Exeter Times, 1874-7-15, Page 4thea, tit 1lla A Wei lllte114,40t 4t1ie type. u'tt'er, iI i. ro,„%ot o Pi}'tlll, 11 Soils, is Patli$13. , '13Th t ter to oil taut l' estor t s. heotttirters faller tk+a;Ys 11e never °1j(\7 12 selfi 4'104 1,41111 wheti lie tees lupi ooh sltilits ie lalti}l tit in the Paris € ardevs pile may find every kind of roses, even inclitsling rhinoce-roses, ]t iii said thllt the liietiiest t*.it'Iin lulu}' a.11tlrg is a newspaper earlier. Slats „' parries them in ],icer bustle, come ttl steal." tta the rat. obeerv- , ei ku :the ti' 11. ' And I spring to cin= bracse you," as tile, 'trap replied to the vat.. That "little birds do, in their Meets little birds, 't to n c Q!, tc the tagred is 131.1 credit because it would (lever do for them to frill oat, A philttdelphia gentleman advertises smug that is destined to wipe out the nationtl1 tight, There is probably some , ` lye" about it. When your pocket -book gets empty, .all(I everybody knows it, you can put ,;;Il'1your friends in it and, it won't bulge ,out worth a cent. The editor of the Panama, Star apolo- .gizes for the non-appearance of his pa - * per by saying - that he had to haul off to 7 i, i dig lliuckshot out of s legs. A man named Howard, of Delaware, las been Neat to state prison for live years for stealing a flat -boat loaded -with tar. A blacker cringe was never cotnmitted, The -mayor of Portuguese city once lenu'Aera'tec1, among the marks by which the body of a drowned map might ,be 'identified, " a marked impediment in Lie speeaL." A 'Wis onsin clergyman has been found guilty by it church council of t, not always handling the truth ;with sufficient carefulness to meet the de- mands of veracity.,, A Cincinnati reporter gaye that there 1s eonirtliiug grand in a pair of runa- way horses, but we believe that a good deal depends nn whether a nlfn is on a 'fence or trying to climb over the end board of the wagon. Guunybags dunned Smith for the amount aneen ac.)onnt, and Smith 45 lee, saying Gunnybags must let the account btaud awhile longer. Gunny - !lags wretthily replied that he wouldn't. Then let it run," retorted Smith, and Ounnybags was madder than ever. The Dunkilrs, a sect of German Bap- tists, have decided in their national convention ,that no member of that church should keep a piano or other ungodly instrument pf sound in his house. A Dunker family- `would be a good place for boarders. A stuttering broker iu New York late- ly asked another, who had a bald pate. why his head was like li-hash in a b -boarding - house. The disgusted friend, nu admitting that he didn't know, was informed that 'twas because th-there's a h -hair h -h -here and th-there. The Seneca tribe of Indians now Consists of one old horse, a chief, and three gallons of whiskey. A few more setting suns—a few moons—a brief season, and that three -gallon jug will juin its comrades in the happy hunting grounds, I:tAol''n i tiTaN iol't 'N S LAP'I:LY .11 tte tens ct al a t ever rite \ r, stedietl With dilige a vast the t.lferent offsets of lig i Y':}s't};,g t:t en instrneticns t t 41 til Dominion and altls@} 1 the(is nQW: Prelnr'01 to oxeellt'4#. Clic li e Froin the nu, hest tin type, hill 1'h, hetes (0410 said snia>g' ieg, „ Oval frt ne a of differeint. eines art hand. dices --$1..50 por Joao, per dazo i l Parties wishingnt k •cited mild ewethe bet go worst viii be aa. ,awaet ie. Shame moderate. avorlra0leel ? iI•p)irt 4,Y ,i r tielM and built l to MOO .ibis rxi l,x 4,41 s ,,, t r etfeats Orti his 141 nee for roues Cllr 1tt anti I.1aad0, 131 NOW f' the diet ciloinirig eta tells he u1 O1. ( etas, el yl rut