HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-6-18, Page 3li30•Butter Wool Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas 1 Butter Eggs Wool N..PW1)48.B ETER NOW .1044 CURT All4S. CHEAP LADIES' NEW COSTUMES CASH MrlertaCOLMAMON.S.O.49111. NEW READMADE CLOTHING , STORE NEW CHOICE TEAS ALL AWFULLY CHEAP. Cash that Does it Cheice as at. so c. 1,11. lb: '• • for Eggs. le.B. Cash J. W. BRODERICK. DIED ibrtoons..--On Thursday, Oil Ilth inst., on S. B.,131.ertshard, Wm. Brooks, ei heart dis- easeengadayears. *White Wheat "Treadwell :Spy ing Wheat Oats Potatoes Barley ... Peas F,gge 'Butter - 'Flour per Isbl.... Bran Oherts Wool ... .ffilaRKETS. EXETER. 51 19 to 5120 118 to 110 114 to 1.10 50 to 55 60 to 65 65 to 75 60 to 65 10 to 11 15 to 18 609 to 600 60 to GO 70 to 90 30 to 39 White wheat-- ...... ........... ........... 1 20to 1 22 Treadwoll .. .............. ............ ......... 1 20 to 1 21 Spring 1 15 to 1 16 Oats 0 48. to 0 50 Peas 0 GO to 0 65 23ar1ey - ' • 65 to 75 ;Butter 36 to 18 -Eggs, per dozen 10 ;to U Potatoes.. 80 to 1 00 -1,ard, .9 .to 10 ,Tallow...... .. . ...... ........ .......... ...... 5 to 5i *Bay .,Timothy seed , Clover seed Wool V hlieepskins ... ...... ... i . .. ST. MARY'S. Deihl wheat, per cental .. •Treadwell ,.. .., Spring wheat ... ... ... 'oats ... ... ... ... Egg., per dozen ... ... 14 00 ,1o!16 00 ,350to375 6 25 to 6 80 37 to 30 100 to 1 25 GRANTON. v4,1, a .ily*Qai.o.11),Q-9f..t210..,4.g.0:: '2,995nIA'reaktordmit ewes 1/y8entry, Cholera,. Diarrheae,,Oremp, and Pato, in theotomaeb, ow - 00 Painter** ebolle,..Liver clomPlainO, Dyspepsia aud Indigeolion, o.oro throats, Oaddeli. 004 40, ‘c, Doed Extern•elly, it Pares Eolon3t OVA Prolocto, liurne and seeddS, old Gerea oprklins, ewelling of lobate, Toothaelle, Pain J1;Q10 Faee Neeraigla, 1thellinatie00, Vreatedreet, c.W Soid. Everyivlwro PRICE 25 CTS, PER 330TTLE PERU PANIS it $ON, Saba Proprietors 0 VA stint/ U.VDI1rfb5 Box Paewape,.--.-A boy 18. years 004 of George Draney,blaelisneith,Pott Albert, was drowned on Saturday last, while bathing in the river, NEw Sweerneea—The Grand Tree* Company intend leading a .new etation at Mitchell. •KILLEP BY Lteenrezeo.—Mr. John Lumley, while driving A horse from the pasture field„ near .Listowel, on Sunday, the 7th inst„ was killed by lightning. His death is much regret, ted. Wicaeminss,--eThe Mitchell Advocate a few weeks since favored its readers with a laege, athount of 'hypooritical bosh, and last week forgot itself and commeueed an item with "Thunder and. Lightning 1" MORE RANGES. --We believe the far - mo s of Huron and Kinloss are going to organize two granges—one in each township, at an early day. They will make the third in the county of Brueo, —Review. BASE BALL TOURNEY.—Brussels is to have a base ball tourney on the ist of July Prox. , NARROW GAUGE.—We are informed that the Government have extended the thue for completing this road till 1st. December next, and that the former difficultiet have been removed. Grad- ing has already commenced on the eeswater branch.—Ti'aigham Times. T., G. & B.R.—Regular travel com- mepced on the Southern Extension 'W. G. & B.R. last Monday, and the timber train will move on Saturday next. HEAVY CLIP.—Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Kinloss, last week clipped a fleece weighing 17 lbs. of good clean wool from a ram which he purchased this spring for $40. Rather au extraordi- nary yield.-1Finyhanz Times. AFIOTAER ITILLAGE.—By returns of a late census, Teeswater has a population of 805, and now wants incorporation and a voice in the County Council of Bruce. INCORPORATION.—Drayton and Palm- erston wish to become incorporated as ApciDENTs.