Exeter Times, 1874-8-27, Page 2or\ 111(i; J.4141Milip Eviy T/iurscJcy P.S'ariiing ft,r. OPPlere peitestere lageshoe 1exie o per Tayable etricti) ln advance Jiuk)5eriktio1 tekee ter 4.glak; tilIAL $LX AWItiLLi, It.„-tyCs la.ot insertion per linc„...,... ly,o14311 7,1‘,0v r 644311 SI.11.)80(11.1.011t 111Q110, a(k Noticos of bith, itiarriagoeAL•q, .i.eserted ;foe. Advertieemente, Withent epo'040 dircnbi0103. Wilt il"14 i"Berfoci f9r144, cud Icagoaacoorilingly. Ailvortieeinents to tie me„is uted by a ecale of ,1 upuvario. ,Y11irr41G S „ AVo following rates 'will be charged. for yearly ..ii,ivertispments sru.tn. 6 Mos, 8 Nos 4$3e Column ........ „„Ba5 ... ..evs ..... 85 .„,,,,,_„, ,...„ 4, natter "• 20 . .....•....... 8 •" 12 „, ......• 8 ,,, 5 a. fitness cards, 0X1014S111.1414140T; 4; (AN. to ten '008, AM 2XET.Ell AUGUST 2' w 1874 TO FIRSTAY CC 04 Even if it were not our duty we should ti1fed ourselves compelled to ,say a few werds on the ssing of the first mil •-etone of the exietence of the Titres. For twelve mouths has it paid to ite yeaders its regular weekly visit. - Teta the exceptioe of SIX, all who first gathered to welcome its ealtreut, baoe eemainea etill staunch to the Youthful alliP; iil other weeds, nearly All those eubscribers who started, with us till continuo to afford us their gen- emus support. , ;While thauking them :we may take eeedit to ourselves for having fulfilled caw promises, ana, keep- ing the interestof our readere befo.re our eyes. Tree, we lauttellea our boat upon a troubled sea -the wide worlde.gand at :math a time when the tempest is aaely ins. eaainig-immediately, though un- attlowiagaat before an 1e1eation man: PalEni-*.and under mauy •aiscouragiug sigma Fr= one quarte e the welcome news would reach our oars thet the Times was ,a bietb of yesterdayea death of to-m.orrow, and a 'myth of the fu- eure ; that a six meetheexistence it, ,might eke out.,bita tateliat months' was an impoesibility ; ana were it two or three sizes stnelter, so that one man inatead.of eix eiii manage• it an exis- ;tome might he the result, and so on. -- We elo not feel pleased tosay it, but Ally *We meet, that some of the jour- nals which so eulogized us while yet in .embryo aro now,,,ina more pitiable con- -di tion than they were then. ox than the Tams is now. Here we are, and come • weal or tecte,.ceme fair tveather •or foul Imre we are going a:fireman We wish it to be endesetooll that not .oala is that •Tnzes a featnre of yesterday but of to- day and to -morrow, and as long as it is Accorded the generous and ,lecreaeing seaport of the peat. In short is now An eitaillitted fact and one of the ine atitntions of the place, founded ou liasis watch not the centbined efforts of e bard toaept of, thsre. tie each, AB 'tato 1)r. etisted,1it vill not iittenspt to anewer " Anon" uniese lie furnishes proofeler hie vast tiesertioxis. Not only by tionnounication hut by private letter (lees the I)r, say, vinieee " 011" AV, 1i811.08 his TO;k1 mime lie not atteeapt to answer, Taking these i,nattere, into consideration eee ,eitoinet pee any point, to be gained by the publicatioe of the' Tut; lafiellicam youth is LOW 011jOyillg itself securing the bean crop,. lie'ene it nice, though. QS0 op , rue 6 oedema it at fi.rat Can pliant We Jed given q.e.,,3*-11Lter weighty oonsiaeration before we ,einbarked an •enterprise fraughe with so many erooks Aud tm-ns, in this, yillage, but we aew .esuccese hi the clietance,.and we hope at cine future da,y to grasp it. Like ev- ery other undertaking, there has been euphill work in the prosecution to a enc- • omia the establishment of ehe Teems,- eaartpathway has not been strewed with ;roses- we have had our days of eadness • And our hours ,of gloom, which hove -teen scattered somewhat thickly over• , ihe Alegi space of a yeae, • But then we :have had our hours of enjoyment as -well, whicheame with botenteoushande •sand are looked upon aa the 'oasis inan • Adttorai ,life -times whidawe shall look becik to as timee of joy and gladness. To moue 1284 mole year, our circula- r' thave stated, we dawe in a great, nieasure se" our gratitude to those who had then, And stilthave, the interest of such an anstitutio.n as ottrs at beait, and. the ,welfexe of „the village ae well. Oinecir- oalatiou hoz doabled itself in a yepy with but little eersonal exertion en our :part, but chiefly_on the papet's own etterits. justice to the people of Exeter and saistinity.tve must say that never were a :people so libelled as when it was stated of them that they were not „a reading elites, and were neither able nor willing ao sustain even.al x 9 limper. It isal: so in a great Measure due to this very epeople the little suocess we have ale •,•ready achieved. Not only has the •Ttematnade its many friends 'in the •County of Huron but also in the adja- aient Counties of Middlesex and Perth. a:Da-zing the past week,the nanies of 'thirty-six new subscribers have been „added to out list, and 'ere another year is past, although we cannot again ex- pect to double our list we hope to add a third more names to it. Wo shall not slacken our exertions In the future, and it ie our intention to egive to the Tame even fresh tone end .spirit. We appeal to you then, dear yowlers, to afford a fresh proof of your aaindriess by .1%0cm/standing it to all :your eirele, and you may assure them we -wall:ink° it a Weloome to all, whe- ther at lionie by tho quiet fireside or seelaug airtime amid the forests and twilds of far-off lands. Our motto is ;--s- 44 41hywara and Onward; nothing ex, Janata° nor aught set down in malice." rClo 4.4.03^. -Wilat.we,haVO abw to perform is a •...elaty, the c bservanea of witich