sitti,llletogia u01 u. speciality. l elvIt s yr :idly i ictunclod, ;* residences lrhot 11i35 1 `1'"t;S? lrl W'ould'lnttundo tp Clout uanteroao friegda and tiro panel polio that "nag 3,,r0 13Y90494.'t a 9.! oldeiy. tctr *Amato* *ead4tQl?es, Tablt Tp,, lf;l,ntles,. <vc. Crean, ANIt44nlltnts. Imported to. Order t4t?f1,lla1 alottlii ,iarlst 10'SP, ki 1u (grill the t1}ltap4tanta of 1ft2ferer t)d our, Aitulln ootnitr tthµ }e is l,repalrAd 0 du µ'1 1rr 9,4 rofgl, 010)44 14014 M latask and r iorit (gold o fibre 04'144 e.t ltia kdtitl0r tai St• 1tfory k >yf4i le tnaOUAA At atzeap zai.tcs, Ail order* 190 4t, the • lU4)asl oiltoo,PR.tcx, will- xilccttvAft}'s nipt ottotttitie Work of the hest etyla ai4 rt, ani 94k1T54,441 prp1,080•4 ut.4hte V.irt of )0tMi5, A Gall respacfn ty eolieited. t Oplioulta La rtin 4i amuse }"e Stare, Los au k,TIIR%iT, SRAFoltTH. lift L, At1$n$l'`AT, fit N'C'fl` IS'1'+'' T iss OTIC:4 TE R. wool Alrn LO 'BOT 1)41 x ST AC (,MOVED TO''rnE NEW DOPE' sTonr) R, KINSMAN, DENTIST, WILL ... be tonna at his Oleo, Main treet, Exeter Ont„ every Tuesday, and generally on the otlier days of the week, oaeeptt Wednesday and Thursday. lie Will guarantee all work to be egoal to the beat clone iii any oily, and et prices within the roaeli of all glasses. If any have a tooth nulling on s tui &iy, e03.140 in the evening (tor five, instead of leaving it for Suuclaw, as some :lo. All 'who want to SSVe their teeth should call Ind have them kiispocted before they foolpain iu them. iii parents should call for advice about uliilclren's first teeth, before allowing one to be ex- traato,l, as groat damage is constantly being done 1+5 extractirg Wali teetbto.. soon. NEW PUMP FACTORY, PUMPS. p tJMM S iiiI1' Mot 0CI:[LO- '4 -TP to oso iaeap: #r tt}f, Enµrlcot 4'pl,liM „ rtt'daJ. l,au, nilflu II Iw . . I' 1 111Ut I1t Hill 1110 r L. i I,IIuwi'. X107 ,,,,,,,,,Iti11111111111111I unniglr n q., JiW lulu, jifiluIIII I miupiliw rnaimRno„'1'SRP3;P f II •st r+t'- '' tl Vhllhlll hlul6oul I I ::01, I IIUINI tll(fl fl I I IUIWIII illillit°s r2IUl0.ln W,itic:iiihttomm nitnlmi t ): Obllt lkll l Ll `, a n u II lulls l Ia ial 11I iI I .I I IIT, I • iII,II Ip uu ; I p yjp k +r At I I IIIII{iillL lIhIlII iI I NSI ; II `I, @SII h11f 11111iI g111IIIVII .II Ito !Glgi !IIW1WI fl l`J ItI PI IiV; Illi pmuin ,wm.,,,,w`I OY q 0 . d ! I'l •'llup.711y .74Ci -''1)-1101 I11111Wpi IIINII UI i1 I J, "III,I f rriisprrm , YlCit tMW „P9.M CHANGE OF TIME, TEAVES Dew's Rotel, Ryeter,for, London, AT C> o'CLOCK A, M a and leavos the Queen's Hotel, Lucan, at WC/Ciao nal .ni at all laces along theroute for passen- gers, cal 6 p . . s rs andari i'viilg in London' iu time far all ge trains by G. W. R., and G. Tt; G. BOLTON, HAY would inform the inhabitants of Hay, Stephen and Osborne, that he manufactures all kinds of pump., including the MONSII'ICER PATENT FORCE Pump) T~'--'alV W 6 .aLbidie A'} RI OULTURAL IIIPLE ME NTS Returning, leaves City Eotel at 2 P. M., for Luoan and Exeter. ' The strict- est attention paid to freight and parcels. Your patronage solicited. CALDER & CO, Proprietors, LonclonA.pri1 16, 1874. 34.tf. for which he has the exclusive right for the above-named townships. The subscriber feels confident that he can satisfy those in want o pumps, as to workmanship and quality, and at such prices that he CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN TIHE DOMINION. 111ANvrACTonr.—One-Fourth mile north of the village of Exeter, on Lot 7, Hay, London itoad. N. B.