle—The re- ceipt of cattle to -day have been head, making the total supply for the week thus far 8,721 head. There was no market, all the fresh arrivals being through consignments. The yards are bare of stock. , Hags—The receipt of hogs toiday havo been 2,700 head, making tho total supply for the week thus far 12,600 head. The market is slew, yorkers were queued at $5.1- to $64; heavy hogs at $6.50 $7 50; 1DIANO FOR SALE. -For sale a splendid _tC piano forte, made by Jemays it Sons, New York. The inetrnment is unsurpassed in full- ness and richness of tene. For particulars apply to Hugh Ballswill, Gidley St. Exeter, at whose residence the instrument may be seen. Ang 20, 1874 52-1m: raltai FO Et SALE. ElNG LOT 10, in the 12th Con. of Blan- shard, on the townline[between Blanshard and Biddnlph, comprising seventy-eight acres, about eixty of Whi01.1 are cleared and in 'a , high state of cultivation; the balance is bush. The distanoe from Granton is two miles ;' from Ln - can, 7 miles; and from St. Mary's, 12 'miles.- Thth is g good chance for anyone wishing a comfortable home. A never failing simply of water. lf not sold within two mouths it will be disposed of by auction. For further informa- tion apply to ABRAHAM MONTGOMERY, ' Granton P. 0., Aug. 27th, 1874. 53-2ro, S. GIDLEY, EXETER, CA- BINET-MAKERS & I7I4DhILTAILER5; take this opportunity to inform the inhabitants of this and surroundingsections that their New Beane. is now completed, and they do not hesitate in sal • Ing ths.teit is onoof the best in this western part. Our 'UNDERTAKING Department, as heretofore, will be foiled in a very efficient condition. • Coffins -plain and ornamental,- also, shrouds., ete. Funerals furnished (Ls the shortestnotice and most reasonable terms. N. 33.-A geed maiortment 'of FURNITURE ti/ - ways in stock. August 28, '74 52-1y. MORTGAGE SALE REAL TATE IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH Pot SALE BY AUCTION 11110Y VIRTUE of a power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, dated 26th March, 1873, made by Robert Brown, Esqnire, of the Village of Zurich, in the Township of }Rik, and County of Mir 011, to the undersigned, and de- fatilt having be en made, and notice given, in tome et said mortgage, 1 shall °fierier sale by public auction, at DEICKART'S HOTEI; IN TOR 'IMAM?. OF zraixen, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 1 -ah SEPT NEXT at 5 o'clock, afternoou,,the following proper- ties, as contained in said naortgage No. 1 consists of Lot3 Numbers 5, 6, 7 8, 9, and part lots Numbers 2 and 3, Brown's survey in said -village, containing seven twee and two-fifths Of an acre, inOrn or less. The lots may be offerelt separately if required:P No. 2 consist:3 of part of the Mill Re- serve in sail villit,ge, containing one -ninth of an nsere, with the store created thereoe, and now occupied. by Mr. W. G., Wilsee, No, 2 will bo offere<1 imbject to a mortgage of For Further partionlars, apply to ALEX. DAVIDSON, Accountant. Hamilton, 24.111 August, 1874. 53-38, on.cAT eLEAntiva exa. R. A. BISHOP has ieceived instructions to sell by Public Auction, at the shops and residence of the fiabscriber 10 1IXETE111-. ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5 at 1 o'clock P. M.', sharp, the following: I phaeton buggy (new); 1 'top buggy (nearly new); 1 second-hand buggy; 2 light string wagons ; 11101130 cart; 1 cutter ; 1 obb.horse' sleigh; 113600 drill; 1 pair wooden harrows ; o quantity of whifflotreas and ,nec.k-Yolies ; 1 set 'heavy aAes and springs ;' 1 bellows and anvil ; a quantity Of hemlock lumber and ea- ds,r posts; about 20 c8rd6 60 stove-woed ; 1 eaddle and. bridle ; 1 mare and Colt (171310 p1.1A0d to be it foal); 1 first -elites daily cow in 6alf* liirst-class Seven Oda" Plano, 1 801 bull' bottom chairs 300 Sofa, 1 contre-Mble, 3 qium: tity of