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Exeter Times, 1874-8-27, Page 3
'•• .‘ Oar lee i.1 the West heti been e „very 1 r,?sperotts aml nese wide one 1111 fikl Vs' 4boot o'ttering ley 1(011 1,' year, 'i'li,) .1 tiditins h•iti tievor In0leetr1e eelC? houh they itstel to eolee to our nortee to bog, eome time-, ie tteelo, aud .not unfreeplentfv for no elite:. perpese 'toe/3te:00,1 imai artieloe It- ral;lbl• b ' dirty wrappiega, 1 el ways dal etete'A thefts, inel Soinelithee ),vould prevent them frttin carryloe off, the coveted Etr- aieies by boldly depleting that they had stolen tliero a.:11 datnatitLi e iiietr reeti, ention, , es 1 said, k11 wont wt;ll until I was aboat enteritie my twentieth year, vi lion an lucid oul, oecu rod llua was destined to provb ono of tho most roqizpicabi,o opLiodea in my lifele hie - pry; and this i$ how it °tone abeet 1 'My father hadgiven (110a Imre() for , , , Ai eie.i.), eiee„ e 'pee spent ti greet deal oftime in breakieg end training it, and ii: all 'Ile great Weet there was not, eierhape, a finer er, nobler animal than Doke Wellingtou,' for that wee iny peeitiOn.,; neine. D77ke, int I commonly a)alled hina and myeell ;yen fest Mamie. Indeed, this aphated animal seemed. to be as much, attaelied to me as I was to lam ; he was as ' docile as a lamb if I conalnaamled, and at the eamo time, if 1 wiAied 11, 110 was off over the plaius like :the wind. Perhaps his vale() was.. :enhanced, in my eatignation, by the fact that I useclette spend many pleasant hours in galloping over the plains ac- companied by pretty Nellie ULU in, the charming danghter of 'faniire Martin who resided ;net four miles west of my ;own home. One day I had tethered -Deka among a lot of fiae pratrie grass in eightiof the hone°, and was taking a nap for refreehment, when ma' mother -1.3t/ene 1u14 awakened me, tolling Me that an Indian was prowling about :ail 'elle sioinity ef my horse in a vary satapiei- anis manner. Jumping Lup, I seize,laay rifle and, hurried out to whore I could fee my horse. That the Indian design- .,ad stealing him wee apparent at a :glance, tali even as I etepped ont of the louse be bad cut the rope that tether- ed him, and was iu theact of naounting. -1 agaled at him to stop, but he appear- -cid no to bear me ; instead of stopping, ale took a northward genre°, and was flying like mad across the prairie. An iustant I looked at him, then raising any rifle I ked, not however, with the 'expectation of checking him, for he was raoiv nearly a quarter of a mile distant from mo; but, as :luck or fate woula have it, he loll from the horse as Bud. lenly as if evory uarve and muscle in ;his body bad boon severed. ' , 2 'My horse, being thus freed of his faxious rider, turned and tratted • back 'to where I wae standing. I ,stispected tigilliip balm. I had not ventured to ac- aainplish his purpose alone, so retired into the house to wait further devel.p- :malts. Presently 71 number of motley :looking figures, companions of the dead Indian dole up, seized their fallen com- rade, and set off in thediroetion thatho /al been pursuing. For 'several 'days alatagyed at home, expecting to be, as - :sailed ay the friends of the Indian that '1 ed, bat as they natuifested no 3 ....", wk. ions I become less prudent, and on th fothrth day, after being duly „Outioned by father abd, mother to guard e1,,,. St danger?. I „me tinted my horse, wail . ed of emirs°, and set 'out to visitliellie af :II, who, :.14inity NB well state here, was to rue. the most ahanniag- 'object to be fouud-leaatlae aWesa. About half way between Nellie' house an 'mine was a thiok belt of :timber, thaough...wbich I had to pass. 