—Tho New Era of last week gives account of fivo accidents which occurred in the vicinity of Clin- ton during the last few days. 2 0 3to 2 05 2 05 to 2 10 2 00 to 2 00 1 00 to 1 08 1 40 to 1 40 10 to 1.0 14 to 36 to 39 81 20 1 16 45 OD 17 :11 95 to 81 23 to 118 to 45 to 62 to 17 to 11 to 38 TIP moo.IIJ11U peraneo WU, whifth has bat bee4y pieted.i POW rosily for oeouratieu, it is WO /311011401), Of t110: 0'0 A pollster ontermi41no21t. 04 the 099440.11 Of 44 00111/1g, W111.011 w1L tttk.0 PIA00 Mt 010 1.-Qt11 Of .J•1,11,y It e ,t0 De3 4edieate4 hy 91toors,• of the Grata DiVielon told nally YW OAP antleipatedt , A, Dam> clommirr,Gra4ten, as many of the readers of the Tigloa are alretaY aware, is poeseeseil Of no sraall amount of talent -bath mueleai au4 literana The mud* branoll is developing itself through tho meaium of a brass, Oen& Willett adds no S111,011 illetre to our ae- piring village, Of eourso the membeee of the band have the good of tho. iusti tilti011 At heart, and are bound. to make it a suecess. Indiviatially, it will, they find, be impossible to do SQ.They have therefore decide4 to give a con- cert on the leit of July, when the liter- ary ana tho balance of the musical tale ent of the place will be called into re- quieition. There is no doubt that suo- oess " is engraved on their banner, and a euect‘ss it will be. Tickets, 25 cents. Posters have been issued, giving more particulars. (From our ii0.111bler.) I. have been at Granton. And really it is worth visiting. If yon ever pass that way don't be afraid to oall at this village; they'll receive you most gra- ciously. I don't know, though, maybe I ain too fast; you sling the quill and splash the ink, and that class of people' don't deserve to .be eneouraged, so may- be I had better represent the Times iv Granton whenever I call around. tell you what, Granton is a place, as the public speaker would say, par ex- cellence. As this life is the most im- portant consideratiou now-a-clays—his- tory says it always was—I might you that Granton has a conservatory of drugs, chemicals, etc,, and a doctor and practical chemist in d'haage. This in- stitution is owned by Dr, Lang, a gen- tleman who has undergone a thorough training in Trinity College, Dublin, and has also received a diploma from our own medical institution in Ontario, The drug Store beiug under his direct supervision, anyone and everyone may rest Lee:aired or the greatest care and precision being used. Travelling on, I soon found myself located vis-a-vis with Messrs. Stanley & Hudson, whose store is filled with an unlimited supply of dry goods and staple of all kinds and iu all branches. These young men are doing a large and constantly increasing business. Next I called at Mr. E. J. Brooks' furniture warerooms, where I found an excellent supply, which, I really believe, is superior to that found in many warehouses in more aspiring villages than Granton—and he sells it at cost for two months. Mr. Blackwell has purchased the stock-in-trado lately owned by Mr. S. Levitt, and is dispos- ing of it at remarkably low prices, so as to make room for more new goods. I noticed that a great many improve- • ments are being made in the village which are decidedly of no temporary charaetor. '777 BENoo-uorf.--Bengough , Grip's talent- ed cartoonist, lectured in Mitchell on Friday evening, the 5th hist, A orowd- ed house. The Mechanics' Institute make $40 by the lecture. Telt FIRST.—Mitchell, Kincardine, Goderich and the Point Farm celeurate Dominion Day. BIG Fine.—The Ontario Car Works, in London, were burned to the ground on Friday evening last. Loss over in- surance, S80,000. 125 men are thrown out of work. TOLLS OFF.—At the late session .of the Middlesex Co. Council it wee deal,- ded that all toll -gates be abolished on and after the first of Jemmy next. Good. CLINTON Hien Senooe.—The entrance examination to the 'Chilton High School will begin on Monday, 2911i inst., at 9 am, Pupils wishi ng to attepd after the summer holidays, shenld present themselves for examination., eua aJl de- sirous of entering must notify.Mr. Jae. Turnbull without delay. SEAFORTFL Fall 'wheat 1 23 to 1 24 Spring wheat 1 14 to 1 15 Oats,... . . ......... ...... 