Exeter Times, 1874-7-2, Page 21
r //cttsrivp
,Evely Thursday illornin<5
Art' 710..
QPrOSITE;, ,A1.0P-sO,11S,
pet 1//ialVol,Iah1:Rtriottv in oktvnnoo.
AP/AP)OVIPlpt/oplok0, fok/a/40/.4./V/Pix".109,13L6'
rivet Inoetlio4 por • ,,
vli0,4,41,050/1401.1t /1/4OrttOi //iir , ,
Miver.P),51.0/40/14 of 5trAvoi1 o...ttio, riichli /oat or
•Sotial,„ Act, opt oN000dtng ten il,ios-4iret robuth
tyPI,,.96-POP/OPIRalikoquent xtloza'3,0004,o4o,
PP,/a/Ae4C,,,PhirVio, leo,rripOos pud aoattxr, insorted,
a‘iverttsetna.atowitakalt suoeifte dime -iota will
141,3031'44D fOrbid,&u4 sane ge'd nosier
,envetttesteeutit,ta nnyksgocilky 4 4044 °I
F? ronowingrate$ will, QZ, yno,r1V
OR Yl4.444. , 6 5%zoo
Onol/e4r 13
Mikil,t1/ 12 5 .....
.tiasteesseeeet;iiix Uie teed, under,4; siN to ten
Ile j.fxIer (31,1'1445
-7171 P LY 2, 1-8.74-
4,.74e Grow 'rya:ern .ay -
4J the last half -y ,arly meeting of
the En tlish stockholdere nf the Great
Western Railway, the renort showed
a dividend far below the ayerage, whieh
Nvas quite unexpected, and ineompre-
hensive to the Board, so metal so that
they openly ex pr eased their dissatisfac•
tion, cenenred the Canadian Boeril of
IV,fahage.tneht and qt ono) appointed a
committee of inveetigation.
cable. deepatch, dated Loudon.
Eng, June 28r1, annotinces tea this
oommitteq have jest published their
report. which condemes the present
notruteternent. It eionnerates cases at
careless administe atinn enreceive,
WPV ,r,;j4AINQ 19 said !oho gPing
YigorchtdtY ht hlestlgiu tu get the
Itonduatien foe Mr, Mger, 11/9 Paine
40V9 )t Plret Wiiti emote faVOr ainong
the lieformere of Unit eoltetiettency tie A
eueeesser tft •Mr, IftWqt
A D.eso,vron to Ui 1iUd(7wretts,
Nola St. Petersbtirgh, saye alarming
retains prevail iu thet eitty r(st) octing
the sitiettion of affaire Coutral 49/9,
It iireported that the Anuter ef
gar hae eeized the 'Weston Eneey, aud
tetteitig war io. Qom-wipe:nets Qr 018 8,ot
1148 cuneentrated 10,000 trogns lee ehe
THE LeAvenworth timeS sayS that
late 114 vices trent Dodge city, Kansas,
telegraphie temorte that the
Indians in that city levee aesumed
lig iiJ ait it e, teed are, intirdering
ei,izens said depredating upon theie
pr6perty, ',Mulberry Creek, awl Whit
his eiltire scalp off. TWO hunters were
lei;hy welle, 'fper soldiers at
the ettoep of supplwere wounded tind
4:1ot suoFk 'ran oft. A partYOf the
leediug cizen
tie of 1)odge 'Cii
ty, iiclud-
ine'lloe. James. Hanitahati, who. start-
ed, for the Canaditth layei. in Tee.att on
the 7th inst.. were attaelied' and all
their etock captured, ft,nd it its feared
010 the whole party were murdered as
nothing emu be henrd of them.
eareee/ teebeeeeele eaid "clrlotturitatl-
es change men" he gave a good ex-
planation of the cause of Mr. Mowat's
erratic actions. Bernie the Chrisdau
Politician straddled Ontario's Cr:it) he
"Nothing could be more destructive
to good geverunient than handing over
to the Mintstry of the day thus reek -
the, pewee to (EP, ' at Pleasure,
into the public chest. itas 't;ugairder-
ed ereii) species qi abuse."
Now gthNt his lege dangle gracefully
dowu aeon eech side Of the country's
crusteceous crawler he art fully re-
expenditure., It seys the 'at hesbeee "l'he Rendus belongs to the people.
Veen, them it is etelected, to them it
one of seri' es orror in p:diev, uncein-
slot!" rotk rn
It is
. tied tv Ot
trolle•I expeieliture and extritvaganee,
withent cheek or limit ktino. The yowl
is described as well-nigh financially
ruined, and as a ciente of depagtmental
eonfueion, laxity and -waste. In faet
Oie retort throughout ie worded in
the strongest terms of condemnation,
and. winds tip by reenntmanding a com-
plete reorgenizaelon of the manage
et. It may therefore be 1 o ked up,
on is a foregone annchteion that, an im-
portent ehange will immediately take
place among the officials at Hamil-
P OE OF 4711.1.1^C E.
From the year 1830, broils have in-
pessantly made their appearange in
Fraece, sad up te the *preeent day
• peace has scarcely .beeu kaiown in that
peen try. The nu dee.eanding of French
afftire is like the unravelling of a rid-
dle. It is very (lit -Emelt to know who
liesi power or who nes not: All we an
u'iJsrstsi1 i8 thatths country. orrather
•the chamber is divided into at least
-ti"ur parties, etch struggling to estab-
lish a forma government peculiar with
itself, and that there i a supreme
Military dictator at the bead, Masi is
0000 nntnercifelly by the -majority.
It is harly expeeted though, that his
pliancy 1V.I. 1 last when the Republican
'party assumes the reigns of power.
The government is divided into four
parties, the Right, the RightCentre; the
't, and eLeft Centre. Legitimists
compose the Right, Bonapartiste the
Left; Orleanists the Left Centre of
Modern Republicans of whom lltiees is
the chief,' and the Right Centre em-
braces the Rode, Etedicitle and Hogue's.
A constant decrease '13 noticeable in the,
ranks of the Right. which now has the
majority, which is not above thirty.
(Wig object of this 'tarty as shown by
their last legislation is to dismuichise
thereat bulk of the people, then to
ftigsalve the assembley and under the
new system obtain a 'decisive majority
and establish a monaechy.
