HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-6-18, Page 211
The Dy-Ltmlo jssn 44bw4ures for
kO inIrchaSe Or the Northern Grava/
Jati was reed. three tienee and missed.
The Connell tlieo adjourned.
Commit resumed at foor oieleelc p.m,
A communication front Mr. El' Ve.
Preece to the amoont expen ed on
,Varet rof'd was reaa and fylect
Acioant from White & $011$1v44
foir .(1 to Finance) Qom,
M 'veil by Mr, Willie, socomled. by
M. Oastle, that 13, Trainer be aopolet•
ed Inspector of Weiehte Lied Me:este:es
for the County of Huron at th
muneration asformerly,
Usired in etnaudineet by 11Ir,
eeuouded by Mr. Calleeder, that
Morrow of the village of Clinton be ap-
pointed to the erne() of Itispector of
Weighte aud Measures for the (minty.
tIeeried by a majority of one.
Moved by Mr, Simi:men, seconded by
Mr. Monteith, that a grant of $000 be
made to the repairs ou gravel roads
north of Seftforth through McKillop,
$400 smith of Seafot th through T Licher-
emith, $600 for the Clinton and Blyth
road, north of Clinton and $600 for the
road north of Goderich, and that the
same be expeoded this Senuner. Fin-
ance Com.
Moved by Mr. Leckie, seconded by
Mr, Shannon, thet the Engineer be in-
structed to erect a foot bridge in eon
nection with the new bridge about to be
built across the Maitland river at Brus-
sels. Road and Bridge Cons.
Moved by Me, Armstrong, seconded
by Mi. Dalton, that the sum of $200 be
granted by this Council for the purpose
of repairing the Ashfield road between
Amberleyand Kintail The township
Council of Ashfield to supplement the
grant with the same amoant and the
work to be under the superintendence
of the County Eligineer. Finance Com.
Moved by gr. Brown, seconded by
Mr. Geigher, that the sum of $306 be
granted to repair the Hay Gravel Road.
Finance Coin.
Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded by
Mr. Armetrong that the nm of $200 be
granted to be expended OD the Bayfield
concession betweenthe village of Clin-
ton and Varna, on condition that the
township ef Goderich expend $300 on
the same road.—Fina ice Com.
.1Moved by Mr. Strachan, seconded by
Mr. S'eott, that the Mal of $400 be
granted towards repairing the Gravel
Road on the boundary between Gray
and Morris.—Finance Com.
Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by
Mr. Dalton that the sum of $500 be
granted for the purpese of repairing the
centre road on Stephen. Finance Com-
.Meved by Mr. Simpson, seconded
• by Mr. Castle, that $52 be granted for
building two culverts on the Leudon
road, this sum having been already ex-
pended. Finance Com.
On motion the Council adjourned on -
til Friday morning at 9 o'clock,
M°"(11)Y 1.11§LoP, lieona°d byMarea in aenembeaellt to the rePort
Mr, OresSwell, thotetlietosvueltip of Us- by Mr. Patton, eeconded by Mx,: Weir
home be refunded the Sum of $500 and that the valee of Villagat VrilleertY in
the townshin of Tockersmith $25O from townehipe be the saneetilieit year, with
the etionty, said eine-met lowing •ben the exception, of West:W*008h, Ash -
paid by the townships for hoeudary litie field Ana Turp'4!irry, *140'It slionld
bridges last December, ll'inance. reconsidered, at‘ they Ii4L:toXt Of their
Moved by jr, Petton, Seconded by villege prepertY by the inoOrporationlof
Mr. A.rnistreng, ;diet all bridges and the villege of Witigham and. Lucknow.
culverts ou roads assumed by the By- Lost by a majority of 16.
Law or 1878 be kept tip by the county, Moved by Mr. Garrow, secoeded
100, and Bridge Committee, 11r, Smith, that the report be amended
Moved. by Mr, Perkins, seconded by by reducieg the equalized assessment of
is Gibson, that this council adjourn the town of Goderich from $650,000 to
our o'clock. $615,000. On a vote being taken there
onnell resumed atfour 'o'clock p, in. were for the motion 6, egainst it 82
Sepplenientary report of the Feeance On motion the Connell :adjourned
Committee wits reed, after the report as amended was Adopt -
Moved by Mr. Shannon, seconded,hy ed,
11fr. Monteith, that No. 72 of the Vi-
nance Report be amended by granting
the sum asked for. Carried by a majority
of 2. '
The report lie amended was edoptecl.
The by-law appeinting an insp6ctor
of Weights and 14(s -wines and (Willing
his duties was read and pas 'ea.
Report of the school committee was
read and passed, H
Moved by Mr. GartoW, seconded by
Mr. Hays, that M. Strang, at present,
head master of the Goderieh High
School be appointed County Examiner
in the room of 1VIr.,Wm. Kay, Esq., re-
signed.—Car vied.
Report of the Road. and Bridge cone
was read and adopted.
Ou motion the Council acljournedun-
til seven:o'clock p.
The Council resumed at seven o'dock
p. m. tile Wardell in the Chair.
Report of the Egealization Com, wes
The following is the report with a
curtailed statement of the schedule, we
can only give the aggregete anntenti,
not having room to publish the schedole
in full:
Ashfield , , .$909,829
Colborne 633,550
Goderich Township....; ... . ... 902,400
Grey 886,717
Hay 778,415
Howick . — . 938,502
Huilett . . ...... 987,910
McKillop... 887,618
Morris. .. 799,928
Staeley .. 841,419
Stephen ...... ............ ... . . 767,350
Tuckersmith ... . ..... . 830,751
Turnberry 479,664
Usborne 783,960
Wawenosh East 583,309
Wawauosh West .. 627,179
Goderich Town ..... 650,000
Clinton 292,000
Exeter 105,000
Brussels 80,000
Seaforth 225,000
Winglia,m . 80,000
Friday June 5, 1874.
