Times Advocate, 1993-04-28, Page 5fresh archives ThneAdvocate t7f rhe tes 10 YEi11 S AGO April 27, 1983 The Exeter Save the Squirrel committee has a new chore this week. They are playing nursemaid to seven baby squirrels. They are being fed by Karen Roger. The Bank of Montreal has -an- nounced the.establishment of a Commercial Banking Unit in Exeter resulting in the addition -.of about 20 employees and a ' $600,000 renovation and en: largement of the Main street fa- cility. The Exeter branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia is celebrating its 30th birthday this week. After an absence of several years, senior baseball is back in Exeter with the Express orga- nized by Geary -Penhale and Glenn Thurman. In a recent survey, Huron county sells more alcoholic bev- erages than any other county in the province. Also, the Huron OPP district recorded the high- est number of fatal accidents. ':225 YEARS AGO April 25, 1968' -Area munici- pal officials were told in Lon- don Tuesday by Minister of Mu- nicipal Affairs D'Arcy McKeough that-the.new provin- cial shelter grunts would pro- duce an average -tax reduction across the province of about 15 percent. It wilt mean a saving of $45. -to S65 for each homeowner Of tenant - At ..the :annual Exeter minor bowling banquet, :b50 .hot _dugs were consumed. Michael Fore- man , was the hungriest, -eating 12 hot dogs to'win a -prize. No, it was notanotherhotdog. At•the 14th.annivt rsary. of the Hensall Kinsmen club, life memberships Awe re:presentedrto Jack Drysdale, -Baroid _Knight and Bill Mickle. Grand :Bend •.officials .were surprised when tenders 'for-ahe proposed anew wafter . system came in . at '5335$181, gout S53,00() below -estimates. Ile successful -lamer was C.A. McDoWJeRlad.of Centralia. A.SelitniORS AGO ApriF29,1943- Henry Squire is celebrating his, -94th birthday with his family today. He has the unique experience of never having been sick in bed a day in 1itYc• An.new,..ssesiaLawry entitled,,: "Tragedy .X"-by-.rfimous mys- e=ter}thar3stlery Queenstarts in .:the -Times Advocate this wrack. Do not miss the opening chapter. To help with. greater _assis- ,iancetd .production.for local farmers .during the war effort, /the .Exeter Lions will establish ✓.war gardens and .'plant • eight to 10 acres of potatoes. 100GO April 29, 1983 -A burning chimney on the post office gave the people of Exeter a scare Sunday night. The bell was sounded and the engine was noon on the scene, but no dam- age ensued. One ,of the large panes sof glass -in -the front of S. Gidley's furniture store was broken Sat- urday evening by his daughter Edith who unfortunately forced a couch through it. At a largely attended meeting of Cavcn Presbyterian Church Tuesday night, it was decided to at once repair ,-the budding which was so badlyed in last week's windstorm. The stee- ple is to.-be,,aaiten; down, the walls Lowey:gaud:ea alcove lo- cated atito-✓east-aid for pulpit and choir. Times -Advocate, April 28,1993 Pilot project PaCte"5 Students leam bushiess sense By Catherine O'Brien T -A staff HURON PARK - Small business- es are making the grade at Centralia College. A 12 -week pilot project jointly run by Centralia and Conestoga Colleges has been set up to help people organize a game plan before -starting their own business. The course, Introduction to Self Employment, is entering week ten. on the job training. "Local business were most will- ing to help out," MacDonald said. This has given the students a wide cross-section of experience, from retail to manufacturing during their four weeks of job placement. "This helps the students under- stand the ups and downs of running a business." • The program is sponsored by the Huron Industrial Advisory Com - "They have learned that small businesses are burdened with a lot of paper work" "Wentripto provide. ta11111111ty of -class wviork and business experi- encc,"•said Mary Lynn MacDonald, coordinator of the continuing edu- cation program. The 12 weeks are spent putting together business plans, looking at target markets and suppliers, teach- ing customer service techniques, basic bookkeeping,examining pos- sible business locations as well as mittee and the Canadiantby- ment and immigration 'Centre in Goderich. -All the students were *mem- . ployed and receiving benefits when .they applied. They had to demon- strate interest in establishing their own business before being accept- ed, MacDonald said. Business ventures the students are working towards include: re- tail, manufacturing, zipper repairs, computer consulting, and photogra- ph). The students now have