'As I entered this timber I spoke to Doak°, and he gniekened Lis gait to a aaie. Nye were aboat the middle of e timber 'When lily torso suddenly a'atapped, sniffed the air and attempted No turn back. Before I coull command in'o: even comprehend ads actions, :there arose se if by naagio, almost a =altitude -of litho, shabby figures, leterogesaeinisly made up of flesh and aaart,,sleinga.faatherst 'tomahawks, ecalp- ana-knives and rifles. Almost before I waa aware of it, I was a prisoner, with 101 oadiety demons brandishing tom - over mar headaudahaeateningto Beat/p me. Presently one of the Indians, ',MAIO i•VEta• taller and uglier than any of reet, oame forward and spoke as - follows i ' Me great chief, White mom ill great ehiefs brother ; great chief all whito mau.' Then he ', drew 'aside and conferred with -some of his braves inaitiane lao low that I, ',could only paakeout sword now and then. How- . ever, I comprehended enough to under- ‘ gaud that they tnonght I deaerved a laorrid andalingering (lath to 'atone for Tai dead brave. ' •1 Whatevez their programme was, ,Ceey on datermined what "to doa. alUtilla aim tied me on a barebacked aborse, arid the whole band, of l whone pen) were about thirty in number, anounted and struck out over the forty . piles, and I was _beginning to think „Mat T haa already suffercid..enough for ...ao pay fer the blood of the whole taibe, ,..41.1en the whole and suddonly'came to ,ft standstill. Before 013 stood two trees, ;itch about a foot in diameter, and be- " a'.ea Ale two thete WAS a space of '..p.beat eight feet. I ecaened those nar- pwly, for as there were ne ether trees. in sight, I kne- that the noble red 'tinetrentemplated mischief. t PreeutlY they all dismounted, aod „alien I was untied and made to stand' 'j,otwen the two treos. Then Sal 121- 11( orodeoed segue strong cord, and wrists IleaVing done this, an Indian 4„i roceeded to tie ' One around ettele of iny was sent np each of tbe trees, ono, .4iaving hold of the cord on my right -"'Wriet; the other having the cord that . was attil'ehed to my left wrist. They pprO-acheitii the ho4slit of abent twelve feet, and then commenced drawing me ;pp iu the air between the trees. I yet- mt with pain, but it did no good. Tho Indiane continued to hoist.nie up, until 'nay foot was nearly two yerds from the ' ground. Then they nettle the cords 'feet to &he two trees, and 1 was swinT. ' ing in the air with my arree •Strotolled at full length. Not satisfied witlt tide, however, they tied two other cords around my aneleBo and my feet were ,a big letter X, iviih all those rod de.vil; jeering and laughiag at mo. Tho via .elains next proceeded to build a fire on :the ground bopeath Ino ana for an . hour at least I was Smoked and singed ;nail I wets ahxtost unconsious. At last, tit() fire having burned ,volf 11. outr those children 01' naluro 1Ag£0 10 study up eotne other mode of pas- atime. Four of the seoundrels having .,zilles walked away a short distaace and 'amused themselves firing at nae, to aeo lane ()lose they could eocne withoUt "eetually hitting mo. Tao bellete 7) 'Astled past mei 'they tore throuoli . • , 0 rtlx, nov elothes, end greee(t 131T 1Q11, -,,,•1111C • tht) Motel teeekleil down eu the oneuel bet:veil; me. thought of Nellie, Iyowo Little blight -eyed Nei/le, and Olen• X deter- mine(i Ono 1 evifi,' my lanba wor.) free, egai. t, I would eeet:00 ot. die. Peeeently tho four 1 ndiane rtiised t0L 41ieeetd nAmed them 3Lll1 pier 3 care than usual. thought, they