HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-04-21, Page 23Third prescribed bum planned for Pinery GRAND BEND - The Ministry of Natural Resources is planning to restore an additional 307 hectare (758 acre) section of the Oak Sa- vanna in Pinery Provincial Park with a prescribed burn. The prescribed burn, to take place in late April or early May, is designed to mimic theresld.ies of natural fires which hiletellailliained the health and diversity of the Oak Savanna over the past 5000 years in this area. This bum is the third stage of -an initial five year program that is necessary to perpetuate the 1214 ha. (3000 acres) of Oak Sa- vanna found in the Pinery. The ecology of Oak Savanna is characterized by open, sunny con- ditions with widely spaced trees. Between the um, 'aloe ma - posed of prairislsii herbs give the Oak Savanna of Pin- ery its unique character. Many tive Owns in Pinery are compo- nents of the prairie communities usually found more than 600 kilom- eters further west, and are consid- ered rare or endangered in Ontario. Most of these plants can only be re- generated through burning. Surveys completed since the first prescribed burns in'1989 and 1990, indicate that the desired results were achieved. Not only did both fires behave as predicted, but many species- of fire tolerant plants such as Fragrant Sumac, New Jersey CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE iT'S MST -IT'S EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. STEEL BUILDINGS ADOPTION STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap Building otters Our lives will never be complete without the no flexibility, may even cost more money. privilege of raising and loving a child. Thio answer for Quality. Integrity & Service - Pregnant? ADOPTION may be the answer FUTURE STEEL. Thousands of peop, c.. it for both of us. Please call collect (613) 825- be 25 be wrong. Call 1.800-668.8653, 9339. BEST -BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwatl Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50x90 116,622; 60x126425,375 - other sizes available - Final year-end clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800- 263.8499. STEEL BUILDINGS: ONTARIO FACTORY OUTLET DIRECT. Huge savings, special sizes only: 20x30, 25x36, 30x42, 35x46, 37x48, 40x64, 44x56, 46x86. From 52.988.00 to $9,678.00. Pioneer 1-800-668- 5422. SPAN TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Don't be tooled by poor quality straightwall buildings, call the professionals. Established on QUALITY, SERVICE & REPUTATION. Contracting available. 24 hours 1.800.561- 2200. EDUCATION BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR...with our great home -study course. Can for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829 The Sheffield School, 875-38 McArthur Ave. Ottawa, ON. K1L6R2. FOR SALE NEEDED. LOSE UP TO 30 LBS. in 30 days. Try our new herbal nutrition program. Call (807)548-2200. VACATIONITRAVEL CELEBRATE SPRING IN MUSKOKA at Deerhurst Resort, Ontario's most complete getaway with indoor & outdoor sports, spa, kit's program and more. April rates from just 149.50 pp/dbl. 1-800-461-4393. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'II take it! America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). OUT OF TOWNPROP-ERTiES PROPERTIES 10 BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both, write: Properties. Dept. CN, Box 5380. Sin. F, Ottawa K2C 3J1. SALES -HELP WANTED GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. International marketing corporation seeks 2 reliable individuals to build solid foundation in display merchandising. Expect minimum $900.00+ commission weekly! Qualified applicants. -(416) 398-0919, (416) 398-0924. PROPERTIES FOR SALE LICENCED RESTAURANT. Prime location, excellent cash tow, large living quarters 1279.000. Call Al Mayo (705) 286-2011. Commercial building, Minden 1299,000 - income 5100,000. Rick Lowes, Austin Realty (705) 286-4441. - TRAMPOLINES TRAMPOLINES:'Fitness and fun for the entire family. 14' round. Jump King Trampolines. $500.00 includes padding. Call OFFSPRING ENTERPRISES at (519) 638- 3640 or (519) 638-2026. MISCELLANEOUS SASKATOON BERRY SEEDLINGS from Alberta. Hardy across Canada. Try this delicious fruit on your farm or garden. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call toll-free for information and catalogue 1-800-463-2113. MORTGAGES OWN PROPERTY? NEED MONEY? lst, 2nd, 3rd mortgages despite income or credit. All properties considered. Fast approvals. Southwest Mortgage 1-800-461-5682 or (519) 432-0190. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem School of Auctioneering. Next Class: July 17-23. information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE FUNDRAISING TOOL OF THE 90'S. Imagine purchasing current cassettes for 57.47, CD's 514.35 or LOWER. No GST or PST with Federal Music's -Program. 1-800- 263-1900. Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right acroogarsnada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspapeti j'1 NoTicE : PHONE -.II BOOKrow - ADVERTISERS il� The annual Times -Advocate Phone Book is scheduled for publication in August. Advertising in our phone book is sold only by Times Advocate employees - who can be reached at 235-1331. Our Phone book, which is our most popular special edition, includes the following exchanges: Centralia; Credi- ton; Dashwood; Exeter; Grand Bend; Hensall; Kirkton/Woodham; Lucan and Zurich. Advertisers are reminded not to con- fuse the Times -Advocate Phone Book with any other similar publication TO RESERVE ADVERTISING IN OUR ANNUAL PHONE BOOK PLEASE CALL BARB CONSITT AT ( 59.9) 2'35-1331 c 13 ArP(.2# frg: 424 Main St. Exeter 235.1331 • Tea, Bluestenl Grass, Blazing Star id'PrairieItaltrok *Nee �i1*Mh new mil 1110Bular fires in Olde Savanna 4 tmunities are essential to retard -4wpody growth which will over -run eliminate the prairie mead- ows". said Terry Crabe, Resowve Management Specialist at Pinery. "Thus the prescribed burn will imi- tate the natural fire cycle and en- hance the growth of those specially adapted savanna species, while re- moving fire sensitive plants, such as young red and white pine which have been planted throughout the ..flak Savanna in Pinery". Crabe added, "The 1993 pre- scribed burn site is located in the southwest section of the park. The proposed site is bounded by paved k roads on the northern and east - em edge, a fire break along the western edge and Highway «21 on the southern edge.", A helicopter will be used for aeri- al ignition and the burn will be con- Slmcoe St., Exeter 2 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, targe loft, gas fumace, dining room, with vautted ceiling, Targe lot, gas fireplace, with fenced in backyard, must see to fully ap- preciate. Call 235-3124 even- ings. For Sale by Owner 220 Marlborough St., 1700 sq. tt., large family room with fireplace, central air, central vacuum, inground pool, brick lence and much more. Call for more information. 235-2544 • trolled by highly trained staff from the ministry's Aviation and Fire Management Program. Aerial igni- tion has been chosen for reasons of safety. No personnel will be re - citified within the burn site. This method of ignition is also cost ef- fective since large areas of Oak Sa- vanna with natural fire breaks can be readily ignited. Fire suppression crews will be on site to contain the fire within the designated area. The park will be closed to both day visitors and I campers on the day of the burn. The traffic on highway «21 will bE monitored by the Ontario Provin- cial Police, Pinery Detachment, and temporarily re-routed if necessary. The entire prescribed burn should be completed in less than three hours and have no effect on the park's neighbours. Sat. sad Sun., April 24 & 25 2 - 4 p.m. 79 Richmond St. N., Hensall 2 1/2bedroom, newly renovated, oak cupboards, 1 1/2 car garage (insulated and heated), with 12' x 16' utility shed. (1 year old) SPRING STOCKER SALE tiva•., ,,. r.. -." .. *110'flead ::� i i �ts;'� �M t+ fl a• on Sat., May 1, 1993 at 1 p.m. at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. Consisting of: Steers. Heifers & Calves Consignments welcome For more information call Barry MIUer - 519-235-2717 Truck - 519.661-8956 Office - 519-262-2831 Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner Sale of Land by Public Tender Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The Corporation of the Town of Exeter Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. lo- cal time on Friday, April 23, 1993 at the Exeter Municipal Of- fice, 406 Main Street South , Exeter, Ontario. The tenders will be opened in public on the same day at 3:30 p.m. at 406 Main Street South, EXETER Description of Lands! Minimum Tender Amount In respect to all of Lot b.36, Plan (Set out the cancella- 376, Town of Exeter, in the County tion price as of the first of Huron, Province of Ontario, being day of advertising) situated on the west side of McCon- 54,187.66 nell Street, municipally known as 175 McConnell Street, Exeter. The property is vacant and has a