HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-06-16, Page 19Times -Advocate, June 16,1993 Page 19 More results from the Hensall Fair _ Continued from page 17__-_� • Poultry Leghorn: Cock - Fust and Second M. Becker; Hen - First and Second M. Becker. White Rock: Cock - Fust and Second NI. Becker; Hen - First and Second M. Becker. Barred Rock: Cock - Fust and Sec- ond M. Becker; Hen - First and Second M. Becker. Rocks A.O.V.: Cock - Fust and Sec- ond M. Becker; Hen - First and Second M. Becker. White Wyandotte: Cock - Fust and Second M. Becker; Hen - First and Sec- ond M. Becker; Cockerel - First M. Becker; Pullet - First M. Becker. Partridge Wyandotte: Cock - Fust and Second Michael Becker; Hen - First and Second Michael Becker. -Wyandotte A.O.V.: Cock - Fust and Second Michael Becker; Hen - Fust and Second Michae Becker. Old English Blk Red Game: Cock - First Richard Kinsman; Second and Third Michael Becker; Hen - First and Third Michael Becker, Second Richard Kinsman. Old English A.O.Y.: Cock - First and Second Michael Becker; Hen - First and Second Michael Becker, Third Richard Kinsman; Cockerel - Fust Mi- chael Becker, Second Richard Kins- man; Pullet - First Richard Kinsman, Second Michael Becker. Sea Brights: Cock - Fust and Second Michael Becker; Hen - First and Sec- ond Michael Becker, Third Richard Kinsman; Cockerel - First and Third Micheel Becker; Pullet - First Michael Becker. Rose Combs: Cock - First and Sec- ond Michael Becker; Hen - First and Second Michael Becker. Rhode Island Red: Cock - First and Second Michael Becker; Hen - Fust and Second Michael Becker. Japs A.V.: Cock - First and Second Michael Becker; Hen - First and Sec- ond Michael Becker. Japs Solid Colour: Cock - First Mi- chael Becker; Hen - First Michael Becker, Second. Richard Kinsman. Brahamas: Cock - First and Second Michael Becker; Hen - Fust and Sec- ond Michael Becker. Chantecler: Cock - First Donald Dearing; Hen - Fust Donald Dearing. Pigeons Rollers Solid: Old Male - First Mi- chael Becker; Old Female - Fust Mi- chael Becker. Homers - flying: Old Male - Fust Donald Dearing; Young Bird - Fust` and Second Donald Dearing. Poultry and Pigeon Committee spe- cial: Best Solid Coloured Standard - Donald Dearing (Black Sumatra H.); Best Parti -Coloured Standard - Michael Becker (Light Brown Leghorn -H.); Best Solid Coloured Banta= - Michael Becker (White Cochin C); Beg Arai. Coloured Bantam - Richard Kirkman (BB Red - OE Games C); Best Pigeon - Donald Dearing (Flying Homer OM). •"parade floneedalinial float: Hensall Horti- culture Soolaty. Hensall Playground, Exeter Ag. Society. Conunercial Float: W.G. Thompson & Sons. Eclipse, Bob Erb's Garage, Mousseau Auction Service, Hensel' Co-op. Antique Car: Orland Reichert, Wayne Reid. Antique Machinery: Brad McBride. Best Pony & Rider: Travis Van Wier - en. Best Theme Float: Hensall Economic Development Committee. Feeder Calf Club. Hensall Public School, Hensall Tinker Tots. Special: Best Wagon, bike, trike (un- der 10) - Kaley Jennison, Amy Jenni- son, Scott Forrest; (over 20 - Shannon Cook, Steven Forrest; Clown/comic character - Jordan McAuslan. Baby show Under 6 months: Miranda Buzzell, Jordan Glenn, Dana Stanley; 6 months to 1 year: Allison Groot, Chelsey Lee Hay-Janki, Jason Stewart; 12-18 months: Amanda Lang. Horseshoe pitch First Lea Dessjardine and Jack Brint- nell; Second Orvil Coxin and Harold Pridham; Third Elgin Kiefer and Allan Turnbull; Fourth Dean Elliot and John Geiser; Fifth Howard Currie and Ralf Koopman. Plants and Flowers Unusual houseplant: Thea Wisch, Hazel Corbett; Any green houseplant: Thea Wisch, Shirley Mousseau, Hazel Corbett; African Violet: Lillian Beer, Shirley Mousseau, Hazel Corbett. Garden flower arrangement: Thea Wisch, Mary Brintnell, Anna Dolmage; Wild flower arrangement in a cream pitcher: Thea Wisch, Anna Dolmage, Shirley Mousseau. Specials: Collection of Herbs: Janie Van Wieren, Thea Wisch, Anna Dolm- age; Hensall Fair - 125 years of Agri- culture: Thea Wisch, Janie Van Wier - en, Thea Wisch. Domestic Baking queen: Janine Corbett White cup cakes: Shirley Mousseau, Janie VanWieren; Carrot cake with pineapple: Shirley Mousseau, Janie Van Wieren; Chocolate cupcakes: Diane Andrews, Janie Van Wieren; Lemon loaf. Shirley Mousseau, Diane Andrews; Rhubarb Loaf: Shirley Mous- seau, Janie Van Wieren; Banana muf- fins: Janie Van Wieren, Janine Corbett, Diane Andrews. Peanut butter cookies: Dianne An- drews, Shirley Mousseau, Hazel Cor- bett; Rhubarb pie: Janine Corbett, Mary Brintnell, Hazel Corbett; Cherry pie: Janine Corbett, Janie Van Wieren; Tea biscuits: Hazel Corbett, Anna Dolm- age; Chocolate Brownies: Shirley Mousseau, Janine Corbett, Janie Van Wieren. Specials: Chelsea bans: Hazel Cor- bett, Diane Andrews; Baked beans: Ha- in!! Corbin, JanieVan' Wieren; Best ' butter tarts: Lillian Beer, Janine COr- e beu; bran muffins: Janine Corbett, Anna Dolmage, Hazel Corbeu; Best lemon meringue pie: Janine Corbett, Lillian Beet, Hazel Corbett; Best pecan pie: Lillian Beer; Janine Corbeu; Janie Van Wieren; Coffee cake: Janie Van Wieren, Mary Brintnell; 60% whole wheat loaf bread: Hazel Corbett, Janine Corbett; Dinner rolls: Hazel Corbett. Dianne Andrews; J - Shirley Mousseau; Most point in Section 1-12: Shirley Mousseau, Janie Van Wieren, Janine Corbett; Overall points in Class 31: Ja- nine Corbett, Shirley Mousseau, Hazel Corbett. Apple pie: Janine Corbett, Lillian Beer, Mary Brintnell; Chocolate cake: Shirley Mousseau, Diane Andrews, Ja- nine Corbeu; Butter tarts: Janine Cor- bett, Lillian Beer, Diane Andrews. Favourite dessert made and accompa- nied by cocoa: Diane Andrews, Janine Corbett, Janie Van Wieren; Crisco Shortening Baking Contest: Janine Cor- bctt, Janie Van Wieren, Shirley Mous- seau. Frys Cocoa and Crisco Shortening Family Favourite: Janine Corbett; 25 Cookies (5 varieties): Shirley Mous- seau, Diane Andrews, Janie Van Wier - en; Robin Hood Multifoods Inc.: Hazel Corbett, Janine Corbett, Lillian Beer; Oatmeal cookies: Betty Simmons. Diane Andrews, Mary Brintnell; Oat- meal muffins: Janine Corbeu, Mary Brintnell, Diane Andrews. Golden Age: Bran muffins: Exeter Villa, Mildred Gingerich of Queensway Nursing Home. Edith Bell of Queens- way Nursing Home. Sugar cookies: Edith Bell of Queensway Nursing Home, Exeter Villa, Mildred Gingerich of Queensway Nursing Home. Molas- ses cookies: Exeter Villa, Edith Bell of Queensway Nursing Home. Sewing Bib apron: Mary Brintnell. Specials: Embroidered pillowcases: Anna Dolmage, Helen Toornstra, Mary Brintnell; Fabric Place mats: Mary Brintnell, Helen Toornstra. Seniors (60 and over): Knit slippers: Anna Dolmage, Helen Toornstra, Bea Dykstra; Knit or crochet tea cozy: Anna Dolmage; Covered hanger: Helen Toomstra, Bea Dykstra, Anna Dolm- age; Knit or crochet lap afghan: Anna Dolmage. Specials: Braided placemat: Hazel Corbett. Crochet Afghan: Rita Van Wieren, Helen Toornstra, Anna Dolmage; Baby shawl: Verlyn Huston, Beta Van Wieren, Hel- en Toornstra; Lace edging: Jane Van Wieren, Helen Toomstra, Rita Van Wieren; Peach jacket and bonnet: Hel- en Toomstra, Verlyn Huston; Two doi- lies under 12": Rita Van Wieren, Ver- lyn Huston, Diane Andrews; Child's mittens: Rita Van Wieren, Anna