Little Prairie. -a--4, CileenwaY)
S. .clevuland District,--qeveland;..,
lst---4, T, Conrticq; cl1evelaml.444-,
J. Ball;Orange—Y. Jotine ; Chageio
Felii3,-4. chaple, e'
The grani ts to Mission Orations,
ereOtt to ilt eol*ittee, Were re3ld. an,
after semi) di'4Oos3ien, adopted --,Ails
. 7
Jte ,ff. • xitter fitoo "
i. ,„,DpipuED
Every Thursday Morning
(401)ERICII June 6, 1874
The CounOil met pursuant to ad-
journment, Werdea in the Chair, all
the members present, the minutes of
yesterday were read and approved,
Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by
Mr. Patton that the Clerk be requested
to communieate with the clerks of the
several adjoining counties to call their
attention to the action taken by this
Council in reference to bridges on Coun-
ty boundaries with the veiw of the re-
spective camtieslassoming one half the
expense of construction and maintain -
once of county boundary bridges.
The report of the Jail and Court
House Committee eves read.
Moved in amendment that No. 15 of
the report, by Mr. Kelly, seconded by
Mr, Malloy, that a committee compos-
ed of Messrs. Young, Patton, Girvin,
Castle And the mover be appointed to
take i t *ration the improve -
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Members all present. Minutes
of yesterday read and approved.
Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
Small, that the Engineer be instructed
to inspeet all the bridges and culverts
on the town line between Morris and
Hullett and McKillop. Road andBridge
Moved by Mr. Willis, seconded by
Mr. Wilson e, that $300 be granted to
--'weVouluteer Rifle Mateheeete tale njaCe
to this Council how the money was ex-
Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
-Scott that the Engineer be instructed
te expend to the amount of at least
$800 in assisting to improve road be-
tween Blyth aucl Wing -ham. Finance
Account of Henry Binges referred to
Finance Committee.
Report of the Finance Committe to
No. 69 was read.
Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded by
Mr. Callender, that the report of the
Finance Committee be amended. by in-
lertiug thereon a recomnaendation of a
grant to the Goclerieh and Clinton High
Schools of $1000 for building porposes.
Lost by a majority of 14.
Moved further in amendment, second-
ed by Mr. Callender that Nos. 27 atid
45 be not adopted, but that a commit-
s.° be appointed to divide the county
of Huron into High School districts, to
report to the present session of this
Council. Such committee to consist of
the mover, seconder, and Messrs. Ben-
son, Greenway, Gibson, Cresswell and
Bishop. Lost by a majority of 27.
The report wail then adopted. '
Moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by
Mr. Weir, that this Council do grant
the sone $306 to repair the gravel
road on the boundary of Howick and
Turnburry, Finance Committee,
Moved by Mr. Girvin, seeonded by
Mr. Gaunt that the Engineer be in-
structed to expend the sum of $300 on
the northern gravel road between West
Wasvanosh and Aslifield, as there was
one bridge broke demi last week and
more of them in a dangerous state. Fi-
nance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Willis, seccnded by
Mr. Leckie that the Engineer be in-
structed to erect a foot bridge in con-
nection with the new bridge about to be
erented across tho river at Exeter.
— 'Bead and Bridge Committee.
Report of the road and bridge com.
was read when the Council went into
committee of the whole, Mr. Girvin in
the chair.
Moved by Mr. Leckie, seconded by
Mr. Greenway, that No. 22 of the re-
port be amended as follosve‘ That all
brilg( s requiring a spare of 20 feet and
upwards between Aliments on the
county and township lines and on all
the roads defined under By -Law No, 12,
1873,be kept in repair at the expense of
the -Comity and under the superintend-
•encoofethe County Engineer. , Lost by
o majoritier. of 3.
Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Ale.
Castle, that the committee rise and re-
port progress,
The Warden resumed the chair aucl
admitted the report.
Moved by Mr. Greenway, eaconcled
by gr, Afesserl Odd the report be ro-
-felted back to the committee for further
con siderat ion.—Carried, ,
Moved by Mie S tritely -in, seconded by
Mr, Scott, that the brWses on the 12th
conseesion of Grey running from Sea -
forth road to Carronbroolc be kept up at
the expanse of the country, toad and
Bridge Committee,
•Moved by Mr. Garrrow, seconded by
.0to cons
to of the Court Room and the 'locos -
convenience thereto appertaining
power to consult such persons as
y may think necessary and have
is and estimates prepared and sub -
the same at the next meeting of this
ncil, with power to the Warden and
ale to postpone paintiug the Court
in or such part as they may think
per until such report is presented.:
he amendment was carried by a
ority of eight.
he report was tlaen adopted as
ended. •
y -Law No. 7, 1874 to confirm road
wane() in:Stanley was read tend pas-
y -Law No. 8, 1874, to assume tier -
n bridges and culverts wee read and
y-LawNo. 9, 1874, to equalize the
sessment Rolls was read and passed.
13y -Law No. 10, 1874, to impose
s read and passed.
Moved by Mr. Gaunt; seconded by
. Simpson, that this Council da now
ourn to meet again in Goderich on
first Wednesday in December next.
.10.,r TM. Pvirve..
preoriera 14.OLSoNS )3A.NK
.1.40 per annum, payable strictly in advance.