front- age of 50.26 ft. and depth of 174.12 ft. as shown on available survey (along with Part B) completed by Archibald, Grey & McKay Ltd., Land Surveyors, Ontario on February 23, 1993. The property is zone R-1 (Residential Low Density) as per Town of Exeter Zoning By-law No. 30, 1978, as amended. **Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to the munici- pality(or board) and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount. The municipality makes no representation regarding, the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Re- sponsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the po- tential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, .1984, being chapter 48 of the Statutes of Ontario 1984 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The suc- cessful purchaser will be required to pay the amount ten- dered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the pre- scribed form of tender contact: Elizabeth Bell, Treasurer The Corporation of the Town of Exeter * * 406 Main Street South, Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 (519) 235-0310 : - u tl1_ .-R Times -Advocate, April 21,1993 Page 23 i ESTATE AUCTION To be held at the Jaoob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert &- In Mitchell for the Downs Estate of Stratford. INCLUDING: Set of s ups a airs (excellent), large oak extension table with 5 haves, exceptional oak sideboard, hanging oedt wall rack, drop front secretary, oak doe box, fancy whatnot with mirrord back, stacking bookcase with secretary,old radios, jam cupboard, Victo- rian couch, good offering of old collecpieces and china including 50 pieces of Himoges, R.S. Prussia, R.S. Germany etc. an exceptionally good sale with two auctioneers selling at same time. Partial list only. Auctioneers Doug 'boob, 271-7894 Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874 Burt Lobb 482-9377 UPCOMING AUCTIONS Thursday Evening, A.nrli 29 at 6 p.m. at S.H. Rec Centre. Dispersing a large offering of household furnishings, antiques, collectibles, a Iarg offering of tools (Some antique), fine china and glass from Lucan and Exeter area homes. Saturday May 1 at 10 a.m. - Entire household auction for Mr. Hermon Foster of Senior St. including 9 pc. oak Queen Anne dining suite, single Comfortmatic bed ($2,000 new), Inglis apt. size washer and dryer, a large offering of china and glass, appliances, tools etc. to be held at S.H. Rec Centre. Watch next weeks paper for a full list of these fine auctions. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, buildings, etc. for Mr. Gunnar Schutz, Lot 13, Conc. 16, Blanshard Twp. 1 mi. N. of St. Marys on the East River Rd. $aturday. ADM 24 -1 o.m. TRACTORS: Ford 5000 diesel with loader, Bobcat 520, gas with bucket. FARM MACHINERY, ETC.: Triple K 3 pt. h. cult., Oliver 3 fur. plow, N.H. #519 manure spreader with slush gate, Farm King 731 31'7' PTO auger, Ford 4 row com planter, int. 175 10' self propelled swather with conditioner, J.D. van Brunt seed drill, 300 gal. Spraymotor sprayer, Int, 10' wheel disc, 6' rotary cutter, McKee harvester and pipes, chain harrows, Husky 2 auger snowblower, h.d. 3 pt. h. blade, 3 pt. h. loading carte, portable shute, Badger bam cleaner (2 yrs. old) mix -mill feeder/gnnder, "5 h.p. motor, bulk 4 ton feed tank with 8' auger, flat rack and wagon, 4 wheel rake, pig pens, fans, heaters, etc. augers and motors, electric motors, windmill, etc. BUILDINGS: To be removed. 3 - 2700 bu. steel granaries, 5-28 x 80 buildings have been used for mink with aluminum roof, wood frame, frame building partly pole 50 x 82. MISC. Lincoln welder, air compressor, tractor chains, misc, useful articles found at a clearing farm sale. Further Information - (519) 284- 3528. TERMS: Cash sale day . Lunch booth. Auctioneer's Hug?- Filson Tom Robson Ray Filson 666-0833 666-1967 Fax: 666-0833 ESTATE AUCTION Riding lawnmower, antique furniture, appliances, violin etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of George L Smith of Seaforth. . Saturday April 24 at 10 a.mq, LAWNMOWER - Snapper 8 HP riding mower with electric start, looks like new. APPLIANCES - 3 portable colour TVs, Black white TV, fridge, older 24" stove, old radio, Hoover vacuum cleaner with power head, sharp micro- wave, Hoover spin dry washer, 5000 BTU air conditioner, parlour wood stove, TV converter, dehumidifier. ANTIQUES - Violin in case made in France 1910 signed label inside, antique dresser, and mirror with hat box shelf and matching bed, spooled what not, pine blanket box, pressed