HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-04-28, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, April 28,1993 lunch skaters rsceh,, awaMs ZURICH - The Zurich Figure Skating Club recognized its top skaters Sunday evening with a banquet at the village community centre. The Tenderspot trophy for pass- ing their Novice IV Canskate badges went to Michelle Erb and Lyndsey Oesch. Sarah -Rae Lovie and Crystal Russell received the Bonnie Doone Manor trophy for passing preliminary dances, fig- ures and freeskate. Lovie and Russell also received the Lions Club trophy for their junior bronze dances and first figure. The Linda Sweeney trophy went to Marcia -Lee Denomme, Shelley Miller and Melissa Tim- mermans for their work on senior bronze dances, second figure, and junior bronze freeskate. Miller also received the Oak- wood Inn trophy for passing her junior silver dance. The Russell Fuels trophy for third figure went to four girls: Elyshia Denomme, Shelley Mill- er, Marcia -Lee Denomme and Ju- lie Semple. Elyshia Denomme and Julie Semple also received the senior bronze freeskate and fourth figure trophies from J&L Variety, and Ken Lewis. Jennifer Overholt won both the Hessenland trophy for her gold dances and also the Bob Case tro- phy, which is presented to these 'skaters passing either their sev- enth or eighth figure. Organizers say the 1992-93 sea- son for the Zurich club went well for the 75 skaters. Many saw the chance to compete got gsly•at the aim! 'HOME and Glencoe Sweethearts competitions, but some also went to the Western Ontario Sectional Winter Invita- tional' competition in Sarnia to pit the selves agathis lDp provincial porlilors from the United States. With consistency an asset in fig- ure skating, club organizers say they are pleased to see both club pros,Margy Walker and Joe Gir- ouard, wt be returning to coach the Zurich skaters next season. Award winners at the Zurich Figure Skating Club's annual banquet Sunday included (front row, from !eft), Marcia -Lee Denomme, Shelley Miller, Sarah -Rae Lovie, and Julie Semple, and (back row, from left) Melissa Timmermans and Elyshia Denomme. At right is award presenter Carl Finkbeiner from the Zurich Lions Club. Baptism held at St. By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - Welcome back home to our neighbours Curtis and Mary Gingerich and marl -and Melinda Gingerich who have returned re- cently after spending the =winter months in Arcadia, Florida at Sun- ny -Breeze Harbour. A buck and doe was held for Mike Bedard and Shelley Skinner t• • on April 24 atthe.Ztuich Commu- nity Centre. Mike is -the son of Tony and Mar - 'Bedard ofZurich. The couple ;are to,be 5-r arriedin May. Parity Alaina Smith, infant .daughter sof Doug .and Christine Smith; and Bradley Warren Regier, son iof _Dave and .TraceyRegier, were baptized at :St. Boniface • Wedding Flowers Stttroduk+ rt-EkR, 300. tije dal +o\ VaJGJLOAALii 4rukorartik 2' V WulitionaLcotuftitt We. 4WD ✓ V no -two w.Qd1 , -V41%4'6' WA, V diliComte Ai up y app+ o .4 ... t tur eve � surd. Co�llt.iw.., **eve, A11voAu4 -ail, *AM, -*1 • • • • 4su141 s bo .Oo 5 B;'36•,+,/x,. 106.00 6 boott',orun;ltrek- *wet, etolrvtaw , �.lrc�rci,s,,1- FaitheAryarses.. 30.00 2 eo'tiveitp'— MKof>Yter5,e4l6.ea. 30.00 9- Chunk. ahnainejeweatG c 4 37.50tA. 16.03 V This i r1c ivi t4 a cowAttokicst, swirl, a- >: loo .00 bow et1oMwott) at aro t>tita. Chea fy. a .4.T coJ r» LOW5 MMI N1Qi{4kj41. Footle • 11IIIIIII,Iu)IlI, NIItHflI liQiII 111 • • t. • Boniface Church Church on Sunday, April 25. Keva and Sharon Silverstein were Sunday dinner guests with her parents Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Blue Water Rest Home will he having their next meeting on 'Tuesday, May 4 beginning at 7:00.pxn. Final plans will be made for their upcoming "Mother's Day"-Tea.and Bazaar .that will be held on May $ from 2-3:30p.m. Any .donations _to the bake aatle will be kindly appreciated. ilappybirttulay.wi �0tut,te :Uwe Masse-ai U i-Paul Rau and Denny Overholt. Happy 25th anniversary to Clarence and Sharon Rau and Jane Lansbergen. Also happy anniversary to Butch and Marion Sweeney on Apri1:29. A surprise pre "40t1t" ,birthday celebration was held for Julie (Mi- nas on April 17 when she wasJak- en to Toronto along with seven oth- ers. Relatives from Zurich, London, Dorchester and Brampton helped • her to have an unforgettable 40th birthday. On Saturday evening two sur- prise birthday parties were held at the Dominion Tavem; one being for Kevin'Regier and the other for Sharen Schroeder who will be cele- brating her 50th birthday on April 28. IIIUUUINIIIiMIIINIl�lll Canon or C'LIJFILASERCIPIE/? INSTANT COLOUR COPIES ++ Enlarge famity or team pt-totos to81/2x11 or even 11 x 17 instantly with outstanding results Idealfor business presentation ma.teriaLs , even colour transparencies Several friends acid relatives helped them to celebu ie. Everyone is invitedxo the Zurich Public Schools spring .concert on Wednesday May 5:at 7:30 pini. in .the school gym. On Wednesday, May 12 there will be a fund raising dinner at the :Zurich Mennonite Church to raise money for brothers Darcy and Jus - lin Scott of Zurich, sons of Al Scott, who will be leaving in:June :for Poland and the Vanutuk Islands anti! August along with others working with Teen Mission on Christian prglecis. Francis.and .Cindy. Dottemmeatt ..cently spent a few days over the Easter holidays going to Las Vegas. Welcome 'to town Bobbi and Raymond Regier and two boys, who have recently moved from Hensel' into the former home of Mary Martin on Goshen St. North. Congratulations to Wayne and Tanya Thiel (nee Forrester) who were married on April 17 at St. Pe- ter's Lutheran Church with dinner and reception at the Zurich Com- munity Centre. Also congratulations to Brian and Louise Trapp (nee Regier) who - were married in London at St. Mi- chael's Church on Friday, April 16. The bride is the daughter of Lee and Rose Regier, Zurich. Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. and Mozart and Julie Gelinas Jr. and Aimee attended the confirma- tion of Derek and Melinda Gelinas in Dorchester on April 21, who are the children of Marc and Cindy Ge - lines. (Mozart and Aimee were their sponsors.) The Zurich bowling banquet will be held at the arena on Saturday, May 8. The public are being invited to attend the dance in the evening at 9 p.m. Music will be "Night Wind". 424 Main Street Exeter Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Larry Gardiner. RR?, Stella ........345-2671 Uoyd Morrison, RA 1 St Marys ....1298277 Lorre Feeney, Michell .3484953 Jack 'lodged. RR1, Kirkton 22134152 Joseph Ghana, RAS Mitchell 2484706 Michael O'Shea AR3 Granton .226.2600 AGENTS Ross 'lodged, Exeter .235.3250 John Moore, Dublin .345.2512 Joseph Uniac, Mich. .348-9012 Fiend Orrice. Exeter............ _.235-0350 A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who qualify, ora on record end in good standing ea at 0000171 - her 31, 1002. Famlyr thanks hospital by organizing walk-a-thon AILSA CRAIG - An organized walk from here to Shady Pines Campgrounds at Naim and back is one family's solution to a decision that a simple thank you isn't enough for what Children's Hospi- tal of Western Ontario did for their young son last year. The Hunter family has organized Walk for the Children and hopes volunteers may raise a significant amount of money from individuals and businesses sponsoring them to complete the five -mile walk on Sunday May 2. There is a rain date of Sunday, May 16. "We wanted to do something to show our thanks," said Jan Hunter, "and when we started planning a walk-a-thon we had no idea the project had the potential we now think it does. The response from people we've asked for help is so tremendous we think we may be able to raise a lot of money for the hospital -- an amount that may let them buy some major piece of equipment they need." The Walk for the Children will start from Ailsa Craig Recreation Centre at 1p.m. and follow Mid- dlesex County Road 19 to Shady Pines Campground where refresh- ments will be provided for walk- ers. The walk is strictly a fun event and participants are being encour- aged to wear costumes, go the dis- tance in a wheelchair, bring 'the family dog or push a friend in a "crazy" vehicle, such as a bed or boat. The' route will be patrolled by 'the Ontario Provincial Police and volunteer vehicles :that will pick up any walker who wants to throw inthe.: towel before complet- ingthe hike. Back at the Ailsa Craig Recrea- tion Centre it will be party time for walkers with energy left over. Chil- dren's entertainer Sean Rooney of .L• uoan will perform and Dr. Beary- Good, the Children's Hospital Mir- acle Network Telethon mascot, will be in attendance. The Ailsa Craig Venturers will dispense hot dogs, juice and pop corn for walkers who completed the course. Sponsor sheets are available in Ailsa Craig at the Hunter's home, 140 William Si, Craig Apothecary and Sears as well as at the Canadi- an Imperial Bank of Commerce branches in Ailsa Craig, Ilderton and Parkhill and at Bender's Food - land in Parkhill. Sponsors are tax- deductible and cheques should be made out to "Children's Hospital Hunter Walkathon Fund." Those unable tb walk but wis'h- ing to sponsor a walker may be linked with a volunteer walker by contacting Allan or Jan Hunter at 293-3674. The Hunter family became in- volved with Children's Hospital last August when their son Brybe, then nine years old, was suddenly struck with Guillain-Barre, a post viral syndrome which left him to- tally paralyzed. Gullian-Barre is a very rare condition, affecting only 16 persons per million, usually over the age of 35. Bryce, now at home and making a good recovery, will be featured on the Children's Miracle Network Telethon on Channels 8 and 10 on June 5 and 6. 1.1 relit' is .I close as one of our offices.'' 1410, o c5- mat .• s:11.1 It .,' :. Ilii: SI (K T. • ARA\ VT I i? :nod, 5-1:)!( .ui(at t � ,1 t 1'(•1) ,:• Airco ' H&R BLOCK CANADA'S TAX TEAM i 476 MAIN ST., EXETER BUSINESS CENTRE 235-1153 Open Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. -6 p.m. Open Sat. at. 10 a.m. EVERYTHING 2 -WAV FM RAD1O SYSTEM SALE ENDS MAY 5/93 COMPLETE SYSTEM - READY TO GO! 20 Km - 30 Km - 60Km * For Farm or Business $199500 EXTRA System Consists of... • ANTENNA co -ax :able connectors and mount • BASE RADIO 30 watt with power supply, handmic, surge protector • 2 MOBILE RADIOS 30 watt with all mounting hardware and antenna GE Mobile Communications Authorized Dealer LEASE $68O3B6 UYMOUUTNTH LO TO OWN... MDNnIo s1.LXIOt'rIIION 5200.00 DEPOSIT G.S.T. P.S.T. EXTRA SPECIAL ELECTRONICS« 5 YEAR p ce. lases, lune OFFER . 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