potent to Lill ine, and tel went 16%11 edo; t.4079.1.!.0 1U es.iL from the weeld. As eoon eoeld ()iled my ).0 tttered eenees, ro, o,4 th0 Todidne had elm!. porde in two, as a H1o6n1Q0 of their aud honee my sudden deeeent to (etre firma, FOr 11 te my limbs were so pim(1) that I eonal eet use them ; „then again a \islet.) ()Mollie, of home, end frionthi peen° into my mind, ;led re- enlved more firmly then eyor to escoPo. ltike a flash of light 041 expedient 00- ourred to me, and if I could only carry it out suceesefelly I WO Ida be free. Ceil- ing the chief to me, 1 thformed him that if he would lot mo live a day lon- er I ,youla lourn him eeeret that would unike his tribe (mep ho great- oet and meet wealtIlY tribes en the faeo of the earth. At first ho appeared to doubt, but thinking no harm would 00010 of it, 110 acquieseed and demand - ad my aocret. I produced a pint bot- tle Rom my pocket filled with a liquid. All the incliaas were culotte; to hoar what, it was, and crowded aronual me: 'Great diet' eaid from a line with your noble braves, and you ehall have the secret.' In an instaut they wen) in a lino anti all attention. 'Great chief; Said r, in this bottle thiaaaaas liquid, wince, if you will open your hande, wide' and straight, and lot me Pour eolne of tho liquidon your haude, and yoa Will then press „your atoa. gether fOe a little while, when you open your hands they will be full of gold, Will you end ;yeur meble bravos try it ?' A roe, of hands were extended, and I poured h01110 of fifeliqiiid in each one, tall each one of tbelniians eldied their hands very tightly for some minutes. Here Uncle John paused so long, that some of us were inducedto ask, Whet next?' What next?' -stud 'Uncle , John. Why I mounted my horse and rode back aume to Nellie ed friends, leav- ing a sadder if not wiser band of In - But how 2' said wo. How ?' said:Uncle John.' Why, the liquid that 1 poured into their hands was a wonderful content; wan anted to ' stick anything, aud to set in one ruin- ute. so I had them fast `enouglia Here Uncle John arose and made. his exit amid a cloafoning roar of applause; A. small boy telling his "pais" how he came to be detected stealing apples in a grooery store, proceeded thus : " Well I didn't care so dulled much about bein' soon, but the clerk was cross-eyed, au' I thought he was watch - a dorg fight 'cross the street, but henvas lookin.,square unto me, au' he helped me clean into the gutter." A Pennsylvania boy got, so home sick that he walked "seventy-eight miles, without eating, in order to sit down onectemore at the family hearth -stone. He was received with such teamth by his male parent that it was several aays liefere he coalsit anywhere. ' The Milwaukee Sentinei is authority for the statement that the grasshoppers on their way South stopped a railway train, and got copies of St. Paa-rapers. 1,--Vhen titey 1:gafl1hat Billy a small pOr--- tion of the crops had been destroyed, they started back to finish up the job. A rustic couple, newly married, marched into Colby's drug store and called for soaa water. The obliging olark inquired whrt syrup they would havo in it, whon swain, deliberately leaning over the counter, replied: a Stranger, money is no object to Inc ; put sugar in it." After tbe prosecuting attorney had aeaped vipuration upon the poor pris- oner' without counsel, the judge askod him if he had anything to say for him - Bala "your honor:' replied the pris- oner; " I ask for a postponement of 18 days, in order that I may fina a black- guard to -answer that ono there." :OM Nenellno weyeern time the oritiore JI 1110 J21ola1t titriteli etorte alleging ae i voasoo diseatielatt- tion with the Comptutv'epliptiehtn. end thet lil Ilo fl 110 win,lt ie being lone, The Cempeny's wanteeer stetee the egreement is for two years, and that beeline ehe months yet to run the gen- Cminot be dismissed. A cerrespendent or the l?ort Towns- end eays; '‘ The itew ligat on k.,q4).1,4 t•t.lpivt • .