pattern treadle sewing ma- chine, antique dresser with mirror, extension dining table with pressed pattern skirt and 4 leaves, 6 matching pressback chairs, parlour table with glassball feet, cedar blanket box, trunks, china cabinet, 3 hand- made quilts, 2 Ontario chairs, antique cupboard bottom, hall tree, apple peeler, churn, lantern oil lamp, antique iron, 4 gal. crock, 2 crocks, wooden clothes rack, 2 old cast iron banks, crock dated 1866, cedar chest, 4 drawer chest, bookcase with glass door, double mattress, books, bridge lamp, wooden bed, oak library table, 2 antique table lamps, ink well set, Cuckoo clock. FURNITURE, GLASSWARE - modern loveseat, loveseat'with pull out bed, childs violin, small 5 drawer chest, lawn chairs, 16" ceiling fan, fans, tin wardrobe, pedestal round coffee table, floor and table lamps, 2 Kentware clyde horses, brass candle stick holders, card table, bedding, dishes and glassware including antique pieces, Royal Albert cups and saucers, Souvenir dish of Seaforth, small appliances, 2 electric organs plus many other items. TOOLS - 14" bandsaw on stand, B & D jig saw, B $. D power mitre saw, B & D vibrating sander, cordless drill, B & D electric lawn mower, 2 fish ing poles, soldering gun, 2 mountain bikes, lawn and garden tools, plus many items too numerous to mention . TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper iD Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton L. COMPLETE FARM AUCTION of lull line of machinery, many antiques, furniture and miscellaneous articles and property for the estate of Carman Park, at the farm, Conc. 14, Usborne Twp. Huron County, go north of Kirkton on 23 Hwy., 1 1/4 miles turn west 1 1/2 miles. Saturday Mey 1,-11 a.rrt. MACHINERY: int. 986 tractor w/cab, air, heater, duals 3000 hrs., John Deere tractor 2950 cab ;1800 hrs. air, Nuffield 60 tractor diesel P/S with Freeman loader, Universal tractor 3 cyl. diesel P/S 45 HP, stiff tooth harrows 20' stock chopper, Cockshutt 7' mower, IH rotary hoe, John Deere Rotary mower, Kongskilde 12' cult.' '3 pt. hitch, 7' snow- blower, Glencoe 18' power lift cuff., IH 18' cult., 5 hopper wagons, cul- tipacker, 8 section harrows and drawbar, 12' wheel disc, JD., Trilian packer 12', Kongskilde cultivator adj. rotary shield corn or beans, Ford 4 furrow semi mt. plow, 18" bottoms, Gleaner F2 combine SP, 4 row corn head 430, 14' grain header, JD 20 run seed drill, IH 4 row corn planter, Kvernelands trip bottom plow 3 furrow, Innes 620 bean win- drower, 20' bale elevator, portable air comp., alum. ext. ladder, 3 HP elec. motor, 2 chainsaws, 11' workbench, flat rack wagon, New Hol- land mix mill with all augers, Roper 8 HP ride on mower, good asst. of farm related articles. FURNITURE 8 ANTIQUES: Admiral fridge and stove, Simplicity auto washer and dryer, 6 maple chairs, single bed, annex, convection oven, book shelf, desk, typing table, deep freeze, kerosene stove, wa- ter distiller. ANTIQUES: 3 cane bottom chairs, asst. chairs, occasional table, 3 pc. bedroom suite, iron beds, steamer trunks, (3), pine blanket box, high chair, 4 beds, bake board, clothes horse, wood box, wooden tables, drop leaf table, 4 dressers, high boy, 2 rockers, T. Eaton & Co. box, couch, crib, old toys, Haintzlnan piano and bench, milk cans, butter churn, lanterns, wringer washers, crosscut saws, separator, sap pans, jewellery, binder canvas, asst. antique dishes, many misc. antique arti- cles. VEHICLES & BOATS: 1989 Ford F150 XLT Lariat with cap, 42000 km, HD 4 spd. stick, AM/FM stereo cassette, loaded, immaculate 1981 Starcraft 15' fiberglass bass boat, 1985 Johnson 70 HP outboard mo- tor, 1990 Exloader trailer for same. All excellent condition. Bowrider 1988 Eurosport V77 Mercury 130 HP I/O with gator trailer, trolling plate, P.S., convertible top, Laurance depth scunder/fish finder, Jack and dolly excellent oondition. Classic car - 1965 Mercury Montclair Marauder, 2 dr. WT, white, 390 engine, immaculate. PROPERTY - 100 acre farm, 88 workable, 11 mixed bush, with two storey white brick home, 8 rooms, viewing by appointment. TERMS; Chattels - cash or cheque with ID. Nothing to be removed until settled tor, owners or auctioneers not responsible for accidents. REAL ESTATE - Selling subject to moderate reserve bid, 10% day of sale balance in 30 days. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Don't miss this sate as it is one of the best in the area this spring. Please be on time as there will be two rings oper- ating. Auctioneers Bruce Coulter, Parkhill Brett Coulter, Parkhill 294.0605 2944164