Exeter Times, 1874-7-2, Page 4eel just received (moi i , BO E-, *# OXa Lao E Oiu'tains very 0 ,ea AT RoSSe For Cheap PaIBY s ' `B.E CASH STORE, Prints selling at Cost ...T BBODERICK' Sa 1 reuadines extraordinarily cheap AT BROI ERICK'S. For Bargains in Dress Goods Go To BRODE,RTCK'S For Choice Teas at 50 cents per pound, Broderiok's is the spot. IT'S THE CASH THAT DOF$ 1T. Exeter, June 23, 1874. IN FULL BLAST i �!'. DREW'S WAREHOUSE la now finished, and a Choice Lot of Fui iiiture on Hand 1 r -:i: civ+ u ti 1, P. C rs why I sell Cheaper, Better, and more Furniture than any other Esaab;islan. nt u, u.is section. My capital is invested in no superfluous machinery, but in that alone which is of a time- saving and labor saving character. 1 sell ne,ne but GOOD 1 tEN11'GRE because 1 employ NONE but F1RST-CLASS WORK - NLN iu my establishment. 1 ena o sell it cheaper. an any u uer Establishment in th:s_ section, and am ennananantls, Parties to whom 1 sell Furniture are NEVER DISAPPOINTED ; hence they are sure to retu, n and bring their friends with there. MEW JOHN DREW. SA MWELL& PICK ARID New Prints ann Ginghams New bill, —IN alp L'ress Goods New Silk Poplins' New Black Silks, New Fancy V ool Shawls, New col'd ,Silks, .New Silks Tissue Shawls, N ew. Lace Collars, and full lines of Gloves, Hosiery, and Corsets, Boots, shoes, Gr'ocoriea3, and shelf Hardwere. of all the lvewcst and most Fashionable styles. They have alio received direct from England A. FIRST-CLASS ASSORTMENT OF WALL -PAPER A11 of the above Goods will be sold cheap. Call and examine before pureshasing elsewhere. No trouble to show Goods GROCERIES AND LIQU G. A. MACE Eas justreceived a large and excellent Stook, consisting of Green, 191aok, and Japan ' s Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Zi4tgaro§ C O 's,. "Whhilx he fe .repared SELL. rig CHEAPER THAN D0111 5 PAIL TO GI 11t 141W Sr Cl.i1 .� I1 A Coil, by; ;1ie11r. :0; I17' ' RS of Groceries R. I'kIS 91.0141.!' • Family liodioine of too Age troaN'r'lalis/triz,yit soros I?,yseatry, cheloid, DiI'Aatrriraie 0:6144.1,,.6,11d Vain In tie stomach, Bow- el coil1»latnts, 'tiaatte#'s` aliQllo, :Giver complain, ;lay's )alrsia artt), Indigestion, sor9 Okr'Qats, encldoa. cotes, 4o, 4e, 'Used Extern vi1y, it sures 1100.0, Ji e1Qns, outs, Bruises,Burns and scalds, old sores slalaarte, swelling of Joints, `,t'oottittolbo, fain in the VaseNearttilgta, ltlrsuttt, tiara, V.Q tat. keit, die SOW, EVOryWileVe PJIIOE, 25 CTS. PER BO' L1., PERRY DANIF ,. , SON, Sole Proprietors. CANADA TO ENeLANA LETTER [Cor1T1tIOTJT11 D.] Arr. Y,diloT - AS a trip to Europe is now of such frequent occurrence, and the accom, °location for travelling so convenient and reasonable in costs, 1 supp.ise a few ideas, gathered on the way, will be scarcely more than readable, Ilowev- or,. if they are worth the ink, 1 will dictate. To bogie, T` arrived at Port- land, in Maine, on the 9th day of Jan- uary, and as the ship was not to sail until next day, I took aramblo through the city. It is a pretty little place, and I should think very pleasant and heal- ; thy in summer. Some of the public buildings Etre very handsome and con- venient ; the principal attraction to me was the old oemetry, , which appears to be closed as a burying -place, anti is now taken care of as one of the anti- quities of the place•. Hero were tombs and monuments bearing elate previous to the revolutionary war, some belong. irrg to military officers, others to the navy. It wits pleasing to see thein so well cared for in a foreign land.