has tak- en no small time to arrive at a, conclue I OWL •, y WJ1 writtet1 cornmenicetion from .0 Anon," in teply to De, :Woodgate, • Five, linneleed laborers bo ouging to ti to ipgI.ish Agrieuitairdi uiou, loft Engiesed for Canada On Tuesday last. 1101,10.1.,..SMININIMMMO111.11MOMM.11•1•11•1•11. Ar Newburg the other day the in- habitants were shown a stool of oats, 6 feet high, aud containing 999 grains, .Now, as soon as they find that missing grain will make onto ofjt Them says the New Yea press has called lam a imprephagau, and he will not submit to it, He's eorreet arty editor who wonldeall another a kp-no--a klop-no, no -a ----well. we meets what we wrote a few lines aboye-should be whipped by an ass, Tilton says he'll thrash them. FAN LOST4,-A lierge new on I‘lein St, on Sunday last, Alio find - (mayn't mach ohlige the owner by DAY- inft at this offiee PICNIC t•PAY4----Tlie W vL a S. hold a pieuie izt the grove in Main St- toelaYi (Taugaley). If the weather prove favoeable, apted time will he 1141414 as the paPCX1t3 of theteltildren ileac no- thing to do -it is the eC _ oral) 7,-,141.* Ottikil of Ptodgeryille, has a field of oats which we think hard to beat anywhere in the weeteru ection, The traav is laaa° ond the heade comparatively so. , The yiell will not be less than seventy bushels to the acre. Roe. George Browuhas at last taken action aeainst the National. On aforabey • last, the Deputy Sheriff servedThomp- son & Smallpiece, tbe proprietors, with a notice to show cause why they ,should not bo arrested for publishing a certain alleged 'slanderous article Against Mx. Brown, in tvhich it is.staced that :that gentleman was the putative father of an illegitimite dela, and paid the mother the sum of $3,000 hush money. Brown's solicitors ere Edgar, Fenton & Ritchie, and tile /Vat/ones, Harrison Osier & Moss.' Tho ,formal writ has not yet beeu perved. • CONES 9f this' clogas TIMES may be, haa.with or withoet wrappers. Fall ot local news, fereign miscellany, axe choice litera- ture. The eighth instalment, :of our now and to everyone interesting story, TheBroken Wedding Rine," 'appears en this -issue. Price, 5 cepa each. 114--•1,4-.41 TIME TABLE. ORANGE Or TIBE-SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. P.M. A. M. GOTNG EAST. 1.47; 12.15 A. M. P.M. P. M. Goma WEST 4.45; 1.13 5.10 F. R. JENNINWi. Lamm, May 25, 1874. ISI 4 Fan Mows. Uullot Branch, at Clinton, Sept. 15th and -16th TuckersmithBranch, at Seaforth, tn Sept 17 and 18. North Riding n,t Blyth, on S .ept . 17 and .1.8 East Wawanosh at Belgrave, on Sept. he. Western Fair, at London, on Sept.-2.9.th and 30th, and Oct.lst and South Huron at Exeter, on Tuesday and Wed- • nesday, 6th and 7th Oot. North Middlesex. -Ailsa Crain., Tuesghyr Wednesday 'r- m,4.shBlk.-Tuesday and Wednesday, 6th and 7th. CoThorne.-Tuesday ft2 ()moor,- • -- Aidaulph,Branch, Sept, 18th at Granton, Proirjno,ial Fair, Toronto. Monday Sept, 25 and four following days. P4-446-4-44 110, FOR LONDON tee 8. 13. Armitage woula,inform the travel- ling public that his stages afford every. accom- modation. They 1ve Lucan at 3 p.m., ar- riving hi Londoniu time for trains east and west; leave Loudon, at 8 a. m., arrivingiu Ln- cnn in thno to catch stages and trains. 30-tf. fa S. ARMITAGE. Pure Elephant Oil (90 cents per gal.) Castor Oil, Pale Seal and Stock's Oil at Harstone & Son's Cheap Hardware Store, St. Mary's. Patent Fly Traps, Patent bag ties,' picture frame moulding, at Harstone & Sena, Stalfaey's.15. .SOli(1. Oast Steel Grass Seythes,Iloes, Forks., Hand -,made Rakes, Snaithee, Cradles, and all other Harvest Tools, at Harstone & Son's, St. Mary's. B. Best English Double Boiled Oil, Raw. Oil. James 1st Nyh.40 laad, and a mis at estarstone es bons,. at Mary s. B. Largest stock of Nails, Hinges, Locks Glees, etc., at 1-Ierstone &. Sons, St. Mary's. _BACK AGAIN. -On. Monday evening last Mr. I.,Caeling returned home from his trip to the head of Lake Superior. Ile looks hale and hearty after his nau- tical jaunt. Arativeitatee. -We hope our renclei s ivill remember that the R. C. S. • S. of the village holcl tbeir nuniversary tea on the 10th of hext month in this ' SPECIAL PRIZN.--Thu Thing for one year is given ea a special prize to the S.E.A. Soc., the N, Mid. Soc. and the Biddulph A. G. SOO, • NEW • Smoot • House.- The Central sehool ie now in a fair way of convic- tion. It is roofed in and the observa- tory or steeple is now being trimmed ohe which refleets,it great emotnit of cteclie upoh tbe Dut al- atliougli well writtell it does na eon- aln thet telacli the De. asked foe vie , , Proofs' et the ti,sseitioliti inado ...lap •"last letter, Trite, there are subStantia- Ii16114 Wade, hattliey ate pieced iii con- easietiopeiettil ettell rettalifyieg tempi Laid over, HARVEST.-p-Th0 • harvesting season is almost over, and the farmere tell us that they aro perfectly satisfied with this years yield and only atveit the Mar- ket to find the el their expeeta- tions. A Lome a/tame-The other day we neticed a machine which Mr. W. How- ard had in operation on Mr. E, Drew's new building, whieli answered the pur- pee° of a hoist, by which he is enabled Jei raise bricks to the second or third etoey, and dispense with a gang of hod - carriers. It is worked by a horse, and perfection in its mariner ot' work- iug. Ptoztoti anoonee.--Nearly every afternoon maybe seen leaving the vil. lege in Any mauner of conveyance, members of the -villagers who are how d for the recluse of the emintra, and. the pigeon worriers. In meet casei they rettien a la Nimrod of old, with the game hanging in delicious looking • clusters frometheir belts. Bat when the aa- peareace of the auntsmea is made withoet any apparent game,, the re- ply is resonant with the harshost musio "no game." I, O. 0, F. Pierao.