No subscription taken for loss than six menthe,
To Appointments to which we wish
refer Are theeet r,gdgar as"
ter Plenipotentiary" to British Coluns,
bia, and NOilitt 45, Secretary to Mr-
Swiryard, Beth these partiee have
been eccupying a good deal. of Attention
of late, bot ii of them haying, taken an
active part in the matter of the Neill()
$oandal, Mr. Edgar dikl the dirty
week of the Geyernment in the House
—Mr. Norris outside. 'Mt. Edgar 'r
ranged" with the weak-kneed
and Norris stole Mr. Abbott's letters,
and both, according te the Globe, are
horrible men. This is a pure Matter
of opinion, however, and although we
are somewhat disposed to differ with
our contemporary we aeree with it that
both Messieurs Edgar and Norris des-
erved well at their hands, for there are
probably feW .Who would have under-
taken the duties they so gladly lessum-
ed, and fewer still who would helve dis-
played so nauele natural aptitude for the
work they were engaged in. Thus have
theseldevoted;and public-spiiited persons
been rewarded, and in this manner has
the Government exercised the great
trust plaeed in them by the couutry.
The Courts deo called Equity on take
no cognizance of cases such as: thee,
but there is a great Conrt of natural
Equity, in the shape of public opinion,
before which some day the organized
hyprocisy will be brought and unmask-
ed,send little mercy will be shown to
theteilferers and letter stealers whom
they have appointed to office and em-
plument, when that day of reckoning
First insertion per line 8c
Foch subeequout insertion per line 2e
Advortisomonto of strayed cattle, artiolos lost or
found, kc,, not exceeding ton lines -first month
Tan;each subsequent mouth, 50 cents.
Notices a births, marriages and deaths inserted
Your Committee after a very careful
and laborious examination of the As-
essment Rolls of the several municipal-
ities in the county, as to value, facilities,
&c., we hive arrived at the result shown
in the foregoing schedules. There are
a large number of the Assessment Rolls
as will be seen by the columns iu the
schedule showing the rate per emit of
increase or decrease, which areassessed
far below their value, and which in the
opinion of your committee, should be
remedied in future by the Assessors of
the different municipalities. In the
township_ of , Stephen we bad to deduct
empted from taxation by by-law of this
Council, and in adjusting that between
the several municipalities we raised
their cleared acreage from 30 to 89 per
100 and set down the total acreage of
the township at 19001essthan last'year,
and the personal property of the town-
ships we followed the sam9 ratio of 80,
90 and a 100 per cleared: acre in the
townships classed Nos. let end 8. For-
merly the villaoe property in townships
not incorporated was pu t in a lump sum
to the judgement of the:committee. We
eonsider that such was not very satis-
factory and insisted a thorough investi-
gation of the rolls, and all lands of 5
acres or under we put down as village
property including saw and grist mills,
(te., and then addedthein up adding the
same ratio of increase tothem as to the
balance of township, and we have now
the relative values in the townships as
to this class of property.
All of which is respectfully submit-
Moved by Mr. Patton, tfeconded by
Mr. Armstrong, that the report be laid
on the table for an hour to enable mem-
bers to exemine it.
The report of the committee on the
House of Refuge and Inchnitrial Farm
was read and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Greenway, seconded by
Mr. Gibson, that rule 35 of this council
be suspended to allow Mr. Shannon's
motion for a grant of $2,200 to be res-
cinded. On a vote there were 24 for the
motion ancl 15 against it. The motion
was lost for want of a two-thirds vote.
• Report of the estimates for the pre-
sent year was read.
Moved bi amendment to the report
by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Wilson,
that the $7,500 for paying the incum-
bent of the North Riding Registry office
be struck out of the estimates and that
the Government:be memorialized to pay
Mr. Hays this amount. Upon a vote
being taken there were for the motion
24, against it 13.
Mov d in amendment to the amend-
ment by Mr Garrow, seconded by Mr.
Cresswell, that it is imperative under
the Act re -uniting the county of Huron
for iogistratioii pneposes, that thist
rammeil should provide for the paymeu
of the present incumbent of the North
Riding Registry offiee of the enin of $7,-
500, on the first day of Oe tober next
On a vote being taken there were for
the amendment,20, against it 19. The
amendment to the amendment Was de-
clared carried.
Moved by ,Mr. Leckie seconded by
Mr. Strachan, that this Council do now
adjourn until him; o'clock to -morrow
morning. Lost.
Council went into committee of the
,1711010, ur. Perkins in the chair,
Deport of the Equalization eormnittee
wail read.
loved , by Me. Suell, see,onded
IVialioy, in amendment, t� the report,
the cleared lands of the township of
Hallett be reduced otio half dollar per
dere. On a vote being taken there Were
Mr the motion 33, against Alto Carried
1)v feelettiovity Of 6.
Advertisements without apeeitle directione
be inserted till forbid, mulohargedacoorcitogly,
Advertisements to be measuied by e, scale of
della nonpariel.
Tile following rotes will be charged for yearly
ors vr..tit. 6 um. 3 MOS
0110 COIMMM S60 Os 1142a
Bible Christian
bit " 30 ............:25 13
%milieus garde, aim linos aid under, 04; eptt, ten
isles, SO.
fhe bxeier &aft;
Tuesday, June 9.
Devotional services were conducted
by Revs. I. Gale and R. Baker, after
which the editor and. book steward pre-
sented his report, which was highly
satifactory, and on motion, unanim-
onsly adopted. A hearty vote of
thanks was accorded to the editor for
his valuable services, and he was reap-
A reply to our fraternal address to
the Primitive Medicaid Conference,
• SpeciXgrailts iviiii"ficade from the
beneficient fund to two of the superan-
nuated brethren, who had been subject-
ed to protracted affliction.
The following resolution, relative to
the connexional paper, the Observer,
was adopted.
