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Al Al IA
Buddies enjoy
Blue Water visit
ZURICH - Last Tuesday morning
the St. Boniface Grade 5 Buddies
- -visited the Blue -Mater Rest Home
--- td read large print poems with the
••••Residents in a musical chair format
•=:along with game action songs and a
+:acrambled word quiz. After an
hours' dialogue, both parties enjoy
a nice glass of juice to sooth the vo-
cal cords.
Pastor Stephen Altes, St. Peter
Lutheran Church, Zurich conducted
Thursday afternoon Chapel Ser-
vice. Fr. Peter Hayes, St. Boniface
Church, Zurich celebrated Mass.
Thursday evening was music lis-
tening to waltzes, Scottish, barber
shop, sacred and Irish tunes.
Friday afternoon Glen Thiel took
Oriole Westlake, Nelson Howe,
Lloyd Makins, Madeline Harburn,
Matilda Bassow, Emily Hardie, Ei-
leen Consist and Kurt Gebel on the
bus trip to Dublin, Staffa and Clin-
ton to view the preuy surroundings
at Paradise Gardens. Oriole and
Nelson enjoyed ane,more glance. at
their old homesteads in the Dublin/
Staffs area and everyone appreciat-
ed the fresh green countryside.
During the week Ruby Hoggarth,
Ted Steinbach, Paddy Bedard and
Harvey Keys enjoyed transplanting
flowers in the auditorium. No sore
knees, just dirty hands and the
smell of the fme earth.
Friday evening the auditorium
once more heard the sounds of bin-
go calls as Josef Risi, the Home's
Administrator, returned in clear yo-
delling voice from his holiday in
Best wishes go to Anna Heckman
who is visiting University Hospital,
On June 1 the Home Auxiliary
are holding a summer picnic for the
residents, so summer must be just
around the corner.
The Home will hold their resi-
dent/family summer dinner on Sun-
day, June 27, 1993 to welcome ill
the summer season.
Visscher Farms
Country Market
• Baked goods
• Fresh vegetables
• Potatoes • Jams
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily
Closed Sunday
3 miles west of Exeter on
Hwlr. m2374/042
Tlhtes-Atsvocate, June 2,1993
Lucan Hoiiie Garden Show
held in GB
By Roberta Walker
Church news
GRAND BEND - Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church, Grand
Bend, May 23 marked the Feast
of the Ascension of Jesus Christ,
.and May 30 was the Feast of
Pentecost, the birthday of the
Church. The Catholic Women's
League served a pancake/
sausage breakfast . after both
Sunday morning Masses to all
parishioners who came to the
Parish Centre.
Bible Conference Evening
takes place each Wednesday at 8
p.m. in the Parish Meeting
Room. "Pray and Play" baby sit-
ting services are staffed by vol-
unteers during the 11 a.m. mass,
so please lake advantage of this
program. June is seniors month,
with a potluck supper hosted by
the CWL ladies on Tuesday
June 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish
Centre. Each member should try
to bring. a (senior) guest. Call
Marie at 238-5536 to RSVP at-
tendance or if you need a ride.
There'll be a meeting for all pub-
ublic school elementary students
with Father Beck on Saturday
June 5 at 10:30 a.m. in the
church hall.
wr4 3
30" Range
Easy thong Orr,
M.w uo-s. sI Top
Idols iwpwwn S.it rs
IA tk tnitop
White -
Good selection of new fridges!
reduced for this sale- some
have GST rebate
GST rebate on some
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A hard working I
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tory results: Tri -
Level wash, Power
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ti -cycles permit you
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sible door with tex- program to suit your
tured finish completers. Extra long cut -
this model's value wry .
styled image.
2ti2-2 /2, ttefS, (p4'1 li,u;s I -
Displaying products
from Lucan's Crest
Centre are Bill
Devries on left, Dale
Shaule and Philip
Autchings. J
Cornrnunity support for
show is disappointing
LUCAN - Organizers of the Lu -
can Home and Garden Show are
asking area residents for feedback
after a disappointing turnout on the
Wayne Pryce, president of the
Lucan and area Optimist Club, said
he was pleased with the support of
local exhibitors who were part of
the more than 40 displays, but he is
at a loss to explain why community
residents weren't as involved.