The opposition of the Left, aided for
the lionee as it was by the J3onaparte
lets, was to strong, and they were
defeated. A new Government waswasther
formed at the head of which MaelVia-
hen piseed General Cissey, able and
obedient soldier., who, 'of course, is
'willing to receive the eammands of the
ivlarshal and execute them, At present
then the army rules.
The Benapartists wish to preserve
elie Itato (1uo; so that • by holding the
betance of power they may in the cop-
Oslo), of some auspicione moment, ret
ettabliell the Empire: The. itionarcii-
s ,
fiS are Ill despair, they know not what,
to do, power lette slipped from then
Ou elfe conteiley the Republi-
cans ran • e eyery fresh election
brings thein a fresh accession of
• street/J-1i. Cr ifthe'0finenbees are die-
selvedthey are confittellt Of a large
majority, EVen hCton3 Old happens
e wavering Orlists of' the Itight
Oenfre may join thole at any moMenmoment,,tr
When they will beemne masters of the t
ItAiSit4o strawberries is a hixttry
Lward he 1uhlw 4114W."
I\Vnccilot1!o8 ef comment eould net tio
in lice to a eoltieca like that. The man
‘,0 ttivl please give it hi:$".1.).e§t
Lf'IS 401 CS UP.
Thureday, June 24 -
London defeated Paris at cricket be
ecore of 212 to 42.
Two supporters of the Government
were elected from Sunbury County, N.
The Maritime Previnces are dissatis-
fied with the text of the Reciprocite e
The relations between Turkey and r
Peeele ere not friendly, end the condi- d
time of affairs between the countries is
Postanaster,gene. al Cresswell has re- ft
signed, and it is generally eelieved that E
President Grant will feeder the office •
Lo Hon. Eugene Baty, of Maine.
Up to ( ne o'clock yesterday too addi- a
I1011211 deaths had occurred from injur
ies received at the Syritcese distast,ed. s
Sevei al of the iujured ve cript;led
and killed a eliiid two, years of ege.
The mother of the child is a poet. wids
The led MeAuley, of Kingeten, who
wee ehut in the head by some persou
enknown, a few days estenwhou return -
Mg from a pie,eie, died of Wedneeday
O. 13. 'Callum, late sopprintw den
of the Ueloo Peeille Exorese Company
0111Ana, has been eon victed of em-
bezzlement, end seenteheet1bo one yeer'.e
imprisemneut. '
The Ootirt of Mhntaliveo, who wm
Minietert under Lents ixhpps, has
written a letter to Perior declaring
that the ealvatint of France hot 3rtive.
vequires the loya1 acceptence of the
A mau named LeW.1•3 WaS alTOSted at
Hemilton on a ehteege, of ettempting to
nude J. Slttelltelt IV throwing a
train off the treek of the L4t4e Ii hi
Railway, in the State, of Ohio in pe.
. •
Aft old pe11ite1tlarybhet,Dam4 Geo.
Blackbern'was arrested at Dresden,
Ohio, and locked up. He induced the
Town Ifarshal to teiter his cell, end
then depw a revolver and shot him,
killing him instantly*, Blitelehern then
One of the quickeet tripe on record
has jest been 'mule by the propeller
Scotia, Capt. ,Scidet, Leaving, Teet
Colborne he rent) Chien°, diSchg-
ea his lined iff wereheinliZe at twO'
nt pleces relouded, •and returned to
the canal in the remarkably short time
of eight days and seventeen hours. .
On Wednesday, as Thomas .ley,
resident of the toweeldp Wee wick,
\vas' driving elobg the read about two
milee front Arliene, his buggy wee 'elm
hitt) a man driving ltanber wagon,
upeetting Mr. Hey's trap and throwing
him out, caussing bath illj ari,c18 that he
expired a few nduutes after.
Saturday, June 27.
The license law recently passed by
the Massachusetts Legielethre, was
yesterday vetoed by Govereor Talbot,
- M. Courbot, the French artist,. has
been condemned to pay the wets of
reeonstruction of the Vendome Colutun.
. . „.
The French .A.usernbly yesterday pas-
• L •-• ;.
sal a bill granting twenty-six
francs . indemnity to sufferers by
the late war..
Mr. J. h. Underwood,. forinerly
Mayor 4 Waver'y, Ohio,: who was in,
dieted last fall for forgery, shot hinieelf
dead yesterday ululating,.
A man has been rerreeted at. London.
on suspicion of bering implieitted in the
emoval of the rail from. ths. line the
Great Western Eel wey on Monday. I
Mr. Beecher says that it the exednin-
rs Pl.ymouth Church decide that it
wield be well for him to speak out in
egard to the recent charges, he, will
o so without zany hesitation.
The Carlists repot that they have
aised the siege of Fitments, near the
.ontiitr. Gonne:let-etc:he's attack on
etella is hourly expected. Don Care
cis directs the deletes., in nerson.
At Baden: Beas%.[C('n'ini tY, Tenn., at
barn raising, abe-t twenty men at
ork on the scaffold, fell abeietb 'thirty
et. One man named Silas McISher-
on was killed, and three others ser-
usly injured.
John E. Osborne was blown to
toms yeAerchty, near Parker City, Pa,
y the explosion of a hundred pouuds
f nitro-glycerine, tvhich he was trans-
orting in a wagon.. The horse and
ag.on were annihilated.
8 —
lo At a meeting of the public school
teachers of the County -of Perth, candie
is datum of Dr. Sangster was endorsed by
11 a majority of 83 to 14.
A boy named George Deane, aborit
14 years of age, son of a Miehael .peate
d County Surveyor, was drowned on the
27th while bathing in the Scugog
er River. The body was. immediately
(it recovered, an effort made to restere lite
• but without success.
In consequence of the reciprocity ne-
for life.
The general council of Indian de
legates from all parts of this Peoein
and Quebec will convene to -day at Si
nia. There wiii be a big pow wow
baturday eveuieg.
A countryman from Aldboro' nam
Donald Cameron, had his pockets r
lieved of a large sum of morey on Tue
day at London by two young men, w/
eitic.4 him to go in swimming.
Piofessor Griest, the historian,
corning to America to search the are
ives oPthe-ciiiierent States of the Arne'
pan Union for information to aid hi
in preparing a history of the Unite
The -ceremonies of laying the corn
stone of the new Government buil
Mg at Chicago wore attended by itt
mense numbers from all parts of ti
States. The Masonic procession was
grand :their.