-Exeter lodge I. 0:0.F, held their annual picnic= Wed: nesday of last week. Quite a number started. from this village at an early:hour having already secured the best rigs in the place, and event ,to Bayfield to have a days pleasure ou tae shores of the Huron. An exceedingly pleasanttime was spent by all. Tae clay was all that could be desired and the sailing on the lake delightful, ana all came home satisfied. X.P. O.A.-On Tuesday evening last an interesting programmewas provided by the association. M. U, C. Bolton read a twenty minutes essay. Thie was a condensation of a great part of English History, and proved him to be possessed of a Mind of no:small nature.. hfr. Jess Smith read an essay on the Sabbath School work, which embraced the matter as a whole, and kept his hearers interested for quite a while. A week from Tuesday evening next Mr. Renton delivers au essay on" Babylon" and Mr. W. N. Allin ,giyes arettaing, ThlIVATE PICNIC. -The young people of the village, to about twenty left here on Friday morning last, for Bayfield. The sky was overcast but hope.s were glimmering that the day might yet be allthat coula be desired. Joyous and free the party started off, merry laugh being wafted on the still air to the far distance- • about eleven o'clock, and alee some of the party were bathing their batiev-witaretthe calm Huron breeze and others were rallaokihgetlie free and easy on its turbulent mestere, themter end thicker-endheerier felLthe spark- ling ram. A speedy return was ntane to the hotel, where the noble boniface did all he could to make the party enjoy themselves. Camiche Meece-Se. Meity's vs. Ex- ETER.-A match came off on the grounds ef the Exeter club, on Thaes- day lett, which resulted in Exeter beat ing St. Mary's by two emus, the score standing 108 to 110. Each club had but one inniugs, on account of the late hour at which the St. afary's team ar- rayed, they being 'detained by the rain which fell there in torrents. . They came short-handed too, and recogniz- ing the power of the press, eelect- ed one of the nuns staff, who by the way knows as much about playing cricket as a jackass knows about his grandfather. So the speclators evi- dently thoueht when the first over was ctt211Neredx...pl u which was indeed formidable. Howev- er, had the services of one of orr staff not been procured, they woulatame suffered. a fittehtyome -lam" as scene a gtirOjeel'eggj;-they would have been completely annihilated-stvept out of existence as a club. The playing of some of the St. Mary's men was. excel- lent, the bowling of Capt. White beingp y ea t la ers were all obtatned front tczthtti aulierb, and the batting of E. Gregg short but sweet, much to the disgust of some of our Exeter cricketers, who looked to see some gOod playing from this splendid batsman. W. C. Mos- arip played well, and made the aston- isaing score of 50 runs. W. Adams eyes daieg SOIlle good batting when he came in late at the wickets and found it convenient to take a rest. Most of the others went in, dodged the balls awhile, raised the bat and thought, " Well, I've got this ball, sure," and then retired disgusted with cricket, yet with the consoling thought that they h.ad.aeen saved a good deal of running. The Exeter club did remarkably well for their first match, and strinieed themselves as well as others in beating it club hailing from a ,place so preten- tious as St. Mory's. We hope to see them continue in the same manner. So now who comes next? The follow- ing is the score ST. MARY'S. $1: r. Astexiceranie Starlets' Liss's, -Judge Lieare held hie collet at Mary's,on Monday,to dispese of the aps peals against the voters' list for this town and the townehip of Fullarten, Mr, R. T. Gilpin, one of the appellants, appeared on behalf of the (01i3CV1444 fives, and Mr. C. 8, Sono, barrister, of this town, for the Grits. There wae but one appeal from Fellarton, whioh leaS. adjourned, Thirty 4hree of the St, xioonl.3 )VC1'34.1i311.15364 with costs, five case ,etand adjourned, AO two Reform and two Conservative votes' WOrO added to the list. EXCU• DSION Teesday last being a civic holiday, an ,excursion wae ,had to Sarnia, where a cricket match was played between the club of that town and the St, Mary' i elub. ()amine' MA'ICH EXTRAORDINARY. --011 Tueeday. the 18th lusts a erieket watch was played between our club and what was called the Mitchell club, but whieh was hi reality a combiaation of picked players from Mitehell, Seaforth, Miniekton and London. The game resulted in a draw, the corn- bination being some few ahead at the time. ea n ,erieketevs to atieeV( challenge Ne, 6. inid ft Mr. Stanley '9Bld 800k c0111ALL 8011:10 (.1.E.: the 'Wieer 'Ioads in the village before _again expreesin„g his " disgust," he would IPP 0.0hbt he .loes likela to write, sueli it etrange letter. 11.4.11r7'04% Fees, Fara. .-Properatione are being 34adie for the holding of tho IbTUuiph Pall Voir, whieh is to he held in this village. A". Lammas:ea Seep,- ...ossrs. Ra "naliebn ar bnsily engaged dispensing geSda to their easterners and clearing out their suminee stock to moke room for fall, arxivals. Bnaoaaverris,----Mr, Blackwell is nushing on his business with increased vigor end will eoon arrive at the goal of eticeese. His stock is varied and largo fe Id EDIT().1. Baue-We understand that efforts are being rnade by lalumppai fele:ids to prooure • his release on hen, rae amount required is $4,000. lifforte so far have not been successful, though prebably they will ere long. • 13ususess.