HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-06-16, Page 4InIalitosikeellgete, xJUne 16,13 ' Mor: jIrrtiftekett ' r:lan Nano 1.1001 ,11041911108111 Don Smith :Deb Lord .) willerened 0411110**1111.111111106•4111011611114111110.00,fts$2.10 G.S.T. Niri�Eirrn.f or any tetter eaglet address 430.00 vies11110.01141stat80.00► +4.20G.S.T. :88.00 "Men are 'never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely." ... Thomas Mscauley Published E•eh'WednesOey [464 n $t., Exeter, Oetarlo, NOM tS6 y J.W. Ltd. Velinlhone 1-61 I 4 1 •.s.T. amosneess If yiui canl3v,atxhem...iwy them n the good old -days, courier .companies were mostly unnecessary nbecause the postal service could get °your letter :anywhere just about over - :might orat leastin a couple of days. Nowadays, with a letter to Toronto laking three or four :days to arrive, the necessity exists of using a more expen- sive courier. system to :deliver the stuff that justthas to get there :on time. Despite the factuhat Canada Post -con- tinues :totboast about' first class mail;ar- • riving within two :days 96 percent of :the time (what :happens to The other lour letters out of the :hundred?) :they -.responded withrtheir own Priority Post •dam. New :they're tgoneiand bought a :con - ng interest inn Purolator Canada, :>lltte nation's largest..ccourier company. 'The ideal _still :has 1vrgo through etgula- -wry :approval, ,but :one must -Amender }.why a Crowntlarporationisamintense- iyinterestedinspending$55Million on burrowing further into the private sector. Critics have charged that Canada Post does not properly account for its policy of keeping regulated (mail) and non- regulated (courier) services .apart - and that the monopoly on mailadelivery is used to unfairly subsidize itsh �lldtler divi- sions. We've certainly seen Canada Post con- flict with other private enterprises, nota- bly to newspaper and publishing indus- try, by competing heavily for ad -mail contracts to keep employees busy. So what now? Why does the Crown Corporation want to buytatto a courier company that posted a $9:4znillion loss in 1992? And what's next for Canada Post? Will 'they be travelling to ..Japan next month to,see if they can buy,a ffax ma- chine manufacturer? Whatever happened to just zleiivering 'the mail? A.D.H. Bigges1 winner in histo,y I've had a chance to _get :wort Jelesdlsappoinuneat:*.inemmed -million dollars, and I've drubber -ens. I :began .to read.; Trough the nallirthrown it away. seven documents that mere -mat Sk'stnot that I bate money. Be- closed in this piece of junkman. hieve:it:or.not. I'm actually,tond Even though -Fred assured:tme of it. Or:at-oast of the:thi it. , can provide:rBut ldidn'tiliketathe way this:#tttinular fortutne,svas offered to rme..Let .me tell you about it. Of course you've all heard of Fred C. Mortimer. What? You haven't? Well. neither had I un- til the other day. When he sent me via Canada Post a "Notifica- tion of Intent" to award me tan million dollars- -- to be trans- , that I sluts "designated as a Po - Peter's Point • - Peter Helsel fend to the bank account of my tential�-tm eipient .of .tenillion choice in two months. • I dollars riin ;I earnntoed Immual I didn't have .to .do anything Payments of $333.333.00" and for it. not even to answer a skill- that "financial guarantees have testing. question. Just to sign my been provided" by his firms for ware on she .cued line. Be- the full payment of this "histo - cause as -Filed C. hMortimer, ' rymaking award", I learned to my annoyance that I would !have to send in an order for at least two magazines to "qualify" for the "Sweepstakes". I would have thrown the whole package out at that point if 1 hadn't noticed the names of some of the most prestigious magazines on one of the glizy inserts. This is one heck of a method to sell subscriptions. Who is this Fred C. Mortimer who keeps his desk in a post office box at Sta- tion A, -Toronto? Is he made of flesh and blood, or is he as false as the garbage he publishes? And what else does Fred pro- duce besides misleading adver- tising that tells me I will be a "super -rich multi -millionaire"? (Of course, my absolutely fa- Prosidntrof Canadian .Specialty Financial Services Inc. pointed out, I mould ttsthe guaranteed winner of 10 million dollars, "the biggest winner in history" But there was a tiny little string attached. When the envelope arrived, what was staring me in he facc in gold letters half an inch high was the announcement: "Peter Helsel SHALL be paid ten mil- lion dollars." Only when I react the small print, did I discover these two tiny little words which 1 teamed to distrust back in my childhood: the word "would" and the word "if'. Now suddenly I was confront- ed not with a gift or an award or an assignment, but with a histo- ry• ,. •' 1 : • ii�� tv Fed up with hoer Dear Editor: Picture this: a party scene, lava lamps aglow. peals of laughter and music blaring. Seated on a couch in the centre of the room; fou gor- geous women, finely weed bodies, large firm breasts and long flow- ing hair. Their attention turned to one man; the popular guy. the one they all want...the guy chugging beer. This epitomizes every beer com- mercial I've ever seen. I can't stand it anymore, this is why I'm writ- ing. Why do women have to look like ditty sex obiects,and men al- vouritemnitimrollionaires:are She upeeeich ones!) Iiireftlikeenittlj there oi- -lemma like the one'tistftediand ..his accomplices have tin: store for me* "If he .fails :to reply. -Per Hamel will be the first:to forfeit Seremillion.dollars .to,an_ alternate winner!" -Fred _goes on: "Will it be you who claims this historic grand prize - .or some .unknown person picked.at random? Please don't risk putting ten million dol- lars into She hands of some stranger!" 