A trial of fire engines took place a
Orangeville yesterday. The contes
tents ware the Silsby and Chatham en
gmes, and the latter game offeictorlon
throwing water some fifteen or twent
feet further, and using some ten pound
less steam. ,
The Aiug of Denmark • will laeve Co
penhegen early in July for Iceland t
take part in the millennial celebration
fee will be aceompapied with a fleet o
war yeesels and -a numeroui retinue
alld Will visit thc prominent Feints o
interest on the island. •
'Friday June 25.
,A San Franttiseo ex -police ofticem
shot hnneelf through the heart.
'Reports from the fisheries of the
Itletritime Provinces ere encoura.ging.
The Qeeen will not visit St. Peters-
burg in September, as was reported.
A fire in Newport, Pas, has destroy
edprepetty to the i.rarritnt of $30,060
Pellman 1,:et1aete cars nee to ,he placed
on 'ill the ti nine and lines of Upper
,‘.ry'ore1e 111:111 wen aMW110(1 Rt Mori -
cd while beetling near the
onguenil weef, -
A. French aseemblylute ratified the
°seal Convention between Fettnee and
e United Statee,
15 gotitations, it is understood that Par-
liament will assemble in December, oe
early in Jan tury. It is proposed that
the Dominion Parliament be in session
_ simultaneously with the Senate of the
United. States.
s The case of Crown vs. Patteson Of
y the Mail, iri connection with the alleg-
e ed libel against Creasy X. Whellarns,
has been postponed at the request of
- the Crown Council till the Fall Assizes.
11 i understood that WlieIlans wan t ed
to withdraw the case yesterday for' the c
• consideration of two hniedeed
It was refueed, so the ohneiceat are 010. \
' the public., will bear nm'mo e o1 tale 1
,TatHoS Presh, of the townehip of c
form another guard, tlo later, after yens element in IQ1otol to tho mag -
calling it halt twice, liredand shot Cor. nitade Of the thought or Action, end
bin dead, and Newman escaped: Sines this Ilypophosphites
Important changes have taken place reldlY vu1L supply the Ws oit te the
itt tho lndiati Territory. All the agents body, 1,#. ninst support the human mee-
(tithe civilized iadiane have been ee, haniem sueeeeefully after the vigor Of
lieved ox.eupting ono, :Ind a eentral: youth iee. pst
"gellOY lifts been, established et •Fort •
Gibson, This is regarded as an ex-
periment to familiarize the indieue
with self-governmeut under the feture
territorial oreenization. A number of
prom:Mont Indians will take et.rome
grounds in their coining annual deo
tients in favor of saactioniugitheinicouu-
tey, toritotil goverment, and citieen-'
tellip in tho *United Statea.
neetan.---Y'eeteeday etternuon two ladiee
started, in a earrittge drove, np the
Mieleigau Centrel. Redhead me the
bcot ten avenue crossieg, jest es the
Atlantic, a yard eughle. going toward
the G rand Trunk* j Unetiell WRS. (ann-
. ,
mg tdong. The engineer eaw them end
notieed thein stop, thee urge the horse
fbrward end then, fo,r some hesitancy,
attempt to back him of the track. To
avoid a iiellieion the engineer instent-
IY reversed the leaver, but the pilet
(taught up -the innate and carriage and
eaeried them some distance aheed on
the track, When the engine:had stop-
Ped,•strange as it may seem, the lady;
driving applied the Whip :to the horse
and dashed along :the tracks to the next
croseing, neither inmates of the' ear -
Hap biting apparently injured in the
least. When the crossing- was -ealelyt
reached the ladies, stepped and &need
around, and John Keith s, and atteche"
to the engine, ran toward them, think--
ing they might iteCd help after the
startling episode, but when he came
near they again litiated ths horse inct
disppearad &dm view on a lively run,
The affair was witnessed by a score of
people mho hastily gathered together,
and all averred that they bad AleY01'
seen such close escape nor suchet range
conduct he such a moment of poril.
CuStar's ifit2iat4
A correspondent of the Winonie
(Minn.) Lea a /nice , writhit.; frpni. Bee -
mark, D. T., on the 1,51,1t, gives the fol-
lowing regarding' his viSit.tc., lie head-
quarters of Gene al Otteter, who,e expedition 21.01,illSt 1/10 113gia(i'Iiudinus ie
the Bleck hills, ten daYe march'. die -
tent feom the point, tisau to start on
Tharsdaet :—
He was busily engaged in his pee-
paiations for the expedition to the
-Black luil1swlilu Tall start on the
25th, and we were assure by the Gen-
eral himself and litany of • hie offitiees
that they 'exictefed "hut work." The
Sioux have' ever' jealously guarded
these hills', as yet mitred by the white
Man', but from what niotive it isyet Un-
certain. leis believed that there are
rich 'mineral depoilits wiii1ch are known
to the. Sioux, who also knew that if
discovered by then' enemies,' in pale
faces, they would have swept from this
.rich reservation by the avarice'and cup-
idity of thoee fort tine li un tees. The
scuts who returned lasi. week report
between 8,000 and 4,000 :of the; -young
braves gathered in the neighboshood of
the hills. Gen. Onetar :goee:
pr tvided with an ittleguate, fo' C0 to re-
ed any attack which in'ity'lia.made
on him. Besides his cavalry, of which
two full companies go with hini, two
companies of infaetry e
the eeppdition to act as artilleriete aol
to guard the traie. These letter wilt
be 00111111211 cled by Lieutenant Chance,
of the twentieth Infentr , who wili
have iu charge two Gattling gues, and
possibly at Rodman, fur the nurpose of
shelling the Indians at long range.
Filly lees. and Menden scouts accom-
pally the expedition, and there, will
be alSO a number of practical miners,
essayists, metallurgists and other
scientific men, who got out under the
employ of the governtheet. Geaeral
Sheridan's staff will be represented bY
General Forsythe and Lieu tennant Col -
Fredrick grant. The fishing forte of
the command will number 1,000, ,and
the entire party will not be far !emit
1,000 souls. We gonversed with a firnum:
ber of the ocers and with Mr. Girard
the Indian interpreter, and all express,
ed a confidence in the ideility of thet,
commander to repel any force which
the Indians might hurl' aggiuist teem.
The seventh cavalty (Custae's regi-
ment) are a fine body of men, andbaye
had long -experience with the Melees.