Dolm- age; Child's novelty slippers: Anna Dolmage, Diane Andrews; Lined cush- ion: Anna Dolmage, Diane Andrews; Draft stoppers: Diane Andrews; Pillow- cases with crochet edging: Jane Van Wieren, Helen Toomstra, Rita Van Wieren. Specials: Stuffed bear: Jean Crcrar, Diane Andrews; Crochet tea cozy:. Diane Andrews, Bea' Dykstra, Anna Dolmage. Knitting Afghan: Anna Dolmage, Bea Dyk- stra, Lillian Beer; White baby outfit: Rita Van Wieren, Helen Toornstra, Bea kstra; Doilie over 12": Rita Van Wieren; Baby dress under 2 years: Rita Van Wieren, Helen Toornstra, Beuy Brand; Hooded baby sweater: Helen Toornstra; Child's hat and mittens: Anna Dolmage, Hazel Corbett; Adult pullover sweater: Helen Toornstra, Te- resa Wynja; Men's dress socks: Helen Toornstra, Bea Dykstra; Child's fancy socks: Rita Van Wieren. Specials: Adult Fair Isle sweater: Rita Van Wieren; Chiki's pullover sweater. Anna Dolmage, Betty Brand; Child's cardigan: Shirley Mousseau. Quilts Tied quilt: Hazel Corbett, Mary Brintnell; Crib quilt, nursery design: Hazel Corbett. Specials: Most points in Class 35: Hazel Corbett; Cushion made with pre- printed fabric and quilted: Mary Brint- nell. Arts and Crafts Two matching table pads, for hot dishes: Anna Dolmage; Oven door fin- ger towel: Mary Brmtnell, Diane An- drews: Pillowcase doll: Jean Crerar, Mary Brintnell; Casserole Tote: Mona Alderdice; Clothes pin apron: Hazel Corbett; Best original handwritten poem: Hazel Corbett; 3 bars homemade soap: Anna Dolmage; Fabric covered swan, lamb, deer or frog: Betty Sim- mons, Janine Corbett, Mona Alderdice. Specials: 1868 Hensall Fair Bazaar and bake sale: Anna Dolmage. Youth Specials Fire Prevention Poster. Grades 4-6 - Nicolas Bayley, Benji Reabum, Lisa Forrest; Grades 7-8 - Jeff Reid, Darren Firman. Picture collage of food that we ate 125 years ago: Troy McClure, Lucas McBride, Laura Noakes. Decorated toy made of wood or paper macho or play dough: Brett Crerar, Brandon Consitt,- Sheri Lynn Moir. Junior and School Section Baking: Grades 5-6 - Chocolate chip cookies: Karie Jennison, Scotty Forest, Steven Forest; Banana muffins: Karie Jennison, Steven Forest, Scott Forest Grades 7 and 8 - Oatmeal cookies: Scott Forest, Steven Forest Sewing: Grades 7-8 - Pillow: Steven Forest; potholders: Steven Forest.. Crafts: Grades 7-8 - A clock: Julie Rooseboom, Jennifer Randall, Eliza- beth Kerslake; Leather article: Ryan Munn, Elizabeth Kerslake; Scroll saw project: Elizabeth Kerslake, Ryan Munn, Tara Ingrain. Grades 5 and 6 - A greeting card: Ka- ne Jennison, Dawn Corbett, Becky Corbett; A Diorama: Kevin Munn, Ka- rie Jennison; An assembled model from kit: Jayden Russell, Angela Towle, Kari Reid. Grades 3 and 4 - A greeting card: Ra- chel Wood, Brian Webber, Shannon Cook; Create a picture using shapes: Erin Campbell, Carol -Anne Munn, Da- vid Huston; _Assembled- model from Lego on a board: Dustin Elder, Scott Forest, David Huston. Grades 1 and 2 - Paper bag creation: Jacelyn Stire, Matthew McAuslan, Sue Anne Cook; A pie plate creation: Sueanne Cook, Denise Richie, Denise Bisback; Bouquet of handmade flow- ers: Jennifer Anderson, Sue Ann Cook. Kindergarten: Three flower creations in a container: Kelsey O'Rourke, Am- ber Caldwell. Jessica Wollis; Paper plate creation: Kelsey O'Rourke, Am- ber Caldwell, Bevan Butson. Art Kindergarten: My family: Timmy Hay, Amanda Matson, Lea Mudge. Grade 1 - My Pet and 1: Matthew McAustin, Fragiskos Fragiskatos, Josh Stewart. Grade 2 - Summer Fun: Denise Bis - back. Gillian Wright. Craig Hoover. Grade 3 - Fun at Hensel{ Spring Fair: Kendra Mudge. Brittany Caldwell, Ju- lie