— Standing on a wharf some distance from our good ship, " Circassian," her gracefa'1 and perfect lines tirade her look dike r ruing of beauty sitting on the water, yet, when you get on board, (especially to a nautical eye), it is easy to perceive thele is a great lack of beam, and that she will roll well. We sailed on Saturda, evening, and had scarcely left the harbor, when the news spread through the ship that she was to call at St. John's and Halifax,which caused eont,iderable grumbling among the passengers, to some the ill -fate of the Atlantic presenting itself with all its attendant horrors. Others talked of damages for detention, etc. How- ever, we arrived safe in Halifax on Sun- day evening, and as we were to remain until Tuesday, we made up our .minds to explore a little. Halifax has a de- cidedly British appearance, is beauti- fully situated, and, I should think, very healthy. The fortifications aro very formidable, and calculated to make an enemy pause before entering the harbor, or even attempting sticlr an un- toward action. The lower part of the city smells strongly of fish, but further up the hill there are some very, good -...aC• 1110 l,ttLr.... _.... n including many well-built churches.— Ob. llurclres—Ob. John's on Tuesday, and in due time arrived at the port, but the difficulty was to get in. After battling with. snow -storms and fogs for a day and a night we harbored. I tc oald here say that the propriety of sending a ship with a1 large number of passen- gers and a valuable cargo to such a place in mid -winter is more than doubtful, and certainly opens up a carse for litigation in case of accident. As we only remained at St. Johns a few hours, I did not go on shore. The place was not very inviting—dirty, stinking with fish, cold, in fact every- thing that is disagreeable. So, good- bye, St. Johns, I have no desire to be- hold you any more. 1 had. no regret that we were to visit these places, for nacl often wished to see thein, and bel ing an old " salt," had no great fells of ship -wreck beforemy eyes, Our gallant ship rolled gracefully on towards Liv- erpool, and with the exception of the rolling was a very good sail. The offi- cers were very gentlemanly in their de- meanor, and very watchful and atten- tive to their duties. We arrived at Melville, near Londonderry, on the 22nd of January, having male the pas- sage in nine days, exclusive of deten- tions. Here a great many of our pas- sengers landed. It was a beautiful sight to behold the green fields (and such a green as Canada Bevel: produc- es), dotted over with cattle and sheep, peacefully grazing, `altho' mid -winter. We got into Liverpool on Friday morn- ing, basted to the cars, and heigho ! for what we used to call home. • I will give ideas I saw in England, and my return trip. Yours, &c., ANON. ThePall Mall Gazette has informa- tion that the Czar, as punishment to his nephew, 'he Grand Duke Nicholas, son of the Gland Duke Constantine, for the theft of his mother's diamonds, has banished him to Caucacous for life, and deprived him of the cross of St. George, which was bestowed upon him for achievement m the Khiva campaign. Nab tttioitrr, ' r GRIGG , Merchant Tailor and C e e 'al Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY BOOKSELLER & STATIONER A Stock of P+ami1i Bibles, Pocket Bibles, -Wesleyan and 1311)le Christian