•••,..,•4 .4.0.14:1•0.• 01111 bo seen -rely plainly cm clear nights from ti.'ideosli Light, dis- tant over' thirty miles. it is 0 15111011 revolving pellet:tn. light, end will be in, veltueble 021 derk winter nights to 1,08- i301s appi!000ll.41g the (AMA fro 010 westward, giving them a true 'course fee Tatotteh 'Liglit and the Straits of Fem. Tho peetniet. says 2 4 Miami' who had Woe credited by storekeepers at tja,E34- ar, sold 1a$ aaim a tow days ago, tried to leave the country without dis- charging his liaailitios. One of the storeeeepors espied him its he was pre- paring to eeeee Deese Laho in a boat, and Jumped into, the water and held him till he diseharged amount of the claim- Othere of his "victims got out a capias and a constable is 1101V un hting tho debtor through the moun- tains of the frigid zone. Since the loss ei the steamer Prince Alfred the William Faber has taken hor place, ' The ex -United tatates war steamer Resama lats been purchased, re-ohrietened Ventura, and is iiicorirse of being fitted up for this relit°. The Rosaca woe (1 third-class screw ithip be- longing to theaRauifie fleet. She car- ded 7 guns, and her regietca undo v the old measurement Was 900 tons, under. .plm new 5'23. The two splendid en- gines designed for the , Prince .Alfrod aro being pat into the Ventura; The news 'from the Casaba. mines is not of an encouraging nature. Thi - bort Oyeelc is not turning out well, and oven on Donee Creek some claims which pi.ospected well -eve been, prov- ed to be worthless. • Packing -froth the head of navigation on filiekeen to Deese Lake, a distance of only about 80 miles, is charged at the rate of 45 ets. per pound, and provisions are etill very dear and scarce. On this greeted tho Gold Commissioner had it in contem- plation to lay over the claim until next s u mmer The Colonist says: The British ship Rosalie sailed from Port Townsend for New Zealand. a few 4ayta ago with a crew mostly hired on the Sound, re- eeiving $70 each alvance. Upon reaching the crew professed to discover that the ship was unseaworthy and re- fused to go on. The captain put tho slip about and ran back to Port Town- send. There a survey was held, tho vessel pronounced seaworthy and eight of the mutineers put in inn's, and *in he tried in 'Victoria.; ' Tho Cariboo Senduel says: Wylie arrived in town from Sugar Creek this wok, and report* that he is prospecting the quartz ledge with good results. Tho main body of the ledge is whith, interspersed with red, rotten quartz, in which the gold is plainly vis- ible. There are throe apparently dis- tinct ledges running parallel with each other, but Mr. Wylie can form no idea of their extent at present. He is mak- ing good wages pothadiag and washing the decomposed reek. cABITRG SEEDS 8 E.:E.D. .8 I: • TkIOOT& WILLI041ia • •••• REALim GROCERIES, Winos and Lipor: TT RDW.A.RE C ROCKERY The Colonist of the and inst. says :— Mr. Marcus Smith will leave this morn- ing for the Stuart Lake and Chilf4R,taxi- toauntries to push en-tlie siirvoys and to exairtime-the'ri.ne of country for rail- way purposes. Mr. Chas. Seynaour, of Boots ono' Shoe8 the Indian Department, accompanies Mr. Hunter, C.E., on the wagon