HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-04-28, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, April 28,1993
Election .meeting held
for Grand Band
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - The Immacu-
late Heart of Mary council of the
Catholic Women's League held
their election meeting on April 20
in the Parish Centre, following
Mass at the church.
Treasurer Margrit Breuer present-
ed a financial statement for the
two-year term, showing a surplus
of nearly $1,800 for the new execu-
tive. Over $12,000 has been raised
and donated in the past two years,
not only to various charities, but to
provide a refrigerator for the new
parish hall.
The CWL also provided cake, ice
cream and entertainment for the
April Birthday Party at Blue Water
Rest Home in Zurich on April 19.
Margrit Breuer and her Grand Bend
Brownies and Josie Britten with her
Girl Guides, came to sing and
dance for the appreciative audience
of seniors.
Guest speaker Roberta Walker
gave information about Fetal Alco-
hol Syndrome, the leading cause of
preventable mental retardation. It's
more common than Down's ,syn-
drome, affecting one in 700 here in
Canada and the U.S.A., over 5,000
yearly in the U.S.
Following the guest speaker,
elections were held. The new slate
of officers for 1993-95 are: Past -
president Cathy Vrolyk; President
Lia Vandenberk; First vice-
president Nancy Stokkermans; Sec-
ond vice president Rita Smits; Re-
cording secretary Annie Baltessen;
Corresponding secretary Anne
Grootjen and Treasurer Riek Van-
Convenerships: Spiritual Devel-
opment Annie Vandebygaart;
-Christian Family Life Lia Vanden-
berk and Gera Peters; Community
Life Marie Bannon; Historian Ria
Tadgell; Communications Roberta
Walker; Parish Activities Toni
Vandenberk and Jean Mommer-
steeg; and Organization Margrit
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church news
GRAND BEND - Susan Schoe-
ley, Jonathan Kelders and Jamie
Clutton received' their First Holy
Communion on Sunday, April 25.
A special Mass will be held on
Wednesday, April 2 at St. Peter's
Cathedral, for all candidates who
were received into the church dur-
ing the recent Easter Vigils.
On May 1, deacon Graham Keep
will be ordained tothe priesthood
for the London Diocese.
The CWL convention is Tuesday
and Wednesday, April 27-28 at the
Wheels Inn in Chatham, celebrat-
ing the Feast of Our Lady of Good
Counsel, the CWL patron saint.
Several of the new CWL executive
and members will be attending, in-
cluding new president Lia Venden-
berk. A special Mass to honour Our
Lady.of Good Counsel will be held
here in Grand Bend- on May 9,
Mothers Day, during -which the
new CWL executive will be in-
Harriette and -Floyd Boutilier of
Port Franks will be celebrating
their 25th wedding anniversary
with a Mass.
A parish 'bible .study group will
be resuming on -Wednesday even-
ings at 7 p.m. in the parish centre
Grand Bend UC
has pulpit exchange
GRAND BEND - Organ prelude
opening music last Sunday moming
at Grand Bend United Church was
"Jubilate deo" played by Idella
This Sunday was a Presbytery
Pulpit Exchange. In exchange for
Pastor ;Stover we had Rev. Rick
Magie. 'of Victoria Street United
Church. Goderich. His sermon Top-
ic was "The Imagination of God"
with scripture reading from Deute-
ronomy 5:1-21 and Matthew 5:1-
The children's hymn was "Morn-
ing has Broken" with a correspond-
ing story. The choir choral offering
was "All in an April evening."
Article 20 of the Basis of Union:.
'Of Christian Service and the Final
Triumph" was read by Rev. Magie.
On May 8 from Soo to 10:00
p.m. there will: be a slide show of
Pastor Colin's trip to Israel at Grand
Bend United Church.
Shipka =�}►-Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - A bus load of seniors from Grand Bend, Dashwood and Ship-
ka, travelled to Kitchener last Thursday where they attended a noon dinner
and the Scottish Festival program at Bingeman Park in the afternoon.
Singing, dancing and bagpipe music comprised the program. The group
stopped in the morning at the Farmers'Market in Kitchener.
From Shipka and country area were Melvin and Gertie Stade, Dorothy
Fenner, Mabel Fraser. Evelyn Pickering and Ellen Smithers.
"Get well" wishes to Loreen Devine, of Zurich, (former resident of this
area) who last week had knee surgery at Stratford hospital.
Our nephew, Howard Dell; the Olympian, sport star, actor -singer (who I
have occasionally written about in this column) is presently living in Vic-
toria B.C. since the football season ended, and acting in live theatre in.
Vancouver. portraying Martin Luther King.
- Ferman and Lcota Snyder attended the funeral of a dear friend in Si. Ja-
cobs on the weekend of April 18. They stayed overnight with their daugh-
ter, Suanne and Otto Plein, Chris and Melissa, in Elmira, and home by
way of Owen Sounid where they visited other relatives.
A pig barn on the farm of Bill Finkbeiner was destroyed by fire last
Thursday nighe
Saintsbury by H. Davis
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
held the service of Holy Commun-
ion at 11:00 a.m. Sunday, April 25.
Sunday, May 2 St. Patrick's will
hold Morning Prayer Service at
8:30 a.m., the fourth Sunday of
Easter (Year A).
Scripture readings arc to be Acts
2:42-47, I Peter 2:19-25, Respon-
sive reading Psalm 23, the Holy
Gospel John 10:1-10.
The St. Patrick's Board of Man-
agement will meet at the recmry on
Wednesday evening 7:30 p.m.
Ron and Nancy Cunningham and
family were weekend visitors with
parents Bob and Alexia Tindall and
were guests at the McFalls-Brasca
wedding at Centralia and reception
at Tony's Banquet Hall in London.
Bob and Heather MacGillivray
and family, Michael and Suzanne
Davis and family and Hugh and
Hazel Davis were also guests. The
Davis's were guests at the Dobbs -
Luxton wedding at Trivitt Memori-
al as well.
Heather MacGillivray, Betty
Johnson, Margaret,Carroll and Ha-
zel Davis from St. Patrick's attend-
ed the Perth Spring Deanery at St.
Paul's, Kirkton on Wednesday eve-
Values Influences and Peers, is the title given to the VIP program at Precious Blood Seprate School, where Mark Helmrich of
the Exeter Optimists presented the Grade 5 and 6 class with T Shirts upon their completion of the course. Front Row L to R is
*atalie Broom, Ann -Marie Parsons, Melany Regier, Becky Meltinger, Giulea Mellace, Cecile Maes. Second Row, Mark Bilinsky;
Micheal iDe ,David Overholt, Hicheal Hodgins, Ben Hoogenboom, John Gregus, Rob Acton, Caroline Korcina, Maria Harrhy'
gan. Third row, Jason Fach, Jason Revington, Jason Grenler, Tim Ditner, Craig Overholt, Sarah Revington, Jaclyn Venesbroeck Z
Laura Tiernan, Laura Bilinsky, Barbra Harrigan, Alison McLachlan. Absent from photo is Sandra Steele.
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