They have many an old grudge tt set-
tle with the red shins, arid no
tient for the order to marelt.- Ths exee
edition will be gone two months. :The
ountry it will traverse hts long 'oesil
el;Sideved Cie 'Fed .gr5tfild
end hi little lin oWn to th'e White !nen.
Vhether it wili'titfoi,,e -valuable 'as
nineral, pastrol or agricultural eeriest;
oon to be populated' after being'pet
einUmuication with, the Test ot the
voild, will be solved upon the reteira of
le expedition. • • •
The Tribane has the following
Oa Saturday a iargee•bOdy of Indians
pproached Feet Beetholdoend, hiding
temselves behinde some li lis, sent out
small party to attaelc the ageocte
his party, ',LK was expected, drew out
email force from the ageneY, wile et.
ecked the Sioux, routed theinarid ars
'ern chase„ folloWing. them into the
lithoscade, filch .five:.of the cy
edians tere• Ono, iiipAally
etv,itlod tniCone..seriOusly. The at -
eking teree. if tintspeeed .the
00 Sioux Who t:lleepente some
Inc dgo; tie newS receiged at
isnearlt. trek the 8ittn,C,title that N4t.
Spe4yearriVed delf,;goioti,
hioli',Iiad'heen'to. look at 'Janda:in
align TerritorY, TiA Indian's Woe
it tented end,,Willj'.ig' tot eettle dwnto
White, MI6'S' life. and eligitge ,faine"
g this noWS eet them .tvild, and
PtheY °eta Of was ,rOvorige,
lottid the War, MAW secOle'
nitient :Corti e 01.10 th;Sii:"Itidisna:
,do good serii tO the (../0 vornine0
tliPY".11}14'0.1 .01011i•,.7411
40 intense; than that felt'hi,the ifdti
Ward the' vitite ,Matitt. ' '•'
:ROW, • tit d. 'Ohl' and trieftni ettptiie're-:
lYttip .1of
ypepitesPhites. '
During,.the.' .ele,t14e'
4 . t+
ralitttlY0 :61" ata vi4or mind'
hiehf.4:tho r:6al seat of outn's stronorb),:,
balanced by theactivity Or the trotri,-,
tinietionewithont ;the tu ,el ,
;•; ";;'
thit..Tinie.-the:OVerbleting tihi
roaseri us..6f tVelits", Sots hind to
PoW,Cri tali: it '"Iti,at .thiS
ellee limy Ten ee oirjatt. ;es eo
4 t d d
Hueco, and restore the: nyou
; wasted eitergies.'1:•'
littoli'elfart of the Mind', every; act
body', will ;elf rad it *Anne Of fief,
dolged in very largely ab this licitsOn of
the ya,t,r, 'Ile most popular way
IA -lotus to be raising there witli a spoon', ft
Don't if? •
Pr has bell Slip:10610d to jete rIoti. (Ji
• eorge Brown on lits retitrn. , op. in
eration• ititoget,tine superfluous,
Work will be commenced on the Pew
te end of the Northern Colonization
aileond August.
Petering'e cigar box manufactory,
ect'unati, IVP1,8 bnrnhil, yesterdtty morn
g. Loss f$1(1,000-
It is beloived that the paopeeed
union between the Spanih :44
a itepqhilelbou will rail,
Aithi.papid de menstration8 took
we' in oft On WedneAdA,,7
oral rioters were arrested,
It la rumored in Washington that
o • eposttnastor general Cresswell
II be if,ppohlted ' f4,%1Woieter
t.t. '
The lotoolier Cideati
htmhiht :yeStel'alitiAV•ith 'Wftetill
lal l'ilitjeStrea 'Way
(thir Proncli is, had brtf;our Spelling is
s, Bgnenan says; "tile follts 'who
elieve that tile world, was treated r -u
4 r tete
Orilltlfra* d£411 6W111 DrO'lleTtif of
be ()Idis4t Egyptian it Mthies ,
Mt/Mt:deg !bit the boa filen of the two,' tp,.
Mt. t3eoellee seems; to 11A,Ve trItteli
,reveretice for tite Seventh cointnittyd- tti
,rnettft tts he has foe tile history of tile
,oreatiml.• •; aft
trd's route red that 'Cob Oi Ottnnillgliana
11. P. liasvosignott bis ;loaf. as member
Margitofto, 01'150110ra,, gre sti
yel se rvely Orcillg his prc'tc4t, yit
against the poor "man"' haling in
tfYlAkiiiii Iltiakengt(i's smiles any 1
ontteitt triatly day
!Olot'Otteth of t1t6 gao.
l& fit
talon for the'lioat mkt Dumb closed
teda .; tiering tho torin • gig isti,
WeTe in attendance,
Is the number to Ottawa r a
ni "i,t,tril• 'heating ICatieptVilite tett oil
Atnhibel,. While 'eughaeed makieiet \
thre,W dried trilo against "
another tree WhiCh Was inirtially ehept
ped.' throng/1,1u order tb .-ehrow -in a
certain place. On the dried tree strilt, a,
lug the other tree, it broke some 40 ti
feet from the top, and Was thrown baek-
warde and hit him on • the head, frac- T
nring, the skull, end causing instant a
death: Flo leaves a ,wife andfivo child-. tt
refl. • th
Christian/is, Ann Mackenzie, .daugh-
ter of Mr'. John Mitektinzile farmer, Ir
townehip of EitileSs, left bee hoine .en;sv
Monday in a state of insanity. Oyez fi
et hundred of the neighbore turned out 4
itt Search of her. She was fennd tOti
day,•tt bout nooh, itt the bush 011L 01 it
fiva, wiles from her home, concealed.utt
der: a log, aud in a Nter.,Yl low condition, w
hy her brot14tr, D. dacaelizie, ; who. ;
was oil: his way front Kincardine.fa as, Co
Sirt in finding: a•':
•.• 1tIEWai,
botiehee a pedeetrietit 66/11. fro
(08 ' herOre. , sight
0'1441(00 ;$.atiletla,,Y;' 111, 8'0411 0•Sti fc
the: fast 'Walking< nno•
'thousaiiitiiiileW 14, elle, thettRitti ,hoorkr,'.