45 to ,0 .46 Barley 1 00 to m Pees ' 0 .60 to 0 02 Vatter 0 15 to 0 le Ems o 10 to 0 tO Wool 0 36 to 0 3e Buffalo', June 12 -Cattle -The receipts, of cattle to -day have been 1,173 heacl ,,making the total supply for the wee)I thusfar 10,990" head. There were nor sufficient sale to estsblesh the market. All the fresh arrivals were Shipcled East in first hands. The yards are bare of stock, save five or six loads of thin Tex- ans and Cherokees. The former grades ,are not wanted at any peke. Sheep and Lambs --The receipts c)f Sheep aud lambs to -day have been 8, -400 head, making the total suppiy for the week thus far 18,400 head. The •,as active, at $4.75 to $6.50. (the receipts of hop for the niarlte to -day have boon 3.500 head, making the total supply for the week Thus far 18,400 head. The market was active and prices higher. Yorkers are quoted at $5.60 to $.75; heavy hogs M $5,90 to $0. ICE_ CREAM 010 TEMPERANCE Oillifk81 Lit Dalt 110T WEATI1E11. OPD141. IIV"DitY EVDNING. LOC14 • TIONFilt, Exeter, hailing been at consider. able expense in fitting up bfo tee -cream ealeeti expeete it libeite eareenage from the thirsty pub lie, 'Will be:Opened every et ening. Ice-ereani A celitS' took glees, Wedding and Tea -Parties furnioliedeit Abort /ti taking and Corifeetfonery art prepared to •gWoArttiefactioM twee, 1+74- ItE111 AND CONFPC. STABBED .-James Dinsmore, of the County of Perth, was severely, ir not fatally, stabbed, by one Nathaniel Cove, a toll -gate keeper, ou the 1411i inst. just outside of Ingersoll, during an al- tercation about toll money. Cove was taken before the Mayor, and remand- ed. to jail at 'Woodstock- to await the re- sult of the wound he had inflicted. The injurecl man's symptoms were un- favourable on Monday. The' Mayor took his ant3-mortem statement. He is not likely to recover, LITTLE BEGINNINGS. -T110 steam which raised the lid off the kettle led a philo- sophie mind to utilize it for man's ben- efit. No one dreamed that W,0 should now be dragged along by ‘it at the rate of siaty milee an hour. When Perry Davis made a preparation -for the me- dicinal use of his family, thirty years ago, neither he nor any man imagined that it would now be sold in every land; encl prove to be the PAIN HILLER of the werlde Y114111:4 r.oc4o, itt ontrAryothoubfitv t and " 7t661"riistay ThitiA4611 IfOtdd' S 141176 8na t t e .0,114 "g P • ea& 00 0 i. g atir044, t ttil viul by htithiltg, AlleitY8 i`e. kiiLh16, .' SOld bY all 565,1°''. Etteli'te 1047, Cl.test t St.',. Phila., Mid.7,117 B'rolt6,4,0,y.ile", iiitatiem, . Canadian trade attifiled 'by Masts', tt' Witt0404 0,q0..i W1161ekigivutittigieta, lion. I, , , .4 Sc1. IOR W'S-:141:4.R.E11.0ITSZ • is now finished, 11( '.5 Choice ILot of Fut iiiture on Hand I j • Next Week I will ' give my Reasons why I sell Cheaper, Better, and more Furniture than any other Establishment in this' seation, • - • JOHN DREW. THOMPSON &WILLIAMS (From a Correspondent.) Awmik, thy corner -stone is laid— Who knows whet thou may bo! St. Mary's, Liman, and Ailsa Craig Wore founded. Just like thee. With grist -mill, saw -mill, factory too, By steam they have begun— With other buildings now in view A village must be soon. IMPROVEMENTS.