"Whereas several secular journals
have, from time to time, charged our
denomination with political partizan-
ship., °wine to the nature of some ed-
itorial articles which havo appeared in
the Observer, therefore, resolved, that
we disclaim all responsibility as to said
editorials, as alsoto the reproduction in
the Observer of any political articles
from the secularpressi he management
of the paper being left.entirely to the
discretion of the editor, who alone is
responsible in this matter, and whose
general conduct of the Connexional
Printing House demands and receives
our full cocurrence."
The secret ,ry of the conference read
the address to the English conference,
which was adopted.
At the suggestion of the comniittee
the list of stations was reopened and a
change effeeted, They, as finally ap-
proved, stand as follows :
1. Cobourg District.-- Cobourg--Wm.
Jolliffe, J. P. Rice • Welcome—T. R.
Hull; Port Hope—W. H. Qoance, J. B.
Tapp, superannuated; Perry Town -J.
Collins; Hung,erford—H, A. _New-
combe; Huntingdon -R. Mallett, B. A.;
Cambellforcl--G. dise'th J. Gilson;
Belleville—A.. Gordon.
2. Bowinanville District—.Bowman-
ville--W. 8. Pascoe, W. R, Roach, J.
H. Eynon and J. Gale, superannuated;
C. Barker, editor and book steward;
Hampton—H. Keener, W. Rollins;
Columbus—John Guard • Oshawa—J.
Renner ; Pickering— L.V1r. Wickett, A.
Schuster, I. William 3, supeiannuated ;
Prince Albert—W. Kinley, G. A. Ful -
cher, L Laufdon, superannuated; To-
ronto—J. J. Rice, G. II. Copeland;
Uxbridge—I. Archer, A. Morris, super-
Victoria and Peterboro' District.—
Mariposa—A. Clarke, I. Kinsey, M.
Nicholas, M. Hardy, superannuated ;
Peterboro' —W. Hooper, W. ;
Lakefield—A. Richard ; Fenelon—R.
Herley, W. II, Butt; Lindsay—E. Rob-
erts ; Satton--G. Dunkley, one want.
Mr; that a norelloittee of five Moved by'Mr Malloy, seconded by
to carry out the recommendation of the 11..fr, Snell, Unit the aCreago of Colborne
Finance Gemini ttee eoncerning et House
f Reftige or :ttelostriel Poem d ap-
Ox a, ballot being telten the COM.-
mitte.) woe declared its follows
Pattou Mose Ieceitio and
be reduced front $35,000 to ,$83,60o
that being the collect acreage in the
Moved by Mr. Taylor,,eecondeil by
Mr. Kelly, that Ohe halfelollar be thrown
off the bush land of East WaWailOsh.
Lost On a divisionby a niajority 0t
EXETER, JUNE 18eo, 1874.
The 1.841113attaiion at Hansilton was
inclleeted yesterday by liieute.Col.
Doric, Deputy Adjutant General of the
Dietrict. Five of the Wimbleden tern
were eelected from this battalion.
A. fovir roughs made a eaid ote a
Olesneu Insisted.
Will our friends who are indebted to
THE TIUES for subscriptions and job -
work have the kindness to pay up as
soon as possible. The amount to
each individual is very small, while
the aggregate to us is nonsiderable,
and would be very acceptable. We
hope our friends -will heed this inti-
mation and kindly oblige ug as soon
as convenient.
Chippewa, hotel, l)roke bottles and (ship -
tied the contents of several bomb, on
the floor, The hotel-lceoper fired on
thein and wounded one follow. The
rest were captueed end fined $20 and
costs each.
Three families of immigrants, for-
warded. to Strathroy by Mr. Donaldson
loilirTedoroonniflhittsv. °Ea:el abeeientleaen9smwielet:atbalkY-
onto apprise farmers of the anticipated
arrival of immigrants, there would be
less delay in distributing them.:
Petereoro' had quite a fire yesterday
consuming Mills' carriage shop; Mrs.
Sharp's. dwelling, a hotel, Havellock's
furniture shop, Glass' grocery storeand
Longford's dwelling house. While
this fire was in progeess, another oue
broke out in Denniston's & Haire law
office. Both fires are said. to have been
the work of ineendiaries.
Saturday, June 13.
Topping, the Oxford murderer, has
arrived in Kingston for a hog stay.
A Stre,throy firm has jost shipped a
large quantity of cheese to liverpool.
The report that an autumn session
of Parliament is contero.plated, is de-
Thos,McBeth, a:Grand Trunkhrakes-
man, fell off a train near Paris, and died
shortly afterwards.
Capt. Graham, of St 001m:hies, was
thrown helm his buggy and injured yes-
terday and his horse ran away.
James B.Ines is under arrest in Lon-
don for being mixed. us in a shooting
affray at a disreputable house there.
• Richard Bray's barn, about a mile
from Port Stanley, was burned down
yesterday, supposed to have been ig-
nited by lightning.
The schooners Huron and. Robert
Gasken collided off Port Colborne yes-
terday, but neither of them was much
An acrobat named Arthur Sabomier
has been arrested in Montreal for em-
bezzling $400. He was on tie.) point
of leaving to join a circus.
Since the opening of navigation sixty
two vessels have been licensed by the
Quebec Customs House for the local
trade of the Proviuce.
Goderich has had a successful tem-
perance lecture from Mr, Carswell, L;
is to be hoped she profited by it. Old
Goderich salts are numerous.