The :Amish' was .,gree to& by voelforous
apPlause freni a igrge.,'''.orowd;'.';' Demo.
hoe, brok tttW11 luitut niglub:and ,ec't
ikhadtis Strehgell lo hold oo t'
liteliashoen'Wittehafrom bit
honestly accomplisliod,:' •
' 'A,:letter te the isfF5 frottt Own hi
ltir Ittil,',,States,that the whele 1olg/0'. oh
has been itnitthtg0Ouw
Matt, If thief, ti that last Oundayfthot of,
&eve him into a.thicheo: and surround*: • his
tint 4ith tented teen, 'iottlt inartte.; ;set
tiohs that nO gt4a0 WhOttld leave: :his 488
little'before'day. his
DA, Corbin, One' of ,the 081'118,
SaW 'Mid left his pest' in- the
• Mr. 8, S. Armitage krifeNm the travel-
ling pablic that his stages afford, eery itoeorn
modation, They leave Lucite, at 3 pau.„ at
riving 10 London in time for brain h oast and
wet ; leave London, at 8 a, ax., arriving in La:.
catkin time to catch stages and trains.
30-tf, S, S, ARAM:AWL
No DoucT or IT, —The early men
eatenes the pesky " tater hug."
OUT.—Sever 1 1 1 A
,(2021. and nowS items,
cause the First came on Wednesday,
and our hande struck work.
Largest etock ef Nails, Hinges, Locks
itt Harsturte Sons, bb.
. •
RACEIG AltIQNG THE BuTeREas..,-7•44-
citing t•aces take place in the PariY
Morning. between our biltehere,, to '.the
uttee dientay of roasts, etewp 44(1
. .
Steaks. '
Pleaeoetegte--,On SetitrdaY We IT,
celytal a visit 'rein 111r, 'minions,
*Of the Godetrien Ster. was, we
einderetende. purehesine colts as oui-
ositie,, On,
rei • We'Ve thissed none
.pf our clothes.
Beet Eniglish Tioable Tioiled
Raw Oil, ,Iatians 1s,p:tvhicele4a, and a
eomplete eesuetinent of Paiuteee matee-
iale et Havetone Son's, St Mitry'S.
A. FAarxrx n:
Fitinxn,—,No• family should
he withotle ;Perry liayis' -Vegetable pain-
killer. it sten be given to the infant
for the. Colic and to adults fur Rheeina-
than. There is searcely .discase to
it may nut be benefit:telly applied.
It contains no deli) erious drug, but
may to used for the various ailments a
Boons BiLLs.-----The mast be
on their guard when receiving money,
there are numbers of bogus bilis in ea-
enlation, principally of _he deuuraina-
•tion of two dollar. issued .by the 'Bank
qf Western Canada. Several of. those
bills heel). been cieculated in this
neigh borligod lately. It is only neces-
eany to .say that no such bank does ex -
or ever did exist
A Pic-ente—A pie-nic, under the
auspices of Exeter Ala tune Lodge was
held in Beli's Grove, in Tuckeremith,
on 1V edneskiay Tile Exeter 1)retli-
roil and their friends were largely repre-
Sented. SeVe'ral members of the fra-
ternity from Zurich and other neigh-
bOring Lodges were also pl'Utit!flt. The
iverithes' wee; Must fay° urabie, and a
very pleasant time Inc spant.
DEPARTURE.—Several of our villagers
have telqin their exit, aud are by this
time jourueying to foreign lands—
Nova Scotia—for the good of theit
health. -We mie's the countenances of
Me. W'2,,,4 Mn. BrVderick, and Mr. ftild
Mrs. R dZgt-f m the village. May they
4, •
none the wOrse fur a litt
Intuit dvalqr, ant se Jong 24.8 your.
peop:e come ,..no go, like the'' ;ebbing
and flowing tide, a wall, Yll'40 has need
bo bo known, tuts need also to proclaim
his preeenceet the) efore Ite hae imed of,
or would and a profit in adveitising.
89141 Cast Stool Grass Seythes,Hoos,
Forks Ihml-made Rakes $Uitile8
Oradles, and all other Harvest Tools,
at Ilerstone Sdn'st St. Mary'ta
E. 0A,USWELL.----AS per announce-
ment, E_ Carswell, Esq., P.G.W,A. 5.
oX r. delivered a lecture under the aus-
pices of the S. of T, of this place, on
'Tinireday esening last, The notice gi,
Vell WA.5 very short, but the name Cars-
well seerned to have a vivid effect, and,
the lecture,roont of the W, M. Church
Wnti nearly filled. The speaker, who is
it man not very large in stature, wear
ing long, embrosial lochs, having small
sbarp eyes, was loudly cheeeed on till{
it -kg the platform. was introduce(
b 111 t WP i
y r. an ,on, n a neat opeeele.
Mr. Carswell'e eloquence has. a chum,-
ing and pleasing effect, when conneeted
with hie manner. The rhetoric wae
extremely g t. Gough -like he em-
bodies volumes of argument hi a few
WOrd.S, by usiug quaint and humorous
anecdotes, which at the same time
keen the attention of the audience riv-
eted upon lthe. Not an eye wanders
from a set focus. The pros. and CD1IS, of
argument iteelf were full., discussed in
the second night of bis lecture by the
illustration of the men falling from the
two-storey building and the mattee-of-
rapt man passing byt wishing to prove
to him that he had fallen to the ground
and brolian some hones, instead of at
wage pieliing him up. The anecdote ef
the Ieishruan, ininieter, dog, and pig,
had a yeey peiuted illestretion, ets
also the goat story. The 'drowning qf
the two children was symbolic of many
in the world. Time and space will not
allow or we might continue et some
let.gth upon the merits the lecture
542(11ecturer—demerits there weie none.
We neves listened with the same degree
of interest to any speech. The tune oc-
cupied seemed more like half-anthour
than three half-hours. Votes of thanks
were tendered the speaker, choir, ete.,
before whielt the lecturer. annOunced
hie intention of remaining another eve-
ning, an annetrucemeLt which wa8
greeted with great applause. Friday
evening was rather a delightful one,
and a large crowd soon gathered ,'end
filled the lecture -room, scarcely any re-
maining aWay of those present on the
previous evening. If Thuredey night's
lecture was good, WO ntill scarcely find
a word fin' Fridey night's, for the int
prevenient was gnat, a thing. which we
had thought almost impossible. At the
close, an tugent request was made that
Mr. Carswelt give e, lecture at seine fut-
ure period, which be is willing to do.