—AWMik is getting to be, I am glad to say, a place of some importance, and will, IhO0, in a short time, be looked upon with rival eye. Many impeovements are noticeable. Amongst others, I notice that Mr. Foreman is building n concrete house, which, when finished, will look very well. Messrs. Levitt and Foreman have a number of village lots in this place, which they are disposing d Very low in order to encourage ,those wish= ing to settle in tliis very desirable vil- lage. Mr. Mitchell's mill is in full blast, and eveey week finds him ship- ping a car -load of stavesto Montreal and other distant ports. • CRICKET CLUB. The Awmik cricket club has been re-orgamzed, and is now devoting considerable time to practice in Mr. Foreman's field. The club awaits challenges. As the members are old players, the club will have a victorious campaign. Tteermie' INserreen.a-A. most suc- cessful Teachers' Institute was brought to a close in Goderich, on Saturday lest, A large number of teachers frem all parts of the county were in attend- ance, while Dr. Sangeter, for the sec- ond time in the county, admirably il- lustrated his methods 6f teaching. Mr. Sheriff Gibbons and other county offi- cials epant a short time with the teach- ers in listening to the exercieee. On Friday evening Dr. Sangster delivered his now celebrated lecture, " Heleee and Hero 'Worship," the Mayor of Go- derieh, Mr. Horace Horton, M :P., pre- siding,. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to tho lecturer on a motion made by Mr, C. Crabb, Chair- man of the Board of Public School Trustees, eeconded by Mr, Sheriff Gib - bone. During the session the question of nominating a representative to the Cottocil of Pnblie Instruction dame ttp, when it was suggested tat appoitit a committee to prepare it SeelOS of ques- tions to presont.to De, Sengsterto an- swer, This course was adopted, and tho questions were answered to the sat. isfaction of the COnlinittee, kb+1r re - delving the report, the Conveution pro. eeeded to ballot I'yr or against Dr. Sangster, when it was found that only nine votes were cast against 1111115 so that, PAS t110 riff:aliS confidently!, pro. dicta last weak, De, Sangster roctived the nomination, t adt, AGRIOIILTURA.L. IMPLEMENTS Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse power Wood Sawing Machine This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WHEEL got avvititionunts. Tall. LANG. M. B., M. 1)., L. R. C. S. 0. Gra &tato of Tyinity Clollege, Mem- ber of the college of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. office -Drug Store, Mein It Granton and is also proprietor of the Drug store, and con- stantly keeps on hand a large stock of puke drugs, Xatent Medicines, and. Dye stuffs. Grantee, Juno 18, 1874. 45-0m, . (1t601 611 OWO Cerresponderity TIM 014or.4.—.)",the showory weather ! tho last week or two has hrouoht for. ward 010' drOtfil very fasty mid seldom boo the)1 protni$edh:atter, NOtIOE TN order to comply with the requirements of 1, the Assessment Aet of 1874, the Court of Revision for the Township of Usboine will be held at the Township Hall, Elimville, ou .7N49.7eD.42; .11UXIE 497/711 11.874. at 2 o'clock P. /I, Parties interested will gov- ern themselves accordingly. SAMUEL P, I-IALLS, ToWnship Clerk. Dated, Tisborne, June 16, 1874, 48-21. "a„,k OTICE. for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra eXpOnso ex- cept for the belt. °ace is hereby givon'Lthat the list Of Voters Lor the Tol,vusltip of stephen,for therm 1874, preperedparsttant to the Act respecting Voters Lists, was first posted tip in my office, 011 the 1810 clay Of Jono, 474 •and / hereby pall upon all Electord, to examine the said List, and if any oininieSione or 'other errors are pereeived therein, to take imthediate proceed- ings to have the said errors eoireeted itecording to law, All Complaints must be in writing, mai are reettired to be leap& vith rite within thirty diva after this late. 111ACIlleerla 1,i11ago Olmee Peeter, June 10, 1874, 4546,• 14) ZAZO CZEO rile be sold Pablie Agetion; ' 6AruiwAY,..JUIVE'It11,t,1874 20110 tear togoolpilatlat st,i ACRE, OFIA110 Salo to toreirieb co at ,ta ttotook 1. .ttt at tile Sehool-lionse, ,• rlartileao_f Saie—Oitottlatal down., the beim-tee in two etlitilOettuutat inotal 1ee:wi11)aia1eroo1.tae7 pnr .601114,0 t110 