a greater understanding of what it takes to start a small business."77tey have teamed 'that small businesses are burdened with a lot of paper work." But they are also found out, Mac- 19onald Said, there is a tot of satis- faction working for yourself. And although the biggest stum- bling block in starting a business is financing, MacDonald is confident the students all have viable busi- nesses that can be operating within the next six months. MacDonald said she is pleased :with the success and 'popularity of - he pilot program. - "With the reces101M We are find- ing more interest in Small busi- ness," she said. "This -is where a lot of government money will be tar- geted in the next couple of years. At least 15 guest speakers as well =as local entrepreneurs visit during :She 8 weeks of in class study. There =are also six instructors teaching the 21 students specific topics. LUCAN - The county of Mid- dlesex has organized a series of 12 strategic plan community work- shops throughout the county to guide its future direction. While the effects of the:recent plan large annexation :of:Irartsnf *Mid- dlesex county try:the-eityaof-,1aon- don are still iatgely.tmknown,•=it=is clear that some changes will beae- quircd to keep the county viable. One of the dozen meetings -will Tines Advocate editor Adrian harte (left) receives a 1992 Premier award from the president of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association Ken Bosveld. Harte won the second place award in the Reporter Initiative Category for his special report last April 1 on how thezeal to fight child abuse can pro- duce other innocent victims. -First place in the category went to Tracy Kibble of the Markham Economist and Sun for her re- port on incineration as an alternative to landfills. be held an Tuesday, May 4 at the 1.Luwn Cotnmanity Memorial Cen- Areibetweenthe hours of 7 and 10 r .pan. A :similar -workshop will be t -held :at ::the "..Bdarton Community -C entreihe:aame-afternoon-between Land 4 pan. At=. he April 20 meeting of vil- :lpge .natmcil,att eve-'Lom McLapgh- Jlin.atrged. ill councilors and resi- nientsioautand the meeting:.and get lin volved;l`Ke.added, "-Came:to:this :amity workshop aetnd tell, us .yourrvicwsaboutthe future of-Mid- :tl itsex:oontuy." Included in -the topics .under dis• - .c.ussion-will be, 'Why. do you live :land -work in . Middlesex?; How :Ialwuld:dte:entunty deal with the is - :awes 1 (::growth .and .:change?,.and what -,.type of .furore do you .see in !yam?. .it1rCFRS 11'r. 5.75% 3'Yr. - 6:50% 5:Yr. - 7.25 ores 2 ISR. -41Fur5% 31R. -11:89% Gainer-K►neale 235-2420.238- • GIC ratesaubJect to change. Short- ies -in rales available. Segregated fund rates reflect actual past pe?fofa4 ace. haute returns will wry. Dlscusstng rmrketing Ideas is Mary Lyrtn4.10Donald, coordi nator-of the continuing education program -and Vicki Krotz. ownei of $carboro Fair In Stratford. 4 • • .; • v, .�u t_Arrived 4nlimefor that.Specia Tarry Witton May Maisie. 717311lair :die Pan -orient For 1Y1ouz: s .S p e cia L'Dari. Order that Spector( Cake • 544.;-.104#,ori r', MNWY • i.Y ,c+ teneY Course Bring your children on Saturday. May 1st Each child makes a box of chocolates for Mom .$10.00:foreach child Moms are welcome to -stay and participate Call to register et Ferguson Apiaries 236-4979 Sat., May 1, 1:30 - 3 -p.m. Located on Hwy. #84 at Ferguson Apiaries 236-4979 Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Nam mon a= IMO 6i!'; � ,1111. the Dia Now, for a limited time, when you open a new chequing or savings account with S600or more at the Laurentian Bank you willreceive a free movie video*. Ydu can choose from a wide selection of popular movietities including Disney's Disappearing Classics, five great Disney titles that will soon be out of circulation. In fact each brargih will hold three draws to giveaway a set of all fiveDisney Disappeanng.Glasslis. Plus, with every $300 depositedi, your new account from now tint May 31st, you'll receive a ballot 1, win a 29" Sharp Stereo 1V and Stereo VCR. Each. branch will award one prize,,But that's riot all ;ypu'llget. You'll.alsoreceive. an Automated Banking Machine card. which allows you lY,1w+sr .. MCM & vwtn it. S., 451 9) 21151.110 to make no -charge withdrawals at -any Interac cash machine. So dropby-the. autentian Bank branch near you for complete rules on all of our special offers. Aft LAURENTIAN BANK OF CANADA SINCE 1846 ural; remain un depustt fur 90 days. Limit two vWkusper rieur.shold.yfler ends May 31st, 14i911 ztrW hose t____ y eta! -41.it Entrants must be 18 years of age or older