Hearty and loud applause also greeted
the appearance of the ap,eaker on the
second evening. Rev. Me. Grasey filled
the chair his act ustomed " qeite at
!Mine" manner. The Div:helot-1 ill this
village deeerve the thanks of the villa'.
gees and outeiders for eecuitines the ser-
vices of such a talented gentleman. We
understand a considerablylargee. room
will be engaged for Mi. Carswell's next
appearaece. Below will be found the
e'efe-0;7 -eedeiteelatAirs...Careteeie
- Patent Fly 'reaps, Patent bag tios,
picture frame mouldieg; at Harstone
es Son's, &Mau's11.
THE Oitors.—The farmers now wear
their happiest smiles. All serfs of
grains look very healthy. The fail
NV.1102tt, many tlioaeht to be an
utterly lost crop, will average about
.sixteeti bushels to the acre. Spriug
clams- look as well as we have. ever seen
them. The root crops eegaire .more
ram to make them look as well as they
might. Their appearance as it is., is
not bed .
Tee Com:tr.—The new comet may
now be seen abottt Midnight, almost
directly under''the Peter 'star, with the
ealsed.eye, altneugh Wu,. far mei e dis-
tiuet whenseati through an opera glees.
It looks to,be :Wont the size. of a horse
chesu at, and has the appearance of a
hazy light. With Alt ordinary tele-
scope ib is quite di4tinct, tail and
STABnING Apeney.--On Thursday
lase as two young men, Met"srs..- Stinson
4nd Eckardt, Were iiiinsing along Ste. -
Olen' :road, they engaged in an altereit-
time ' the. result of •Whieli Was, -Eckardt
stabbed coinpaniOn the lace,
hearly.kilIing him., He was picked. up
insensible, his father stopping the
bliicid and a,tteridinae• to him, •until the
doptor a,rrived. A warraiit N as at
otiCe Issued for the Arrest of the ag-
gressor, and 001] stable Speakman
lug (which. was handed in to us this
week by Mr. Manning), and which he
composed for the reception of the Na-
tional Division. at Ottawa, a few days ago.
We should have said that, be recited per
request, at the Friday night lecture, a,
piece which, he cemposed. some years
Sous of Temperance, from Co1nra1,ia
To Canadian land,
Ws, your brothers, bid you welcome
With both heart and hand.
We meet not, as our fathers:met,
With angry blow for blow;
But viited to a stqw,glo
With a CO71E771011, foe.
No nation's boundary is oars—
We know no creed or 21an—
The motto on rim -banner is
" The brotherhood of man."
Wherever drink and sorrow is
Our Order relehes there ;
And must be universal, for
The Foe is everywhere.
The road to death turough him alone
By conntloss fect is trod ;
The gates o Hell outnumber far, .
Tho temples', of oar God.
Commands froni Heaven and laws of men
He treads, beneath hiSifecit,
And yet in Senate and'inCimrch
119 takes his highest seat;
And ineu, Lce. geed, through, him blaspheme
With curses deep and strong;
While woman iu her weakness prays,
" How Jong, 0 Lord, how longi"
brought him before the reeve 'if Excter, „.1», every., bind, °,118:erYi*m'
oim „S1.0Ilagy 122.5t, 'when the evidence ad- I Is can " 'rn1"
tinCed enard n teed the seediest of him I e'rY ("Y.' °VerY street,
pp, jail IO stand his trial at the assize:8. His wretched slaves are bound
• •
tire Elephant 011 (90 cents per gal.)
Cestor Oii, Pale Seal and Stoclee Oil
at HarCtone& S ei's Cheap Hardware
Store, St. Miley's. '
ELECTION Or OrrICERS.—The election
oilicers fur the S. of T. took place on
Mouday evening. last. A large num -
tier of inombtrs wore present. 1 he
following offiCers doly elected.
13re. R. Solder'. '
W. A. Bro. Sonior
R. 'S. Bro. Will cf. White.
A.R.S. Bro. W. Grigg.
T.S. Bro. trooper.
Con. ''Popplestone.
A. Con. the. &Mon.
Chap. Bro, Kinsman.
Treas. • Bre, Bell:will
I. S. Bro. McNabb.
0, 8, Bro,Adtints,
Organists Si, Verity & Manning.
Anotyr, Anvmarsnia. --To a business
Irian the question of adverti,c,,ing, toms
upon a siuglopoitst: WW it pay With
the great eleare 4 111);eat1 hied progreeta
lye tnen, who is enterprishig and thrifty
in their business; this is has boon
• ,
settled 'in'. the job tttGti0alWay.—
Whieh their.glirevtl jilidgeniont appeoyea;
ProAtable,-;Sc,ttue tuuen ay,
,beeti„..iii 'trade hei,4,,twinify. years It 'is,
tiro O.' I was; weli ItfieNvt
'What 15 tih use 'of atIVeeliShig:toy1iii'sf.,
itees;?; to 6,11C we ficl lilr sayitig,.
they' pittf1i1;14t: iiii614iejti. to ,Vttti Id
gae,loni:a.ild it bete.r btisitroS Man that:
l5teivart P Ills,fittints gild, his trit4t,
Etre household ive'rds titeetitli the land.
Itaeaveag.til thooi34)iae -,,firteAr, theip
'tvliete tltniisnds kititw yautb.;
Ste ,;0,1irt: is a eon:Stant :sySteinatie and
eitensive adVortiser. ;Ito 'does' not tee"
that he iS so well ktioWn he heed Cease
tolling ths. people' that he, still "lives
and, ileale; fix; Moreliatialee."; ;',. a:nittit's
'toil:Other elyargetT1,:if, ;the ;World
itiOlret11. 'why. thot it toltio88'fixttlt
iVOttlit hola bit irttts iftYtt8' At, •!,ti 11110I061A' Dr6g0lito trodoothyo Alfa
With initriales which other man
Ilave fought the right to forge,
Protected by your starry flag
And ours of Saint George.
No wonder, then, we tWine our flags
1,Vilen carried in this fight;
No vionder that we welcome you—
The champions for the riglit,
You,,wolooine from tile sunny South,
And from the Western $10130
AT14WOICOIlle yo NV110 in the East -
Rave soon the Star of Hope!