'Ohaliet 10 '110100 9440018101 006)1018 tltto 8611061 'Itolig0 trilditteaf tboira hOilt vitt bo gives' nail a Mortgage .teltem-eintoteetto 60/I111im-0 let the dete of the remegege, ritatiteepattimtlitto wet be luta froin the seetetare. Abitt,,epe poce teise • WI/1,1AM rtiAlsIfIlkii18, ' '',1Ittect, Illtotor lath jtmo, 187(t Vt) , , A TRIAL OITERED. All kinds of RANTO N'S „ Ranton's Stook is well assorted. Ad- ditions having recently been - RANTON'S made thereto in New Prints, New ',Grey 'Cottons, New 1,Vh.ite Cottons, RANTON'S New White Shirts,.New Regatta hirts New Prunolla Shoes,excellent vala 'ue—full eango of sizes & prices FarmingImplements kept constantly on bawl. BOILER SHOP in full operation. ENGINES of all sizes to order. 11.3113A1ELS prOMptly attended to. Address— THOAIPSON & 'WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. . • 45-1y. Mitchell, June 18, 1874. RANTON' S Now Fresh Groceries. Rantons Teas are extra value ; they were purchased DTIREIAM BULL CALF FOR SALE. The subscriber has for sale, one thoro-bred Durham bull. calf. 11:will be sold Cheap, Apply f o •, R. MANNING. METER P..0. 41.24 OUTFITS f.:•Incido1117.13;411. (";.ht/1;twrrkrishec'oliVens al„honorable, oi- and pays the best' 1E415 ti*Ell of anything over hater° offered. zug, iglu case wages. Barnpleff and coinfi, • plate outfite gent free. Acidregi 54 onee, CnnuuttoNm, DANigrA ez Co., 235 I.:etre Dante kr 3et,Montreal, 40-41. A llARE tARGAIN.—For sale, on Main - sI, bast, in the village of Exeter, a one - storey frame cottage, 27x 83, with kitchen 14 x 27 attached, also a wood -hue and frame stable and shed on the promises, and a flowing well of Water. Tho house contains eight rooms, atiti tho land cotriplises one.fifth of an acre. Oa the Wi1.010, thie.", is ono of the 111081 Clef/1r/1We tea/Alen/n:3S hi the village, being about 5 minutes' walk from the post -office. S. DOWNIE. Exeter, +flute 18, 1874. 434. aenasimoreetietsgssrissesesormsaankomaterinrommesi • rnk & tatteattl. . -viErvv 6 GRIGG lizewohaitt rrailot auci. Otszowtst.1 01.51..ttittevi BIBLE DEPOSITORY 13:11's: /3„1,160,1ipc,82:61'53°Ifbles,, W:0$10,011 • mitt Bible Christian Ityrnit Bdolte, •P86111 13001CA tot t110 l.180 of ?tog. Ci ringlroilt Prtiyo, 0• 111,ntil'etti gobortd ass& tiiT OFOOROOLOOOKOAOTATION on IiVtortioa, 0 CAPITA ,.,$)6,000,000. TM' 2,000.0Q0. A Branch, of the above 1.1.11k has been opened in Laeantor tl,te trausalt104 et Osneral Zanking 081. 1)688 SAVINGS BANK, DIRARTMENT. Sams as low 58 0110 dollar received on depoott. Interest -4 and 5 por gent. allowed. Ne notice 94 7i16rawat required. " Amerman, curreney bought and soul, sZavi; lezppm, Agent. T H E W .T.ARIVT.I. • T.4,A Y. Y-0 till BEFORE the ani. PITIES1 ':113ESZ: IN GOODS. THE NEW TA_RIFF •F‘SU!!!is- scispassa• WILL INonmAsE TIME PELIOE OF Everlitia1e- in Dry Goods & leading Ariioles in before the late advance, and will be :loofa Very Cheap, and subject GROCERIES. T. G.- WILL SELL AS OLD PRICES FOR A SHORT TIME RANTON'S o approval. Any tea that is not satis- factory to the purchaser re ay RA14•11 ON S em1.111011IIIIMIMNIII11111111,•.' Take advantage of the 0 hance. ..106•111MMIGSITS. !XYLEM TOCES 4T EXTRALI and CREDITO' N. B.-500 .Tinnets Butter and 100,000 doz. Eggs wanted.— Highest' Price always paid. THOS. G -R .anibmgmmmEn. be returneCl, and money will be re funded. Don't fail to try RANTON'S Banton's Tea. EX Min 22. OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. Stock CHILDRENS CARRIAGES 0.183 rizz SEEDSgmalarrantoi Paro rTl1HE annual examination of candidates for Public School Teachers' second and third class certificates will be held in .GODERIOH ON MONDAY, te119/-1* JULY at,„1:30 P. M.,' for sumo) mass, and on TUES- DAY, 21st july, at ,A. M., for Trtinn The examination of canclidatee for *fitrst-class eert.ifieates will be held 'at the same place, com- mencing ori 11•10'4pAlt, 27th July; at 1:30 P. M. Farms of notice, to he previously • given by the candidates, can bo obtained on application to any Inspector. indispensible that candidates should no- tify the undersigned not later than the 30th of aline (CAS is luiperative by resolution of Baud of Examiners) of their intention to present themselvee for examination, As there will be no examigation in Decent- ber,taachers whose eertificatee expire at that date, Must present themselves at the a‘eiy ex- rnirtit AnAmSON,, Soordtary Dead of ticammers. eloderiela Attie 8th, 18i4. 