road. Mr. Smith will be absent ten weeks. It is believed' that this ceploretion Will be decisive so far as regards the selection of the route, and that Arr. Smith's fin- al report on the surveys will be sub- mitted early in the coming winter. Cooper went down to San Franeisee a Says the Colonist :--0aptain Cooper Patent Kedicines, fortnight ago for the purpose of ascer- taining the terms on which a boiler, eould be obtained for the steamer Sir Ja11106 1)0 ile/dS. The result of the vis- it has established the intereeting fact that the work oan be done °union) sat- isfactory terms at the Albion 1701fIldry in this city and the ortlee3.1.--"I'4 1M1340 -Brit ;44, has wo'uw-lorstarid. b,een given. Tins Algol , is a circumstance of which all tliolea The hay crop in the Cowiehan ais- dealing in such matters should. Make a trici.is excessive. note a surely home manufacture will have the preference since it is proved to be the cheapest. , The Coanart of the 5th instant says: - Mr. Malcohn . McLeod, who left D13.4g4z4 ALL KINDS OF , I Dense Creek, twelve days ago, and is as i most reliable man, says 'that about 10 claims .were being work- ed. The average yield was wages. & Co. were taking out 2 oze. day to the hand. Rath Bros. had wing -lana and ...vere :just ready to work pay -dirt. George Williscoot was taking out good naY.110 Stevens was LEAwriErErt doing well. Several other claiins were also•paying. Many claims that pros- pected well had been abandoned. Grub was very clear and scarce., Freight from Wrangel to Buck's Dar was $80 per ton ; and from Buck's Bar to Deese Creek fon). $000 to $1,000 a ton I, Of couree under this state of things none but rich claims will rerennorate the workers. There was much excitement about the charge of two cents Per ponnd on goods passing over Moore's tail; and tho Local Government is bitterly denounced for granting the charter. A -bow Wesleyan Church is in courSe of erection in New Westminster.* Victoria City Council liave resplved, to purchase a Bite for a 'City Hall: A compeny is being formed to work the quarts ielaiies,. on Chniiinghara Creek,' Cariboo. ••Harvest is at least two weeks in ad- vance of any previous season. The yiehl will 'bo average. • Mt. D. McMillan, late of London, Ont., 1.ra accepted tho position of teacher of the Free Sehool at Yale. On the opening of the Marine Hos- pital at Victoria five sick seamen en- tered.. • Marius. Hearet and Afelfaters, who gyaixtirtf.d the Ropesilver leads, are of the opinion that the Eureka lead is ir- regular, but still of value. They ree- ommend that a tunnel be driven far below the lino of the present tunnel, in the hdpo of striking a regular load. The revision of the voters' list for Vieteria City resulted in seeiking off. from the 'old list 30 nainte of voters who had left the Province, and 13 names of voters who had deceased, making a total of 43 in all; and 143 pew mimes were added. The total number of persons entitled to vote in Victoria, City is now 730. T111 Caotti.ct proposes 11 regular mar- ket in Victoria as a means whereby,the Comex and Cowielian farmers may dis- pose of their products' to better advan- tage. Tide tiled inereneed constitue ency of purchesere would, as remarked, tindoubtedly,aid in overcoming tho dif- fioutiy, }nit mott 0;9;ifsi-i,ra 21 8 p,o!tation is the °hid. , Within rt, radius of three miles feom oyee,e. ieneete. 