HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-05-12, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, May 12,1993 Forthcoming marriage - Jack and Darlene Schenk and Bob and Norma Jones are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Karen and Todd. The wedding will take place at Ex- eter United Church at 6 p.m. May 22, 1993. Reception to follow in Exeter. Baptism held at Grand Bend United Church *-GRAND :SEND - Attendance was • excellent at the Mother's Day Sunday seavice at Grand Bend United Church. The organ prelude music was !God's Trumpet Call" played by Idella Gabel. Pastor Colin Stover's sermon top- ic was titled 'Managing your Re- sources". The Junior Choir sang two num- bers with hearty applause from the congregation. The adult choir sang "0 Happy Home". The children's hymn was "Priase our Maker". During the Sacrament of baptism the following children were wel- comed to the Family of God: Jessi- ca Marie Brown, Michael Charles Fischer, Alison Elizabeth Ostrom, ► Sarah.Mag write Robertson. Mt. Carmel CWL MT. CARMEL - The May meeting of Mt. Carmel CWL was held in the Mt. Carmel church meeting room on Tues- day evening May 4. Carla Rev- ington newly elected president opened the meeting by welcom- ing everyone and introducing Thomas Malloy who is starting up a summer day camp for area children at Brindsley Hills. Jeanne Gladding supervisor of Town and Country Homemak- ers spoke to the group about the homemakers progratn, an- swered several questions from members and handed out Infor- mation Directories. Members Jean Fleming and Yvonne Dietrich gave reports outlining their experience at the CWL Convention which took place in Chatham on April 27 and 28. Mt. Carmel CWL will be serving refreshments for the First Communion Celebration after mass on Sunday May 16 at Mt. Carmel School. A former graduate of Central- ia College, Dianna Hardy ex- pressed that the impending clo- sure of the college would have a negative impact on this agricul- tural community, with signifi- cant loss of needed services, economy and jobs. Members were encouraged to sign a peti- tion which was -circulated and will be given an information package including some :facts and myths regarding: -the col- lege. Mary Glavin and Helen Kor- cina are ticket conveyors for the quilt raffle in November. Tick- ets were distributed .to council- lors and anyone needing: tickets see Mary or Helen. The meeting was ended with a prayer. The 1993-95 Mt. Carmel ex- ecutive elected in Aprilare as follows: President - Carla Rev- ington, 1st vice - Helen Korci- na, 2nd vice - Mary Hogan, Treasurer - Jean Fleming, re- cording secretary - Deanne Bur- nett and corresponding secre- tary - Yvonne Dietrich. maw oeaster ride of palmitin', By Val Thomson Parenting is like a continual roller coaster ride, with all its ups and downs, and once you are belted in and the cars start moving, t'.ere's no turning back. It can be scary at times, but it's alt worth it. Mother's Day always makes me take a look at my role as "Mom." I'm a "stay-at-home" mom and 1 think it is just great. I have my reasons for staying at home to raise our children, the main one being I like to spend time with them. I'm only going to have this chance once and 1 don't want to miss it. I want us to get to know each other so we can remember this time we have together. That is something I wish 1 could have done with my mom. She worked shift work at a factory and although I understood why she had to work, I couldn't help thinking it would be nice to be together more. L< As it turned out, we never got that chance. f She died at the age of 52, when I was 14. I loved her dearly and miss her a lot. That's why the time I spend with my children is so important to me. So, what do stay-at-home moms do? I can't speak for all of them but I think 1 can safely speak for many, especially the ones on farms. We still have all the regular housework, yardwork, bam chores and whatever other farm work we can help with. We may not have extra money for certain things that a second income would provide, but we have luxuries that don't come in the form of material -things. We have assets that don't show up on the balance sheets. We have time to work and play together with our children every day. •We.can teach and learn about everyday things like chores and planting :gardens -and flowers. We can go for a walk to the creek if we choose or 'Jtaveapicnic snack in the yard. •We have more time to answer questions, to give swing rides, play hock- ey,•teach someone to ride a two -wheeler, or respond to that most frequent- ly.ursed phrase, "Watch me, Mom!" We can send our school kids off with a hug-tostart their day andte there to greet them when they come home. -We try to lake -time -4c volunteer at school and become involved and aware.of what is going on whh our.school-aged children. It isn't just moms