idyll :Books, Psalm Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a noir-demoralizing nature, and a general assortment OF SOHO) L BOORS STAT1 ON ItY always on hand tlr. Git1GG. 1112 +' 1.3A1104IN,—Por A- saleon kiwi, , at, cast, r3 the village ofISCCrr kenc+ store+ frareddettaage, 27x'331, -with idt;.nhon 9':4 x'27 attached, also a wow:idiouee and inlaidstable and shed era the,premises, and a flowing: well of Water. The goodie• Colitaitts eight teems, and the land eeiitpiises ono -fifth of atl acre. Orr the whole, ilia is olioef the inion desirable •residences in the village, being about 5 fraiilufcsl wink-frot3'N the poit•etiioo. 1, DOWNS r. *.ol-ef', d'tir'ae 18;1874, 0'46 • trd 4 MI P :31 'MINN 'ZS `3. : 00 T 11110 trd csn N3Ik3SIZ2i3t1Qv is 14 .A k3eing coruppaed of aoilll half of lot 18 soaves, scot i'l, t)8 teree, tO uo-1:�a itt elekkrett Lull1,1 „tog ettiw fifth tax, #e409. lerO l k loar"fx xmte bpe ara�a iuiSt l ee�ii5 X 70, t3lto94 hearing pbeileurd fit 5lt ftetl mutt, u�;oucl rrel and panni,)•iza }flan nil 1ti iltllos fri,ltr et. 11lek '0, enn t e at, lllttry's gr<�al e luad, Z utiles fromaxe ttseolun ee;,tiopilkfitelaa. tilde front foam.), her P d, Icor ftu'tliorpdrtieware apply en t)te.1,10 noses Ola 4A .# 5A1VUlt1t llAlxil.l 1. 1'S;SQIiVTIO4 Ol+' ,Altl'N Jt. we, the uudersil;e,od, dents business la tllati_ viifage of 13veter, as batahors, tits., under the style and firm .of Prier do Bissett, llaxa, .this 20th day of Jane, 1874, zzlatually d1ssolxcd partnership, SMOAItI Ne, 1. Flier i5R 1il'zTxrcos, W. 13ISs1.'1'T. 1 will settle alloutstaudiug accounts. 'P. P 1fll. ICE CREAM AND TEMPERANCE DRiLN KS Y FOB TII14IIOT WEATH17It. OPEN EVERY B VB NIN G.. LOGE, BAITER AND CONFFC- 1IONI;R, Dxeter, having been at consider. ablo expense 14 fitting up his ice -bream saloon, expects a liberal patronage from tbo thirsty put) lie will bo.Opened every evening, lee -cream. a cents per glass. 51 eddutg and `lea -Parties furnished on short no- tice. itt I3aking and Confectionery I am prepared to give satisfaction, JAMES LOGG. 3S3 -9m Exeter, May 2o, 187m N'OTICZ r• J t. N order to comply with the requirements of the Assessment Act of 1874, the Cot3rt of ;Revision for the Township of Usboine will be held at the Township Hall, Elimville, on . IIO.JriJ r, J11.4"E 29T1:1, 1.874 at 2 o'clock P. •bf. P. *ties interested will gov- ern VPs accordingly. SAMILtRL P. HALLS, Township Clerk. ated, iisborno, Juno 10, 1874. 43-2t. NOTICE, icrotlee is hereby given that the list of Voters IN for the Village of Exeter, for the year 1874, •preparsdpursuant to the Act respecting Voters Lists, was first .posted up in my office, on the 18th day of June, 1874; and I hereby call upon all Electors, to examine the said List, and if any cmmisoions or other errors ale perceived therein. to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors corrected accol ding to law. All Complaints rust be in writing, and are reqnired th be lodged with me within thirty- days after this (late. M. EACRETT, Village Clerk. Exeter, June 19, 1874. 46-1t. DURHAM BULL CALF FOR SALE. The subscriber Tuts for sale, one thoro-bred Durham bull calf. it will be sold cheap. APply to 11. MANNING. 