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Times -Advocate, May 26,1993
From our
kitchen to yours
T By T:A. host writer Heatidnftyu13evi<ne
Forthcoming dance - Alison
and Eric together with their
parents Norma and Doug
Thompson of Parkhill and
Melva and Bill Rammeloo of
Grand Bend wish to an-
nounce -their wedding recep-
tion May 29, 1993 at the Ail-
sa Craig Recreational Centre.
Open dance at 9:00 p.m.
Forty years
of service
:c -e Ieb rate d
EXETER - Last Tuesday the
South Huron Hospital Auxiliary
celebrated 40 years of service.
Tic. Auxiliary and Board room
were decorated with banners and
flowers in honour ()lithe past presi-
dents attending, who as they ar-
rived were greeted and received a
corsage of dark blue and white
flowers, which is the hospital col-
Alma Langford, past president
for one week, welcomed everyone
to the past president's tea.
Sevcahwa. QrtL eof.lhe 24 past
presidents were in attendance.
Three are deceased and four were
unable to attend.
Langford introduced each past
president by their_ year and as they
were introduced they gave high-
lights of special happenings that
had taken place in their years. She
recognized the absent past presi-
dent's by reading interesting things
from their years or a tittle verse.
As their names wcrc called a white
carnation for the deceased or a
blue one for the absent ones, was
placed in a beautiful vase with
greenery. Alter all the past presi-
dents were introduced the vase of
carnations was presented to Leone
Brock who is a Life Provincial
member of H.A.A.O.
Entertainment followed: Ada
Dinney sang accompanied by Mar-
jorie Johns on the piano, Ruth
Skinner gave a reading, Marjorie
Johns the no% president played
several selections on the piano.
Everyone was invited to the
board room where a delicious
lunch was served.
These past few weeks we
have had visitors with us
and have been trying to
show them some of the
high spots around here.
When we originally
thought about what we
might do, Niagara, Toron-
to, Elora Gorge, and of
course the Lake Huron
Beaches came to mind, but very little else that was relatively
total. Our mistake.
A drive north on a sunny Saturday brought us to Clinton and
Sloman Park.. a very small park, but thanks to Margaret Slo-
man, one that our friends will not soon forget They were fas-
cinated by the school railway car, and i must admitso :wcrc
we. .A part of Ontario history so close to us and yet 1 wonder
how many local people have have really taken advantage of it.
My congratulations to all those people in Clinton who have
worked so hard to make the park a lovely place to visit and
picnic it.
Coded -eh has always been a picturesque town, but the im-
proved beach front is wonderful. There are play arcas for chil-
dren and the boardwalk and picnic areas make for a very pleas-
ant place to spend the day, or even just an unhurried couple of
hours. Of course, any exploration of Godcrich would be in-
complete without a trip to the gaol or the historical museum.
I'm sorry we had to give the maritime museum a miss, maybe
next time.
The windmill built east of Bayfield as a saw mill is interest-
ing to watch in operation and if those grindstones arc ever put
to use to produce stone ground flour, l will be one of the regu-
lar customers.
The Lambton Heritage Museum exhibits and a walk around
or just a drive through the pineryenjoying the wildlife and
dune formations don't need a great deal of time or money to
A walk through the gorge at Rock Glen searching for fossils
and through the woods there enjoyiagthe Trilliums, May Ap-
ples or Jacks -in -the pulpit is an enjoyable treat especially if it
is followed by a delicious picnic or barbecue in the park.
I have to admit that as comy as this may stem, the trips we
took around this arca, while they may have been enjoyable for
our friends, they were doubiy so for us because, as we saw
things through their eyes, we came to the realization that our
part of Ontario, while it may not have the largest or best
known attractions does have a great deal to offer to everyone.
Picnics can be as easy or as elaborate as you care to make
then. 1 used to dream about the picnic with a snowy linen
cloth set with china, silver and crystal with champagne, straw-
berries - the works, but when I realized that I would be the one
ironing the linen, and polishing the silver, I decided that'per-
haps the car rug, paper and plastic would be better. Rolls and
breads, crackers, cold meats, cheeses, tuna, salmon or egg sal-
ad, carrots, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and pickles -
its a case of everyone tuck in and eat to your hearts content,
with juices to drink and fruit for dessert, refreshing , enjoya-
ble, little work, and easily packed up, and put back in the re-,
�f eraator roadyrlor st ool lunches the next week.
Mystery tour for Wi..
CREDITON - Members of the
Crediton _--Homer's Institute en-
joyed a mystery tour as part of their
regular meeting fast Wednesday
Organized by Dolores Shapton
-and Irene Haugh, the tour began
with -a visit to the Hay township
farm of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Trieb-
ner 10 see their llamas, emus and a
number of other exotic birds and_
After a tour through the park are-
as of Exeter, the ladies stopped
next at the Centralia College of Ag-
ricultural Technology arboretum.
Here they were shown a large va-
riety of shrubs and trees by Janne
Petersen. -Each -tree -and shrub -tins
its own individual name and tag in
a park -like setting.
The third and final stop was at
the Village Post- Bed and Breakfast
unit in Crediton operated by Donel-
da and Doug Lewis.