who do'.this. Alot of dads becomelavolved too. I considermyselflucky to -have the opportunity to do all these things. I narnot:be working:at a regular job but I'm doing the most important job I'll everdo inthisaife;-raising our children the best way I feel I can. Hope- fully; they will -also learn'thatthere is more to life than work and money. For those workiagmoms who manage to keep things running smoothly, I :give you a lot :of: credit for your stamina and admire your ability .to squeeze everything in, but I wouldn't want to trade places with you. I like my job; despite its frustrations. I've palmed apretty-rosy picture solar but there are certainly times of near.despair. It'snot always easy raising four children. I remember when we were expecting our fourth child, people would say everything from "Congratulations!" to "You're nuts!" Lsometimes wonder if I'm in over my head. Just so you -don't think:I'mtrying toilet on that I'm always in control, I'm ' going to share with you something 1- wrote after one particularly hair- raising bedtitneepisede. For the life of° -me. Icannot figure qui why the same children I,hold-.so I ciucatiun Week at McGilhvray The audience at McGillivray Central School enjoyed "Joe White and the Seven Lizards", a baseball spoof on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs presented by the Grade eight class as part of the Tuesday evening performance during Education Week. TRIANGLE OI5COUNT4 433 Main St.,Iiiiter '$ffeative May 10 to 23.1993 235-1661 Decongestant Tablets 24s or 369 Caplets 16s Dristan Denture Cleaning Tablets 84s 549 Polident Wampole, swallow type 500 mg.3 39 100 tablets • Vitamin C Hi Dri, 2 roll packp Paper Towels .79° Tampons 24s,59 Tampax Insect Repellent reg. or fresh scent 125 g 0 . 99 FF i Sea Breeze Facial, 120 ml.89 Cleansers 2Potato Humpty Dumpty, 180 g. or 220 g. 990 Chips Final Net Non Aerosol, 300 ml. 99 I-lairsprays Shampoo or Conditioners 300 ml. Silkience 90 4. 4 Spiritef Giving A Nuaul p,0 ,am to encourage vv ng and vo1"rev.ng der to me ean'idso wear me down to an insecure frazzle sometimes. We seem to be on a cycle of sorts, in which we get along wonderftully for, a while, then come the rough spots. Try as I might, I cannot get any co- operation, no matter what approach I use. I can be dripping with kindness or bursting at the seams with angel; nothing works. I try new methods, resort to old methods; stilt nothing. Sometimes I get close to tears before it finally dawns on them that their behaviour really is upsetting. Then we all have a pouring out of feelings, like rain pouring friarn the. sky after much build-up of thunder and lightning. And then, just like sun- shine after a rain, everything is sparkling and fresh as we feel the warmth that comes from sharing feelings. The air is clear and we can carry on. Our minister once said, in one of his children's stories, that moms were like sandpaper, always smoothing off the rough edges. Some days I think if I were a piece of sandpaper, I would be quite tattered and losing to grit. 1 The purpose of sandpaper is to end up with a product that is nice smooth, pleasant to behold, a real quality piece of work. -S_ uch is the ten of moms and dads. The hardest part is not giving up. ' . You have to keep turning and flipping and folding that sandpaper to find a spot that will do the trick, and we can't let up because it's our responsi-' bility and because we love them so much. Editor's Note: Val Thomson is a farmer and homemaker who lives at 'RR 1 Granton. She enjoys writing in her spare time. BILL HASKETT We're glad you asked! CAN YOUNG CHILDREN UNDERSTAND DEAIHT BOB FLETCHER Four-year old Karen's mother had died in an accident. Her fa- ther, overcome by grief and shock, sent her to live with a neighbor for a few days, saying she was "too young to under- stand" and would be upset by all the crying and visitors. But Karen became confused, then frightened. No one would tell her where her Mommy was; she was living in a strange house with unfamiliar people; and at nursery school, her teacher looked at her sadly and started hugging her a lot. Karen eventually learned, and accepted, that her mother had died. But those days of fright, the result of family and friends trying to "protect" her, need never have happened. Even the youngest child can understand, in simple terms, the concept of death. As funeral directors, we have experience with helping Chil- dren to undue;:8.ocept death. Please stop by if -you would ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION (Incorporated; FUNERAL HOME LTD. PHONE 235-1220 Royal Bank Home Mortgages A Simple Phone Call CapMake BuyingYour Home Easier. 8 Lii 'a IC And Up To $1000 In Homeowner's Gift Certificates Makes It More Rewarding. Whehen you call Royal Bank, you'll be making right call on two counts. 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