—Repairing attended to with prompt- ness, and done at reasonable prices. CEO, BOLTON. Hay, Aprill6 1874. , 34-6m. wananezzaxansmisscrsesewsemenuammoldomeemeasonsien Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. • Two -horse power Wood. S ,wing Machine (his machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, CKlilit , 5. Now HEADY gt eco 00 k1 i CVO, 0*; P vi, Sop N. •0 Qy 0'0 0 C4oQ: esp, Ogg m 1-{ m 1.-•, . p L THE FAVORITE LINE. •i1Hawkshavcr's Stages t LONDON & EXETER. —o --- AT THE Exeter Carriage WORDS. The largest stock of single and double Good Horses,, Cot mfortable Stages an —0-- These stages aredriven by and e most leave ace mmo n tine of THl WESTERN ROTE , LONDON, every arta,,....,.., ,,.riving in Liman time to connect with trains for the east and wee ar.d connecting in Exeter with the Clinton and S Mary's stages. LEAVE EXETER ABOUT 4 a.m., connecting in Lucian and Loudon with sta gos and trains. WBi%OOKS. JOHN HAWK SHAW, Driver. 1. Proprietor. CARRIACE$ & BTIGCIES Ever exhibited in this Vicinity, Which will be found to bo the Best and Cheapest over offered to the public in this vicinity. Now is the time for bargaiinas,,ea s the pi ouriotor has uch REDUCTION IN PRICES as certainly IlEFIES CO3IPETITIOY elsewhereAn examination of the ;stock is respectfully soliciiteclbp the purchasing subScrib' i' Pr other machinery, without extra expense ex- trept for the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of for all kinds of Vehicles attended to WITH THE USUAL DISPATCH. ALL WORE WARRANTED, JOHN TRICK. Exeter, April 7, 21114. 15-1}'. EXETER NORTH CHANGE OF BUSINESS. o UST RECEIVED AND IN STOCK J A GOOD SUPPLY 4F FIELD, gARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS HORSE TOOTH CORN GROCERIES, Lana L',ASTER Winn aad Liquors ! the undersigned having purchased the entire interest of the late Dr. II. B. Winans in the Drug public wiis th:a well sel prepared st ck of o miLodato the DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDICINES, &c., AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETI- TION. 0. VANDUSEN, Chemist & Druggist. Exeter ApriI1.1874 S2-tt. A PUBLIC CAUTION. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States, although they may be obtained in the B.N. American Provinces. Each rotandnoxbeara the BiritishGcver•nmeit Stamp, with thew•ords, "Hollo- way's Pills and Ointment, London, e Agra~ od there = on. Ithas become necessay to make this announ- cement, because the New York Chemical Company (who pay nobody), finding at last that their name has been so exposed, have assumed the title of "Holloway and Co. ;, but, even now, no one will buy their medicines direct from them, so that they have made arrangements to supply exclusively firm ne of Messrs. Henry and Co., of New York, with their so called "Holloway's Pills , 5 Oint- ment.” int- ment" It is presumed that from the large con- nexion Messrs. Henry 4nd Co. have in the Britla3 Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous vendors and others unless they exercise great caution to pre- venttheirbeingmisled, by finding these medicines bearing a stamp with the name of "Holloway and Co., New York;' printed therepn, Many respect- able firms in the British Provinces, who plitainniy rbile smedicines nggested that Itshould, for' the benehave fit of then selves and the public, insert their names in the papers, that it may be known that medicines can be had genuine from them. The following is a list of the firms alluded to ; and, Ipsa,Wcularly re- commended those who dosire to getli'tyj edieines to apply to some of the Souses h1Cniee eesrs. A.vanyFoa- ms & ,. Co.Halifax, N.fa S. P ossi dt,'4T•.',33. BA smn & SON,, St. John. N. B. Mr. T. DirS BR19AY, Char- lotte Town, P. E. I. Messrs. LANGLEY & Co., Vic- toria, B, C. Messrs. MOORS & Co., Victoria, B. C. Dr. Jon's PALLNL, Chatam, N.B. Messrs. MVivl3o ton, Ont.Montreal. Mr. . Messrs. KOBE,To onto. Mr. A' Ht Chip - MAN SMITH. St. John, N. B. Mr. JOHN 330ND, God- erich, Ont. Messrs. 