CAmpbell. Grade 4 - The Spring Fair Parade: Natasha Moody. Brianne Webber, Kris- ten Dayman. Grades 5 and 6 - A self portrait: Kari Reid, Jason Ingram. Lisa Forest. Grades 7 and 8 - A landscape: Shane Wilcox, Jeff Rathwell, Melinda Hovi- us. Environmental issues Grades 1 and 2 - A picture showing a way to help save our environment: Mat- thew Alexander, Gillian Wright, Ryan Campbell. Grades 3 and 4 - A picture showing a way to reduce, reuse and recycle: Joey Hay, Shannon Cook, Ryan Wedge. Grades 5 and 6 - A poster with an en- vironmental theme: Karie Jennison, Dawn Consitt, Becky Corbett. Grades 7 and 8 - A poster with an en- vironmental theme: Katie Seaton, Scott Reid, Darren Firman. Computers Grades 5 and 6 - A graphic design made on a computer: Brandon Martin, Jay Mallette, Kevin Munn. Language Grade 1 - Student authored book: Fragiskos Fragiskatos, Laura Elder, Jane Simmons. Grade 2 - Student authored book: De- nise Richie, Craig Hoover, Gillian Wright. Grade 3 - Student authored book: Kim Kuipus, Julie Campbell, Amy Shapton. Grade 4 - Student authored book: Jo- seph Randall, Carol -Anne Munn, Nata- sha Moody. Grades 5 and 6 - Student authored book: Cherisse Knip, Jamie Reaburn, Kari Reid. Grades 7 and 8 - An 8 line poem: Jil- leane Knip, Jay Malleue, Ryan Alexan- der. French Grades 3 and 4 - A labelled picture of the family: Brittany Caldwell, Cecelia Corbett, Katie Bailey. . Grades 5 and 6 - A drawing of a dream home with rooms labelled: Mi- chelle Zwart, Gerald Corbett, Jason In- grain. , Grades 7 and 8 - D jdillapirint a menu for a French :'Fara In- gram, Melinda Hoover, Andrea McCLinchey. Huron County Library Hensall Branch Best bookmark: Kindergarten - Amy Jennison; Grades 1 and 2 - Sueanne Cook, Denise Bisback, Krista Taylor; Grades 3 and 4 - Ashley Rowcliffe, Na- tasha Moody. Ben Kiik. Best bookoover: Grades 5 and 6 - Jeff Campbell, Kelly Dayman, Kevin Munn; Grades 7 and 8 - Kris Lepping- ton, Ryan Munn, Julie Roosenboom. Huron County Farm and Home Safety A poster promoting safety at home or on the farm: Kindergarten -grade 2 - Craig Hoover, Knsta Taylor, Gordon Bailey; Grades 3 and 4 - Dustin Elder, Krista Dayman, Shawn Willed; Grades 5 and 6 - Jason Corbett, David Shapton, Gerald Corbett; Grades 7 and 8 - Ryan Munn, Darren Firman. Huron County Hlstorkal Society A display, demonstration or model entitled Pioneers at Work or Play: Na- tive people in Huron County: Grades 1- 5 - Denise Ritchie. Diane Taylor, Kevin Munn; Krises Taylor, Jocelyn Stire; Gillian Wright, Rob Erb; Gordon Bai- ley; Jenna Dayman, Jamie Willert, Jen- nifer Anderson; Carol Anne Munn; Scou Forrest; Justin Fields, Denise and Megan Bisback; Joshua Knip. Grades 6-8 - Pioneers in Huron County: Steven Forest Hensall South Huron Ag. Society Draw winners 12 hp Agco riding lawn mower: Bryan Vincent, Seaforth; Queen size quilt: Steven Veal, Woodham; Fully processed loin beef: Gretna Miller, Staf- fa; Peter Snyder plate "Wheat Harvest": Olive Phillips, Varna; Collectors toy tractor: Wyn Riley, Scalia; Side of pork: John Cooper, Hensel]; 850 gift certificate for Hessenland Restaurant: Carrie Vantleesuyk, Lakeside; 850 gift certificate from Thea's Dried Flowers: Glenn Stade; Blue Jays tour June 19: Steven Veal, Woodham; Passes to Ex- eter Golf Course: Janie Van Wieren, Hensall; Thea Wisch, Kippen; Greg Campbell, Hensell; Marlene Bell, Kip - pen; Chris Wilcox, Hensel!: Phil Con- lin, Ailsa Craig; Jo -Anne Lenz, Sea - forth; Bud Wilson, Zurich; Betty Brand, Zurich; Sue Stewart, Exeter; Vouchers from Seip's valu man: Roy Pepper, Exeter; Rick Vandenbussche, Exeter. Photo contest