41-25 F VISTER P. 0. b HO PSO ' & WIL TAMS 133 ICULTURA.L IMPLE MENTS Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -]Torso power Wood. Sawing Machine 2 machine bas leen thoroughly tested and giveu ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is snpplied with a BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or othor machinery, without extra expcno) ex. cent for the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds of Farminglmplements kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP in full operation. of all sizes to order, 12 S proisptl ' attended to. A i, To t1?801 tt /SAIS, Mitchell, Ont.. iiitchrd!,'Inns 10,1871. 46.1y. tIOAX CAPITAL, ,._. I>,T•1SEA%tVg,r .10, A, 1,,,,. .r nfn.I , ,, .$0,000,000 • .,... 2,000,000. A, dlranalt of tie alaoe:+,ri:c Iv ts baaa o4 orad Inatsszt fol Rha ti't~zlA Rata oR 0anerat ikt ulzfne t ttsl- SAVINGS BANK D + PARTMEN`;i'. Sumo as lora as one dollar reeoiveci on deposit. Interest-- 4 and 5 per cent. allowed, NO .noE cc, of withdrawal required. American currency bought and sold. U. STOW 1oJ DDIE, Agout, THE NEW TARIFF ! LAY IN YOTTR SUPPLIES IMPORE theAT RISE IN GOODS. THE NEW TARIFF WILL X170 A.$ 'f'i T1EE 16P.XCE'' OF Every Articls in Dry Goods & leading Articles i t GROCERIES, T. C. WILL SELL AS OLD PRICES FOR A SHORT TIME Take advantage of the Chance. .mac,...- ., - . ITMENT' .TOC; S Ti" ILIA, and... REDIToiv 1 N.13,--500 Tinnets Butter and. 100,000 doz. Eggs wanted,— Highest Price always 'mid. THOS. GR.1E:E 7-I T.A ''. Stock CHILDREN S CARRIAGES gaux & PILE SDENEslarrantei Puri Red Mortar Luca= N. A. BOSWORTH cLFNNAJN'S FLOUR MILLS °o'er 2' o : FLOrill If you want GOOD FLOUR, and CHEAP, call at McLenuan's Mill. Twen- ty-five Cents per 100 lbs. will be saved by going to the mill for your Flour. Note the following FACT, and profit by it : Flour eau- be bought cheaper at the mill than anywhere else, as the profits of the flour stores are saved to the consumer. I Gristing will receive careful attention, and Chopping Done every Day. The highest price in Cash for FYFE WHEAT, PEAS, Go. M SIC IIITM sEW'XisTO 211,ACMIZTES. O. C. SNI L S 3 s MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAi, 1MPL +'TIENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH, ., STILL IN,TIIE.FRONT RANK AS USUAL }• I-ING MACH! ES. THE FLORENCE Nosiolss, Reversible Feed Lock and Int Stitch Family Solving Machin oha Ranges the world in perloc,ioar and range of work, strength and beauty of cit rability of construct o and rapidity of :notion: Call and examine. Sond for circnhtcs. Agents wanted in every town in ith Province. This Machine bas taken first prizes at dill Rho Comity Fairs. O. C.WILLSON, General Agent for i)'orninin. JAIEFIS ;U Begs to return thanks for the patgonago bestowed upon him for the past twenty years by the people of Exeter and snrronding country; and now opening—in all departments—the • Largest alld Most Complete Stock OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING DRY- GOODS ltettdy-il add Clothing NIillinery, fiats & Ceps. Groeori.eJ, 130ots & '1•hOes, I=arbwre, 0 r cel, c 1 DRUGS, PAINTS,, OILS, ETC., ETC., All of which will bo found to bo as low as any other reliable house in the country. ;Remember this is the Oldest 11 stai)lis11ect Rouse in the County O apozito the roam 611140* A MAN whets death,1vailHourly OP A TOOUSAPW e,irc froth 1,, 05 S IMPTION, all tei4iodtes having failed and Dr, tr. JAMITS waaexpoa.iflaofthitt he' e accidently rniclo a o reparation of INDIAN 1OUP wh+;Sh mired 1110 of two child, to Pay Gxpentef i1�151 145' also. receipt ftigttt.swetit , itsnioat at the sterriael1, acid Will break a fresh cold in et 1rours, Addsegs Craddock Co,ic2kltaoo 