Brussels carpet, a quantity of woolen carpet, 31 number of lace curtains and window blinds, 1 Beolt.daeo and writing desk; I set cane -bottom chairs, 2 fall -leaf table, 1 bureau,' wasli-stanis, 6 bedsteads, 1, feather bed and Pillows and a.quantity n bedding, 1 Warming, stove, 1 cooking -stove Mgt (l1t1 llcoo,-Alm; drum, Ito.,tegether with kitchen furniture and' other frrticles too unannroti8 80 mongol), The alioVe will be: WITttOTJT RE i.:11JR-V-1, agave ntoprietee 1330 8810 1319 1n180130138 FAO, 1(0(1140001 end residenee, end is giving up iterthe 13ee13105 foy moont, • TERMS itrid Snider, Osid: ; 000r $5. and 4444 to 0 menthe' Credit ; ever 425 ta Mos Craft. Ann/VW joint notee required.. • 30t11,1 TRICIC A. Ei.STIOD, Atm, Exeter, August 21,104, 1 TT .114.'„PS. P TTINIPS G. BOLTON, II Wellid iliforni the inhabitants of ilay, iitephou and 1,/sluoino.'that manuetu farcs all kinds of pinups, ineluding the NONSINPER PATENT FORCE PUMP for which ho lath the exelueive right for the above-namild township. The subscriber feels confident 4at be can satisf,y those in want o pumps, as to workmanship and quality, and a 'Ni°4 Prioce tho.k , , CANNOT -BE , UNDERSOLD IN TITIll DOMINION. mAtlimicToitx,--Ong.Fourth mile north of the'village of Eseter, on Lot 7, Hay, London lioad. , N. B. -Repairing attended to witlt prompt- ness, and done et rensonable prices. CEO, BOLTON. Hay, Apri116 1874. , 64-6m. NOW READY aT Tin, Exeter Carriage WOIrt,KS. The larger: ti stock of single and double CARRIACES BUGOIES Ever exhibited in this Vicinity, which will bo found to be tbe • Best and Cheapest ever offered to the pnblic in this vicinity. Now is the time for bargesus, as the pionrietur has .pacie such • ' • REDUCTION.' IN PRICES as certfthily • D.I.,IF146 COMPETITION An exarnination'sof the 'stook before purchasing elsewhere is respeetfully solicitedby tho subscrib'r • . , ontomils . for all kinds of Vehicles attended to VXETER NORTH Messrs. G-. & j. Brooks have nOw commenced the mamifac- blue of Bliggies and. Wagons for the Spring and Slimmer Trad.e. TEmrs,---Cash or Short Ore - Also, onhand,a lob of Scotch Diamond Harrows, of their own niannfactim, which they can and 'will sell as cheop as any one in the trade. G. a J. BROOVS. Please to call in. RANION 'Rarrtan's ,Stack is well assorted. Ad- dit`ioaviRg..recq,utly been RANTON S made thereto in New Prints, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, BANTON'S New White Shirts, New Regatta Shirts New Prunella Shoes,eleellent val- uo--full range of sizes & prices R ANTOINT'S New Fresh Groceries. Ranters Teas are czar a valhe ; they were purchased • lab"tivillieetr:: and -will be 8.).1,I 'Very Cheap and subject o' approval. Any tea that is not smtis factory to the purchaser tray RA,NTJ1OT\T 'S bo retUrned, and inoliqwill bo ro funded, Don't fail to try t.la.ntou'S Tea) a a CAPITAL, 0 LUOAI\T„ A 0 31111.031,00* $0,000,000 2,000,0o0,, w.f. ¥,'"-8"8"4") VA ...AVAAVACAA ,o0u49.4 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Sums ac 1037 03 0110 dollar received on deposit, "Iutorest,-4 and 5 per cent allowed. No botici otwithdrawal required, American curreucy bought and (3old, 1), tSTOSV hEDDIE, Agont• First Fall rb P4 14 Cheap Cash Store. 1 Great Bargains. Importations Cheap Cash Store. Great Bargains CENTRALIA AND CREDITON Drug's Patent Medicines Stationery, Fancy Articles, Wall Paper, Dye Stuffs, Med ns9 Melo eons crime - lawman. N. A. BOSWORTH j. Y. SAVAGE, Man. McLENNAN'S FLQUR MILLS! FL0172. FLOTYR 'LOU.!! •.,••• •••• ' .4 s If you want GOOD FLOUR, anct-GIZZA-P, call at McLennan's 'Mill. Twen- ty-five Cents per 100 lbs. will be saved by going to the mill for your Flour. Note the following PACT, and. profit by it : Flour can be bought cheaper at the mill than anywhere else, as the profits of the flour stores aro saved to the consumer. Gristing