My best vacation/travel picture: Janie Van Wieren, Crystal Hopkins, Susan Hartman; My best people/person/child picture: Susan Stewart, Judy Simmons, Barb Power; My best sports/action picture: Rob Hopkins, Winnie Skea, Susan Stewart. TYOFHURON 1992 IGHLIGHT-S Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 1992 1992 1992 1991 Budget Actual Actual SOURCES OF FINANCING Requisitions on local municipalities Grants Government of Canada Province of Ontario Other Municipalities Other Investment Income Fees and service charges Rents Miscellaneous Fund Balances at beginning of year To be used to offset taxation 8,139,993 8,174,006 131,241 19,601,830 322,325 495,368 2,872,198 489,000 2,287 110,964 20,084,796 330,130 602,340 2,818,380 468,649 814 919.774 927.942 32.973.996 33.518.021 7,613,276 64,191 19,243,272 78,97.0 527,170 2,826.130 478,767 2,566 420.677 ' 31.250.019 Applied To Current Operations General government 1,240,164 1,153,857 1,121,847 Protection to persons and property 233,742 234,440 218,748 Transportation services 8,202, 805 7,149,317 .6,344,402 Environmental services 312,255 133,639 123,898 Health Services 2,184,079 2,171,159 2,103,875 Social and Family Services 11,110,215 12,002,260 9,676,332 Recreation and Cultural Services 1,757,790 1,762,646 1,682,721 Planning end Development 1.128 138 1.028 597 952.965 26230 188 25.635.915 22.224.588 Capital General Government Transportation Services Health Services Social and Family Services Recreation and Cultural Services Planning and Development Net appropriation to (from) reserves and reserve funds 127,000 490,000 68,000 12,696, 516 22,000 amp 13.4)1.516 126,860 488,077 87,999 12,695,681 22,054 8.264 13.408.935 (6,667,708) (6,079,373) Fund balances at the end of the year To be used to offset taxation ._.--_ 552,544 a4141. 25,165 801,239 24,370 2,492,685 17,594 35.969 1387.422 4,700,467 927,942 31518.021 31.40,019 Cancer WIFE-. can be beaten. please give. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1992 1992 ASSETS 1991 Unrestricted Cash on Hand in Bank 3,086,851 517,789 Due to General Funds from Reserve Funds 1,802,648 1,857,638 Account Receivable 952.674 2.922.865 5.802.173 5.368.272 Restricted Cash on Hand and on Bank Investments Other Current Assets Less: Due from reserve funds to General Funds Liabilities Accounts Payable and accrued liabilities Deferred revenue Cr Fund balances at the end of the year To be used to offset taxation Reserves Reserve Funds 151,717 461,613 4,285,323 10,099,330 144 195 4,437,184 10,561,138 (1,802,648) (1,857,638) 2 634.536 6.703.; 5.470.799 14.071.772 4,085,237 3,118,029 107.500 4.085237 3.118.0229 552,544 927,942 1,204,392 1,214,801 zeat,uo 6.703.500 6.476.729 14.Q71.772 RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND OPERATIONS Reserve 6,766,971 7,212,214 Transfers and expenditures 12,846,344 "511,747 Year-end position of reserves and reserve funds 3,838,928 8,918,30,1 NOTES 1 These financial highlights reflect the operations, assets and liabilities of the County of Huron including the following: Huron•County Planning and Development Committee, Huron County Library Board, Committee of Management of Huronview and the Huron County Board of Health. 2. The Home Care Program administered by the Huron County Board of Health and funded entirely by the Province of Ontario is not consolidated. 3. Copies 1 the audited financial report from which these highlights were extracted may be examined at the office of the Clerk -Administrator, County of Huron, Court Huse. The Square, Goderich, Ontario THOMAS J TOMES W. R. ALCrOCK, A., AMC WARDEN T SURER