The steamer Francis Smith left Col.
lingwood last evening for Thmaer Day
and Duluth with 250 passengers. What
au immensity ef eickneas thie repre-
The Amei lean Pilgrims did not pre-
sent themselves before the Pope empty-
handea. They left him a hundred
thousand dollars and a coffer of gcdd
Hon. Mr. Ross' exit and Mr. jones'
entrance into the Cabinont, may be
looked for at any moment. Keep your
eye on the curtain ; there are fresh stars
on the stage.
yesterday. He was a out fifty years of
age, resided alone and has no relatives
The East Riding of Durham holds up
its hand for Golclwin Smith in the
Council of Public Instruction, This
makes 2 for Smith to 20 for Sangster.
Goldwiu will have to hump himself.
It was rumored in Quebec yesterday
that Mr. Mackenzie was to be appoint-
ed Chairman of the Pacific Railway
Commission, Mr. Blake letiuister of
Justice, and a Quebecer to the Portfolio
of Public Works.
THE more abuse belched forth against
Dr. Sangster, the better that gentleman
seems to prosper. At a meeting of the
County Council of Hastings, at Belle-
ville, yesterday, a motion was unani-
mously carried thanking tho Doctor for
the valuable services tendered by him
in the cause of education, and express•
ing its warm approval of the mires
taken by the School Inspectors of Has-
tings in securing the servioes of so tal-
ented and well qnalified a gentleman to
hold teachers' institutes. The Doctor's
election to the office he covets is beyond
peradventure, and the Globe has enly to
continue slandering him for a short
time longer to have every teacher in
the land in arms against itself. Theie
is a lesson in this which even the pro-
prietors of a mud-volcauo should be
able to understand.
Fire Protection.
The subject .of fires and protection
therefrom appears to be an all -absorb-
ing them now -a -days. And, no wonder
for a daily paper cannot be picked up
without witnessing an account of some
village totally destroyed by the element,
or sorae town razed to the ground
through either the inefficiency of the
fire force or the lack of any at all. Only
a few ,days ago, Aylmer presented a
beautiful appearance with its beautiful
buildings; What is it like to -day ?,,The
larger portion of the village is repre-
sented in a heap of ashes. Had Ayl-
mer have had sufficientew any fire pro-
tection at all, the fiesy fiend woald not
have been able to extend his fangs as
he did. Many other villagesand towns
in Canada are now lolling themselves
on the bosom of a seemingly quiet,hap-
py and lengthy existence. But, like
Aylmer, you may retire under a roof,
ante weesen up win nut tne ome
4. Exeter Dietrict-3. Wnitlock, W.
Trethewey ; another , J. Edwards and
J Holmes, supernumerary; Mitchell—
J, W. Butcher, E, A. Tonkin, I' Rob-
ins, superannuated; lisborne—W. C.
Beer, II, Moore; Clinton—R. Allir, W.
Wade, superannuated; Colborne—I.
Ashley; Grey --G. Bodle ; Wiarton--
One to be sent, W. Woodman, superate
nua,tedPaltrierston—T. Mason.
5. London District.—London—W.
Keivaer; Lambeth—T. Broad, T. Green,
soperatinuated ; S. Thomas—J. Her -
ria t' 13aker; Derehaari—
Yoale ; Coleheeter—M, leletheral ;
Hamilton—S. 11. Bice ,
6. Pribee Edward Island District.—
Charlottetoism—G, 1Nebber ;
B Itowe rooley • Vernon, ltiver
—3. Itestle 'Moray Harbor—W.
Medland Stergeon and Montague --
E. 0. C. Jones ; West Cape—j, G.
Yelland P, sup .Sereinee.
side—J, H. C,11iiis ; 13idefoed bind
Northatri—One to be sent,
7, ‘Wiecolisie
Davideoe'Lisban---J. Dumbletoo
11..Ebotti, 0, Ilayeraft, stip, • Yorkville
y Onlit".1 ntlrliqt0.-1!, IL NI,
for a covering. We, in this village,
are blessed with a number of brick
buildings, which are in a degree fire
proof and as to appearances imagina-
tive people would think they would
never burn. But let the match ef in-
cendiarism or of carelessness but
ouce touch the pile and then see how.
vain were these calculations. Of course
we have a lire engine, but of what
earthly use is it, unless:its manipulation
is, convenient to us. It is as useless as
a toy. Wo have also a fire compauy,
But of what use are they,:if the engine
is allowed to be locked up month after
month, and no notice taken of it ? We
would advise the officers of the village
to see to it at once that the engine is in
working order, and the company com-
mence practice. "Ari ounce of preven-
tion is worth a pound of cure."
The Militia Force.
The ;Ii.',xeter Brooch of Moleolis Ben
York, U.S., St. blin, N,B., and all the
and Quebec.
Makes advenees on Produce.
%lye apd Sterling Exchange,
Piscounte Notea.
.4/••• Savinge Bank Department has been
Brandt Molsons33ank.
D EP 0
from one Dollar ($1)
Payad4e on Pomona isith 1?itere$4
Exeter, May 7, 1874.
k isSaes Drafts
principal cities
Tuoiursox & Winniams,—This Arm,
which has for a oumber of years been
established in Mitchell end dooe busi-
ness with the whole Dominion has this
season prepared a great amount ofwork.
See advertisement and send to lhem for
tAA.P. 410,000
on London, Eng., New
and towns in Ontario
New York Exchange, Greenbacks) &ea,
opened in connection with the Exetee
upwards received,
32 -yl.
Tun Geireveman—The Grant= hotel
few miles north of Clinton has ohan-
ged hands,, and is now in the possession
of one of the roostobliging and atten-
tive lanai °xis in the county—Mr. Mac-
donald who fpmerly it, Give Me, a
call and he'll delight you.
I X*FiONIC Masonic, pic-nic
'under the auspices of Lebanon Forest
Lodge No. 183', Exeter, will be held in
Mr. Belle groeees near Kippen, on Wed-
nesday, June 24tb, inst., when a good
time may be expected.