42-2t Red Mortar 14 111111Candl N A. E30SWORTH McLENNAN'S FLOUR MILLS! FLO1711. I FLOTYML FLOM% I I ored Lustres 25 per cent, uu(lee valao , spooiai Bargains M lack xegoilks Freoli lot of that English rea,cly;inadd CLOTH' NG whiclahae created so much sen- sation thi,3 Season. 0, B. SMITH. MONEY TO LOAN. COUNTY of WITH LOAN & SAVINGS SOCIETY. Board of Directors: G. B. Smith, Esq„ President; Jas. Trow, Esq„ M P., Vice -President; 14,. Hilyard, Esq., A gen Bank of Montreal; Wm. Neal Mutton, Esq. Goo. McIntyre, Esq.; John Sandeison, Esq. R. Harstoue, Secretary and Treasurer ; Jiani - ers, Bauk of Montreal; Solicitors, Jones & Bengali. The advantages this Company offer to Stock- holders are :- 1st -The most undoubted, security, as the Con- stitution allows of no investment except on Reel Lstate, anct-The continuous investment of monies. 3rd.-Tha1 as soon as Savings Bank is open each Stockholder gets his proportion of the profits in idlclition to dividend on ]Os stock. ADVANTAGES TO BORROWERS. . lst. -The system of re -payments by yearly, half= yearly, quarterly, or monthly instalments fulling due at such dates M the year, and extending over sneh a periud of years as may suit the borrowers. encl.-Borrowers will be allowed interest en any' sum or sums they may deposit tol.neet their in- stalments. 3rd.-Th0 expense of examining the Title and drawing tho Mortgage is regulated by a moderato tariff, not allowing the borrower to be overchar- ged. 4th. -This Society does not sell mortgagt:m 51h. -Agents aro bound to regard all applications for loans as strictly confidential. Gth.-Mortgages purchased on the most reliable terms. 741). -The head office is established at St. Mary's. N.B.-The Society will commence in the lst day of May next, to loan money at the Secretary and Treasurer's olliee, corner of Queen and Water streets. St. Mary's, April 26,1874. 37-1y If you want GOOD FLOUR, and CHEAP, call at McLennan's Mill. Twen- ty-five Cents per 100 lbs. -will be saved by going to the mill for your Flour. Note :the. following FIA..CT; and profit by it: Flour can be bought cheaper at the mill than anywhere else, . as the profits of the flour stores aro saved, to the. Consumer. TiEkittbotnntlai Cethelic,oet neat pie-nid Will be • lr11,800•4 r; )4 tt:ter 10 grove adjoining Datiet Clerighlinee. As iherameteitttet, regardless' Of, thee or Oktiensei ,lies Made 'Mat impeovensente lit the grove luta aroetved geountl .fot amulet, ethiet it sporeir heap ball, etieket, etc, they ate 'hat, 'Mined to. mike tlioaintieettentte gorierateie tha1. all ean peetielpate. The riervieee entre latili4 ' bill bend are 66eitrOd frolni10- 4. AL .alxtil P. anti a, well 'etietegoti Platterei 014)018(1 (01 • the use Of those gay e festive end ligitieheettect' lonos rho vasii to tit the light„faieteitle tette-. Atilealeitager of tide rnieelteppreciattei depart., toontivioory 0110(10 out ittaaelatei erogt)mitte. Ae the rantisoinoras. iwo to be mean Moe (vetoed titan lieteteforee mat o, bet Mid additional eletimiltee 6410056(1, 91 good, eoeitti, gay wild llappY ORDER: OF 001111111144, ittIelte te,4.41.2t Gristing will receive careful attention, and Chopping Done Every Dav. The highest price in Cash for FYFE WHEAT, PEAS, &c. • alvsegarrammeosetwasswe...ter, ifellerZMIMMEZ=MOIO0.