Bight welcome to our Northern land
To fight a battle here,
in Sound of rushing Ottawa
Ana thunder of Chandler°
OodblJos you in your coming liora
And in year going forth,'
And birght in memory evor be
"Yolir visit to the North! ,
ST..1F1.1.110 IF" S.
G. B. &hill's buyer, MrneuderSop
sailed for, , Ifittrope, .I,une 20th" per
c oean Steaihsluip " city of Chester" to
make, purchases for the Falt,itilar Win-
ter' trade. G. B. 110 eoriiinenced tho
Suinniee clearing sale.' Silks, tiresa-
goedst parasols, and many other lines'
1xfeStabliSh,tneti t. ' t tritS o tt t.,so ale (Yr the
AieSt A.g4etiltairiti Iitiplements itt the
PrtiViiite: Thereat* about thirtyhands
constantly ouiployed„ and 'theS0 tile
best' thaV Can' be obtained., 8tiffiee it
Saktli at work t tithed " out froththis
Manufactory cannot -1* .,41.11TAAStla for
111140rittif WpatTittlidliptthd
At.XxxvtattsAttr,---.The„anttfinrsary in
connection with Zion 'It t1 -Sabbath
Selloel took -Plate 011 Itooatty htet , tor
the grolt ext Ar4 Derinett„; 81411 iittfnie,
atty ivfis all bht doold he ,dosirod,. itoit
81.11.114Y Of peovision8 'wort: Ott
band. frIeVeittY school children
matched ill procession to the " grovel
Ileaded tfit8g
81,66dile4 *Ord, #611V6ittir by tilt
Nelsons Ba nk Exeter
.rmp.T..4) OAKTALAfi,
REDig 10.
pi 0 41.0,80()
Tho Exeter Braflell of Molsons ,Ban
Yetk, St. john, KB, and 04 the
and Quelx,,c.
Makes advances on, Produce.
Bays and sells 8tctling Exelienr,
Discounts Notes,
A Savings Bank Department itas been
Branch Molsons Bank.
from one 1)011ax ($1)
Payable on Demand with n:crest.
Exeter, May 7, 1874.
From Thunder Bay to Grand, Bend in
3 Fishing Smacks.
An Unwilling Voyage of
the Lakes,.
They arrive at the end of Lake
Huron and think- themselves,
in Lake Superior,
The recital of tales of the deep is not
nioTtopolized by "salts" of the tidily
tiee, nee yet eve that class of people the un-
ly guest who how in penance to the great
sea -god. 4 correspondent sends us
the folleving fleets, from which it will
be seen thet summer as well au spring
and autumn has its attendant ten ortl
to the mariner. Ttt. is. said that fog is
the precars,or of cold weathei, and, to
judge from the very cool weather we
are at present enjoying, we should say
that there must have beeu an extreme-
ly dense fog in s,onee quartee daring the
past week. We now giate the story as
we heard it, but would say tu our 'read,
ers, cum gm() During the whole
of fast week quite a beavy fog over-
spread.Lakes Superior and :ninon. —
Before it set in a number oi fishermen
made for 8CR from a small pores short
distance south of Prince Arthur'sland-
haying,on. beard their smacks a few
bottles of Whiekey anit. a days, provis-
ions. As the foe made its appearance,•
they unwisely commeneed draining the
jara containing the liquor, until not a
drop lyNS left, and the men laid back
on their oars as it were. Their dizzy
beads .and the foggy atmosphere had
completely put these ten men out of
their' reckoning,. and now WithOUI cent -
pass or chart they were being drifted
to they knew not where and cared less.
They remain...el in their, helplessness
clueing the fixed night tts thefog still
led,, and they, 18vere under full sail
.L60161:61;7 they were:J*9
tunny lost in a fog. They were new
languishing for food, bu t. could. find ndee
as they had only brought one meal with,
them. Under full sail their little barks
were spinning.overthewaters lilte things
of life, freighted with their load of
finmen souls. 'They passed,. as they
ima ;ined, several ports. They said
that they really could not see theaperts,
but some incentive informed,tlipm that
some port was nigh. However,on they
.flew in the mist, not daring, the attempt
to land, for fear of further (henget., al-
though they knew not the moment
they inight strike shore. They, were,
by this time, fully awakened to tt.se,nse
of their peril, and ene of the crew, be-
came delirious from want of food. We
may imagine the feelinge of boats sur-
rouuded by a fog and unknown Water,
and some of its crew taking charge of
a delirious man. Red the boats
not cheered up one another, no doubt
more than one would have sought a
watery grave. A rope ....:onnected the
three boats, andkept them in company
although tumble to see ono another:—
For two days and two lights they were
out thus, but had a stiff breeze all the
time.- On Saturday morning last, the
fog cleared, and completely exhausted.
they pulled -in shore at :Brewster, a
'place tliey bad never heard of, end a
Mile north of Grand Bend, They were
astenished when they heard iheir
wherealionts, as they still imagined
themselves saihug around Lake &pett-
ier, instead of three or for hundred
miles from home. They were well ta-
ken eilre of by tlie Brewster people,and
in a cample of hours ettirted on thei
return tlip.
(I'rorn our own Oorrespondentj
Sctroof; Piex.m.--The annual mid-
, .
summer examination of No. 4, Blau -
shard, which took place en Feidtty, the
260., was one of the best ever held in
the township. Mr. 11. ,Donaldson, who
hes had charge of the school for the
past year and a -half; is One of the west
viiergetic teacher: in the coutity, and
appears able to instil some of hit entitle-
stesm into the people its well ae
for the ", turwent" oan safely be said to
be the largest ever seen in the township
on ft Similar OeCaSiOn. r.1(110 examina-
tion was an ondoubted sueoess, the pu-
pils answering sharply and well ; to
particularize would be out of the Ties:.
tion. The ladies of the section did not
appear to stint themselves in providing
gond things for the occasion. An in-
teresting feature WAS the presenting of
valuable gift to Mr. Donaldson,. eon,
'sisting.of a gold ring, 'searf pin,yencil
ftrot gold pen:The address which go,
*entrained the gift was appropriate, as
'was:also Mr. :1)0114d:son's reply (Want
peopreitelita the of
The procoodingsin theschool,
hoitsc,elosod;hy fir:Ickes-spa froincsovers1
,Of Alm': gentlemen Ineseut, CaptItio
;Campton 'oecupied, ilie Ohnir, After
the.:spealting was Oyer, 019 pipits and
k181tO5g' adion rn ea to, the grove close by
toe enjoyment at the Swings provided
and the, athietio
,10Whig,,to tkroinfon Day 0013lh g
thtotigt seine
frintalgODJOilt..oF PIO :014 Goyorlomoitt
at; Ottaivit, Old toilie fact' 64 'ott,sio
polciStdWailletit.vac' oltvaief;lrtulitthayt.it:t,vew,;o.a:iec
the sborof the etlelOt mat& hetWeen
Oratittlit and Litaisw „ The .$41116 daitae
will otplain the :shorttifing of the alsow:
pothe neltood
Ji issoos Drafts 04 14044 xi, Eng., /lel,
principal cities 404 t9w4a in Ontario
New YOrlt Tixellanger Greenbacks, &c.
opened in connection with the Exeter
pwards received.