---Our merchants say that basiness is ilat. Not many farmers in tattattalla the village, but this is to be expected at •this season. When the eneps are se - (From our own oorresponde.a.) All orderlert Bosworth „ cured buriness will no doubt brisk up. s at 's Drug and t* 'for Printing,*Oct-tieing, Sueseription, etc., will receiye prompt attention. • attain se bscribers will In future receive theartallES at the above-named Store. 13 • ), 'Crops are a full average asid pricee to lie good, BO that farmers feel con- tented. and expect a good time. Posecafane-Larst week a little child a Mr. Patrick Mahony, 12th con. Stephee, was poisoned by a dose of worm candy, Only the usual dose was given. The child's life was at ono time ddspaired. of; though it ultimately re - ()were& SPORT --The latest mania is pigeon shooting. For tlae last two weeks *eke of pigeons have been Been hover- ing around tae woods and watercourses. They are in sufficient numbers to in. ,cluce all the sporting men in the vicini- ty to shoulderthe gun and "go a shoot- ing," but they mostly return with a pigeon or less and their labor for their Pains, Much profanity has of late keen indulged iu on this account by respectable men. As you have seieral boys in Exeter pretty well up in the swearingline I would suggest that some them cOnie back and seeure a lucrative engagement as corporation swearist amine the remainder of pigeon season. wedeln° doubt be conclucive to the p eameaof our citizens. • Enloe) ee Lioneame.-Last Thus - day morning a daughter of Anthoey lieenen, llth eon. N(1(111101, aged 14, years, while binding in her father's fielch was struek by lightnine and lca- led, Two sisters and a brother were worhing tvith her and were all struck to the ground at the sante time, 'When the brother recovered froin the elieek he went to the assistance of one of the girls, who complained that she was struck in the feet and could not stand. The seciond was enhurt, but the youn- gest was dead, yet strange to say, the lightning left no mark upon herbody, which appeared life -like until it was buried. The ankles of the other girl were discolored, but aor lameness left during the day. At °the adjourned court some thir- teen Conservative votes were stuck off the Blanshard list, and two or three others it on. BAREFACED RoBeeetv.---Lart Mond a man came into Bosworth's drug store ana requested Mr. Savage, ,the Manager, to dress his finger, which had lately been out off. Mr. Savage had a $10 and two $4 bills in his hand, which lie laid back on the counter-sbelf while he performed the operation. Forgetting the money, Etna while the man was in the shop, he went out' for some fresh water. On his return the man was gone. He thought Dotning of the matter for a short time, but when he went to put away the mouey it was not to be found. Diligent search was made for the thief, but he succeeded in evading cepture, PITEALING FRUIT. -On Sunday night some youths who must have paid slight attention to the epiritual instruc- tion received during the day, visited a garden in this village for the:purpose pose of stealing „plants- ...They quietly mounted the tree and began to feel -amnia; but there was an old man liv- be& in that imuseand Rld are 'me awita c. I hey° read with very great interest a The polar and Tropical Worlds," The hook embraces a vast extent of country and it supplies a great amount of infor- illation in acomparative small canvass. It rs in fact two volumes in one. The illustrations by which the work is en- riched are of the highest order, and add greatly to the value- of the book.. It furuishos in a most fascinating and pleasing style, it rich fund of informa- tion. WM. LUND Wesleyan minister Exeter. milm.mmunrommemnes• OUR SURROU-riL31..VOS. The Gov. -Gen. Stratforded Sat- urday lat. The,Clinton people had. a, civic yos terday. aie,call is beiug Made on the share - !riders of the fetratford Thomson. & no exception th the rule, went softly . Taylor's ," old-fashioned circus" will out and, like the old mac in the fable. be in Goderich to -morrow and tit Sea - asked the youths to come down and forth on Saturday. talk to hira • but they turned their • Me Brussels Post is threatened with backs to good counsel, dropped off- the - a libel suit, and takes it very good-nat- tree, and fled. The guaraian of the _eh . tree, just like his illustrious predeces- 'iy But it tries to frighten off'the blbod-hounds by heading its defensive sor, now took up it stone, and threw it article with the terrifeing and apple - with such effect that the last of the eug. .o. words " Care Canon." Surely boys fell as if he had been shot. In a ,Garrow & Walker can't do anything shoat time be came to, thorotighly sat - else but are after that; if they can sue isfied with the striking nature of the -oh, dear, wbat a frightful worla we injunction he had received to keep the Eta in ! eighth commandment. • Ur. Jas. Patton bas been appointed CRICICET.