will receive careful attention, ap.d. Chopping Done Every Day. The highest price in Cash for FYFE WHEAT, PEAS, &c. g 0 orin ilitionerg. W eGRIGG , Merchant Tailor and Comer al Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY BOOKSELLER 85' STATIONER A Stook of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and 13iblo Christian Hymn Books, Psalm Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a non -demoralizing nature, and. a general assortment OE:SCHOOL BOOKS STATiNRY ICE• CREAM AND TEMPERANCE DRINKS. .F011 TEE HOT WEATHER. Owing to I have given up bread-beklug T LOGG, BAKER AND CON FF TIONISIS, Exeter, having been at consider- able expense in fitting tip hie ico-cream saloon, expects a liberal patronage from the thirsty pub It1411.0bregarsi.ied every evening, Ice -dream Wedaing and Tea-Partiee furnished on short no - In Conte ctionery I am prepared 'to givesatisfae. SAME S LOGG. Exeter, May 20, 1874 ICHT FAVORITE' LINE. Frawkshaw's Stages! LONDpN & EXETER, Obeid Horses, Coinfortable Stages and Fast Time, —q -- Those stages 310 drivola by the most accommo- dating of drivers, and leave resit' ttr-V6ttiRltiler ISOMIlf1ilke 07017 aftor1100n, at 12 pall. arriving in 114 thno to connect with trainFifor the cast( and we ittd connecting in ll,teter with the Clibton 0110 Bt. Mary's stains. , t.tAvs EXETBR ABOUT 4 it,ut cenncetlnil in Ltican end Lone; 0111 11/Wl 13811. 1011 1111(1. tratfla. W1111.0610:;.. 301IN WKSITAW, DOivOr Pronrlotot, NoTt- LOST, ok about J'anuary, leM p8OinfelOry note tor 20,0e, given john ivieDonaid in My faVor, and y 1810, 1570, payable.. into yelp) atter (tete, , 'All pattiet 810 118001(3' notifittaltgifiatiihgotiating 1 the Wiley 60 106 note hati 08081 131 id in VAG IVAIIOICK IMUKEE .1M xs.a.mernir rilHE Subscriber takes pleasure in inform. ing the public that, about HE 1A8 'COMMENCED BREAD Biscuit Baling, in Exeter. Having secured the services of a. PRACTICAL BAKER 1 can guarantee satisfaction, and hope to cure the public patronage. ta'Bread for sale at the post -office. RICIIAI1D SANDERS Exeter, July 22,1874. 48-tf. R. CLEMENTS' PATENT IMPRO1I'D ARTIFICIAL LEG Adopted by the Surgeon General U. S. A., for the U. S. Army and Navy, Very light, yet strong and durable, perfect in action. With 27 years' practical and careful experience, de- voted exclusively to this special branch of Mec- hanical surgery, follotied by the Great Prize Medal et the World's Exposition, London, 1851 and now universally admitted by all surgeons aS the most perfect Artificial Leg known. - Manufactory, 1320 Ohestinut.st., l'hiladelphia, Pa. J. A, lIAETE, Druggist, Agent, Montreal Q.,Whero mbdela can be Seen. Send for B.. lustreted Catalogue. 0 MONEY TO LOAN. COUNTY of PERTH LOAN & SAVINGS " SOCIETY. Board of Di:rooters': G. E. Smith, ir,aq., President,°,7as. Trdw, Esq., P„ Vioe-President; Eilyard,Esq, Alien Bank of Montreal; Wm. Veal Hutton, 'Esq. Goo. MoIntyra, Esq.; John SandertiontEsq. It: Harstone, Secretary and Treasurer ; 35ankr ere, Bank of Montreal; Solicitors, Jones • Douga,ll, • ' The • advantages this Company offer to Stools, holders are :- lat.-The most undoubted Security, al the Cep- stitution allowe of no, investment except eta Beal Estate. 2nd. -The continuons investment Of monies. • .1)r& -That as soon as SaVings Bank is open each'. Stockholder gets his prOportion of the profitslie addition to dividend on his stock. ADVANTAGES TO BORROWEIle. lst.-The system of re -payments by yearly, halt-, • yearly, quarterly, or monthly instalments felling' duo at such dates in t.lie year, and extendleg over snch a period of years as may suit the borrower& 2nd. --Borrowers will be allowed intereet on any sum or stuns they may deposit to meet their stalments. , 8r6. -The expense of examining the Title and drawing tho Mortgage is regulated by a moderate tariff, not allowing too borrower to be overchar- ged. 4th. -This Society does not Sell mortgages. Mt. -Agents are bound to regard all applications for loans as strictly confidential. Oth.