As this building is more than iGJ
years old and has served as an insu-
rance office, township office and
post office, a history of the building
was related.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Lewis
and a short business meeting fol-
lowed under the direction of vice-
president Lois Hodgins.
The new slate of officers for the
1993-94 year has been completed
and js as follows:-
Pastpresident - Irene Baugh;
president- Margaret McClure vice-
presidents - • Lois Hodgins and
Mary Kenney; Secretary - Jane
Dearing; Treasurer - Alma Davey;
Assistant Secretary-Trcasurer-
Diannc Finkbcincr; District Direc-
tor - Irene Haugh; Assistant District
Director - Eleanor Roesztcr.
Program co-ordinator and Reso-
lutions - Anne Cottel; Public Rela-
tions Officer - Irene Haugh; Cura-
tor - Dolores Shapton; History
Committee - Isabelle King, Dolores
Shapton, Alma Davey, Lois Hod-
gins; Branch directors and nominat-
ing committee - Ada Dittrich, El-
eanor Roeszler; Good Cheer -
Eleanor Roeszlcr, Isabelle King,
Ada Dietrich; Pianists - Lois Hod-
gins, Cheryl MacLeod; 4-H Con-
vener - Irene Haugh; Auditors - Do-
lores Shapton, Isabelle King.
Church yard sale.
The annual garage sate sponsored
by -the congregation -of Zion United
40th anniversar.1 meeting
Church in Crediton will be held on
Saturday, June 12 on the church
grounds. Donations will be greatly
Anniversary next•Sunday
The guest speakers at the annual
anniversary service at Crediton
United Church on Sunday. May 30
will be Mr. and Mrs.'Kevin McLe-
od. They will be presenting their
message to word and song. Service
is at 10 a.m.
May is Flowers of Hope month in_
this area. As volunteer canvassers
call on you, please make this your
project. Thanks from Community
Living - South Hilton, formerjy
known as'Soulb Hilton t istrict As •
sociation for the Mentally Handi-
The Stephen township fire de-
partment wishes to thank all those
who turned out and supported their
fireworks display in Crediton Mon-
day night.
Donations did not cover the •cost
of the night's operations, so if any-
one wishes to make a further contri-
bution they should contact any fire-
man or Doug Lightfoot at 294- .
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
There has been a lot of publicity about Beta -
Carotene and its possible effects In prevention of
cancers and cataracts. Carrots are a great natural
source of this vitamin. Eating one regular -sized car-
rot will provide you with 11. mg of beta -carotene.
You should get at least 5-6 mg. per day.
If ASA (Aspirin and other brands), were discovered today, It would most
likely be available only on a doctor's order. It Interacts with viruses to
cause Reye's Syndrome in kids, affects coagulation of the blood, and
causes irritation of stomach lining producing ulcers. Although It does a
good job of reducing pain, fever and Inflammation, advice is needed for
its safe use. l -
Consumers are a fickle lot. A Californian survey found that over half the
Pesticides used on oranges were solely for cosmetic purposes. People
like oranges that are all orange (no green), even though they taste the
same. Sort of true for apples, too.
Motion sickness and nausea can be treated with medications. But a
non -drug method that works for many people is the "Sea -Band". This is
a pair of wrist bands with a small button that presses on a specific area
of the wrist. It is based on the 2000 year old piinciple of accupressure.
Our pharmacy -staff will be glad to talk to you,about the "Sea -Band".
Huron Apothecary Ltd
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The 40th anniversary meeting
of the South Huron Hospital
Auxiliary included the reunion
of 17 of the group's •
past -presidents. Behind, from
left, are Aida Dinney, Addie
MacNaughton, Mary Fran
Gaiser, Lillian Campbell,
Alma Godbolt, Helen,Micklc,
Verla Russell, Vera
Armstrong, Elsie Westcott,
Hazel Miller, and Alma
Langford. In front, from left,
we Ruth Skinner, Olga Davis,
Hilda Taylor, Leone Brock,
Vera Fraser, and Georgina
Visscher Far►n4
Country Market
Come meet the
new Grandmas
• Baked goods
• Fresh vegetables
• Potatoes • Jams
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily
Mead Sunday
3 mites west of Exeter on
Hwy. 83237-3442
Every K Springer sandal by
Clarks molds a soft, inner layer
of deep'foam into a tough,
outer layer of polyurethane to
create extreme comfort with
long durability and sure grip.
So slip on a pair of K Springer
sandals and relax.
COMFOwf SINCi 1825,
433 Main St.,
J.B. Cool Gourmet 35 G.
Jelly Beans
Exeter Effective May 24 t4 June 5.1993 235-1661
Toothpaste or Gel 125 ML 149
Shampoos or Conditioners 400 ml.T
1 't, Pocket, 5s
Snuggle Concentrated, 1.5 L.
Fabric Softener 59
Breakfast Club 200 g.
Instant Coffee 259
Tie 'N Toss Garbage, lOs 49
Glad Bags 1
Slim 'N Trim Low Calorie 40s 49
Sweetener 1
3 bar personal size 270 g. a,. le
Ivory SoapReg.
9 9
House and Garden Bug Killer
or Fresh Scent, 350 g. 399
Raid 4