• amememenswerneSIMINIRE MUSIC AND sEWZBIZ MACIMEXIT*S. 0. C. WILLSON'S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL lAIPLEMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFt RTH, NT., STILL INeTHEeFRONT RANK AS USUAL THE FLORENCE Nesielss,Reversible Feed Lock and Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin cha- llenges the world in perfeeilon and i'unge of work, strength and beauty ,of drrdbility of construction end rapidity of motion. Call and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every town in the Province. This Machine has taken first nrizes at 'ell the County Fairs. ,O.C.WILLSON, General Agent for the Dentinin. • • JAMES PICKARD Begs 10 return thanks for the patgonage bestowed upon him for the past twenty years by the people of Exeter and stirroucling country; and now opening—inall departments -the Largest and Most Complete Stock OF' GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING DRY- GOODS Ready -Made Clothing Millinery, Hats 4.t6 Cops, Grocetioe, nootg 4icihoos, rarbwr e, C3 t 1 ,DEuGs, ,.pAixtrs, oils, ETC., ntro., Ail of *bleb lin. be Iona t� be as low as nity other reliable house in the (toiletry. Remember this is the Mot Establishea I -lot se in the County OppoZito the) VOZt ,A.MAN OF A THOOOANOi . When .,iteath wee 'hourlY; eiptieted frein CON. 8131PTION, all rentedies haviog failed and Dr. II, 'JAMES' Was eknaidtrienefinf. 1110 iteeldently nutde t renarittion oflIND/AN. erttlrifter Winch eittes his only child, and ti Ow eiveshis recipe'free on ro06104 01 two efittrips tointyeXPOO900, • 01053018 alseentbo. 'eitebasweate,• intitgiiit at Co' stomach, 2111(1 0I1 break: t't freali cold itt Address Craddoek C1,;111021taeo 89(„TIViii4ommiflg tide paper, 1111Viii0 omiotcrlbor 'b'bark tO ttemittint theSe wooxfaa demi, that: theY inity llaVe their 'by calling at my reehleitee, where I ant prepared to proletutte all kinds of weaving, in the, hest nialitierf 91 Most reasonable prieee, •4AMtrff X111118014 0:4 06.01.1t. THE PEGULAR Meetings of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, G.R.C., Exeter. will he held as follows. A cor- dial invitation is EISASI'- tied to 01 visitieg bre- thren. Mar. 30, April 27, May 25, June 24,3 up 29, Ittly 27,Ang. 23, Sept. 21,0et. 19, Nov. 2:3, Dee 21 ancl 28. M. EAC RETT, ecretary. SEAFORTH AND HURON Marble Works. Ivi.L..111LESSET cgs SON /LATE OF FLAMILTONJ Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they aro prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantle -a, &c. Granite Monument's importeil to Order. Work oi . the best style and art, and cannot 51 surpassed in this part of Ontario. A Call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan S.: Jamieson's Store, MAIN STREET, SEA `..) M. L. SIESSET. H. MESSET 101MINISSISSIETWIS- 41;alptiago. Now READY, . r THE IttrrCIIINSOXWtSTIt nKto fatoila the lubabitants of EXOter and vieinity, that she ig in'ettared to ttnto PIM* 01011, dna stgottoi,, Tii00l00..46 for Mere Of 12 'Weekg ne .1114761,-41u1street. 11 2631tIt' t871. 404, ad” Exeter Carriage WORKS. The largest stock of single and double CARRIACL & BUGNES Ever exhibited iu this Vicinity, Which will be found to be the Best and Cheapest over offered to the public in this vicinity. Now 13 the timo for bargains, as the p. onriefor has made such REDUCTION IN PRICES as certainly DEFIES 00.21SPETITIO An examination of the ;stock before purcinteing elsewhere is respectfully solicited by the subscrib'r OILDERS for all :ideas of 'Vehicles. attended:Cs, WITH TUE USUAL DISPATCH. Au WOltia j.onisT Exeter, April 20, Nil. saiy: EXETER NORTH Messrs. G cc7; Thooki have now cornmeneed the.' inantifac. titre of 13iigdios oiid NV*tgohg for the Spting rtitta outtinio aft:T.:111111S Ciah gherV• 04. nirtivtifitetnro;•rtibli, ttiit will 5011 nil,',.61:16(5i) 64, one tri 0. lo4so ,to tIoll 11 o.