HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-05-05, Page 23Times -Advocate, May 5,1993 Page 23 IEED RESWTS fIlfl�mJJ.: usijpii AMIR o: CALL ANYTIME MEM VISA WINN Private, Non- commercial ads only Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SJPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is callus by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want (Excluding real estate). 'TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRT. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE CLASSIFIED ROES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multi of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as tor serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15d per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes,20 words $6.00, 150 per word there alter. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 150, per word thereafter. MARRIAGES Death Notices - 20 each additional word WPC iN MEMOR AMS - $11.00 094 250 per line of verse. COMNG EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional wad. 150. Three insertions tor the polos of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads 1s 400 p. m. Ys - VISA Phone 2351331 : »: : sync<i:;: >.ig::S�;'i<;> .,`C;;.r-: a:..,.,..:. : - :�• r;9 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy I8 Wanted 39 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rau 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Warted 25 Notices 2¢ Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or •employment advertise- �1eitts. Be clitypikyou are dealing vrith 413' reputable company before releasing any credit-card information. Remember... if any adver-. tisement sounds too good to be true, his. 3 Situations Wanted RESPONSIBLE high school student willing to babysit in my home during summer. Reasonable rates. CPR and font aid. 235-1775, leave a message. Resumes available. (17:18') 4 Help Wanted BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED. Financing Available. Iluron Satellite Systems 234-6290. (l3tfn) IMMEDIATELY requite Machine Operators. Experience in a machine shop environment an asset. Apply to: Exeter Machine Producu Ltd. 87 Canada Ave. Box 541, Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1 YO. (18c) el'IiR iiURON COtIN'I'Y IIOARU ON EDUCATION will accept altplicalinns int pnsilinn(s) of TEACIIER ASSiS'1'ANT for vacancies 11r11 aright occur during the 111111 1011.1 school year Individuals successful in obtaining a 'teacher Assistant position will be tctlnired to work with exceptional sltalcnts. Plefctcncc will he given lo line candidates will) pnsl-secondary training and practical experience in sante of the following areas: titanic ltanscrihing; signing; child ticvcloprnenl with par- ticular emphasis on exceptional children. Individuals who are sekcletl for inlcrvicw may also he placed in a school q<elling int n short trial basis as pat! Of the seleclinn process Successful applicants will become members of ('.11.P.i?-, Vocal 1428. fnleresletl applicants should send a covering truer of application and resume ,outlining experience and cducalitn. including rekrencec. 10 the undersigned by noon, Friday, May 14, 17111. Janet (laird -Jackson, Business AdntinislraInr 11111011 ('ounty Board of Education 11)1 Albert Slicer Clinton. OiF``tat--jo. NOM 11.0 nun Dawson IVIS MK IkS IN h a i r *sift h at W I 4 itnl. Anon Doted() TOWN OF EXETER INVOLVEMENT OF MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM Summer Student Required Duration May 17 to September 3, 1993 Location: Exeter Municipal Office University or Community College Student currently enrolled in business or public administration, political science or environ- mental studies, and who will be returning to these studies in Septemper, is required by the municipal office for 16 weeks. Besides relief work in office during holidays, the student will be involved in the education and promotion of the new Waste Management Program. Strong public relations, computer and accounting skills are necessary. Please forward resume by May 10, 1993 to: Rick Hundey Chief Administration Officer TOWN OF EXETER 406 Main Street, Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 150. (519) 235-0310 • 4 Help Wanted COURT REPORTER - Tuesdays only. This is an ideal position for someone interested in the justice system with one day a week fret. Good listening and note -taking skills a must. Apply to Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, NOM 1S6, re: part-time court reporter. (18x) littrewaw (7-eoce.;—) /oykee.P af/Past /44etre term repe re,rtat%ve4 Jewelsby Parklane, a well established company, new in Canada -it looking for you. No inventory, earn up to 45% plus weekly over rides and bonuses. Eam trips, cars and much more If interested call Karen 519-235-2419 HURON COUItTY HO1lE CARE PROGRAM Home Care Case Manager (Casual ReUen PosmoN DESCRIPTION: woriung in a mulls -d sctptinery environment: the' wrespomatbUltles will include.autaeYlnsi client eligibility. coordinating the deliv- ery eltyery of health care services in the com- munity and any necessary follow up. QUALIFICATIONS: A recognized gradu- ate of a health care discipline at University level or equivalent combtna- tlolh of esgterlence and education such as nursing. physiotherapy. occupational therapy. speech therapy. nutrition or social work. Successful! candidate must possess cur- rent registration according to require- ments of their respective profession in Ontario. Use and ability to drive a car. Apply In confidence to Joanne M. Jasper. Director. Huron County Home Care Program P.O. Box 458. BU Mary Street Clinton. Ontario NOM ILO Applications will be ar:cepted to May 14. 