"We support more than a thou-
sand kids in and around Lucan who
are involved in baseball, figure
skating and minor hockey." The
Optimists, he said, expected many
of the parents to come out to the
Money raised from the three-day
event will go towards the Elm
Street Project - the building of a
picnic pavilion, washrooms and
storage space for equipment at the
"We want to build the park up,"
be said. of:iite three-year o o-
ject. They also want to provide new
play equipment and eventually a
basketball court, but enough reve-
nue has to be raised before this can
"Last year the garden show had
to compete with the London Air
Show so there was a reason for low
attendance." But this year, Pryce
said, he doesn't think timing played
that big of a factor.
This is only the second year for
the garden show, he said, so they
are expecting to have some grow-
ing pains. That's why the organizers
want.some input.
"We know it's a great fundraising
event, we just need more communi-
ty support," Pryce said. `
This coming Saturday, the Opti-
-mists are hosting a bike rodeo for
local students in Grade 1 through
Grade 8. The rodeo is free as are
the prizes.
"This is another example of how
we spend the money back into the
cornmunit r.. fAcaasid.
Thames Roadoda Rohde
morning the Thames Road United
Church choir sang "Glory be to Je-
sus" accompanied by the organist
Jean Hodgert at the morning ser-
The Scripture Readings were
read from Matthew 26:20-30, I
John 1:5-10 and II Corinthians
The title of Rev. Jim Alisop's ser-
mon was "Conditions to Commun-
The congregation sang the Com-
munion Hymn "Sons of God" and
Rev. Allsop and the elders served
the congregation and choir com-
The service was closed with the
Communion Prayer from the Green
Service Book and the singing of
"Break Now the Bread of Life".
Church news
On Wednesday, June 2 at Elim-
ville church there will be a Vaca-
tion Bible School teachers' training
On Thursday, June 3 Sunbeams
will wrap up the season at 9:30
a.m. weather permitting at Victoria
Park on Huron St. W. Exeter. Eve-
ryone is asked to please bring a pic-
nic snack. The rain date is June 10.
This Sunday June 6 the Centralia,
Elimville, Exeter, Hibben, Kirkton,
Thames Road, Woodham and Zion
West community of churches is in-
viting everyone to a combined ser-
vice at Thames Road United
Church. The Orchestral prelude be-
gins at 10:30 a.m. with a sing along
at 10:45 a.m. and the service com-
mencing at 11:00 a.m.
The guest speaker is Bev Rab-
betts of St. Marys; and a fellow-
ship and light 'lunch will follow the
Please use your regular envelope
if you wish your offering to be for-
warded to your own church.
On Monday, June 7 for the
U.C.W. meeting at Thames Road,
bring an annual to be planted at the
The guest speaker will be Norma
Sunday school
Sunday, June 13 is promotion
Sunday for both Sunday Schools.
The children will receive their di-
plomas and seals. Hope all the
members can attend.
Sunday, June 20 is the Elimville
Sunday School anniversary. Guest
'speaker will be Neil Anderson.
On Monday, June 21 the Straw-
berry and Ham supper will be held
at Thames Road.
Sunday, June 27 is the Thames
Road Sunday School anniversary.
Special music is planned by the
Cassell Twins and Sunday School
Barbara Miller of Toronto spent
the weekend at her home here.
by Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Get well wishes
from the community to Fred Allan
who was a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London for several days
last week.
Several Granton W.I. members
gathered at the cenotaph to plant
flowers and bulbs on. Friday after-
U.C.W. Unit 2 members held a
garage sale at the cenotaph comer
on Saturday.
The Anglican Bible study group
met at Mary Jefferies' home for din-
ner on Wednesday to finish off be-
fore the summer season.
There was no service at the Si
Thomas' Anglican church on Sun-
day because of the Anniversary at
Si Patrick's church, Saintsbury
which some of the congregation at-
At the Granton United Church on
Sunday, Pastor Normalic Voakes
entitled her sermon "The Gentle
Breese that blows" which was
about Pentecost, basod on the les-
son from Acts 2. The Lord's Prayer
was sung by the choir.
Still has a great selection of
excellent quality
Bedding Plants left
Phone 2346464
Open 5 days 4 -10 p.m.
t.- .9au -5
Luncheon meeting held
By Roberti Walker
GRANDE :V•fembers of
the Harem Neatly ° ;ltlsyyhouse
Guild met -at the tow -AAA Res-
taurant in Exeter for their monthly
luncheon meeting on May 26.
Guild president Mary Metcalfe
welcomed everyone and intro-
duced the special guests, the chil-
dren's chorus of "Oliver" the musi-
cal which will be opening soon at
the Playhouse. Artistic Director
Max Phymer's Assistant Louisa
Abalone and Musical Director
John Carr led the group of 35 chil-
dren "Food, Glorious Food", high-
ly appropriate music for a restau-
rant and beautifully performed.