8 -yl,
(From our own correspondent.).
All orders ion at Bosworth?s Dritor and
Bookstore (next door to McLean's Ifotet)s
for Prialing, AtIvertistu,T, Subseriptiene
°stilt elrvilitileriTic:ItYlelitPfrtri riitt riliteertriei°Bilit.trTii'Mucklag'
at the above -totaled Store.
ADDITION TO St1/00Itp—A large addl.».
tion is to be made to our schoolhouse„
which at the present time is too'sniall
to accommodate 'tho children of the vil-
lage. Tenders for the erection of the
additional buildings were advertised
for,. but as, the lowest was :Km, or
some $1,00O more thanthe' trustees,
thought was enoughto pay the. con-
tractor, the Board has decided* not to
accept any tender, but to hire. mem to,
do the work and employ a competent
person to oversee it.
CRICKET MATCH. --A. match between
the Lucan and Granton clebs, onstertr
ground of the latter, took piece on Sat-
urday, and resulted ih the defeat of Lu -
can in one innings. The game passed
off pleasantly, and When it was won we:
were glad to notice that the'iMpleasant.
and discourteous cheer which is gener-
ally given by country clubs when they'
phi a victory, was not indulged, in..
The fact of cricket b ing a gentleman's
genie appears to be appreciated by the
Grantoniaus. A substantial entertain-
ment was provided at McDonald's he -
tel, aud if the kind treatment of the,
hoete ceold remove the sting of defeat,
which the guests suffered, it was remba
ved. Tie) renru match will take place.
shortly after the 12th inst., when the
Lecan club will be represented by a
stronger team, or at least by one that
has had a little practice, for the one
whieli played at Granton bad not it sin-
gle-hour'a practice. tegethee before the
match.. ,
season is about. over, and had been
more profitable to the producers than
to those who speculated in the clip, for
prices have gradually declined andwool
ahieh cost the buyers 40 cents would
net realize for them to -day more than
37-1 genes.
^nr own Corresponden
LIVE:211%-A new vet)
the village last week by 13. Brewnleey
Exeter, and is already doing a ruelthe
business. He has good. rigs and lot
of them to supply the demand. Sue
cess to him and all other enterprising
OPPOSITION.--Elawkshaw is now run
hing a daily stage to Crediton, con
necting morning and night with the
main line at Devon, Both lines hays
put cornfertable covered, rigs on, the
route ;and will have. a lively tussle fo
the carrying trade. We bespeak fo
Hawkshttes a good paying success.
lest Mr. Jvhn Parsons and two of his,
'beets accidentally poisoned. One of the
younger boys, in the neerning,made up,
it chink ; the common lartariciecid.,and
soda, drink, so much. used itt. summer.
It appe,ars the boy put a large quantity
of acid and only a small quentity of so -
de, not nearly enough to neutralize the
,acid, all threpArtualt freely of the mix-
ture, and in the afternoon., soized with
symptoms of severe irritant. poisoning,
vomiting, purgin,g,,cramps &c. Medi-
cal aid was summoned.and.,their suffer-
ings relieved. Nex,t day all were con-
valescent. Better he careful how; you
make your "phiz" drinks now the, dog,
days are coming on.
Roens.—The municipal: csouncil are
expending part of the money due the
township from the Municipal Loan
Fund in extending the gravelling on the
centre road to the 21st con. They ex-.
pact to complete it this summer; 0 eon-
sumation devoutly to be wiehed for.
tea -meeting and concert held by the
Crediton Div. S. of T. on Wednesday
of last week was a decided success, not-
withstanding the opposition shown it
from unexpected and rather novel
eoiteces. A eplendie day a lovely grove
lots of music, speeches and grub, who
coald help onjeying it ? Four or five
Revd. gentleman graced the platfrom,
the Zurich band discoursed sweet and
lively mute. end the tables were still
fall when all had' fasted. The perfor-
mances closed' with (!t concert in the
townhall at night hieh was attended
by atiautiiSlt0i a 2so.
Accumo.--Oti Monday litst, a boy
8 years old, son Of kr. Andre.s;t Trim,
iiSr, nth goy. Stephen while visiting,
at Mr: Sitttlils' near Grediton was as-.
eisting Shine larger' boys o ranovo,
sotho 1unibet. 1.Chb il lipped- strik-
ing the boy, and breaking both bones
of the foreleg, Dr, Rollins sorthe in-
jnrod limb. •
Po/sou:D.—A lfbtle thild, grand
son of Mr. Macey', Cothettsylille, was
poisoned to death on' ast, by
drinking milk out of it sop which soil,1 ,„
tallied SOthe dissolvod potash. '
6a.I aid Was ef no avail, the little one
rgoSilig.ttttrday evening', after how%
Tlie electiott oase Of 10114.0.0, *Pat,
FileVeinitiedt at'Yetitiotists, and Mrie,
konzie respondent`,wt to.day feud fee
trial 'Oil ths-'Mtil Sopisittboi!,' atid tho
daSS0± Th0ltthOtt itiidt'Ws1I Vtrobb
petitiortee,, said Aylmer respoildent,' foe
:the 1.5t1i of AtIgtist'ht
• Of.4:041 inforuniibioit lilts; been roceived
at the war ollice'et Madrid 0( the 1,t1O:
feat at:Olio:Iva, '881 ilottowest Olf
Watencia, after two' 'days'.liijhtiuug
10,006 ;Carlietd tindel'hottinittntt of ut1I'
phonse, 'brother of Don tlarlos, by
Eo ibliOttilS nttnibsrifl tt