1993. Only those considered for inter view will be notified. Part time Position Available in a residential set- ting with teenagers and young adults. Weekend and evening hours involved. Position in- volves supporting individuals who are physically and devel- opmentally challenged, to succeed in social, personal and recreational settings. Salary: $13.46 per hour Location: Exeter Prefer G.S.W. Qualifications and must have a valid driv- er's licence. Apply in writing by May 15th to: Residential Manager ANAGO Resources Inc. P.O. Box 437 Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 s• Do you have experience with DESK TOP PUBLISHING on an APPLE McINTOSH computer, then we are looking for you l Local industry with friendly work environment is seeking individual for parttime position in desktop publishing. Speed and accuracy are a must. All applicants must reflect our requirements and will be personally answered. Please forward in confidence. Apply to Box 77P, Exeter Times vocate, Exeter NOM 1S64. 4 Help—Wanted TEACHERS/ SUBSTITUTES Our Company shares your commit- ment to education. We back that with a guaranteed Gaining allow- ance plus commissions for demon- strating educational materials to families of pre-school and school aged children. No sales experience necessary For interview call: (519) 657-1891 EDUCATIONAL SALES Management trainee position with a number 1 educational company. Teaching parenting and/or sales background helpful. Commission plus training allowance and bonus- es. Women encouraged to apply. Send resumes to: W.B.E.P. P,-D.Box 8096 London, Ontario t46G 9Z9 'iD^r+tr -*Tf EXPANDING COMPANY requires isadisisiastic people in this arta. For oiaterview please call Mr. Doug Pinder - 482-5824. (18:19c) e I • 1 146)00NUTS STRENGTH AND STABILITY • 180 stores • 30 years business experience • tumkey operation • full training • operational and marketing support • expanded menu includes Yogen Fruz and deli-sandwioh bar • contemporary new store design. • New franchise now available • Main & Wellington for fr•ncr.s• w forrnstion (416) 764-7066 6 Services WILL CLEAN OFFICES or houses. Weeknights after 5:00 or weekends. If interested contact 235-1285 after 5:00 or kavemeuagc. (16-18c) CUSTOM FARM WORK - Talk to George Troyer or all 263-5282 and leave message. lhank you.(18-20c) 6 Services McKAY PAINTING & DECORATING • Quality Exterior and Interior Painting Call Today For A Free Estimate 235-0199 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton and Exeter. Main SL across from Scotia Bank. 235-1612.(13tfn) RIDING LESSONS ON TOP QUALITY SHOW HORSES • English & Western • Beginner to Advanced • Private Instruction • Indoor Arena • Great Rates • Horse training also available 227-4782 MIKE DAVIS & SONS R.R. 1 Centralia Parts and Service for most bikes Harley Davidson Specialist Hours: Mon. - Fri. 4-10 p. m. Sat. 9 a.m. -Bpm. Area pickup and delivery available Phone 227-1369 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655.2396.(30tfn) • Manure storage tanks • Barn Foundations • Barn Remodeling • Retaining Walls • Flow Gutters • Sandwich Walls • Cement Yards • Digging & Backfilling one complete job For free estimates LAMBERT BALTESSEN R.R. 2 Grand Bend (519) 243-3095 71•z/.11'tl -1-1101410-0141-011A0:41. lrlll,rl<rl1/.!.l.a JENNISON CONST. LTD. OPENS PIT DAILY • Lane Gravel • Stone • Pit Run Gravel • Sand • Top Soil • Fill • Etc. Etc. H Y 4 c 0 P4 c 4r P CTY. ' 0.16 s EXETER PIT 235-3866 • GRAND BEND 238-8480 r; 6-6 .. _3311 I_ _Fit i - t - "" ,, 7. 0,A) VAN BREE �"�; DRAINAGE Farm Drainage Fence Rows Septic Tanks Water Lines Demolition Erosion Control ,Basements Trucking Gravel For free estitnates call 828-3641, Ron or Pau) 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS LAWN ROLLING & SPRING CLEAN UP • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrou h Cleaning • Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Lawn & Garden Tilling Reasonable Rates 262-3047 Grading -Gravel -Top Soil JAMES SYMES PAVING & MATERIALS ASPHALT & CONCRETE Driveways • Paving of roads, parking lots & Tennis Courts Lucknow, Ont. 528-3047 No -till Drill For Rent Book your acreage now Jeff Horn 229-8176 Hans Bischoff Mason Contractor ,= Bricks, Blocks, Stucco & Parging Specializing in all types of Stonework Phone after 7 p.m. ( 619) 473-9505 Car Care Professionals Len's Quality Collision 'Professional Auto Body Repairs' • insurance weirs • Tres *Wavle* upon rx request • ung • Coastal Rama rw ts�rY 2 aides eoeth d Dashwood 1s. 2374779, Fax 2374179 4