-The Seeretary of the Gran-. Clerk of Geduld' township the stead ton cricket club in it letter over his own otthe late lamented Dr. Stokes. signature which appearedin last week's • TIMES asserts that the Lucan corres• - Siena/ changed hands on Friday last. The Tiverton Watchman says the pendent in his notice of the late cricket match between Granton and Lucan leeaed changing of heads more than its hands. " made a statement intended to. convey, - a very wroug idea," and he then pre- ::*r. T. M. Daly, If.P.P., addressed A...gratford audieuce a few nights ago (seeds to assert that the Lucan players leerstuet all obtained from within the the f • t e Taira l''T•r" '"` on e evi s o mu en/Ing Mae in tentuete nee P- • -- wits said ;-“ The success 134.0. (fat their houses they have in that village any- ians was, larealgtn'enerl by player sfrom St. way. Mary's and -Mitchell. Messrs. TVhite The Free Pica of Tuesday gives an and Day are front St. Mary's and Mr. account of the killitte of old Mr. Rut- Mitehell lives in Mitchell. Ihese gentle- tory of London, G. W. R. track. He men may of course be honorary tnentbers of was found with his head evered from the Granton club and as such entitled it, the body. , but it must not be forgotten that the Ltt• The •Wingham Council met on the ' 17th inst., and contrary to usual cus- tom, there was a quorum. The Brussels Post wants to hear of some "fast cradling." Doesn't he mean fast cradles 2" He cau get them in Exeter from any furniture dealer. They'll send your bawling children to sleep in ten seconds, sure, 110tRiD l ---As a pun we slam:tit the following from him waose mune is at,. inched : ileitis, that Exeter has a new doctor cunt a new hearse it would be a wise proceeding on your part to call on Senior at once und have your photographs taken. C. Samoa, Exeter:" ,011AN Gt.D HANDS. --Ur. g. Cbristie haS sold oat his livery stable to its for. mar proprietor, Mr, W. Rolling, We of patronage, ,es he is tot hone straightforward eentlemah, arid fully desetving of it. • Anvelerismo.--Nowsparer advertising is founded, upon the fundamental truth that ho who wetild hove the host ene- cog, mut have the beat acquaintance, ond,bo the Most favorably known, and by virtue Of his importance has many claims' to the attention of beeincee mon. moscrip, c Shore, b Sheri) ...„, .., ....„ 80 E. Gregg, 1) Share .... ... ....... 2 W, Adams, run ont 2 II. A, 'White b 11 Adams,- ............... 6 W. Darclity,. c It. Ilissett .. I JL Mitton, b Adults . ........ , 0 - Harden 0 Shere.,,,...,....„-..,.., ... . . »....,-. .. .. C. Gregg b Shore 0 lAoyd, ... „.. ... 2 T. '81. White, rtin out , 0 Iintion, not ... . .. . . • ... . . . . . 0 . .. 59 . *Altai-tn. AfAiacdot ell, ib w,0 White 1t.'141ssott, c M, White bit. White A. Shere,cMoserip 0 It. 'White DIsmett, c iMoserip bit. White 11 Adanoi, b Mf.1.3c114! Ivnage'tf oui '1". Holt, ' Adams b White p' . Trdbld, MOHerit, G, meat 'Whit* 1A, W., St,ray, 0Adataft the limits of the corporation." A glanec at the score published at the same tired will show that Mitchell and Whitd made 50 runs, and that all the rest, oi the Granton players only made 52. It wIli oleo ehow that White and Day at bowlers took 12 wickets, and that forLi. men were caught out off their bowlieg, which appears to be pretty conclunivet evidence that the Granton success was largely duo to those gentlemen. Ile also admits that Mesers. 'White and Day live in St. Mary'a, but asserts that Mr. Mitchell belongs as much to Gran- ton as he does to Mitchell. So the score and his admissions both show that the Lllean correspondent convey- ed the correct idea when he assigned the onset,...) which the Granton victery Fete Aueivere-Mr, 111, Of Wilson passed tineeteell Exeter yesterday with three lerge loaae of geode With which to teplenielt .1118 state at Zericbe was largely due. Ho then denies that alt the Inman players were obtained from within the limits of the corpora- tion, and gives tho names of 8utton and Carlay as the exceptiens. With regard to the first, his residence ie in Ireland, hut his office is here, where he may be coneulted every afternoon. The latter at the time of the match and for a month before lived with a relative in Lucien. So much for the second'part of ?Secretary Stanley's letter. And now a word about the brag, which wae dently tho main object of the epistle. Granton and Limon cricketers mot twice this season, The most friendly spirit seemed to aethate them, Loan time was twice defeated, but kept its eetelpta.e ead now because the corra- uefltthl eenate.t, et ties fai en possing event assigns a reason for a particular effect, Mr, Secrotar3r Must rfibliely 15008f Of ale 811p01401,ity of ais chi') and belittle thee of Lucian The steeng. are generally ..,gencrene, -aria car11ytsvolgivintineults ; and we ore sotisfied if either iNIeesre, White, Mitchell,: Day or Davis held the ollieo of eeretary of the (1.0.6., Ito would have conoMunicoted with the SeetetarY of the,L.C.O. hereto puhlishing AA it ,b11131140i151,0tel!,. We advise the Late 'The Siqn«l is is wicked and blood- ., . rsty as ever. It would be under im- t emit, obligations to any person send- ing it items of news, such as deaths, iccidents, etc. Ugh 1 t,!Dr. King, a resident of Seaforth, was 1.rivino out in it double buggy on Tins - 0.y last, when the horses took fright, ind in endeavoring to stop thena he fell hrward, and becoming entangled, was dragged about a mile. The unfortn- into gentleman lived only a short time ater becoming eatrieated from his per- ibus lemnity while the fire flaps its wings sit:ooili.areis ootrt stratiora, both and crawls to cleSe proximity to the Whet all -fired place Brnssels Twa must be 1 To the north, south, west or east the arnoke hangs in dismal so- ef \ahem are married, committed an indecent assault upon the person of Miss Isabella Mackenzie M the Gore of Downie it slioet time ago. Miss Mac- kenzie is lately from the Town of Kin, Cardin°. .One of the depredators paid $14,25* as his share, While tin) ease of Robert Shore, 1)uperow'S assistant »i eb0l0 'WIOtIl it a4svaagsaienelia.eenamitioi/ocifourntitil NeaCreoni.t day last, owing to the illness of the proseeutrix. • A young men traneal Walsh, while riding through the fire and smoke down the hill this side ofBeigrave, was throWn from, his liorso, striking on his beenst and' shoulders, causing severe internal injuries. Little hopes are en- tettained of his recovery; Tho