TR4 12th.—The 121h of July will be
celebrated in Exeter this year with
considerable eclat-. Spine 18 or 40
Lodges, comprising the St. Mary's and
Biddiilph disteids, will be present and
march through the town, to the music
of fife and deism and an excellent brass
band. Good speaking is expected. also.
Look out for posters.
TEACI1ERS' INSTITUTE -The next meet-
ing of the Exe. er District Teachers'
Institute, • will he held at the Exeter
School House, on the last Saturday of
June, at 10 o'clock a. m. Subjects for
discussion: History, introduced by W,
McAndrew: Reading 5th form Wm.
Hobkirk; Geography 8rd Form W. Od-
SCHOOL HOLIDAYS,—A circular has
been received from the Educational De-
partment stating that the Council of
Pablie InStruCtion have cluocted that
the spring term shall this year close on
Friday, 26th Joue, in order to facilitate
the holding of entrauee examinations to
the High Sehools and Collegiate Insti.
tetee On the 29th and 110th
Tux TnaP.—There has been eonside,
rable activity in the home line of late,
and severed attempts at racing have
been made by some of the sporting
ones. On Wednesday evening, the
10th inst., it was said that there was
to be a race between two horses, but
those who went with the expectation of
witnessing it keen cUntelit, foond them-
selves the vietims of an egreeioes sell.
Last Tuesday evening a nsille race for
$25 a side took place between J. Cave's
sorrel horse of Usborne,anda horse he,
loncina to Mr. Murdoch, of Biddulph,
wngii the sorrei yenta in az me wioisiee
post secemd, winning the money easily.
Mr. Morcloch's horse wae inclined to
THE editor of the Halifax Peporter is
tickling himself to death because a lady
sent him it lily. He says it is "an em-
blem of the parity of his mind." The
rascal! The lady took this delicate
weans to show her knowledge of his
ability to li-ly. He never thought of
Olen local joker, on being informed
that it was generally believed Brown
woulcl take Mackenzie's place in the
Government, and that then a collapse
of the institution would take place, re-
marked "1 don't know; he's got such
big feet; he'd put his potato -bug de-
stroyer right down on. it."
Order shave been issued from the Mili-
tia Department for the drill of the Ac.
jive Militia for 1874-75. It has been
decided to reduce the the force to 30,
000 officers and men, and we fully con-
cur in the reduction, as it is much bet-
ter to have that number • thoroughly
drilled and equipqed than, double the
number insufficiently organised.
There is one thing, however, whcili
should be increased, and that is the
pay of the men while on service, for
at present it is small. It is very well
to rely on the patriotism of the people
in keeqing the ranks full, but what we
would like to see is an binges° in the
pay and compnlsory drill, something
similar to the Prussian system, so that
in case of need all able-bodied mail would
uhderstand to a certain extent military
manwuvres. With such an extent of
frontier as out Dominion now has,
thirty -thousand meu would not afford
much protection, withoet reserveforces.
But, although we do not anticipate
any trouble with our neighbors, still
the lcnowleclge of military matters
would not be lost on any one.
Brigade camps of instruction will be
forrn ed this season. The ration allow.
once and pay is the same, we believe
as heretofore, with the addition that
six dollars will be allowed to each com-
pany for transportation of cooking uten.
oils. The strength of each company is
not to exceed forty non-commissioned
officers and men, with two additional
for staff sergeants and band. No pay
can be drawil for days oil which leave
of absence rimy be granted, tho motto
being "No drill, no pay."
A. CABLE telegram states that Mr.
Sergeant Manager of the South Devon
Railway England, has been appointed
be the London Board to succeed. Mr.
--s -0-- —1^.• -c lee
Grand Trunk Railway.
keeper for Denniston Bros. Ss Hall's of
Peterboro, robbed his employers and
fired the building a few days ago. He
now sojourns across the water.
Me. W. HARVEY, Member of Parlia-
ment, ror East Elgin, died of small -pox
al his residence, Malahide, on Sunday
PRINCE Arthur's landing has been
made a port of entry.
Thursday, June 11.
St. Catharines has got new strawber-
Seven Hawaiian Islanders are in Mon-
treal. They are humans.
London has sold its old Phcenix hand
engine to Aylmer village for $1,200.
Three Oddfellews lodges in London
have combined for building purposes.
• Ground has been'brokeu for a new
hospital at St. Catharines. The old
ono is brimming over with patients
Native Canadians successfully hand-
led the cricket bat at Barrie yesterday
against a team of Old Country -men.
St.' John, N. B., does not approve of
reciprodity with the States. She wants
the coasting trade to be on equal
After everybody had forgotten all
about it, the Kingston offieials have
opened an investigation into the eause
of the penitentiary fire.:
Two brothers named Morris were
taken from Winuesboro' goal, U. S.,
and hanged by about thirty disguised
men for murdering a man.
Mr. John McGregor was killed on
his farm in Chestvorth yesterday by
the hoeses running away. He died in
two hours after beingiihurt.
Miss Lizzie Scott, organist of St.
John's Church, Bovvmanville, was pre-
sented with it 'well-filled purse as a
"slight token of esteem."
The Governor-General and. LadyIave
gone trout -fishing. We hope his Ex-
celleney will remember the old adage
about "catching no fish.
Friday, June 12.
Nicholson's limber yard hi &rating
Was burned down yesterday; lose $500.