58:. rh mio, hinting this paper. \ EAV.INGS _ "11so' fla+ssorilit Gu 'e ie Yahfltialfit tthtfsc wcatliig vtYilvirlr� il1eeu, that they may have their l isltes satirdlea'by centric',at iny006tdonee,Whe e)" am dropated to prosecute till kinds of wooing, inn tlid eet initiatory at lY1(,tat reitsolfitl to l�aiiptrs. e7A<t'l7'S .5:i1'7flN 801,t OM Most 1,1,ls11''Aid,, yeti ?ir':T M usto Lessons. ISS . NV, litiVotIlNS0N WISh[• 145 to inform inelfihi1bitai0ts of Lxetor letter vicinity, than 500 is -prepared to give ttakilia osx Pine, Organ, aitd lifeledect 'hYtrt9-,„ t o1,„, terfi'y t f ,ia*eclat—heli' itt itr1. v .4G.L•!'1'3�W W.J:, .al 1ulT'tYti't3 � itltr 16011175J5, 1871, ;Iil'•Ef, rlf Op ST. I1I4B' ' a. Ooiored • Bustres 25 par eeut, uucloo idling Special gains in w TAN ES Fresh lot of that English ready-made C40T1 'NG which I,as creatccl so ranch sun Ration this season. G. B. SMITH, MONEY TO LOAN. COIINTY of PamLOAN & SAVINGS UiETY. J3oarct of 2)irec tarn ; G. 13, Smith, Esq., President ; Jas. Trow, %sq., M 1'., Vleo-1r•estdent; 11. iiilyasit, Esq., Agun Bank of Montreal; \Yung \u+tl:nuttmt, Guo. .1IoItttvre, .sq.; Jolie $andorson, lesc•, 11. L.arstono, Secrotary and Treasurer; Bank- er:4, Bank of Montreal; bolititmn, Jones & Me - Dougall, The advantagon this Comrpaily tier to :Stork - holders are r- 1sb.—'r:i�, most undoubted security, as the Con- stitution 1o:vs o: no investment except on Real ttat- d. Ceiretiit0ena investment of rne111cs. .hd.—'1',.aat t.s noun c,a Savings Bank is open etch Stockholder gets Lis proportion of the profits In addition to dividend. ou his stock. Airy A5TAUEy TO B0IRROWERS. 1st.—Tho system of re-paymentshy yearly, half. yearly, quicrcerly, or irtontnty iostalntente falling atm at seen dates 1u tl.-, year, and extending over each a por•,ea or years as may suit the borrowers. 2.1d.--:3orrowers girl i+.a ;tllowed interest on any stun or stuns trey May deposit to meet their hi- st;iimenta. ttrd. -Tito ozprnse rf osan1 u1ng Otte Title and drawing Otte itlortgage is re gulatecl by a moderato tariff, nut allowing Inc borrower to bo ovorehar• ged. 4th.—This Society does net sell nicrt;;age ,Ah.—Agents are bound to regard all applications for to&is as strictly confidential. otter—iiiirtgares purchase(. on tiro most reliable terms. rte.—Tho ti: ad office is established at St. Mary's. N.B.—Tho Society will commence 9r the 1st day of May next, to loan money at the Hacretary and Treasurer's office, corner of Queen and water stl'eetr. St. Matry's, April 26,1874. 87-1y THE .i'EGULAR lafeetings of Lebanon forest Lodge, No. 189, G.Il.C., Exeter. Will be held as follows. Acor- dial invitation is exten- dedento, allMvisitingArrtt brd,- thrar. 9C, 27.76 ny 25, June 24,3uno • 111, July 27,Aug. 23, Sept. 21, Oct. W, Nov. 28. Dee 21 and 28. Rf, EAC PETT, ecretarv, RANTON'sr Ranton's Stock is well assorted. Ad- ditie•n.s having recently been RANTOWS made thereto in Ne I'13i' •tb, I�\`dtv Grey Cottons, New Wrsl3'te Cottons, RANT ON'Si New White Shuts, New Regatta Shirt New Prunella Shoes,excellent vaI- ue—full range of sizes & prices RA. -- ...-...., 1 . Nv, Fresh Groceries, Ranters Teas are extra value ; they were Iiyrehased 3 • ; a,r ) y, tom" F J • ,,:TMi ... yaa � :ti before the late advance, anal will be sol,. Very Cheap, and subject BANTON'S CI approval. Any tea that is not satis- factory to the purchaser ray RANTOl\""'S he,;etingnecl, and Inolzey will he re funded. .Dtm't fail to try