1 don't like taking that kind of risk, and maybe the easiest way to deal with the problem would have been to order a couple of magazines and be done with it. Maybe by now I would have had my cheque and "soy! could I do things with that kind of money. I hazard a guess that the pack- age I received cost a bundle to produce. A bundle of whose money, I wor..ier? And in the.un- likely event that anyone out there should really win ten mil- lion dollars, ?where would Art money come from? •From Fred C, Mortimer? I stuffed all the papers back into the envelope, together with a note: "Take me off your list, Fred!" Then I stapled and taped the little package and wrote on it: 'Return to sender at his ex- pense.., Maybe I've ,trade a colossal mistake. Maybe it's all perfectly legitimate. Maybe Fred is a gen- uine benefactor who really had picked my name, and I blew it. But I'll never know. ways with "the headnodding on the make" look? Every beer commer- cial I've aver seen rc minds' me of n tedious night at a disco meat market bar. Also what docs beer have to do with finely toned bodic8 and popularity anyway? Nothing! If you drink a lot of beer, say goodbye to )bat finely weed body, ,and more "vigilantly arc you only popular if you drink'? These are the wrong messages to be seeding out to young minds. This is the reality of a beer drink- ing party. picture this: the guy passed out on the stairs, stupid fishing stories, men in ,the garage, women in the kitchen, maybe a fight will break out. People of all shapes, sues, colours, creeds, and most of them will have big hango- ver heads in the morning. cornraercials.are degrading 'i women and men. as well as an insult to our intelligence. Sincerely. Christine Promhouse, Mensal I /114**, �73 I'd rather go to the dentist t161aenfhto•a fair numberupf- eetiitgs on environmental is - Agues in the past few years. One %common theme is that our con- sumer society just plain throws away too. much stuff. Not only do we chuck out the tonnes of packaging material that houses our .cookies :and frozen pizzas, but-we.also tend to tum out too many.consumer goods that need only minor repairs to keep them gunning. Alright, let's consider that for a moment. Instead of getting our old toasters or irons fixed, we drop them in the bin and buy new ones in the latest colours .and styles with the newest giz- mos. This is apparently wrong. We should instead visit a repair shop and get them renewed for :years of future service. I'm not sure whether I'm alone .in this, but I'm• almost at the ;[point where I'd rather visit the :dentist than have to get some- sthing repaired. Most stores' these days still operate on the old maxim that the customer is always right. Most repair and warranty service places seem to assume the customer is always a moron. Am 1 being too harsh, or is there a genuine problem with getting consumer goods fixed in this country? I've had sonic pretty grim experiences in past years, no doubt you've had a few of your own. My VCR blew a circuit last year. No one could find the fault, so the only solu- tios was to replace all the circuit boards - they wanted over $250 for that. My parents had a microwave -*hat blew its fuse. The repair guy put a new fuse in, checked it and sent it back. It promptly blew up, so it went back again. •The first thing it did was blow A Hold that thought... By. Adrian Harte the! last modet*SattnttilU f a camera now Sint siTiircidaitiol. When I looked at it in the store, I discovered the aperture mecha- nism wasn't working properly - -no problem, just a minor adjust- ment will fix it I was told. I Awaited over a month for it to .acome back. Foolishly, I bought citard brought it home only to „find the aperture drive was still Sticking when it was first turned -on, but worked fine afterwards. Back it went. A month later, it returns with a• repair slip pro- nouncing it healthy. 1 lift it out of the box and wrapper, switch it on...and still it malfunctions. the fuse again. My mother per- sonally delivered the thing to the repair centre for the third time and watched the guy put a new .fuse in, start it up to show it worked,. and opened the door to shut it off. 11Aom pointed out 'that if he hadlet it run the full cycle, .kaboom ! By the time -the rimicrowavc came back with a ,;,new timer mechanism, my par- ents had given up and bought a new one. I think they sold the old one in a garage sale. A friend of mine had to take her camera in for the same re- pair three times. No amount of explanation could convince the repair experts .there was any- thing wrong with it. Twice they dusted it out and sent it back with a caution about using new batteries. Finally, she drove to the Mississauga head office, walked through the front door aux! was able to conclusively prove to the unbelievers -that the light meter didn't always work. I had the same experience this past week, with another camera company. I had planned to buy Evidently. no amount of expla- natior, or pleading was going to convince the techno-boffins there was anything wrong with ,this marvel of modem engineer- ing. Without further ado, I re- turned the camera and accesso- ries and the store lost a four figure sale - through no fault of their own. Is this the way it's meant to be? Arc we expected to just drop a thousand dollar camera into the garbage pail. or set a five -hundred dollar microwave out at the curb at tlx: first sign of trouble, then gleefully head to the store to buy a new one? I'd like to think there isn't some dark plot to keep us con- suming - .that companies really do back up We products they sell with a rpasonabie expectation of keeping it turning for a reason- able service life. Maybe it's just .me, but 1 SCOW to have a hard ,time:fuidiug ,prcnof of that these days. �(jrypn ult ra/ Society sMlitte►nns closing pf college Dear Editor: .We, tl>e Kirkton Agricultural So- ciety are very disappointed with Atte recent decision to close Cen- tralia College of Agricultural Technology and the Veterinary Di- agnostic Laboratory. We realize a reduction in the provincial deficit is necessary but why must our yuung people sacri- fice their education in order to achieve this goal? Living in a fanning coaimu- nity the -Vet Lab is very important to our .livelihood and a valuable ser- vice in maintaining health and ani nhal disease diagnosis and preven- tion. Yours truly, Helen I-lardeman, Secretary, 444001-40501 t tl'Secacty