' The 30th of this month has been
named tts the day of the Western Rifle
Association'e tournament at London,
Ganabetta is vexed because somebody
struck him withAeanOit Versailles. It
hurt him more that it Government blue
b,,ok would,
The American pilgrims have been
QtfElltO illgigtS llp011110,17111g either the
11tarine and fiehD
eries or the epart-
inent of Justice represented by the
Frenelimen, While Ontario is tugorigat
the Preinier's remaining colit.tail for
faVorfl, arid between the English awl
French inembere of the Cabinet he is
in a, peck Of trouble. It is said he seri-
ously contemplatee totning into that
obscurity from whieli he should never
have emerged, and the asslimptioti of
the reins of posver by the Ilom George
Brown --for artothee twenty -feet hones
le again among the pronabiliti,:e.
Seven ministers were present,
nooafrittaitbIlbfautlhly .00100401 Swilnasdayi e lacif
which all the children participated.
The sin .ing of the children was re-
markably good. Such a thing as dis-
cord was not heard, and the' (Aldus of
three or four hundred children, ismer()
readily imagined than described. There
were a few conversions,
Bio LITTER. XI% JOS. Gill of alio
township is the lucky poseessor of a
sow dram properties. A few days ago
she had. a litter of fifteen, three of which,
y sraemulliainunuienmagbeortrw,:anived glare° yfion:
before about the same.
est 4
booking specimens. Last year sbe had' ' ---
(From our oW:-.1 1;orrospondent.)
Alt orders left at Bosworth's Bra and
Bookstore (next door to MeLeanes-Botel)„
for Printing,. kilvertising, Stibseriptionr
ete., will receive prompt attention. Locale
subscribers will in future receive the =MS
134 the above-nained Store.
Vorreats'sumo—Tine Limas vot
list for this. year contains 1.9ff zsamee,
These will he the voteronai onl'ei at the
next municipal election, but alio' Der
the election of a, na,ember of the Ontario,
this municipality paid to the Ginetety of
Middlesex. $120. This year it will,
have to pay $153... This- is due to tho
increased. ex,penditueo saf the county: -
The extreetegenee andoiciattsaangement
of the Mowat GoV.eransient appears to
have corrtuptedoute couiatty government..
Orr TO Meetaleees.—Nr. John Davis,
4th con. Biddutlis. accompanied by his
wife and twelve of his•ehildren, started,
last Week for Manitoba, aneclhis remain-
ing two sons intend going next spring.
Mr. Davis went out over two years ago'
to Nage of the prospects of emigration,
and was so favorably impressed with
the appearance of the country, that he,
returned home, sold his farm ea
soon aa poesible, and has now taken
his family time. He took with lum s.
good team of horses, a wagon, plows,
harrowe, o besi4ce a few thousands
Tuose Gone -wane Ilees,A mania
for showy head gear appears to have
taken possession of the young men era
boys. of Liman, At every tun may bo
seen youths wearing common straw
hats trimmed most elaborately with
white, pink and blue ninslin. Oh, they
are such swell hats t—sueh stunninR
hats 1 Young ladies owe o loneer
:toeugeett.ebillas thheeolturItttilere vainer
sainteyil,es,efoex, .
if the hats are as nseftil as ornamental,
they will soon be the faire e ees, also,
for no ray of stm can 'brown their faivs.
Tmcnis Ore,The opposition morn,
ing eta,gn from leonitme hole been taken
CHANOX.a.,----itftr. Wm. Pratt,
betoher, alas sold, out and intends going
into cattle droving, Wr. Willard Hut-
chins, so well known on our market,
lia,s built a butcher shop near the post -
office, and intends doing his best t3
supply our villagers with beefsteaks,
Three resident butchers in Lucau.
• HORSE Ramose—At this season, when
horse racing is so much indulged in by
some and denouneed by others, the fol-
lowing fads published in a blue book
by the New York Lee°isla,tiere in 1854
will be of interest. Previous to 1818
horse racing was prohibited by 18,w. In
that year 0, P, °olden, a representa-
tive for New -York city, and the Secre-
tary of the House, made it their busi.
ness to examine all the horses drawing
loads of grain into Albany market.
They reported having examined from
200 to 1,200 horses a day during the
session, and that the levee:age weight of
the New York horses 4ia not exceed
500 pounds. A bill was then drawn up
to legalize horse racing, -which passed
without cliffieulty, for the members WV
that something must be done to induce
people to try and improve the breed of
horses. In twenty years from the pas-
sage of that bill the average weight of
horses in New York State wee nearly
1,600 pounds.
presented With inedals,speeially etruck
at the Pepefs commandhi commoner-
atioh of their pilgrimage.
Mr. Fowler is looking after it bonus
of $150,000 from the grouped eounties
of Darlington Clerk and Coven towards
the *Huron St Quebec Railwky.
Mrs. Sheriff Glass wee thrown from
at carriage hi Lemon,tab
driv.11/ bH.qot
narrrowly escaped „,eing 08
11 yoke of oxen would persist in butting
against the carriage,
P. M.
Goma Emir. 1.47; 12.15
A. m. P.M. P.M.
GOING WISP 4.45; 1.13 5,10
Lucan, May 25, 1874.
Mr. 3. S. Armitage would inform the travel-
ling public that his stages afford eery ILOCOM-
modation. They leave Lucan at 3 p.m., ar-
riving in London in time for trains east and
west; leave London, at 8 a. m., arrivingin Lu -
can in time to catch stages/Ma trains.
30-tf. B. S. ARMITAGE.
Woot.—The Highest Market Price
will be paid in Cash for Wool at
tf Exeter.
g •
VS401.40 cAngleil.
UsbortiO, jrtlle, lSLli 1874.