'ELLIOT & Co„ Toronto. Mr, J. CHALONER, at, John N. B. Messrs. RANINGLON B'Ito fens, st. 'John, N. B. Mr. R. B. pavanx, Windsor, Out. Mrs. O1tPEN, worden, N. s. Mr GEORGE o. Hunt, Jun., Frbdoricton, N. B. sir. W. H. TnoiarsoN,Harbor Grace, N• F. L. lar. 3. st WILHv, Fredericton, N. B. Messrs, W, & D, YUILE nlontreah The medicines, are sold. at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quantitiea of not less than X20 worth—viz., Bs, 65., els., and 349, per dozen boxes of P1118 or pots of Ointment, for which re; mittanoesmust he sent in advance. - THOMAS ROLL )WI4:Y,, Chemists and other vendors of:LIolloway's genu- ine Pills and Ointment may have their names in- serted in the local papers if they will please apply koro— 503 Oxford street, W.G.•fim h0nd0n, March 31st, 1874 CARRIAGE • FACTORY Messrs. G. & J. Brooks have now commenced the manufac- ture of Buggies, and Wagons for the Spring and Summer Trade. TERMS --Cash or dit. Farmingi mpfemrlents kept constantly en hand. BOIL'JE SHOO full operation; 33 I+ of all sixes" to chief: pzefnk'l 3t1 ' ,ttaflrled trkIOMI'O' & i ZtLAA1 g, Mite&1e11, f rit, 6,1v, Mfitdhellr Sone 18, 11-441-6-411 Short Cre- Also, onhand,a lot of Scotch Diamrahcl Harrows, of their own manufacture, which they can and will sell as cheep as any one in the trade. Please to call in. G. do J. DRUM. HARDWARE CROCKERY LONDON QUEBEC and MONTRE'A L Tempe rley Line. Composed of the following first -010,93 DOMINION LABORATORY. ,...,t, choice assortment of pure drugs and chomi- caSe, and where will be found all the latest and most popular patents of the day, a few of which we may mention, Tonics, Dyspepsia Remedies, &c. Buchu Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Planets' Bitters, Caldwell'SCelebrated Dyspepsia Remedy, Simp- son's specific P11113. Alteratives, &c. Ayer's sarsaporilln, Bristol's sarsaparilla, Rad- way'SBesolvent. Iodo Bromid Calcium Compound, Kennedy'story,hoshoneesDltonaedy, IlCmbold's 33uchu, Victory, Medicaniontum, &o Coughs, Colds, Consumption, &c, Ayer's toiletry Pectoral, A11en's Lung 13alsam, "Metar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ransom's Hive Syrup and Toln, Bryan's rutin orue Wafers, Brown 8 Bronchial Troches, Winer'a Hoarhound and Ele- cainpane, Fellow's Compound iiypophosphites, Parrish's Chemical Food, 'Eastons syrup, Fir. quit. et Bullet Phos., Peruvian syrup, Campbell's Codliver Oil. with Pancroatie Emulsion. Pills, &e. Dandelion Pllis, Ayers, Herrick's, Bristol's, Moi' se's, Indian Root, Judson's Mountain Herb, ling yard's, Radway's lleandith's, National, McLean's Sho9honees sir fames Clarke',,—Sweet Castor 011 Castor Oil ]Smtillion, &c. titictitS &o. YRON ST.EAmSittiP ,. SCOTLAND, 14IEDWAY, THAMES, DELTA,. S,):1117010 '1 tAtoZlii I'IECTO1 'ho $toafaora of this fine are intended to tail dining the SOatOA of Navigation of 1873, from 1irltrt t l Mo 1ttAtr, LUlV76bY Po Q fSt • Fldbtianct, Wetlnot4dayr 3733 Angtiet, ae O and eveVe ry alternate' vVednestlay and eatni ay thereafter, And from QCI 'a :F6k' ,L NDON, A roL:LOWg: 'rhampa,'tito tin, 2f3tAngus ltli S b33 t1rAc a p h y rii x K 'Save t. r,., , . r, d . e Sob e obi , iu Yr , e da cC '3ltffrs'ttrty And ovoxg tcltdrrtatttu l+ 5 tCei'oafter. tate, 'rawer than other ne rlertiiioatoe tsae d td 3)erAosug cteoleotts bf ttfrkg. 