"Oliver' star Aiden de Salavz
sang the wistful solo "Where is
Love?", resulting in a few teary
eyes in the audience. The perfor-
mance held a promise of great
things to come, and convinced
those few remaining to hurry and
:,get their tickets.
Mary Metcalfe thanked the
-Guild members who helped cater
and serve at the April "Spring Tea"
which was held at the Southcott
Pines clubhouse on April 28.
Memberships were collected, and
Nancy Thomas was the winner of
-a floral arrangement. The featured
:guest for April was Jo Zvonkin,
Playhouse Wardrobe Mistress,
who brought old playhouse cus-
'toms worn by those serving tea.
She also answered questions about
her role in theatrical productions
and interesting information about
costume work. The June meeting
and August meeting will be at
Oakwood Inn; the place for July
has yet to be arranged.
Plans were finalized for the an-
nual Planting Day out at the Play-
house, as all the guild gardeners
join Melbou Landstrom and Anne
Didier in beautifying the theatre
grounds with flowers, set for May
:27. Volunteers are also needed to
work at the Gift :Shop, organized
by Kay Stollard.
Lillian Newton and Carol Ginge-
'-tich are recruiting volunteers for
the "Meet and Greet" 1Cielllli:yo wel-
come visitors before each reefer -
manes. "iiardts are on sale for the
raffle fir a calettible "Oliver" doll,
to be drawn after the last perfor-
mance. Ladies are also needed for
the bingo fundraiser and the mara-
thon bridge games. Mary Dixon
won the 50/50 draw for May.
Kate Burneu of the Playhouse
Foundation invited Guild members
to the season's official opening on
June 4, with a ribbon -cutting and
tour of the new backstage and shop
areas. There will be a sneak pre-
view of "Oliver" followed by a 7
p.m. reception and opportunity to
meet cast members. -
On July 25 the Playhouse is host-
ing a Country Barn Dance and Bar-
beque, with tickets at $20 for
adults and $5 per child. Las Vegas
trip tickets are on sale all summer
at the Kiosk.
by Anni Morenz
SHIPKA - A bus load of Seniors
from Grand Bend, Dashwood and
Shipka travelled to the African
Lion Safari, near Rockton, last Fri-
day on a McNaughton tour bus.
Other events were a ride on the
African Queen Boat and Nature
Boy Scenic Railway and the exotic
animal shows.
The group had supper at a restau-
ram in Brantford. Going from Ship-
ka were Mabel Fraser, Ross and
Evelyn Pickering, Lorne and Doro-
thy Fenner.
Get well wishes to Anna Heck-
man, of Blue Water Rest Home,
Zurich and a former resident of this
area. Anna fell recently and frac-
tured her hip and is presenuy in
University Hospital at London.
Hugh and Aneie Morenz visited
Sunday afternoon at the Blue Water
Rest Home with Lorne and Loreen
Devine and their cousin, Ruby
Vicki, Kion and Terri
would like to congratulate
In "MacDonald of Huron Park
Lori Lynn Wagner of London
Angie Dearing of Dashwood
They are winners of>our GrandOOpening
Joico draw which was held on
Saturday, May 29
..I...1r..... s....Vlir
OUR HOURS ARE: Mon. to Thurs. 9-8
Fridays 9-7; Saturdays 9-4
mind Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be our senior
discoent days (10%)
Terri Farquhar • Vicki Parsons • Kim Scott
or come in and .see us, we're right beside
Murphy's Pub and Eatery
We're glad
you asked!
Planning a funeral is among the most individual of arrange-
ments you will ever make. No funeral services are exactly the
same, or should be; each ceremony reflects the character
and life of the person it honors.
One way to be sure those arrangements will be carefully con-
sidered is to make them in advance. This practice, called
Pre -Planning, spares your family from making difficult deci-
sions under stressful conditions. When you meet with us 10
Pre -Plan a funeral, all decisions are made in a quiet, unhur-
ried atmosphere. We devote our full attention to your needs.
You, and your family if you wish, merely sit down with us and
decide all the details of funeral services -- in advance, so
these decisions won't have to be made hastily. We record
your wishes, and you keep a copy in a sale place. Mat's all
there is to it.
We are here to offer our experise and advice on these very
personal matters. If you would like to talk with us about Pre -
Planning, or about any other aspect of funeral services,
please stop by.
! uncorpoteted)