Cotwoil met parsuant to adi wen,
ment. All themembera present. Min.
utes of provions meeting read and eon -
firmed, Moved by L. Hunter second-
ed by„W, l3rock, that By -Law No. 2
for 1874 appropriating $3000 of the
Municipal Is .F. surplusfor the purpose
of payiug off the Debt on bridges and
gravel roads in this township now read
the third time be passed, and that the
Reeve certify to the commissioner of
Public Works ori behalf of this munici-
pality that the works mentionecTin said
By -Law are completed. --Carried.
Moved by 3. Hackney seconded by J,
Elder, that Mrs. Clack receive $8 forire-
lief. Carried. Moved by J. Elder
seconded by J. Haeltney, that in order
of comply with the requirements of the
Assessment of 1874, the court of revi-
sion be opened on Monday June 29th
1874 at 2 o'clock p. mo -Carried Mov-
ed by W. Brock, seconded by J. Hack-
ney that Mrs. Sniffle receive $5 for re-
lief. ---Carried. Ivloved by W. Brock
seconded by L. Hunter that the Clerk
notify the Co. Engineer thet the bridge
at Elinaville is very unsafe and requests
him. have the sonteput in a proper state
of repair et once. ---Carried On motion
Council adjourned to Monday, june 20
at 6 o'clock p. m.
S. P. Harms, Clerk
FOOT BRIDGE.—At the meeting of the
County Council lield in Goderich, our
Reeve received permission from the
Council to build A foot -bridge in con-
nection with the bridge which will cross
the Sable.
New FENCE.—The other day we no-
ticed that Mr. John Ross had built a
new fence around his property. It is
rosily tiel0 in design, and not over ex-
pensive in construction. We learn
that other of our villagers intend build-
ing fences of the same description,
XEw Barnem.—We learn that lir.
Bay, County Engineer, intende 00111 -
ramming work on the new bri to across
the Sable early in August. We hope it
May be built before the fall mine set in,
as the village would be greatly inCon-
venieneed should the present bridge be
carried eft;
to advertisetneut it will be seen that
Mr. R. Manning has for sale a thoro%
bred Durham boll calf. Mr, Manning
Is well-known ae keepitig nottliog bat
the best of stock about his place, and
it:you want to secure this aninial apply
at ono.
reiSTroRmamm—The Christ's Church
Stietevberry festival ete., hoe beat post-
poned from the let of July mita the
8th of the Sain? Munth. The reason
for postponitig is, We nederetend, that
the SoCiety was nnabled to Seellee the
•SerVice of it first elase bend. A band
of this hind will be in readiness on the
date inentiosied.. Nothing,. lioWeeee
will be detieleted from the postponement
to the 8th. it will be held in the drill,
sheittxeter., Rill in it few days. Sop
THE 24TH.—Our readers will remem-
ber the great temperance demonstra-
tion to be held at Crediton on the 24th
THE E. C. CHUR011.—This church, to
which we before directed attention, is
situate on the London Road, about six
miles from Exeter. It is it grand brick
edifice, and is alike it credit to the R.O.
body and the part of the country in
which it is situote. It Was built by
our townsman Mr. John Boss, and su-
pervised by Father Brennan. When
complete, the betiding will cost no less
than $7,500. The style is Gothic,
with circulated windows. 11 18 intend-
ed to build a, new fence around the
property this summer.
count of the rain on Tuesday last, the
R. C. pic-tic which was to have been
held on that day, in Mr. D. Coughlin's
grove, townline betWeen Stephen and
McGillivray, was postponed until to-
day (Thursday.)
°Aux-Mee-elev.—The mburgh dis-
trict of the Gertnan E v angelical eh urch
lieve hem their annual camp.meeting
it couple of miles ilorth ef Dashwood,
in this township. The meetings coal-
meneed oh Tuesday,' the Oth inOt., and
continned Without inteektiption lean
Sun(1ay, at midnight, when they were
brought to It ()lose. 1)titing the week
there were scarcely any present but
Germans, but on Sunday lil 1 this pee,
lo represented but the millority, for
outsidera peered in from all quarters.
131114IN INSIGORATOR.-LatieltSter, Pa.o,
July. 31, 1871. MR. JAMES 1. Fernows.
Sir : I am pleased to inform you. WO
my health is improving under the use
of your Hypophosphites. Excessive
tax of the brain had so exhausted my
body that I could neither work nor en-
joy myself, and it was with difficulty
that I could sleep at all. I tried rest, . --ee
and active exercise, various medicinal
remedies, and the most popular physic-
ians, and accidentally heard of your
Syrup in New York. I purchased three
bottlee at Caswell & Hazard's, and un-
til t used thot nothing relieved
Now I can eat -well, sleep well, w ).
well and feel well, and have good r ... -
son to consider your Syrup it most sur-
prising and capital restorer of the mind
and nervous system, owl advise all who
have much brain WOrk to take it. You
are at liberty to use this as you may.
Yours very truly, jeitoete Simms, In
STAGII Accineerr.—A sad accident oe-
curred about midway between Owen
fiotpid and Itleaford, on Scagel's stage!
running between Owen Sound an
Meaford. The driver pulled up to , al-
low some passengere, who had walked
tip the hill, to get in, when the other _
stage coming alongside, started the
horses to- kick and run down it stoop de -
cavity, The driver, seeing the danger,
threw the line from him, and jUmped
DM leaving the team to dash down the
hill. Those iiiside, who had an opportv
unity, iiitoped OtO, and Were more or
lege hurt. About half Way down the
hill the ettige pitme ia gontp,.,0 with p,
tree and =untied 'to piecee. Urs.,,, Nee./
Caethee end Gilbert MeCarthar hes.'
each legs broken ; end Mrs. MeCties1er
severely cut and her arm brniscA ii,er,
repovery is doubtful. A. emmeraM
traveller, tinned tichardeeile NcPag WO?,
rely hint,.