5d bII3 Choi(" h1033533 ireWitt btP elage,alta " i> ; 11 "d'II:A"V Y1 entiadal,•'.. WML A A'Ir`, Trask's Dye 'Wilson's Magnetic Pintmon a, sr Iver 1 0U0' ay'so0i laments, Dia epen a Holic iimo3Pand Kennedy`s Hrifnor OintmontS. 1'41n fciitol' , ett , Perry b4,v si Parr Ii filler, Midway's U. lt,Moyer'e Galvanic biluidv. Victoria llloo6trie Lknarnent, Thornite' Medtri0 Oil, W}iislow' a seething syrup, 11onew'tIthettmtale Comfort, 3 eni3ody'3Linainent Dolorieid0, &o. Woini itodlfInes, Ct,G4 Melte10ib's Dead elrot, +MeLean'5 Vernrifege,, Wlnelviv'e *pini syr np,Fi'cenlaa'5'Worm ISoteders worm Tea,, one, deer North of It, tneVis' 111aeksmfth seep, Main-Htreet,111cote . 1l doll tolieited, eatisfadtion and baltto for iriOney spout gtfarn,tlteed, Gema ono 4,orne a11, Diarjo.cea & Dyse.tiy Medi-. gate, Ttair 'Lr+ sing, Plasters, lA edtclnes Iiotse C'!'IiC, C;ats, rh 7 f,: ,luta Wiiieg alae 14lecicin.es, , L±q tbit fog 11ted ainal use,1)ye tuff4, Are1ine Dyes, &e., at Boots and ShoeS' Patent Medicines, Also; BATHER AND SEED POTATOES ! JOHN BACK, FLOUR & FEED STORE. atbmoiq l ll5tt(1t11Y lr# . BpY THE Best Organ .Made DEALER, IN ALL KINDS OF ALL KINDS OF SHQP1NPING i. coo kugits I9f 73e sure and get the W. D. McGloohlen 'Nate before buying.'You will have no other alter seoin tnem. A11 who wear thorn recommend there Gold and Silver, Lady and Gontteinan's sizes 77 Dundee Street, London,se the testimonGiils Tho largest, best and cheapest stock of fine d Jewolrey, Clocks, iilver an Plated Ware`Fancy Geed, Oe„ &g., in 'the Province. Beparing of evey description. 77 Dun D. ee sI. London Ont. japtimo, goot5 & (*M . JOHN TREBLE'S BOOT, SHOE, "AND Harness Show, MAIN STREET. • PGZka)'t T e Mug the merits of other Organs byupholding We c10 not ll ', to cletlaGt from rg ours but are et, r ready to submit them to a fair and impartial test, feeling confident of the result. PRICES Fil. `5TO $1,. 500. OM a. ` a r s'Testimoniale from the best musicians in Canada can be seen. MARBIN B Parkhill. arkhill. A large sad varieedd Children sof Ladies, Gents' SOOTS & S130ES OF THE LAT ESTT STYLES AND BEST Kept constantly on hand. Also a choice lot of FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, SLIP- PERS, &C, 0 of Reed Organs GET' ryli) ovil) 2HE ONLY NimpAL VE DAWARDED FOR ORoilss Tim- IN BRITAIN AND WHEREVER SEEN, our Organs are univer- sally acknowledged to be 9313FRI018 TO ALL OTHERS In all the essentials of L good Instrumeut. During the YEAR 1873 we secured as usual FIRST PRIZE AT LONDON, GUEUNT,Y AND INNUMERABLE SHWS IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA 4 Five Years' Guarantee given with each instru- ment. For;Illestrated Catalogue, Address W BELL ac C1I1INAY„ Crgnn Na1;rfr(furer GUEI" 1, err V 1 115 t• 'Mr, T. having secured the soryipes pf Ir5R. 3. COMMAFORD, is prepar ed to receive orders for alo of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY HARNESS, A complete stock of , HORsE ccLOTH COMBS,. TRUNK , ;BRUSHES, WHIPS, The subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their past support and assures them that as nothing but the best material is used and none but first-class workmen emploped, they will find it to their advantage to continue that support. PARTIC /MAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDER -WORK AND REPAIRING. Exeter,NOv'mbor 20th, 1873. 