-111ortgages purehased on the'naost reliablo terms. TxrANTED.—Wo give energetic, nienr V V and women BCSINE SS THAT WILL PAY from $-.1 to $8 per day ; Qty.1 be pursued in your own neighborhood, and 33 etrictly Inmorable. Particulars froo, or samples worth several dol- lars that will 071 31310 you to go to work at 011044, will be sent on receipt of fifty cents. Address 3. LATHAM 00., 48.61, , 292 Washington st., Boston, Man SE AFORTH & HURON • Marble Works. gvitonolir l;itiii.,)C-4;nt-illtiirobIttict:117;ttloCt;:orittioly7toit:137003051,112)raIlg7ida .8711:1;,7; momtinents, Headstones, Table Tops laatera 10' ' ° OreinCd" 310/11(1)14008 .totported to (Jrc14)., ' VialItioA, &C, (‘ wot.tt of 'he 0081 'style and art, 07 )1 cannot ha in tide part of Ontario. A 0,011c spestfally anlicited. 1,. 'i.d.Vi %Ii1.1`,P1 Tr, UE8814T oppool.-0 'Loom & .Ittrninett,ti $t61 -o, ' ictiliN STEBET) l:ElArOBTIT. t. 7th. -The head office is establiehed at St.lifery's. 24.B. -The Society will commence Ord the lot day of May next, to loan money at the Secretary andt Treasurer's office, oorner 'of Queen and Water' streets. St. Mary's, April 26,1874. 27-1y THE REGULAII' Ifeetinge of Lebanon Forest Lodge,- No, 189, G.11.0., Exeten will be he101 as follows. A cor, dial invitation is exten- ded 00 311 'visiting bre- thren. Mar. 80, April - 27, May6S, June 24,June. 29, July 274ng. 23, Sept.. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 23, Doe 21 and 28. M. MAO REIT. eoretar W. J. GILPI11., ST. MARY'S, Tinsmith and genertst dealer in stoves, gevois nails, glass, dc., die. Tinware, copperwaro, WA. galvanized iron very cheap. Eave-troughing teem 8 to 121 cents per foot. Cut nails, S4.50 per cut .• Cooking stoves 514 and upwards. 46-1-y, The Curtis plough 89.50 gatinps* oostafil, MUNI TREBLE'S BOOT, SHOE, :AND Harness Shotta„ MAIN STREET. A large and varied assortment of Ladies, Genie' and Children's BOOTS, dic OF THE L1TE14T STYLES AND. BEST MIMPUNANSHIF Kept constantly on band. Alec a Choice lotof FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS,' SLIP- PERS, ay. . rM1'T.lnaSeUerdThele:ll64,-tf *l- 0033AFag,p:eptredoroCeveodSoirlicariptiors*01 CARRIAGE, LIGIT8 , HE ivir. 1-1A_RMESS, A complete stock 02 HORSE -°LOTH 1NG, BRUSHES, 01133, TRUZIK, The subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their, past support and assures,, them that as nothing but the best material ie flood' and none but first-class 'workmen emploped, they • will arid it to their advantage to continue the* ' aunnint. PARTIC ULAN ATTONTION; PAID TO ORDER -WORK AND REPAIRING. Exeter,Nevinnber 20th, 1673. 18-1y. THE I,, 1381110i2I11nli iiiiileanviii frubsoribor nogg to thank the people of Mt - °tor and :surrounding conutry for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, mad now after enlarging his promines isgrepared Ip do work which cannot be surpassed ei er hi or outside of cities, Particular attention paid to the roakihe and iltting of (JOLLA* g. HARNESS .• 'Rx.ETEJ-t: AND RODGERVILLEy (sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND GIL;IBB. MOI1NTLto, Aloyvth134 440111131001(80 80 thoir 081111118710 11 to('011t9 113 t, 0411(071(1, 130 4V8(101 1)411111018 to 0113(440447 h0011013 Boots 'and ftTh,oef.4., . • mia hit. ;witutro .1, a varied Owl( tor Ladiee' Misea. and YOUths Wear Thie Inaneli will he toned replete in every particular, 11110 81(8 stook will he, sold ai 3 elight adt8l05e, WY. cost, The services 81 4103.7310. A1,LIO8Tliiite0 i Road..h(71434(000ave been nged tate flits acpartmea, and iS now pronated to reeniVt''.81,i1 Ott (001(3208 wind( in tl ds lino.. Satisfaction ginth litee4 and worU perform( d "41.8 ))1' ' 144kg.., VAN8014,