'eoe-rfe the centei eof Vieterie city there are eieteet averege daily receipts of those sayeety public houses are certainly 2161 loss than $.1 each, probablV $16 Wo I 1 b • a LONDON QIJEBEO anoliVONTREAL Temperley Coinrosed ot the following !list -blase SCOTLAND, . MEDWAY, THAMES, DELTA, BEVERN NVAFZ4,‘ HECTOR. me steamers of this Lint aro intended to sail Vim:ling the SOIIMOU of NaviVgation et 1873, froth NIVe6(i'll.rsc44Y'ai7P8f=1,1 tiaokettito.t. And froni nearer tl:o merle. line lathing:411e r''°1/E11..E° POR t°1Vb°8-1‘11''F6' LL()": 0fig•tiro, WO have a •tlitily expenditut Theteee thUradaY, 2141 Atiglig Of $7 00v or fee thsmrY7Bd(f4 31th g9)yearthese ieoVtii./s1'' Cf 5225,400 squandered by a populitc! Aniditoyovsr altorna6° Tuoa.c1,6Y .1 Th"8(1°Y, tion not exceeding six thousand per 1,41U5r61,1 I ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, ,i,i,, 4,„ ,4.1%. A. `1• .1. . tort7(look in two years' time, withoVaek- s1t,tan1160tLanthoafa, aria 011111,8'8)1 .te(ital9Tagfio,yritage a eeetottitslio4 to eoepetts dostrouS Of iIiiig' d eene, including moo, evomini and chit; IL:Gra:v:7 ILI W " "44'14 k'ilail. "Illed ng el loir fristals. • ' ••• . ' • ing a dollar's alsietanee from le 1)o- or narataeo, hinge to , . littion Gevernmene oe anyoe eide.--- DAVID 811AM Montreal, Earnest Cliristiitnit 71• 1.A.DAYL7' 1 I A_LL KINDS OF SHOE -Fl NDINGS Ce ct fox. 1;idoe3 AAO CAfltflt :f UST RECEIVED AND IN STOCK r-/ A 0002) SUPPLY op FIELD, eAfi,'DEN AND FLOWER SEEPS HORSE TOOTH CORN Boiler awl Engine Works IVIITOTTELL ONT. Two -horse power Lana PLASTER . Wood Sawing Machine AND SEED P0TH:TmOcKE, S .10 FLouli & FEED STORE.. AtIttsittal juitiumpti. BuY Best Organ Maple. TILE ONLY MEDAL EVER AWARDED 1?OR.011- - • lt.h.14$ n* TOE noacquort. IN BRITAIN AND WIIEREVER BEEN. our organs aro univer- sally acknowledged to bo SIIPE11.1011 TO Arm OTTOOth In all the essentials of a good Instrument. During the YEAR 1873 we secured as usual FIRST PRIZE AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS nT ALL ARTS OF CANADA Arty° Years' Guarantee given with each instru- ment. For Illustrated Catalogue, Address: W. BELL & COMPNAY. Cirs.vrtatra' ufaetarer, GUEV VI or IIIMENSMISICK:W420=e=ta=""=,.:159EOOV..30— Tathintrg, • Of -Ross PLAMNG M ILLS ! J. ROSS, builder, Miumfacturer, and dealer in all kinds of 71DING XATERIAL, SASH, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED Doors, linds, NOULDNG8, etc He has also on hand a ffrot-elass lot of Flooring, Siding CASING, Scroll -Work, etc. Which they furnish o enter. Dressed and Ilndicssed, constantly on hand. La:* 46$110400.10S .A.1704341 an band, Spoeitti attention paid to PLAITS & SrtCIFICATIOITS. 'Thoroughly Unilerstanaing }iis business, hoop, leg none but oxperletteee workmen, and mane only first-class material, ho fools confident of g,ivingontire satisfaction to all who may favor binrwitli their patronage, A Oatl solieltea, tjalalataa.., afaleaan taatla aeat a.A.Lat 30IIN ROSS This machine bits been thoroughly tested and elven ENTIRE SATISFACTION at is supplied with a BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex- cept for the bolt. A TRIAL OFFERED, All kinds of Farmingimplement kept constantly on hand, BOILER SHOP in full operation. E GLUM S of all sizes to order'. REPAIRS promptly attendod to. Address— THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. 45-1y. Mitchell, Juno 18,1874. 400libinding. LIGI:ITFERS would most respectfully in 4.A.. 'form the inhabitants ot Exeter and sur rounding country that ho is prorarod to do al Rinds of bookbinding in tho latest and most fash 'enable styles at his bindery in St. Mary's. Maga- zines bound at °heap rates. .dll orders loft at the .Unsms office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention 81.1.1ary's, August 9.8, 1873. fnwaitu, Ggifory, ettl, INTER! 