Levee ,Stunibled end fell, breaking hie leg in Iwo pl,sces, and had to be sliota-ell'inea Strauge! Rowdyieni for the paet few Maine ha e lain, dormant and root- ing in Inxnriant repose on poet labors ia Brussels, Constablee, you knew. The Stratford LIerahl of last week says the evening of Wednesday last, the wife of Mr, M. Purcell, of the Victoria row, died very suddenly. She had been troubled with an atIee- tion of the /mint for stelae years past, but not so as to cause any alarm to her family or friende. On the evening of, her death, Omit eight o'clock, she said 'she would lie down for a short time, She went UpStairs to her bedrocan, and in lying down i on the bed gave it pro- longed Sigh and oppeared to fall aeleep. Feeling a little alarmed at this sudden drowsmese as she thought, her dough - ter, who had accompanied her, poor - ed a light, and on speaking to her mo- ther was startled ot not receiving any answer. The arrival of Dr. LUOas confirmed the worst fears of the family. 'She was dead. 0-4-4.4-4----- .411toniantic and Tragic Inci- dent. From the Stratford Herald. IPOF .50/110 thne past it young nian resident ,M Stratford, had been carrying on correspolidance with a lady in Chi- cago, Illimoie, e,hiell ripened into friendship and from atat into love. About three weeks sgo Die. ----took his summer vacation, andnaturaViev enough he went to the Phoenix City uf the 1,1re:.4, to visit his fair inamorata. It was the " old, old story," love asserted its sway, and the parties plighted their troth, and an early marriage was agreed upon. Tho lady was wealthy and ac- complished, and the match was en eligible one in every respect. Tiine hurried on, and the leave of absence of Mr.- expired. He prepared for his return trip and as his intended wife was about visiting Roston, Mass., she accompanied him as far as Strat- ford, reaching this town on Saturday evenina last, and being much fatigued by the journey, the lady expressed a wish to stop ON'OF during the Sabbath. A comfortable apartment was secured for her at the Waverly House. She complained very much &the wearisome journey from Chicago. Go Sunday she appeared somewhat refreshed, but still complained of not feeling well, but neither herself nor friends were alarm- ed until Monday, when it became evi- dent that the lady was suffering from it severe illness. . Medical advice was at once procured, but the doctors thought a few days rest would restore the pa- tient to health, and advised proper nourishment and repose. All huinan efforts were of no avail,-- she failed to improve, and on Thuisday afternoon last, dangerous iafiamation set in, and quite unexpected she breathed her hist. No pen can describe the anguish of her lover wheee fond hopes were thus wrecked by this tragic termination. His grief was intense and distracting. God grant him power to bear with it. The remains of tho deceased lady were forwardeil by express to Boston for in- terment. Three JPersone.,n1003" !rt"term Geaet in, Elie Thames. • FromIthe Free Press Vaughan L. Jenkins, who was em- ployed as travelling agent for Crawford. St Co's Agricultural Works, left this city about five o'clock on the night in question with the intentior of visiting the residence of his brother-in-law, Mu.. es.m. v1120 lives near the north branch of the Thames on the city side. Jenkins had in the light wagon with bini his sister. M -law, Miss Elizabeth A.Tait, and his nephew, Warren H. Nesbitt. He crossed the Kensington Bridge into Petersville, and drove to the third con- cession line, of London Township, fol- lowing this road until the river was reached. Immeniately opposite stands Mr. Mitcheltree's house, but there was no means of reaching it =less by ford. the stream. Before the bed of the river could be gained at this point. a steep enbanbartent, estimated at from ten to twelve feet in depth, had td:be'• traversed, and at this place noprovision had been made for the passage of a vehicle. Jenkins, it is stated desired the girltand boy to leave the wagon while he led the horse down the en- banknient. They cemelted with ids request, and he managed to reach the fatalain'aliele'leya Tita 'three again re- sly-a,,34„,,pbc.„Ix„.3.0.11,1 in thes vehicle, and ing across. At this point the water is very clear, ana numerous holes esti- mated from sixteen to eighteen feet in depth, are to be found, the presence of which it is not likely Jenkings was aware of. They continued on for a few feet, and in an instant the horse plunged into one of these caverns head first, followed by the wagon and its oc- cupants, It is believed the victims were buried beneath the vehicte, and in all'sprobability suffered injuries by con- tact with the poor animal while in its struggle for liberty. The horse was al- so lost. The remains of Miss Tate and Nesbitt were recovered first, and the graypling irons, obtained from the city served to bring Jenking body up in a few hours subsequent. The remains were then removed Mr, Mitcheltree's house. Miss 'Tate, who was aged 16 hant '1 tl,iiMT aro•LA A. uLtiou a. 16 tlici Ufl Lla V 1Z/U fier relatives Imre. Her parents reside in Collingwood. Warren Nesbitt was aged about Pi, and Jenkins, who was a married man, about 27. . , . CANADIA1V,eN1VITS, A. ,man win\ Was arrested in Montreal Lr an indecent assault on Mrs. Tanner elected to have his case sent to the Court of Queen's 13eech withoet it pre- liminary triel: It iesaid in Court that lho woulit eompromise the matter by marrying the widow. , Watford is now providedravith a conn. modious lookup, which was,badly need- ed, and *as soon occupied. Tke cheese presented to His Excel- lency the Governor-General at Sarnia, by the County Coimeil, wes procured from the .1,Tnion Clines° Company, Wat- ford. Hawke, whose hoese was entered by Mitgleas during his abeeneo from To- ronto reteitnea on aatittday last, and found that $1,000 worth of plate and jewellery had been removed. Alexander Seoul attempted to peas .across the ettilseity track of Toronto by creeping under the dorsi bat while so engaged tho ors, moved, and the lad svae thrown down, onel his leg Was broken hi three places, Henry Temple, of the:township of StOt ring was shot svhile renioving his gen ftota a boot by the tritizzio., Ile died few neinntee after.' 