13-1y Improved Singer Sewing Machine.. THE LOCTMAN 18 The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dominion.. Jr ROSS pLANING MiLLS ! J. ROSS, Bnilder, Mannfactnrer, and dealer in all kinds of MI DING MATERI AL, ouch as SASH , THE L., I-, 4513.R. MI 5B.R- DRESSED AND UNDRESSED Boors, Blind is fog Sicloo ISAAC 01.111,11k. MOULDNGS, etc, lie lies also on hand a first-olass lot of 1T 1S THE Simplest, Strongest, Qu etest, Lightest Runnin' Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed. its make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMROVED SINGER, is an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots & sh^t,r., etc. THE SHUTTLE 18 SOL1D STEEL, larger, simpler, and in C every wiTTFI better the Agertk` in use,. MR. S. al ways kficps on hand a supply of Afachine Attaolu,nen t-,;, ':Vilk'ea.d, 7NTeclies, N.B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVE!! TO EACH PURCHASER. t:?1— Mr. Southcott is prepared orso c,ii,, -rte ; iul'satisfactory ,Cts in his clothing Line, cytrrnc grit GROCERIES ANS LIQUORS THIII subecribor begs to thank the people of Ex- eter and suriounding country for the very liberal patronise bestowed upon him in the past, and now after.enlgrging his premises is prepared to do work whiph pelmet be surpassed either in or outside of cities. Particular attention paid to the making and fitting of COLLARS. Flooring, hiding CASING, Scroll. -Wok, etc Which they fnr}lish o order, HARNESS C, A.MACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock consisting of Grreen, Black, and Japan TE.A.a•r. Raisins, Currants,. Prunes,_ Rice" Sugars, IA101 he is: prepared to, (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND SILVER MOUNTED, In he most stylish and fashionable manner pos- sit a. Repairing receives every attention. The 8QQKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hand. He would intimate to his many friends that he has 1o1ed t_o their health and interests in, Boots and Shoes. and bas just received, a large and varied stockier Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Wear, This branch will bo found replete in every particular, and the stock will be sold at a slight advance on cost. The services of MR. THO. ALLEN, Thames Road, have been engaged to take charge of this department. and Is now prepared VI receive all or- ders for work in thislino. Satisfaction guaranteed and work performed with promptness. 14-3m. W. FANSON. Dressed and 1:lndressod, 3gl}stantly on hind, Lathazsittoples Always itn hand. t inunntil, to . six ei , WINTER! Special uttentioit paid to PLASS SPECIPICATZC 'S. thorattglrly nnderstt4nditlg- lira bliCiiets, 1'tee-- itlg fiend Mit. 'e'itperienee L'Workiner1r axle% ti5l31g only dta*.313ts tuaterial,- he feelsoenildetrt of giving entire sobs€action to all *did iltay faVer- l1ietwith their patronage. A Call oblioittatl. gL 'Z1tAt ittrIACit LOTS, .wlt trit +kyr t t r'i it; F V.CJ.,1V .LG F7i3. & TE BISSETT Have, new rn hand a quantity of ST OV S Off' LONDON & EAWITACIN MADE, And Would solicit a ill from gantitity otag a really. Tinware, wary Copper -ware, etc, Always on hand. ICAVE-Miltatritali BADE A $PEC!AL1TY, qf, Q1QQQr t. SELL CHEAPER THAN: EVER,, as t D01 'T FAIL TQ GIVE THE NEW STQBE A CALL:. xeter, Felb. 26, 1874. Id Copper, Iron, ir.. TAKEN IN EXCHANKE FO .00008 AT CAW mots. ittit 60,16, 19YA'. -r.,'1 SAMWELL& PICKARD New Prints ann Ginghanas New Silk Warp Dress (-bods New Stith Poplins` New BlaclL,Silks; Tew Fancy Wool Shawls, New cold, Silkp`l, New Silks Tissue Shawls, New Lace Collars,, and full lines of Cloves Hosiery, and Corsets, Boots, shoes, G *0001108, andehclf rirdworo, of all, the Neteet and Meat p1051i10 53310 5ty105 3 he have also resoitied.Brett f a'hr IThr l tib, A FIRST-CLASS t -CLASS . ASSORTMENT WALL-1AI'IJ . or l l eller x', Cat via t lit'tYlitle bs,.. . A110 Clue ftllo tl CFood Win be , 1. o .. ' oW •tGno4tl , Ql e vllerrs, No troublo ' )11iCfi litS1I1 ..