51 k(4:00, R. & T BISSETT HIM) now rn hand a quantity*of STOVES OF LONDON & HAMILTON afA.X.E, And would solicit a call from any wishing a really " good artiolo. A quantity of Tinware, Copper -ware eto. Always 00 hand. E.6,177TMOT7I-ICIZTC-1 MADE A SPECIALITY. (Ad Uopper, iron, Rags, &c., !Alto ON EXCHANGE FOR 6.00138 AT GASH PRIOE.S. W. & B.;'nissErr XLITER, Oct. ite la% ••••*••••••••••••••••• clitLON WATCH eetretern thatileteer the pateonego b0910nr0,1 upon him' (Ntho p4st twenty yeers the people of Exotor suilouclins" Pountrx; imd new 0pe11ity5-41 all slepwtrUoute Largetaud Most Complete Stock F GOODS IN Tub', COUNTY, C04PKISIN4 D:11 GO 0 *1-.) Ready -Mule 11ats h. • CaPs.°Oroecries, Boots a qhocs, TO., 'TO • 9 WPOr Qre ' All of which will be found to ts as low as ei). °tiler rollable heusela the contitry, Remember this is tho Oldest Established lions° in the C6mIty Opposite the Post Office; CE IES LIQUORS G. A. MACE Has just received a large and excellent Steck, oi (i'rocerie consisting of Green, Black, and Japan TEAT, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, PelagetZ'S, d4gose Which he is prepared to SELL GHEAIIER THAN EVER. „ DON'T FORGET TO GIVE THE NE W.S.T0ItE A CALL. erteat•Gert•snecc..[..L.• pr.cissmsYM mmt•.* GET AN 0 -.V d(DA*N-14(0 OR improved Singer Sewing Machine, THE LOCKMAN 18 The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dor*ion, 1T 18 THE Simplest, $trongest, Quetest, L ightest Rwmin - Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed. lts make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMROVED SING - 1.s an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots;&ete. THE SHIITTL11 18 SOLID STEEL, losgor, simpler, and in every way better th'a. any`, t,t4' in use. C. BOUTHCOTT, Agent, MB. S. al ways keeps on hand a supply of Ala chine Alta clipaents, Thread, -"_N-ecIles, N.B. Fun INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PUROHAS' ga" Mr. Boutli9ott is prepared to givo complete and satisfactory C SO MITS.T.0 ar241•c7,771\TC M 0. C. WILLS° SEWING ' MACHINE AND AGRICULTUIIA T1 imPLEm.ENT EMPORIUM', MUSIC, SEAF'OR,Til STITIft IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL EMUSFI 4 er maat© "mums. TIIE FLORENCE Nosielss, Reversible Feed Look and Rua Stitch, Family pewing Machtn.eh.s llongoo tho 'World in perfoc Aon and range of work, strongth•and beauty of drrobility of construct an - and rapidity of motion. Call and examine. Send for circnlars. Agents wanted in every town in full', Provineo. This Afacbine,bas taken first prizes Mull the County 0.C.WILLSON, Gteneral agent for the Dottihilin 171(< ARRIN RO PA.HKEIIIAL, ONT. , 1111 11,,, v„,„01,14 Aill 11211/ / /1112/1111 q;1* Firommr5ii 110 'rN1111114114 ,C• Pe Sere end(••+,ei the W,, D, MOOleeblon Wate ttoteeeteteene Yoe wie It two he o CA or a f ter. S a chi theiri,l' All Who vekr them roconimoint CAM '• eld'afht Iiikirer, Lady Mid Ountleina* 0i3e3 ,ivardatsttiSleet, 7ondoli,c,o athes to si 1:,o'n ial s 14tlame,aest 1011 13854m3t Wok of nue*cid J,lleYtkelot, itivor and Pltd Ware (113800,AO, dA, in (Ito PrOdneo. Rapar.'o 05313? obeiOtoil, yf ' ,'W. D; 77 rti4,,s ' b3(L)1111(3(3 Ont.,"1. 0 14,1 t,„vg 0 C a 2 .sgs4 e.C! .1" 2;1 [f&r- rig -61: g018 tyn The Ring of need Organ • We do not wish to detract from the nieritS of other, Organe' by upholding ours, but are ever ready to eninnit them to a fait aiidimparty tost, feeling, ponlidont of the rota, ttlet:S. FEOM f175 55 TO ti,1,45(),Cii:‘ WTOStilnenitile from the best piitisieitiiis lu Galatia orni.ho oafs, 1140i1tt:WDAys,#3,