01 s on. s a Pa.„91)-UP fal(.41 +L. The Exeter 13rancli of Molsone Ban 'York, U.S., St, JOh47 k'T,B,, and alltho and Qaelsee, Makes advaneee on Produce). Bayo and eelle Sterling Exchange-, Aseounts Notes. SAVINGS BANK A Basin& Bank Department has been Branch JNIolsons Bank. MPO from one Dollar ($1) payable on Demand with Interest. ExeteeMay 7, 1874. The St Patrick's Society have, boon fined $40 and costs for selling liquor at their late picnic at Ottawa, One of the most horrible and heart- rending tragedies that hes :occurred in the vicinity of Ottawa for years is re- ported to have taken place up tho Gat- ineau yesterday, near the Six portages. It appears that three little children named Fotrin went into their father's barn, which was full of hay and set fire to it. After doing this they climbed to the top of the mow, and jumpedaround 1. sse it merry mood until the flames began to get too aot. They tried to get dovvin arrnhi deic.,omnanToileit:yCcl to shout for help. 221 WU it short distance away, heard their (600 ef distress, and ie-annteretao tthbeerbiaranssitn alslsahoceo„otwiWolieonh yrass: dense cloud of smoke and flame, ALIA from it procceeded tho most piteous screams and cries from her little child- ren. With a mother's devotion, the breve woman climbed into the burning mow. No sooner had she done so than she was overcome by the heat and smoke, and fell on her face in the hay a short distance from,alier clahlren, Sterne of the neighbors .wero by this time attrazted by the smoke rising from the burning bulling, and arrived just in time to seo her roll out of the mow to the floor in an unconscious condi- tion. They picked her up, but she was dead. After the building was burned dowe the bodies of the three children were also recovered, and. now await tho action' of the coroner. Mr. Atwater, a gentleman boarding at Balkwill's hotel, London lost $16 in bills, and a valuable ring, on Friday morning. He arose out of bed at an early hour, opened the door of his room to get fresh air, and then retired again. A stranger, while he left, entered the room, ransacked his clothing, and de- camped with the booty. Mr, P. Crawford's peach orchard at Rond East promises a yield of 3,000 bushels this year. Two bigamists named Henry Kimble of Aylmer, and W. White of lialxthide have cee» committed for trial at ibe 'Mein Assizes. •Elora editors e'rat throwing nate est, each other, and one of them named Craig has been committed for trial upou a charge of libel, entered by Mr. Bur- r"'s. Ateolored mat t named Clhatles Brown from Blenheim, 104 been committed for trial on charge of assaulting two e Crivarte 214.cri , week A farmer named Mater, of Chippewa, ran over a little girl aged two years, while she was playing on the road, and crushed her to death beneath the wheels. The child's name was Hexi- mer. Mrs. E. 'Henderson, of Wainfieet, while driving in a buggy with her son the • other day, sudder ly screamed, threw up her armersfell out of the vehi- cle, and immediately expired. Heart disease. A large and infiuenital meeting of representatives from all the municipali- ties through which the southern exten- sion of the Wellington Grey & Bruce R. was held. at Lucknow on the 19th. Resolutions were passed and dele- gates appointed to prom upon the di- rectors the necessity nf - • FLuceeoings are to be commence at once. -4'st.nsefilieTwrfthilitfi st. oft ilittnd9Tlellon Township pthe of blade of bis cradle, cutting a fearful gash in his thigh; almost bled to death. Dr. Coleman, of Settforth, dressed the wound. and the sufferer is doing es well as could be expected. A.xnan nareel Flute died at Kent- ville from the effects of a beating re- ceived in a hotel at that place on Sat- urday night. On Thureday evening last the body of it little girl was found in the water - closet at :the rear of a bouse on Ad- elaide street Toronto. She has been missing for five hours, and was quite dead when found. I son of Mr. Donald Turner, post- master, West Magdalit, tell from the branch of a tree to the ground it dis- head and sustaining fatal injuries. Ile ALM 0 4A.L LJA4 was about eight years old. zIJ er,fr.LA,V,L1P*LP;",••APP!” ,000,000 410,000 k Immo Drafte ori Lanka, lag.; liestit principal cities end teWne ha A New York Exchange, Or 07abaCkl, fee DEPARTMENT.. opened in eouresetioo wItia the Xxeier STU! S upwards received. •EbWD. W. STRAW . 'LePage*. 3 -yl. Newmariela-h-ais it wicket Towns, merit this week. Prof. Wise,balloonistas in Louden ties day (Thusday), The Governor-General zamtit with grencl receptions:everywhere. leyAT°0ownnt)efgr. A. an hip,hadhie skull tW lbadlyy , fraes11. .1) tured by it kick from it horse. • Mr, A. M. jolausan has been appoint - Rector of the Provincial Farm at Guelph, and entered upon hie Woo ast week. In the Oth concession of Finch, the other day, stied administered p, kick at it refractory cow with sue tom that ho brolo his leg above the ankle. Tho Barrio Examiner is indigruszt because the town streets are my filthy, and also because some deapicable aaetclies mutilated the cereals resten. A. $10 bet on a Thornbury hors.. race caused eettrties to drug a valuable ben, easts,mwahshiichn,gaitisktet enle. loteeti7a a little wa! f wee The Peel Banner is out 'withlengthy article on the manner at -which the London Laerouse club abwital that Brampton, while,playing in the former city on its civic holiday. ' Mr. Chappel of Detroit had two race horses, valued. at $6.000 iseresad in St. Thoreets it few itights ago. .1.4 is supposed to have been caused by an incendiery, who set fire to the stable. • A report reaches the Free I' mos from up the Assiaiboine, that it man lieizig there came to hie death a day ar two since through the ageney of & maxamon house fly. The fly gotiuto his trochees, and his efforts to dislodge the insect resulted in death. Notwithstanding the keen compe- tition of the American cheese efeeteries, which have had the experience of many years, Canadian cheese is growing ra- pidly mto public favor in England. In recent articles the Pall Mall Gazette and the Grocer, the latter it special organ of the trade have references to the excel - lame of le Canadian product, have been made comparing it fesotably with Aliaerica. The Bracelnidge „Advocate says On Saturday last, as Mr. Haines was Tbtutiltilg gni°, with theta' ' be encountered a large rattle -snake iu the road need Mr. Saaver'a farm ; some persons in the stage at the time, got out and soon despatched it with a stick. The snake measured about four feat in length, and had six rattles. Several others were heard in the buelice adjoin, After the services Was completed the Grand Master said it few words in re- lation to the long and coustaet friend; ship which had existed between himsela and the deceased, but became so affect- ed that he had to desist, aud the mel- ancholy cortege wended its way back to the lodge room, where it separated The number of brethren who took part in the services was about 600. M. A Onimet, proprietor of the Franc Parleur, has entered an action against the Daily Witness to recover $5,000 in daruages for derogatory remark') con- cerning bis jouinal, made with refer- ence to it bill for license • advertising. The Witness stated that the Franc Par- leur was a monthly publicatien, and it appeared that it is a tri-weeklv es Preliminary examnatite ';',9yriffilTahreValls eBel-Ca:lnretlier,"T,711. %di" 0:r -rile' of the 81st of July last, was &tan, fore l b thefound o PfeculieeMcw. iestratme oyeo tta'' MitainfElB iee7lat gage .5.40147XXIM4°' who appeared as unconceial previous occasions, was conimiitaa tor tied on both charges till the Fall Am- sizes.-Londoit Free Pins. • On the night of the 20th as the steamer City of London, owned in Owen' Selma; wasaying at the dock at Col- lins' Inlet, taking on board a cargo ef lumber for Chicago, fire was observed to break out suddenly. An alum wee at once raised by those,on deck, and it was with the greatest difficulty that those who heal retired could make their , escape to the dock, losing their wearing appearel and other effects. Unfortu- nately, Alexander Cambell, a young man, native of ()wen Sound, perished in the flames. The boat is tatotal lose, understood that there is an insurence of $8,000 on her. The come may will be heavy losers. There is vcry little The Montreal West contested election !loss onethe cargo as there was only e 4 smell quantity of limber OD board. ease, hos been postponed until 20th lommerowlistsomm• October. The Bien Public state a that M. Mas- son, el, P., hat gone to Manitoba to prevail upon such freinds of Riel as evero opposed to his re-nominatiou to re.consider their, determination. It adds, that "his journey is nseless, as Riel will undoubtedly Co the candidate, Opposition, it bolas, is useless. Tho funeral of the late Thomas Bird Harris, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of A. F. and A. M., too place in Hamilton on the 20th. Representa- tives of the fraternity from all parts of Canada and the United States attended and1 assisted at the obsequies. The proceseion was formed in Paineis' Squore by IL W. Bro. lion. II. 13 Grand Marshal, and marched to the residence of deceased, and from thence to tho Church of Ascension. After the services at the church, the prooession was reformed in the same Order as before, and be range, of the Aimee" dirge from the artillery band, Wended its way to the cemetery. Here circle was formed, arounci tho • grave end after the nsual fierViO04ii which were eetid by tlie Rev. Mr. Heinlein the im- pressive service of the Masenio order was eontlitcted by judge Wilson, Grand NI:aster of Canada. AMERICAN NEWS C. Herdig editor and proprietor of the Inditoaapolis Ileraldf shot Sol. Mora itz, 11 promineat merchant. Moritz, who is it Hebrew, aged about forty and married, succeeded in sedueing Har - ding's daughter, about eighteen years of ago. The young lady confessed these facts to her father. About ono o'clock August 21liarding met Morite on the street, and immediately abegota firihg itt hina, shooting five times, that passed demo the street. 0110 of the shots shattered Morits's left elbow and another passed through his lineg, lodgs ing in hie chest, It was thought the later wound would priati fatal, bat at 10 o'clock he Wee resting 'Teri alliletlYs and will probabla recover. blitis Hard- ing died from the affeced oa poison. Har ling is undet ten tatoussead dollars bail to aweat the resUlte D Moritzt wounds Pablie feeling iti*ery etroxigly in sympathy With I:lulling. Since this shooting Mrs, }larding, step.mother of tho datightor, has stated that Morite hag also Made itaproper pteeosele to her. Morita &Mee the eattages Made by 4.1rE4'. Ilataitig, Mid 144 eeeat tta *in ilrdleiiitigtvoyoo.101%